The public safety management guidelines were introduced in 2019 and continue to be dedicated to advancing comprehensive measures for public safety management, with a primary focus on prioritizing the safety and well-being of the public within governmental institutions. To achieve this goal, our previous study developed a establishment procedure of risk assessment-based safety inspection system for public institutions that order construction projects and applied it to highway construction projects to evaluate its effectiveness. To enhance the practicality of the establishment procedure, it is essential to collect and analyze feedback from stakeholders regarding its performance and suitability. This study conducted a survey involving 200 participants who had experience with the establishment procedure, and performed statistical analyses to evaluate its performance and applicability. The survey results indicated that the participants reported a high level of satisfaction (scoring 4 and above on a 5-point Likert scale) in several areas: specialization of safety inspection items for different types of work (with a satisfaction rate of 65%), the evaluation process for safety ratings (64.5%), and their willingness to recommend the procedure to other institutions (75.5%). In the factor analysis with Varimax rotation, two factors emerged: (1) a specialization factor related to safety inspection items, and (2) a grading factor associated with safety evaluation results. Regression analyses of these factors unveiled significant positive relationships with improvements in safety and health performance, including the prevention of fatal accidents, heightened safety responsibility, and raised safety inspection standards. The establishment procedure of safety inspection system developed in our previous study can play a crucial role in reducing accidents resulting in fatalities and injuries at construction sites, ultimately contributing to a safer working environment for all involved parties.
The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the Phase 1 Final Status Survey (FSS) Final Report results and overall conclusions which conduct that the Zion Nuclear Power Station (ZNPS) facility and site meets the 25 mrem(0.25 mSv)per year release criterion as established in Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulation (NRC) 10 CFR 20.1402 “Radiological Criteria for Unrestricted Use”. The FSS results provided assessment and summarize that any residual radioactivity results in a Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) to an Average Member of the Critical Group (AMCG) that does not exceed 25 mrem per year, and the residual radioactivity has been reduced to levels that are as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). The release criterion is translated into site-specific Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGLs) for assessment and summary. ZionSolutions, a decommissioning service provider, estimates that a total of four (4) FSS Final Reports be generated and submitted to the NRC during the decommissioning project. ZionSolutions established the Characterization/License Termination (C/LT) Group, within the Radiation Protection division, with sufficient management and technical resources to fulfill project objectives. The C/LT Group is responsible for the safe completion of all surveys related to characterization and final site closure. Approved site procedures and detailed Technical Support Documents (TSD) direct the FSS process to ensure consistent implementation and adherence to applicable requirements. The development and planning phase was initiated in 1999 by the “Zion Station Historical Site Assessment” (HSA) and the initiation of the characterization process for FSS. Develop the information necessary to support FSS design, including the development of Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) and survey instrument performance standards. DQOs are qualitative and quantitative statements derived from the DQOs process that clarify technical and quality objectives. The next step, FSS design utilizes the combination of traditional scanning surveys, systematic sampling protocols and investigative/judgmental methodologies to evaluate survey units relative to the applicable release criteria for open land sample plans. To aid in the development of an initial suite of potential radionuclides of concern for the decommissioning of ZNPS, the analytical results of representative characterization samples collected at the site were reviewed. At this FSS design step, the Radionuclides of Concern (ROC) are determined. As Co-60 and Cs-137 account for 99.5% of the analysis results of concrete core sampling data form ZNPS’s Containment Building and Auxiliary Building, they are determined and used as the basic ROC in the survey design. Additionally, site information is described and Historical Site Assessment (HSA) is performed. Data collected for the initial HSA will be used to establish the initial regional survey unit and corresponding MARSSIM classification. Next, an assessment of the collected data is performed using the DQO process, and a survey methodology is established by selecting a sampling method and measuring instrumentation. These result judgments provide guidance for C/LT Engineer to interpret findings using the Data Quality Assessment (DQA) process, which analysis Recorded data, Missing values, Deviation from established procedure, and Analysis flags. In conclusion, FSS is the process used to demonstrate that the ZNPS facility and site comply the radiological criteria for unrestricted use specified in 10 CFR.20. The purpose of FSS Sample Plan is to describe the methods to be used in planning, designing, conducting, and evaluating the FSS.
In Korea, research on the introduction of dry storage facility is being conducted as an alternative to saturation of temporary storage facilities for spent nuclear fuel. The introduction of dry storage facilities requires a radiological impact assessment on the workers of the facility, and for this, an appropriate exposure scenario must be derived through work procedure analysis. In this study, the procedure for storing spent nuclear fuel in dry storage facilities was analyzed based on the case of evaluating the radiological impact of workers in dry storage facilities abroad. We investigated cases of radiological impact assessment on workers at on-site dry storage facilities by PNNL, Dominion, and P. F. Weck. PNNL and Dominion analyzed the storage work procedure of the VSC (Vertical Storage Cask) method using CASTOR V/21, TN-32, respectively, and conducted a radiological impact assessment. P. F. Weck analyzed the storage work procedure of various spent nuclear fuel casks for VSC and HSM (Horizontal Storage Module), conducted a radiological impact assessment. As a result of comparing the procedure for storing spent nuclear fuel by case, it was found that the storage procedure was determined by the storage method and the cask type. In the case of VSC method, canister-type casks and basket-type casks are used, and the storage procedure are partially different according to each. Canister-type cask requires repackaging from transfer overpack to storage overpack, but basket-type cask doesn’t require that procedure. In the case of the HSM method, only the canister type cask was found to be used. However, the storage procedure was different depending on the type of HSM system. Depending on the type of HSM system, the necessity of cask for on-site transport was different. In this study, we investigated and analyzed the work procedure according to the storage method of dry storage facilities abroad. It was found that the dry storage procedure of spent nuclear fuel different according to the storage method and type of cask. The results of this study can be used as basic when deriving the exposure scenario for spent nuclear fuel dry storage workers suitable for the domestic situation.
In this study, factors such as improvement of a fishing process and safety, reduction of the labor force and headcount and development of the automation technology for offshore (eel and crab) pot fishing vessels were analyzed. A questionnaire survey was conducted to analyze and select the key factors using independent/paired sample t-test and correlation analysis, and a living lab was operated with ship owners, skippers and experts to discuss practical needs of the site. From the result of questionnaire survey and field requirements, it was possible to understand the level of awareness of ship safety, general safety equipment, fishing work process and fishing safety equipment from the point of view of the field. In addition, there were differences in the measurement results of each items because the working environment and experience were different according to the position of the ship owner and the skipper. The results of the questionnaire survey and various perceptions of field stakeholders were reflected when analyzing the fishing system and fishing process to choose the development equipment applicable to the field. From the analysis results, the selected development equipment based on the fishing equipment and process currently in operation are pot washing device, catch separation and fish hold injection device, length limit regulations and bait ejection device after use, automatic main line winding device, bait crusher, automatic (crab) pot hauling separator and so on.
본 연구의 목적은 다층자료 매개효과의 분석 방법을 제안하는 것이다. 연구내용은 다층자료 매개효과의 통계방법 탐색, 분석절차 제안, 그리고 분석의 실례 제시 등 세 가지다. 첫째, MLM (multilevel modeling)과 MSEM (multilevel structural equation modeling) 중에서 어떤 방법이 다층자료의 매개효과 분석에 유용한지 탐색하였다. MSEM은 MLM 의 약점을 극복한 것으로서 유용한 다층 매개효과 분석방법이었다. 둘째, 다층자료 매개효과의 분석절차를 연구모형설 정, 전제조건 검토, 모형검증, 계수검증의 4단계로 전개하였다. 셋째, 매개효과 분석의 실례에 사용된 자료는 2,695명의 초중등 학생과 88명의 학급교사로 구성되었다. 분석 실례로 2층→2층→1층과 1층→1층→2층 두 가지를 제시하였다. 2층→2층→1층과 1층→1층→2층 모형은 완전매개모형이 지지되었지만, 2층→2층→1층 모형의 매개효과 계수만 95% 신뢰구간에서 유의하였다. 분석 실례에 사용된 Mplus 프로그램은 부록에 제시하였다. 연구결과를 기초로 본 연구의 의의와 제한점, 그리고 후속연구의 방향이 논의되었다.
Advanced telecommunication technologies enable us to employ new methods for judicial acts in the national civil procedure, such as facilitating evidence through a video-link system. However, before implementing these methods in the national proceedings for cases with foreign elements, it is necessary to elucidate the relationship between sovereignty and judicial acts of courts, including the validation of these new methods. This is because judicial acts by courts are considered to fall within the purview of the exercise of sovereignty from a Japanese perspective. From the analysis on Japanese state practices to date, it is recognized that Japan has strictly abided by the principle of territoriality under public international law. Nevertheless, reconsidering the meaning of sovereignty, Japan can adopt a more liberal and tolerant policy. In particular, Japan can become more tolerant of other countries’ judicial acts, which may be conducive to the better delivery of justice in transnational civil and commercial dispute settlements.
A progressive failure analysis procedure for composite laminates is completed in here. An anisotropic plastic constitutive model for fiber-reinforced composite material is implemented into computer program for a predictive analysis procedure of composite laminates. Also, in order to describe material behavior beyond the initial yield, the anisotropic work-hardening model and subsequent yield surface are implemented into a computer code, which is Predictive Analysis for Composite Structures (PACS). The accuracy and efficiency of the anisotropic plastic constitutive model and the computer program PACS are verified by solving a number of various fiber-reinforced composite laminates with and without geometric discontinuity. The comparisons of the numerical results to the experimental and other numerical results available in the literature indicate the validity and efficiency of the developed model.
A progressive failure analysis procedure for composite laminates is developed in here and in the companion paper. An anisotropic plastic constitutive model for fiber-reinforced composite material, is developed, which is simple and efficient to be implemented into computer program for a predictive analysis procedure of composites. In current development of the constitutive model, an incremental elastic-plastic constitutive model is adopted to represent progressively the nonlinear material behavior of composite materials until a material failure is predicted. An anisotropic initial yield criterion is established that includes the effects of different yield strengths in each material direction, and between tension and compression. Anisotropic work-hardening model and subsequent yield surface are developed to describe material behavior beyond the initial yield under the general loading condition. The current model is implemented into a computer code, which is Predictive Analysis for Composite Structures (PACS), and is presented in the companion paper. The accuracy and efficiency of the anisotropic plastic constitutive model are verified by solving a number of various fiber-reinforced composite laminates with and without geometric discontinuity. The comparisons of the numerical results to the experimental and other numerical results available in the literature indicate the validity and efficiency of the developed model.
본 연구는 전주시 도심부와 한옥마을을 중심으로 문화재별 현상변경 허가기준이 고시되기 이전에 진행된 문화재보존 영향검토 자료에 대한 분석을 토대로 유사한 심의환경을 지니는 고도지구에서 이루어지고 있는 심의절차의 개선방안을 제시해보고자 하는 목적을 지니고 있다. 익산고도의 보존육성지구에서 이루어지고 있는 건축행위에 대한 위원회의 심의내용은 그 형식이나 내용 측면에서 많은 부분이 규모, 배치, 입면, 색채, 재료 등을 중심으로 진행된 문화재보존 영향검토와 유사하게 운영되고 있다. 특히 분석대상지로 선정된 전주시 도심권과 한옥마을 일대는 문화재중심의 역사경관 보존관리를 위한 각종 규제와 전주한옥마을 조성을 위한 기반시설사업과 주민지원사업이 함께 공존하고 있는 곳으로 익산 고도지구와 유사한 여건을 지니고 있다. 분석 결과 ①위원회의 전문분야 구성의 문제, ②심의결과의 지역적 편파성, 즉 한옥마을과 도심지역 심의결과 사이의 편차, ③역사경관 보존·관리와 연계하여 표현되는 심의내용의 모호성과 ④지구 단위의 맥락적 특성을 고려하지 못한 국부적 심의내용이 지니는 한계 등의 문제점이 도출되었다. 역사경관 관리를 목적으로 진행되는 건축행위에 대한 개별 심의절차는 단순한 문화재 자체의 보존이나 신청 건축물의 디자인적 특성 이외에 문화재 보호는 물론 지구·도시단위의 역사성과 토지이용 여건 및 활동특성, 그리고 외부공간을 포함한 맥락적 특성 등이 어우러진 역사경관 관리라는 총체적 틀 속에서 바라볼 필요가 있다.
The objective of this study was to develop a reliable and reproducible descriptive analysis procedure for Korean style sweet pumpkin gruel (Hobakjuk). The sensory attributes of the sweet pumpkin gruel were developed and defined, the sample preparation method was standardized, and the sensory evaluation procedure for a sample was established. Seven types of sweet pumpkin gruel (five ready-to-eat type vs. two ready-to-heat type) were selected to be analyzed. Panel training and descriptive analysis were carried out with these 7 samples. A total of 12 sensory attributes (2 aroma/odor, 5 taste/flavor, 4 texture/mouthfeel, and 1 aftertaste attributes) were developed to describe the sensory characteristics of the sweet pumpkin gruel. The definition and reference standards for each sensory attribute were determined to clearly understand each attribute. In the main experiment, trained panelists evaluated the sensory characteristics of the 7 gruel samples based on a fifteen-point intensity scale using the developed attributes. The results were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance, principal component analysis, and cluster analysis. The results showed that the 7 sweet pumpkin gruel samples significantly diffieredin their intensities of all attributes except for sweet pumpkin aroma and viscosity. The ready-to-eat style samples were distinctly characterized by their sweet pumpkin aroma and flavor, whereas the ready-to-heat style samples were markedly characterized by their low intensity of gelatinized starch and pumpkin flavor retention.
강바닥판 포장에 사용될 수 있는 특수아스팔트 중의 하나인 구스아스팔트는 의 고온 상태에서 시공되기 때문에 강바닥판에 예상하지 못한 열응력 및 열변형을 발생시킬 수 있다. 따라서 구스아스팔트의 타설 중에 강바닥판에 미치는 열영향을 시공조건을 고려하여 사전에 평가하고 그 영향의 최소화를 위해서는 열전달 및 열응력 수치해석을 실시하여야 하지만 구조해석에서 주로 사용되는 평판/보요소의 특성상 3차원 구조해석 모델에서 구현하기가 매우 어렵다. 본 연구에서는 강바닥판 교량의 열영향해석을 위하여 일반적인 구조해석모델에 직접 적용할 수 있는 등가열원(EHS) 산정방법을 제안하였다. 강바닥판 교량의 구스아스팔트에 의한 열영향을 정확히 평가하기 위하여 (1) 기존의 실험결과를 이용하여 열전달해석에 필요한 물리량을 검증하고, (2) 정밀해석을 통해 3차원 교량모델에 적합한 등가열원을 산정하였으며, (3) 이를 해석모델에 적용하여 산정한 등가열원에 의한 수치해석방법의 타당성을 검증하였다. 본 연구에서 제안된 등가열원은 실제 강교량의 3차원 열전달 및 열응력 해석에 즉각 활용될 수 있으며, 등가열원산정기법은 용접잔류응력해석, 교량의 화재 해석 등 열영향을 받는 다른 공학적 해석에 응용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
This research analyzes clean room major fire prevention standard of clean Room (FM, IRI, and NFPA Code), the structure of Performance-Based Fire Safety Design (PBD) applied the korean fire industry situation. Performance-Based Fire Safety can operate effectively the performance of fire protection equipment & building design, so the fitness of fire safety system can be embodied by operating this. moreover, cost to be consume fire safety of real building can reduce and Performance-Based Fire Safety is considered to important technique in fire protection field. A fire in a clean room may cause a serious loss by spreading smoke particles. We will be investigated by using a computational fluid dynamics, for loss prevention by smoke spreading from one fire area to another for clean room and compared the Performance-Based Fire Safety Design with the prescriptive code design. The methodology of fire safety performance-based fire safety design and guarantee of many kinds design skill of fire system and developing design procedure will be very serious one in order to improve efficiency of domestic system. Therefore, This research will be contributing to secure safety of clean room and to set up the performance-based fire safety design in Korea by regulation for the performance-based fire safety design effectively.
이 연구에서는 식빵의 표준 묘사분석 절차를 확립하였으며, 그 결과, 식빵에서 23가지의 특성 묘사 용어를 선정하고 개발하였으며 평가 절차를 확립하였다. 개발된 표준 묘사분석 방법을 이용하여 숙성온도와 배합비가 다른 4종류의 식빵에 대해 관능적 특성을 평가한 결과, 4종류의 식빵 간에는 23개의 관능적 특성에서 모두 유의전인 차이(p<0.05)가 있었다. 따라서 이 실험에서 개발된 식빵의 특성 용어와 그 정의 및 평가 기술이 종류가 다른 식빵의 관능적 특성의 차이를 잘 설명탈 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 앞으로 이와 같은 연구 결과가 식빵의 품질향상에 기여할 수 있으려면, 원료와 제조 방법에 따른 식빵의 품질평가에 묘사 분석이 적용되고, 이 결과와 소비자 기호도 검사 또는 기계적 측정 결과와의 상관관계를 분석하는 연구가 지속적으로 이루어져야겠다.
In this report, we provide the focus on suggesting a method of estimating and measurement of CBM(Customer Behavior Model). Through the use of internet, a new trend of business for e-CRM on B2C Web Site known as EC has emerged. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the customers of a shopping mall and CBM characteristics. It can be used to gain a better understanding of customers. from this we can determine trends, and so refine business toward customer's needs and target new products to particular customer groups. Result shows that there is a significant relationship between the customers pattern of shopping mall and CBM, CVM(Customer Visit Model).
대한민국 식품의약품안전처(식약처)는 포름알데하이드 분석법으로 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH) 유도체화-고성능액체크로마토그래프법(HPLC)을 고시하고 있다. 본 연구는 고시법의 복잡한 시료 전처리 과정을 개선하여 화장품 분석에 편리하게 사용할 수 있는 유도체화법을 개발하고자 수행되었다. 전처리 법을 간단하게 하기 위하여 pH, 시간 및 온도 등 반응조건을 최적화하였다. 이 전처리법은 초산염 완충액(pH 5.0)을 사용한 검액의 pH 조정, 디클로로메탄을 사용한 액-액 분획 그리고 감압농축기를 사용한 증발건조와 같이 식약처 고시법의 복잡한 과정이 필요 없다. 유도체화 과정을 통하여 생성된 formaldehyde dinitrophenylhydrazone (formaldehyde-DNP)는 식약처의 시험방법을 약간 변형한 역상 HPLC법으로 분리하고 정량하였다. 2 ∼ 40 ppm 농도 범위의 표준액들을 가지고 수행한 검량선 작성 결과, 본 시험법은 상관계수 값 이 0.9999로 좋은 직선성을 보여주었다. 본 실험의 최소검출한계(LOD)와 최소정량한계(LOQ)는 각각 0.2 ppm과 0.5 ppm이었다. 또한 회수율 실험결과는 실험방법이 매우 정확하고 재현성이 높음을 보여주었다. 따라 서 본 연구에서 제안된 시험법은 화장품 중 포름알데하이드를 신속하게 분석하는데 적용될 수 있을 것이다.