This study was conducted to determine the optimal spring seeding dates for alfalfa yield and feed value. The experiment was conducted annually for three years (2021~2023) at the field in the Department of Animal Resources Development, NIAS, located in Cheonan. The treatments involved six seeding dates ranging from February 24 to April 14, with 10days intervals. Alfalfa was harvested four times a year at the early flowering stage. Dry matter yield showed a tendency to decrease with delayed the seeding date. However, depending on the climatidc condisions in the seeding year, the dry matter yield on March 14 or 24 was comparable to that on February 24. Annual dry matter yield varied, influenced by the daylight conditions each year. The average feed value did not significantly differ within in the same year with delayed seeding dates (p>0.05). Therefore, the most stable period for alfalfa spring seeding in the central area of South Korea is considered to be from February 24 to April 4, with February 24 indentified as the optimal date.
This study was conducted to determine the appropriate seeding dates by verifying the difference in winter survival and productivity of alfalfa according to fall sowing dates in the central area of South Korea. The experiment was conducted for 2 years (2020 and 2021) at the field in the Department of Animal Resources Development, NIAS located in Cheonan. Sowing dates started from September 18 to November 8 with 10 days of intervals during 2020 and 2021; SO1 (September 18), SO2 (September 28), SO3 (October 8), SO4 (October 18), SO5 (October 28), and SO6 (November 8). After sowing, the winter survival rate was measured in the spring of the following year, and the dry matter yield was measured by harvesting at 10% flowering and harvesting five times a year. SO6 failed to winter survival, and SO5 also had a lower winter survival rate than SO1~4 (p<0.05). The average annual dry matter yield of alfalfa linearly decreased with delaying sowing dates (p<0.05). The feed value did not differ in the same year by delaying the sowing date in the same year. These results suggest that sowing date should be started before October 18 to increase winter survival and productivity of alfalfa in the central area of South Korea.
역사지진과 계기지진 기록에 따르면 한반도 남동부는 우리나라에서 지진활성도가 가장 높게 평가되는 곳으로, 최근에 양산단층대와 울산단층대를 따라 제4기 단층이 다수 보고되어 고지진학적 연구가 활발하게 이루어지고 있다. 특 히 울산단층대의 중부지역에 해당하는 경북 경주시 외동읍 말방리 일원은 울산단층대 내에서 가장 많은 활성단층이 보고된 지역이다. 따라서 이 지역에 대한 고지진학적 특성을 이해하기 위하여 먼저 LiDAR 영상 및 항공사진을 이용한 지형 및 선형구조 분석을 실시하여 단층에 의한 기복으로 추정되는 지형인자를 확인하고, 야외답사와 물리탐사를 통해 단층을 추적하여 기 보고된 말방단층 지점에서 약 300 m 북서쪽에 위치한 곳에서 길이 20 m, 너비 5 m, 깊이 5 m의 굴착조사를 실시하였다. 굴착단면을 통해 분석된 제4기 퇴적층의 특징을 바탕으로 단층의 기하학적·운동학적 특성을 해석하여 고지진학적 특성을 규명하고자 하였다. 이번 굴착단면에서 확인된 역단층의 기하를 보이는 단층의 자세는 N26oW/33oNE로 울산단층대를 따라 분포하는 기 보고된 단층들과 유사하다. 약 40 cm의 단일 겉보기 변위가 인지되었 으나 단층조선의 부재로 실변위는 산출할 수 없었다. 선행연구에서 제안된 극저온구조층의 연대결과 값을 토대로 단층 의 최후기 운동시기는 후기 뷔름빙기 이전으로 추정하였다. 기 보고된 연구결과와 본 굴착단면에서 획득한 단층기하를 종합하여 이 지역에 발달하는 단층계를 인편상구조로 해석하였고, 단층특성을 반영한 모델을 제시하였다. 말방리 일원 에서 수 회의 굴착조사를 비롯한 다수의 선행연구가 수행되었음에도 불구하고 구체적인 단층변수에 대한 정보가 미진 하고 각 지점들 간의 상관성이 명확하게 규명되지 않은 것은 역단층의 복잡한 운동학적 특성에 기인한 것으로 판단된 다. 추후 고지진학적 연구가 추가적으로 수행된다면 상기의 문제점들을 해결하여 종합적인 단층의 형태와 운동사가 규 명될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
중부산악 DMZ 민통선이북지역의 담수어류 출현양상을 밝히기 위해 2018년 5월부터 10월까지 조사를 실시하였다. 조사기 간동안 24개 지점에서 족대와 투망으로 12과 43종 7,744개체를 채집하였고, 우점종은 참갈겨니(30.3%), 아우점종은 피라미 (18.5%)였으며, 그 다음으로 버들치(10.0%), 버들개(6.7%), 돌마자(5.9%), 묵납자루(4.5%), 돌고기(4.2%), 대륙종개 (2.6%), 등의 순으로 우세하게 출현하였다. 출현종 중 법정보호종은 천연기념물 어름치 1종, 환경부지정 멸종위기야생생물 II급의 다묵장어, 묵납자루, 가는돌고기 3종 등 모두 4종이, 한국고유종은 20종(46.5%)이 채집되었다. 또한 기후변화민감종 (냉수성어류)은 금강모치와 새미, 둑중개 3종이, 육봉형 어류는 다묵장어와 둑중개와 밀어 3종이, 외래종은 배스 1종이 출현하 였다. 지점별 우점종은 참갈겨니(15개 지점), 피라미와 버들치(4개), 둑중개(1개)였으며, 우점도는 상류부에서 하류부(김화남 대천 본류)로 갈수록 낮아지고, 반대로 다양도와 종풍부도는 상류부에서 하류부로 갈수록 높아졌다. 군집구조는 크게 최상류, 상류, 한강, 임진강으로 구분되었다. 선행조사와 비교한 결과, 본 조사에서 가장 많은 종(43종)이 채집되었고, 새로 채집된 어류는 2종(참중고기, 배스), 채집되지 않은 종은 6종(쏘가리, 대농갱이, 열목어, 흰줄납줄개, 왜매치, 왜몰개)이었다. 김화남대 천은 법정보호종(4종)을 비롯한 많은 종이 서식하고 다양도와 풍부도지수가 높아 생물학적 가치가 높았고, 끝으로 이 지역의 보전방안에 대해 논의하였다.
This experiment was carried out to study the effects of different environmental conditions and cultivation techniques on productivity of grasslands in central and southern area of Korea on 2017 and 2018. Average dry matter yield of grasslands at 10 actual production sites was 7,496 kg/ha. that was ranged from 4,652 to 13,292 kg/ha with least significant difference(LSD) of 1,577kg/ha between grasslands (p<0.05) on 2017. Average dry matter yield of grasslands at 10 actual production sites was 7,914 kg/ha. that was ranged from 3,927 to 12,372 kg/ha with LSD of 1,577kg/ha between grasslands(p<0.05) on 2018. Dry matter(DM) yield of grasslands have positive correlation with soil fertility (p<0.01) but not correlated with rainfall and air temperature among cultivation environments. And also DM yield of grasslands have positive correlation with grassland management techniques(p<0.01). These results suggest that practices of grassland management techniques and improvement of soil fertility are more important than cultivation environments by climate change for increasing the DM yield of grassland in central and southern area of Korea.
This study was conducted to find out the effects of seed mixture using new domestic grass varieties orchardgrass ‘Onnuri’ and tall fescue ‘Greenmaster’ on botanical composition and dry matter productivity from 2015 to 2018 in oversown hilly pasture, the central northern area of Korea. This experiment was consisted of 4 mixed grasses (Treatment 1 : tall fescue oriented mixture with imported varieties; Treatment 2 : orchardgrass oriented mixture with imported varieties; Treatment 3 : orchardgrass oriented mixture with domestic varieties, Treatment 4 : tall fescue oriented mixture with domestic varieties). Evaluation of seasonal changes in botanical composition of pasture showed that orchardgrass was the highest in all treatments, ranging from 46 to 89% and Kentucky bluegrass was the second highest in all treatments. Treatment 3 (7,633 kg ha-1) and Treatment 4 (7,570 kg ha-1), mixed grasses using domestic varieties, were showed the highest dry matter yield than Treatment 1(6,950 kg ha-1) and Treatment 2 (6,934 kg ha-1), which were mixed grasses using introduced varieties. Therefore, these results showed that the orchard grass oriented grasses mixture with domestic varieties was good for grassland vegetation and productivity in oversown hilly pasture, the central northern area of Korea.
This experiment was carried out to study the effects of different environmental conditions and cultivation techniques on productivity of forage corn in central and southern area of Korea on 2017 and 2018. Average dry matter yield of forage corn at 34 cultivation regions was 13,510kg/ha. Forage productivity of forage corn cultivated at actual production sites have positive correlation with cultivation techniques(p<0.01) but not correlated with cultivation environments. Forage productivity of forage corn have positive correlation with seeding techniques(p<0.01) but not correlated with fertilization techniques. These results suggest that practices of cultivation techniques are more important than cultivation environments for increasing the forage productivity of forage corn. Therefore, yield prediction techniques of forage corn in Korea have to be considered the practices of cultivation techniques along with soil and climate conditions.
중부 평야지에서 중생종 벼 하이아미의 이앙시기에 따른 출수기의 변동과 출수 전후의 기상 및 수량 특성을 파악하고 적절한 재배시기를 제안하기 위하여, 이앙시기를 5월 10일부터 6월 24일까지 조절하여 3년간 국립식량과학원 중부작물부 수원 벼 재배시험 포장에서 시험한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 이앙기가 늦을수록 출수기까지는 일 평균기온이 높았으나 출수소요일수가 단축됨에 따라 적산온도가 적어졌고, 출수 후 40일간은 평균기온이 낮고 일조시간이 많은 경향이었다. 2. 이앙기~출수기와 출수 후 40일간의 평균기온은 시험연차보다 이앙시기에 따른 변이가 컸으나 일 평균 일조시간은 이앙시기 보다 시험연차에 따른 변이 정도가 더 커서, 이앙시기 조절에 의한 기상요인의 변화는 평균기온에서 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 3. 이앙시기가 늦어짐에 따라 수수는 감소하였으나 수당영화수가 증가하였고, 결과적으로 이앙시기 지연에 의한 출수소요일수의 단축이 sink size의 감소로 이어지지는 않았다. 4. 이앙시기 조절에 의한 m2당 영화수의 변화는 등숙비율과 뚜렷한 상관을 보이지 않았으나, 출수 후 40일간 평균기온이 낮아짐에 따라 현미천립중은 유의하게 증가하는 추세를 보였다. 5. 쌀수량은 이앙시기에 따라 유의차를 보이지 않았던 반면, 완전립 비율은 6월 24일까지 이앙이 늦어짐에 따라 높아지는 추세를 보였으며 그에 따라 완전미 수량도 비슷한 경향을 보였다. 6. 결과적으로, 중부 평야지에서 하이아미는 이앙시기를 6월 중~하순으로 늦춤으로써 쌀 품위를 높이고 완전미 수량을 향상시킬 수 있는 것으로 분석되었는데, 등숙 후기의 저온 피해 우려를 고려하면 6월 중순에 이앙하는 것이 안전할 것으로 판단된다.
This experiment was conducted at Suwon, Korea from 2013 to 2015. The objective of this study was to establish the optimum seeding rate, and to clarify the nitrogen fertilizer level for rye seed production in central and north area of Korea. We used Korean rye cultivar ‘Gogu’ for this test. We employed a split-plot design with three replications. The main plots were designed by three seeding levels (3, 5 and 7 kg 10a-1), but other sub-plots were randomly seeded. The plots were treated with three different nitrogen fertilizer levels (3, 6 and 9 kg 10a-1). The percentage of productive tiller, number of grain per spike, fertility rate, 1 liter weight, and 1000-grain weight decreased as seeding rate increased from 3 kg 10a-1 to 7 kg 10a-1, whereas the number of spike per ㎡ increased. Therefore the grain yields of rye had less of an effect by increasing seeding rate. There was an increase in number of spike per ㎡, number of grain per spike, and fertility rate as nitrogen fertilizer level increased from 3 kg 10a-1 to 9 kg 10a-1, but grain yields significantly not affected by the interaction of seeding rate × nitrogen fertilizer levels. However, the best seeding rate and nitrogen fertilizer level for rye seed production were 5 kg and 5∼6 kg 10a-1, respectively, considering seed and fertilizer reduction and the prevention of pollution by excess fertilization.
Although chemical fertilizers have a quick effect and broad applicability to agricultural fields, they have caused many problems like increasing soil acidity or decreasing soil organic matters. Environmental-friendly agriculture has been attempted in various ways such as organic agriculture, natural farming, low input and sustainable agriculture. The common interest of all environmental-friendly systems is to decrease burden to agricultural environment by low input of agricultural labor and materials. This study was conducted to estimate overwintering capacity and genetic distance among Chinese Milk Vetch (Astragalus sinicus, CMV) collections based on morphological characteristics and AFLP (Amplified fragment length polymorphism) analysis. Furthermore, the effect of CMV as green manure was observed in mix-cultured paddy fields with rice, sesame and sweet-potato. An another objective of this study was also to compare the pattern of weed occurrence in paddy fields with or without CMV and different rice transplanting times. The CMV collected from Paju district in central region of Korea was successively occurring through self-reseeding without artificial management. However, there was no noticeable difference in growth habit between Paju native CMV and introduced CMV from China which is currently used in farm fields. On the basis of multi-dimensional scaling and tree analyses, there are no significant difference of agricultural growth characteristics among Paju and chinese collections only excepting leaf angle and root length. The flowering time of Gurye collection was fast for 1 week as compared to other collections. AFLP that was commonly used for plant classfication, was applied to exam the genetic variation of CMV collections. Total 579 PCR products and 336 polymorphic fragments were generated using 8 primer pairs.
The present study investigated the role of central GABAA and GABAB receptors in orofacial pain in rats. Experiments were conducted on Sprague-Dawley rats weighing between 230 and 280 g. Intracisternal catheterization was performed for intracisternal injection, under ketamine anesthesia. Complete Freund's Adjuvant (CFA)-induced thermal hyperalgesia and inferior alveolar nerve injury-induced mechanical allodynia were employed as orofacial pain models. Intracisternal administration of bicuculline, a GABAA receptor antagonist, produced mechanical allodynia in naive rats, but not thermal hyperalgesia. However, CGP35348, a GABAB receptor antagonist, did not show any pain behavior in naive rats. Intracisternal administration of muscimol, a GABAA receptor agonist, attenuated the thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia in rats with CFA treatment and inferior alveolar nerve injury, respectively. On the contrary, intracisternal administration of bicuculline also attenuated the mechanical allodynia in rats with inferior alveolar nerve injury. Intracisternal administration of baclofen, a GABAB receptor agonist, attenuated the thermal hyperalgesia and mechanical allodynia in rats with CFA treatment and inferior alveolar nerve injury, respectively. In contrast to GABAA receptor antagonist, intracisternal administration of CGP35348 did not affect either the thermal hyperalgesia or mechanical allodynia. Our current findings suggest that the GABAA receptor, but not the GABAB receptor, participates in pain processing under normal conditions. Intracisternal administration of GABAA receptor antagonist, but not GABAB receptor antagonist, produces paradoxical antinociception under pain conditions. These results suggest that central GABA has differential roles in the processing of orofacial pain, and the blockade of GABAA receptor provides new therapeutic targets for the treatment of chronic pain.
이상의 실험결과들을 요약하면, CFA를 안면영역 피하로 주입하여 발생한 염증성 통증 행위반응은 P2X 수용체의 억제제의 투여로 감소할 수 있었다. 특히 P2X7 수용체 억제제를 투여하면 진통작용 뿐 아니라 활성화된 신경아교세포 발현을 억제하였다. 이러한 실험 결과는 P2X7 수용체가 신경아교세포에 영향을 미쳐 안면에서 발생하는 만성 염증성 통증의 발생과 유지에 관여하고 있다는 것을 보여준다. 따라서 중추신경계의 신경아교세포를 조절할 수 있는 중추성 P2X7 수용체 작용기전은 임상에서 만성 염증성 통증을 보다 효과적으로 치료할 수 있는 새로운 방법을 제시해 줄 수 있다고 생각된다.
Exostosis is a phenomenon of exophytic growth of compact bone, and the oral exostosis, so called a torus is usually found in the lingual or labial areas of mandible and maxilla, and the hard palatal area. It is not a pathological nor tumoral formation but a localized bony protuberance relevant to developmental and environmental origins. However, the pathogenesis of exostosis has not been clearly elucidated so far. In the present study total 51 cases of oral exostosis were examined by radiological, histological, and immunohistochemical methods to observe the osteogenetic potential existed in the sclerosed bony tissue of exostosis. Particularly, the unilateral mandibular exostoses occurred in the vicinity of mandibular primary growth centers which were more prominent than the contralateral ones in the radiological observation. Histologically the peripheral area of exostosis was composed of lamellated bone and covered with periosteal tissue which showed sparse osteoblastic activity, while the central area of exostosis was composed of thickened and anastomosed trabecular bones with small amount of marrow connective tissue. The latter stained blue in Masson trichrome method, while the former stained red. The immunohistochemical reactions of BMP-2, bFGF, CMG2, and TGF-β1 were clearly positive in the central trabecular bones, while almost negative in the peripheral cortical bones of exostosis. These findings may indicate that the central area of exostosis is less mineralized than the peripheral area of exostosis, and the former expresses different osteogenetic proteins to produce bony tissue contrary to the latter. Therefore, it is suggested that the strong osteogenetic potential in the central area of exostosis be relevant to the growth potential of mandibular and maxillary primary growth centers and play an important role for the latent expansile growth of exostosis in adult life.
한국정부는 ‘해양생태계보전 및 관리에 관한 법률’, ‘습지보전법’ 등을 바탕으로 해양보호구역을 지정 및 관리하고 있으며 해양수산부, 환경부, 문화재청 등이 관련 보호구역들의 지정 및 관리를 담당하고 있다. 보다 체계적인 해양보호구역 관리기반을 구축하기 위하여 정부는 2010년 해양환경관리공단 내 ‘MPA 센터’를 설립하였다. 센터는 보호구역 지정 및 관리, 모니터링 활동, 대중인식 증진 및 교육, 데이터 공유 등을 수행하고 있으며..
본 연구는 Amaryllidoideae속 수선과에 속하는 수선 품종 중 우리나라에서 중부지역의 화단용으로 지속적인 이용이 가능한 품종을 선발하기 위해서 실험을 실시하 였다. 피복의 유무에 따라 생육상태나 자구의 형성이 받 는 영향을 확인하기 위하여 수원소재 국립원예특작과학 원 노지 포장에 2010년 10월과 2011년 11월, 짚피복처 리구에는 생짚을 20cm 두께로 덮어주어 피복을 해주었 고, 무피복처리구에는 피복을 하지 않아 차이를 두었다. Tender III에 속하는 ‘tazetta. Shiro Busa’ 품종은 무피 복처리포장에서 모두 고사하였고 Hardy I에 속하는 ‘Cum Laude’, ‘Texas’ 품종과 Hardy II에 속하는 ‘Apotheas’ 등 14품종은 90-100%의 생존율을 나타내는 등 품종간 생존율에 차이를 보였다. 생존율에서는 차이를 보였지만, 생육상에 차이는 미비하였으며 화색과 부관의 색, 향기의 차이는 없었다. 그러나, Hardy I에 속하는 ‘Cum Laude’ 품종과 Hardy II에 속하는 ‘Apothease’, ‘Ice Follies’, ‘Orange Ice Follies’, ‘Replete’, ‘White Lion’는 초장, 부관의 폭, 화폭 등에서 평균간 유의성을 나타냈다. 자구의 수는 품종간 차이를 보이며, 연간 0-2 개 증가하였음을 확인하였다. 도입 수선품종에는 일반적 으로 사용되던 황색 수선 이외에도 백색, 오렌지색 의 화색을 지니고, 향기가 풍부한 수선도 있었다. 연구 의 결과, 도입수선 26품종 중 수원을 중심으로 한 중부 지방의 무피복상태에서도 화단용으로 지속적인 이용이 가능한 수선 품종은 RHS 분류체계 Hardy I에 속하는 ‘Cum Laude’ 및 ‘Texas’ 와 Hardy II에 속하는 ‘Apothease’, ‘Barrett Browning’, ‘Changing Colors’, ‘Dutch Master’, ‘Eastern Dawn’, ‘Garden Giant’, ‘Ice Follies’, ‘Obdam’, ‘Standard Value’으로 총 11품종이었다.
This paper explores central Asia's area studies and mission strategy focused on culture and islam's identity. This articles attempts significance of the area studies in taking pursuit of mission strategy in Central Asia. By researching Central Asia's historical surroundings, cultural identity, islam’s ideas after break up Soviet Union, it enables us to take out the essence of the mission’s methods in this areas. This article explores examining particularly Central Asia's historical meaning of the Mongolian tradition and the origin of the Central Asia's peoples, study the ideas of the religious essence, above all Islam's fundamentalism and the religiopolitical strategies as a politics of discourse focused on the concept in Central Asia. The history of Central Asia has been about empires and tribes. The concept of nation to denote a triangular relationship among territory, ethnocultural identity, and political authority is very recent in this region. The causeandeffect links between geopolitics and national identification in Central Asia were revealed by religion and national identity. By this conception, we must design mission strategy. The process of religious identity and national identity and Central Asia’s geopolitics have been connected each other, and I emphasized strong significance on the connection of domestic political surroundings and mission strategy. The leap from culture to politics is made by portraying the nation at one moment as a cultural community, and at another, as a political community. Nationalists can build up the nation from different political events and economic surroundings to be fot their country have special culture identity. Chapter II examines cultural mapping as the essence in Central Asia's study. Chapter III reviews islam's identity in Central Asia. Chapter IV analyzes politics factor focused on international relations between the west, USA and the Russia government. The aim of this article is to present a general overview of the mission strategy in examining culture and the ideological concept of the newly governments in Central Asia dealing with the process of the Nation building and State building in this areas.