The endothelium, a continuous monolayer of cells that surrounds blood vessels, has a variety of physiological roles. Chronic exposure to psychological and physical stress, oxidative stress, and inflammation activates the endothelial signaling cascade, resulting in vascular dysfunction such as vasospasm, thrombosis, and abnormal vascular proliferation. Aging is also a significant factor in vascular dysfunction, mainly developing structural and functional changes in the endothelium. The molecules involved in endothelial dysfunction are typically angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1), Tie2, and tight junction proteins. Ang-1, an oligomeric-secreted glycoprotein, is required for the correct organization and maturation of newly-formed vessels. Ang-1 binding to tyrosine kinase receptors Tie-2 leads to the phosphorylation and activation of multiple signaling pathways related to vascular permeability. Endothelial junctions are another vital target of Tie-2 activation. Nutrition and food are closely connected with vascular dysfunction and permeability. The caloric restriction prevents age-related declines in endothelial function. Dietary patterns that prioritize moderate intake of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and lean meats improve endothelial function in the elderly. Natural products such as Centella asiatica, Pueraria montana, and Piper retrofractum have also been shown to help inhibit endothelial dysfunction. This review provides an update on aging-related vascular dysfunction and the role of food and nutrition.
As an indicator of skin health, acidified skin surface pH ranging from 5 to 7 is crucial for maintaining skin barrier. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between skin pH and dietary pattern (DP) as well as nutrient or food intake in 48 healthy middle aged adults. Skin pH was measured in the skin surface of the inner arm, and blood lipid profile was analyzed. Dietary intake data were obtained using 1 day 24 hour recall method, and DP was extracted using factor analysis. Results revealed that skin pH ranged from 5.15 to 6.88 in all subjects. There was no significant difference in skin pH between males and females. When subjects were grouped by tertile of skin pH, the food intake of fruit, and the nutrient intake of omega 6 fatty acid, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, β-carotene, and riboflavin in the first tertile group with skin pH ranging from 5.15 to 5.68 were significantly higher than in the third tertile group with skin pH ranging from 6.26 to 6.88. There was no difference in blood lipid profile between the first and the third tertile group. Among 5 DP extracted by factor analysis, DP5 characterized by a high intake of nuts and fruits as well as a low intake of beverages and alcohol was inversely correlated with skin pH after adjusting for gender and age. DP5 was positively correlated with nutrient intake of carbohydrate, fiber, potassium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, β-carotene, thiamine, and riboflavin but negatively correlated with sodium after adjusting for gender, age, smoking, and energy intake. Therefore, acidified skin pH could be maintained by these DP and nutrients.
The aim of this study was to develop a KDPS (Korean dietary pattern score) to assess dietary patterns and diet quality of Koreans from a food culture perspective. The KDPS was applied to dietary data collected during the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 2007, and the validity and reliability of the KDPS were evaluated. The targets of the study included 2,278 Korean adults aged 20n89 years. The KDPS was developed using the sum of the scores of 13 components. Each component scored up to 10 points and there was a total of 130 points. The first seven components were for the KSMS (Korean-style meal score) and assessed the dietary balance based on the 3-Chup Bansang daily basic table setting. The components numbered 8 to 13 were for the FGS (food group score), which measured the degree of compliance with the six major food groups based on the Korean recommendation for one serving size of grains, meats, vegetables, fruits, milk, and oils. This KDPS was verified through content validity, concurrent-criterion validity, principal components analysis, and a reliability analysis. The results showed that content validity and construct validity were high. The KDPS developed in this study adhered to the Korean dietary pattern and a healthy diet intake. Furthermore, this study presented an integrated index by scoring the Korean style table setting in addition to evaluating meals from a nutrition perspective. This study can be extended to develop a score for assessing.
This study examined the cultural dietary habits as well as attitudes toward food, within other life pattern elements, of students living in Gwangju City and Chonnam Province, Korea. Questionnaires from 1,000 student respondents were analyzed. The survey consisted of questions regarding physical condition and health status, dietary consciousness, food preference, knowledge of food and nutrition, and dietary culture. The results showed that 1.6% of the students considered their own physical condition to be extremely poor, and 2.7% and 2.1% also considered their father's and mother's physical conditions as extremely poor, respectively. Among the respondents, 18.3% were smokers and consumed an average of 14.8 cigarettes per day. With regard to their dietary habits, the students answered that they preferred to eat meals with friends rather than with family members, fruit was chosen for eating over health food supplements, and there was very little participation or interest in various food and cultural festivals. The female students had a tendency to alleviate mental stresses by eating, while the male students performed more physical activity to deal with stress. The female students also preferred cereal, fruit, fast food, and sweetened foods more than the male students. Between the smokers and non-smokers, significantly more non-smokers chose fruit (p<0.01), ethnic foods (p<0.05), and sweetened foods (p<0.05) as compared to the smokers. Body mass index (BMI) had significant positive correlations with soft drink (p<0.01), health food supplement (p<0.01), and alcoholic beverage (p<0.001) consumption, while BMI was negatively correlated with cereal (p<0.01), fruit (p<0.001), and sweetened food (p<0.01) intake. The health status of students was positively correlated with their father's health status (p<0.01), mother's health status (p<0.001), and BMI (p<0.05), as well as cereal (p<0.001), high protein side dish (p<0.01), fruit (p<0.01), vegetable (p<0.01), and traditional food (p<0.001) intake. The average body weight for female students was approximately 5 kg less than the Korean Nutrition Society's standardized weight, therefore, it is strongly recommended that measures be taken to develop a systematic nutrition education program that would help those students who often unintentionally skip breakfast or go on extreme diets to improve body image.
To investigate the importance and practice of well-being related dietary life pattern such as purchasing food materials, food habits and eating out, a survey was conducted by questionnaire and 5-point Likert score in Seoul and Gyeonggi-Do, September, 2004 and April, 2005. The responses of 732 housewives who were over 40 years were analyzed by SPSS package program. The results were as follows. Most of them were 40-49 years(74.4%), graduated highschool (66.6%) and their family type was nuclear family type(81.4%). Almost half of them had full-time job (37.1%) and part time job (15.4%). The average importance score of 'food habits', 'purchasing food materials' and 'eating out' were 4.15±0.91, 4.06±0.96 and 3.25±1.01 respectively. But the average practice score of 'food habits' was greater(3.58±1.06) than 'purchasing food materials (3.19±1.19)' and 'eating out(2.54±1.05)'. Among 5 types of 'food habits', the type of 'cut down on eating fast food' had the greatest score of importances (4.31±0.97) but the difference between importance and practice was greatest(0.94). Also 'consume home-made food rather than processed or ready to food' showed great scores in importance (4.28±0.87) and practice(3.87±1.04). 'Consume fruits and vegetables rather than meats' and 'avoid heavy use of oils' had the importance score of 4.04~4.19. But the practice score of 'avoid heavy use of oils' was the lowest(3.39±0.97). Among four types of purchasing of food materials, 'purchase domestic agricultural food' was greatest(4.37±0.78) and 'don't purchase genetically modified food' 'purchase organic food' and 'purchase whole grain products' were also great (3.92~3.99). But the practice score of 'purchase organic/low chemical foods(2.77±0.98)' and 'don't purchase genetically modified food(2.99±1.41)' were lowest. 'Go to well being restaurant' in three types of 'eating out' showed greatest in importance(3.35±0.96) but the practice score(2.47±0.10) was lower than the importance score. Also 'choose menu with comparing calories' had the lower score in practice(2.45±1.06) rather than importance score(3.22±1.03). In regarding to 'food habits', the importance score were significantly affected by type of food expense (p〈0.05) and health status (p〈0.05). The importance score of 'purchase food materials' were significantly affected by the type of food expense (p〈0.001), type of residence(p〈0.05), and self assessment of weight(p〈0.05). Monthly income, especially more 400 million won, was the commonly significant effector in practice score of 'purchase food materials' and 'eating out'.
1. 식사패턴 (1) 일상식 승가의 식사첫수는 일일삼식(一日三食)의 규칙적인 식사로 대용식은 거의 없었고, 소수의 사찰에서는 흰죽, 과일, 미싯가루, 조과, 찜, 우유등을 사용하기도 하였으며, 병인식으로 칠일약(七日藥)이 아닌 주로 흰죽 종류가 이용되었다. 사찰에 늘 상비하고 있는 양념류는 간장, 된장, 깨소금, 참기름, 식용유등을 필수로 하였고, 제피가루, 고추가루, 산초, 인공조미료 등을 일부 상비하고 있었다. (2) 접대식 스님과 일반손님의 접대식으로는 반상(飯床)차림이 가장 일반적이었고, 그외에 다과, 떡, 국수등으로 접대하였으며, 대소 행사시 내객을 위한 음식으로는 비빔밥, 찰밥, 오곡밥, 약밥, 떡국, 콩국수등 단체급식하기 쉬운 음식이었다. (3) 행사식 사찰의 대소 행사식은 육류사용이 제한되는 외에는 대체로 일반세시식과 같았으며, 일반세속과 다른 점은 산채비빔밥과 음료로서 송차가 준비되는 것이었다. 불전공양식(佛前供養食)은 대부분이 오공양(五供養)으로 하였으며 제사음식은 밥, 탕국, 나물, 전, 떡, 과일, 과자등 일반 세속의 제사음식과 같이 하는 경우가 많았다. 2. 특별식 떡류는 찌는 떡, 치는 떡, 빚는 떡, 지지는 떡의 4종류중 사용빈도로서는 치는 떡이 가장 많았으며, 찌는 떡으로서는 팥시루떡이 가장 많이 이용되었다. 고물과 속으로 사용되는 부재료로서는 팥, 녹두, 콩이 많았으며, 쑥이 배합된 떡도 있었다. 조과류로서는 약과, 강정(산자), 다식, 정과, 양갱등으로 종류가 매우 다양하였다. 음청류로는 농후음료류, 엽차류, 냉음청류, 약이복식류와 유(乳) 및 유(乳)제품류로 분류하였고, 조과류와 함께 다양하게 사용되었으며, 솔잎차와 같은 약한 알콜성음료도 이용되어 여름철에는 약수에 간장이나 죽염을 타서 사찰에 오신 손님을 접대하기도 하였다. 3. 저장식품 승가의 저장식품으로는 장아찌류에는 산채가, 김치류에는 엽경채류가, 말림류에는 산채류가, 부각류에는 산채와 해조류가 많이 사용되었고, 묵말림과 같은 특이한 저장식품이 많이 사용되었다.
The purpose of this study is to investigate dietary pattern and health status related to food habit and degree of fatigue of evening college students. A sample of 476 evening college students in Chonbuk area were surveyed by questionaire examining their food habit, nutrient intakes, degree of fatigue and cornell Medical Index(CMI). In this study, the male and female students were classified into two groups, respectively, the first group is not having jobs and the second is having jobs. The results were summerized as follows: 1. Evaluation status of food habit score indicated that the subjects were included in Fair and Poor group generally. Food habit score of female was significantly higher than score of male. For female students, food habit score of job group was significantly higher than score of non-job group(p〈0.05). 2. Average intakes of calorie and protein were 1869.1 kcal and 68.3 g in male and 1612.4 kcal and 58.3 g in female. Other nutrients, such as vitamin B1(1.1 mg), vitamin B2(1.2 mg) and ascorbic acid(41.0 mg) in male, iron(13.5 mg), vitamin B2(1.1 mg) and ascorbic acid(46.5 mg) in female were lower than the korean RDA. 3. The means of degree of physical, mental, neurosensory and CMI scores were 3.1, 1.9, 1.5 and 4.7 in male and 4.0, 2.4, 2.4 and 7.1 in female, respectively. For female students, though significancy was found between job group and non-job group in physical, neurosensory fatigue and CMI score(p〈0.05, 0.01), but there were not significant differences in these score for male students. 4. There were significant positive correlation between three types of fatigue and CMI, whereas score of food habit was negative correlation for degree of physical, mental fatigue and CMI. The intakes of protein and vitamin B1 were significantly related to the mental, neurosensory fatigue and CMI.
지난 1세기 동안의 한국인 식사 습관의 변화를 조사 분석한 결과는 아래와 같이 요약된다. (1) 이조 말기까지 한국인은 다양한 곡류, 채소류, 과실류를 식품으로 이용하였으나 농업의 전문화와 생활 방식의 도시화에 의하여 이들 식품 재료의 종류가 크게 감소하였다. (2) 우리의 전통식단은 영양적으로 균형잡힌 구성을 가지고 있었으나 일제의 수탈과 전쟁 중의 식량난으로 한국인의 영양 섭취는 크게 악화되었다. (3) 전쟁 중 악화된 영양상태를 전통 식사법의 회복으로 극복하려 하지 않고 서양식 식사법의 도입으로 해결하려 하였다. (4) 전쟁중의 기아 상태에서 외국 원조로 공급된 분유와 밀가루의 섭취가 일반화 되었으며, 전후 경제 개발 과정에서 분식 장려 정책과 축산 진흥 정책이 계속되었다. (5) 1970년대 이후의 경제 성장 과정에서 식용 및 사료용 곡물 도입이 급증하게 되었으며 식량 자급율은 50% 이하로 하락하였다. (6) 1970년대에 와서야 우리의 식량공급은 이조 말기의 수준으로 회복되었다. 그러나 그 구성면에서 지방질의 섭취가 크게 증가되는 양상을 나타내었다. (7) 1980년대에는 동물성 식품의 소비 과다, 지방의 과잉섭취 현상이 계속 심화되고 있으며 이러한 현상은 성인병의 발병율 증가 등 국민 보건의 퇴화 조짐과 식량 수입에 따른 경제적 부담을 가중시키고 있다. (8) 우리의 전통 식사법에 근거를 둔 식사목표의 설정과 올바른 식습관 정립을 위한 국민 교육과 정책적 배려가 시급히 요구되고 있다.