헤스페리딘(Hesperidin, HD)은 다양한 식물체에 존재하는, 강한 항산화 기능을 가진 대표적인 flavonoid의 일종이다. 본 연구에서는 수용성 HD인 Hesperidin glucoside(HDG)가 가지는 세포손상 회복, 항염증 인자억제 및 melanin 생성억제 활성을 세포수준에서 비교하였다. HDG는 HD에 당전이 효소반응 으로 제조되었으며, HD에 비해 20,000배 이상 수용해도가 증가되었다. HaCaT 세포주에 대한 세포독성은 HDG가 HD에 비해 월등히 낮았다. HD와 HDG는 모두 자외선 조사된 HaCaT 세포에서 세포생존율 회 복효과를 나타내었다. 또한 HD와 HDG는 세포내 산화질소(NO), 종양괴사인자-α(TNF-α) 및 인터루킨 -6(IL-6)과 같은 염증 매개체 및 cytokine을 감소시켰으며, HD 보다는 HDG의 효과가 다소 우수하였다. Melanoma B16F10 세포주를 이용한 melanin 형성능과 tyrosinase 저해활성을 측정한 결과, HD와 HDG 모두 효과를 나타내었으며 HDG가 약간 우수한 결과를 보였다. 결론적으로, HD의 당전이체인 HDG는 HD에 비해 동등이상의 세포손상 회복, 염증성 매개체 및 cytokine 억제능과 melanin 형성억제능을 나타내 었으며, HDG의 높은 수용성과 낮은 세포독성 등의 특성은 다양한 분야에서의 용도를 확대시킬 수 있을 것으로 보인다.
This study aimed to verify the whitening effect of Cordyceps militaris, which is distributed in several countries worldwide, including Korea, Japan, and China, and has various medical effects. To screen the efficacy of C. militaris, the inhibitory activity of tyrosinase, which was 66% at a concentration of 1 mg/mL, was measured. Thereafter, the survival rate of melanoma cells was measured, and cell experiments were conducted at a concentration of 90% or more in which C. militaris was not toxic to cells. After measuring the inhibitory effect of TRP-1, TRP-2, tyrosinase protein, and mRNA expression, which are factors influencing melanin synthesis, C. militaris was found to decrease in all factors, with an expression level that was significantly lower compared to quercetin. This confirmed that C. militaris stimulated with LED has excellent whitening activity and can be used as a functional whitening cosmetics material.
Anti-melanogenesis and skin anti-wrinkle effects of methanol (ME) and hot water (HE) extracts from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma applanatum were investigated in this study. The total phenolic contents of the ME and HE of the mushroom were 11.68 and 3.15 μg GAEs/mg, respectively, whereas the total flavonoid contents of the ME and HE were 21.82 and 2.69 μg QEs/mg, respectively. The survival rate of B16-F10 murine melanoma cells treated with 750 μg ME and HE were 83.46% and 85.54%, respectively, thereby suggesting that mushroom extracts were slightly cytotoxic at the tested concentration. The in vitro tyrosinase inhibition by ME (83.15%) and HE (83.44%) was significantly lower than that of kojic acid (99.61%), the positive control, at 2.0 mg/mL. Although the inhibition of cellular melanin synthesis in B16-F10 melanoma cells by 2.0 mg/mL of ME (50.24%) and HE (51.24%) was lower than that of arbutin (64.84%), the inhibition by both ME and HE was higher than 50%. Collagenase inhibition by HE was comparable to 2.0 mg/mL epigallocatechin (EGCG), the positive control; however, elastase inhibition by ME and HE was lower than that of EGCG at the concentration tested. The results showed that the fruiting bodies of G. applanatum had good anti-tyrosinase, good anti-collagenase, and moderate anti-elastase activities, which might be useful for developing novel skin-whitening and anti-wrinkle agents.
본 연구는 B16F10 melanoma 세포에서 산딸기 잎 추출물(Rubus crataefifolius Leaf Extract, RCLE)의 멜라닌 생성 억제 효과를 확인하고자 수행되었다. α-MSH로 자극한 B16F10 melanoma 세포에서 멜라닌 함량과 tyrosinase 활성, 멜라닌 생성관련 효소들인 TRP-1, TRP-2 및 MITF의 단백질 발현 수준을 조사하였고 이에 대한 RCLE의 효과를 검증하였다. RCLE는 tyrosinase 활성과 멜라닌 생성을 효과적으로 억제하였고 멜라닌 생성 경로에 관여하는 PKA와 CREB의 인산화와 MITF의 발현을 억제하였으며 멜라닌 생성 관련 단백질의 발현을 하향 조절하였다. 이러한 결과는 RCLE가 MITF 발현을 억제하여 α -MSH로 자극된 멜라닌 합성을 억제한다는 것을 보여준다. 따라서 이러한 연구결과는 RCLE가 과도한 멜라닌 생성으로 인한 색소 침착을 완화시킬 수 있는 기능성 화장품 소재로 활용될 수 있음을 시사한다.
The multicolored Asian ladybeetle Harmonia axyridis is characterized by polymorphism of the elytral pattern. Melanization in Harmonia axyridis is crucial for their elytral coloration, but the molecular mechanisms are not fully understood in this species. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopa decarboxylase (DDC), two key enzymes in the melanin pathway, convert tyrosine and dopa into dopa and dopamine, respectively. In this study, it was to determine the role of TH and DDC of Harmonia axyridis (HaTH and HaDDC) in body and wing pigmentaion produced via melanin pathway. The cDNA sequences of HaTH and HaDDC were cloned to perform RNAi-based functional analysis. Injected dsRNA to the 4th larvae caused knockdown of target genes, and it was verified by quantative realtime PCR. Both TH and DDC RNAi adult show loss of black pigmentation in their body and wing pigmentaion. These results is expected to be helpful to investigate polymorphism by melanin pigment in Harmonia axyridis.
본 연구는 구절초 꽃 추출물이 기능성 화장품 소재로서의 개발 가능성을 관찰하기 위하여 항 산화 활성과 피부세포에 대한 세포독성, 항염증, 멜라닌 생합성 억제능에 미치는 영향을 관찰하였다. 본 연구 결과 구절초 꽃 추출물에서 폴리페놀과 플라보노이드의 높은 함량과 뛰어난 DPPH radical 소거작 용을 확인하였고, Raw 264.7세포와 B16F10세포에 대해 유의한 세포독성을 나타나지 않았으며, Raw 264.7세포에서 LPS에 의해 유도된 NO 생성을 유의하게 억제함으로써 항염증 효과를 확인하였다. 구절 초 꽃 추출물이 B16F10세포에 α-MSH로 멜라닌 생성을 유도한 후 멜라닌 생합성 억제능을 측정한 결 과 멜라닌의 생성 증가를 농도 의존적으로 억제되는 것을 확인하였다. 이와 같은 결과로 보아 구절초 꽃 추출물은 세포에 대한 독성이 낮고, 높은 항산화 활성과 항염증, 미백효과를 가진 기능성 화장품소재 로써의 활용 가능성이 있을 것으로 사료된다.
Royal jelly (RJ) is one of the most attractive functional foods that have been a commercial product, especially in dietetics and cosmetics in many countries. However, RJ has been evoked with dermatitis, acute asthma and anaphylaxis because of major RJ proteins. Therefore, to access water soluble royal jelly (WSRJ) that removed allergy-induced proteins as an effective whitening agent for cosmetics and potential external treatment for topical use, we investigated its ability to inhibit melanin biosynthesis.
B16F1 cells were treated with 10 nM α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α -MSH) for 48hr, and then were treated with various doses of WSRJ for 36hr. WSRJ (1-10ug/ml) inhibited direct tyrosinase activity and cellular tyrosinase activity, which lead to the decrease of melanin synthesis in α-MSH stimulated B16F1 melanoma cells. In addition, we examined RT-PCR and Western blotting for melanogenesis-related genes such as tyrosinase, tyrosinase related protein 1 (TRP-1) and 2. WSRJ suppressed mRNA and protein expression of tyrosinase, tyrosinase related protein (TRP)-1 and TRP-2 in α-MSH stimulated B16F1 cells, and similar to positive control, arbutin. Our findings suggest that WSRJ induced the downregulation of melanogenesis by inhibiting tyrosinase, TRP-1 and 2 activations. It may serve as a new candidate in the new skin-whitening agents.
The purpose of this study was performed to determine the whitening effect of organic solvent extracts from the centipede, Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans. We prepared different concentrations (50%, 70% and 100%) of ethanol, methanol, 100% ethyl acetate and water extracts. We tested melanin inhibitory effect and tyrosinase activity using B16/F10 melanoma cell. As a result, treatment of organic solvent extracts is decreased the biosynthesis of melanin and tyrosinase activity to 30~60%. Especially the 70% ethanol extracts was the most effective in B16/F10 melanoma cells. In the study on melanogenic protein expression, 70% ethanol extracts of Scolopendra subspinipes mutilans blocked glycosylation of tyrosinase. Therefore this result suggests that 70% ethanol extracts could be developed as a skin whitening agents.
In this study, matured silkworm hemolymph was studied for inhibitory effect on melanocyte formation, tyrosinase activities and antibacterial effect. A matured silkworm hemolymph mass purification method was developed and some of suppressing melanin formation effects were investigated, too. Antibacterial effects were tested by Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Candida albicans. As a result, the advanced purification method was higher in yield rate than existing one by 53%. A free radical scavenging activity of hemolymph was higher than sericin on the market(IC50, 202.9±33.1) and lower than vitamin C(0.57±0.02) by 6.4±0.3 ㎍/㎖. An inhibitory effect on melanin synthesis was higher in hemolymph compared to morus bark and arbutin by 9.15% and 11.56%, respectively. The antibacterial effects on Escherichia, Staphylococcus were detected at 2% hemolymph concentration, which was relatively good. Thus, these results suggest that hemolymph of matured silkworm may have beneficial properties as a material for cosmetics.
Melanins in cell walls of mushroom are known to related with fruiting body color. Fruiting body color in oyster mushrooms is various and is very important characteristic for new cultivars. Recently, several cultivars have been breeded with various fruiting body color, for example yellow, pink, white in Korea. Recent research trend of fungal melanins and fruiting body color of mushroom will be introduced.
곰피추출물의 CCD-986sk cell line monolayer (human fibroblast, KCBL-21947)에 대한 피부세포 생리활성효과를 측정하고, 또한 곰피추출물의 Clone M-3 mouse melano-cyte cell line에 대한 melanin formation 저해효과를 측정하기 위해 in vitro레벨에서 실험을 실시하였다. 곰피는 다년생 갈조류의 일종으로 이 종은 한국 연안해역에서 중요한 1차생산자의 역할을 담당하고 있는
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of ethanol extract of Fagopyrum escuentum(FE) on the melanogenesis. To determine whether ethanol extract of FE suppress melanin synthesis in cellular level, B16F10 melanoma cells were cultured in the presence of different concentrations of FE ethanol extract. In the present study, the author examined the effects of FE ethanol extract on cell proliferation, melanin contents, tyrosinase activity. Cell proliferation was slightly increased by treatment with ethanol extract of FE (25-200 μg/ml). The ethanol extract of FE effectively suppressed melanin contents at a dose of 100 μg/ml. It was observed that the color of cell pellets was totally whitened compared with the control. The ethanol extract of FE inhibited tyrosinase activity, regulate melanin biosynthesis as the key enzyme in melanogenesis. These results suggest that the ethanol extract of FE exerts its depigmenting effects through the suppression of tyrosinase activity. And it may be a potent depigmetation agent in hyperpigmentation condition.
In order to search for anti -melanin formation agents from Korean medicinal herbs, we selected 21 Korean medicinal herbs, based on a review of Korean traditional medicine books and the recommendations of Korean traditional medical doctors. We tested for i
With a view to investigating how Epimedium koreanum Nakai affects formation of melanin content in skin, we have measured change in the number of cell, melanin content, and tyrosinase activity by treating its aqueous extracts at various concentrations with B16 melanoma cells, the result of which is as follows: Firstly, cell viability has been shown as over 95% when treating with the aqueous extract of Epimedium koreanum Nakai up to 200 ug/mL, from which the effect of cell toxicology has not nearly appeared. Secondly, the number of cell has been slightly decreased than that of the control group when treating with the aqueous extract of Epimedium koreanum Nakai, which has not shown a statistical noteworthiness. Thirdly, the aqueous extract of Epimedium koreanum Nakai has increased in tyrosinase activity. Fourthly, the aqueous extract of Epimedium koreanum Nakai has promoted the formation of melanin content, its final product. According to the result, it is confirmed that Epimedium koreanum Nakai has the influence on promoting melanization of B16 melanoma cell, and it is considered that Epimedium koreanum Nakai can be applicable for curing vitiligo caused by decrease or loss of pigment through a systematic study.
Recently many efforts were focused to understand the mechanical insights of melanogenesis to develop the agents for hyper-pigmentation and hypo-pigmentation. In the melanin biosynthetic pathway, tyrosinase is the rate limiting enzyme, and α-melanocyte stimulating hormone(MSH) stimulate melanogenesis and enhance the melanin synthesis and the tyrosinase activity. This study the effects of Radix Trichosanthis on the basal melanogenic activities of B16/F10 mouse melanoma cells, and on the α-MSH induced melanogenesis. Radix Trichosanthis alone markedly suppressed melanin content and tyrosinase activity in a dose-dependent manner. Pretreatment of the cells with Radix Trichosanthis also suppressed the increase of α-MSH (10 nM) induced melanin content and tyrosinase activity. These results suggest that Radix Trichosanthis inhibits melanogenesis and abrogates α-MSH induced melanogenesis in B16 melanoma cells.