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        검색결과 188

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 흰다리새우 양식장 양식수를 대상으로 수질 분석(수온, 염분, 용존산소, pH) 및 16SrRNA 유전자 발현을 이용하여 양식수에 존재하는 유용 미생물을 확인하였다. 연구 결과 수질이 양호한 양식수에서 Nitrosomonas, Nitrospina, Nitrospira 등의 질소 순환 과정에 관여하는 미생물 및 유기화합물의 분해에 관여하는 미생물들을 확인하였다. 본 연구 결과는 양식수 수질의 정화에 관여하는 미생물의 확인 및 적용을 통한 지속적인 환경 친화적 양식 시스템의 개발에 활용 가능하리라 생각된다.
        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to develop a comprehensive predictive model for Digital Quality Management (DQM) and to analyze the impact of various quality activities on different levels of DQM. By employing the Classification And Regression Tree (CART) methodology, we are able to present predictive scenarios that elucidate how varying quantitative levels of quality activities influence the five major categories of DQM. The findings reveal that the operation level of quality circles and the promotion level of suggestion systems are pivotal in enhancing DQM levels. Furthermore, the study emphasizes that an effective reward system is crucial to maximizing the effectiveness of these quality activities. Through a quantitative approach, this study demonstrates that for ventures and small-medium enterprises, expanding suggestion systems and implementing robust reward mechanisms can significantly improve DQM levels, particularly when the operation of quality circles is challenging. The research provides valuable insights, indicating that even in the absence of fully operational quality circles, other mechanisms can still drive substantial improvements in DQM. These results are particularly relevant in the context of digital transformation, offering practical guidelines for enterprises to establish and refine their quality management strategies. By focusing on suggestion systems and rewards, businesses can effectively navigate the complexities of digital transformation and achieve higher levels of quality management.
        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, two things were analyzed for Korean Standards certification factory review evaluation items. First, it was examined whether there is a difference between the Practice of factory review evaluation items and Post-Management according to the change in perception of the factory review evaluation items of Korean Standards certification personnel. Second, the moderating effect of the Korean Standards certification personnel's perception of the effect of the Practice of the factory review evaluation items of Korean Standards certification personnel on Post-Management was verified. Although there is a statistically significant difference between Practice and Post-Management according to changes in perception of Korean Standards personnel, there is no statistically significant difference in the impact (slope) of Practice on Post-Management according to changes in perception of Korean Standards certification personnel. As the perception of factory review evaluation items increases, the Practice and Post-Management of factory review evaluation items are increasing, but the impact of the Practice of factory review evaluation items on Post-Management does not affect it. In order to further advance Korean Standards certification, which plays an important role in maintaining the quality level of products produced by companies, efforts to raise the level of perception of Korean Standards certification personnel are considered necessary.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        외부 환경변화에 민감한 양서류는 지역 내 생태환경의 변화나 교란을 평가하는 생물지표종으로 활용되고 있다. 도시화로 인한 서식지 파괴, 단절과 같은 인위적인 위협으로 인해 무미목 양서류 종 3분의 1이 멸종 위험에 처한 것으로 알려져 있다. 무미목 양서류의 적절한 보호 및 보전전략 마련을 위해서는 개체군의 특성을 고려한 생물종 조사가 요구된다. 본 연구는 무미목 양서류의 번식기 울음소리를 이용한 생태모니터링에 있어 시민들의 참여 가능성을 모색하고자 하였다. 또한 적절한 품질관리 방안을 제안하여 오류나 편향을 제거하고 신뢰도 높은 생물종 출현 자료를 추출하고자 하였다. 시민과학 프로젝트는 국내에 서식하는 무미목 양서류 12종을 대상으로 2022년 4월 1일부터 8월 31일까지 전국을 대상으로 수행되었다. 시민들의 자발적인 참여를 통해 무미목 양서류의 번식기 울음소리를 직접 청취하고 모바일 애플리케 이션을 통해 녹음함으로써 음성신호 모니터링이 진행되었다. 또한 품질관리 프로세스를 구축하여 시민들로부터 수집된 데이터의 오류 및 편향을 누락, 허위, 잘못된 식별과 같이 3단계로 분류하여 신뢰도 높은 생물종 출현 자료를 추출하고자 하였다. 시민참여 무미목 양서류 음성신호 모니터링 결과 총 6,808건의 관찰 기록을 수집할 수 있었다. 품질관리 프로세스를 통해 6,808건의 데이터 중 1,944건(28.55%)에서 오류 및 편향이 발생하였다. 오류 및 편향 유형으로는 누락이 922건 (47.43%)으로 높은 빈도를 보였으며 잘못된 식별 540건(27.78%), 허위 482건(24.79%) 순서로 나타났다. 시민과학 프로젝트를 통해 국내에 서식하는 12종의 무미목 양서류 중 두꺼비(Bufo gargarizans Cantor), 한국산개구리(Rana coreana)를 제외한 10종의 무미목 양서류의 번식기 울음소리를 관찰할 수 있었다. 주로 개체수 감소로 인하여 관찰이 어렵거나 비 출현 개체의 번식기와 시민과학 프로젝트 진행 시점과의 차이로 인해 번식기 울음소리를 수집하는데 어려움이 발생한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 시민참여를 토대로 국내에 서식하는 무미목 양서류의 번식기 울음소리를 통해 분포현황과 생물종 출현 자료 수집을 처음으로 검토한 연구이다. 향후 시민과학을 접목한 생물음향 모니터링 설계와 시민과학 데이터 품질관리 방안에 대한 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mid-sized manufacturing companies, which account for 0.7%(5,480 companies), 13.8%(1.169 million persons) of total employment, and 15.7% of total sales, have recently experienced a lot of difficulties in management activities due to the impact of COVID-19, the U.S.-China trade war, and the collapse of global supply chains. To overcome this, revitalization of quality management activities to strengthen corporate competitiveness is emerging as an urgent task. In order for these quality management activities to achieve their intended purpose, the positive leadership of corporate managers is very important above all else. There have been many studies related to positive leadership, but most have focused on charismatic leadership and transformational leadership centered on large companies or small and medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, this study aims to present ways to strengthen the leadership of managers by empirically analyzing how the positive leadership of managers of mid-sized manufacturing companies, which was relatively under-researched, affects quality management activities and Business performance(Balanced Score Card; BSC).
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        ISO 9001:2005 is the international standard for implementing a Quality Management System (QMS), which provides a framework and principles for managing an organization’s quality management. The aim is to ensure that the organization continuously provides products and services that satisfy regulatory requirements. The “process approach” in ISO 9001 is defined as a systematic method of achieving organizational goals by comprehending and managing the interconnected processes as a cohesive system. Recently, KINAC has decided to develop standard processes in the field of R&D and performance management based on the framework of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system. The objective of this study is to establish standardized processes for conducting research and development, as well as managing the outputs and performance of R&D activities. It involves identifying, designing, implementing, monitoring, and continually improving processes to ensure consistency, efficiency, and effective management of KINAC R&D and its achievements. Firstly, R&D and the research performance management process were defined, and the processes were categorized by function according to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Second, the ISO 9001 requirements were compared to the institute’s existing regulations and documents in order to identify any additional processes and procedures needed to meet the quality management requirements. Finally, the lists of quality documentation were determined for the institute’s QMS. As a result, a total of 30 QMS documents were listed, including 1 manual, 12 quality processes and procedures, and 17 quality instructions. The documents can be categorized into four process groups: the management and planning process group, the R&D and achievements management process group, the analysis and improvement process group, and the support process group. All input and output information of each process are connected and interrelated. The implementation of quality management standards and procedures for R&D in KINAC could lead to improved research practices, more reliable data collection and analysis, and increased efficiency in conducting R&D activities. For further study, it is planned to create detailed, high-quality documents that adhere to standard requirements and guidelines.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (KOLAS) is the national accreditation body responsible for providing accreditation services to testing and calibration laboratories. The primary objective of KOLAS is to promote the quality and reliability of laboratory testing by providing nationally and internationally recognized accreditation services. Laboratories accredited by KOLAS are required to meet rigorous international standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and are subject to regular assessments to ensure ongoing compliance with the standards. KOLAS accreditation is highly regarded both domestically and internationally, and is recognized for providing high-quality and reliable testing services. The nuclear analysis laboratory at KINAC has been working to establish a quality management system to ensure the external reliability of analytical results and to secure its position as an authorized testing agency. To achieve this, a detailed manual and procedure for nuclear material analysis were developed to conform to the international standards of ISO/IEC 17025. This study presents the preparation process for establishing the management system, focusing on meeting technical and quality requirements for the implementation of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard in the KINAC nuclear analysis laboratory, specifically in the field of chemical testing (dosimetry, radioactive, and neutron measurement subcategories). The preparation process involved two tracks. The first track focused on satisfying technical requirements, with Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) selected as the major equipment for analysis. Analytical methods for determining isotope ratios and concentrations of nuclear materials were determined, and technical qualification was ensured through participation in proficiency test programs, inter-experimenter comparison tests, and uncertainty reports. The second track focused on developing the quality system, including quality manuals, procedures, and guidelines based on the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Various implementation documents were produced during the six-month pilot period, in accordance with the three levels of documents required by the standard. Implementation of ISO/IEC 17025 is expected to have a systematic quality management process for the analysis lab’s operations and to increase confidence in KINAC’s nuclear analysis.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since the National R&D Innovation Act was enacted in 2022, it became a crucial issue how to qualify or improve R&D activities and disseminate their outcomes. Many organizations have referred to various quality management standards such as the American National Standards Institute/American Society for Quality (ANSI/ASQ) Z1.13, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001, and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Nuclear Quality Assurance-1 (ASME NQA-1), as a means to set up their own quality system. ISO is the international standard for implementing a quality management system (QMS), which provides a framework and principles for managing an organization’s QMS, with the aim of ensuring that the organization consistently provide products or services that meet regulatory requirements. ISO 9001 can cover all aspects of an organization’s operations, and it can also be expanded to include R&D areas. The introduction of ISO 9001 to R&D aims to improve R&D practices and establish a standardized process framework for conducting R&D. ANSI/ASQ Z1.13 provides quality guidelines for research and consists of 10 sections covering various aspects of research quality, emphasizing ethical conduct, clear objectives, reliable data collection, and analysis. ASME NQA-1 is one of quality assurance standards for nuclear facility applications, but it has been extended and applied to R&D activities in the nuclear fields. It just focuses on planning, procedures, documentation, competence, equipment, and material control. KINAC has conducted extensive research on verifying and regulating nuclear activities while providing support for national nonproliferation technologies and policies. In addition to the quantitative growth achieved so far, efforts are being made to establish a qualitative and integrated management system. As a first step to achieve this goal, this study reviewed international standards and methodologies for research quality and derived the key components for R&D quality management. Moreover, the appropriate outline of quality management system framework was proposed for R&D as a regulatory support process, based on the ISO 9001. The implementation of quality management standards and procedures for R&D in KINAC, which could lead to improved research practices, more reliable data collection and analysis and increased efficiency in conducting R&D activities.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we investigate the requirements of QPA(Quality Process Audit), which is a process quality audit system for secondary defense contractors, compared with those of DQMS(Defense Quality Management System). And evaluate whether the deployment of QPA meets the DQMS certification requirements through the case example of Company H. The evaluation items of QPA are composed of five categories such as Material Management, Incoming Inspection, Manufacturing Process, Product Evaluation, and Packaging Management. The QPA requirements are mainly related to the chapter 7(support) and chapter 8(operation) of DQMS standards. In this view point, QPA can be expected as an effective audit for suppliers preparing for DQMS certification. In the case example, we evaluate the results and effects of improvement due to QPA and compare it with the case of DQMS. QPA can be used as appropriate quality management standards of secondary and tertiary defense contractors and can provide the basis guidelines for the preparation of implementation steps in DQMS certification.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to propose part management and standardization to reduce cost and increase compatibility of parts through standardization and standardization of parts to be applied to urban air mobility(UAM) systems, Personnel Air Vehicle(PAV), Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL), and so on. In other words, parts used in the urban air transportation system must be verified from the initial design stage in accordance with the aviation standard, and a systematic management system for various parts must be established to secure stability and improve quality. Therefore, as a system similar to the aviation component management system, it should be thoroughly managed for urban aviation components.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Indoor air quality management is essential for a healthy life. However, it is difficult to perceive, detect, and monitor the level of indoor air pollution and this means that it is possible to be exposed to more pollution indoors than outdoors. In this study, in order to derive effective indoor air quality management measures, public perceptions and behavioral characteristics regarding indoor particulate matter and air quality management methods were investigated through a survey of 1,000 people. Based on the survey, it was found that most of the respondents had a negative perception of the indoor air quality of their residence, and natural ventilation was the most used method for indoor air quality management. Although the frequency of use of air quality management devices such as air purifiers and mechanical ventilation systems was relatively low, their effect regarding air quality management was positively perceived. In particular, the results of survey indicated that respondents of families which included members with fragile health engaged in more active behavior regarding in indoor air quality management than those respondents whose family members had no health issues and that the former have used air quality management devices more frequently. Therefore, it is necessary to develop proper guidelines to encourage more people to actively participate in improving indoor air quality.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, indoor air quality indices (IAQI-C and IAQI-E) were developed for child care centers and elderly care centers based on health effects, and compared to the air quality index (CAI) for outdoor atmosphere. In addition, composite indices that integrate individual indices for each pollutant were developed to quickly and conveniently recognize the current air quality. Among all data, 71.2% and 35.6% belonged to the grades 'Good' and 'Moderate' for child care centers and elderly care centers, respectively. This assessment is more stringent than the CAI's criteria.
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