
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 64

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Construction cost estimates are important information for business feasibility analysis in the planning stage of road construction projects. The quality of current construction cost estimates are highly dependent on the expert's personal experience and skills to estimate the arithmetic average construction cost based on past cases, which makes construction cost estimates subjective and unreliable. An objective approach in construction cost estimation shall be developed with the use of machine learning. In this study, past cases of road projects were analyzed and a machine learning model was developed to produce a more accurate and time-efficient construction cost estimate in teh planning stage. METHODS : After conducting case analysis of 100 road construction, a database was constructed including the road construction's details, drawings, and completion reports. To improve the construction cost estimation, Mallow's Cp. BIC, Adjusted R methodology was applied to find the optimal variables. Consequently, a plannigs-stage road construction cost estimation model was developed by applying multiple regression analysis, regression tree, case-based inference model, and artificial neural network (ANN, DNN). RESULTS : The construction cost estimation model showed excellent prediction performance despite an insufficient amount of learning data. Ten cases were randomly selected from the data base and each developed machine learning model was applied to the selected cases to calculate for the error rate, which should be less than 30% to be considered as acceptable according to American Estimating Association. As a result of the analysis, the error rates of all developed machine learning models were found to be acceptable with values rangine from 17.3% to 26.0%. Among the developed models, the ANN model yielded the least error rate. CONCLUSIONS : The results of this study can help raise awareness of the importance of building a systematic database in the construction industry, which is disadvantageous in machine learning and artificial intelligence development. In addition, it is believed that it can provide basic data for research to determine the feasibility of construction projects that require a large budget, such as road projects.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The primary purpose of this study is to develop a framework for predicting the demand and distribution of pedestrians when an open space zone is built at the top through the undergroundization of the Gyeongin Expressway. METHODS : After analyzing the current status through a survey on the number of people, students, surrounding traffic volume, and future socioeconomic indicators, the rate of change in the floating population and the rate of increase and decrease in the traffic volume of pedestrians were calculated to evaluate the effect. In addition, microscopic analysis results were derived by setting a pedestrian analysis zone (PAZ). A walking environment index (WEI) was developed that can quantitatively evaluate the degree of walking activation by indicating walking-related surrounding environmental factors. Based on this, a walking demand prediction model was developed. In addition, the results were validated by calculating the walking volume through a micro-simulation in/around the open space zone. RESULTS : The number of crosswalks and schools, transit development indicators, and pedestrian volume increased as the WEI value increased. However, the log form of the distance was observed to be a factor that reduced walking. CONCLUSIONS : This study attempted to reliably predict the demand for walking on the Gyeongin Expressway by calculating the amount of induced walking and the amount of passing walking. The pedestrian demand can be boosted by improving walking environments.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to develop an optimal placement of the overturning prevention device based on a 3D object model during the development of the girder-type overturning prevention device for the remote control construction of bridges METHODS : Based on existing construction methods and literature research, a detailed design model of a phase-optimized conduction prevention device is presented. The 3D-object model data, optimal placement, and an operating range of the equipment developed for the remote control construction of bridge girders were considered. RESULTS : The shape of the overturning prevention device was selected taking into account the dimensions and operating range of numerous devices developed for the remote control construction of the bridge. In particular, the detachable device was chosen to allow a trouble-free construction considering the spacing between the pier cap of the bridge and the girders. The overturning prevention device presented based on this 3D object model will be manufactured as a mock-up and used for a demonstration project on remote control bridge construction. CONCLUSIONS : This will enable easy and economical construction as this development will support remote control construction of bridge girders to avoid accidents such as workers falling from high places like piers.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 문화간 감수성 함양을 위해 설계된 대학 중국문화수업에 적합한 검사도구를 제안하고자 Rasch의 평정척도모형을 사용하여 양호한 문항을 선별하고 이 문항들로만 구성된 단축판을 구성하는데 있다. 이를 위해 대학생 225명의 응답자료를 분석하여, 응답범주의 적절성, 문항의 내․외적합도, 문항난이도, 피험자 능력 분포 등을 분석하였다. 연구결과, 응답범주는 5점 척도보다 4점 척도로 일 때, 문항 및 피험자 분리지수, 검사 신뢰도가 가장 높았으며, 문항난이도 분포 및 피험자 능력 분포가 적합하였다. 범주확률곡선 분석에서도 응답범주별 경계점수의 차이가 뚜렷하였다. 최종문항 선정과정에서 과적합보다 부적합 문항을 우선 삭제하였으며 해당 문항의 난이도가 그 영역의 다른 문항에 의해 측정되지 않는 문항을 재검토하였다. 최종적으로 선정된 18문항을 대상으로 단축판을 구성하였고 문항난이도를 고려하여 문항의 순서를 재배열하였다. 끝으로 단축판 검사의 활용방안과 본 연구의 제한점을 제시하였다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed the water quality characteristics and developed empirical models prior to and after the construction of Baekje Weir, in the Geum River watershed between 2004-2017. The comparative evaluation of the surface water chemistry before and after the four major river projects on the weirs indicated that total phosphorus (TP), based on annual data, rapidly decrease after the construction of the weir while the total nitrogen (TN) decreased. Conversely, chlorophyll-a (CHL) concentration, which is a good indicator of primary productivity, increased after the construction of the weir together with an increase in specific conductivity. Simply put, the construction of the weir led to the decrease in concentrations of N and P due to the increased water residence time (WRT), whereas the CHL : TP ratio greatly increased in magnitude. The regression analysis of the empirical model indicated that CHL had no significant relation (r=0.068, p=0.6102, n=58) with TP before the weir construction, but had a relation with TP after the weir construction (r=0.286, p<0.05, n=56). Therefore, such conditions resulted in an increase in primary productivity on a given unit of phosphorus, resulting in frequent algal blooms. In contrast, seasonal suspended solids (SS) and TP increased during the monsoon period, compared to the pre-monsoon, thereby showing positive correlations (r>0.40, p<0.01, n=163) with precipitation. If the government consistently discharges water from the weir, the phosphorus concentration will be increased due to its reversion to a lotic waterbody from a lentic waterbody hereby reducing algal blooms in the future.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 야외지질답사 장소를 개발하고 과학적 모델의 사회적 구성을 야외지질학습에 적용하는 것이다. Orion(1993)의 가상의 공간(Novelty Space)과 2015 개정 교육과정 성취기준을 고려하고 답사 장소를 개발하였다. G 영재 교육원 과학과 8명 학생을 대상으로 ‘관악산 형성과정’이라는 것을 주제로 하여 총 5차시 분량의 과학적 모델의 사회적 구성을 활용한 야외지질학습을 실시하였다. 야외지질학습 전후로 1차시 분량의 설문 검사를 통해 학생들의 개념 이해 정도를 파악하고, 심층 면담에서는 개념 확인과 야외지질학습의 정의적인 면을 다루었다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫 번째, 야외 답사 장소는 계곡 하류와 상류로 각각 명명하였고 변성암, 화강암, 절리, 포획암, 광물 입자를 관찰하도록 구성하였다. 두 번째, 사전 조사에서 관악산은 화산으로 만들어졌다고 응답한 학생이 7명이었다. 반면, 야외지질학습이 종료된 이후에는 7명 학생이 화강암의 형성과정을 설명하고 변성암을 예시로 지질시대를 이야기 하는 것으로 시간적인 스케일을 이해했음을 보여주었다. 더욱이 심층면담에서 지질학에 대한 낮은 성취를 보여주는 학생이 야외지질학습에 대해 긍정적인 답변을 주었다. 즉, 학습의 정의적인 면을 고려하였을 때 야외지질학습에 과학적 모델의 사회적 구성 활용이 효과적일 수 있다는 것을 보여준다. 이번 연구는 지질교육에 모델을 적용한 사례이고 동시에 교사에게 야외답사 장소를 제공할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 야외지질학습에 과학적 모델의 사회적 구성을 적용한 사례로서 의의가 있다.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Abstract It has come to attention that a risk-assessing organization, that will benchmark a company’s safety department, is imperative, following an increase in large-scale SOC-business project, construction of higher-raised buildings, development of underground space; all that have increase accident rates. Having faced problems that arise in firms that demand diversity, complexity and instantaneity, the purpose of the thesis is to arrive at efficient and practical problem-solving means. In order to solve the problems that would surface theoretically during an actual risk assessment, the state of the operation systems of the top five national construction firms having a hazard rate of 0.25 times less than the average rate have been analyzed, while a hierarchal recognition research of the employees who not only function at the operating level but are the practice subjects of a firm, has also been conducted, bringing the main text.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper suggests a specific model that could efficiently improve the interaction and the interface between MES(Manufacturing Execution System) server and POP(Point of Production) terminal through electronic document server and electronic pen, bluetooth receiver and form paper in disassembly and process inspection works. The proposed model shows that the new method by electronic document automation system can more efficiently perform to reduce processing time for maintenance work, compared with the current approach by handwritten processing system. It is noted in case of the method by electronic document automation system that the effects of proposed model are as follows; (a) While the processing time per equipment for maintenance by the current method was 300 minutes, the processing time by the new method was 50 minutes. (b) While the processing error ratio by the current method was 20%, the error ratio by the new method was 1%.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 과학적 모델의 사회적 구성 수업을 적용한 야외지질학습에서 학생들이 만드는 조별 모델 구 성 과정에 대해 제약조건을 중심으로 이해하는 것이다. S 영재원 지구과학분과 3조, 12명의 학생들을 대상으로 진행하 였다. ‘관악산은 어떻게 형성되었을까?’를 주제로 야외지질답사 2차시, 과학적 모델의 사회적 구성 수업 3차시로 진행하 였다. 조별 모델 구성과정에 관해서는 Nersessian (2008)이 제시한 제약조건을 이론적 근거로 하여 반-구조화된 인터뷰, 야외지질답사, ‘과학적 모델의 사회적 구성 수업’의 모든 담화, 활동지를 분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫 번째 야외지질학습에 적용한 과학적 모델의 사회적 구성 수업에 나타난 제약조건의 출처는 과학 이론, 야외지질답사에서 관 찰한 내용, 과학적 모델의 사회적 구성 수업에서 추가로 제공된 것이 있었다. 두 번째 조별 모델링에 영향을 미치는 3 가지 종류의 제약조건이 있다. 조별 모델에는 조별 구성원 모두가 동일하게 가지고 있던 것으로 ‘공통적인 제약조건’,조별 구성원 일부가 가지고 있던 것 중 조별 모델에 반영된 ‘채택된 제약조건’, 마지막으로 초기 모델에는 없었으나 조 별 모델 구성과정에서 새롭게 나타난 ‘생성된 제약조건’이 있었다. 이번 연구는 학교 과학에서 제약조건을 기반으로 조 별 모델이 만들어지는 과정을 이해할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 야외지질학습이라는 수업 사례를 보여줌으로서 실제 적용하 는데 이바지 하고자 하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The damage caused by dry weather accounts for a great deal of importance throughout the industry. construction safety manager is responsible for the most practical and important task of preventing disasters. Job training is critical to improve the ability of the safety manager. Therefore, an analysis of the operational system and the educational contents of the institution is required. The purpose of this study is to apply a specific training model for occupational training to activate the construction safety task system and improve the job competency of the safety manager. To create a specific educational model, the criteria and units of the construction safety management area presented by the NCS(National Competency Standards) were applied. Based on the task experience, the task experience was divided into four levels of managers, intermediate managers, advanced managers, senior managers, and the class of managers according to the level of duty assigned by each level of staff, organized by each level of class, and determined the method of teaching and assessing teaching methods. In the improvement of job training, the quality of education should be improved by dividing the educational content according to the level of task competency. In addition, it can be expected to increase the effectiveness of training fees and improve the quality of education by enhancing the educational quality of education fees and improving the quality of education by implementing the training sessions to implement the training sessions of the entrusted services to practice the education of the entrusted services. Applying a specific task training model along with these institutional improvements is expected to facilitate the activation of job training, enabling the ability of the safety manager to become a crucial factor in preventing the overall development of the project.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to select a model showing high-levels of interpretability which is high in R-squared value in terms of predicting the yield in the mixed pasture using the factors of fertilization, seeding rate and years after pasture establishment in steps, as well as the climate as a basic factor. The processes of constructing the yield prediction model for the mixed pasture were performed in the sequence of data collection (forage and climatic data), preparation, analysis, and model construction. Through this process, six models were constructed after considering climatic variables, fertilization management, seeding rates, and periods after pasture establishment years in steps, thereafter the optimum model was selected through considering the coincidence of the models to the forage production theories. As a result, Model VI (R squared = 53.8%) including climatic variables, fertilization amount, seeding rates, and periods after pasture establishment was considered as the optimum yield prediction model for mixed pastures in South Korea. The interpretability of independent variables in the model were decreased in the sequence of climatic variables(24.5%), fertilization amount(17.8%), seeding rates(10.7%), and periods after pasture establishment(0.8%). However, it is necessary to investigate the reasons of positive correlation between dry matter yield and days of summer depression (DSD) by considering cultivated locations and using other cumulative temperature related variables instead of DSD. Meanwhile the another research about the optimum levels of fertilization amounts and seeding rates is required using the quadratic term due to the certain value-centered distribution of these two variables
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is worth studying the Saemaul Development Undong as a science when it is increasingly gaining a global society interest. The purposes of this research are to frame the project design matrix(PDM) for the Saemaul development project and to suggest underpinning theoretical background which explains the causal relationship of the logical frame approach of the PDM. This research diagramed the driving process of Saemaul projects which indicates the stages of hierarchical logic structures in terms of inputs-activities-outputs-outcomes and goal of the projects. Then it presented governance theory, bottom-up approach, endogenous development and network theory as theoretical backgrounds of the logic model of Saemaul projects. Expected effects of this research suggest that it will be a basic study to give a standardized criteria to evaluate Saemaul and ODA projects to raise the effectiveness of ODA projects, even though it needs more studies to secure the validity of the PDM and to get a generalization of the theory.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Companies build the factory automation system to improve management effectiveness and productivity as prime strategies for sustainable growth. But most companies undergo various trials and errors while carrying out the project without elaborate preparation stage for factory automation. In this study, we tried to verify what factors are critical to effectively building distribution automation system, which is a branch of factory automation system. A consulting model for setting up a Material Handling Automation System by utilizing the Stage-Gate Process, which is product development process was studied. 29 material handling automation projects carried out between the year 1990 to 2013 at K-Company were selected. Interviews with the project managers, operators and maintenance personnels, various records and current status of the projects were used as data for structural equations based on the Milan consulting model and existing researches of factory automation, CIM for material handling automation. Creating effective basis of production, material handling system and energy saving system with expert review, when preparing a material handling automation project, help promote the project planning thus contributing to the performance of the resulting system, which appears though rather weakly in our data. Also the effect of material handling automation can be enhanced through sufficient and effective links to the relevant environments such as production logistics management and automated warehouses. More detailed planning characteristics of project promotion or some time-series data of effective Material Handling Automation System could enhace furthur studies. We propose a consulting model for setting up an efficient material handling automation system.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bridge construction cost estimates have generally been conducted by using historial unit-price(per meter or square meter). The traditional estimating method based on unit-price references can never completely reflect the specialty of cable supported bridge. In this paper, we have developed the system for supporting the approximate construction cost and the quantity estimation based on 3D model information in the pre-project planning phase of 3-span continuous suspension bridge with 2-pylons. First of all, we’d analyzed the design information (such as structural design report, blueprint and quantity) and the real cost data from the existing suspension bridges and derived the design variables of the bridges. We developed the BIM wizard that generates a suspension bridge model parametrically based on derived design variables. The principle material quantities of suspension bridge are calculated directly from 3-dimensional bridge model built by using the BIM wizard. We have established the system that the construction cost can be estimated more specific than the traditional estimating method.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to draw out planning principles and structure of Iksan imperial capital city in late Baekje, especially in view of the relationship among imperial capital city planning area, skeletal axis and the location of royal castle. With site survey and analysis of historical records, old maps, topographical maps, archeological excavation data, land registration map of 1915, some significant inferences were drawn out. Firstly from the point of topological conditions, the contiguous line of a stratum from Mireuk mountain(彌勒山) to Wangkung-ri castle(王宮里遺蹟) and two waterways made a topological axis of Iksan Imperial capital city. Secondly district of Iksan imperial capital city can be deduced to the inner area north to Kummado soil wall(金馬都 土城), south to the confluence of Iksan river(益山川) and Busang river(扶桑川), west to Okum mountain fortress(五 金山城) and Galjeon river(葛田川), east to line near to eastern wall of Jesuksa temple(帝釋寺). Iksan ssang-reung(益 山雙陵) was located outside western boundary line of capital city. Thirdly axis from Wangkung-ri castle to northern Kummado soil wall made a skeletal axis of city structure. It got through northern lowland along Buk river(北川) between Yonghwa(龍華山) and Mireuk mountain. Fourthly the location of royal palace can be deduced to the north part of the city around Kumma town area along the planning principle of northern royal palace.
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