PIM-1 (polymer intrinsic microporosity-1)은 뒤틀린 구조에 기인한 높은 기체 투과 특성을 가지고 있기 때문에 기 체 분리막 소재 중 하나로 활발히 연구되어졌다. 높은 기체 투과 특성의 장점에도 불구하고 높지 않은 기체 선택성의 한계점 이 존재함에 따라 본 연구에서는 PIM-1 분리막에 PEG/PPG-CN을 첨가함으로써 CO2의 용해도 증가에 따른 기체 선택도를 높이고 열처리를 진행하여 PIM-1과 PEG/PPG-CN의 사이아노기가 트라이아진으로 전환되는 재배열을 유도하였다. 그 결과 2 wt%의 PEG/PPG-CN이 첨가되고 열처리된 PIM-1 분리막의 성능은 열처리만 된 PIM-1 분리막과 비교하였을 때 단일 및 혼 합 기체 조건에서 더 높은 이산화탄소의 투과도와 선택도를 가지는 것으로 측정되었다. 혼합 기체 조건에서는 단일 기체 조 건에서 보다 높은 이산화탄소 투과도와 선택도를 보이며 실제 기체 분리 공정의 적용 가능성이 높다는 것을 확인하였으며 트 라이아진의 가교에 의하여 기체 분리막이 가소화 저항성(anti-plasticization)을 가지는 것으로 확인되었다.
We explored the effect of galaxy-galaxy interaction on the FIR-radio correlation of star-forming galaxies by comparing the qFIR parameter distribution between interacting and non-interacting galaxies. Our sample galaxies were selected from the SDSS Stripe 82 region, where relatively deep optical images are available in addition to ancillary FIR and radio data. The qFIR values were 2.73±0.49 and 2.53±0.90 for interacting and non-interacting galaxies, respectively. The t-test results indicated that the difference in qFIR values between the two categories is not statistically significant. Our findings align with those of previous studies suggesting that either FIR excess or radio excess occurs only transiently during brief timescales in the merger stages, rather than persisting throughout the majority of merger events identified by features such as tidal tails or double nuclei.
In this paper, the goal is to produce a target wheel that integrates the plate and CPS wheel among the components of the drive plate mounted on an automobile engine. We attempted to develop a manufacturing process technology for incremental forming of a target wheel with the desired thickness by rotating a disk-shaped thin plate material and deforming the plate using a forming device and tools. Incremental forming system was set up by establishing a forming process and designing and manufacturing the device and parts required for processing. It consists of a total of 4 stages of molding process, and the optimal roll design that can properly collect materials to prevent cracks or reverse steps at each stage is primarily important. After manufacturing the prototype, a material test was performed to confirm whether the mechanical properties of the deformed part were sufficient to make gear teeth.
자가면역췌장염은 혈중 IgG4의 증가와 췌장 조직에서 IgG4 양성 플라즈마세포의 침윤을 보이는 질환이다. 제1형 자가면역췌장염의 경우 담관, 타액선, 신장, 후 복강 등을 포함한 다른 장기의 침범도 가능하다. 췌장 종괴 형태로 발현한 자가면역췌장염은 췌장얌과 감별하기 쉽지 않을 수 있다. 60세 남자 환자가 상복부 불편감으로 본원을 방문하였다. 복부전산화단층촬영 및 자기공명영상에서 4.8 cm 크기의 췌장두부 종괴가 있었고 이는 총담관를 침범하고 있었다. 내시경초음파 유도하 세침조직검사 및 내시경역행담 췌관조영술 유도하 담관내조직검사에서 악성세포는 보이지 않았다. 그러나 IgG4 양성 세포가 고배율시야에서 20개 이상 관찰되었다. 총 3주 동안의 스테로이드 치료 후 환자의 증상이 호전되었고 추적 영상검사에서 췌장두부 종괴의 크기가 3 cm로 감소하였다. 이상으로 췌장암과 감별이 어려웠던 췌장 종괴 형태로 발현한 자가면역췌장염 1예를 보고한다.
The existing wire mesh clip forming process requires improvement as the production process is semi-automatic, which greatly threatens the safety of workers and exposes them to labor intensity and industrial accidents. In this research and development, we designed and developed an automated wire mesh automatic clip system by improving problems in the existing welded wire mesh production process. As a result, the production volume per hour was improved from 450 to 516, and the clip formation time was improved, shortening the production time to 42.5 seconds. Additionally, the defect rate was reduced from 7% to less than 3%.
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is a key enzyme that terminates impulse transmission by rapidly hydrolyzing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine at cholinergic synapses. Previous studies have discovered a transiently opening channel referred to as the “back door” in Torpedo californica AChE. Previously, we observed that substituting the Tyr391 residue with a Phe residue significantly decreased the catalytic efficiency of recombinant Apis mellifera AChE1 (AmAChE1), while the reverse substitution restored it. Interestingly, substitution of the Tyr391 residue with a Phe residue in AmAChE1 disrupted the formation of the backdoor, while the reverse substitution restored it. This finding suggests that the Tyr-to-Phe substitution impairs backdoor formation, thereby leading to a significant reduction in the catalytic activity of AmAChE1. This serves as one of the driving forces for the functional transition from AmAChE1 to AmAChE2. In this experiment, we also confirmed the gradual restoration and increase in AChE activity by substituting Phe391 in AmAChE1 with Ser, Trp, Thr, Ile, Asn, and Tyr residues through kinetic assay and molecular dynamics simulation.
We report the effect of plastic deformation on the thermoelectric properties of n-type Bi2Te2.5Se0.5 compounds. N-type Bi2Te2.5Se0.5 powders are synthesized by an oxide-reduction process and consolidated via sparkplasma sintering. To explore the effect of plastic deformation on the thermoelectric properties, the sintered bodies are subjected to uniaxial pressure to induce a controlled amount of compressive strains (-0.2, -0.3, and -0.4). The shaping temperature is set using a thermochemical analyzer, and the plastic deformation effect is assessed without altering the material composition through differential scanning calorimetry. This strategy is crucial because the conventional hotforging process can often lead to alterations in material composition due to the high volatility of chalcogen elements. With increasing compressive strain, the (00l) planes become aligned in the direction perpendicular to the pressure axis. Furthermore, an increase in the carrier concentration is observed upon compressive plastic deformation, i.e., the donorlike effect of the plastic deformation in n-type Bi2Te2.5Se0.5 compounds. Owing to the increased electrical conductivity through the preferred orientation and the donor-like effect, an improved ZT is achieved in n-type Bi2Te2.5Se0.5 through the compressive-forming process.
이 연구는 오늘날의 시대에 하나님의 선교를 구현하는 방법으로 선교적 제자도를 실천하는 작은 에클레시아 공동체를 형성하는 것을 주장한다. 또한 작은 공동체 안에서의 네러티브의 공명이 작은 에클레시아 공동체 형성의 핵심적 역할임을 주장한다. 이 연구는 이야기적 접근을 시도하는데, 필자가 주장하는 작은 신앙 공동체의 사례로서 한국얌스펠로쉽을 살핀다. 작은 신앙 공동체로서 한국얌스펠로쉽은 참여자들로 하여금 환대를 통한 생명회복의 경험뿐 아니라, 삶의 의미와 소명에 대한 분별과 지혜를 제공받 는 공동체가 된다. 공동체의 핵심에는 코이노니아와 진정한 제자도의 실천 의 경험이 있다. 마지막으로 사례분석을 통해 3가지를 제안한다. 첫째, 작은 공동체는 참여자들의 통전적 성장을 위한 공동체적 플렛폼을 제공해야 하며, 둘째, 작은 신앙공동체를 형성함에 있어서 핵심적인 차원이 이야기의 공명이며, 셋째, 작은 신앙 공동체는 참여자들의 이야기가 공동체를 넘어갈 때 선교적이 될 수 있다.
This study investigated how to repair high-pressure pipes by applying the expansion method instead of the welding method used to repair pipes in the steel, petrochemical, and shipbuilding industries that use high-pressure pipes, and developed a pipe-specific expansion device and auxiliary equipment to use the expansion pipe. We developed an expansion device with a range of 65A to 125A, evaluated the characteristics of the equipment, and manufactured high-pressure pipes made with this device, and obtained the following conclusions. The pressure resistance performance test of the non-welded expansion device was carried out at 32A to 125A, and the pipe pressure resistance test showed good results, and the durability test confirmed the durability of 0.0061 to 0.0063mm. The vibration test of the developed expansion device was measured at 0.3~0.5mm/s, and the noise measurement result was 65.1~65.5 at 32A, 65.2~65.5 at 65A, and 65.4~66.6dB at 125A.
The aphid genus Tuberaphis Takahashi belongs to the tribe Cerataphdini (Hemiptera: Hormaphidinae) and comprises 17 valid species. Generally, its species are distributed in East and South East Asia, where they primarily feed on Styrax spp. (Styracaceae) and utilize species within the Loranthaceae family as their secondary hosts. They form various shapes of galls on Styrax, looking coral and broccoli etc. Currently, the only aphid species reported to exclusively produce gall forms resembling broccoli head-shaped is Tuberaphis takeouchii (Takahashi). For the first time in Korea, an aphid species forming gall structures with a broccoli-head-like appearance has been discovered. We confirmed that the species discovered in Korea is a new species through morphological and molecular comparisons with T. takenouchii (Takahashi). To comprehend the life cycle of this new species, we conducted a year-long study investigating how the gall forms change and examined aphid polymorphism across different seasons. The results of this study additionally include as followings: 1) Species identification, 2) DNA barcoding, 3) population genetic analyses, and 4) morphological comparison using SEM
Recently, there has been an increasing demand for independent suspension systems in commercial vehicles, and various researches related to this trend are currently underway. In this study, as part of an effort to localize the independent suspension system for commercial vehicles, a preceding study was conducted to convert the existing forging process into a casting process. The structural stability of the developed product was evaluated by performing stress analysis on both forging and casting materials. In order to compensate for the low yield characteristics of the casting material, design improvements were made to lower the maximum stress level based on numerical simulations.Additionally, Lightweight design was performed, capitalizing on the inherent design flexibility offered by casting products. As a result, it was confirmed that the developed product exhibited similar stress characteristics level to the existing product, along with a weight reduction of approximately 5%.
In recent years, macroalgal bloom occurs frequently in coastal oceans worldwide. It might be attributed to accelerating climate change. “Green tide” events caused by proliferation of green macroalgae (Ulva spp.) not only damage the local economy, but also harm coastal environments. These nuisance events have become common across several coastal regions of continents. In Korea, green tide incidences are readily seen throughout the year along the coastlines of Jeju Island, particularly the northeastern coast, since the 2000s. Ulva species are notorious to be difficult for morphology-based species identification due to their high degrees of phenotypic plasticity. In this study, to investigate temporal variation in Ulva community structure on Jeju Island between 2015 and 2020, chloroplast barcode tuf A gene was sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed for 152 specimens from 24 sites. We found that Ulva ohnoi and Ulva pertusa known to be originated from subtropical regions were the most predominant all year round, suggesting that these two species contributed the most to local green tides in this region. While U. pertusa was relatively stable in frequency during 2015 to 2020, U. ohnoi increased 16% in frequency in 2020 (36.84%), which might be associated with rising sea surface temperature from which U. ohnoi could benefit. Two species (Ulva flexuosa, Ulva procera) of origins of Europe should be continuously monitored. The findings of this study provide valuable information and molecular genetic data of genus Ulva occurring in southern coasts of Korea, which will help mitigate negative influences of green tide events on Korea coast.
상피하종양은 위내시경 중 우연히 발견되고 특히 위에서 자주 발견된다. 십이지장에서도 발견될 수 있는데, 특히 유두부 주위에 융기된 병변이 관찰되면 총담관이나 췌장과의 관계를 평가해야 하며 상피하종양뿐만 아니라 암이나 자가면역질환도 감별 진단에 고려하여야 한다. 이 증례의 환자는 내시경 검사 중 우연히 유두부 주위에서 상피하종양으로 의심되는 병변이 발견되어 진료 의뢰되었다. 환자는 무증상이었고, 신체 진찰 및 혈액 검사 소견은 정상이었다. 내시경적 조직 검사 결과에는 특이 소견은 없었으나 영상 검사 등을 종합하였을 때 악성 가능성을 완전히 배제할 수 없었다. 따라서 수술로 팽대부 절제술을 시행하였고, 조직 검사 결과 IgG4 연관 팽대부염으로 진단되었다.