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        검색결과 608

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        래 아만트라우트(Rae Armantraout)는 퓰리처상을 받은 시인이다. 그녀는 24권이 넘는 시집을 출간했으며 수많은 문학상을 수상했다. 그녀는 서정적인 목소리와 자신이 벌거벗은 세상의 삶과 윤리에 대한 분석적인 접근 방식으로 “분석 서정적” 시인으로 인용되었다. 아만트라우트는 환경 시인으로 널리 알려져 있으며 주로 환경 문제와 어린이에 관해 목소리를 냈습니다. 인간 존재의 이중적 성격을 반영하는 그녀의 최근 시집 󰡔최종 후보󰡕(Finalists)(2023)에서도 유사한 문제가 추적되었다. 이 작품은 지구상의 마지막 세대이자 우승에 가까웠지만 결국 준우승자가 된 대회 결승 진출자라는 인간 존재의 이중적 성격을 반영한다. 본 논문을 통해 필자는 레이 아만트라우트의 전 작품과 현대 미국 시에서 그녀의 위치를 기릴 것이다. 그 핵심에서는 그녀의 최근 시집 결선작에서 생태시의 방법론을 분석하고, 다양한 은유와 언어적 모호성을 통해 이 시집에 예시된 물질화의 비판을 재검토할 것이다. 이 컬렉션의 시들은 인간의 정서를 상품화하는 그녀의 분석적 접근 방식을 통해 ‘대상’과 ‘경험’ 사이의 연결을 ‘탈맥락화’ 한다. 그녀의 주요 관심사는 어린이와 인간이 아닌 존재에 있다. 그녀는 물리적이든 디지털이든 물질적 객체가 과거 존재의 흔적을 담고 있다고 비판하며 끊임없이 변화하는 세계에서 물질화의 일시적인 특성을 강조한다.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Despite having enabled insects to become the most abundant and successful group on Earth, wings have been lost in numerous insect lineages, including Orthoptera. Melanoplinae, a subfamily that includes over 100 genera and more than 800 species in Acrididae, exhibits various wing-types and dispersal abilities. Some species possess extensive flight capabilities with long wings, while many groups that inhabit alpine environments tend to reduce their wings and dispersal ability. In order to infer the evolutionary history of Melanoplinae and their wings, we conducted molecular phylogenetic research. We established the phylogeny using seven mitochondrial (Cox1, Cox2, CytB, Nad2, Nad5, 12S and 16S) and two nuclear genes (H3 and Wg) for 139 taxa. By investigating the wing types in Melanoplinae, we estimated the ancestral state of the wings and traced their evolutionary history. Our results present that loss and recovery of wings occurred multiple times within Melanoplinae, showing distinct histories across inner taxa within the subfamily.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The hyperdiverse beetle family Carabidae is one of the largest families of Coleoptera. Nearly 10% of described carabid species are classified in the tribe Pterostichini or tribes historically closely associated with Pterostichini. Beetles in these groups are found worldwide and in habitats from ocean beaches to high-elevation glacial edges. Pterostichines are often abundant and local species richness can be exceptionally high. I will present an overview of the diversity, biogeography, and current phylogenetic arrangement of the included taxa. I will discuss some of the many amazing aspects of the group’s natural history including cases of mate marking during copulation, secondary sexual characters, mate guarding, burrow construction, maternal care for eggs and larvae, and apparent stridulatory structures. I will introduce the Australian trichosternus group and discuss the conservation status of these imperiled beetles and how fundamental taxonomic science led to gaining protection for some species. I will make the case that taxonomy has a unique role among the life sciences to explore, describe, classify, and provide an understanding of the diversity of life, at and above the species level, focusing on individual characters, and within the context of evolutionary history.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: In community-dwelling elderly individuals, slower gait speed is closely related to the ground reaction force. In the elderly with fall experience, stride length and gait speed, and other gait parameters are closely related to gastrocnemius activation. Objectives: To investigate whether medial gastrocnemius stiffness influences gait parameters in community-dwelling elderly people who experienced falls. Design: Cross sectional study. Methods: A total of 149 community-dwelling older adults were assigned to the faller and non-faller groups. Gait parameters (step length, stride length, step width, cadence, heel and toe ground reaction force, heel and toe contact time), and stiffness of the medial and lateral gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior were measured using shear wave elastography. Results: Elderly fallers had shorter step and stride length, lower cadence and toe ground reaction force and heel contact time, and lower medial gastrocnemius stiffness than non-fallers. In elderly fallers, medial gastrocnemius stiffness was significantly correlated with step and stride length, step width, toe ground reaction force, and heel contact time. Conclusions: Lower medial gastrocnemius stiffness in the elderly fallers decreases gait parameters, which can be a risk factor for falls. Therefore, medial gastrocnemius stiffness is a major factor that may associated gait parameters that can determine the risk of fall in community-dwelling elderly individuals.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated whether the framework of writing for English learners should be guided by the well-established reading-writing relation or by the receptive and productive nature of literacy skills. The writings of 209 advanced English learners in Korea were analyzed in relation to receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension while controlling for writing fluency. Two sets of structural equation models were fitted: (1) productive skills (productive vocabulary and writing fluency) mediating receptive skills (receptive vocabulary and reading) and (2) reading mediating receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge. The results supported the second model in which reading completely mediated the contribution of receptive and productive vocabulary to writing. Although there were no direct effects of receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge, both had significant indirect effects on writing through reading and writing fluency. These results show that reading has a strong direct effect on writing above and beyond vocabulary, and that vocabulary knowledge contributes to writing development through reading.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 한국 정치학계를 뜨겁게 달군 두 가지 연구 주제는 단연 ‘민주적 혁신’과 ‘포퓰리즘’이다. 양 주제의 연구자들에 의해 자주 언급되지만 아 직 제대로 연구가 이루어지지 않은 주제가 바로 후기구조주의적 구성주 의 정치이론가인 E. 라클라우의 독창적인 포퓰리즘 접근 방식이다. 이에 본 연구는 민주적 혁신과 포퓰리즘의 연계성을 탐색하는 것으로 출발하 여 포퓰리즘의 정체성과 ‘텅 빈 기표’의 은유를 설명하고 이어서 라클라 우의 구성주의적 포퓰리즘 이론을 검토한다. 라클라우에게 포퓰리즘은 ‘인민’의 구성양식이며, 포퓰리스트 이성은 ‘인민’의 구성원리로 각각 정 의된다. 글의 결론에서는 앞선 논의 사항들과 최근의 신고리 5·6호기 공 론화위원회의 경험에 근거해 작금의 민주적 혁신 기제들은 라클라우식 구성주의적 접근법을 제도정치 속으로 포섭함으로써 ‘숙의적’ 포퓰리즘의 등장을 지원한다고 주장한다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 에니어그램을 활용한 영상관법 상담전략이 분노 감소에 미치는 효 과를 알아보는 데 그 목적이 있다. 연구 문제로 첫째, 에니어그램을 활용한 영 상관법 상담을 통하여 어떠한 심리적 변화를 경험하는가? 둘째, 에니어그램 활 용한 영상관법의 어떤 요소가 분노 감소에 영향을 미쳤는가? 연구 방법은 단일 사례연구 방법을 채택하였으며, 연구 참여자는 34세 여성 으로 신체적, 정서적 측면에서 분노를 호소했다. 에니어그램을 활용한 영상관법 상담전략을 적용하여 2023년 1월~4월까지 주 1회 60분씩 총 8회기 실시하였 다. 또한 에니어그램의 성격적 특성의 변화를 알아보기 위해서 성격유형 검사 를 사전, 사후검사를 진행하였다. 그 결과 특징적인 면은 9번 유형이 사전검사 13점에서 사후검사 3점으로 낮아져 자기표현을 잘하고 있으며, 연구 참여자 스 스로 자기의 성격유형을 이해하면서 본질과 성장방향으로 향하고 있음을 확인 하였고, 영상관법 상담전략의 개입은 어린 시절 미해결 된 촉발사건을 영상으 로 떠올려 알아차리고 거기에 머물러 지켜보면서 부정적인 감정을 긍정적인 변 화를 통하여 심리적, 신체적으로 안정을 갖게 되어 심리치유가 이루어졌다. 분 노감소를 파악하기 위하여 분노검사 사전 76점, 사후 25점으로 현저하게 감소 되었음을 확인하였다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        주식회사인 벤처기업이 수차례 벤처투자를 받으면, 창업주의 지분비율이 희 석되고 이사회 역시 벤처캐피탈로부터 파견된 이사들의 지배 하에 들어가게 될 수 있다. 위와 같은 경영권 불안정이 생기면, 창업주는 자신의 경영철학 을 유지하기 어려워지고, 벤처기업의 장기적 성장에도 악영향을 줄 수 있게 된다. 벤처기업은 대규모 투자를 필요로 하면서 동시에 경영권안정도 요구 되는 모순적인 상황에 처하게 되며, 이 모순을 해결하기 위해 복수의결권주 식이 필요하게 된다. 이번에 통과된 복수의결권 제도(시행 2023. 11. 17)는 4개의 여ㆍ야 의원안과 정부안을 병합하여 우려점들을 최소화했다는 점에서 의의가 크다. 벤처기업법은 주식회사인 벤처기업이 요건을 갖추면, 발기인인 창업주가 복 수의결권주식을 발행받을 수 있게 하였다. 복수의결권주식을 보유한 창업주 는 안정된 경영권을 토대로, 혁신과 창의를 추구할 수 있고, 연구ㆍ개발을 강화할 수 있고, 그리고 달성된 수익으로 그 이해관계자(주주, 채권자, 정부 (중소벤처기업부 등) 등)의 기대를 충족시킬 수 있고, 소비자가 만족하는 재 화나 용역을 (저렴하게) 제공할 수 있을 것이다. 그러나 벤처기업법에 있는 복수의결권주식 관련 내용을 수정 및 삭제 등을 할 필요가 있고, 이것이 주식회사인 벤처기업의 복수의결권주식에 도움이 될 수 있다. 이 글은 Ⅰ. 서론을 제시하고, Ⅱ. 주식회사인 벤처기업의 복수의결권주식의 내용, 그 운용의 문제점 및 개선방안(1. 주식회사인 벤처기업의 복수의결권 주식 발행의 활성화 방안에 대한 검토, 2. 주식회사인 벤처기업이 발행하는 복수의결권주식이 종류주식인가?, 3. 벤처기업법에 있는 보통주식이 무엇인 가?, 4. 복수의결권주식 1주의 금액을 정하여야 하는가?, 5. 발기인인 창업 주에게만 복수의결권주식이 발행되어야 되는가?, 6. 보통주식으로만 복수의 결권주식에 대한 납입을 해야 되는가?, 7. 창업주가 다른 창업주에게 복수 의결권주식을 상속하거나 양도한 경우에 대한 개선방안, 8. 복수의결권주식 의 지배구조 관련 추가 규제 여부에 대한 검토, 9. 중소벤처기업부장관의 신고포상금에 대한 개선방안, 10. 복수의결권주식을 무액면주식으로 발행할 수 있는지?, 11. 주식회사인 벤처기업의 복수의결권주식과 증권시장의 상장 과의 관계, 12. 주식회사인 벤처기업이 장기보유주식을 발행할 수 있는가?) 을 살펴본 뒤, Ⅲ. 결론을 제시한다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The walking-stick insects, Ramulus mikado, are outbreaks in several mountainous areas from 2020 to 2022. In recent, some population of the insect are showed rapidly decline in their abundance, while some of them are still maintained high population density. In worldwide, insects belonging to Phasmida are reported to outbreak in their habitats as mentioned above environments, but knowledge about outbreak pattern of the walking-stick insects is still lacking. In this study, we aimed which biological and environmental factors are related to wax and wane of the insect population. From 2022 to 2023, we studied host tree preferences in natural conditions, ecological stoichiometry in major host trees, overwintering ecology of R. mikado eggs, and infection rate by entomophathogenic fungi during growing season.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper investigates how the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in services may potentially have a negative impact on consumer wellbeing due to the fear of being replaced by AI. Drawing on temporal self-appraisal theory, the study proposes that the fear of being replaced by an AI agent (as opposed to a human) has a negative effect on consumers' psychological wellbeing. The research suggests that this fear negatively affects consumers' perceptions of self-continuity, and that self-continuity perceptions mediate the relationship between fear of AI replacement and psychological wellbeing. Furthermore, the study explores how the type of task intelligence replaced by AI, whether thinking or feeling tasks, moderates the effects of AI on self-continuity and wellbeing.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the many companies that operate internationally, the challenge of translating brand typography into different writing systems is a crucial and complex one. To address this issue, specialized type designers developed "bilingual typography": localized brand typography meant to preserve the original visual identity. They assume that by mimicking the appearance of the original typography, the newly created non-Latin typography will maintain brand consistency. However, no research investigated whether such approach is efficient.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research investigates the structure of psychological ownership of people and the antecedents and results. Although research on psychological ownership is prevalent in Marketing and consumer behavior, there are a few works on psychological ownership of people. Recently, regardless of age and sex, people have been more actively engaging in activities that support their favorite celebrities, idols, and animation characters. They invest their time and money in the objects by participating in events, purchasing goods, recommending to others, etc. These behaviors would contribute to their life satisfaction and happiness. Based on previous research on psychological ownership in the field of organizational behavior and interview with idol fans, we built a model and tested it with data from 550 idol fans. The model contains two dimensions of the psychological ownership of consumers’ favorite idols, two factors as antecedents, two moderators relating to other fans, and two outcomes. The result shows that psychological identity positively affects a sense of community with other fans, and psychological responsibility positively influences territoriality toward them. While a sense of community with other fans positively affects their well-being and intention to continue support behaviors, territoriality negatively influences intention to continue support behaviors and positively impacts well-being.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The rapid digital transformation and the ever-changing needs of consumers have provided both academia and practice a stimulating setting and chance for grasping evolving opportunities and reinventing the traditional marketing approaches. Agility is one emergent approach to manage challenges like increasing uncertainty or high volatility. Due to its relative novelty, the extant academic literature on marketing agility is narrow, and although the operationalization of the construct is slowly expanding, there is yet the need for further refinement of the definition, the construct, terminology, and its dimensions. Similarly, in practitioner circles there is a growing “buzz” about implementing agile practices (e.g., continuous feedback-learning cycles, collaboration, flexibility, and speed) in the field of marketing to manage changing market environments. What exactly makes an organization, a department, or a team agile is, however, still blurred.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Sustainability rears its head in the current online marketing and virtual store -research. Sustainability considerations involve pro-environmental-, social- and economic values as well as future generations and continuous innovation (Hanss and Böhm, 2012). Central in the sustainability research is sustainable consumer behavior, which has been found to be subject of intensions varying across different types of consumers, issues, and product categories (O’Rourke and Ringer, 2016). Determining consumers’ general egoistic, altruistic and biospheric values (e.g., De Groot and Steg 2008; Steg et al., 2014) have resulted quite complex and not always so generalizable structural models for sustainable behavior. While value -research has been dominant in determining the sustainability intensions and eventual behavior, there are relatively little solid theories and understating about different psychological processes behind sustainable behavior. Furthermore, the consideration of multiple sustainable consumer behavior outcomes seems to be limited, which can also hamper the development of models and theories (see e.g., Hulland and Houston 2021).
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sponsored product reviews have emerged as an important tool in influencer marketing. In particular, non-monetary sponsorships, where brands give influencers a product as a gift for a free trial, are widely used in influencer marketing. Yet, there is little understanding of i) the impact of non-monetary sponsorship on consumers’ downstream behaviors, such as social media engagement, ii) the moderating effect of influencer type, and iii) the underlying mechanisms through consumer perceptions of the brand (i.e., brand trust) and product (i.e., perceived product quality). To fill this gap, we first empirically examined the impact of non-monetary sponsorship on customer engagement using an Instagram dataset through regression analyses. In this analysis, the propensity score matching (PSM) method was employed to match non-monetary sponsored posts with other similar posts, which controls unobserved confounding variables and resolves the endogeneity problem. The empirical analysis shows that non-monetary sponsorship increases social media engagement, and the positive impact is stronger when a micro-influencer generates a non-monetary sponsored post. Next, using a lab experiment, we provide evidence for a causal link between non-monetary sponsorship and consumers’ downstream behavior (i.e., social media engagement, purchase intention, and brand attitude) and support the mediation through higher perceived product quality and brand trust. We contribute to the literature on influencer marketing by documenting the positive impact of non-monetary sponsorship on social media engagement, examining the moderating role of influencer type, and providing novel mechanisms underlying the effect of non-monetary sponsorship. The findings also highlight the changes in consumer perception of sponsorship and offer insights into the design of influencer marketing campaigns for marketing practitioners.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research focuses on analyzing the impact of a recommendation system on customer behavior in the e-commerce industry. The study examines the use of big data-driven product recommendations and tailored promotions to enhance customer engagement, conversion rates, and revenue generation. The importance of prioritizing customer engagement in the early stages of the purchasing process is emphasized, and key statistics related to customer behavior in e-commerce are presented. The objective of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of a recommendation system in influencing customer behavior and driving conversions in the e-commerce industry. The research design incorporates a case study analysis of a prominent marketplace in Indonesia. Data was collected from three automation trigger campaigns: browsing abandonment, wishlist/cart abandonment, and purchase reminders. The findings of the research indicate that a recommendation system based on big data has a significant impact on costumer behavior in the e-commerce industry. The research highlights the importance of prioritizing customer engagement and implementing effective recommendation systems to drive conversion rates and revenue in the e-commerce industry.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an important pillar in business practice. Luxury brands are no exception to this trend and have invested deeply in different types of CSR, and this is evident with companies such as Prada and LVMH. However, empirical research has demonstrated the paradox between CSR and luxury and has identified certain undesirable effects. The reason for this inconsistency in the results to date, is the lack of a comprehensive CSR categorization system. To be more specific, we integrated two dimensions - visibility and relevance - and have proposed a novel CSR type in four types, which is external-embedded, external-peripheral, internal-embedded and internal-peripheral. We can easily classify the CSR initiatives into this category, which means the source of undesirable effects can be clearly shown for luxury brands.
        2023.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이􀀁 논문에서는􀀁 회귀분석,􀀁 VAR,􀀁 Lasso,􀀁 XGBoost􀀁 등􀀁 4가지􀀁 통계􀀁 기법을􀀁 이용하여􀀁 비트 코인과􀀁 금융시장과의􀀁 상호연관성의􀀁 정도를􀀁 밝혀􀀁 비트코인이􀀁 더􀀁 이상􀀁 안전자산이􀀁 아님을􀀁 보였다.􀀁 회귀분석에서는􀀁 비트코인의􀀁 24시간􀀁 시간별􀀁 데이터를􀀁 이용하여􀀁 미국주식시장􀀁 개장 시간대와􀀁 휴장시간대를􀀁 비교하여􀀁 비트코인의􀀁 거래량과􀀁 가격의􀀁 변동성이􀀁 통계적으로􀀁 유의 미하게􀀁 증가하는지를􀀁 분석한􀀁 결과,􀀁 미국증시􀀁 개장시간대(09:30-16:00)에􀀁 그􀀁 외의􀀁 시간대 에􀀁 비해􀀁 비트코인의􀀁 거래량은􀀁 22%,􀀁 가격변동성은􀀁 8.3%􀀁 증가하는􀀁 것으로􀀁 나타났다.􀀁 또 한􀀁 비트코인의􀀁 주별􀀁 자료를􀀁 이용하여􀀁 다양한􀀁 주식시장􀀁 지수들이􀀁 시차를􀀁 두고􀀁 비트코인􀀁 수 익률(가격증가율)과􀀁 변동성에􀀁 어떤􀀁 영향을􀀁 미치는지를􀀁 VAR􀀁 분석한􀀁 결과,􀀁 연방기준금리가􀀁 가장􀀁 직접적으로􀀁 영향을􀀁 미치는􀀁 것으로􀀁 나타났다.􀀁 한편􀀁 Lasso를􀀁 이용한􀀁 비트코인과􀀁 주요􀀁 시장의􀀁 지수들과의􀀁 상관관계의􀀁 방향성􀀁 분석에서는􀀁 비트코인의􀀁 수익률과􀀁 변동성이􀀁 금융시 장􀀁 지수들과􀀁 정확히􀀁 같은􀀁 방향으로􀀁 움직이는􀀁 것으로􀀁 나타났다.􀀁 마지막으로􀀁 XGBoost를􀀁 이 용한􀀁 분석에서는􀀁 비트코인􀀁 수익률과􀀁 변동성을􀀁 예측하는데􀀁 가장􀀁 강력한􀀁 예측변수들은􀀁 미국􀀁 주식시장의􀀁 S&P􀀁 500􀀁 지수,􀀁 나스닥􀀁 지수,􀀁 다우존스􀀁 변동성지수인􀀁 것으로􀀁 나타났다.􀀁 다양 한􀀁 계량분석􀀁 결과,􀀁 비트코인은􀀁 미국􀀁 금리와􀀁 미국􀀁 주가􀀁 움직임에􀀁 매우􀀁 민감하게􀀁 반응하고􀀁 정확히􀀁 같은􀀁 방향으로􀀁 움직여􀀁 더􀀁 이상􀀁 안전자산이􀀁 아님을􀀁 밝혔다.􀀁
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