
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 38

        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        6·25전쟁 시 패퇴하던 북한군에게 있어 중국인민지원군의 지원은 절 대적이었다. 그러나 중국인민지원군은 조중연합사를 구성하여 조선인민 군을 통제하였고 김일성은 추락한 위상을 만회하고 군권을 장악하고자 조중연합사와 협력하고 갈등하며 북한군의 독자적인 군사전략 발전의 필 요성을 느꼈다. 따라서 본 논문은 북한의 주체적인 군사전략이 6·25전쟁 시 조중의 협력과 갈등의 결과로 창출된 것임을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 조중연합사 운용 간 조중이 협력한 사항과 갈등을 빚은 내용을 분석하고, 6·25전쟁 이후 조중의 협력과 갈등이 북한의 주체적 군사전략 발전에 미친 영향을 분석하였다. 연구 결과 6·25전쟁 중 조중 연합사 운용 간 조중의 협력과 갈등은 김일성으로 하여금 주체적인 군사 전략의 필요성을 인식하게 하였고, 김일성은 자위적 안보에 초점을 둔 배합전략과 속전속결전략의 군사전략을 채택하는 계기가 되었음을 확인 할 수 있었다. 또한 이와 같은 군사전략은 국제적 안보환경과 북한의 핵 무력 완성 등에 따라 다소 유동적일 수는 있어도 김일성 주체사상에 기 초한 배합전략과 속전속결전략은 변함없이 이어질 것으로 예견해 볼 수 있다. 이에 대한 대비가 요구되고 있다.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        RCEP will have a significant impact on ASEAN, China and other contracting parties, significantly enhancing the cooperative levels between ASEAN and other essential economies in the region. It can develop the manufacturing industry in ASEAN and China with higher quality. First of all, this study used the Strengths (S), Weaknesses (W), Opportunities (O) and Threats (T) (SWOT) model to analyze the specific impacts of China’s participation in RCEP on the development of ASEAN’s manufacturing industry. Subsequently, strategic recommendations were put forward for the high-quality development of ASEAN’s manufacturing industry under the RCEP cooperation mechanism from four aspects of SO,WO, ST and WT. As the signing of RCEP provides an excellent development opportunity, the ASEAN member countries should carry out deeper cooperation with China; create new strengths for high-quality development of the manufacturing industry; erect a closer regional industrial chain and the supply chain; and promote the realization of a higher level of regional economic integration between ASEAN and China.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        동북아 지역에서 미국과 중국이 세계 유일 초강대국의 지위를 두고 충 돌하는 사이에 일본은 재래식 군사력을 꾸준히 증강시키고 있으며, 러시아 는 영토확장 욕심을 우크라이나 침략전쟁을 통해 나타내고 있다. 국제사회 의 다양한 제재에도 불구하고 지속적으로 핵무장을 추구해온 북한은 이제 한국을 향한 핵무기 사용까지 노골적으로 언급하고 있다. 이처럼 변화하 고 있는 동북아 지역의 안보환경은 세계 10대 경제대국이자 재래식 군사 력 6위권에 있는 한국으로 하여금 독자적으로 생존할 수 있는 생존전략을 모색하도록 요구하고 있다. 동북아 지역에서 미국과 중국이 벌이고 있는 패권경쟁의 틈바구니에 놓인 한국이 독자적으로 생존하고 지속적으로 번 영하기 위해서는 최우선적으로 국민들의 호국정신부터 고양시킨 다음 한 국군을 정예화시켜야 한다. 최근 우크라이나와 러시아간에 진행되고 있는 전쟁상황을 보더라도 외부 위협에 대한 국민들의 저항의지를 고양시키는 것이 가장 중요한 것으로 입증되고 있다. 일대일로 전략을 통해 전 세계의 패권을 장악하려는 중국의 동진 위협에 대응하기 위해서는 미국의 인도- 태평양 전략에 적극적으로 참여해야 하며, 한-미-일 동맹관계를 강화해야 한다. 현실화된 북한의 핵과 미사일 위협은 한국의 생존에 결정적인 영향 을 미치므로 미국의 확장억제 정책에 대한 신뢰도를 높이고, 독자적인 핵 무장을 추진해서 자위권을 확보해야 한다. 낸시 펠로시 미국 하원의장의 대만 방문을 계기로 美·中 충돌 가능성이 더욱 높아져 가고 있다. 20세기 초 국제안보환경 변화에 제대로 대응하지 못해서 일본의 식민지가 되었던 과오를 되풀이하지 않기 위해서는 우리 스스로 생존능력을 갖춰야 한다.
        2022.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since its accession with WTO, China has claimed that free trade agreement makes international trade liberal by reducing trade barriers, establishing a pleasant exchange and flow of goods and services, promoting economic corporation, and enhancing economic growth. As the free trade agreement is inefficacious in gaining mass global consensus, China’s constructive approach towards free trade has induced many debates. By discussing Marxist perspective on free trade, this study begins with analyzing the theoretical source of Marx’s ideas on free trade and aims to apprehend China’s approach towards free trade. The author uses descriptive and critical analysis to understand China’s approach towards free trade based on Marx’s early writings. Further to analyzes the economic and legal aspects of China’s free trade agreement, empirical analysis is used. The paper argues that free trade agreement is a progressive plan and neutral economic policy which can bring economic prosperity in any economy as it holds the potential to be the leading economic concept by offering win-win opportunities to both the Contracting parties.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to suggest the characteristics of online shopping malls and find a way to establish a differentiated marketing Strategy for online shopping malls in China. This study investigated the effect on the loyalty by applying the perceived shopping value (Hedonic Value, Utilitarian Value) of consumers in online shopping malls. In addition, In order to grasp the factors affecting consumer loyalty in online shopping malls, the characteristics of online shopping malls are multidimensional, consisting of product characteristics, recommended quality, benefit services, and community services. In order to obtain the purpose of the study, a questionnaire was surveyed for chinese online shopping experience and the research model was verified through empirical analysis method. Statistical analysis program was used together with SPSS 24.0 and AMOSS 24.0. Looking at the results of the analysis, firstly, the recommended quality and benefit service of online shopping malls are positive for the perceived hedonic value of consumers. The product characteristics and community service were found to have no effect on the hedonic shopping value. Secondly, the product characteristics, recommended quality, benefit service, and community service of online shopping malls on the utilitrian value perceived by consumers were positively affected. Thirdly, the perceived hedonic value has a positive effect on loyalty. Finally, it was confirmed that perceived utilitrian value affects loyalty. Based on the results of this study, a differentiated marketing strategy was established for existing chinese online shopping mall operators and potential new operators as well.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 다양한 한류 문화콘텐츠가 ‘샤인머스켓’의 구매에 미치는 영향을 분석하고, 한류를 활용한 ‘샤인머스켓’ 대중국 수출전략을 제시하였다. 한국의 ‘샤인머스켓’ 재배면적은 빠르게 증가하고 있어 향후 수급불안이 발생할 수 있으 며, 대중국 수출전략을 수립하여 이에 대비할 필요가 있다. 한편, 한류 문화콘텐츠의 중화권 수출액은 지난 10여 년 동안 성장세를 보였지만, 드라마나 영화와 같이 일반적 인기도가 높은 문화콘텐츠는 중국내 반한정서에 취약한 구조로 나타났다. 따라서 한류를 이용한 수출전략 설정 시 이를 충분히 고려해야 한다. 주성분분석을 통해 한류 문화콘텐츠의 특성을 분석한 결과 한류스타 지수와 한류캐릭터 지수가 도출되었다. 한류스타 지수의 경우 드라마, 예능, 음악, 영화와 양의 관계를 보였고, 한류캐릭터 지수의 경우 게임, 도서/웹툰/만화, 애니메이션과 양의 관계를 보였다. 순위로짓모형 분석결과 한류스타 지수와 한류캐릭터 지수가 높은 응답자일수록 한국산 ‘샤인머스켓’ 구매 확률이 더 높았으며, 변수의 중요도는 한류스타 지수보다 한류캐릭터 지수가 더 크게 나타났다. 또한, ‘샤인머스켓’ 선호도가 높고 온라인으로 농산물을 구매하는 응답자는 그렇지 않은 응답자에 비해 한국산 ‘샤인머스켓’을 구매할 확률이 높았으며, 미혼이면서 소득수준이 높을수록 한국산 ‘샤인머스켓’ 구매확률이 높게 나타나는 것으로 분석되었다. 따라서 한류를 이용한 수출전략 중 고객(Customer)관점의 경우는 한류캐릭터 마니아층을 대상으로 추진하는 것이 효과 적이며, 중국에서 인기 있는 한국 게임, 도서/웹툰/만화, 애니메이션 등을 활용하여 홍보활동을 하는 방법과 ‘샤인머스켓’ 캐릭터를 통한 문화콘텐츠 사업으로 홍보효과를 확대하는 방안을 수출전략으로 제시할 수 있다. 가격(Cost)관점의 경우는 고품질의 제품을 수출하고 포장을 고급화하는 고가전략, 유통 (Convenience)관점의 경우는 고급 마트와 온라인 중심의 판로 확보, 커뮤니케이션(Communication)관점의 경우는 SNS를 통한 홍보와 의견수렴 등의 전략을 추진할 수 있다. 본 연구는 한류 마케팅의 방향과 한류 캐릭터를 활용한 ‘샤인머스켓’의 대중 수출전략을 제시하였으며, 향후 ‘샤인머스켓’ 수출전략 수립에 기초자료를 제공하여 국내 ‘샤인머스켓’의 수급불안을 해소하고, 농가소득 증대에 기여 할 것으로 기대된다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As China enters the 21st century, China is strengthening its position as a world power in an international position. However, there are still problems with Three Agricultural(Agricultural, Rural, Farmer) and unbalanced urban and rural villages. China, as one of the largest and most populous nations, values the development of three farms. Strategies such as “The Construction Of New Socialist Countryside” were a policy to solve rural problems, But they were not enough to achieve breakthrough results. In order to achieve more effective results, the Central Committee of THE STATE COUNCIL proposed The Document No.1 of “Opinion on the Implementation of The Rural Revitalization Strategy” in February 4, 2018 and published “The Rural Revitalization Strategy (2018-2022 )”. The Yanbian region, which is the subject of this study, is the home of Korean-Chinese tribes and the Korean autonomous region. As a minority of Chinese ethnic minorities, the Korean-Chinese has their own unique culture, and Yanbian has distinct regional characteristics. As The Rural Revitalization Strategy was raised, Villages is showing positive change in accordance with policy implementation in Yanbian. This study analyzed the current status of policy implementation of The Rural Revitalization Strategy in Yanbian area and analyzed the policy contents and performances based on the of Yanbian Daily News. Based on the results of the analysis, I would like to help in suggesting a more rational development direction and building the villages.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta is one of the 100 most threatening alien species in the world. Originally distributed in parts of South America, it has invaded 24 other countries and regions now. Because of its ferocious habits, rapid reproduction and strong competitiveness, it is easy to outbreaks and cause disaster in a short period of time after the invasion, and will endanger agriculture and forestry, human health, biodiversity and public safety. The fire ant had been found in Taoyuan, Taiwan in September 2003, and Guangdong, mainland China on September 23, 2004. As a new invasive species in south China, although it was paid serious attention by the governments and the scientists, but the fire ant has kept spreading fast after its invasion. In order to delay its expansion and control its infestation, the following research on the fire ant has been carried out and completed 14 years after its invasion in China. To discover the fire ant invasion in mainland China, and reveal its spreading and expanding law, including 1) the genetic diversity, invasive sources, ways, routes, migration and expansion of the fire ant in China at different spatial scales; 2) a system of methods for estimating invasion and expansion; 3) monitor continuously for 14 years to clarify its diffusion dynamics in mainland China. Clarify the catastrophic law and mechanism of the fire ant invasion in mainland China, and include 1) The laws and mechanisms of invasive biology, behavior, population dynamics, ecological adaptation, social immunity, interspecific competition/reciprocity; 2) The disturbance of the fire ant invasion to crops, species relationship, community structure, control pest function, pollination function and soil environment in southern six ecosystems; 3) The laws and mechanisms of inhibiting invasion and restoring diversity in the diverse habitats; 4) New functions of chemosensing related genes and the regulation mechanism of light avoidance behavior. Reveal the basic theory of chemical control of the fire ant, and establish a safe and efficient technical system for emergency control and eradication, such as 1) the transmission toxicity, behavioral toxicity, reproductive disturbance, repellent activity, control effect and environmental effect of 46 insecticides; 2) pesticide-induced killing-queen behavior and its mechanism; 3) standard methods for evaluation of control effect for insecticides. Reveal the basic theory of chemical control of the fire ant, and establish a safe and efficient technical system for emergency control and eradication, such as 1) Five safe and efficient formations and their application technologies, and breakthroughs in high attractiveness, waterproofing formations and application methods, and the control effect of single use with 89% - 97%; 2) emergency prevention and control in 8 types of ecological areas eradication mode and technology system, with the breakthrough of inefficient or ineffective products and technology in rainy and low temperature seasons, and the control effect with 96% - 100%, and local eradication of 19 areas. Put forward risk management strategies, and build up an accurate, efficient and safe monitoring and quarantine technology system, and include 1) the suitability and risk management strategies and techniques based on more extensive research; 2) new monitoring technologies with the accuracy of 98% - 100%; 3) relationship among the three methods, and a monitoring and index system; 4) efficient quarantine technology for entry-exit, occurrence regions and transportation; 5) near infrared reflection ant nest detection system, and information management system; 6) construct the management, technical standards and promotion system, and apply them widely; 7) more than 40 national standards and schemes in a management/technical standard system.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        China, with its rapid growing wealthy consumers, is increasingly becoming a major market for luxury brands and products. It is believed that the growing consumption of wildlife products in China is one of the key factors in the acceleration of global extinction of endangered species. It is certainly not an easy task to reveal consumers’ true motivations behind their purchase, but is even tougher to change their behavior. In the field of wildlife conservation, despite many efforts so far have been made to de-market the consumption, the results are not encouraging. This study is designed to fill the research gap by treating ivory purchase as a type of luxury product purchase in China. Through studying the behavior and its underlying values and motivations, this research is aimed to identify effective communication strategies to curve the ivory consumption in China. Pretest among small groups was first conducted for the purpose of scale validity evaluation. A random stratified sample was obtained from an online panel in China in January 2018. Total 600 usable samples were obtained. The data analysis showed a strong and positive relationship between power distance and materialism; power distance and negative attitude toward social media. Materialism/collectivism is found a strong predicator of positive attitude toward social media and social media usage. While ivory likely buyers associate uncertainty avoidance with materialism and positive attitude toward social network, ivory purchase rejecters demonstrate a positive relationship between long term orientation and materialism; long term orientation and positive attitude toward social media. Based on the strong relationships between materialism and social media usage we found form this study, it is recommended to design a social media campaign to dissociate ivory products from social status; and to associate social status with healthier, greener alternatives (e.g., Tesla car). Advocating desired behavior (e.g., charitable works to save elephants in Africa) in social media and de-advocating the undesired behaviors by celebrities on TV (e.g., ‘No Trading - No Killing’ campaign by YaoMing) is likely to work for likely ivory buyers.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전통적인 아케이드게임 강국이라 불리던 미국이 중국과 일본을 중심으로 발전하고 있는 VR 테 마파크산업 발전에 대항하여 VR 기술의 도입을 적극적으로 추진하고 있다. 한 때 PC방 문화를 이끌면서 온라인 게임강국이란 이름으로 불리던 우리나라 게임업계와 테마파크업계도 에버랜드나 롯데월드와 같은 기존의 대형 놀이공원에 VR 기술을 도입하는 수준이었으나, 최근 송도, 이태원, 홍대, 동대문 등의 시내에 도심형 테마파크들을 속속 개장하면서 VR 테마파크 산업을 새로운 VR 산업의 핵심 분야로 발전시키고 있다. VR 테마파크산업이 발전하기 위해서는 VR 관련 하드웨어나 소프트웨어를 개발하는 민간기업 뿐만 아니라 정부의 지원 대책도 필요하며, 사용자들이 VR 콘텐츠를 체험하는 과정에서 발생 가능한 다양한 문제점들을 극복할 수 있는 대책이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는, 정부의 강력한 지원과 대규모 잠재고객의 확보로 전 세계 VR 테마파크 시장을 선점하고 있는 중국의 VR 테마파크산업과 롤러코스터와 아케이드로 활황을 누렸던 과거의 테마 파크산업을 다시 부흥시키기 위해 VR 기술을 도입하여 VR 테마파크산업을 발전시키려는 미국의 테마파크산업과 비교와 분석을 통해 한국 VR 테마파크산업이 가져야 할 경쟁력 강화 방안을 도출해 보고자 한다.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 해양력이 동아시아 해양공간에 미치는 지정학적 파장과 그 성격의 문제를 다룬다. 마한의 도서국가지배론에서 강조되고 있는 해양력이 갖는 의미를 분석하고, 해양력의 지정학적 성격을 파악한다. 이러한 인 식과 함께, 21세기 현재 중국이 도련선 전략을 통해 태평양으로 진출하고 있는 지정전략적 성격과 그 파장의 문제를 조사한다. 지난 20세기를 전후 한 시기에 일본이 해양력에 기초해서 동아시아 해양공간에서 세력권 확장을 기획하는 대동아공영권 정책을 구체화했고, 21세기에는 중국이 도련선 개념을 구체화하면서 동아시아 해양공간을 관리하려는 지정전략을 구사하 고 있다. 중국의 도련선 전략이 미국을 비롯한 동아시아 국가들의 반발에 직면해 있는 상황에서 한국외교의 해양세력 의존정책이 21세기 현재에도 유용한가에 대한 질문을 던진다.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Focusing on the effectiveness of a glocalization advertising strategy in China, findings suggest that the ethnicity of endorser moderates the effect of bilingual brand naming (use of both foreign and Chinese brand names) on perceptions of a brand’s luxury quality. Introduction Given a long debate between standardization and localization, many corporations, as a solution, prefer to use both (Featherstone 1990, Sklair, 1995; Friedman, 1999). The right balance of standardization and localization is viewed as the key to success of brands being implemented at a global level, especially in countries the cultural values of which completely differ from those of the brand’s country of origin. The degree of standardization or localization in advertising is determined by various advertising elements. Advertising transfers cultural meaning through signs such as language, aesthetics, endorsers, and so forth, with brands hoping that target audiences positively associate the cultural meanings with the advertised brand (Leclerc, Schmitt & Dubé, 1994; Schmitt, Pan & Tavassoli, 1994; Cheng & Schweitzer, 1996). A brand name and the ethnicity of an endorser, out of the advertising signs, have been recognized as significant cues for conveying a brand image to consumers. This suggests that, in such a place as China, a foreign brand name or a foreign endorser in advertising produces more positive advertising-related responses for a product with foreign characteristics, compared with a Chinese brand name or a Chinese endorser (Zhang & Zhang, 2010). However, when taking a combination of the two strategies or considering the extent of localization in China, little is known about the effectiveness of a glocalization strategy in global advertising in China, which is one of the most attractive international markets to global brands, in particular, luxury brands. In reality, consistent with the argument that the combination of standardization and localization is effective, a number of luxury brands (e.g., Chanel ‘香奈儿’, Dior ‘迪奥’, Bottega Veneta ‘葆蝶家’, Estée Lauder ‘雅诗兰黛’, etc.) create their Chinese brand names when entering the Chinese market while retaining their foreign brand names. This is because most foreign brand names are either too complicated or lengthy, making it difficult for Chinese consumers to remember them or pronounce them (Zheng, 2013). Therefore, the current study attempts to examine the effectiveness of bilingual brand names as a means of a glocalization strategy. Specifically, this study investigates how languages of brand name (presentation of brand name: foreign brand name only vs. Chinese brand name only vs. both of the foreign and Chinese brand names) and the ethnicity of an endorser (Western vs. Chinese) affect consumer perception of the brand’s luxuriousness and consequently influence purchase intention. Method A 3 (language of brand name: foreign brand name only vs. Chinese brand name only vs. both foreign and Chinese brand names) x 2 (ethnicity of celebrity endorser: Western vs. Chinese) between-subject experimental study was conducted to test proposed hypotheses. Six versions of a manipulated print advertisement represented the experimental conditions. For the experiment, data were collected from a sample of 150 undergraduate students in Mainland China through a snowballing sampling technique. To increase internal validity, undergraduate students were used as the sample in the current study as it is suggested that university students are relatively a homogeneous group to reduce individual differences. In addition, considering that most of consumers for luxury goods in China are under 45 years old (Atsmon & Dixit, 2009), and the younger generation (25-35 years old) has been growing into the core consumers for luxury goods in China (Bain & Company, 2014), undergraduates are the potential consumers of luxury brands as they will, in the near future, accumulate consumption power. All subjects logged onto the study’s website, where they were randomly assigned to one of the six experimental conditions. LONGINES, a Switzerland luxury watch brand, was selected as the representative of a luxury brand for subjects, as this particular brand embraces a high degree of localization, having both English and Chinese brand names and both foreign and Chinese celebrity endorsers. It also enjoys high awareness among Chinese consumers. To manipulate the language of the brand name, three variations were used: presentation of brand name in a foreign language [LONGINES], presentation of brand name in Chinese [ 浪琴], and presentation of both brand names in a print advertisement. In the history of its advertising, LONGINES has employed 15 celebrity endorsers, 4 being Chinese. To manipulate the ethnicity of the celebrity endorser, out of the 15 endorsers, Simon Baker and Kate Winslet were selected as Western endorsers while Aaron Kwok, and Lin Chi-ling were used as Chinese endorsers. To reduce confounding effects by using a real brand, brand familiarity and brand attitude were included as covariates in the study. Findings Luxurious Perception of the Brand While controlling brand familiarity (p < .05) and brand attitude (p < .001), the language of the brand name, F(2,142) = 5.254, p < .01, had a significant main effect on the perception of a brand’s luxury quality. More specifically, a follow-up post hoc test indicated that subjects who saw the ad presenting the foreign brand name in Latin showed a stronger perception of a brand’s luxury quality than did those exposed to the ads that presented the Chinese brand name or both of the foreign and Chinese brand names. However, we found no significant difference between the presentation of the Chinese brand name and the presentation of both foreign and Chinese brand names. On the other hand, the ethnicity of the endorser was not found to have a significant effect on the perception of a brand’s luxury quality (p > .05). The results further revealed a significant interaction between the language of the brand name and the ethnicity of the endorser on the perception of a brand’s luxury quality, F(2,142) = 5.647, p < .01. Specifically, Figure 1 shows that both brand names produced a weaker perception of a brand’s luxury quality than the foreign brand name only when the Western endorser is presented, however, both brand names produced an equal effect to the foreign brand name only when the Chinese endorser is presented. The language of brand name, while controlling brand familiarity (p < .05) and brand attitude (p < .001), exhibited a significant effect on purchase intention, F(2,142) = 3.472, p < .05. A follow-up post hoc test revealed that the presentation of the foreign brand name or both of the foreign and Chinese brand names in the ad generated higher purchase intention than the presentation of the Chinese brand name. However, there was no significant difference between the conditions of the foreign brand name and the both brand names. With respect to the main effect of the ethnicity of an endorser on purchase intention, the data did not exhibit a significant effect (p > .05). No significant interaction effect between the language of brand name and the ethnicity of an endorser emerged (p > .05). Mediating Role of Luxurious Perception of the Brand To confirm the moderated mediation of the perception of a brand’s luxury quality on purchase intention, the PROCESS macro model 8 was performed. The study found significant effects of the interaction on the perception of a brand’s luxury quality: βBrand name x Endorser = .54, SE = .17, p < .01. Then, when we examined the joint effects of the interaction effect and luxurious perception of the brand on purchase intention, no significant effect was found from the interaction; βBrand name x Endorser = -.02, SE = .24, p > .05, emerged on purchase intention. However, the effect of the perception of a brand’s luxury quality was still significant; βBrand name x Endorser = .33, SE = .12, p < .01. This implies that the interaction effect of the two independent variables had an indirect effect on purchase intention through the perception of a brand’s luxury quality (CI95, 1,000 bootstrapped samples [.0492, .4229]). Specifically, the perception of a brand’s luxury quality mediated the effect of the language of brand name on purchase intention only in the condition of a Western endorser (CI95: [-.3161, -.0429]), but not in the condition of a Chinese endorser (CI95: [-.0298, .1254]). Discussion The study supports the argument that a brand name is a strong cue for consumer judgment (Thakor & Lavack, 2003; De Mooij, 2010; Elena & Segev, 2012) by suggesting that when a brand uses a foreign brand name (Roman Alphabet), consumers are more likely to view the brand as luxurious; also consumers are more likely to be willing to purchase the brand than when it uses a Chinse brand name. Interestingly, bilingual brand naming has been found to be somewhat complicated. The study suggests that using both foreign and Chinese brand names is as ineffective as using a Chinese brand name only for luxurious perception of the brand. This may be because the use of a Chinese brand name along with a foreign brand name dilutes the cultural meanings (e.g., status, social distinction, etc.) that the foreign brand name on its own transfers to consumers. With respect to purchase intention, however, the use of bilingual brand naming produces an effect equal to the use of a foreign brand name only. This finding indicates that a brand name may be more associated with the perception of brand’s luxury quality than intention to purchase the brand. This further implies that the effectiveness of a glocalization strategy of the brand name by adding a Chinese brand name to an original foreign brand name should be considered with caution. In addition, the current study extends prior research on multi-cue models of country-of-origin effects by demonstrating the moderating role of the ethnicity of an endorser in the effectiveness of the language of a brand name. When a brand uses a Western celebrity endorser, the glocalization strategy of bilingual brand naming seems to be less effective; consumers have a weaker perception of a brand’s luxury quality, compared with a foreign brand name. However, bilingual brand naming is just as effective as foreign brand naming when it uses a Chinese celebrity as the endorser. Supporting previous findings about the synergistic effect of multiple foreign cues (Huang, Fan, & Zhou, 2008), this study implies while the foreign brand name still serves as a foreign cue in bilingual brand naming, the Chinese brand name attenuates the positive effect of the foreign brand name and weakens the synergistic effect from the foreign cues of the foreign brand name and the Western endorser. On the other hand, when a Chinese celebrity endorses the brand, there may not be a synergistic effect from the multiple foreign cues of the foreign brand name and the endorser. Therefore, adding a Chinese brand name to a foreign brand name may not significantly moderate the positive effect of the foreign brand name. Finally, this paper suggests that consumer perception of a product having luxury quality seems to be a strong driver in determining the purchase of a luxury brand, especially when a western celebrity endorsers the brand. Managerially, the study provides insights into the selection of an effective brand-naming strategy and an endorser for advertising when luxury brands do business in the Chinese market. Bilingual brand naming is becoming a common practice in China. Given such a trend in China, is the glocalization strategy on brand naming being deemed effective? If viewing advertising effectiveness from the perspective of enhancing luxurious brand image, the strategy of bilingual brand naming seems to work poorly in China compared with standardized foreign brand naming. It may not be that simple, though, because multiple cues are used to infer cultural meanings of luxury brands and, furthermore, the cues would interact with one another. Considering that many luxury brands use celebrities, especially Chinese celebrities in the Chinese market, foreign or bilingual brand naming is critical to the success of luxury brands, yielding equal effectiveness in luxury perception. This implies that if a brand uses a foreign brand name only, a Western endorser would be more desirable. If the brand adopts bilingual brand naming, then utilizing a Chinese endorser would seem advisable. The study further suggests that the localized strategy in brand name–the use of a Chinese brand name only–is not a good idea for luxury brands in China.
        2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        China’s OBOR Initiative charts a path for trade and investment cooperation between China and States along the OBOR. Indirect expropriation stands as a crucial issue for the successful implementation of the OBOR initiative. This mainly owes to the large size of investment projects and investment funds, scant regulation of indirect expropriation in the IIAs signed between China and OBOR States, and the diverse political and economic environments of these many States. This article examines the definition and identification standards of indirect expropriation under OBOR IIAs. It will also reveal that indirect expropriation is poorly defined and insufficiently identified in most agreements. It is argued that OBOR IIAs should be revised to regulate indirect expropriation in such three aspects as preambular declaration of host State regulatory freedom, definitional clarity of indirect expropriation, and guidance for its identification. This approach would facilitate a more stable investment environment and contribute to the success of the OBOR initiative.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        일본의 핵심 통상전략은 미국과의 협력을 전제로 중국과 경제관계를 강화함과 동시에 중 국을 견제하는 것이었다. 그런데 최근 20년 동안 중국이 빠른 경제성장을 통해서 G2로 부상 하면서 일본의 이러한 통상전략은 변화를 맞고 있다. 특히 오늘날 동아시아를 무대로 중국의 메가 FTA 확산 및 일대일로 구상이 구체화되면서 일본은 자국 중심의 세력 구축을 통해서 중국을 견제하려는 전략을 강화해 왔다. 하지만 최근 출범한 미국의 트럼프 정권 하에서는 이러한 일본의 대(對)중국 통상전략이 또 한번 큰 전환을 맞을 것으로 예상된다. 본고에서는 지난 20년 동안의 일본의 대중국 통상구조 및 전략의 변화를 분석함으로써 향후의 중일 통상 관계에 대해 예측하고자 한다.
        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The rice growing area in Yunnan province of China can be divided into six regions based on climate weather conditions, altitude, ecotype of rice varieties, eco-system, and so on as follows: the alpine and high elevation area of Japonica rice, the cold and warm area of Japonica rice, the Indica and Japonica rice area, the single and double cropping area, the paddy and upland rice area, and the single cropping area of Indica rice. In Yunnan, the annual acreage of rice cultivation has been maintained about 1 million hectares, only 3.8 percent of China’s paddy fields. Amounts of unhulled rice production in 2013 was estimated to be around 6.7 million tons. And average unhulled rice yield per ha was 5.79 tons to 6.70 tons during 2011 to 2013. The three major breeding stages commonly have been for rice breeding program: selection of purelines from native varieties by the first 1960s.: dissemination of introduced varieties from foreign countries in the mid 1960s through 1970s; and creation of new developed varieties by hybridization followed by selection after 1980s. In terms of developing Joponica rice variety, its breeding objectives has been set differently depending on altitude: high yielding, grain quality, cold tolerance, and adaptable to low nitrogen fertilizer varieties for growing in areas of 2,100 m to 2,600 m above the sea level; high yielding, grain quality, resistance to disease, and cold tolerance varieties for cultivating in areas of 1,800 m to 2,100 m; and high yielding, grain quality, resistance to disease, and lodging tolerance varieties for planting in areas of 1,450 m to 1,800 m. In addition, researchers are breeding Japonica hybrid varieties for improving yield potentials in Yunnan Agricultural University.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper analyses the importance of innovation for 680 EU multinationals subsidiaries involved in international marketing in China, the period of 1998-2009, using unbalanced panel data analysis. To date, the literature on EU subsidiaries has failed to consider product innovation in the strategy interplay in approaching new markets overseas. Building on the resource-based view of the firm, linked with host economic and political institutions, the authors empirically examine the inferential marketing strategy in an EU-China context, by applying econometric techniques to investigate innovation capabilities and to test the presence of agglomeration effect of past innovation activities. We find that EU innovation in China is influenced by both host country institutions and firm capabilities, rendering support to the theory. Our analysis indicates EU subsidiaries’ innovation is positively related to firm advertisement, labour training and host market size. R&D expenditure has a negative bearing on innovation. However, openness has a negative and significant effect on product innovation in China. The study findings have important implications for research on international marketing, new venture decision making, and overseas innovation expansion strategies.
        2014.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국의 2012년도 가정용 음식물처리기 수입 시장 규모는 1억호 이상의 가정 중 1%에도 못 미치는 보급률에도 불구하고 약 2400만 달러로, 현재까지는 가정용음식물 쓰레기에 대해서는 특별한 규제가 없으며 정부의 수거 및 재활용 계획이 일부 시범지역에 국한되어 있었으나 점차 확대될 전망으로 향후 큰 시장잠재력을 가지고 있음. 선호 가격대와 타겟에 대한 분석 이후, 분리수거가 활성화된 지역 중심으로 중국 하수관거의 특징 등을 고려한 기술을 채택한 제품을 개발하여 진출하는 것이 바람직함
        2013.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In 2013, the Chinese government formulated the "Action Plan for Green Building ", which focuses on the task clearly should actively promote the construction of rural housing. In this paper, for the question about how to promote the cold region of China rural house green, put forward to improve the quality of residential priority, to save energy resources as the most important,and to use pervasive technology-based applications as the main content,which is basic principles.The paper also proposed four technical strategies for a new house on the village is to use local natural resources, to optimize the design to improve the quality of living,to reduce shape coefficient to adjust the layout,to improve the insulation properties of architecture maintenance in structure increases.And with the above principles and technology strategies,I design a green rural house which reflect on the characteristics of cold region.
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