
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 25

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research aims to understand the specific aspects of the utilization of the pavilion by a group of governors in the mobile office system of the early Joseon Dynasty through two diaries written in the 16th century. Miam Diary by Yu Hee-chun, a governor of Jeolla Province, and Jaeyeongnam Diary by Hwang Sa-woo, a chief aide of Gyeongsang Province, are important historical materials that reveal the utilization patterns of the pavilion by the governor, who was the decision maker and main user of governmental pavilions. As a result of analyzing the two diaries, the utilization of governmental pavilions was concentrated in the hot summer season, May to July, which is closely related to the perception of temperature and humidity. While pavilions are mostly used as office and banquet places, some notable usage patterns have been identified. When there were several governmental pavilions in a town, the order of appreciation was determined by considering the location and scenery, and the pavilions were also used as a place to encourage learning as governors taught Confucian scholars well. Governmental pavilions functioned as a device to visualize hierarchy through seating and accommodation arrangements. The authors of the diaries left comments on the famous pavilions and sometimes went to see the pavilions after asking for permission from the superior. This research is meaningful in that it reconstructed the relationship network and phases of the times of governmental pavilions scattered across the country through institutions and daily life.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Before the 15th century, the main buildings of the residences of the ruling class in Seoul consisted of Momchae(身梗), Seocheong(西廳), and Naeru(內樓)‧Chimru(寢樓). Based on the equality of the relationship between husband and wife, the couple lived in the main building[Momchae] in the center of the mansion, but based on the individuality of the relationship between husband and wife, each had an area consisting of the same section within the building. Naeru‧Chimru was the two floors bedroom building became a common living space for the minister and wife, upstairs in summer, downstairs in winter. In preparation for large gatherings and important receptions, an open-structured West Hall(西廳) was located on the west side of the mansion. Momchae, Seocheong, and Naeru‧Chimru were the common building types and layouts of the residences of the highest ruling class, including high-ranking officials, until the reign of King Sejong. However, from around the time of King Seongjong, Seocheong and Chimru came to be regarded as privileged and luxurious buildings only allowed for the grand prince's residence. The layout of the bedroom, main building (including Wings), Outer Sarang[外舍廊], and Joyangru[朝陽樓] of Prince Bongrim's mansion built in the first half of the 17th century clearly shows the transitional period when the arrangement of chimru, main building, and western office was disrupted and the layout changed to the Inner main building(Anchae for wife) and Outer main building(Sarangchae for husband).
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 조선 전기 분청사기 향로가 세종실록 오례 <명기>에 제시된 향로의 조형 및 이를 따르고 있는 백자와 구별되고 있음을 주시하여, 분청사기 향로의 조형 및 제작 특징 을 살펴보고, 건국 초 국가의례용 향로에 대한 인식과 조형의 정립 및 정착 시기 등을 고찰 하였다. 조선 전기 국가의례에서 향을 피우는 분향(焚香) 의식은 오례(五禮) 중 군례(軍禮)를 제 외한 길례(吉禮) 가례(嘉禮) 빈례(殯禮) 흉례(凶禮)에서 반드시 거쳐야 하는 절차였던 만큼, 향을 피우는데 사용되는 향로 역시 중요한 기물이었다. 다만, 의례에 있어서 분향을 위한 향로의 설비 여부와 이원화된 설비 방식은 조선이 지향하거나 의례 정립에 참고한 중국 의례에 근간을 두고 새롭게 재편된 것이 아닌, 고려 의례를 따른 습속(習俗)에 해당할 것으 로 여겨진다. 따라서 건국 초에는 유교식 의례에 부합하는 향로의 조형 기준을 제시하기는 어려웠을 것으로 짐작된다. 더욱이 향로는 여러 의례에서 범용적으로 사용되었던 까닭에 길 례 제기(祭器) 및 가례와 빈례의 준작(尊爵) 품목에 포함될 수 없었으며, 이는 조선 전기 의례서에 향로의 조형 정보와 원칙이 누락 된 이유로 해석된다. 문헌 기록을 참고하면, 조선 전기 거행된 흉례의 분향 의식과 관련한 법과 제도는 1446 년까지 완전하게 갖추어지지 않았던 것으로 보인다. 부장용을 위한 명기(明器) 향로의 명칭 은 세종대(1418~1450)까지 ‘향완(香椀)’으로 표기되다가 단종 즉위년(1452)에 이르러서 야 ‘향로(香爐)’로 변경되어 세종실록 오례 (1454)에 적용되었다. 15세기 전반 국가의 례에 있어서 분향 제도의 미비와 향로와 향완의 명칭이 혼용되었다는 사실은 앞서 살펴본 의례용 향로에 대한 인식과 더불어 조형을 비롯한 체계가 완전하게 확립되지 않았음을 대변해 줄 것이다. 나아가 의례서에 제시된 부장용 향로의 조형인 ‘유개정형(有蓋鼎形)’ 또한 15세 기 후반 무렵에서야 정립 정착되었을 가능성을 생각해 볼 수 있다. 조선 전기 유적에서 출토되는 분청사기 향로는 의례서 수록되고 백자에서 확인되는 ‘정형 (鼎形)’과 다르고, 형태상으로 불교 공양구 향로의 조형인 ‘향완(香垸)’에 가깝다는 점에서 ‘향완형 향로’라고 할 수 있다. 다만, 분청사기 향완형 향로는 굽과 구연부의 형태, 입지름 높이 등의 크기, 명문의 배치와 내용, 문양 소재와 장식 수법 등 세부 요소에 있어서 불교 의례용 청동 향완을 따르지는 않았다. 분청사기 향완형 향로를 제작한 가마터는 관찬 지리지 에 자기소 등재 여부, 출토 유물의 명문 장식 기종 현황 분석을 종합해볼 때, 왕실 및 중 앙 관청과 관련한 진상 공납의 의무가 부여되었다는 공통점을 지닌다. 즉, 조선 전기 ‘분청 사기 향완형 향로’는 15세기 후반 무렵부터 제작되기 시작한 ‘백자 유개정형 향로’가 국가의 례용 향로의 재질 및 조형으로 정립되기 이전 및 정착되는 과정에서 왕실 및 국가의례를 위 한 향로의 한 축을 담당하였을 것으로 사료된다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jagyeokru, an automatic striking water clock described in the Sejong Sillok (Veritable Records of King Sejong) is essentially composed of a water quantity control device and a time-signal device, with the former controlling the amount or the flow rate of water and the latter automatically informing the time based on the former. What connects these two parts is a signal generating device or a power transmission device called the ‘Jujeon’ system, which includes a copper rod on the float and ball-racked scheduled plates. The copper products excavated under Gongpyeong-dong in Seoul include a lot of broken plate pieces and cylinder-like devices. If some plate pieces are put together, a large square plate with circular holes located in a zigzag can be completed, and at the upper right of it is carved ‘the first scheduled plate (一箭).’ Cylinder-like devices generally 3.8 cm in diameter are able to release a ball, and have a ginkgo leaf-like screen fixed on the inner axis and a bird-shaped hook of which the leg fixes another axis and the beak attaches to the leaf side. The lateral view of this cylinder-like device appears like a trapezoid and mounts an iron ball. The function of releasing a ball agrees with the description of Borugak Pavilion, where Jagyeokru was installed, written by Kim Don (1385 ~ 1440). The other accounts of Borugak Pavilion’s and Heumgyeonggak Pavilion’s water clocks describe these copper plates and ball releasing devices as the ‘Jujeon’ system. According to the description of Borugak Pavilion, a square wooden column has copper plates on the left and right sides the same height as the column, and the left copper plate has 12 drilled holes to keep the time of a 12 double-hours. Meanwhile, the right plate has 25 holes which represent seasonal night 5-hours (Kyeong) and their 5-subhours (Jeom), not 12 hours. There are 11 scheduled plates for seasonal night 5-hours made with copper, which are made to be attached or detached as the season. In accordance with Nujutongui (manual for the operation of the yardstick for the clepsydra), the first scheduled plate for the night is used from the winter solstice (冬至) to 2 days after Daehan (大寒), and from 4 days before Soseol (小雪) to a day before the winter solstice. Besides the first scheduled plate, we confirm discovering a third scheduled plate and a sixth scheduled plate among the excavated copper materials based on the spacing between holes. On the other hand, the width of the scheduled plate is different for these artifacts, measured as 144 mm compared to the description of the Borugak Pavilion, which is recorded as 51 mm. From this perspective, they may be the scheduled plates for the Heumgyeonggak Ongru made in 1438 (or 1554) or for the new Fortress Pavilion installed in Changdeokgung palace completed in 1536 (the 31st year of the reign of King Jungjong) in the early Joseon dynasty. This study presents the concept of the scheduled plates described in the literature, including their new operating mechanism. In addition, a detailed model of 11 scheduled plates is designed from the records and on the excavated relics. It is expected that this study will aid in efforts to restore and reconstruct the automatic water clocks of the early Joseon dynasty.
        2021.09 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 조선 전기에 한하여 제작된 특수기종 ‘자기 쌍이잔’에 대하여 고찰한 것이다. 조선이라는 새로운 국가가 들어서며 유교적 재정비가 이루어졌고, 기명을 제작함에 있어서도 역시 이전에는 보이지 않던 새로운 기종들이 등장한다. 본 연구에서는 ‘조선 전기’라는 특정 시기에 한하여 제작된 자기 쌍이잔의 현전 사례와 관련 기록을 살핌으로써, 시기별 제작 양 상 및 변화 과정을 살피고 나아가 제작배경과 용도, 성격을 규명해보고자 하였다. 특히 조선 전기에만 제작되었다는 특징을 통해 조선 전기 도자사의 전체적인 흐름을 살피는 데에 그 의 의가 더해질 것으로 보았다. 조선 전기 생산유적의 출토현황을 통해 자기 쌍이잔의 제작양상을 살핀 결과 지방요의 경 우 경상도, 전라도, 충청도 등 각 지역별로 나타나는 양상이 달랐으며, 관요에서의 제작양상 역시 이러한 지역별 제작양상은 시기별 제작양상과도 연결되었다. 즉 본 연구에서는 Ⅰ-Ⅲ 기의 각 시기에 따른 변화양상을 통하여 자기 쌍이잔이 조선 전기 도자사의 표지적인 유물로 써 그 연구가치가 충분하며, 앞으로의 조선 전기 도자사 연구에 있어 유의미한 결과를 도출 할 것으로 기대해보았다.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate the food preservation methods adopted by the Joseon Dynasty, which existed before the 17th century. A total of 232 food preservation methods were discovered in 25 books, and could be classified by their targeted food types: vegetables (84), sea foods (60), meats (41), fruits (37), and others (10). Depending on the preservation method applied, they are classified as food drying, soaking, mud cellar preservation, and other preservation. Food drying is further classified into 8 sub-types: drying, sun-drying, shadow-drying, wind-drying, dry heat, combined drying, smoking, and others. Soaking could be sub-divided into using salt, ash, dry sand, bran, fermented paste, wet distillers grains, oil, and others. Mud cellar preservation is sub-classified into installing shelf inside the mud cellar, making the mud cellar for food preservation, and making hole or underground tunnel for food preservation. Other food preservation methods include minimizing moisture loss by applying beeswax on a section of the vegetable stem, and cutting the vegetables or fruits with their branches and leaves for food preservation.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the types and spread of framed structures of gable roofs meeting at right angle showed in old architecture and documentary paintings of houses, which were well liked in the early Joseon Dynasty. The conclusions of this study were as follows. First, the framed structure of gable roof meeting at right angle can be divided or recognized in 4 types according to their structure’s size and purlin’s position. Three of those types were noted to be in Seoul. Second, the framed structure of gable roofs meeting at right angle begun from the awareness of their independence from one another. Each space was divided based on their functions. Therefore, it could be extended in various forms, not only in the square plan physique but also in many different forms. And allowed free plan configuration regardless of column layouts or size of structure. Third, 5 purlins and 3 purlins crossing structure were preferred in Han-yang, the early Joseon Dynasty. It is related to the specific construction conditions of urban houses, such as the slope of land, limited land area, and economic power. Fourth, urban housing techniques were diffused throughout the country by officials who lived in Kae-gyeong and Han-yang at the end of Goryeo and early Joseon Dynasty. In other regions, framed structure of gable roof meeting at right angle households decreased, but in some regions of Gyeongsang-province, framed structure of gable roof meeting at right angle has maintained with Staggered purlin.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to examine the contents of「Juchochimjeobang」, a cookbook about Jeotgal kimchi, and review its value in the history. This cookbook was published between about 1500s and early 1600s, and its book title is unknown because both the front and the back covers thereof are missing. However, the cookbook contains many wine and kimchi recipes, accounting for 66%, and「Juchochimjeobang」 was thus named after the recipes.「Juchochimjeobang」 has 126 recipes in 120 categories, and this study examines 20 kimchi recipes and 7 recipes for preserving vegetables.「Juchochimjeobang」 has a specific recipe for making Jahajeot and Baekajeot kimchi which are described in literature published between 1400s and 1500s. Although the recipes for making the aforementioned two types of Jeotgal kimchi are simple because jeotgal is just mixed with main materials, they are different from the recipe for Seokbakji described in Gyuhapchongseo, a cookbook written in the 19th-century Joseon Dynasty. Seokbakji described in Gyuhapchongseo is made by mixing spices of ginger, spring onion, chili powder with other materials. This implies changes of making Seokbakji over time. Moreover, 「Juchochimjeobang」is a very valuable historical cookbook because it has unique recipes, for example, adding sesame liquid, chinese pepper, willow and the like.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 인도의 시아귀회(施餓鬼會)를 수용한 중국의 수륙재(水陸齋)가 독자 적인 내용과 목적으로 변용된 양상과 함께, 그것이 고려에 전래되어 조선전기 수륙재 설행의 유행에 문화적 기반이 된 추이를 개괄한다. 또한 조선전기에 이 르러 전사회적으로 크게 유행하게 된 수륙재의 설행양상을 그 대상과 목적을 중심으로 살피어, 조선전기에 국가주도적으로 거행된 수륙재가 조상 등 특정 영 가의 천도를 중심으로 하는 불교식 상제례(喪祭禮)로 수렴되어 간 면모를 밝힌 다. 마지막으로 무차대회(無遮大會)의 개념적 차별성을 주목하여 조선전기에 일 반적으로 인식되었던 수륙재와의 차이를 확인하고, 그것이 조선 중기 이후 ‘여 제(厲祭)’라는 유교식 국가제사로 대치되거나 민간불교를 중심으로 하는 독자적 방향으로 변모해 간 흔적을 조망한다. 조선전기 수륙재는 특정 또는 불특정 망자에 대한 불교적 구제를 목적으로 설행되었다. 그 각각을 대표하는 것이 왕실의 조상(祖上)을 대상으로 하는 불교 식 상제례로서의 수륙재와 고려 왕씨를 위한 추천(追薦) 수륙재이다. 그 중에서 도 전자가 더 중요한 것으로 파악된다. 특히 불교식 상제례의 경우 국가의 강력 한 개입 하에 칠칠재, 백일재, 소상재, 대상재, 그리고 대상 이후의 기신재가 모 두 수륙재로 합설되었으며, 이는 수륙재가 불교식 상제례의 의례적 형식을 이루 었음을 의미한다. 한편 특정 망자를 대상으로 하는 불교식 상제례로서의 수륙재 이든 불특정 망자를 대상으로 하는 추천 수륙재이든, 그 모두가 국가의 강력한 주도 하에 제도화되었음을 주목할 필요가 있다. 교단에 대한 국가권력의 강력한 개입은 전통시대 동아시아 3국의 공통적인 특징이지만, 그 중에서도 특히 한국 불교에 강하게 보이는 특징이라는 평가가 최근 학계에서 힘을 얻는 추세이다. 조선전기 수륙재의 제도화와 정비 과정에서 보이는 국가권력의 막강한 관여 역 시 그 같은 평가에 중요한 사례가 될 것이다. 무차대회란 수륙재의 내용을 이루는 한 축으로 이해되고 있지만, 개념적으로 무차대회와 수륙재는 분리될 필요가 있다. 조선전기의 수륙재가 특정 망자 특히 조상의 천도를 주된 목적으로 하여 변용될 때, 무주고혼을 포함하여 저승과 이 승의 모든 존재들을 평등하게 풀어먹이는 데 목적을 둔 무차대회는 그와 차별 적인 모습을 띠며 독자적으로 전개되었다. 하지만 조선전기의 수륙재가 어느 순 간 주자가례(朱子家禮)와 여제(厲祭)라는 막강한 유교적 의례질서로 빠른 속도 로 대체되고 국가주도적 수륙재 설행의 전통이 단절된 이후, 무차대회는 다시 불교식 상제례의 양상과 함께 수륙재의 성격 일부로 흡수되어 민간의 불교신행 을 중심으로 하여 전사회적으로 유행하게 되었다.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates how the spatial recognition structure is emerging through the case of rectangular plan combined with a combination of Dang-Sil(堂室) and Gong(工) shape roof, and identifies a type of architecture in the early Joseon Dynasty that has never been revealed. The conclusion of this study is as follows. First, the Dang and the Sil are connected to each other, but the architectural elements such as pillars, frame, and windows are distinguished and appear as separate buildings. Second, the distinction between Dang and Sil is evident by the difference in the number of ridges and the shape of the roof. In addition, the roof and roof framework of the independent rooms and the rooms were common in the right angled architecture where the direction and the expandability of each structure were maintained. Third, the construction of the Dang-Sil combined structure, in which two or more structure frameworks were combined with the rectangular combined flat roof structure, gradually changed into a single structure with a single ridge. Fourth, this change means that people of the early Joseon Dynasty recognized the Dang and Sil as separate architecture, but the strict sense of spatial separation has disappeared over time.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Coastal eupseongs, which are mainly built in the period of late Goryeo and early Joseon period, are essential materials in studying the history of Joseon period eupseongs. The purpose of this study is to connect the annexation of local districts with the relocation of local government office, so as to categorize the types of coastal-eupseongs and examine the background of their constructions and relocations. Coastal eupseongs are mainly divided into 'maintenance type' and 'Mergence type' according to the annexation of local districts, and maintenance type is broken down into fortress type and non-fortress type in accordance with the existence of old eupseongs(fortresses). Coastal eupseongs can also be categorized into 'application type' and 'relocation type' depending on whether ex-local government offices were reutilized or relocated. Maintenance type is 'fortress-application type'(Gimhae·Gosung·Old Ulsan-eupseong), 'non-fortress-application type'(New Ulsan-eupseong), 'fortress-relocation type'(Dongrae․Kijang․Geojegohyunseong․ Ulsan(Jwabyeongyoung)-eupseong), 'non-fortress-relocation type'(Sacheon․ Hadong·Jinhae-eupseong·Geojesadeongseong) are differentiated by type. Mergence type is divided into 'Merger of Villages after Castle Relocation Type(Changwon·Namhae·Gonyang-eupseong)', 'Merger of Villages before Castle Relacation Type(Ungcheon-eupseong)'. Coastal-eupseongs are moved to other places in need of more affluent water supply(Gimhae·Gijang-eupseong) and wider usable area(Namhae·Gohyunseong-eupseong). Eupseongs were enlarged owing to the population growth, caused by annexations of local districts.(Ungcheon-eupseong) 'Seonso'(navy yard) is a unique feature which cannot be seen in inland eupseongs.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we study the structure of the Daegyupyo (大圭表, Large Gnomon) of the early Joseon dynasty. A Gyupyo (圭表, Gnomon that is Guibiao as pronounced in Chinese) is composed of a Pyo (表, Biao as pronounced in Chinese) making a shadow and a Gyu (圭, Gui as pronounced in Chinese) measuring its length. It is known that the Daegyupyo with the 40-feet height was constructed between the sixteenth to seventeenth year of the King Sejong reign (1444 - 1445) on the basis of the record of Yuanshi (元史, the History of the Yuan Dynasty). By analyzing historical documents such as Joseonwangjosillok (朝鮮王朝實錄, the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty), Yuanshi, and Jegaryeoksangjip (諸家曆象集, a work written by Sunji Lee), we found a possibility that the Ji (池, a pond) on the Gyu was located in the north side of the Pyo. This structure is different from that in previous studies, but is in a good agreement with that of the 40-feet Guibiao remaining in Dengfeng (登封) of China. Regarding to the Hoengyang (橫梁, cross-bar), we suggest that it was set up by double 5-feet supporting arms apart from the north tip of the Pyo in the radial direction. The 3:4:5 ratio in a rectangular triangle was used to place the Heongyang on the top of the Pyo at a distance of 4-feet (3-feet) in the vertical (horizontal) direction. We also discuss the structural problem when the Hoengyang is positioned apart from the top of the Pyo by supporting arms. In conclusion, we think that this study should be useful in restoring the Daegyupyo of the Joseon dynasty.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to understand the architectural space of Donggung(東宮), the Prince's Palace, and Dongjo(東朝), the King's Mother and Queen's living space, in the early Joseon Dynasty. The Royal palace can be divided into three parts, political space for king, living space for king and his family and government office. So first, we should to understand the characteristics of each space in the Royal Palace. Up to now we have looked at the architectural space of Donggung(東宮) and Dongjo(東 朝) in Gyeongbokgung(景福宮), one of the Royal Palace, the result of this study is as followings. Donggung which was living space for Prince consisted of Jaseondang(資善堂), Seunwhadang(承華堂) and Kyejodang(繼照堂) in the era of King Sejong Kyejodang was demolished and Seunwhadang was destroyed by fire in King Jungjong era and was not rebuilded. This buildings The buildings consisted of Jeondang, Whudang, main gate, hapmun(閤門) and corridor or fence Donggung and Dongjo was separated wall Dong consisted of many buildings for Queen dowager, Queen and many royal concubines The arrangement of Donggung and Dongjo was assumed like as the Fig2.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to understand the architectural space of Chimjeon (寢殿), the King's Bedroom, and Backyard, in the early Joseon Dynasty. The Royal palace can be divided into three parts, political space for King, living space for King and his family and government office. So first, we should to understand the characteristics of each space in the Royal Palace. Up to now we have looked at the architectural space of the King's Bedroom in the central area and Backyard in Gyeongbokgung (景福宮), one of the Royal Palace, the result of this study is as followings. Cheonchujeon (千秋殿) and Manchunjeon (萬春殿) were not both sides of Sajeongjeon (思政殿), were on the north side of Gangnyeongjeon (康寧殿) Gangnyeongjeon was not a bedroom for the King and Queen, only for King. Bedroom for Queen was located another space in the Royal palace. There was Hamwonjeon on the west side of Koytaejeon. Jamidang and Cheongyeonroo were on the right side of Koytaejeon The Backyard on the north side of Gyeongbokgung had a wide area for horseback archery and the practice of battle formation The arrangement of the King's bedroom in the central area was assumed like as the Fig 7. and Fig 8.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to understand the architectural space of Gwolnaegaksa (闕 內各司), the Government office in the palace, in the early Joseon Dynasty. The Royal palace can be divided into three parts, political space for king, living space for king and his family and government office. So first, we should to understand the characteristics of each space in the Royal Palace. Up to now we have looked at the architectural space of Gwolnaegaksa in Gyeongbokgung (景福宮), one of the Royal Palace, the result of this study is as followings. There were not many Gwolnaegaksas in the early days in Gyeongbokgung. After King Sejong, some office buildings were established in that palace. King's closest guards, like as Seonjeonkwan (宣傳官), Gyumsabok (兼司僕), Naegeumwi (內禁衛) had been on duty in Sajeongjeon Haengrang (思政殿行廊), a kind of servants´ quarters. Bincheong (賓廳), a conference room of high-ranking government officials was situated in Geungjeon Haengrang (勤政殿行廊). There were also barracks of other palace guards in Geungjeon Haengrang. Gyeongyeoncheong (經筵廳), a place to prepare and wait, was built separately from Geungjeon Haengrang Layout drawings of Gyeongbokgung painted since the 18th century were different from document in some parts. The arrangement of the Gwolnaegaksa was assumed like as the Fig. 9.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to understand the architectural space of Seungjeongwon (承政院), the Royal Secretariat, in the early years of Joseon Dynasty. The Royal palace can be divided into three parts, political space, living space for king and his family and offices for government official in the palace. So first, we should to understand the characteristics of each space in the Royal Palace. The result of this study is following. Seungjeongwon of the Joseon Dynasty was where Seungji (承旨), Juseo (注書), Sagwan (史官), Seungjeonsaeg (承傳色), Seori (書吏) and Harye (下隷) worked together. The architectural space of Seungjeongwon was separated into Jeongwon-Cheong (政院廳) and Juseo-Cheong (注書廳). Jeongwon-Cheong was the office for Seungji, where Sagwan worked as well as Seungji and Juseo. The form of Jeongwon-Cheong (政院廳) in Kyung-bok Palace was similar to that depicted in Eundaegyecheop (銀臺契帖), which was painted the meeting of Seungjis. Juseo-Cheong was the office for Juseo and Sagwan and there was a break room. Apart from Jeongwon-Cheong there were rooms where Seungji could work or take a rest. As with the office of Seungji, the space for Juseo also had rooms for Juseo. There were also rooms for Seori and Abang (兒房) which were rooms for servants.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        부산광역시 기념물 제 40호로 지정되어 있는 기장읍성은 조선시대의 읍성축조수법이 정형화된 형식으로 정리되기 이전에 축조되어 고려시대 성곽 축조수법과 조선의 읍성축조수법이 혼합되어 성곽축성사에 있어 읍성축조수법의 변화를 파악할 수 있다는 점에서 그 가치가 있다고 할 수 있겠다. 기장읍성에서 확인되는 사직선기단의 축조는 과거 고려시대말까지 계속 축조된 판축토성(版築土城)의 기단부 축조방식을 읍성축조에 적용한 결과로 고려 판축토성에서 조선시대 석축성인 연해읍성의 축조로 이어지는 흐름의 연결고리라고 할 수 있다. 기장읍성 동벽 체성부에서 확인되는 세장방형 외벽면석 축조수법은 일반적으로 알려진 조선시대 읍성의 장대석 입수적 축조수법과는 차별성을 지닌다. 기장읍성 남벽과 동벽 체성부 기저부 축조수법은 김해읍성, 웅천읍성, 동래읍성, 고성읍성 등에서 확인되는 지대석 설치 이전에 바닥에 판석을 이용하여 바닥면의 수평을 맞추어 정리된 구조물은 확인되지 않는다. 따라서 이러한 축조수법이 사용되기 이전 시기에 축조된 형태임을 알 수 있다. 이를 통해 기장읍성은 사직선기단축조수법, 체성부 세장방형 외벽면석의 사용과 더불어 고려시대의 성곽축조수법과 조선시대 연해읍성 축조수법이 혼용된 과도기적 읍성임을 알 수 있는 것이다.
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