This study aimed to understand the needs of consumers in the meal kit market and determine the impact of meal kit selection attributes according to the consumption behavior of single-person households on purchase decisions and satisfaction. A summary of the results of this study is as follows: First, the most frequent purchase frequency of meal kits was 2 to 3 times a month. The reason for purchase was that it was easy to consume, and the most common purpose of purchase was for consumption. Second, four factors, including health, convenience, taste, and economics, were derived as a result of a factor analysis of meal kit selection attributes. The difference in meal kit selection attributes according to age groups revealed that those in their 20s had high scores with respect to health and taste factors, and economic factors appeared statistically significant. Third, an analysis of the meal kit product selection attributes showed that health and taste factors had a positive influence on satisfaction. This can be said to reflect the tendency of single-person households to give weightage to healthy eating and to purchase products that can be consumed conveniently.
Scabies, caused by an infestation of the skin with the itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei), is highly contagious and classified as a prevalent neglected tropical diseases. The current diagnostic approach relies solely on clinical judgment based on symptoms, history, and microscopic observation by an experienced dermatologist. To enhance sensitivity and specificity, we developed an alternative method based on mite-derived DNA. Our method involves a quick DNA release from skin scraping samples and Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) targeting the scabies mite-specific DNA sequences, enabling diagnosis within 30 minutes. Importantly, no cross-reactivity was observed when the sample was contaminated by two house dust mite species, and false positives were barely detected. Currently, we are in the process of developing a Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) kit for a scabies survey targeting school-age children in Timor-Leste as a global health project.
In this study, the Extended Theory of Planned Behavior (ETPB) was applied to analyze consumers’ intention to purchase meal kits. The perception of ESG management practiced by companies was used as a moderating variable to investigate its influence and moderating effects between each variable. An online survey was conducted over 4 days in January 2023 on consumers aged 20 years or older who had purchased meal kits within 6 months. Hypotheses were tested using IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 and AMOS 24.0 programs with an effective sample size of 324 copies (100%). Attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, perceived sustainable package, and price sensitivity of the theory of planned behavior toward meal kit products had a significant positive effect on purchase intention, and all research hypotheses were accepted. The moderating effect of consumers' perceptions of ESG management practiced by companies had a positive and significant effect on attitude and perceived behavioral control.
Receptor tyrosine kinase c-Kit, a marker found on interstitial cells of Cajal (ICCs), is expressed in Leydig cells, which are testicular interstitial cells. The expression of other ICC markers has not yet been reported. In this study, we investigated the expression of c-Kit and anoctamin 1 (ANO1), another ICC marker, in mouse testes. In addition, the relationship between c-Kit and ANO1 expression and Leydig cell function was investigated. We observed that c-Kit and ANO1 were predominantly expressed in mouse Leydig cells. The mRNA and protein of c-Kit and ANO1 were expressed in TM3, a mouse Leydig cell line. LH induced an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration, membrane depolarization, and testosterone secretion, whereas these signals were inhibited in the presence of c-Kit and ANO1 inhibitors. These results show that c-Kit and ANO1 are expressed in Leydig cells and are involved in testosterone secretion. Our findings suggest that Leydig cells may act as ICCs in testosterone secretion.
We introduce the Transformable Reflective Telescope (TRT) kit that applies an aluminum profile as a base plate for precise, stable, and lightweight optical system. It has been utilized for optical surface measurements, developing alignment and baffle systems, observing celestial objects, and various educational purposes through Research & Education projects. We upgraded the TRT kit using the aluminum profile and truss and isogrid structures for a high-end optical test device that can be used for prototyping of precision telescopes or satellite optical systems. Thanks to the substantial aluminum profile and lightweight design, mechanical deformation by self-weight is reduced to maximum 67.5 μm, which is an acceptable misalignment error compared to its tolerance limits. From the analysis results of non-linear vibration simulations, we have verified that the kit survives in harsh vibration environments. The primary mirror and secondary mirror modules are precisely aligned within 50 μm positioning error using the high accuracy surface finished aluminum profile and optomechanical parts. The cross laser module helps to align the secondary mirror to fine-tune the optical system. The TRT kit with the precision aluminum mirror guarantees high quality optical performance of 5.53 μm Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) at the field center.
본 연구에서는 국내 유통중인 가정간편식 샤브샤브 밀키트를 원료별(쇠고기, 숙주, 쌈추, 새송이버섯, 배추, 단호 박)로 구분하여 미생물 오염도를 알아보기 위해 일반세균수(total aerobic bacteria), 대장균군(coliform)/대장균(E. coli), 효모 및 진균류(fungi), 황색포도상구균(S. aureus), 및 바실러스세레우스(B. cereus)에 대한 정량적 분석을 실시하였다. 아울러, 살모넬라(Salmonella spp.)와 리스테리아 모노사이토제네스(L. monocytogenes)에 대한 정성적 분석을 실시하였다. 샤브샤브 밀키트 원료의 일반세균수(총균 수)는 3.98-6.50 log CFU/g로 검출되었다. 특히, 쇠고기의 경우 6 log CFU/g 이상의 균이 검출되었으며 숙주, 단호박, 배추의 경우 5 log CFU/g 이상의 균이 검출되었다. 진균류 (곰팡이/효모)의 오염도는 2.78-3.52 log CFU/g 수준으로 검출되었다. 대장균군은 일반세균수와 마찬가지로 쇠고기에서 3.28 log CFU/g으로 가장 높게 검출되었으며 기타 신선야채류의 경우 2 log CFU/g 수준으로 검출되었다. 대장균은 6가지 원료 모두에서 검출되지 않았다. S. aureus 는 쇠고기와 쌈추를 제외한 숙주, 배추, 새송이버섯, 단호박에서 1.33-1.71 log CFU/g의 수준으로 검출되었다. B. cereus는 쌈추를 제외한 모든 원료에서 1.15-2.01 log CFU/g 의 수준으로 검출되었다. L. monocytogenes는 새송이버섯을 제외하곤 모든 원료에서 25-50%의 양성검출을 보였고 Salmonella는 모든 원료에서 음성으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과의 종합적 분석시, 쇠고기 원료에서 일반세균수와 대장균군 기준치를 초과하였고 황색포도상구균과 바실러스 세레우스는 대부분의 원료에서 식품안전을 위협할만한 위험한 수준은 아니었으나 검출되었고 저온성식중독균인 리스테리아모노사이토제네스 역시 일부 원료에서 양성을 보였기 때문에 본 제품의 원료별 생산단계에서의 살균·소독의 적절한 공정과 섭취시 충분한 열처리를 통해 잔존미 생물을 사멸하는 것이 긴요하다. 또한 조리기구 및 조리 종사원 손에 의해 최종 식품을 공정하면서 미생물이 전 파될 가능성이 있으므로 최종 식품의 안전성을 확보하기 위해 오염된 접촉면에 의한 교차오염을 최소화하며, 개인위생수준의 개선, 조리기기의 분리사용과 세척 및 소독을 통한 조리기기의 청결유지가 무엇보다도 중요하다. 아울러 본 연구의 미생물오염수준 자료는 가정간편식밀키트의 미생물위해평가(Microbial Risk Assessment) 의 기초자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
목적 : 마이봄샘기능저하증(meibomian gland dysfunction, MGD)을 수반하는 염증성 건성안의 감별진단에 대한 ‘TNF-α, IL-6, MMP-9’ 검사키트의 유용성을 평가하였다.
방법 : 건성안 이외의 안질환이 없는 20~30대 중 OSDI 설문 검사에 따른 건성안 총 118안을 대상하였고, 결막낭 메니스커스로부터 소량의 눈물을 채취하여 TNF-α, IL-6 및 MMP-9 검사를 하였다. 각막염색과 결막충혈 이 모두 Grade 1 이상인 경우는 염증성 건성안으로, 마이봄샘폐쇄와 마이봄샘구멍막힘이 모두 grade 1 이상인 경우는 MGD 관련 건성안으로 평가하였다. 염증성 건성안 및 MGD와 TNF-α, IL-6, MMP-9과의 상관성은 카 이제곱검정(Chi-square test)으로 분석하였고, ‘TNF-α, IL-6, MMP-9’ 검사키트의 염증성 건성안과 MGD를 수반하는 염증성 건성안 감별능력은 ROC 커브를 이용하여 민감도, 특이도 및 AUC(Area under the curve)를 구하고 정확도를 평가하였다.
결과 : 염증성 건성안은 TNF-α와 IL-6와 유의한 상관성을 보였고(p<.050), ‘TNF-α, IL-6, MMP-9’ 검사 키트는 MMP-9 검사키트와 80.20%의 높은 일치도를 나타냈으나(p<.050), 염증성 건성안 감별에 대한 민감도, 특이도, 정확도는 MMP-9 검사키트보다 낮았다. MGD는 MMP-9 검사와 상관성을 보이지 않았고, TNF-α와 IL-6 검사와는 유의한 상관성을 보였으며, MGD 감별에 대한 민감도, 특이도, 정확도는 각각 85.50%, 34.70%, 0.601, 85.50%, 32.70%, 0.591로 나타났다. MGD 수반한 염증성 건성안 감별에 대한 ‘TNF-α, IL-6, MMP-9’ 검사키트의 민감도, 특이도 및 정확도는 100.00%, 34.10%, 0.670로 MMP-9 검사키트보다 더 높았다.
결론 : MGD 진단에는 TNF-α, IL-6 검사가 유용하며, ‘TNF-α, IL-6, MMP-9’ 검사키트는 MGD를 수반한 염증성 건성안 평가에 유용할 것으로 사료된다.