
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 27

        2022.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to determine the changes in ginsenosides content according to additional UV-A, and UV-B LED irradiation before harvesting the ginseng sprouts. One-year-old ginseng seedlings (n=100) were transplanted in a tray containing a ginseng medium. The ginseng sprouts were grown for 37 days at a temperature of 20°C (24h), a humidity of 70%, and an average light intensity of 80 μmol·m-2·s-1 (photoperiod; 24h) in a container-type plant factory. Ginseng sprouts were then transferred to a custom chamber equipped with UV-A (370 nm; 12.90 W·m-2) and UV-B (300 nm; 0.31 W·m-2) LEDs and treated for 3 days. Growth parameters and ginsenoside contents in shoot and root were conducted by harvesting on days 0 (control), 1, 2, and 3 of UV treatments, respectively. The growth parameters showed non-significant differences between the control and the UV treatments (wavelengths or the number of days). Ginsenoside contents of the shoot was highly improved by 186% in UV-A treatment compared to the control in 3 days of the treatment time. The ginsenoside contents of the roots was more improved in UV-A 1-day treatment and UV-B 3-day treatment, compared to the control by 171% and 160%, respectively. As a result of this experiment, it is thought that UV LED irradiation before harvesting can produce sprout ginseng with high ginsenoside contents in a plant factory.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        흑타리 UV-B조사시간에 따른 저장특성과 에르고스테 롤함량의 변화를 조사하였다. 중량감모율은 조사시간이 길어질수록 중량의 감소율이 증가하는 경향을 보였다. CO2/O2 조성의 경우 UV-B 조사시간이 길어질수록 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. ΔE는 Lightness와 Redness에서 30분처리와 무처리에서 큰 차이를 보이지 않았지만, Yellowness에서 무처리가 15분처리보다 2.7, 30분처리보다 1.6 높은 값이 나온 것을 확인할 수 있다. 경도에서도 마찬가지로 UV-B 조사시간이 길어지면 빠르게 물러지는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 에르고스테롤의 함량변화의 경우 30분처리가 무처리보다 약 2배 정도 높은 값이 나온 것을 볼 수 있었다. 전자현미경으로 관찰한 결과 UV-B조사시 간이 길어지면 길어질수록 세포벽이 부서지는 경향을 나타냈으며, 30분처리에 비해서 15분처리의 세포벽이 좀 더 양호한 것을 볼 수 있었다. 전체적인 결과로 보았을 때 UV-B 조사시간이 길어지면 저장특성이 나빠지며, 세포벽이 파괴되지만, 에르고스테롤의 함량이 증가하는 것으로 보인다. 하지만, 30분처리의 저장특성에 비해 15분처리의 저장특성이 높았으며, 에르고스테롤의 함량 차이가 크게 나지 않는 것으로 확인되었다. 따라서, UV-B 30분처리를 하게 되면 에르고스테롤의 함량은 증가하지만, 중량의 감소율이 증가하며, 색차값이 달라지며, 세포벽이 많이 부서지는 경향을 나타내었다. 추후 UV-B의 적정조사시간에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 식용화 팬지의 UV-B 주·야간 처리에 따른 항산화물질 변화와 생장반응을 알아보고자 수행되었다. 식용화 팬지(Viola comuta ‘Purple’, ‘Blue’)를 대상으로 인공 재배기에서 광원을 LED(백색) 120μmol·m-2s-1로 16시간으로 하였으며, 자외선 UV-B(310~320nm)처리는 기존연구에서 UV-B처리 효과가 좋았던 20분을 주간(11:50~12:10)과 야간(23:50~00:10)으로 처리하였다. 처리 결과, 두 품종 모두 대조구와 UV-B 주·야간 처리간의 꽃과 잎의 생체중 및 건물중은 유의한 차 이가 없었으며, ‘Blue’의 야간 UV-B 처리를 제외한 모든 처리구에서 꽃수도 유의차가 없었다. 처리 후 1, 3, 5주차에 분석한 결과, 잎의 엽록소함량은 ‘Purple’의 3주차를 제외한 모든 처리구에서 유의차가 없었으며, 두 품종 모두 Fv/Fm과 NPQ(Non Photochemical Quenching)값이 처리 간 유의차가 없었다. 또한 UV-B 처리 5주차에 활성산소(superoxide, O2 -)의 Nitrotetrazolium blue chloride(NBT) 염색 후 현미경으로 관찰한 결과, 처리 간 차이가 없었다. 항산화물질인 총 플라보노이드 함량을 분석한 결과, ‘Purple’은 3주차까지 대조구보다 주간 UV-B 처리구가 많은 것을 알 수 있었고, ‘Blue’의 경우 5주차까지 유의차는 없었지만 주·야간 UV-B 처리구가 대조구에 비해 높은 것을 알 수 있었다. 안토시아닌 함량은 ‘Purple’의 경우 3주차만 제외하고 야간 UV-B 처리구가 가장 높은 것을 알 수 있었으나, ‘Blue’의 경우 처리 간 유의차가 없었다. 결론적으로, 주·야간 UV-B 20분처리는 팬지 ‘Purple’과 ‘Blue’의 생장에 거의 영향을 주지 않았으며, ‘Purple’의 총 플라보노이드 함량은 처리 3주까지 증가하였다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the effect of ultraviolet light (UV-B) on plant growth and petal antioxidants of edible flower pansy (Viola × wittrochiana ‘Rose’ and ‘Yellow’, V. cornuta ‘Purple’). The plants were grown under white LED of 100 μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD and treated by UV-B of 10, 20 and 30 minutes per day: UVB-10, UVB-20, and UVB-30 respectively. The plant growth was significantly inhibited as longer UV-B radiation exposure, even ‘Rose’ could not f lower under UVB-30. NPQ increase was observed in all cultivars with longer UV-B irradiation exposure. Also, anthocyanin in ‘purple’ and ‘Rose’ or carotenoid in ‘Yellow’ increased in the petals as longer UV-B radiation exposure. Unexpectedly the contents of total phenol and DPPH did not show the significance in UV-B treatments. In conclusion, the applicable UVB exposure to edible pansy in order to more accumulate antioxidants in petals would be in 20 minutes per day.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The UV-B sensitivity was tested for the intertidal species Chondrus ocellatus from Korea, by measuring photosynthesis estimated as effective quantum yield (ΦPSII) of photosystem II (PS II), growth and content and composition of photosynthetic pigm
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오이, 토마토 고추 작물의 고온기 플러그 육묘시 묘의 도장 방지와 과번무 억제를 위한 UV-B와 생장 억제제의 처리가 플러그묘 식물체의 생리적 특성 변화와 항산화 효소의 활성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 광합성능력은 UV-B 처리묘의 경우 무처리에 비해 처리 직후에는 크게 떨어졌으나 10일 후에는 비스하게 회복되었고 생장억제제 처리묘는 무처리에 비해 토마토가 다소 떨어졌어나 오이와 고추는 비슷하였다. 엽록소함량은 3작물 모두 처리간에 유의한 차이가 없었다. 안토시아닌 함량은 무처리에 비해 UV-B 처리한 것이 다소 높았던 반면 생장억제제 처리한 것은 무처리와 비슷하였다. SOD, CAT, POD 등의 항산화효소의 활성은 3작물 모두 UV-B 처리한 것이 가장 높았으며, 처리 직후에는 크게 증가되었다가 10일 후에는 그 절반 이하로 감소하였다. 한편 생장억제제 처리묘는 무처리에 비해서 항산화 효소의 활성이 다소 높았으나 UV-B 처리묘에 비해서는 낮았다.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        UV-B(4 kJ·m-2·d-1) 조사와 생장억제제(50 mg·L-1 diniconazole, 500 mg·L-1) 처리가 오이, 토마토 및 고추 플러그 묘의 도장 억제와 정식 이후의 생육과 수량에 미치는 효과를 비교하였다. 플러그 묘의 경장은 UV-B와 diniconazole 처리에서 무처리에 비해 각각 오이 38, 35%, 토마토 37, 41%, 고추 23. 23% 억제되었으며 hexaconaxole,은 억제효과가 낮았다. 그리고 엽면적과 건물중도 UV-B와 생장억제체 처리에 의해 감소되엇다. 뱐면 잎 두께는 UV-B와 생장억제제 처리에 으해 두꺼워지는 경향이었다. 건묘지수는 3작물 모두 UV-B와 생장억제제 처리에 의해 증가외었고 특히 diniconazole와 UV-B 처리가 Hexxonazoile처리에 비해 더 높았다. UV-V를 처리한 플러그 묘는 3작물 모두 정식 시에는 무처리에 비해 초장, 엽면적 등이 짧고 작았으나 정식 후 20-30 일경에는 무처리와 비슷한 수준으로 회복되었다. 이에 반해 생장억제제를 처리한 묘는 회복이 늦어 UV-B 처리한 것에 비해 생장이 저조하였다. 과실 수랴은 오이의 경우 처리간에 차이가 없었으나 토마토와 고추 UV-B를 처리한 것이 생장억제제를 처리한 것에 비해 다소 맣았다. 따라서 UV-B 조사는 과채류 플러그 묘의 도장 억제를 위한 환경 친화적인 방법으로서 이용될 수 있음을 시사해주었다.
        2002.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        남극에 생육하는 5종의 홍조류(Curdiea racouitzae, Gigartina skottsbergii, Mazzaella obovata, Myriogramme manginii, Palmaria decipiens)를 대상으로 인공 중파 자외선과 태양광선에 대한 종별 생리적 반응을 광합성이라는 파라미터를 사용하여 조사 연구하였다. 실험실연구 결과, 종간에 중파 자외선에 대한 내성 차이가 확인되었으며 이러한 차이는 각 종들이 채집되기 전에 서식하고 있었
        1999.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        산업활동의 부산물인 chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs)와 같은 물질들의 대기권 유입으로 오존층의 파괴가 극심해짐에 따라 자외선의 지표유입량이 증가되는 추세를 보이는데, 특히 중파자외선의 증가는 DNA, 단백질, 지질 등에 의한 흡수를 통하여 생물학적 폐해를 야기할 수 있다는 점에서 주목된다. 최근 측정 결과 우리나라 동해안에서 해수표면에 도달되는 중파자외선 광량의 1%가 수심 l0 m까지 침투하는 것으로 나타났는데, 이는 해양생태계 생산성의
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The depletion of stratospheric ozone has resulted in increased amount of ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B: 280-320 nm) reaching the Earth’s surface and could cause significant biological effect in plants. In this study, putative quantitative trait loci (QTL), which is responsible to UV-B resistance in soybean, was identified using recently developed high-density 180K Axiom SoyaSNP genotyping array. A population of 115 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between susceptible Keunolkong and resistant Iksan 10 was analyzed. A total 8,970 polymorphic SNP markers were used to construct linkage map. The both parents and RILs were grown with supplemental UV-B radiation in a greenhouse condition. Three categories of UV-B induced morphological damage, degree of leaf chlorosis, leaf shape change, and total plant damage were evaluated. Using composite interval mapping analysis, one major QTL associated with all of the phenotypic traits was detected on 7.7cM of soybean chromosome 7 with 22 of LOD score accounting for about 60% of phenotypic variance. Also, the allele from Iksan 10 were responsible for the UV-B resistance. Thus, the UV-B resistance QTL on chromosome 7 from Iksan 10 was designated to qUVBR1, corresponding to 30kb on the Williams 82 genome assembly (Glyma2.0) including 7 candidate genes. This result could be useful in breeding for new foxglove aphid resistant soybean cultivars. In addition, these results provided useful information not only for marker-assisted selection for UV-B resistance soybean, but also for the future identification of putative candidate genes, responsible for UV-B resistance in soybean.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Due to depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer throughout most of this century, increased UV-B radiation has affected seriously to plant growth and development as one of nature mutagens. We surveyed differential expressed genes (DEGs) under UV-B irradiation in UV-B tolerant Buseok compared to UV-B sensitive Cheongja 3 through RNA seq analysis using six RNA samples of Buseok and Cheongja 3 with 0.5 hr and 6 hr UV-B irradiation or without irradiation. After excluding 1003 DEGs due to genetic background difference of two genotypes, a total of 872 DEGs orthologous to UV-related Arabidopsis genes were identified. BINGO analysis of the DEGs by 0.5 hr UV-B irradiation showed overrepresentation in signaling and cell morphogenesis. Genes related with apoptosis and immune response were overrepresented in 6 hr irradiated Buseok. In addition, KEGG pathway database was used to identify mTOR signaling and phosphatidylinositol signaling pathways. Based on GO and KEGG results, specific focus was given to a serial of genes involved in UV-B defense signaling, besides photomorphogenesis and oxidation reduction-related genes. Several genes playing a role in phosphatidylinositol signaling, such as diacylglycerol kinase, phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase family protein, were highly expressed in UV-B tolerant Buseok by 0.5 hr irradiation. Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) 19 and 20 were highly expressed in Buseok under 6 hr irradiation. Furthermore, 51 nucleotide binding site leucine rich repeats (NBS-LRRs) genes were up-regulated in Buseok under 0.5 hr irradiation.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study was conducted to determine the effect of hexaconazole (HEX), a triazole fungicide, on the growth, yield, photosynthetic response and antioxidant potential in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants subjected to UV-B stress. UV-B radiation and HEX were applied separately or in combination to cucumber seedlings. The growth parameters were significantly reduced under UV-B treatment, however, this growth inhibition was less in HEX treated plants. HEX caused noticeable changes in plant morphology such as reduced shoot length and leaf area, and increased leaf thickness. HEX was quite persistent in inhibiting shoot growth by causing a reduction in shoot fresh and dry weight. HEX noticeably recovered the UV-B induced inhibition of biomass production. Significant accumutation in anthocyanin and flavonoid pigments in the leaves occurred as a result of HEX or UV-B treatments. HEX permitted the survival of more green leaf tissue preventing chlorophyll content reduction and higher quantum yield for photosystemⅡ under UV-B exposure. HEX treatment induced a transient rise in ABA levels in the leaves, and combined application of HEX and UV-B showed a significant enhancement of ABA content which activates H2O2 generation. UV-B exposure induced accumulation of H2O2 in the leaves, while HEX prevented UV-B induced increase in H2O2, indicating that HEX serves as an antioxidant agent able to scavenge H2O to protect cells from oxidative damage. An increase in the ascorbic acid was observed in the HEX treated cucumber leaves affecting many enzyme activities by removing H2O2 during photosynthetic processes. The activities of antioxidant enzymes including catalase(CAT), ascorbate peroxidase(APX), superoxide dismutase(SOD) and peroxidase(POD) in the leaves in the presence of HEX under UV-B stress were higher than those under UV-B stress alone. These findings suggest that HEX may participate in the enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress. From these results it can be concluded that HEX moderately ameliolate the effect of UV-B stress in cucumber by improving the components of antioxidant defense system.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effect of nitric oxide (NO) on antioxidant system and protective mechanism against oxidative stress under UV-B radiation was investigated in leaves of maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings during 3 days growth period. UV-B irradiation caused a decrease of leaf biomass including leaf length, width and weight during growth. Application of NO donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), significantly alleviated UV-B stress induced growth suppression. NO donor permitted the survival of more green leaf tissue preventing chlorophyll content reduction and of higher quantum yield for photosystem Ⅱ than in non-treated controls under UV-B stress, suggesting that NO has protective effect on chloroplast membrane in maize leaves. Flavonoids and anthocyanin, UV-B absorbing compounds, were significantly accumulated in the maize leaves upon UV-B exposure. Moreover, the increase of these compounds was intensified in the NO treated seedlings. UV-B treatment resulted in lipid peroxidation and induced accumulation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in maize leaves, while NO donor prevented UV-B induced increase in the contents of malondialdehyde (MDA) and H2O2. These results demonstrate that NO serves as antioxidant agent able to scavenge H2O2 to protect plant cells from oxidative damage. The activities of two antioxidant enzymes that scavenge reactive oxygen species, catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in maize leaves in the presence of NO donor under UV-B stress were higher than those under UV-B stress alone. Application of 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4, 4, 5, 5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3- oxide (PTIO), a specific NO scavenger, to the maize leaves arrested NO donor mediated protective effect on leaf growth, photosynthetic pigment and free radical scavenging activity. However, PTIO had little effect on maize leaves under UV-B stress compared with that of UV-B stress alone. Nω -nitro-L-arginine (LNNA), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), significantly increased H2O2 and MDA accumulation and decreased antioxidant enzyme activities in maize leaves under UV-B stress. This demonstrates that NOS inhibitor LNNA has opposite effects on oxidative resistance. From these results it is suggested that NO might act as a signal in activating active oxygen scavenging system that protects plants from oxidative stress induced by UV-B radiation and thus confer UV-B tolerance.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effect of salicylic acid(SA) on antioxidant system and protective mechanisms against UV-B induced oxidative stress was investigated in cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) leaves. UV-B radiation and SA were applied separately or in combination to first leaves of cucumber seedlings, and dry matter accumulation, lipid peroxidation and activities of antioxidant enzymes were measured in both dose and time-dependant manner. UV-B exposure showed reduced levels of fresh weight and dry matter production, whereas SA treatment significantly increased them. SA noticeably recovered the UV-B induced inhibition of biomass production. UV-B stress also affected lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme defense system. Malondialdehyde(MDA), a product of lipid peroxidation, was greatly increased under UV-B stress, showing a significant enhancement of a secondary metabolites, which may have antioxidative properties in cucumber leaves exposed to UV-B radiation. Combined application of UV-B and SA caused a moderate increase in lipid peroxidation. These results suggest that SA may mediate protection against oxidative stress. UV-B exposure significantly increased SOD, APX, and GR activity compared with untreated control plants. Those plants treated with 1.0 mM SA showed a similar pattern of changes in activities of antioxidant enzymes. SA-mediated induction of antioxidant enzyme activity may involve a protective accumulation of H2O2 against UV-B stress. Moreover, their activities were stimulated with a greater increase by UV-B+SA treatment. The UV-B+SA plants always presented higher values than UV-B and SA plants, considering the adverse effects of UV-B on the antioxidant cell system. ABA and JA, second messengers in signaling in response to stresses, showed similar mode of action in UV-B stress, supporting that they may be important in acquired stress tolerance. Based on these results, it can be suggested that SA may participates in the induction of protective mechanisms involved in tolerance to UV-B induced oxidative stress.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        태양광과 반응하여 독특한 광화학적 작용을 하는 이산화티탄(TiO2 )을 벼 잎 표면에 처리하였을 때 벼 엽신의 광합성 대사에 대한 영향을 검토하고 프로테옴 분석을 통해 생리변화를 구명하고자 수행한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 광합성유효파장이 2,400umolm2s1과 2,200umolm2s1 배치구에서 이산화티탄 10, 20 ppm 처리는 광적응상태의 엽록소형광지수(Yield)를 낮추었고 450umolm2s1 처리구는 엽록소형광지수를 높였다. 2. 노지조건인 PAR 2,400umolm2s1 배치구에서 광합성 명반응의 상대전자전달율은 이산화티탄 10 ppm 처리에서 평균 45 %, 무처리 32.4 %, diuron 10 ppm 처리구에서 15.3%로 이산화티탄 처리는 광합성 명반응의 상대전자전달율을 높였다. 3. UV-B 4.9, 0.6KJm2day1 배치구에서 이산화티탄 처리로 초장이 증가하였고 UV-B 0.15KJm2day1 배치구에서 초장은 증가하고 건물중은 감소하였다. 4. 광합성은 노지의 UV-B 조건인 13.6KJm2day1 배치구에서 이산화티탄 처리로 종가하였고 UV-B 4.9, 0.6, 0.15KJm2day1 배치구는 다소 증가하였으나 통계적으로 유의한 차이는 나타내지 않았다. 5. 이산화티탄 처리 후 자연광 중의 UV-B를 99% 차단하여 저수준으로 조절한 결과 68%의 단백질 발현이 감소하였고 각각 16%의 단백질 발현이 증가 또는 신생 합성되었다. 6. 이산화티탄 20 ppm 처리 후 자연광 중의 UV-B를 99% 차단시켰을 때 주로 광합성 Calvin cycle에서 CO2 결합을 촉매하는 결정구조 Rubisco의 chain E 발현이 감소하였다.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The average ratio of the daily UV-B to total solar (75) irradiance at Busan (35.23˚N, 129.07˚E) in Korea is found as 0.11%. There is also a high exponential relationship between hourly UV-B and total solar irradiance: UV-B=exp (a× (75-b))(R2=0.9 0.93). The daily variation of total ozone is compared with the UV-B irradiance at Pohang (36.03˚N, 129.40˚E) in Korea using the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data during the period of May to July in 2005. The total ozone (TO) has been maintained to a decreasing trend since 1979, which leading to a negative correlation with the ground-level UV-B irradiance doting the given period of cloudless day: UV-B=239.23-0.056 TO (R2=0.5 0.52). The statistical predictions of daily total ozone are analyzed by using the data of the Brewer spectrophotometer and TOMS in East Asia including the Korean peninsula. The long-term monthly averages of total ozone using the multiplicative seasonal AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model are used to predict the hourly mean UV-B irradiance by interpolating the daily mean total ozone far the predicting period. We also can predict the next day's total ozone by using regression models based on the present day's total ozone by TOMS and the next day's predicted maximum air temperature by the Meteorological Mesoscale Model 5 (MM5). These predicted and observed total ozone amounts are used to input data of the parameterization model (PM) of hourly UV-B irradiance. The PM of UV-B irradiance is based on the main parameters such as cloudiness, solar zenith angle, total ozone, opacity of aerosols, altitude, and surface albedo. The input data for the model requires daily total ozone, hourly amount and type of cloud, visibility and air pressure. To simplify cloud effects in the model, the constant cloud transmittance are used. For example, the correlation coefficient of the PM using these cloud transmissivities is shown high in more than 0.91 for cloudy days in Busan, and the relative mean bias error (RMBE) and the relative root mean square error (RRMSE) are less than 21% and 27%, respectively. In this study, the daily variations of calculated and predicted UV-B irradiance are presented in high correlation coefficients of more than 0.86 at each monitoring site of the Korean peninsula as well as East Asia. The RMBE is within 10% of the mean measured hourly irradiance, and the RRMSE is within 15% for hourly irradiance, respectively. Although errors are present in cloud amounts and total ozone, the results are still acceptable.
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