고형가유두상종양은 수술 후 95% 이상의 환자에서 완전 절제가 이루어지며 대부분 완치되는 것으로 알려져 있다. 하지만, 절제 후 재발하는 경우가 7% 정도로 보고되고 있어 수술 후에도 지속적인 추적 관찰이 필요하다. 또한, 췌장 내에서 다발성으로 종괴가 발생할 수 있으므로, 췌장 종괴에 대한 수술적 절제를 시행할 경우 수술 전에 반드시 영상 검사와 내시경 초음파 등을 통한 충분한 평가가 선행되어야 한다. 본 증례 보고에서는 건강 검진으로 발견된 췌장 종괴에 대해 추 적 관 찰 을 시 행 하 다 가 크 기 가 증 가 해 서 수 술 적 절제(췌장미부절제술)를 시행하였다. 수술 후 병리 결과 고형가유두상종양과 신경내분비종양이 동시에 진단되었다. 수술 12개월 후 남아 있는 췌장 두부에 종괴가 재발한 소견을 보여 추가적인 수술적 절제(전췌장절제술)을 시행 받았고, 수술 후 병리 결과 악성 고형가유두상종양으로 진단되었다. 현재까지 고형가유두상종양과 신경내분비종양이 동시에 발생하는 증례에 대한 보고가 많지 않고 국내에서는 아직 보고가 없다. 이에 수술 후 고형가유두상종양과 비기능성 신경내분비종양이 진단된 증례를 보고하는 바이다.
Domestic ports are becoming increasingly complex due to the introduction of various marine 4th industry new technologies and the increase in marine logistics. Accordingly, the number of lightings behind the port is also increasing significantly, and there is a great demand for improving the visibility of the AtoN used as a means of transmitting information to vessel operators. This paper describes the development of the performance inspection system that can verify the synchronization and sequential flashing of maritime lanterns that is being introduced to enhance the visibility of AtoN.
For nearly two years, virtual learning has been employed by most Korean university instructors and students in online teaching environment. A major negative result of prior research on this issue has been a feeling of isolation and desire for more interactions by students. Therefore, this study was conducted to elicit student insights and feelings related to their satisfaction, self-ratings, and advantages and disadvantages of online Teacher-led (TL) versus Student-led (SL) team activities in their online learning environment. A total of 53 freshman students in two general English classes took part in four Zoom group meetings. The surveys and reflection essay were analyzed through qualitative methods. Major findings included: students from both the TL and SL groups reported relatively higher satisfaction and self-ratings of English skills through the four team activities. However, the TL group indicated that there was a lack of emphasis on reading skills, and an overreliance on teacher interventions led to a lack of team cooperation. While the SL group reported that a lack of teacher interaction led to confusion, poor time management, increased Korean use, and fewer listening comprehension opportunities. Implications and a discussion of team activity use in general English programs are included.
Parosteal osteosarcoma, a subtype of juxtacortical osteosarcoma, has a better prognosis compared to central osteosarcoma with a relatively low risk for recurrence and metastasis. Rarely, it can arise synchronously with other malignant tumors. Synchronous malignancies are defined as the occurrence of a second primary malignancy within 6 months of the appearance of the first malignancy. Here in, we introduce a 64-year-old woman who visited the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Yonsei University Dental Hospital with a 2 year history of a whitish verrucous lesion on the palate. She presented an exophytic mass on mandible during the following visits. Histopathologic evaluation revealed a synchronous parosteal osteosarcoma and squamous cell on right mandible and a precancerous verrucous leukoplakia on the palate.
장액낭성종양(serous cystic neoplasm)은 1978년 Compagno와 Oertel에 의해 처음으로 분류되었으며, 췌장낭성종양(pancreatic cystic neoplasm) 중 10-16%의 빈도를 나타낸다. 장액낭성종양은 악성화의 위험성이 있는 점액낭성종양(mucinous cystic neoplasm)이나 췌관내유두상점액종양(intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, IPMN)과는 달리 악성화의 위험성이 거의 없다고 알려져 있다. 또한 장액낭성종양은 일반적으로 고립 병터로 발견되며 췌장의 다른 낭성종양, 만성 췌장염, 췌장암과 같은 췌장 병변과 같이 존재하는 경우는 매우 드물다. 그중에서도 췌관선암종(pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma)이 동반되는 경우는 거의 없다고 알려져 있다. 이에 저자들은 고이형성 췌장상피내종양(pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasm, PanIN)이 동반된 장액낭성종양과 인접한 위치에 췌관선암종이 동시에 발견된 증례를 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하고자 한다.
이전에 합병증 없이 내시경 역행성 담췌관 조영술(ERCP)을 여러 번 시행받은 71세 남자 환자에게 내시경 삽입 중 식도 점막 파열이 발생하였다. 점막열상은 내시경클립(endoclip) 을 사용하여 성공적으로 봉합되었으나, 이 합병증으로 인해 식도암과 조기 위암이우연히 동시에 발견되었다. 십이지장경은 위장관, 특히 식도 관찰에 제약이 있기 때문에 임상적으로 중요한 병변을 놓칠 가능성이 있다. 따라서 점막 손상이나 천공을 예방하기 위해 내시경선단에 충분한 윤활제를 도포하는 것과 함께 ERCP 중 상부내시경 검사를 시행하는 것도 고려 되어야 한다. 어느 환자군에서 ERCP 중 상부내시경 검사가 유용할지에 대해서는 향후 대규모 연구가 필요할 것이다.
We study the pseudo-synchronous orbital motion of a binary system on the main sequence. The equations of the pseudo-synchronous orbit are derived up to O(e4) where e is the eccentricy of the orbit. We integrate the equations to present their solutions. The theoretical results are applied to the evolution of the orbit and spin of the binary star Y Cygni, which has a current eccentricity of e0 = 0.142. We tabulate our numerical results for the evolution of the orbit and spin per century. The numerical results for the semi-major axes and rotational angular velocities in the evolutional time scales of three stages (synchronization, circularization, and collapse time scale) are also tabulated. Synchronization is achieved in about 5 × 103 years followed by circularization lasting about 1 × 105 years before decaying in 2 × 105 years.
As a result of development in medical diagnostic technology, the incidence of double primary cancer is increasing. In case that one primary cancer was identified by pathologic finding and has suggestive multiple metastatic lesions of the cancer, it is often difficult that the lesions are considered as another synchronous primary malignancy, not as metastasis of primary cancer. Here, we report a rare case of synchronous double primary renal cell carcinoma that was diagnosed initially as metastatic duodenal adenocarcinoma. A 66-year-old man presented with a palpable abdominal mass. Abdominal computed tomography showed duodenal wall thickening and hypervascular masses in the liver and left kidney. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed an ulcerative lesion in the duodenal bulb, and endoscopic biopsy identified moderately-differentiated adenocarcinoma. We regarded the findings as duodenal adenocarcinoma with metastasis to liver and kidney. So he was treated with fluoropyrimidine-based chemotherapy for the diagnosis of duodenal adenocarcinoma with liver and renal metastases. After 10 months, he developed a right forearm mass. Morphological and immunohistochemical analysis of an incisional biopsy of the forearm mass were consistent with a diagnosis of metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Even when there is a pathologically confirmed malignancy, clinicians must consider the possibility of synchronous double primary malignancy in metastatic lesions.
With the increased use of online learning in language education, the importance of videoconferencing lessons has recently received much attention in improving English speaking skills in Korea. This study examines the aspects of videoconferencing lesson that were helpful for improving students’ pronunciation. Six middle school students in Korea were assigned to two videoconferencing sessions with pre- and post-tests, and they had opportunities for interviews and selfreports after the two sessions. During the pre- and post-test, students pronounced words from a screen, distinguishing specifically between /r/ versus /l/ and /b/ versus /v/. In the interviews and self-reports, they described the factors in the videoconferencing lesson that were most helpful for their English learning. This study examined the appropriateness of videoconferencing tools and found that students’ self-assessment, more teacher feedback, and the flexibility of the technology were most helpful for improving Korean students’ English pronunciation.
본 연구는 바그너의 총체예술 개념에서부터 정보예술의 개념에 이르기까지 총체정보예술 개 념의 구성적인 틀과 그 특징을 도출하고, 현대 무용사례인 윌리엄 포사이드의 <Synchronous Objects for One Flat Thing, Reproduced>(2009)를 논의대상으로 작품 속에 드러나는 총체예술적 속성과 매체미학적 의미를 해석하고자 하였다. 포사이드의 작품은 2000년도 그가 무대버전으로 창작한 것을 온라인상의 정보예술의 형태로 발전시킨 것으로 무용수의 춤추는 신체 없이도 신체적 사고가 가능하다는 포사이드의‘안무 오 브제’개념을 예증해주는 작품이다. 총체정보예술로서 포사이드의 작품은 다음과 같은 다섯 가지 의 매체미학적 논의를 불러일으킨다. 첫째, 작품 속에서 실현되는 춤 움직임의 데이터화는 모션캡처와 같은 동작감지기술이 단순한 춤의 양적 외형적 데이터를 추출해내는 것과 달리 춤에 내재된 비가시적 요소 특히 질적인 속 성을 드러내며 춤에 내재된 안무적 사고와 지식의 영역을 가시화한다. 둘째, 디지털화된 춤 정보는 형태적으로 매우 무관해 보이는 20가지의 시각적 오브제로 표현 되지만 본질적으로는 하나의 춤 정보로부터 발생된 동기발생물이다. 셋째, 웹을 기반으로 한 작품으로서 춤의 선형적 전개방식을 해체하고 관객은 예술가가 정해 놓은 느슨한 의미의 틀 안에서 자신만의 해석을 완성해 나아간다. 넷째, 네트워크망을 기반으로 전통적인 관조적 예술감상 방식에서 분석적인 방식으로 작품을 감상하고 몰입한다. 종결된 작품으로서가 아니라 감각적 형태를 지속적으로 변화시키고 창조해 가는 생태학의 논리가 발견된다. 다섯째, 총체정보예술로서 포사이드의 작품은 단순히 춤 데이터의 재생산이 아닌 춤을 중심으 로 하는 새로운 매체작품의 탄생과 예술의 통합을 주도한다.
In automobile company it is needed to establish the collaborative relationship between the assembly company and the part manufacturing company. In this paper we established the improvement for the procurement logistics and logistics in assembly company and thus we derived the near optimal procurement cycle through the simple EXCEL simulation and the improved inventory management method for H automobile company in CHINA. At this time we adopted the pull manufacturing process instead of push manufacturing process. We resulted that the manufacturing activity of both companies was stabilized and the usage of storage area in assembly company was reduced by 50%, especially it was reduced by 100% in the case of directly delivering the parts to assembly line through the third party logistics company.
Previous task-based focus on form studies have shown that second language (L2) learners are strongly interested in lexis, which allows minimal attention for morphosyntax. A possible reason may be a lack of sufficient lexical knowledge crucial for completing a meaning-oriented task. In other words, from an L2 information processing perspective, learners may have limited attentional capacity to focus on the multiple aspects of a language, so they choose to focus on words as they express their meaning. But this leaves little attention for less salient and meaningful grammatical forms. Thus, this study investigated if providing learners with lexical assistance during a synchronous text-based computer-mediated communication (CMC) task would reduce their attention to lexis and divert that attention to morphosyntax. Twenty Korean learners of English performed a picture-based narrative task in dyads through online text chatting. While engaging in this task, one group of learners (n=10) was able to refer to a list of English words for the task, while the other group (n=10) was not. The findings showed no statistically significant differences between and within the groups. Possible explanations are discussed with suggestions for teaching and future research.
Recently, there are environmental issues for sustainable transportation system to pursue the energy-efficient and environment-friendly public urban transit. These transportation system needs to offer demand-oriented high-quality service being on the same level with cab service for urban space. PRT(Personal Rapid Transit), small track-guided vehicle, is repeatedly mentioned as a possible alternative for the new urban public transportion system, but but there are not many researches on the operational optimal routing for PRT network. In this paper, the concept of PRT and general optimal routing methods are reviewed. And we suggest the optimal routing method for city-wide PRT network with multi-vehicles and stations, junctions and directional arcs. Futher research directions for PRT routing are presented.
One append way of liquid state inhibitor was investigated, which putting V, Cr into W-Co composite solutions in the form of ionization. After spray drying and being calcined, W-Co composite oxides could come into being. Then taking fluidization techniques, well-proportioned W-Co composite powder compounded with inhibitor could be produced in the end.
Functional electrical stimulation (FES) training of the knee extensors is a useful way to rehabilitate the ability to stand and walk. However, training using FES has not been able to solve the problem of fatigue; clinical application of FES quickly produces muscle fatigue, due to the continuous activation of the muscles of the lower extremity. Therefore, reduction of muscle fatigue is an important factor in increasing the effectiveness of FES training in paraplegia. Intermittent high frequency alternating stimulation is a method that combines the advantages of high frequency (leading to strong muscle contractions) and alternating stimulation (reducing muscle fatigue), thereby continuously strengthening muscles. It is not known whether low frequency simultaneous stimulation results in stronger muscle contraction than high frequency alternating stimulation. This study compared the effectiveness of high frequency alternating stimulation with low frequency synchronized stimulation. Muscle power using FES on the quadriceps of 20 normal subjects were compared. Intermittent high frequency alternating stimulation did not produce more powerful muscle contraction than intermittent low frequency synchronized stimulation, because the muscle characteristics differed individually. Significant individual variation according to muscle characteristics was founded when applying FES. Accordingly, when physical therapists use FES to treat patients, they must be aware of individual variation in muscle characteristics.