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        검색결과 51

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 명리학적 질병 이론 고찰을 통해 자살 충동 조현병의 특성을 유 추하고, 통상 자살 직전 본의의 의지로 이루어지는 자살 상담의 방향성을 제 안하려는 것이다. 첫째, 명리학 원전에서는 오행의 조화 즉 중화의 상태를 건 강의 조건으로 중시하고, 오행이 조화롭지 못한 태과나 불급의 상태를 질병 발생의 요인으로 본다. 또한 오행의 剋과 刑뿐만 아니라 休囚의 상태를 질병 발생의 요인으로 본다. 둘째, 명리학 원전에서는 사주 원국에 辰辰, 午午, 酉 酉, 亥亥의 自刑이 있거나, 대운이나 세운, 월운 등에서 自刑이 거듭 보이면 스스로 죽는다고 본다. 셋째, 명리학 원전에서는 사주 원국이나 대운이나 세 운, 월운 등에서 火가 水에게 극을 당하거나 死絶또는 休囚되면 정신 질환 에 걸린다고 본다. 넷째 사주 원국이나 대운이나 세운, 월운 등에서 슬픔을 주관하는 辛이 불급하거나 丁에게 극하면 마음이 울적한 정신질환이 생긴다 고 본다. 명리학적으로 자살 충동을 줄일 수 있는 상담 방향을 제안하면 다 음과 같다. 첫째, 사주 원국이나 운에서 自刑이 이루어진 사람이 상담 요청할 경우 운에서 自刑이 해소되는 시기를 알려주면서 상담하면 자살 충동을 줄일 가능성이 있을 것이다. 둘째, 원국이나 운에서 水剋火가 이루어진 사람이 상담 요청할 경우 운에서 水剋火가 해소될 수 있는 시기를 알려주면서 상담 하면 자살 충동을 줄일 가능성이 있을 것이다. 셋째, 사주 원국이나 운에서 辛이 불급하거나 丁에게 극을 당한 사람이 상담 요청할 경우 운에서 辛이 채 워지거나 丁剋辛이 될 수 있는 시기를 알려주면서 상담하면 자살 충동을 줄 일 가능성이 있을 것이다.
        2024.05 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 다차원적 배경음악 속성(유형,볼륨,리듬,친숙도)이 소비자의 심리적 정서 및 충 동구매에 미치는 영향을 연구함으로써 중국 또는 한국 소비자를 대상으로 하는 화장품 매장에서 매출 향상 측면에서 배경음악의 중요성을 인식시키는 목적을 가지고 연구되었다. 연구방법은 한 국 오프라인 화장품 매장에서 구매 경험이 있는 한국 및 중국 소비자를 대상으로 온라인 설문을 통해 각 150명의 유효 샘플을 사용하며 구조 방정식 모형으로 경로분석 및 다중집단 분석을 통해 변수간의 인과관계 및 집단간의 경로 차이에 대해 분석하였다. 분석한 결과,음악의 유형,볼 륨,리듬 및 친숙도가 모두 소비자의 심리적 정서 및 충동구매에 영향을 주었다. 한국 및 중국 소비자의 차이를 보면, 음악의 유형 및 친숙도는 한국 소비자들의 충동구매에 더 큰 영향을 미쳤 으며 음악의 불륨 및 리듬은 중국 소비자의 충동구매에 더 큰 영향을 주었다. 연구 결과 본 연구는 화장품 가게 매장에서 배경음악을 사용하여 소비자의 충동구매 행위를 자극하는 효과를 향상시켜 매장의 매출을 높이는 데 도움을 주었다고 도출하였다.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 60년대 이청준 소설을 프로이트 정신분석학과 아도르노 비판미학과의 관계 속에서 탐구하였다. 의학지식의 대중화를 통해 문학 분야에 적극 유입 됐던 프로이트 정신분석학과 한국 지식담론장의 비판인식에 영향을 끼쳤던 아도르노 비판미학이 어떻게 구조화되었는지를 탐구한 것으로 이를 통해 구원의 서사로서 이청준 소설이 갖는 의미를 해명하고자 했다. 이청준 소설은 이윤의 목적성에 훼손된 근대의 부정성을 공격하며 자본의 논리에서 자유로운 무목적적 미의 세계를 유토피아로 투시한다. 현실에 대한 분노를 가학적 공격성을 통해 표현하는데 여기에 문화지식이 중층적으로 개입된다. 타나토스의 본능을 위험한 충동으로 부정한 프로이트 정신분석학이 고통으로만 구원이 투시될 수 있다고 강조한 아도르노 미학을 경유하여 비판적으로 전유되고 있다. 소통과 화해 대신 분노와 불화를 통해 구원을 모색하는 것으로 격자소설 양식, 성찰적 서술자 운용, 거짓말과 말없음 등 전통 문법을 해체하는 형식적 고안들도 비판미학과 연결된다. 이를 통해 문화지식담론을 전유하며 유토피아를 희구한 이청준의 구원의식과 사회의식이 온당하게 이해되며 70년대 이후로 비판미학의 수용 시기를 진단한 연구도 재론될 수 있다. 이론이나 잡지와 함께 소설은 문화지식 수용의 텍스트로 의미를 가지며 그러한 점에서 60년대 이청준 소설은 아도르노미학 수용에 중요한 시사점을 제공한다.
        2021.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        High voltage impulse (HVI) has been gained attention as an alternative technique that could control the CaCO3 scale problems encountered in water main, pipe, cooling tower and heat exchanger vessels. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of electric field (E) and contact time (t) of HVI on reduction of Ca2+ concentration at two different temperatures of 25℃ and 60℃. A kinetic model on the effect of E and t was investigated too. As the E and t increased, the Ca2+ concentration decreased more than that of the control (= no HVI). The Ca2+ concentration decreased up to 81% at 15 kV/cm at 60℃, which was nearly 2 times greater than the control. With these experimental data-set of reduction of Ca2+ concentration under different E and t, the kinetic model was developed. The relationship between E and t required to reduce the concentration of Ca2+ by 30% was modeled at each temperature. The empirical model equations were; E0.83· t = 60.3 at 25℃ and E0.08· t = 1.1 at 60℃. These equations state the products of En and t is always constant, which means that the required contact time can be reduced in accordance with the increment of E and vice versa.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study aims to examine the relationship among media multitasking, impulse buying, and psychological well-being. Two competing perspectives exist to explain the relationship. The breadth-biased cognitive control perspective suggests that media multitasking influences impulse buying, which in turn influences affective well-being (i.e., depression or anxiety) and cognitive well-being (i.e., life satisfaction)(van der Schuur, Baumgartner, Sumter, & Valkenburg, 2015). The mood regulation perspective, instead, suggests that cognitive well-being (i.e., life satisfaction) influences media multitasking, which in turn influences impulse buying, and consequently affective well-being (i.e., depression or anxiety)(Seinauskiene, Mascinskiene, Petrike, & Rutelione, 2016). This study employed an online survey across three universities located in northern, central and southern Taiwan. A total of 662 valid responses were obtained. The results supported the breadth-biased cognitive control model.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, applications of high voltage impulse (hereafter HVI) technique to desalting, sludge solubilization and disinfection have gained great attention. However, information on how the operating condition of HVI changes the water qualities, particularly production of hydroxyl radical (·OH) is not sufficient yet. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of operating conditions of the HVI on the generation of hydroxyl radical. Indirect quantification of hydroxyl radical using RNO which react with hydroxyl radical was used. The higher HVI voltage applied up to 15 kV, the more RNO decreased. However, 5 kV was not enough to produce hydroxyl radical, indicating there might be an critical voltage triggering hydroxyl radical generation. The concentration of RNO under the condition of high conductivity decreased more than those of the low conductivities. Moreover, the higher the air supplies to the HVI reactor, the greater RNO decreased. The conditions with high conductivity and/or air supply might encourage the corona discharge on the electrode surfaces, which can produce the hydroxyl radical more easily. The pH and conductivity of the sample water changed little during the course of HVI induction.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order to identify the antecedents of internet purchasing intention toward fashion items, this study examines shopping-related variables as both direct antecedents of internet purchasing intention, and as indirect antecedents of internet purchasing intention through online-related variables. Impulse buying and market mavenism were considered as shopping-related variables, whilst online interaction readiness and online consumer procrastination were considered as online-related variables. It was hypothesized that impulse buying and market mavenism not only directly influence purchasing intention toward fashion items, but also indirectly influence it through online interaction readiness and online consumer procrastination. Data were gathered by surveying university students in Seoul using convenience sampling. A total of 286 questionnaires were used in the statistical analysis. SPSS was used for exploratory factor analysis, and AMOS was used for confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. The factor analysis of market mavenism, impulse buying, and online consumer procrastination revealed one dimension, whilst the factor analysis of online interaction readiness revealed two dimensions: ‘online relationship’ and ‘internet role.’ Tests of the hypothesized path proved that impulse buying indirectly influences internet shopping intention only through online consumer procrastination, whereas market mavenism influences internet shopping intention indirectly through both online interaction readiness and online consumer procrastination. The results will be useful for Internet shopping mall marketers and for future study.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper asserts that the deepest background of all depression lies in the emptiness and meaninglessness caused by ‘ultimate loss,’ and that the key to overcoming it is to restore the sense of ‘transcendence’ and ‘connection.’ The characters appearing in The Vegetarian by Kang Han are all lonely human beings. They live in their own way, but they are not truly alive. In their lives, they do not properly create what Robert J. Lifton calls a ‘formulation.’ They are not connected with each other and have no symbolic integration with ‘Ultimate Reality.’ They are living in a moribund life trapped by their own trauma or emptiness. At the same time, they all show signs of depression and suicidal impulse. Therefore, by observing the novel, this paper examines human lives in modern times where depressions are prevalent, and suggests ways to solve such problems.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Several disposal processes for waste sludge from wastewater treatment plants such as landfill, ocean dump, incineration, reuse as fuels or fertilizers are practiced. However, ocean dumping is prohibited by international treat. New constructions of landfill sites or incineration facilities are limited by NIMBY and reuse processes are still suffering from low energy yield. Therefore, development of alternative processes for sludge disposal are currently needed. In this study, alternative technique for sludge solubilization using HVI (high voltage impulse) was suggested and verified experimentally. Sludge solubilization was carried out for 90 minutes using HVI discharge with peak voltage of 16 kV and pulse duration for 40 microsecond. About 3∼9 % of MLSS and MLVSS concentration were reduced, but the soluble COD, TN, TP of the sludge increased to 372 %, 56 % and 102 % respectively. It indicates that the flocs and/or cells of the sludge were damaged by HVI. These resulted in flocs-disintegration and cells-lysis, which means the internal matters were bursted out of the flocs as well as the cells. Thus, electrical conductivity in bulk solution was increased. All of the results verified that the HVI could be used as an alternative technique for sludge solubilization processes.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Method of characteristic(MOC) has been widely used as a transient analysis technique for pressurized pipeline systems. There are substantial studies using MOC for the water hammer triggered through instantaneous valve closures, pump stoppage and pump startup for pipelines systems equipped with a centrifugal pump. Considering restrictions of MOC associated with courant number condition for complicated pipeline systems, an impulse response method(IRM) was developed in the frequency domain. this study implements the impact of centrifugal pump using transfer function in frequency domain approach. Using pump performance curve and the affinity law, this study formulated transfer functions which relate complex pressure head at upstream of pump system to that of downstream location. Simulations of simple reservoir-pump-valve system using IRM with formulated transfer function were similar to those obtained through MOC.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There is a general consensus in the literature that impulse buying is normatively wrong, but accounts for a substantial volume of the goods sold every year across the broad range of product categories, including fashion products. Research revealed that young consumers particularly contributed greatly to the increase of impulse buying. While lack of self-control has been found strongly associated with the unplanned nature of impulse buying, with an environment of abundance and consumerism, self-indulgence, rather than lack of self-control, may become a more important driver for impulse buying for modern consumers (Sharma, Sivakumaran, & Marshall, 2011). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate how self-indulgence influences young consumers’ impulse buying and the post purchase consumer regret. This study also aims to test the role of fashion consciousness in the relationship between young consumers’ self-indulgence and impulse buying for fashion products. Self-indulgence is considered a hedonistic tendency, which includes enjoying spending money on oneself, buying things for one’s own pleasure, and trying to enjoy life (Sharma, Sivakumaran, & Marshall, 2011). It was recognized as one of the two opposing cognitive forces leading to impulse behavior (Miao, 2011). While the impulse to purchase is comprised of anticipated pleasures and immediate gratification (Rook, 1987), ironically, consumer regret is one of the major emotional consequences associated with impulse buying. There are two types of consumer regret: cognitive dissonance, resulted from an immediate post-purchase comparison of what was purchased versus the other available alternatives, and consumer guilt, related specifically to the consumption decision situations. Literature suggested that individuals show interest in fashion products with the belief that fashion products will contribute to their appearance, image, and/or bring enjoyment to their life (Workman & Kidd, 2000). In that same token, an individual with high self-indulgence tendency is more likely to show interest in fashion in hopes of identifying fashion items for indulgence purpose. Moreover, this indulgence motivated fashion consciousness will more likely lead to high impulse buying for fashion products. Based on the literature, hypotheses were developed for this study as represented in the following figure. Data was collected using a survey of college students majored in textile/fashion management at a large southeast university in the USA. A total of 190 surveys were distributed and returned. The majority of the subjects were females (73.7%), white (74.7%), and held part-time work (56.7%). Existing scales were adopted to measure self-indulgence (Sharma, Sivakumaran, & Marshall, 2011) and fashion consciousness (Bruner & Hensel, 1998). Impulse buying behavior and post-purchase regret were measured by asking subjects to retroactively recall their shopping trips for fashion products during the past three months. A group of items developed by the researchers were used to measure both the impulse buying behavior and consumer regret. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was first employed to assess the psychometric properties of the constructs. Overall, the fit indices of the measurement model were acceptable (NFI=0.86, IFI=0.935, RMSEA=0.066, CMIN/DF=1.7). A Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was conducted to test the relationship proposed in the hypotheses. To test the mediating effect of fashion consciousness on the relationship between self-indulgence and impulse buying behaviors, a bootstrapping bias-corrected confidence interval procedure was conducted. Overall, the fit indices of the SEM model were acceptable (CMN/df=1.338, NFI=0.90, IFI=0.97, RMSEA=0.044). The SEM results suggested that self-indulgence had a significant influence on impulse buying for fashion products directly and indirectly via fashion consciousness. The impulse purchase behavior had a positive influence on the consumers’ feeling of guilt for the impulse purchase behavior, while no significant influence was found on cognitive dissonance. This research makes several contributions to the literature of impulse buying. First, the study suggests that consumers’ self-indulgence exerts significant direct and indirect influences on consumers’ impulse buying for fashion products. This result may provide an explanation to the phenomenon of increasing impulse buying behavior in the marketplace, even though it is widely considered as a “misbehavior”. Secondly, this study suggests a significant mediating role of fashion consciousness in the relationship between self-indulgence on consumers’ impulse buying for fashion products. The abundance of fashion products in the market and the appreciation of the social and affective function of fashion products contribute to the chain effect from self-indulgence to fashion consciousness and finally to impulse purchase for fashion products. Third, this study confirms the negative guilt feeling resulted from the impulse buying behavior.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Building on a sociological perspective, this study empirically examines how transformation expectations relate to conspicuous consumption and impulse buying by comparing Eastern (Thai) and Western (U.S.) consumers to scrutinize how consumers from completely different cultural and economic profiles diverge from each other with respect to their product/service expectations and their purchase and consumption tendencies. While Thailand represents a small developing economy, the U.S. denotes a large developed nation. Furthermore, Thai culture is characterized by a relatively high uncertainty avoidance, large power distance, femininity, and collectivism, whereas American culture is viewed as an individualist, masculine, risk-taking, and small power distance one (Hofstede, Hofstede & Minkov, 2010). The relationships set forth in this study are woven together based on the expectations states theory (EST), which generally bridges consumers’ expectations with their actions (i.e., the behaviors of buying impulsively and consuming conspicuously in this study). Our focal construct, transformation expectations, is treated as a second-order construct, consisting of four dimensions: “self-,” “relationship,” “hedonic,” and “efficacy” transformations. We postulate that transformation expectations positively influence conspicuous consumption and impulse buying, and that the relationships are moderated by culture. The data were collected from consumers in Thailand and the U.S. using a self-administered survey by means of quota and purposive sampling techniques. Our final sample size consists of 347 Thai consumers and 320 American consumers. The findings in this study show support for all hypothesized relationships. Both Thais and Americans tend to consume more conspicuously and purchase more impulsively when they have higher expectations that a product enables them to transform their lives. Surprisingly, the test of the moderating effect of culture showed a stronger relationship amongst Thai consumers. This finding contradicts to previous empirical evidences suggested in the literature. Future study thus should replicate and/or extend this study to confirm and validate the results so that appropriate marketing strategies can be tailored to fit diverse groups of consumers across the globe.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        소비자들은 구두를 단순히 발을 보호하고 편안하게 해주는 역할 뿐만 아니라 장식과 자아 이미지를 표현해주는 패션제품으로써 인지하는 경향이 있다. 온라인 시장 분석에서 구두가 소비자들의 일상생활에서 중요한 제품이라고는 하였지만 인터넷 구두 시장을 조사한 연구는 드물다. 본 연구는 인터넷 구두시장에서 구두 e-충동구매과정에 대한 쇼핑성향, 마케팅 자극, 소비자들이 인지하는 위험지각의 영향에 초점을 맞추어 조사하였다. 최근 6개월 동안 구두 e-충동구매를 경험한 적이 있는 대학생들 총 408명을 대상으로 자기기술형식의 자료를 수집하였다. 결과에 의하면, 쾌락적 쇼핑성향이나 브랜드 쇼핑성향이 높은 소비자들은 인터넷에서 제공하는 마케팅 자극(판매촉진 자극이나 제품자 극)을 더 많이 인지하였고, 반면 경제적 쇼핑성향의 소비자들은 마케팅 자극을 더 낮게 인지하였으나 기능적인 위험은 더 높게 지각하는 것으로 나타났다. 구두의 경우, 마케팅 자극이 강할수록 e-충동구매는 증가하였으나 소비자들이 지각하는 위험은 e-충동구매에 아무런 영향을 미치지 않았다. 이러한 연구결과는 소비자의 쇼핑성향에 영향을 받는 마케팅 자극이 구두 e-충동구매를 유발하는데 중요한 요인임을 제안한다.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The online store attributes acts as an important trigger for e-impulse buying. Purchasing apparel products are often affected by irrational and emotional attraction making them one of the most frequent impulsively purchased items online. Triggered by ease access to products, easy purchasing, lack of social pressures and absence of delivery efforts, impulse buying occurs in approximately forty percent of all online expenditures. Impulse buying occurs when consumers experience an urge to buy a product, without thoughtful consideration why and for what reason one needs the product. However, few efforts have been made to identify the relationship among-store services attributes, emotions, browsing, urges to buy, and e-impulse buying of apparel products. The objectives of this study was to estimate a path model analysis for causative relationship among e-store service attributes, emotions, browsing, urges to buy, and e-impulse of apparel products. The instrument was developed based on the previous literatures (Park, et al., 2012; Verhagen & Dolen, 2011; Yang & Peterson, 2004)and each item was measured by five-point Liker type scales. A total of 250 data were collected during a regularly scheduled class in universities. More than half of the respondents (65.5%) were 18 to 21 years old. Nearly 65.5 percent of the subjects were women, and more than half of the respondents (63.8%) were below the sophomore. The path model analysis was conducted by AMOS 18.0 using a correlation matrix with maximum likelihood approach. An exploratory factor analysis revealed three types of e-store service attributes: Accuracy, Reliability, and Ease of use. The path model, which was estimated to examine causal relationships among variables (i.e. three types of e-store service attributes, emotions, browsing, urges to buy, and e-impulse buying), was relatively acceptable (chi-square value = 34.40, df = 13, p = .001; GFI = .98, AGFI = .93, RMR = .03). Cronbach's alphas were ranged between .83 and .87. This result suggests that emotions (e.g., positive and negative), browsing and urges to buy perceived by shoppers play important roles as mediators of the e-impulse buying of apparel products. Especially, the urge to buy apparel products was the most important mediator to trigger e-impulse buying. The consumers perceived the accuracy and reliability of e-store attributes were the more perceiving the urges to buy apparel products through the more positive emotions and then the more browsing at e-store. Also, the more ease to use of e-store perceived the more urges to buy apparel products. The more perceiving urges to buy at e-store were the more e-impulse buying of apparel products. This study provides retail managerial implications for stimulating e-shoppers' impulse buying of apparel products.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        LNG 방열 시스템의 선형 동적해석 모델을 사용하여 슬로싱 충격 압력을 구조해석에 적용 시 사용되는 이상화된 삼각파 압력에 대해서 검토하였다. 삼각파 압력의 최대값, 지속시간, 비대칭성의 충격파에 대한 구조 안전성 평가를 위해서 멤브레인 구조의 허용기준과 슬로싱 압력에 관련된 간략화된 파괴압력에 대해 검토하고, 슬로싱 충격 압력의 지속시간과 비대칭성으로 특징 지워진 이상화된 삼각파 형상의 압력을 고려한 일련의 선형 동적해석을 수행하여 설계기준으로 사용할 파괴압력을 도출하였다. 본 논문에서 제시한 방법을 통해서 방열시스템 구조 요소의 안전성을 평가하기 위한 파괴 압력을 선정할 수 있고 모형실험을 통한 슬로싱 압력과의 비교를 통하여 방열시스템의 구조안전성을 평가할 수 있을 것이라 판단된다. 또한 해석결과를 통해 방열시스템에서의 최대 응력은 매우 짧은 순간의 충격하중 하에서는 압력의 비대칭성 보다는 하중 지속시간에 많은 영향을 받고 있음을 검토하였다.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction E-retailers take advantage of apparel products which are viewed as a constantly changing experiential product rich that lead to various kinds of hedonic consumption, like impulse buying (Park and Kim, 2008). Apparel purchases are often affected by irrational and emotional attraction making them one of the most frequent impulsively purchased items online (Rhee, 2007). The e-shoppers are more spontaneous due to marketing stimuli which makes it easier to purchase impulsively and reduces risk aversion (Madhavaram and Laverie, 2004). In fact, shoppers are more likely to overspend when e-shopping because it does not feel like spending money (Dittmar, Long, and Meek, 2004). Apparel retailers need to pay special attention to converting web browsers to impulse purchasers—a capability that plays an important role in the growth of e-business. Despite the vast amount of data available online, few efforts have been made to identify the relationship among services attributes, browsing, urges to buy, and e-impulse buying of apparel products. This study explores a model of e-impulse buying for strategic e-business management in apparel products by understanding critical factors of e-store service attributes over the shopping websites and its impact on browsing and urges to buy for apparel in Korea. Specifically, the objectives of this study were to (a) identify underlying factors of online service attributes related to apparel products; (b) estimate structural equation model for causative relationship among service attributes, browsing, urges to buy, and e-impulse buying; and (c) examine mediating effect of browsing and urges to buy on e-impulse buying for apparel. By focusing on apparel products, this study will shed light on complex issues surrounding online service and provide opportunities for strategic development and promotion in fashion merchandising online. Also, this study could help mangers to identify successful global applications of e-marketing for apparel products. Methods A self-administered questionnaire was developed based on previous literatures. The instrument consisted of the main variables; e-service attributes of apparel stores, browsing, urge to buy, and e-impulse buying of apparel products. Participants responded to questions on a 5-point rating scale (1=very unlikely to 5=very likely). The questionnaire was administered during a regularly scheduled class in universities. Usable data were obtained from 319 students aged between 18 and 25 residing at the metropolitan areas in Korea. More than half of the respondents (65.5%) were 18 to 21 years old. Nearly 65.5 percent of the subjects were women, and more than half of the respondents (63.8%) were below the sophomore. For data analysis, exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation was conducted to determine dimensions of perceived service attributes of the apparel online store. Cronbach's alpha established inter-item reliability between items. The structural equation model analysis was conducted by AMOS 18.0 using a correlation matrix with maximum likelihood approach. The overall fit of the model was assessed by various statistic indexes: chi-square (χ2), goodness of fit index (GFI), adjusted goodness of fit index (AGFI), and root mean squared residual (RMR). Results An exploratory factor analysis revealed three types of e-store service attributes: Ease of Use, Accuracy, and Reliability. The structural equation model, which was estimated to examine causal relationships among variables (i.e. three types of service attributes, browsing, urges to buy, and e-impulse buying), was relatively acceptable (chi-square value = 168.23, df = 157, p = .026; GFI = .95, AGFI = .93, RMR = .05). The model demonstrated that the two factors of service attributes (i.e. ease of use, accuracy of service) were significant variables to influence the browsing, which influence the urges to buy and e-impulse buying for apparel stores. E-impulse buying of apparel products was influenced by browsing and urges to buy. In addition, the urges to buy and browsing mediated the casual relationship between service attributes and e-impulse buying for apparel products. This result suggests that browsing and urges to buy perceived by shoppers were important predicting e-impulse buying of apparel products. Especially, urges to buy apparel products was the most important mediator to trigger e-impulse buying of apparels. Conclusions & Implication This study explores a structural equation model for understanding e-impulse buying in conjunction with browsing, urges to buy and service attributes of apparel store perceived by shoppers in Korea. The findings suggest that the browsing and urges to buy perceived by shoppers play important roles as mediators of the e-impulse buying for apparel stores. Especially, service attributes of apparel e-store perceived by shoppers had indirect effects on e-impulse buying through the browsing and urges to buy, implying that the consumers perceived the ease to use of e-store was the more browsing at e-store and then the more perceiving the urges to buy apparel products. However, the more browsing at apparel e-store was the less the e-impulse buying of apparel products and the more perceiving urges to buy at e-store is the more e-impulse buying of apparel products. This study provides retail managerial implications for stimulating e-shoppers' impulse buying of apparel products. They could increase shoppers' unplanned purchases by developing the service program for convenience (e.g. easy to use the structure of contents, wide ranges of products/service packages, various menu options of website) to stimulate the browsing at e-store.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines consumer impulse buying choice in various situations. A questionnaire was sent to 414 consumers in the UK and Taiwan. The results demonstrate the interactions between the consumption situations and corresponding individual-related factors. Individuals’ cultural backgrounds were also found to predict different types of impulse buying patterns effectively.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 우리 사회는 성범죄가 매우 심각한 사회문제로 인식되고 있으며 지난 10여년간 특히 강력한 법과 제도의 시행이 논의되어 왔다. 이는 여러 제도를 탄생시켰고 2010년에는 성폭력범죄자의 성충동 약물치료에 관한 법률을 제정하게 된다.성충동 약물치료는 법원의 명령으로 성폭력 범죄자에게 약물을 주입하여 성폭력 범죄의 충동을 억제하는 제도이며 그 요건으로는 비정상적 성적 충동이나 욕구를 완화하기 위해 의학적으로 알려진 것이어야 하고 과도한 신체적 부작용을 초래하지 않아야 한다.그러나 제도가 논의되던 시점부터 헌법상 인권침해와 부작용에 대한 우려를 이유로 반대하는 견해가 적지 않았고 제도가 시작되자마자 위헌법률심판에 이르게 된다. 이러한 문제가 발생한 이유는 최근 몇 년간 국민들을 분노하게 만든 아동에 대한 잔인한 성폭력 범죄가 발생할 때마다 성폭력 범죄로부터 아동을 보호한다는 명목으로 여론을 무마하기 위하여 외국의 제도를 급하게 도입하였고 성충동 약물치료가 그 대표적인 제도이기 때문이라고 할 수 있다.성범죄에 대한 합리적인 대책은 반드시 필요하지만 성범죄가 우리사회의 가장 큰 문제인 것처럼 특정 사건이 발생했을 때마다 새로운 제도의 도입을 고려하며 특히 검증되지 않은 외국의 제도를 무분별하게 받아들이는 것은 문제가 있다. 성충동 약물치료는 부작용에 대한 우려와 실효성에 대한 비판 뿐만 아니라 치료결정에 대한 문제와 이중처벌과 소급효, 그리고 기타 여러 문제점이 지적되고 있다.따라서 성충동 약물치료는 현행처럼 시행되는 것은 바람직하지 않으며, 합리적인 제도가 되기 위해서는 여러 문제의 해결과 함께 의학적으로 또한 심리적으로 매우 신중한 접근이 필요하다. 위헌법률심판 이후 계속 시행이 되더라도 적극적으로 동의하는 실험군을 바탕으로 순차적으로 시행하며 여러 문제점을 보완하는 등 전면적인 수정이 있어야 한다고 판단되며 그렇지 않을 경우 폐지까지도 고려하여야 할 것이다.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        성충동약물치료법은 2010년 7월 23일 제정하여, 2011년 7월 24일부터 시행되고 있다. 동법이 규정하고 있는 ‘성충동 약물치료’는 소위 ‘화학적 거세(Chemical Castration)’라고 불리는 것으로서 성범죄자의 성욕을 억제하는 호르몬 치료를 통해 성폭력범죄의 재범을 방지하기 위해 도입되었다.그러나 성충동약물치료법은 기존의 성폭력범죄자에 대하여 초점을 맞추고 있는 미국의 법률을 그대로 수용한 것이라는 점과 국민들의 분노를 사는 아동상대 성폭력범죄가 일어날 때마다 성폭력범죄의 전반에 대한 진지한 검토 없이, 정부·국회 등이 여론을 잠재우기 위해 대책들을 내놓고 있는 상황이다.성충동약물치료법이 약물치료와 더불어 심리치료를 병행하고 있다는 점과 정신건강의학과 전문의의 진단·감정을 받은 후에 치료명령을 청구하도록 한 것은 바람직하다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 성충동약물치료법은 태생적으로 헌법적 문제가 있는데, 그 중에서 가장 큰 원인은 약물의 부작용이다. 이런 부작용으로 피치료자의 생명과 신체에 위해를 가할 수 있다는 점에서 「헌법」에서 규정하고 있는 기본권의 침해를 가져올 수 있다는 것이다.따라서 약물의 부작용을 줄이는 방법과 성충동약물치료로 인해 발생할 수 있는 피치료자의 기본권 침해가 없도록 해야 할 것이고, 또한 성폭력범죄자의 재범방지를 위해서라도 약물치료가 주가 아닌 심리치료에 초점을 맞춘 의학적·법적인 제도의 개선이 있어야 할 것이다.
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