This paper explores the relationships of various cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioural responses of e-discount sales promotion technique preferences consumers have when making purchases through online food delivery services (OFDS). This paper highlights new findings towards expanding e-discount and sales promotion literature and thus provide relevant implications.
To reduce food waste at the retail and personal consumption stages, discounts are offered in retail channels to encourage consumers to buy goods that are less attractive or close to their expiry dates. While discounts can encourage consumers to accept and purchase suboptimal foods, previous studies find that low prices or price discounts will make consumers produce positive or negative perceptions of product values. Consumers may increase their purchase intentions due to price concessions, but will think that price reductions are caused by quality degradation and thus reduce their purchase intentions. Additionally, the literature rarely explores the interaction between original prices of suboptimal products and discount presentation modes. This study thus contends that the interaction between original prices of goods and discount types will lead to significant differences in consumers' attitudes and purchase behavior toward suboptimal products. For research goals, this study employed a full factorial between‐subjects experiment designed with 2 original prices (High and Low) × 2 discount presentation modes (Discount percentage and Discounted price). An anonymous web-based questionnaire posted on the popular PTT forum and in Facebook and Instagram related communities is used to collect the data, and then a total of 328 valid questionnaires were finally collected. The findings indicate that attitudes and purchase intentions toward suboptimal food with a low original price is significantly higher than that of a high original price. Among the interaction effects, the means of attitudes and purchase intentions on the level of the low original price of suboptimal foods presented by discount percentage are higher the other three types. For the high original prices of suboptimal foods, the means of attitudes and purchase intentions on the level of discounted price are higher than for discount percentage. Based on these findings, this study demonstrates that consumer attitudes and purchase decision-making toward suboptimal foods are shaped by original prices and discount presentation modes. In Asia-Pacific countries such as Taiwan, consumers are price-sensitive but once a food item belongs to the category of suboptimal foods, their perceptions of discounts become different. Consumers’ attitudes toward that food and their willingness to buy may be moderated by the high or low original price of suboptimal food with the levels of discount presentation mode. Thus, based on the analysis and results of this study, we offer fresh findings and make both theoretical and managerial contributions to the related field of suboptimal food marketing and price discounts.
Indonesia is currently intensifying its level of awareness of the importance of starting a business as an entrepreneur. How to respond to technological developments to help support the growth of a start-up entrepreneur. Usually before buying a product, customers always think of many factors that can influence their buying decisions in online shopping. The two factors that most influencing are, Discounts and Promotions, which can greatly determine people's purchase intention, before finally buying the product. The researcher begin research with the aim to understand whether these 2 factors are factors that really affect someone's buying interest before doing online shopping. For this study, information and data collected by the survey by using means of questionnaires. And it standard measurements using a 5-point Likert scale, and processed by IBM SPSS Statistics 25 program. In this study, it has been found that indeed these two factors, Discounts and Promotions, are both influential in encouraging someone's purchase intention in conducting online shopping transactions. We found that both factors are significant and influence each other. The results of this study expected to help broaden the horizons of buyers and sellers about the benefits of discounts and promotions in online shopping.
Korean government has been pushing the policy to lower the expensive toll on the private highways that has caused continuous complaints from the society because of relatively more expensive toll than that of the national highway which is managed by Korea Expressway Corporation(KEC). In Korea, seventeen private highways are under operation as of September, 2017. The average toll of the private highways is 1.51 times higher than that of the national highways. In the Ilsan-Toegyewon section(36.3 km) of the Seoul Outer Ring Highway which is composed of the northern private highway section and the southern national highway section, the toll discount was applied maximum 33% since March 29, 2018. With the application of this toll discount policy, the toll of Ilsan-Toegyewon section was lowered from 1.71 times to 1.1 times compared to that of southern national highway section in Seoul Outer Ring Highway. The applied business restructuring model to lower the toll on Ilsan-Toegyewon section this time is based on the combining the extension of operating period for another 20 years and the replacement of investors. It is reported that Korean government will continue to apply the business restructuring model to lower the toll on the private highways and promoting the benefit of public. If the KEC is participated in this type of business restructuring model as a new investor, the toll of private highway will be lower than the case of new private investor participating, due to lower borrowing rate of KEC.
The proliferation of the Internet and related technologies has led to a new form of distribution channels, namely online retailers. The conventional offline and the new online retailers have different transaction costs perceived by the consumers in the following perspectives: the accessibility to the product information, the traffic cost and the opportunity cost for the time to visit the store, the delivery time and the possibility of ‘touch and feel’ to test the quality of the product. In particular, the online retailers have lower distribution cost structure in that they do not have physical stores, which results in lower selling price. Thus they continuously offer price competition against offline retailers using the lower selling cost as competitive weapon. Moreover the emergence of the social commerce is likely to intensify the competition between the online and offline retailers. To survive in this fierce competition, the offline retailers are trying to defend their business interests by sticking to offline transaction in anticipation of increased customer loyalty, customer’s preference for ‘touch and feel’ style shopping, and others. Despite of these efforts, customers who touch and feel a product in an offline store but purchase the product through an online retailer are increasing. To protect such customers, recently, some of the offline retailers began to provide the mobile discount service (MDS) which enables the offline customers to purchase a product at a discounted price through the mobile applications. In business competitions, the price discount strategy is usually considered to secure more market share at the cost of lower profit. In this study, however, we analyze the effect of MDS as a weapon for securing more profit. To do this, we set up a game model between the online and offline retailers which incorporates the effect of the MDS. By numerically analyzing the Nash equilibrium of the game, some managerial implications for using the MDS for more profit are discussed.
대형마트를 운영하는 회사들은 2012. 1. 17. 「유통산업발전법」이 개정 되어 지방자치단체장들로부터 영업시간 제한 및 의무휴업일 지정의 영업 규제를 받자 이에 불복하여 소송을 제기하였고, 대법원은 2015. 11. 19. 선고 2015두295 전원합의체 판결로 지방자치단체장들의 대형마트에 대 한 영업시간 제한 및 의무휴업일 지정 처분은 적법하다고 판시하였다. 위 대법원 판결에서 다수의견·반대의견·보충의견이 첨예하게 대립한 논쟁의 쟁점은 대형마트 내에 입점하여 있는 용역제공 장소가 영업시간 제한 및 의무휴업일 지정 규제의 대상이 되는지와 관련하여 대형마트로 등록된 대규모점포 의 요건에 관한 구 「유통산업발전법」 및 동법시행령의 해석에 관한 것이었다. 위와 같이 대법원 전원합의체에서 다수의견·반대의견·보충의견이 나 뉠 정도로 「유통산업발전법」 체계가 혼란스럽고 내용이 불명확하여 많은 문제점이 발생하고 있다. 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해서는 「유통산업 발전법」상 용어인 매장·점포·시장 등에 대한 개념의 명확화, 대규모점 포 등의 영업형태 분류의 현실화 및 체계화, 영업형태와 관련한 영업규 제의 필요성 등이 반영된 입법 수정작업을 하여 대형마트의 용역제공 장 소를 둘러싼 논쟁을 근본적으로 해결하여야 할 것이다. 또한 「유통산업 발전법」의 입법취지에 반하여 특정한 영업형태를 규제하려는 것은 오히 려 영업형태의 발전과 진화를 막는 결과를 초래하고 유통산업의 발전을 저해하는 결과를 초래할 것이므로 출점규제 내지 영업규제를 최소화 하 여야 하는 방향으로 입법이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 궁극적으로는 대형마 트를 비롯한 대규모점포의 규제는 중소유통업자를 보호하기 위한 경제적 목적 규제 가 아닌 외국 선진 입법례와 같이 환경, 교통, 토지의 효율적 이용 등을 목적으로 하는 사회적 목적의 규제 로 전환하는 입법이 이루 어져야 할 것이다.
As order quantity is increased, the ordering cost per item will be cheaper due to saving of transportation and material handling costs. In this paper, two realistic assumptions such as quantity discount and budget limit are considered. Quantity discount means that all units in the order will be discounted according to the predetermined order levels. Budget limit represents that the costs for inventory investments are bounded. This paper develops a Lagrangian relaxation approach for a continuous review inventory model with a budget constraint and quantity discounts. Computational results indicate that the proposed approach provides a good solution. Sensitivity analysis is done to get some insights on budget limit and quantity discount. As budget limit or the amount of discount according to order quantity is increased, order quantity is increased, whereas reorder point is not always increased.
The purpose of this study was to look into how alliance discount cards affect customers using family restaurants by analyzing and identifying the difference in brand equity and satisfaction according to the propensity of using alliance discount cards. For this purpose, 407 customers who have used family restaurants completed a questionnaire survey. The study findings indicated that (1) there were significant differences in brand equity and satisfaction according to the propensity to use alliance discount cards. Moreover, it was found that groups with a strong propensity to use alliance discount cards had higher brand equity and satisfaction than groups that did not; also, (2) it was found that there were significant differences in brand equity and satisfaction according to the intensity of dependency on alliance discount cards. The group with strong loyalty to alliance discount cards went beyond the level of strong propensity to use alliance discount cards, of preference, and of use, which were previously proposed. This study implied that from mid-to long-term perspectives, it was necessary to operate a policy for more active alliance discounts as well as to ensure sufficient options for partnership benefits. Furthermore, it was essential to maintain the menu and service quality of restaurants, which were intrinsic factors for elevating brand equity and satisfaction in restaurants among dining customers.
The aims of this study were to identify the dimensions of both store and PB apparel product attributes at large discount stores, and to empirically examine the effects of each dimension of store and PB apparel product attributes on satisfaction with PB apparel products and on repurchase intension. Questionnaires were given to 264 large discount store customers, who have experienced buying PB apparel products at large discount stores. The results were as follows. First, purchased PB items and image, improvement of PB apparel products showed differences by gender. Second, the dimensions for store attributes were categorized as convenient of shopping environment, product quality, customer service, advertising reach, convenient location, and reasonable prices. The PB apparel product attributes were categorized as material handling management, quality, fashion ability, and brand power. Third, generally, both store and PB apparel product attributes at large discount stores are significantly related to PB apparel satisfaction and repurchase intention. PB satisfaction and repurchase intention of males were partly affected by store attributes and PB apparel product attributes. PB satisfaction and repurchasing intention of females, however, were partly affected by only PB apparel product attributes, not store attributes.
본 연구는 우리나라의 대형할인마트 이용자의 쇼핑 성향에 따른 가드닝용품의 이용실태와 만족도를 알아 보기 위하여 대구·경북 지역을 중심으로 최대 소매 업태인 이마트, 홈플러스, 롯데마트를 선정하여 2011년 2월 1일부터 3월 30일의 기간 동안 총 364부의 설문 자료를 수집·분석하였다. 대형할인마트 이용자들의 소 비특성을 파악 하고자 쇼핑성향의 요인분석을 실시한 결과 유행 추구형 쇼핑성향, 친환경적 쇼핑성향, 쾌락 형 쇼핑성형, 경제적 쇼핑성향 4가지 요인이 분석 되 었다. 전반적으로 가드닝 용품의 구매경험이 높았고, 구매횟수는 월 1∼2회, 평균 구매금액은 월 3∼5만원, 구매상품의 종류는 화분이 가장 높게 나타났다. 조사대 상자의 대형할인마트 쇼핑성향에 따라 구매경험은 유 행 추구형 쇼핑성향 72.6%로 높았고 구매횟수는 유행 추구형, 쾌락형, 경제추구형의 40%이상이 월1∼2회, 친환경적 쇼핑성향이 38.1%가 월 5∼6회 정도 구매하 였다. 월 평균 구매금액은 친환경적 쇼핑성향 42.9%, 유행추구형 32.8%가 월 3∼5만원 구매하는 것으로 나 타났고, 쾌락형은 37.2%가 월 1∼3만원, 경제적 쇼핑 성향은 37.1%가 1만원 미만 구매하였다. 가드닝 용품 은 유행 추구형, 쾌락형 쇼핑성향을 지닌 소비자들은 화분, 친환경적 쇼핑성향의 경우 채소씨앗, 경제적 쇼 핑성향은 식물세트를 가장 선호하는 경향을 보였다. 대 형할인마트 내 가드닝 용품에 대한 만족도 및 재 구 매 의도는 평균이상으로 나타났으며, 다양성의 한계가 가장 큰 불만요소인 것으로 나타났다.
This study surveyed and compared the temperatures established in display stands and food surfaces for cold and frozen foods in large discount stores in Korea. The temperatures established in display stands for cold food ranged with 3.5 ± 1.8 ℃ as mean, minimum and maximum were 0 ℃ and 7 ℃ . However, the surface temperatures of cold food on sale ranged with 10.7 ± 2.9 ℃ as a mean, minimum 4.6 ℃ and maximum 18.4 ℃ . Totally, the surface temperature of cold food on sale was 7.2 ℃ , as a mean, higher than established in display stands for cold food in large discount stores in Korea. 53% of the surveyed cold foods were more than 10 ℃ in surface temperature and only 47% was less than 10 ℃ . The differences between temperatures were lowest in fruits, salads and vegetables, but highest in milk products. On the other hand, the temperatures established in display stands for frozen food showed a range with −20.7 ± 1 ℃ as a mean. However, the surface temperatures of frozen food on sale showed a range with −15.4 ±5 ℃ as a mean, minimum −28 ℃ and maximum −4.6 ℃ (included defrosting). The surface temperatures of frozen food,frozen meats, frozen processed foods and ice creams were −13.8 ℃ , −15.9 ℃ , and −16.8 ℃ , respectively. Only 32.3%of surveyed frozen foods showed less than −18 ℃ in surface temperature. In conclusion, the temperatures established on cold and frozen food display stands were less than those of cold and frozen food surfaces on sale. There was also much variation in food surface temperatures during cold and frozen food storage and sales. Therefore, a temperature management system technology use at the distribution level for cold and frozen foods will be developed.
The objective of this was to improve a transportation cost relation between Central Distribution Centers(CDCs) and Regional Distribution Centers(RDCs), to control inventory cost concerning safety stock for each service level, by reviewing distribution ste
We investigated the consumption inclinations of consumers for environmentally-friendly agricultural products (EFAP) for better production and distribution of EFAP. Consumer inclinations in large supermarkets from April 7th to 30th, 2008 were surveyed. Data were analyzed using the SPSSWIN 12.0 program. Results showed that 90.4% of consumers recognized EFAP and 76.4% of those who recognized the products had actually bought the products. Members of the "have purchased group" bought EFAP once a week because they believed these products were safe from hazards, such as pesticide. The amount spent on EFAP was less than 20% of the total food budget and the major consumed items were green vegetables and fruits. The sale location was mainly large supermarkets and agricultural cooperation outlets. Although many people were satisfied with EFAP from the viewpoint of nutritional and sensory qualities and safety compared with general agricultural products, they were notsatisfied with the price. Many consumers trusted that EFAP were safe and nutritional. Members of the "not purchased group" also trusted the nutritional and sensory qualities of EFAP and recognized the safety issue, but they were not satisfied with the price, compared with general agricultural products. Consequently, to succeed in the market, EFAP should maintain the confidence of the consumer while decreasing in price.
본 논문은 제품공급자, 중간분배자 그리고 고객으로 구성된 2 단계 공급사슬에서 공급자가 수요 증대를 목적으로 중간분배자에게 일정기간 동안 제품대금에 대한 지불연기를 허용하는 상황을 고려하여 중간분배자의 신뢰성있는 판매가격 및 재고보충정책을 결정하는 문제를 다루었다. 문제 분석을 위하여 고려하는 제품은 시간에 따라 일정률로 퇴화한다는 가정과 함께 수송량에 따라 할인되는 수송비를 고려하여 모형을 수립하였고, 중간분배자의 수익 증대를 위한 경제적 판매가격 및
기업은 고객이 원하는 시기에 원하는 제품을 구매할 수 있도록 항상 준비가 되어 있어야 한다. 고객의 수요를 만족시키기 위하여 기업은 다양한 수요예측방법을 통하여 적절한 재고 수준과 수요예측을 하고 있다. 제조 기업의 경우에는 다른 산업에 비하여 정확한 수요예측과 낮은 재고 수준의 유지가 비용과 직접적인 연관이 있기 때문에 제조 기업은 경제적인 주문량 결정(Economic Order Quantity: EOQ)이 매우 중요한 문제이다. 주문량을 결정하는 방법에는 여러 가지가 있지만, 본 논문에서는 고객 지연을 방지하기 위하여 경제적 주문량 결정에 고객 지연과 관련된 비용을 포함시키는 것은 물론 고객 지연이라는 상황을 방지하는 노력의 한 방법으로 가격 할인(discount system)을 이용하고자 한다. 가격 할인을 이용하여 고객으로 하여금 빠른 주문을 유도하고 그로 인하여 고객 지연 상황의 발생을 줄여보려고 한다.