Quality changes of carrots thermally processed in a large size (5 kg) retort pouch during 52 weeks of storage were investigated under different packaging methods and package shapes. To improve the efficiency of thermal processing (121.1oC, 0.15 MPa), the carrot (i.e., solid) and the broth (i.e., liquid) of the carrot soup were separately packed and sterilized. The quality changes of carrot packed without liquid were compared with those with liquid. Two different package shapes such as rectangular parallelepiped and cube were also evaluated to figure out the efficiency of the heat penetration rate for a large-sized pouch. The TTT (F0-values = 6) were 27, 54, and 114 min from the rectangular parallelepiped, cube, and solid/liquid mixed groups, respectively. In the mixed groups, the hardness and chewiness of solids (carrot) were significantly smaller than those measured in the other groups as TTT increased. Carrots treated in the rectangular parallelepiped shape showed a significantly higher texture than the cube shape. The CV of hardness and chewiness in the rectangular parallelepiped and the cube shape were calculated as 7.56 and 47.19, and 29.16 and 65.28, respectively. This demonstrated that a more uniform quality can be obtained from the rectangular parallelepiped shape.
Quality changes of carrots thermally processed in a large size (5 kg) retort pouch during 52 weeks of storage period were investigated upon different packaging methods and package shapes. To improve the efficiency of thermal processing (121.1°C, 0.15 MPa), the carrot (i.e., solid) and the broth (i.e., liquid) of carrot soup were separately packed and sterilized. The quality changes of carrot packed without liquid were compared with those with liquid. Two different package shapes such as rectangular parallelepiped and cube were also evaluate to figure out the efficiency of the heat penetration rate for the large size of pouch. The location of cold points and the total thermal processing time (TTT) were different upon the treatment. Fo-values, satisfying the TTT to at least 6 min, were 27, 54, and 114 min from the rectangular parallelepiped, cube and solid/liquid mixed group, respectively. In the mixed groups, the hardness and chewiness of solids (carrot) was significantly smaller than that measured in the other groups as TTT increased. Carrots treated in the rectangular parallelepiped shape showed a significantly higher texture than the cube shape for both immediately after the thermal treatment and during the storage period. Coefficient of variation (CV), which indicates the quality variation within the same treatment, of texture properties obtained from the outside and the center of the sample were compared to evaluate the quality variation within the same treatment. The CV of hardness and chewiness of the rectangular parallelepiped and the cube shape were calculated 7.56 and 47.19, and 29.16 and 65.28, respectively. This demonstrated that more uniform quality could be expected from the thermal treatment in the rectangular parallelepiped shape
Cyclooxygenase- 2 (COX-2) is an inducible enzyme that is not found in normal conditions,. but is induced by a varie ty of pathophysiologic conditions of tissues by growth factors. inflammatory stimuli. oncogenes and tumor promoters, COX-2 is upregulated in a number of epithelial cancers. including in oral premalignant and malignant lesions, The mode of action of COX-2 in carcinogenesis may include mutiple mechanisms that may be acting at different stages of malignant disease, In this study. the expression of COX- 2 protein was assessed quantitatively 없d qualitatively by immunohistochemistry during DMBA-induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis, The immunoreactivity for COX-2 protein increased as the tissue passed from hyperplasia to dysplasia and SCC, The highest mean expression was SCC at 14 week, The differences between COX-2 expression in the normal and that the dysplastic and carcinomatous lesions was statistically significant, In addition. the mean values of COX -2 expression in the stromal cells increased gradually during malignant progression, The results suggest that increased COX-2 expression may be associated with the chemically induced carcinogenic progression of hamster buccal pouch model, The gradual increasing COX-2 expression de tected during the progressive manner toward more malignant lesions shows that the COX-2 protein can have an important role in both the early and the later stages of multistep oral carcinogenesis
Nitric oxide (NO) plays a key role in the processes of inflammation and carcinogenesis. Three isoforms of NO 야mthase have been identified: endothelial 띠띠c oxide 와nth앓e (NOS), neuronal NOS, and inducible NOS (이OS). The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of iNOS expression in 7, 12-dimethylbenz[alanthracene (DMBA)-induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis. Sixty three outbred young (6-week-old) male Syrian golden hamsters were randomly divided into three groups: DMBA treated group (n=57) and non-treated (n=3), and mineral-oil treated group (n=3). No iNOS activity could be detected in the untreated or mineral oil-treated pouches. 80th cytoplasmic and nuclear stainings were observed in the DMBA-treated pouch kera띠lCX까es. There were iNOS expression 외so in the strorna1 cells. The mean values of iNOS expression in the epithelium increased gradually from control to dysplastic lesions and more to invasive squ따nous cell carcinoma. πle clifference between iNOS expr'않sion in the normal and that the dysplastic and carcinomatous lesions is statistically significant. The mean values of iNOS expression in the stroma increased gradually from control to dysplastic lesions and more to invasive squamous cell carcinoma. The difference between iNOS expression in the normal and that the carcinomatous lesions is statistica11y si맑, ificant. In conclusion, this study has demonstrated that iNOS is expressed in DMBA-induced hamster pouch carcinomas. πlis finding suggests that iNOS expression may be associated with the development of chemically induced oral carcmomas.
This study was carried out to evaluate the irritant potential of P-toothpaste in hamster cheek pouch. The test materials were applied once at the beginning of this study into right pouches of hamsters and maintained for 14 days. Animals were administered with P-toothpaste, Bamboo salt toothpaste, D.W. and control solution, respectively. In order to evaluate the irritant potential in mucosa of hamster cheek pouch, we observed clinical signs, mortality, body weights and gross and histopathological findings for 14 days. In all groups, there were neither dead animals nor significant changes of body weights. In addition, there were no differences between D.W. and Ptoothpaste treated group in gross and histopathological findings. Therefore, these results suggest that there was little irritant potential of P-toothpaste in hamster cheek pouch.
Studies were conducted on the preparation methods of strawberry jam. Strawberry was homogenized and centrifuged to serum-pulp portion. Concentration of strawberry serum was carried out at 55∼58℃ under pressure of 30∼60 mmHg. Strawberry jam bases were mixed throughly and stuffed in retortable pouch. The pouch was sterilized to make a new strawberry jam. The characteristics of new type jam was analyized gas chromatographic profile, and sensory evaluations.
본 시험은 식품의 장기간 저장이 가능하고 간편하게 유통할 수 있는 Retort pouch 기술을 찰옥수수에 접목시켜 저장 중 품질유지 및 저장비용 절감을 위하여 찰옥수수 레토르트 가공 적성을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 식품적성은 식품공전에 의한 저장전 레트로트 식품규격에 따른 성상 및 세균 조사결과 모든 처리에서 팽창되지 않았으며 세균검출 시험결과도 음성으로 나타났다. 2. 미생물 활성과 부패에 관여하는 수분활성도 측정결과 30일 저장후 부터 레토르트 공정전 전처 리로서 열수처리에서는 일반곰팡이 번식 조건인 0.80보다 높은 0.81~~0.87 로 나타났으며 60일 후에 낮아지는 경향이었고 증숙처리, 급속냉동처리 등에서는 일반 부패세균 및 곰팡이 번식조 건 0.80 이하로 안정성으로 나타났다. 3. 색도색차는 냉동+레토르트 처리시 타처리에 비하여 어두워 외관상 상품성이 떨어졌고 레토르트 처리시 121℃ 의 10분간은 색깔이 우수하였고 저장조건은 5℃,15℃ 보다 -20℃ 냉동저장이 다소 우수하였으나 큰 차이는 없었다. 4. 저장기간에 따른 유리당 함량은 저장조건에 따른 미량의 차이는 있었지만 뚜렷한 경향은 없었다. 5. 식미는 저장 60일부터 레토르트 공정전 무처리, 열수처리 및 급속냉동처리에서는 식미가 떨어지고, 이취가 발생하여 저장성이 떨어졌으나 증숙 처리한 옥수수는 5℃,15℃ 저장시 20℃ 에 냉동 저장된 시료와 큰 차이 없이 양호하였다.