
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 191

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The word Náyún (拏雲) appeared in the Tang Dynasty, which was mostly used to describe people’s lofty aspiration, and then produced the verb-object phrases with structure of “Verb (grasp) + Noun (cloud/fog rain/snow)” such as Náyúnwòwù (拏雲擭霧) and so on. In the process of use, ná yún wò wù have been replaced by same word class morphemes or near-synonymy morphemes, and produced phrases like Náyúntǔwù (拏雲吐霧) as well as Náyúnténgxiāo (拏雲騰霄) that describe high ability or magnificent momentum; these phrases are often used as predicates or objects in sentences. Sháobǔ (杓卜) originally refers to use the Big Dipper for divination, while the latter Sháo (杓) refers to wooden dippers and wine-taking dippers which are similar in shape to the Big Dipper. Because the soothsayers can’t be trusting, Zen-Buddhist takes Sháo (杓) to show that they can’t trust words to soothsayers, but should comprehend Zen by personally feeling and understanding. Driven by the evolution of Chinese disyllabic words and influenced by the flexibility and diversity of Zen language, the verb-object structure phrase Yāliángwéijiàn (壓良爲賤) has changed from a verb-object structure phrase to a verb Yāliáng (壓良) that means pushing someone.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In modern Chinese, homomorphemic monosyllabic and disyllabic words are one of the very special groups of word clusters which are easily confused by Chinese as a second language learners. Previous studies have not comprehensively examined this confusion phenomenon, and there is a lack of relevant literature involving psychological analyses. Firstly, this article comprehensively surveys the Chinese Intermediate Language Corpus and identifies 27 groups of highly confusable words. Secondly, this article analyses the distribution characteristics of the homomorphemic monosyllabic and disyllabic words, finding strong commonality in the distribution of learners’ native language backgrounds, with overwhelming bidirectional misuse and close lexical-semantic relations. It also finds that verbs are mainly misused in stylistic collocations, and nouns are frequently misused in both prosodic and stylistic collocations, while adjectives are often misused in semantics. Besides, the article analyses the generative mechanism from the psychological perspective of Chinese as the second language learners. It argues that L1-lemma mediation and the lack of prosodic and stylistic information of words in the psychological lexicon of leaners are the main reasons for the confusion. This article argues that the semantic confusion of words is difficult to overcome, while prosodic and stylistic confusion are even more difficult to overcome. Last but not the least, the article offers targeted pedagogical suggestions.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In traditional cultural customs, the phenomenon of homophony is a psychological association that seeks good luck and avoids disaster; in daily usage, the phenomenon of homophony is an interesting and creative psychological association. The author is based on his curiosity and preference for homophony, plus his knowledge of Chinese idioms. Due to the profound psychological thinking process, I chose to use Chinese Xiehouyu as corpus to analyze the homophony and explore the creation and interpretation process of homophonic Xiehouyu. Xiehouyu is a unique language style that is widely loved by the public. It is playful and humorous. If used skillfully in verbal conversations or article writing, listeners or readers can seek depth in implicitness. The understanding of the words will lead to endless fun and make people laugh, especially the homophonic idioms. Coupled with the transformation of homophonic words, people can’t help but admire the wonderful use of language and the variety of vocabulary. Therefore, in the use of Chinese idioms, the homophone phenomenon is a psychological association full of interest and humor. “Xiehouyu” is a unique language vocabulary that is widely loved by the public. Especially if the “homophony” is used to create Xiehouyu, it can add a lot of fun and humor. Xiehouyu is a linguistic expression created by the general public in different time and space backgrounds. Therefore, there are many dialect languages. This article takes the homophonic Xiehouyu created by the “Guoyu (Mandarin)” phonetic system as the research object. From the creator Three aspects, language itself and receiver, are used to explore the Chinese homophonic idioms more comprehensively. Teaching should focus on practicality and allow students to expand their language skills and use of vocabulary, rather than just teaching materials in textbooks. Therefore, these homophonic phenomena in life should be shared with students and lead children to appreciate the creativity of language. , experience the fun and mystery, and over time, they may also be able to have amazing language creativity.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 고독과 외로움에 관한 한국어 단어 도구를 개발하는 것이다. 적합한 단어를 수집하는 것이 매우 중요하므로, 3종의 국어사전에서 두 정서를 나타내는 것으로 판단되는 어휘를 선별하였다. 이때, 자발적 고독을 추구 하는 사람들의 증가 현상을 특별히 반영하여 관련 단어를 수집하였다. 그 결과, 총 1,768개의 단어로 구성된 총집을 마련하였다. 이어서 모든 사람이 이해하고 사용할 수 있는 구체적 기준에 근거해 총 684개의 단어로 선별한 후 6회의 반복적 선별 절차를 통해 총 243개의 단어를 선정하였다. 연구 특성상, 수집된 단어의 의미는 명확해야 하고 고독과 외로움의 전체적인 양상을 총체적으로 나타낼 수 있어야 한다. 이에 총 243개 단어에 대한 친숙성과 적절성의 평정치 가 공통으로 가장 높게 나타난 단어들을 중심으로 최종 선별하였다. 본 연구가 고독과 외로움에 대한 명확한 개념 정립과 한국인의 실제적이고 보편적인 인식을 발달적 관점에서 파악하는 데 활용 가능한 기초자료를 제공할 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The new biography of Jin Yunqiao published in the 19th year of Si De of Vietnam (1866) is the earliest version of “The New Jin Yun Qiao Biography” discovered at present. The text of “The New Jin Yun Qiao Biography” is divided into two columns, the upper column is a six-character poem, and the lower column is an eight-character poem, with a total of 2390 sentences and 16724 muttering words. The relationship between Nom characters in the book and Vietnamese recorded is complex. Through investigation, there are three situations: one word with many words, one word with many words and one word with one word. There are many words in a word, which can be subdivided into homophones, near sounds and different meanings, and near sounds and near meanings according to the sound and meaning relationship between words. According to the relationship between characters and their use functions, the word multi-character can be subdivided into “native use-native use”, “native use-borrowing” and “borrowing use-borrowing”. Word by word, according to the different use attributes, can be divided into two categories: “original use” and “borrowing”. The reason for the complex relationship between words and characters is related to the low standardization of Nom and Vietnamese. A Nom has many written variants, and a Vietnamese vocabulary has many phonetic expressions.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The “古今釋林” (Gugjin Seoknim) compiled by the Korean scholar Yi Yifeng (1732-1801) is a comprehensive and systematic compilation of various language dictionaries from the pre-19th century Joseon period that recorded Hanja (Chinese character) vocabulary. This analysis focuses on the entries found in “古今 釋林·東韓譯語·釋親”, which includes words related to Hanja characters. These entries consist of words that have the same literal meaning as their Hanja characters, such as “阿父, 别室”, words that borrow Hanja characters’ phonetics for annotation, like “阿兒, 南人”, and words that borrow Hanja characters’ forms and meanings to create vocabulary expressing native Korean culture, like “兩主, 冷背拜”. This paper investigates the phonetic Hanja character words borrowed for annotation in the Korean language and combines them with phonetic analysis, revealing the transitional phase of using Hanja for phonetic representation and the coexistence of Hanja and the Korean language during that time. The adaptation of Hanja characters’ forms and meanings to create Korean terms enriches our understanding of the Hanja vocabulary created during the Joseon period. By comparing and analyzing the similarities and differences in the meanings and definitions of Hanja characters in both Korean and Chinese, this study offers a deeper and more comprehensive analysis of the diversity of Hanja’s usage during the Joseon period and its impact on modern Chinese and modern Korean.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the conceptual spaces of the diachronic semantic evolution of “Paste” semantic verbs are constructed through the diachronic literature surveys. In the history of Chinese language, the verb with the meaning of “Paste” was rarely used in literature before the Tang Dynasty, and it was not until the modern Chinese period that it gradually increased. In terms of activity, from the dominance of “膠” in ancient Chinese to the emergence of “貼” in medieval Chinese, and until modern Chinese, a situation where the three words “貼” “糊” and “粘 (黏)” went hand in hand was formed. The pattern of “粘” “帖”, and “膠” as marginal members greatly influenced the use of “Paste” semantic verbs in modern Chinese, and this pattern was generally continued in modern Chinese, At the same time, there are some differences in the use of words between WeiJin Dynasty
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pi Cang《埤蒼》appeared in the early Wei Dynasty and died out after the Southern Song Dynasty. It follows from Shuo Wen《說文》and followed by Yu Pian《玉篇》, which has been quoted by a large number of dictionaries, thesauruses, Buddhist scriptures and other works. It is an important character book in the Middle Chinese period. Pi Cang《埤蒼》includes a lot of dialectical and folk words in the Middle Chinese period, which is of great value to the research on Chinese history, and is conducive to the tracing of modern Chinese dialectical and folk words to their source. Xuan Ying Yin Yi《玄應音義》cites more than 150 words from Pi Cang《埤蒼》. On the basis of the excellent research results of ancient and modern times, this paper selects seven dialectical and folk words that are still in use in modern Chinese dialects to make a brief analysis.
        2023.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Crowdfunding is an increasingly popular fundraising tool where project creators solicit capital from potential backers in return for monetary rewards or presales of products/services. Potential backers in crowdfunding are looking for potential cues to reduce uncertainty and predict new venture success when making their capital contributions. To increase their funding success, project creators strategically use project descriptions as a marketing tool to attract potential backers and funding.
        2023.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        『현대국어 한자어 연구』(노명희 2005)는 한국어의 한자어 파생형태론을 체계 적으로 정리한 책이다. 이 책에서는 한자어 기능단위를 중심으로 관형사와 접두사, 의존 명사와 접미사 사이에 놓인 접두한자어와 접미한자어 등 한국어 한자어들이 어떠한 양 상으로 실현되고 있는지를 보이고 있다. 이 과정에서 단어와 접사 사이의 범주로 ‘어근’ 이라는 개념을 강조하였는데 이 책에서의 어근을 크게 한국어 단어 형성에서 적극적 역 할을 하는 활성어근과 한국어 단어 형성에서 공시적 역할을 하지 못하는 비활성어근으 로 나누고 활성어근은 다시 2음절의 강활성어근과 1음절의 약활성어근으로 구별하여 그 기능을 중심으로 접사성의 정도를 꼼꼼하게 살펴보고 있다. 이 책의 근본적인 목적은 한 자어 파생 형태론의 체계를 세워 보자는 것이었으나 한자어가 지닌 복합적인 성격과 용 법상의 유동성 때문인지 생각처럼 뚜렷한 경계를 짓지 못한 측면이 있다. 하지만 이 책을 통해 한국어 한자어의 연구를 위한 많은 주제들이 확장되어 갈 수 있는 가능성을 열어 놓 았다는 점은 이 책의 분명한 장점이다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To transform old words into new words is a very efficient mode of word derivation in contemporary Chinese, which mainly involves the transformation of word form and the transformation of meaning. In the process of transforming the old words language users have created a lot of new words that are very novel in form or meaning based on the relationship between Chinese characters in terms of sound, shape and meaning or the structural features of Chinese characters. This paper lists more than 130 new appellations including sound-based words, form-based words, meaning-based words and words produced by changing the structure of Chinese characters, names the ways how old words transform into new words as JieYinFuXing, XieYinFuYi, BieJieFuYi, FanBeiFuYi, GaiZiBianXing and describes the transformation process of these words. These lexical phenomenons reflect some language psychology such as pursuing new differences, playing jokes and mental association. They have some impacts on the lexical system of contemporary Chinese as they open up new ways for the generation and change of contemporary Chinese words, they supplement the word-making methods and lead to some unconventional combinations in contemporary Chinese lexis. This paper intends to further clarify the important role of Chinese characters in word creation and word development, and deepen the understanding of Chinese Character study and contemporary Chinese lexicology.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It has been more than three years since the emergence of the COVID-19 at the end of 2019. The COVID-19 epidemic has had a certain impact on human’s normal production and life, and it is also constantly changing people’s social cognition, which are reflected in the vocabulary. There are many new words invented and the words with a sudden increase in frequency appeared. This paper selects the important Chinese words related to the COVID-19 epidemic from 2019 to 2022 as the research objects, and divides these words into three categories: COVID-19 cognition, government measures and social life. By sorting out the meanings and usages of the words, this paper analyzes and explores the development trend of Chinese social cognition reflected by these words according to the timeline. The research found that these words reflect the gradual concretization of disease names caused by the COVID-19, the proliferation of the names of mutated virus, the sudden high frequency of related words, the strong generalization and creativity of words in specific fields, lots of related words come out in the era of intelligence and so on, as well as the spiritual thoughts and cultural cognition of Chinese people contained in the vocabulary.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is aimed to provide fundamental data for expanding the scope and dimensions of Sino words research, and to secure a comprehensive perspective that encompasses the ancient, modern and dialect forms of Sino words in Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to construct the wide-ranging, multi-dimensional database with maximum coverage, and this study was planned to explore specific ways to realize this. East Asian languages have exchanged cultural and linguistic influences through Chinese characters for thousands of years. Therefore, the study of Sino words requires a radial and reticular approach that can closely connect their complex historical and regional layers. However, the previous researches have revealed limitations such as inadequate examination of major languages, inappropriate use of materials, or inability to analyze rich linguistic features that exist in various dialects within Chinese or differences in words between North and South Korean. To overcome these limitations, this study confirms the need for a database that can comprehensively examine Sino words in the four languages of Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese, without distinguishing between base and surface forms, and encompassing all morphological forms with Chinese character elements. This database should include both archaic and contemporary, or even modern new words, as well as various dialectical forms in North and South Korea and different regions of China. To be utilized effectively in research, it should also include information on usage frequency and educational vocabulary levels, enabling the confirmation of the status of a word in contemporary language. Rather than providing definitive information like a dictionary, it is more useful to provide supplementary information such as the reference and literature, increasing the accessibility of materials for researchers and increasing the possibility of implementing the database. In response to the aforementioned need, this paper proposes the construction of a relational database consisting of 12 entity tables and presents specific procedures and methods for implementing it. Despite the difficulties of constructing a relational database for vast amounts of data and the burden on servers, we expect that a wide-ranging, multi-dimensional database of East Asian Sino words will contribute to existing research on Chinese characters, as well as vocabulary and concept research and education.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The primary meaning of“杜撰” is “baseless fabrication”. In Luo Min yulu (洛閩語錄), the annotation is “madeup interpretation of ancient words”. Huilin pointed out that some Buddhist sutra translators regarded “頷劑” as “㜝懠”’s Phonetic annotation, which was a hasty fabrication. For the annotation of the word “肚撰” in 近代漢語詞典 (Modern Chinese Dictionary), “娢儕” should be replaced by “㜝懠” as we follow Huilin’s critics. Drawing on the notes from慧琳音義, the connotation of “杜撰” in the 3rd edition of 辭源 explores its original meaning. In Luo Min yulu, “脱空” is annotated as a synonym of “杜撰”. According to 朱子語類, “脱空” means “out of thin air, falsification”, “being baseless, random, chaotic”, “fabricating, boasting, Lying, exaggerating”, etc.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using vocabulary learning strategies allows learners to gain vocabulary autonomously. This study presents data from a self-report survey of Korean university students comparing meaning discovery strategies they employ to comprehend unknown singleword items and unknown idioms. Survey data recorded strategies used by learners, and effectiveness of these strategies measured by rates of correct meaning discovery. The survey revealed that learners relied on context clues, dictionaries, and vocabulary analysis for both idioms and single word vocabulary items with equal effectiveness. Dictionary use was the most effective strategy for correct meaning discovery for both types of vocabulary, although context clues might be a positive factor for idioms but not for single-word items. Data also showed that learners tended to apply strategies methodically rather than heuristically but that methodical application did not necessarily translate into higher rates of correct meaning discovery. Implications for learners and paths for further research are discussed.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we study the word of Luolü (覼縷) in several aspects of forms, sounds and meanings. Luo has three forms: 覶/覼/ . They have a same component 見 means seeing and they have different components /爾/繭which have the same meaning: reeling silk from cocoons. So the meaning of Luo (覶/覼/ ) is combing silk thread. Luo (覶/覼/ ) and Lü (縷) are cognate words with the same initials. They are synonyms that have the same meaning of putting things in order. The two words Luo (覶/覼/ ) and Lü (縷) are used together to form a synonymic compound. In case of Luo (覶/覼/ ) is not a commonly used word and Lü (縷) is normally used as a noun, thier early way of verb-using has been neglected. In that case, the synonymic compound Luolü (覼縷) has been regarded as an unanalyzable continuous word for long. As a conclusion, like Luolü (覼縷), the synonym compounding of cognate words is an important way to form binding words.
        2022.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국제 중국어 교재에 초과 한자와 초과 어휘가 존재한다는 것은 객관적인 사실이다. 이는 학생 이 텍스트를 이해하는데 영향을 주며, 교사가 수업을 진행하는데 있어서도 피하기 힘든 문제이 다. 본고는 《국제 중국어 교육 중국어 수준 등급 표준》를 기준으로, 『發展漢語』 고급 종합 교재에 포함되어 있는 초과 한자와 초과 어휘를 연구 대상으로 삼았다. 코퍼스 기술을 바탕으로 빠른 식별과 태깅을 진행하여, 『發展漢語』 고급 종합 단계 교재에 나타난 초과 한자와 초과 어휘 현황을 분석하였다. 또한, 초과 한자를 기준으로 真性과 假性으로 구분하고 글자 단위의 의미와 어휘 단위의 의미의 연관성을 근거로 교육 방법을 제안하였다. 한자와 연결되는 동사를 함께 가르치고, 한자와 어휘를 연결하여 학습시키는 방안은 학생의 중국어 학습 능력을 향상시킬 것이다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In classical Chinese, the distinction between a rhetorical question and a simple question may not be readily clear when interrogative words are used. This paper aims to investigate factors that may determine whether a question formed with an安, yan焉, or heyi何以is a simple question or a rhetorical question; they include the presence of (1) a modal verb; (2) a negative marker in the main clause; (3) condition in the subordinate clause; and (4) a final exclamatory particle. Based on an analysis of these factors, a set of markers is proposed to distinguish a rhetorical question from a simple question and the extent of their reliability is discussed. Furthermore, a scale will be proposed to measure the strength of a rhetorical question based on the set of said markers.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the conceptual spaces of the diachronic semantic evolution of “gen” are constructed through the diachronic literature surveys, then the cross-dialect/language semantic maps are drawn as a tool to examine the rationality of the diachronic evolution. “Gen (跟)” is an action verb with the meaning of “following (跟隨)”, in Chinese history the dominant words with the semantic field of “following” have experienced the diachronic evolution of “cong (從)”, “sui (隨)” and “gen (跟)”. The development of these three words not only follows the law of parallel grammaticalization, but also each has its own feature. From the comparison diachronic and cross-dialect /language semantic map of the “following (跟隨)” meaning, it can be seen that, non-cognate words with family characteristics may also have the same semantic evolution. Some phenomena in the synchronic regional semantic maps that violate the “semantic map connectivity hypothesis”, may not be due to the complete lack of connection between the two nodes, but due to the choice of semantics of a specific symbolic form in the diachronic development.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Language is the carrier of a nation’s culture and contains a wealth of cultural information. The origin of a name is the reason why something is named, which is closely related to the cultural concept of people in the time when the word was created. Therefore, it is possible to explore the cultural information behind the words by examining their origins. Qi Min Yao Shu is one of the four major agricultural books of ancient China and is known as the “Encyclopedia of Agriculture in Ancient China”. We selected four typical terms in Qi Min Yao Shu, farming tools, farming actions, farming places, and water conservancy facilities, and conducted an extensive cognate word association of these terms. On this basis, we explore the characteristics of the naming rationale of these farming words and interpret the cultural concepts in them. The study finds that the naming rationale of these words reflects the ancient “agricultural-oriented” thought, which is reflected in both farming practice and emotion. Secondly, the naming rationale of these words also contains the cultural concept of the ancient people’s pursuit of the unity of heaven, earth, things and people, that is, to accurately understand and use the objective laws of heaven, earth and things. Lastly, What is more profound is the philosophical thinking of the ancient people on the relationship between man and nature, which is reflected in the naming rationale of these words, reflecting the ancient people’s feelings of reliance on and reverence for nature, and reflecting the philosophical concept of “the unity of nature and human”.
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