The air dilution olfactory method to measure complex odors needs to store and carry odor samples from the field sampling until the analysis in laboratories. Until the analysis of sample in the laboratory, odor dilution factor (odor sensitivity) in the sample bag may decrease over time depending on the characteristics of each odor substances. This is one of the limitation for the air dilution olfactory method. Thus, the air dilution device enable to measure without loss in complex odors of samples. Recently, many studies on the performance test of on-site air dilution devices, i.e., field olfactometer, has been conducted to figure out the feasibility of the field olfactometers. In this study, seven odor samples were collected from five odor emission source sites. And comparative analysis with the air dilution olfactory method was carried out to assess the field applicability of the olfactometer. As results, the performance of the field olfactometer used in this study is regared as the affordable method. The dilution factors from between two methods showed the similar values, indicating low values of standard deviations. In order to ensure the accuracy and precision of measurement data using the field olfactometer, methodology minimized variables (that may affect measurement) needs to establish.
The degree and intensity of unpleasant and disgusting odors perceived through a person's sense of smell can vary depending on personal or social and cultural characteristics. In addition, it is not effective to manage odors solely on the basis of concentration levels because odors can be combined according to temperature, humidity, and frequency, so that they can be recognized differently even if the same person smells the same substance. The mobile odor application was developed to enable real time monitoring of odor characteristics reflecting the actual condition of the field. Accordingly, the Green Future Foundation, a civic group, conducted an environmental campaign to record and share the information of odors in school zone using the first version of the application. The real time monitoring of field odor was able to improve the problems of the current standard methods for the examination and assessment of odors. However, with regard to the first version of the application, the process and results of odor recording through odor measurement applied the direct olfactory method and were less relevant. Therefore, it was difficult to organize data due to duplicate selection. For that reason, this study was conducted to overcome the problems of the first version of the mobile application and to effectively and accurately reflect odors and personal characteristics. This odor application that has been developed is able to monitor and assess odors based on 5 features: classification, character, strength level, hedonic tone, and acceptability.
In this study, actual odor conditions were investigated in restaurants, livestock facilities, and major odor discharge facilities around daily life, and an odor modeling program was performed to find ways to improve odors in odor discharge facilities. The odor modeling results of restaurants around daily life showed that the complex odor concentration of large restaurants, which are close to residential areas, is higher than the acceptable complex odor standard at the receiving point. It was judged that a plan to increase the height of the restaurant odor outlets and a plan to reduce the amount of odor discharge was necessary. As a result of modeling the life odor of livestock housing facilities, when the distance from the housing facility is far away, the actual emission concentration is much lower than the acceptable emission concentration at the receiving point. It was judged that such facilities need to be reviewed for ways to reduce the emission of odorous substances, such as sealing the livestock housing facilities or improving the livestock environment. The main odor emission business sites that show complex odor concentration as 1,000 times or greater than the outlet odor emission standard were businesses associated with surfactant preparation, compounded feed manufacturing, textile dyeing processing, and waste disposal. Due to the separation distance and high exhaust gas flow rate, it was found that odor reduction measures are necessary. In this study, it was possible to present the allowable odor emission concentration at the discharge facilities such as restaurants, livestock houses, and industrial emission facilities by performing the process of verifying the discharge concentration of the actual discharge facility and the result of living odor modeling. It is believed that suitable odor management and prevention facilities can be operated.
In this study, the grid field olfactory odor method was supplemented to the domestic situation in the surrounding areas of a domestic science industrial complex. The actual condition of the occurrence of odor frequency in the field was then investigated over the first period of late spring to summer and the second period of autumn in 2017. The frequency of odor occurrence in the area around the science industrial complex was increased as odor discharge facilities in the nearby area were concentrated. The odor occurrence frequency of the total period was 0.09~0.28, that of the first period was 0.08~0.32, and that of the second period was 0.05~0.25. The odor occurrence frequency in summer was higher than in autumn. The frequency by which the measurement of odor occurrence by smell type was most dominant was mainly smell of chemicals, plastics, and livestock houses during the first period, and the smell of chemicals, burning gases, and plastics during the second period. And the frequency of each smell type was judged to be different according to season. The odor occurrence frequency was measured as higher than 0.15, which is the standard of Germany's odor frequency in an industrial area, and it was judged that measures for odor management in the region were necessary. Since most of the odor discharge facilities are non-continuous systems and the odor generation frequency is more important than the concentration of the minimum detection concentration, it was judged that the German grid method can reflect the odor occurrence characteristics of the odor complaints or receptors for a certain period of time compared to the domestic measurement method. In the future, it was judged that the field olfactory odor method would be able to replace the evaluation method of odor assessment in Korea with the survey method of odor assessment under actual conditions in areas where it is difficult to access the odor discharge source or the receptor where odor complaints occur.
This study was performed to evaluate the odor occurrence of offensive leather odor in a district in Gyeonggi-do, where Jeil industrial complex is located, and its residential district, by using olfactory field frequency measurement (Gird Method). In addition, we measured the composite odor. The target points were 9 spots in Jeil industrial complex and 12 spots in the residential district, and we conducted the measurements 13 times each spot. As a result, odor occurrence in descending order was investigated as follows, leather industry > drug industry > food industry. Moreover, odor exposure of the industrial complex exceeded the industrial zone standard of 0.15 (=German odor standard) in all 9 spots (average 0.78). In addition, odor exposure of the residential district exceeded the residential zone standard of 0.10 (=German odor standard) in 12 spots (average 0.78). All the composite odors were below 20 (industrial zone standard). However, as the odor intensity of the sampling site and the lab analysis data showed a large deviation, we found that much supplementation is needed of the odor analysis techniques in the equipment measurement methods.
In this study, we conducted a survey on odor characteristics of single odor and collective odor facilities using the German olfactory odor method and carried out the odor frequency modeling. The influence of the odor from a sewage treatment plant, which is a single discharge facility, was strong in the eastern and northern parts of the plant and appeared to be in good agreement with the areas where the odor complaints were frequent. The German olfactory method reflects the odor complaints and odor occurrence characteristics of the receptors as compared with the domestic odor measurement method. The influence of the odor from the odor control area, which is a collecting and discharging facility, showed a tendency in which the sum of the odor occurrence frequency increased with the proximity of the odor discharge facility to the dense industrial complex. Furthermore, it was judged that it is not easy to extract the odor frequency results for individual facilities because the survey subject is the group discharge facility area. Therefore, it will be necessary to introduce a method to manage odor in the future. In this study, the measurement of odor frequency using the German olfactory odor method is partially applied to some odor sources. Appropriately, it is not applicable to various emission sources. However, the odor measurement method based on odor occurrence frequency and odor sensory can be used for investigation of the actual condition, permits of odor discharge facilities and the environmental review.
In this study, the odor generated in a livestock farm with 500 heads of finisher breed in 661 m² was monitored during 6 months using a gas sensor, a wired / wireless communication system and database server. Odor unit, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) were monitored using the gas sensor. To show the tendency of odorous substances generation, the odor concentration was shown in the graph on a monthly and daily basis. Among the analysis items, the maximum generation of odor was found to be closely related to the generation of hydrogen sulfide. Through observing the daily and monthly trends of odor substances, it was found that each substance was a useful indicator for monitoring odor, because ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, odor and TVOC were increased and decreased in a similar pattern. The odors were highest in the hours of the early morning (00:00-05:00), the evening (18:00-23:00), and the morning (06:00-11:00) in a day. After the use of the microbial agent was discontinued in autumn (October), anaerobic digestion of the manure in a pit proceeded and the amount of hydrogen sulfide increased. Therefore, despite a slight decrease in ammonia production, the odor unit level did not decrease after October but rather was somewhat increased. In the future, the use of the odor monitoring system is expected to improve the efficiency of odor sources management.
In order to reduce odor and methane emission from the landfill, open biocovers and a closed biofilter were applied to the landfill site. Three biocovers and the biofilter are suitable for relatively small-sized landfills with facilities that cannot resource methane into recovery due to small volumes of methane emission. Biocover-1 consists only of the soil of the landfill site while biocover-2 is mixed with the earthworm casts and artificial soil (perlite). The biofilter formed a bio-layer by adding mixed food waste compost as packing material of biocover-2. The removal efficiency decreased over time on biocover-1. However, biocover-2 and the biofilter showed stable odor removal efficiency. The rates of methane removal efficiency were in order of biofilter (94.9%)>, biocover-1(42.3%)>, and biocover-2 (37.0%). The methane removal efficiency over time in biocover-1 was gradually decreased. However, drastic efficiency decline was observed in biocover-2 due to the hardening process. As a result of overturning the surface soil where the hardening process was observed, methane removal efficiency increased again. The biofilter showed stable methane removal efficiency without degradation. The estimate methane oxidation rate in biocover- 1 was an average of 10.4%. Biocover-2 showed an efficiency of 46.3% after 25 days of forming biocover. However, due to hardening process efficiency dropped to 4.6%. After overturn of the surface soil, the rate subsequently increased to 17.9%, with an evaluated average of 12.5%.
This paper presents the performance of a CFD model for the near field dispersion of odor from rooftop emissions. The FLUENT Shear-Stress Transport (SST hereinafter) k-ω turbulence model was used to simulate odor dispersion from a rooftop odor vent. The results were compared with a wind tunnel experiment and the calculated results of ASHRAE 2003 and 2007. The FLUENT SST k-ω turbulence model provided good results for making reasonable predictions about the building rooftop surface normalized dilution. It was found that increasing the vent height (from 1 m to 7 m) reduces rooftop surface normalized dilution. ASHRAE 2003 and ASHRAE 2007 performance measures are generally not as good as FLUENT SST k-ω turbulence model performance measures, with larger MG (the geometric mean bias, VG (the geometric variance), NMSE (the normalized mean square error), FB (Fractional bias), and smaller FAC2 (the fraction of predictions within a factor of two of observations).