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        검색결과 205

        2024.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        외국인 유학생이 꾸준히 증가함에 따라 정부는 ‘외국인 유학생 유치‧관 리 역량 인증제’를 시행하였다. 인증제는 외국인 유학생 유치 및 관리에 양적인 성장뿐만 아니라 질적인 성장에 목적을 두고 2012년 본격적으로 도입하였으며 현재는 ‘교육국제화역량 인증제’로 확대하여 실시되고 있 다. 이를 통해 교육의 질과 학생의 수준을 끌어올리고 있지만 인증제가 현실을 반영하지 못하는 부분이 있다. 이에 본고에서는 외국의 사례를 조사한 후 한국의 교육국제화역량 인증제가 어떻게 수정·보완되어 왔는 지 그동안의 변화 과정을 살펴보고 3주기 보완 체계가 진행 중인 현재의 평가 항목과 기준 내용의 보완점을 제언하였다. 제언의 내용은 크게 세 가지로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 먼저 불법체류율 산정 방식이다. 기존의 산정 방식은 모수와 분자의 조건을 동일하게 보았기 때문에 이를 악용하는 경 우도 있었다. 따라서 불법체류율 산정 방식을 수정해야 한다. 둘째, 학위 과정의 경우 공인 한국어능력 자격을 취득하지 않은 유학생 대상 한국어 강의에 대한 명확한 규정이 필요하며 구체적인 졸업 요건이 명시되어야 한다. 셋째, 어학연수과정의 학생수, 교원 자격증 수 등을 현장 상황을 파악하여 평가 기준을 높여야 한다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we present a case study of developing MVIS (Machine Vision Inspection System) designed for exterior quality inspection of stamping dies used in the production of automotive exterior components in a small to medium-sized factory. While the primary processes within the factory, including machining, transportation, and loading, have been automated using PLCs, CNC machines, and robots, the final quality inspection process still relies on manual labor. We implement the MVIS with general- purpose industrial cameras and Python-based open-source libraries and frameworks for rapid and low-cost development. The MVIS can play a major role on improving throughput and lead time of stamping dies. Furthermore, the processed inspection images can be leveraged for future process monitoring and improvement by applying deep learning techniques.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we have developed a movable defect detection system based on a vision module with machine-learning algorithm for distinguishing product quality. Machine-learning model determined the results in good or no good through images acquired from the vision module consisting of a camera, processor unit, and lighting. To ensure versatility for use in a variety of settings, we have integrated a robot arm and cart for the movable defect detection system, and the robot arm that adjusts the focus length is made to be able to rotate in all directions. The type of defect was divided into eccentricity defect and printing defect. As a result, it was confirmed that classification accuracy showed 0.9901 in our developed device.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The spectrum of this study was research on the closed hydroponic cultivation of netted melons (Cucumis melo L.) using coir substrate, analyzing the impact of this cultivation method on melon yield, fruit quality, and the efficiency of water and nutrient usage. The experimental results showed that the average fruit weight of the melons grown in a closed system was 71.4 g higher than that of the open system, and the fruit width was on average 0.2 cm larger, showing a statistically significant difference. However, there was no difference in the average sugar content of the fruit flesh and height. Although there is no substantial commercial difference, it is conjectured that the change in the macronutrients ratio in the irrigation has played a role in the statistically significant increase in fruit weight, which is attributed to changes in the crops' nutrient uptake concentrations. This necessitates further research for a more comprehensive understanding. In terms of the productivity of irrigation required to produce the fruit, applying the closed system resulted in an increase of 7.6 kg/ton compared to the open system, saving 31.6% of water resources. Additionally, in terms of nutrients, cultivating in a closed system allowed for savings of approximately 59, 25, 55, 83, 76, and 87% of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and S, respectively, throughout the entire cultivation period. As the drainage was reused, the ratios of NO3 - and Ca2+ increased up to a maximum of 9.6 and 9.1%, respectively, while the ratios of other ions gradually decreased. In summary, these results suggest that closed hydroponic cultivation can effectively optimize the use of water and fertilizer while maintaining excellent fruit quality in melon cultivation.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (KOLAS) is the national accreditation body responsible for providing accreditation services to testing and calibration laboratories. The primary objective of KOLAS is to promote the quality and reliability of laboratory testing by providing nationally and internationally recognized accreditation services. Laboratories accredited by KOLAS are required to meet rigorous international standards set by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and are subject to regular assessments to ensure ongoing compliance with the standards. KOLAS accreditation is highly regarded both domestically and internationally, and is recognized for providing high-quality and reliable testing services. The nuclear analysis laboratory at KINAC has been working to establish a quality management system to ensure the external reliability of analytical results and to secure its position as an authorized testing agency. To achieve this, a detailed manual and procedure for nuclear material analysis were developed to conform to the international standards of ISO/IEC 17025. This study presents the preparation process for establishing the management system, focusing on meeting technical and quality requirements for the implementation of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard in the KINAC nuclear analysis laboratory, specifically in the field of chemical testing (dosimetry, radioactive, and neutron measurement subcategories). The preparation process involved two tracks. The first track focused on satisfying technical requirements, with Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer (TIMS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) selected as the major equipment for analysis. Analytical methods for determining isotope ratios and concentrations of nuclear materials were determined, and technical qualification was ensured through participation in proficiency test programs, inter-experimenter comparison tests, and uncertainty reports. The second track focused on developing the quality system, including quality manuals, procedures, and guidelines based on the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Various implementation documents were produced during the six-month pilot period, in accordance with the three levels of documents required by the standard. Implementation of ISO/IEC 17025 is expected to have a systematic quality management process for the analysis lab’s operations and to increase confidence in KINAC’s nuclear analysis.
        2022.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 Bacillus subtilis를 활용한 바이오플락 양식 기술(Biofloc technology, BFT)을 이용하여 대농갱이(Leiocassis ussuriensis) 양식의 가능성을 확인하기 위해 90일 동안 생존, 성장지수와 사육수 수질의 변화를 관찰하였다. 대농갱이를 입식하기 전 BFT 수 제조를 위해 실험수조에 사료와 당밀을 첨가한 후 B. subtilis를 접종하여 40일간 수질을 안정화시켰다. 실험결과, 대농 갱이의 생존율은 대조구 92.7±3.2%와 BFT 실험구 95.8±3.3%로 조사되었다. 증체율은 대조구 118.1±9.0%와 BFT 실험구 197.7±15.6%을 보였고, 일간 성장율은 대조구 0.87±0.5%, BFT 실험 구 1.21±0.06%로 나타났다. 사료효율은 대조구가 43.7±2.6%이었고, BFT 실험구는 70.1±4.1%로 측정되어 BFT 실험구의 사료효율이 더 높은 것으로 조사되었다. 실험기간 동안의 수질 변화를 측정한 결과, pH는 대조구와 BFT 실험구 모두 감소되었고, MLSS는 대조구에서 변화를 보이지 않았지만, BFT 실험구에서는 90일째부터 유의한 증가를 보였다. NH4 +-N와 NO2 --N는 대조구 에서 실험 30일째부터 유의한 증가를 보였으나, BFT 실험구에서는 변화를 보이지 않았다. 결론 적으로 B. subtilis를 활용한 BFT 시스템을 대농갱이 양성 과정에 적용한 결과, 수질은 안정화 되는 경향을 보였고, 성장도와 사료효율은 대조구에 비해 높은 것으로 조사되어 긍정적인 효 과가 있는 것으로 확인되었다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, elevator inspection and self-examination were strengthened through the revision of the Elevator Safety Management Act, but there have been no significant reduction in serious accidents and major failures. Therefore, the government intends to lay the foundation for reflecting the safety quality rating system, which adjusts the elevator inspection cycle, as a policy to induce safety management of preemptive and active management entities. This study systematically reviewed and classified the safety quality rating system for elevator inspection cycle adjustment in previous studies, collected expert opinions, and reconstructed the key items into realistic evaluation items, and evaluated and scored the relative importance of each factor through the AHP technique.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of black soybean Sunsik product with functional food ingredients and functional labeling system. We prepared black soybean Sunsik (BS) containing black beans, cereals, and vegetables. Black soybean Sunsik with nondigestible maltodextrin and calcium lactate (BSN) was prepared by adding non-digestible maltodextrin and calcium lactate to the base recipe to apply a functional labeling system. The particle size in BS was 118.00 μm, whereas BSN was 127.00 μm. The respective L, a, and b color values of BS were 73.25, 2.36, and 14.21. The respective L, a, and b values of BSN were 73.21, 2.36, and 14.31. The respective water retention capacities of BS and BSN were 241.67% and 216.33%. No significant difference was observed between BS and BSN in the three physicochemical properties described above. However, the pH of BSN was 5.45, which was significantly lower than that of BS. The total respective phenolic contents of BS and BSN were 1.75 mg GAE/g and 1.61 mg GAE/g, and total respective flavonoid contents of BS and BSN were 6.36 mg RE/g and 5.95 mg RE/g. The antioxidant capacities of BS and BSN were compared via assays of DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging activities, FRAP, and reducing power. The antioxidant activities of BS and BSN increased in a dose-dependant manner. No significant difference between BS and BSN was observed in any measure of antioxidant capacity. These results suggested that the addition of functional food ingredients (non-digestible maltodextrin and calcium lactate) did not affect the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of black soybean Sunsik.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Currently, the domestic construction industry is dominated by large-scale projects such as roads, ports, airports, and buildings. Construction on such projects is generally conducted simultaneously, but the process and quality management are led by a small number of responsible managers. In the case of road pavements, owing to rapid industrial development, economic growth, and the expansion of social overhead capital investment in the road construction industry, highways and general national roads have been constructed on a large scale. Therefore, this study aimed to improve and develop domestic concrete production and construction quality management by improving the reliability and transparency of production quality management and simplifying business processes. This was accomplished through the development of an Internet of Things (IoT)-based cement quality management system capable of automated design and build (D/B) construction and real-time monitoring. METHODS : The "IQ" system is a quality management system for enabling real-time monitoring of D/B quality at the time of concrete production and according to the designated age by utilizing quality test equipment developed with an LTE-Bluetooth function. It is possible to immediately identify and respond to quality problems through real-time monitoring, secure a reliable quality D/B because the quality test results cannot be arbitrarily manipulated, and to simplify the work process through the automatic D/B construction. In addition, improved quality control can be achieved through real-time information sharing and feedback system operations between contractors, managers, and personnel involved in construction. The quality control test items for developing the IQ system are the compression and flexural strengths, as these can be used to determine the design standard strength of pre-curing concretes (such as their slump and unit quantity) and the adequacy of the workability and durability, as well as the air volume to predict the durability, and the chloride content in the sections where reinforcement is used. CONCLUSIONS : This study identified difficulties and limitations in quality management according to the operation method in the domestic quality management systems, and in the real-time monitoring between managers and contractors. Thus, it was necessary to establish an improved systematic and reliable quality management system. The IQ system was developed to solve this problem.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In terms of habitat conservation, it is essential to develop a habitat assessment system that can evaluate not only the suitability of the current habitat, but also the health and stability of the habitat. This study aimed to develop a methodology of habitat quality assessment for endangered species by analyzing various existing habitat assessment methods. The habitat quality assessment consisted of selecting targeted species, planning of assessment, selecting targeted sites, assessing performance, calculating grade, and expert verification. Target sites were selected separately from core and potential habitats using a species distribution model or habitat suitability index. Habitat assessment factors were classified into ecological characteristic, landscape characteristic, and species-habitat characteristic. Ecological characteristic consisted of thirteen factors related to health of tree, vegetation, and soil. Landscape characteristic consisted of five factors related to fragment and connectivity of habitat. Species-habitat characteristic consisted of factors for evaluating habitat suitability depending on target species. Since meanings are different depending on characteristics, habitat quality assessment of this study could be used by classifying results for each characteristic according to various assessment purposes, such as designation of alternative habitats, assessment of restoration project, and protected area valuation for endangered species. Forest habitat quality assessment is expected to play an important role in conservation acts of endangered species in the future through continuous supplementation of this system in regard to quantitative assessment criteria and weighting for each factor with an influence.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we investigate the requirements of QPA(Quality Process Audit), which is a process quality audit system for secondary defense contractors, compared with those of DQMS(Defense Quality Management System). And evaluate whether the deployment of QPA meets the DQMS certification requirements through the case example of Company H. The evaluation items of QPA are composed of five categories such as Material Management, Incoming Inspection, Manufacturing Process, Product Evaluation, and Packaging Management. The QPA requirements are mainly related to the chapter 7(support) and chapter 8(operation) of DQMS standards. In this view point, QPA can be expected as an effective audit for suppliers preparing for DQMS certification. In the case example, we evaluate the results and effects of improvement due to QPA and compare it with the case of DQMS. QPA can be used as appropriate quality management standards of secondary and tertiary defense contractors and can provide the basis guidelines for the preparation of implementation steps in DQMS certification.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        식물공장에서 적합한 광을 선정하기 위해서는 양적인 측면 과 기능적 측면 뿐만 아니라 운영비를 고려하기 위하여 전기 에너지이용효율과 광이용효율을 동시에 고려해야 하는데 본 연구에서는 들깨를 위한 LED광원의 광량, 적색광과 청색광 의 혼합 비율과 광주기 조건별 생육 특성과 전기에너지이용효 율과 광이용효율을 함께 비교하였다. 광량 처리구는 60, 130, 230, 320μmol·m-2·s-1 조건으로, 광질 처리구는 적색광과 청 색광의 혼합 비율 8:2, 6:4, 4:6, 2:8 조건으로, 일장 처리구는 낮 기준 9, 12, 15, 18시간으로 처리하였다. 광량 실험에서는 광량이 높을수록 생육량이 늘어나는데 비해 소비전력당 건물 중의 광이용효율은 유의차가 없었다. 소비전력당 엽생체중을 추가로 비교해보면 320μmol·m-2·s-1 처리구에서만 유의적으 로 낮은 효율을 보였고 이외의 처리구에서는 유의차가 없었기 때문에 생산량이 가장 많은 230μmol·m-2·s-1가 가장 효율적 이었다. 광질 실험에서는 적색광과 청색광의 혼합 비율은 RB 8:2에서 생육량과 광이용효율이 동시에 높게 측정되었고 색 차와 flavonoids 함량에서는 유의차가 발생하지 않아 Red: Blue 비율 8:2가 가장 적합한 조건이었다. 광주기 실험에서는 광주기가 길어질수록 높은 생육량을 나타냈는데 일장 12시간 이상에서는 생육량의 유의차가 없었으므로 광소비 효율을 고 려한 12시간이 적합한 조건이었다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 식물공장에서 들깨 생육을 위한 LED 광 환경 조건으로는 광 도, 광질과 일장은 각각 230μmol·m-2·s-1 이상, 8:2와 12시간 이상이었다.
        2022.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to propose part management and standardization to reduce cost and increase compatibility of parts through standardization and standardization of parts to be applied to urban air mobility(UAM) systems, Personnel Air Vehicle(PAV), Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL), and so on. In other words, parts used in the urban air transportation system must be verified from the initial design stage in accordance with the aviation standard, and a systematic management system for various parts must be established to secure stability and improve quality. Therefore, as a system similar to the aviation component management system, it should be thoroughly managed for urban aviation components.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, a study was conducted to improve the reliability of the valve by developing a valve leakage and reliability measurement system designed to secure the high quality and reliability of the butterfly valve. The system measuring the torque required for valve opening and closing operation, and was configured to operate after multiple opening and closing of the valve to check for leakage of the valve. Finally, a system that can perform efficient work in terms of productivity was developed by enabling leak inspection, torque measurement, and reliability inspection through one integrated system.
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