The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of simulation-based Korea advanced life support training on new nurses' knowledge, clinical performance ability, performer confidence, and learning satisfaction. Methods: This is a non-equivalent controlled pre-post quasi-experimental study. A simulation-based CPR training program was applied to 37 new nurses. Results: The experimental group scored lower on emergency management knowledge (83.65±7.61) than the control group (84.55±9.22), which was not significant (t=-4.46, p=.657). However, the clinical performance ability score was significantly higher in the experimental group (109.59±9.98) than in the control group (100.24±11.87) (t=3.581, p <.001). Performer confidence was significantly higher in the experimental group (23.43±3.29) than in the control group (19.90±3.85) (t=3.69, p〈.001). In addition, the learning satisfaction score of the experimental group (96.16±5.64) was significantly higher than the control group (88.42±11.13) (t=3.72, p< .001). Conclusion: This study confirmed that simulation training is an efficient way to improve new nurses' clinical performance ability, and performer confidence. Therefore, applying simulation training in scenarios can improve new nurses' work competence and contribute to improving the quality of patient care.
Background: Floor sit-to-stand (FSTS) places a higher load on the knees than chair sit-to-stand (CSTS). It is difficult to experimentally measure the maximum knee joint force during sit-to-stand motion. Objectives: This study's objectives were twofold: firstly, to quantify the differences in knee joint force between FSTS and CSTS, and secondly, to identify the angles at which the maximum knee joint force occurs during these motions. Design: Computer simulation study. Method: This study was conducted on 4 adult male subjects in their 20s. The FSTS and CSTS motion trajectories of the subjects were acquired using 3- dimensional motion analysis equipment. Using these, the human body mass model of the program was modified according to the subject, and the knee joint force was calculated. Also, the knee angle at which the maximum knee joint force occurs was found. Results: When the subjects performed the FSTS motion, a knee joint force that was up to about 160% higher than that of the CSTS motion occurred, and the angle at which the maximum knee joint force occurred was different between the sitting sequence(FSTS motion: 56~58 degree, CSTS motion: 78~82 degree) and the standing sequence(FSTS motion: 98~100 degree, CSTS motion: 70~74 degree). Conclusion: By comparing FSTS motion with CSTS motion, it is expected that it can be used as a quantitative guide for the effect of motion similar to FSTS motion on the knee when prescribing exercise for the elderly or patients with knee-related lesions.
In this study, computer simulation of the drawbridge structure was performed to verify the validity of the design and to evaluate its safety. For this, the follower bracket was modeled, and the parts of the follower bracket were connected using 1D elements. The boundary condition applied moments to the rotation shaft of the girder gear in the clockwise and counterclockwise directions, and the connection between the upper parts was modeled using 1D elements to model the bolted connection. In case of rotational shaft deformation, an analysis was performed on the displacement occurring in the structure during the opening/closing operation. As a result of structural analysis of the follower bracket for various cases, the stress at the connection was lower than the tensile strength and yield strength, so it was evaluated as safe. Through this, we intend to use it as a data that can identify anomalies.
Hydro-forming technology is a technology that will replace the existing press-forming technology and is used in various industry range from automotive parts to electronic products. The advantage of this technology is that it has dramatically changed the existing processing method, and it can be said that the process reduction due to the reduction of parts, cost reduction, and high precision are mentioned. In this study, it is intended to present a design process using computer simulation by changing the sub-frame for automotive parts produced with the existing press forming technology to the hide-forming method. To this end, it is intended to use it as part design data by comparatively analyzing the cross-sectional shape and thickness reduction, which are the major factors necessary to determine the successful development of the developed parts.
Due to global climate change, mega-droughts have occurred frequently. Since long-term droughts make it difficult to secure the water resources, water supply needs to be restricted in a reasonable manner. In the event of limited water supply, the waterworks need to develop a restricted water supply strategy. This study showed that analyzing daily water supply could be used to respond to the first stage of a drought. According to an analysis of Korea's major water authorities, there was about 7~21% of room for daily minimum water supply in case of a drought. Restricting the water supply by lowering pressure is a good strategy for local water authorities with high water leakage rate since leakage is inversely dependent with pressure. For this method, it is necessary to quantify water deficiency and pressure at each node using a simulation. Since DDA-based software is not possible to predict changes in demand at nodes with pressure reduction, WaterGEMS, a PDA software, was used to quantitatively predict water shortages and pressures at each node. Locations where water is deficient need to install booster pumps or to be dispatched with water tank truck and bottled water. Without these support, lowering pressure could not be an option for water works. This paper suggests a method for waterworks to plan a drought by lowering pressure to restrict water supply using daily water supply analysis and PDA based simulation.
고분자 소재 및 이를 이용하여 제조된 분리막에 주로 활용되는 전산모사 도구들은 모사대상의 크기 및 모사하고자 하는 시간에 따라 여러 가지 분야로 나뉘어진다. 본 총설에 소개되는 전산모사는 그 중에서 전산재료화학에 주로 사용되는 양자역학(quantum mechanics; QM), 분자동역학(molecular dynamics; MD), 메조스케일 전산모사(mesoscale modelling), 이 렇게 3가지로 분류된다. 고분자 연구에서 사용되는 전산모사는 각각의 전산모사의 종류마다 연구내용이 달라지는데, 양자역학은 분자, 원자, 전자 등 미시적인 계의 현상을 다루어 작은 크기의 현상을 연구하고, 분자동역학은 원자들 사이의 퍼텐셜 또는 힘이 주어졌을 때 뉴턴의 운동방정식에 따른 원지 및 분자의 움직임을 수치적으로 풀어내고, 메조스케일 모델링은 원자 들을 묶어서 그룹형태로 만들어 비드를 형성해 비교적 큰 분자량에서 계산시간을 줄여 거시적으로 판단하는 연구가 된다. 본 총설에서는 고분자 및 고분자 분리막에 주로 활용되는 다양한 전산모사 프로그램을 위에서 분류한 3가지 종류로 나누어 각각의 특징과 사용분야 등을 소개하고자 한다.
Contemporary people want to develop their bodies to enhance quality of life. Although weight-training machines have been mainly developed with this trend based on intuition and experience, this study attempted to improve and verify those products through computer simulations using the musculoskeletal model of the human body.
An arm-curl machine, a weight-training machine for arm exercise, was chosen for this research and the improved exercise effects were observed. The existing exercise that moves the scapula on the axis of the elbow with raised forearm is effective for biceps but not for triceps and adjacent muscles. Thus we suggested the idea for a new concept arm-curl machine that also raises the scapula after raising the forearm. To verify the effects of this new exercise, we manufactured arm-curl linkage.
The experiments found that the exercise effects of the biceps were maintained, and the exercise effects of the triceps remarkably improved. These findings verified the effects of the proposed new concept arm-curl linkage.
고분자 분리막을 구성하고 있는 고분자의 종류에 따른 화학구조는 고분자 분리막의 특성을 결정짓는 가장 중요한 요소가 된다. 그러나, 고분자의 경우 다양한 주쇄 구조 및 작용기 구조, 그리고 복잡한 구조적 특징을 갖기 때문에, 기존의 실험적인 방법을 통한 분석으로는 정확한 내부 구조를 파악하는 데에 한계가 있다. 양자역학, 분자동역학 등 분자 전산모사 기술은 이러한 고분자의 내부 구조를 원자 및 분자 수준에서 직접 파악하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다. 이외에도 메조스케일 전산모사 기술은 원자를 그룹화하여 하나의 구슬(bead)로 표현을 하기 때문에 더 큰 분자 구조의 모사가 가능하고 이를 통하여 상분리 등의 특성 분석에 효과적이다. 본 발표에서는 이러한 다양한 전산모사 기술을 이용한 고분자 분리막의 특성 분석에 대해 소개하고자 한다.
롤 투 플레이트 시스템은 인쇄 전자에서 가장 경제적이고 효과적인 방법 중 하나이다. 본 논문에서는 롤 투 플레이트 시스템의 틈새출구에서 PDMS의 공동 변화가 유체 흐름의 어떠한 영향을 미치는지, 또 플레이트에 어떻게 전이되는가를 시뮬레이션을 통해 규명하였다. 실험은 IGT-C1 인쇄적성 실험기를 이용하여 전이율, 인쇄 밀도, 프린트 스루, 분할점 등과 같은 데이터를 측정하여, 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 결과 값들과 비교 분석하였다. 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션은 Flow 모델을 뉴토니언 모델로 생성하여, Navier-Stokes 방정식을 기반으로 한 패키지 소프트웨어인 Polyflow와 Flow 3D로 시뮬레이션 하였고, 시뮬레이션 결과와 실험 결과는 잘 일치하였다.
For a die casting mold, generally, the casting layout design should be considered based on the relation among injection system, casting condition, gate system, and cooling system. Also, the extent or the location of product defects was differentiated according to the various relations of the above conditions. In this research, in order to optimize the casting layout design of an automotive Oil Pan_DX2E, Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation was performed with two layout designs by using the simulation software (AnyCasting). The simulation results were analyzed and compared carefully in order to apply them into the production die-casting mold. During the filling process with two models, internal porosities caused by air entrapments were predicted and also compared with the modification of the gate system and overflow. With the solidification analysis, internal porosities occurring during the solidification process were predicted and also compared with the modified gate system.
When manufacturing die casting mold, generally, the casting layout design should be considered based on the relation among injection system, casting condition, gate system, and cooling system. Also, the extent or the location of product defects was differentiated according to the various relations of the above conditions.
In this research, in order to optimizing casting layout design of an automobile part (Oil Pan_DX2E) Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation was performed with two layout designs by using the simulation software (AnyCasting). The simulation results were analyzed and compared carefully in order to apply them into the production die-casting mold. During the mold filling with two models, internal porosities caused by air entrap were predicted and also compared by the modification of the gate system and the configuration of overflow. With the solidification analysis, internal porosities caused by the solidification shrinkage were predicted and also compared by the modification of the gate system.
Recently, self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS), related to metallic and ceramic powder inter- actions, has attracted huge interest from more and more researchers, because it can provide an attractive, energy-efficient approach to the synthesis of simple and complex materials. The adiabatic temperature Tad and apparent activation energy analysis of different thermit systems plays an important role in thermodynamic studies on combustion synthesis. After establishing and verifying a mathematic calculation program for predicting adiabatic temperatures, based on the thermo- dynamic theory of combustion synthesis systems, the adiabatic temperatures of the NiO/Al aluminothermic system dur- ing self-propagating high-temperature synthesis were investigated. The effect of a diluting agent additive fraction on combustion velocity was studied. According to the simulation and experimental results, the apparent activation energy was estimated using the Arrhenius diagram of ln(v/Tad)~1/Tad based on the combustion equation given by Merzhanov et al. When the temperature exceeds the boiling point of aluminum (2,790 K), the apparent activation energy of the NiO/ Al aluminothermic system is 64 ± 14 kJ/mol. In contrast, below 2,790 K, the apparent activation energy is 189 ± 15 kJ/ mol. The process of combustion contributed to the mass-transference of aluminum reactant of the burning compacts. The reliability of the simulation results was experimentally verified.
In accordance with increase of the leisure time due to the recent economical development of the people, since the interest on the cultural performance becomes high, the construction of various performance hall is on increasing in domestic. However, in case of the multi-purpose hall constructed in domestic, because the various genres performances are performed in the one space without any special variable equipment, those of many problems have been raised that unable to satisfy the acoustic capability suitable to the purpose of performance. In case of the performance place such as the multipurpose hall, it is the requiring real situation that the variable typed system-equipped performance hall which able to adjust the acoustic characteristics suitable to each performances. Accordingly, this study has ever predicted the optimized acoustic performance through computer simulation before-opening the hall, also has ever evaluated the acoustic performance through the actual survey after-opening the hall. It is considered that such study result could be utilized as the most useful material when construction the similar multipurpose hall equipped with the variable typed system, hereafter.
컴퓨터의 성능이 향상되면서 시뮬레이션 기반의 자연 현상 표현 기법에 대한 수요가 늘어나고 있다. 특히 컴퓨터 게임의 배경으로 많이 나오는 바다와 강의 표면을 표현하기 위해 다양한 수면 시뮬레이션 기술이 소개되고 있다. 이 러한 수면 표현 기법은 사실적인 효과를 줄 수 있지만 계산의 복잡성으로 인해 게임에는 제한적으로 적용되어왔다. 본 논문에서는 컴퓨터 게임을 위한 빠르고 자연스러운 수면 표현 기법을 제시한다. 제시된 기법은 게임 엔진 등에 적 용되어 다양한 삼차원 컴퓨터 게임에 응용될 것으로 예상된다.
With the development of the Korean economy, the number of arson fire has been radically increased and become a huge problem and issue in Korea Society for last several decades. This study is to establish the fire life safety strategy regarding the arson fire through researching domestic fire statistics and performing the computer simulation based on fire scenarios with cutting edge techniques and methods for fire characteristics and fire dynamic. In addition, to design the fire life safety strategy depending on the arson fire pattern, the flow and characteristics of fire flames and smoke are analyzed by the computer modeling.
With the development of the Korean economy, the number of arson fire has been radically increased and become a huge problem and issue in Korea Society for last several decades. This study is to establish the fire life safety strategy regarding the arson fire through performing the computer simulation based on fire scenarios with researching domestic fire statistics and cutting edge techniques and methods for fire characteristics and fire dynamic. In addition, to design the fire life safety strategy depending on the arson fire pattern, the flow and characteristics of fire flames and smoke is analyzed by the computer modeling.