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        검색결과 21

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the present study, a novel pH-sensitive hydrogel composite of pectin-grafted-poly (acrylic acid-co-itaconic acid)/MWCNTs- COOH was prepared by using graft copolymerization of acrylic acid and itaconic acid on pectin backbone with incorporation of MWCNTS- COOH. The prepared hydrogel composite has been employed for the adsorption and controlled release of the diclofenac sodium (DS) drug. The hydrogel composite was characterized by the analysis methods: FTIR, XRD, SEM, and TGA to analyze structural characteristics before and after DS drug adsorption. The swelling ratio of the hydrogel composite was investigated at different pH values from pH 1.2 to 10. According to the results, the swelling ratio of the hydrogel composite was found 4195% at pH 7.4. Adsorption process parameters such as pH, contact time, adsorbent dose, and temperature were investigated and found to have a significant influence on DS drug adsorption. The maximum DS drug loading through adsorption of 91% was obtained at pH 3, adsorbent dose of 0.05 g, contact time of 150 min, and temperature of 15 °C. The adsorption isotherm and kinetic results were well-fitted to Freundlich and second-order models. Thermodynamic parameters including changes in Gibb’s free energy, enthalpy, and entropy suggested that the adsorption of DS drug onto hydrogel composite was a spontaneous and exothermic process. The in vitro drug release experiment showed that the cumulative release of DS drug from hydrogel composite after 35 h was significantly higher in simulated intestinal fluid at pH 7.4 than in simulated gastric fluid at pH 1.2.
        2021.12 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Colorectal cancer causes the most cancer-associated death worldwide, having a high cancer incidence. Pectin is a complex polysaccharide present in various fruits, emerging as an anti-carcinogenic candidate. Although pectin has a suppressive capacity for colon carcinogenesis, the effect of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and colonic aberrant foci formation in the colon carcinogenesis mouse model remains unclear. Therefore, this study investigates the regulatory effect of pectin supplementation on colon carcinogenesis induced by azoxymethane (AOM) and dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) in mice. In an animal experiment, thirty male institute for cancer research (ICR) mice were divided into two experimental groups; AOM/DSS (control group) and AOM/DSS + pectin (5% in drinking water). Furthermore, the number of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) and aberrant crypt (AC) on colonic mucosa were counted, and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) assay was performed to estimate lipid peroxidation in feces. Pectin treatment significantly decreased the number of ACF and AC per colon compared with the control. Additionally, fecal TBARS level in the pectin group was significantly lower than those in the control group. Conclusively, these findings indicate that pectin-inhibited hyperplastic alteration and oxidative stress suppress colitis-associated colon carcinogenesis.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The vase life of gerbera is affected by the hardness of the scape. However, although hardening of the cell wall is thought to be caused by calcium ions binding with pectin, the effect of calcium on the pectin fractions in the scape of gerbera has not yet been described. Therefore, this study assessed the calcium and pectin contents of the gerbera scape during bending. The scape of the gerbera cultivar ‘Harmony’ mostly e xhibited b ending i n the S1 and S 2 sections, and the bent scape had poor hardness compared with a normal, unbent scape. The calcium contents of the S1 and S2 sections of the bent scape were 2.9 mg·L-1 and 2.6 mg·L-1 lower than that of the normal scape. Furthermore, the total pectin contents were also generally lower in t he b ent scape, p articularly in t he S 1 section.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the quality characteristics of low- fat pork patties containing fat replacers. Carrageenan(CA) in combination with pectin(PE) or potato starch(PO) was added as fat replacers and physicochemical properties were evaluated in low-fat pork patties cooked by oven-roasting or pan-frying. Uncooked and cooked pork patties formulated with fat replacers were higher in moisture and ash content and lower in fat content than those of control. The cooking yield and reduction in diameter of pork patties were significantly improved by the addition of fat replacers(p<0.05). Pork patties formulated with CA had the highest fat retention, while CA+PE had the highest water holding capacity. Hunter s L(lightness) value was not different from among patties and a(redness) and b(yellowness) values were higher in carrageenan-based patties than those of control patties. Hardness was higher in carrageenan-based patties than that of control and cohesiveness and springiness showed no difference among patties. Sensory analysis showed that flavor, juiciness and palatability of carrageenan-based patties were superior to control patties and combined use of CA with PE or PO provided improved acceptability of low-fat pork patties over that from using single carrageenan.
        1998.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Citrus펙틴을 효소로 가수분해시켜 얻은 펙틴분해물은 분해율이 35%가 되면서부터 항균력이 서서히 나타나기 시작하여 70% 이상에서는 급격히 증가하였으며 완전분해(100%)된 펙틴분해물을 배지에 2.0% 첨가하면 35℃에서 24시간까지 Escherichia coli ATCC l1229의 생육을 완전히 억제하였다. 펙틴분해물의 항균력은 pH 4.9~5.5 범위에서 가장 좋았으며 균종별로는 젖산균을 제외한 대부분의 세균에 대하여 강한 항균력을 나타내었고 젖산균과 곰팡이류에 대해서는 항균효과가 약하였으며 효모에 대하여는 전혀 영향을 미치지 않았다. 즉, 대부분의 세균은 펙틴분해물을 2.0~3.0% 첨가하므로써 35℃에서 48시간까지 생육이 완전히 억제되었으나, Lactococus lactis ATCC 19435, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Penicllium funiculosum ATCC l1797은 대조구에 비하여 30~40%만이 억제되었으며 Saccharomyces formosensis와 Saccharomyces cerevisiae는 전혀 영향을 받지 않았다. 한편, glycine, ethanol, sodium ascorbate, sodium chloride 또는 sodium acetate 등의 화학보존료를 병용하면 펙틴분해물을 단독으로 사용하였을 때 보다 항균력이 상승하였다. 김치에 펙틴분해물을 1.0% 첨가하여 4℃에 저장하면 섭취하기에 알맞은 김치의 pH를 유지하는 기간이 대조구에 비하여 적어도 15일 이상 연장되었다. 또한 빵속에 펙틴분해물을 1.0%첨가하면 25℃에서 저장 4일째 대조구에 비하여 4 log cycles 그리고 저장 10일까지도 2 log cycles 정도 균의 성장이 억제되었다. 따라서, 펙틴분해물은 천연식품보존제로 이용가능하며 특히, 젖산균이나 효모에 대해서는 항균작용이 미약하거나 없으므로 젖산균이나 효모를 이용하는 발효식품의 품질보존제로서 아주 유용할 것으로 생각된다. 또한 기존의 화학보존료와 병용하므로써 화학보존료의 첨가량을 감소시킬 수 있다는 점에서도 유용하다고 생각된다.
        1994.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was done to evaluate the effects of grape variety, pH and sugar contents on textural and sensory properties of grape pectin jelly. As a gelling agent, pectin 1% was selected due to highest sensory scores in preparatory experiments and also nutritional and economical reasons. To get the proximate composition of grape extract, moisture, pH, reducing sugar, and total titratable acidity was measured. Grape pectin jellies, made by 12 different recipies, were tested by sensory and instrumental evaluatoin. The results were as follows; 1) Hardness and chewiness were lowered in grape jelly which has lower pH and lower sugar contents. 2) People preferred grape jelly which has lower hardness, brittleness and sweetness, and higher sourness. 3) Comparing overall quality, Recipe C1 in Jelly 1 and recipe B1 in Jelly 2 were chosen as best. 4) Sensory hardness showed positive correlation with instrumental hardness, brittleness and chewiness.
        1986.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tomato과실(果實)의 성숙단계별(成熟段階別), pectin효소(酵素)(PE, PG)의 활성(活性)의 변화(變化)와 polygalacturonase (PG)의 분리(分離), 정제(精製) 및 정제(精製)된 PG isoenzyme의 효소학적(酵素學的) 성질(性質)에 대하여 조사(調査)하였다. Tomato과실(果實)의 pectin esterase (PE)효소(酵素)는 추숙(追熟)이 진행(進行)됨에 따라 그 활성(活性)이 증가(增加)하였으며, 특히 색깔의 변화가 일어나는 시기(時期)에 최대(最大)의 활성(活性)을 나타내었다. PG는 녹숙과(綠熟果)에서 활성(活性)이 거의 나타나지 않았으나 추숙(追熟)이 진행(進行)되면서 크게 증가(增加)하였다. Ripe tomato에서 추출(抽出)한 조효소액(粗酵素液)을 전기영동(電氣泳動)시킨 결과(結果) 6개의 단백질(蛋白質) band를 나타내었다. 조효소액(粗酵素液)을 황산암모니아에 의한 단백질(蛋白質)의 분획(分劃) DEAE-sephadex A-50 column chromatography한 결과(結果) 2개의 isoenzyme I와 II (PG I, PG II)를 분리(分離)하였으며, isoenzyme I와 II는 각각 61배, 98배 정제(精製)되었다. Isoenzyme I와 II는 전기영동상(電氣泳動上) Rm값은 각각 0.25와 0.31이었다. Isoenzyme I의 최적온도(最適溫度) 및 pH는 각각 , pH 4.5에서, isoenzyme II는 각각 , pH 4.7에서 최대활성(最大活性)을 나타내었다. Isozyme I에 대한 pH와 열안정성(熱安定性)을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果), pH 4.3부근에서 안정(安定)하였으며, , 5분간(分間)에서 약 50%의 효소활성(酵素活性)이 억제되었다. 그리고 isozyme II에 대한 pH와 열안정성(熱安定性)을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果), pH 5.6 부근에서 안정(安定)하였으며 , 5분간(分間)에서 약 50%의 효소활성(酵素活性)이 억제(抑制)되었다. Isozyme I와 II에 대한 최적(最適) NaCl농도(濃度)는 각각 0.15M, 0.1M이었으며, 최적(最適) 농도(濃度)는 각각 0.04M, 0.03M이었다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Pectin은 식물 세포벽의 주요성분으로 과실이나 채소류의 세포막이나 세포막 사이의 엷은 층에 존재하 며, 고점도의 수용성 다당체로 염과 pH에 의한 점도 변화가 심하며, 알코올류와 만나 gelation 되는 특징을 가 지고 있다. 식품분야에서 펙틴은 점도의 증가 및 겔 형성제로 사용되어 왔으나, 화장품 분야에서는 그 사용이 극히 제한적이었다. 본 연구에서는 pectin 효소 분해물의 분해 정도 및 분자량 분포를 정확히 확인하기 위해, HPLC (GPC)를 이용한 분석 조건을 확립하였으며, 생물 전환 공정을 통해 저분자량 pectin oligomer가 형성 되는 것을 확인하였다. 그리고, 2종의 효소에 대한 저분자량 pectin oligomer 생산 최적 조건 실험을 진행하여 최적 생산 조건을 확립하였으며, 이로 부터 제조한 pectin 효소분해물에서 저분자량 pectin oligomer를 선별적 으로 분리하는 공정도 개발하였다. 이러한 공정을 통해 제조된 저분자량 pectin oligomer 소재 LMPH A 와 B는 약 200 ∼ 2,700 Da 정도의 분자량 분포를 가지는 것으로 확인되었다. LMPH A와 B의 생리활성을 확인 한 결과, 2종 모두 항산화 활성을 보였다. 게다가, 이들이 pectin 및 D-galacturonic acid 보다 상대적으로 우 수하며, 농도의존적으로 증가함을 보였다. 또한 자외선(UVB)에 의한 피부세포의 광손상 및 이로 인한 apoptosis를 방어하는 효과를 나타내었다. 세포 활성화 효과 측정결과는 LMPH A, B 모두 0.025% 이상의 농도에 서 세포 활성화 효과를 보였으며, 농도가 0.5%에 이를 때까지 농도 의존적으로 증가하는 것을 확인할 수 있었 다. 특히, LMPH B의 경우, 0.5% 농도에서 약 30%, LMPH A도 약 22%의 매우 우수한 세포 활성화 효과를 가지는 것으로 확인되었다. 결론적으로, 본 연구를 통해 개발된 2종의 LMPH가 우수한 생리활성과 동시에 우수 한 안전성을 보임으로써, 향후 화장품 소재로 응용 가능성이 매우 높을 것으로 기대된다.
        2008.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Pectin, one of the main components of plant cell wall, is deesterified in muro by PME (Pectin methylesterase). PME activity is particularly regulated by inhibitor proteins known as the pectin methylesterase inhibitor (PMEI). The PMEI plays a key role in wounding, osmotic stress, senescence and seed development. However, the role of PMEI in plant species still remains to be demonstrated especially in wheat. To facilitate the studies on the expression of the TaPMEI gene, RT-PCR was performed using leaf, stem and root tissues in response to exogeneous application of phytohormones and abiotic stress treatments. Transcription of the TaPMEI gene was significantly induced in NaCl, H2O2 and SA treatments, and reduced when plants were treated with ABA. To elucidate the subcellular localization of the TaPMEI protein, TaPMEI:GFP fusion construct was transformed into onion epidermal cells by particle bombardment. The fluorescence signal was exclusively detected in cell wall of the cells. In order to obtain recombinant TaPMEI protein, the TaPMEI protein, expressed in E.coli as a MBP (~42.5 kDa) fusion protein recombinant. Purification and functinal analysis of TaPMEI as an inhibitor of PME activity are described.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Kiyomi tangor(Citus unshiu x sinensis) was stored at 3 and 85% relative humidity, and the changes in firmness, pectin degrading enzymes activity and other physicochemical properties of citrus fruits during storage were investigated. Decay ratio and weight loss during 180 days’ storage were increased gradually to 13.0% and 12.9%, respectively. Firmness of fruits with 2 mm probe was decreased gradually from 808.7 g-force to 406.4 g-force, and moisture of peel and flesh were decreased from 76.5% to from 89.6% to 87.6% during storage, respectively. Exo-polygalacturonase activity of peel after 150 days’ storage were increased gradually to 558.09 units/100g. Pectin methylesterase activity of peel and flesh were increased from 14.7 units/g to 2.3 units/g, and from 9.4 units/ml to 2.7 units/ml at 150days’ storage, respectively. Endo-polygalacturonase activities were not changed notably during storage. Alcohol-insoluble solid(AIS) of peel was not changed notably. During storage of the fruits water soluble pectin(WSP) of peel and flesh were increased from 474.49 mg/100g to 614.29mg/100g, and from 66.91mg/100g to 92.74mg/100g as wet basis, respectively. Hexameta-phosphate soluble pectin(HMP) of peel were decreased from 405.5mg/100g to 270.43mg/100g, hydochloric acid soluble pectin(HSP) of peel was also decreased from 544.02mg/100g to 412.64mg/100g during storage. Total pectin substance(TPS) of peel and flesh were decreased from 1,424.01mg/100g to 1,297.36mg/100g, and from 165.51mg/100g to 171.54mg/100g, respectively. Composition ratio of pectin was in order of WSP > HSP > HMP.
        2000.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Changes in firmness and pectin contents during maturation and sotrage of Stsuma mandarin (Citrus Unshiu Marc. var. miyagawa) were investigated. Firmness of fruits was decreased quickly from 1,176.8g-force to 503.6g-dorce. Satsuma mandarin was stored at 3 and 85%5% relative humidity. Firmness were decreased from 538.9g-force to 336.9g-force during storage. Alcohol-insoluble solid(AIS) of peel and flesh were decreased quickly from 27.04g/100g to 12.30g/100g, and from 2.67g/100g to 1.91g/100g during maturation of fruits. During storage of fruits, AIS of peel was decreased from 14.32g/100g to 12.06g/100g . During maturation of fruits, water soluble pectin (WSP) of peel were increased from 420.82mg/100g to 601.62mg/100g as wet basis. Hexametaphosphate soluble pectin (HMP) was also increased from 450.17mg/100g to 577/53mg/100g. hydrochloricacid soluble pectin (HSP) was decreased from 1938.30 mg/100g to 695.14mg/100g. During storage of fruits, HMP and HSP of peel was decreased from 507.82mg/100g to 695.14mg/100g. During storage of fruits, HMP and HSP of peel was decreased from 527.82mg/100g to 275.47mg/100g , and from 672.28mg/100g to 351.36mg/100g, respectively. WSP of peel was increased from 543.70mg/100g to 584.31mg/100g. Total pectin substance (TPS) of peel was decreased from 2809.79 mg/100g to 1874.29mg/100g during maturation, and from 1723.80mg/100g to 1211.14mg/100g during storage, respectively. Composition ratio of pectin was in order of WSP>HSP>HMP.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out for the purpose of improving the persimmon vinegar. Crushed persimmon(persimmon pulp) was used at alcohol fermentation using Saccharomyces bayanus for persimmon alcohol medium preparation. Glucose(8.39%) and fructose(7.96%) were the dominant free sugar in persimmon pulp before the at cohol fermentation. They decreased abruptly during alcohol fermentation and glucose was consumed more rapidly than fructose. Final alcohol concentration was finally reached to 8%(v/v) in 5 days for mentation of persimmon pulp. Pectinase pre-treatment of persimmon pulp resulted in tusker contents of galacturonic acid, galactose, methyl alcohol and isoamyl alcohol in main mash for alcohol fermentation than those in main mash prepared without pectinase pre-treatment. After alcohol fermentation tannin concentration was 350ppm and astringency was not perceived.
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