PURPOSES : Recently, interest in radioactive accidents has increased due to domestic and international nuclear power plant accidents. In particular, local residents' concerns are increasing due to safety issues such as radioactive leaks at the Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant in South Korea. As Gwangju Metropolitan City is not included in the emergency planning area set by the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission, there are significant limitations to establishing disaster prevention measures for nuclear power plant accidents. Considering the Fukushima and Hanbit nuclear power plant accidents, the improvement of Gwangju Metropolitan City's radioactive leak accident response manual is urgently required. This study aimed to establish disaster prevention measures to respond to nuclear power plant accidents in Gwangju Metropolitan City in the event of a Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant accident and to improve resident protection measures by estimating the arrival time of radioactive materials and radiation dosage through a nuclear power plant accident simulation. Additionally, we aimed to supplement the on-site action manual for radioactive leaks at the Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant. METHODS : This study focused on establishing disaster prevention measures centered on Gwangju Metropolitan City in the event of a major accident such as a radioactive leak at the Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant. Simulations were conducted assuming a major accident such as a radioactive leak, measures to improve resident protection were established by calculating the arrival time of radioactive materials and radiation dosage in the Gwangju area in the event of a nuclear power plant accident, and on-site response action manuals were supplemented in response to a radioactive leak. RESULTS : This study considered the concerns of local residents due to the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident and the Hanbit nuclear power plant failure, conducted a simulation to derive the impact on Gwangju Metropolitan City, and examined the effectiveness of an on-site response manual for radioactive leaks to derive improvement measures. CONCLUSIONS : In the event of an accident at the Hanbit Nuclear Power Plant in Gwangju Metropolitan City, insufficient portions of the on-site response action manual should be supplemented, and close cooperation with local governments within the emergency planning area should be ensured to respond to radioactive disasters. Therefore, based on the revised on-site response action manual for radioactive leaks, close cooperation and a clear division of roles among local governments will enable effective resident protection measures to be implemented in the event of a radioactive disaster.
자율주행차가 보급되어 도로에서 사람 운전자와 함께 운영되는 미래가 다가오고 있다. 사람 중심으로 운영되는 도로 체계가 자율주 행차와 공존하는 형태로 변화하고 있으며, 도로 시스템도 사람 운전자와 자율주행차가 혼재된 혼합교통류를 대상으로 변화하고 있다. 현재 도로에서는 예상하지 못한 상황들이 다양하게 발생한다. 교통사고, 도로 낙하물 등 교통흐름에 영향을 주는 상황들이 발생하며, 대응을 위한 전략들이 각 지방자치단체에서 준비되어 있다. 미래 교통상황에는 도로상에 자율주행차가 혼재되어 있으며 이를 포함하 는 돌발 및 재난상황에 대한 제어전략은 아직 부재하다. 본 연구에서는 돌발 및 재난상황 발생 시 자율주행차 제어전략에 대한 설계 방안을 제안한다. 돌발 및 재난상황 범위에 대해 정의하며, 상황 구분을 위한 기준을 제시하여 각 상황에서 자율주행차가 안전하게 대 응할 수 있도록 제어전략을 제시한다.
이 연구는 20세기 말 이후 중국과 남한의 올림픽 포스터 디자인에서 두드러진 특징과 미묘함을 분석하고 비교합니다. 시각적 표현, 문화적 함 의, 그리고 그들의 사회-역사적 맥락 내의 의사소통 전략을 탐구합니다. 이 연구는 양국이 어떻게 전통적 요소와 현대적 디자인을 독특하게 혼합 하여 국가 정신과 문화적 정체성을 표현하며, 대중의 인식과 감정에 영 향을 주는지를 밝혀냅니다. 또한, 이러한 디자인 뒤에 있는 사회-정치적 동기를 논의하며 미래의 추세를 예상합니다. 이 분석은 중국과 한국의 포스터 디자인의 독특한 가치와 문화 간 의사소통에서의 역할에 대한 새 로운 통찰을 제공합니다.
2017년 7월 15일 서울과 수도권에 집중호우를 발생시킨 깊은 대류운과 강수 발달에 대한 종관 기상 메커니즘 을 규명하고 중국 동부지역으로부터의 PM2.5 에어로졸의 간접효과를 WRF-Chem 실험을 통해 분석하였다. WRF-Chem 모델에 에어로졸과 복사의 피드백, 구름 화학 과정, 습식 세정을 모두 포함한 ARI (Aerosol Radiation Interaction) 실험 과 에어로졸과 복사의 피드백을 제외하고 구름 화학 과정, 습식 세정만을 포함한 ACR (Aerosol Cloud Radiation interaction) 실험 결과의 차이로부터 PM2.5 에어로졸 간접효과를 산출하였다. 2017년 7월 15일 새벽에 황해와 한반도에 서는 동아시아 대륙에서 저기압-북서 태평양의 고기압 분포로 인해 중국 남동 지역과 동중국해로부터 덥고 습한 기류 가 수렴하고 있었다. 이러한 황해의 종관 기상에 의해 발달하는 대류운은 높이 12 km 이상이며 고체 수상체를 형성하 고 있었는데, 이는 주로 대륙 위에서 발달하는 한랭운(많은 빙정을 형성하며 운정고도가 8 km 이상)의 특성을 나타내고 있었다. 특히, WRF-Chem 모델 실험을 통해 중국 동부지역으로부터 확산하는 PM2.5 에어로졸이 구름물 형성에 5.7%, 고체 수상체 형성에 10.4%, 그리고 액체 수상체 형성에 10.8%로 대류운이 한랭운으로 발달하는 데 기여하고 있었다. 본 연구는 황해 위에서 깊은 대류운이 발달하는 과정에 대한 기상적 메커니즘과 더불어 중국 동부지역으로부터 에어로 졸에 의한 간접효과의 영향을 제시하였다.
본 연구는 2021년 3월 1일부터 2일까지 영동지역에 강설이 발생했던 사례의 종관적, 열역학적, 역학적 특성을 분석한 것이다. 분석에 사용한 자료는 AWS 관측자료, 지상일기도, ERA5 재분석 자료, 레윈존데, 천리안 2A 위성 자 료, WISSDOM 자료 등이다. 사례 기간 영동지역 4개소에서 관측된 적설은 10 cm 이상으로 나타났으며, 북강릉(37.4 cm)에서는 가장 많은 적설을 보였다. 종관 분석결과, 동해상 및 영동지역 주변으로 중·상층 대기의 매우 차고 건조한 대기와 상대적으로 따뜻한 하층 대기의 온도 차이로 대류 불안정이 형성되어 북강릉 지역으로 대류운의 발달과 함께 강설이 나타났다. 특히 열역학적 및 운동학적 연직 분석에서, 하층에서 온위의 연직 경도에 의한 강한 바람과 한랭이류 에 의한 대류 불안정이 영동지역의 강설 발생에 큰 역할을 한 것으로 판단된다. 이러한 결과는 레윈존데의 연직 분석 에서도 확인할 수 있었다.
In the wire constituting the LIN, which is one of the vehicle communication devices, disconnection of the wire or contact resistance of the circuit occurs due to vibration and aging of the vehicle. This affects the entire communication network and may have a significant impact on the safe driving of the vehicle as information is not transmitted. In this study, a LIN BUS circuit simulator was built on its own like a real car and measured with an automotive oscilloscope instead of a common method of measuring and diagnosing a circuit with a multimeter in the event of a LIN BUS circuit failure. Referring to the experimental results, it will be possible to diagnose faults in circuits efficiently and quickly.
In general, fire accidents in tunnels are sufficiently preventable, but the damage is very large. Therefore, the number of highway traffic accidents is high in spring when spring fatigue occurs and the traffic volume for maple travel increases. In particular, when analyzing the cause of death of people killed in fire accidents in tunnels, it is analyzed that most of them are suffocated by smoke. Therefore, in this study, it can be said that it is meaningful to make a social contribution to reduce the number of traffic accident deaths by establishing an efficient fire suppression system for fire accidents in tunnels.
Even though it is emphasized to apply safeguards-by-design (SBD) concept in the early phase of the design of a new nuclear facilities, there is no clear guideline or tools for the practical SBD implementation. Generally known approach is trying to review whether there is any conflicts or shortcomings on a conceptual safeguards components in a design information. This study tries to build a systematic tools which can be easily applied to safeguards analysis. In evaluating the safeguards system or performance in a facility, it is essential to analyze the diversion path for nuclear materials. Diversion paths, however, can be either extremely simplified or complicated depending on the level of knowledge and purpose of specific person who do analyze in the field. In the context, this study discusses the applicability of an event tree and fault tree method to generating diversion paths systematically. The essential components constituting the diversion path were reviewed and the logical flow for systematically creating the diversion path was developed. The path generation algorithm based on the facility design components and logical flow as well as the initial information of the nuclear materials and material flows was test using event tree and fault tree analysis tools. The usage and limitation of the applicability of this two logic methods are discussed and idea to incorporate the logic algorithm into the practical program tools is suggested.The results will be used to develop a program module which can systematically generate diversion paths using the event tree and fault tree method.
본 연구는 2020년 3월 18일부터 20일까지 영동지역에 강풍이 발생했던 사례(남고북저형, 대류권계면 접힘에 의해 급격하게 발달하는 저기압)의 종관 및 열역학적/운동학적특성을 조사하기 위해 AWS 관측 자료, 종관 일기도, ECMWF 재분석 자료, 레윈존데, 윈드프로파일러 자료를 이용하였다. 분석결과, 사례 기간 영동지역 5개소에서 관측된 최대 순간 풍속은 20 m s−1 이상으로 나타났으며 대관령(27.7 m s−1)에서 가장 강하게 나타났다. 종관분석에서는 남고북저형의 기압배치와 함께 영동지역으로 등압선의 모양이 사인(sin)파 형태를 보이며 강한 기압경도력에 의해 강풍이 발달 하다가 3월 19일부터는 한반도 북부지역에서 하루 내에 19 hPa 이상의 기압 하강과 함께 발달하는 저기압에 의해 지속적인 강풍이 발달했다. 북강릉 단열선도에서 역전층의 고도는 하층 강풍대와 함께 산 정상의 약 1-3 km 고도에 위치 하였고, 레윈존데 및 수직 측풍 장비(윈드프로파일러)의 연직 바람장 분석 결과와 일치함을 확인할 수 있었다. 특히 열역학적 및 운동학적 연직 분석에서, 하층에서 온위의 연직 경도에 의한 강한 바람과 대류권계면 접힘에 의한 위치 소용돌이도의 발달이 영동지역 강풍 발생에 큰 역할을 한 것으로 사료된다.
Recently, most of the information system use environment is changing to GUI environment based on windows and web. Most of the development tools for building such a GUI-based information system support object-oriented and event-driven programming concepts. However, there is still a lack of a development methodology that systematically supports event-based information system construction. From a business perspective, an information system is one that supports business processes efficiently and effectively to improve business performance. These business processes are composed of business activities which involve a series of business events. A business event is executed according to a business scenario. Therefore, it is necessary to grasp these events in the requirements analysis stage and to apply it on the system development methodology. However, information systems development methodology which systematically reflect the event processing concept still is insufficient.
From this viewpoint, this paper proposes an event-driven scenario-based development methodology that can meet the recent development environment of information systems, and applies the proposed methodology to a small scale information system development case.
The purpose of this study is to identify differences in the Systemic reaction, Vertical jump and Side step of Judo, Taekwondo, Kendo elite athletes The Total Health Promotion Plan was used to measure systemic reactions, vertical jump and side steps. In the results of the study, systemic reaction was significantly different between Judo player and Taekwondo player (p<0.05). Vertical jump did not differ between groups. Side step was significantly different between Kendo player, Judo player, Judo player and Taekwondo player, Taekwondo player and Kendo player (p<0.05). This study suggests that systemic reaction, vertical jump and side step are different for each sport.
Up-to-date manufacturing companies have faced a market-driven environment of pull production order. There should be a difference in operating manufacturing resources according to the type, quantity, and delivery time of manufactured products, because the process situation in pull production is changed by customer orders. And it should be taken into account from the stage of preparing for production such as process design and the placement and utilization of manufacturing resources. However, the feasibility of production plans is limited because most of small manufacturing businesses make production/supply plan of the parts and products assuming that equipment abilities in scheduling is sufficient without managing process standard information systemically. In this study, a discrete event simulation system based on BOM (bill of material), that is F-OPIS (online productivity innovation system), is introduced and a case study on application of the system leading to improving productivities is presented. F-OPIS deals with a decision-problem on production management and it is specialized for small-and- medium sized manufacturing companies. The target company of this case study is a typical small-and-medium sized manufacturing company in Korea, that produces various machined parts. The target company adopts make-to-stock production management to prevent tardy delivery because of fluctuations in demand. Therefore, it is required to apply an efficient inventory control solution for improving productivities. In this paper, based on the constraints of working capacity of manufacturing resources, the bottleneck process is analyzed as production conditions are changed. Consequently, an improvement plan is proposed, that eventually enhances overall utilization rates of resources in the bottleneck process and reduces overall production lead-time and inventory level.
Purpose: Since the advent of smart phones, the amount of time spending on their use has rapidly increased and there are several health concerns regarding sight, causing prolonged smart phones viewing. The purpose of this study was to estimate how much eyes become fatigued based on quantitative electroencephalogram(qEEG) and to analyze the correlation between the fatigue and attention using event-related potentials(ERPs) as objective assessments. Methods: here were thirty, healthy, right-handed subjects(male 15, female 15) participating in this study. 64-channel of qEEG data with their eye-closed was collected and they performed Go/Nogo tasks before and after watching smart phones. A questionnaire regarding the visual fatigue was also collected in both conditions. The changes of pre- and post-task of watching smart phones were analyzed and compared in terms of four wavebands and algorithms, delta(δ), theta(θ), alpha(α), beta(β), (α+ θ)/ β, α/ β, (α+θ)/(α+β), and θ/ β for fatigue detection. Results: The results clearly show that all four energy values of qEEG and algorithms related to the fatigue in the post-viewing condition significantly changed than those in the pre-viewing condition. As seen in the results of ERP, nogo-N2 amplitude only on Fz electrode was slightly higher and nogo-P3 amplitudes on Fz and Cz were considerably lower in the post-task than in the pre-watching. However, there were no significant differences of go-N2 and P3 found at any electrodes. The results of behavioral performance demonstrate that the error rates(ER) of nogo-condition were obviously increased after using smart phones and there was a tendency for reaction time(RT) to be delayed compared with before watching it. Conclusions: This research denotes that it can be a fairly useful measure for using qEEG and ERP when assessing the visual fatigue. Its findings suggest that a sustained smart phone viewing leads to the visual fatigue and it can have adverse effects on distraction.
To contribute to the globalization of Korean food, a Korean food culture publicity event was conducted at Hayabusa Station, Tottori Province, Japan. This study investigated and analyzed recognition and preferences towards Korean food in participants at the event. The method of information acquisition was also analyzed. Most participants had prior experience eating Korean food. As for information, participants responded that they were affected by public media such as dramas, and the most effective way of getting information was participating in lectures. This study also investigated intake of 20 kinds of Korean food and found highest preferences for bibimbap, kimchi, naengmyeon, and galbigui, in that order. The main motive for participating in the Korean food culture publicity event was a desire to experience a new culture. Further, satisfaction, intention to participate, and intention to recommend Korean food were high. These attitudes had significant effects on the intention to visit Korea. In the future, Korean food culture publicity events held in foreign lands can contribute to Korean tourism.
오늘날 정보화, 세계화, 지방화로 축약되는 세계사적 문명전환에 따라 새로운 패러다임의 변화로 지식기반경제의 문화콘텐츠 산업이 각광받으면서 잠시나마 주춤하던 이벤트 산업이 지역의 문화산업(축제와 관광)에 새로운 역할과 기능의 수단으로 그 중요성이 다시 부각되기 시작했다. 이처럼 이벤트가 산업의 장르를 막론하고 다양한 분야에서 다시 활약할 수 있었던 것은 이벤트가 갖고 있는 특성으로, 원초적인 자극과 체험을 통한 오감 만족이기 때문이다. 그 원초적 자극과 체험이야말로 디지털시대에 대중을 감동시키는 이 시대에 가장 필요한 뉴미디어이기 때문이다.
이렇듯 중요한 이벤트에 대한 이론적 고찰과 국내 이벤트의 역사를 개략적으로 정리하여, 창조경제시대 문화융합의 선도적 역할로서 이벤트를 통한 창조경제 구현을 제시해 보고자 한다.
Electronic Product Code Information Services(EPCIS) is an EPCglobal standard for sharing EPC related information between trading partners. EPCIS provides a new important capability to improve efficiency, security, and visibility in the global supply chain. EPCIS data are classified into two categories, master data (static data) and event data (dynamic data). Master data are static and constant for objects, for example, the name and code of product and the manufacturer, etc. Event data refer to things that happen dynamically with the passing of time, for example, the date of manufacture, the period and the route of circulation, the date of storage in warehouse, etc. There are four kinds of event data which are Object Event data, Aggregation Event data, Quantity Event data, and Transaction Event data. This thesis we propose an event-based data model for EPC Information Service repository in RFID based integrated logistics center. This data model can reduce the data volume and handle well all kinds of entity relationships. From the point of aspect of data quantity, we propose a formula model that can explain how many EPCIS events data are created per one business activity. Using this formula model, we can estimate the size of EPCIS events data of RFID based integrated logistics center for a one day under the assumed scenario.