
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 72

        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        쌀밥 위주의 식사에서 곡류 또는 두류를 혼합한 잡곡밥의 섭취량이 늘고 있는 추세로 백미(대조군)와 혼합잡곡(혼합잡 곡 1), 혼합잡곡에 정미성분을 가미한 잡곡(혼합잡곡 2)을 제 조하고, 이들의 항산화 활성을 갖는 성분들의 함량 변화와 기 호도 변화를 측정하였다. Ascorbic acid의 함량에서는 백미의 경우, 6.68 mg%, 혼합잡곡군은 각각 18.23 및 21.84 mg%로 잡곡을 혼합하였을 때 높은 함량을 나타내었다. Tocopherol류 의 함량에서는 백미는 1.26 mg%, 혼합잡곡 1군은 19.24 mg% 이었고, 혼합잡곡에 정미성분을 가미한 혼합잡곡 2군은 39.32 mg%로 가장 높은 tocopherol류의 함량을 보였다. Polyphenol 화합물의 함량에서 대조군은 2.20 mg%, 혼합잡곡군은 각각 14.38 및 21.91 mg%로 혼합잡곡군이 높은 함량을 보였다. Flavonoid 화합물의 함량은 대조군에서는 검출되지 않았지만, 혼합잡곡 1군은 42.45 mg%, 혼합잡곡 2군은 32.54 mg%로 잡 곡 혼합 시 높은 함량을 나타내었으며, 이들 성분들은 메탄올 추출물에서도 유사한 경향이었다. 기호도에서는 맛, 향, 색 및 종합적 기호도에서는 모두 정미성분을 첨가하였던 혼합잡곡 2군이 가장 높은 기호도를 보였고, 잡곡밥, 백미의 순으로 백 미보다는 곡류 및 두류 및 정미성분을 혼합하는 것을 더욱 선호하였다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The object of this study is to investigate the relationship between the air dilution sensory test and the threshold odor number (TON) method for evaluating the odor of domestic wastewater, plating plant wastewater, food plant wastewater and lake water. The dilution factor of raw wastewater evaluated by the air dilution sensory test was in the order of food plant > plating plant > domestic > lake, and that evaluated by the threshold odor number method was in the order of food plant > domestic > plating plant > lake. The same results were obtained when the raw wastewater and lake water were diluted 2 and 5 times with pure water. The relative geometric standard deviation determined from the threshold values of each panel on the air dilution sensory test was much larger than that calculated from results derived from the threshold odor number method. The relative geometric standard deviation obtained from samples with a low dilution factor was greater. There was a very good linear correlation (correlation coefficient = 0.968~1.000) between the air dilution sensory test and the threshold odor number method. But, the reduction in odor intensity (the slopes of regression curves) by dilution was dependent on the types of the odor-emission sources.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 돈육 중의 후지육을 이용하여 천연 향신료인 생강 및 인삼 분말을 첨가비율별로 처리(무처리 대조구, T1구(A-생강 분말 0.1% 첨가, B-인삼 분말 0.1% 첨가), T2구(A-생강 분말 0.2% 첨가, B-인삼 분말 0.2% 첨가), T3구(A-생강 분말 0.3% 첨가, B-인삼 분말 0.3% 첨가)하여 돈육포를 제조한 후, 저장기간에 따른 VBN, 미생물 수 및 관능평가에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 돈육포의 VBN 함량은 대조구와 처리구간에서는 통계적인 유의차가 나타내었고(p<0.01), 저장기간이 길어짐에 따라 VBN 함량과 총 세균수 및 대장균 수도 점차 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 또한 처리구에 상관없이 생강 분말 첨가군(A)이 인삼 분말 첨가군(B)군보다 유의적으로 낮게 나타났다(p<0.01). 돈육포의 관능평가의 경우, 육색과 맛은 처리구에 상관없이 저장기간이 길어짐에 따라 저장 2주째에 가장 높아 통계적인 유의차가 나타났고(p<0.05), 그 이후는 서서히 낮아졌다. 특히 육색의 경우, T1구의 A군이 다른 처리구보다 크게 높게 나타났다(p<0.05). 이상의 결과로 볼 때 돈육포 제조 시 생강분말 첨가는 미생물의 증식 억제에 다소 영향을 미치며, 육포제조 후 2주째에 가장 맛이 좋은 것으로 판단된다.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        미국인이 즐겨먹는 기능성 고추케찹과 한국산 고추케찹의 생리활성 특성을 비교하고, 한국산 고추케찹의 외국인 관능 평가를 진행하여 고추케찹의 특성과의 상관관계를 분석하여 고부가 가치 고추가공품의 기초자료를 마련하고자 연구를 진행하였다. 미국산 고추케찹 4종과 한국산 고추케찹의 총 당, 염도, 당도의 이화학적 분석과 ASTA 값, 총 캡사이시노이드, 총 카로티노이드, 총 페놀, 총 항산화력의 생리활성 성분을 분석하고, 관능평가를 실시하였다. 한국산 고추케찹은 미국 고추케찹보다 생리활성 성분이 모두 높게 나타났으며, 관능평가 결과, 미국 고추케찹에 비하여 단맛과 짠맛이 약하고, 종합적 기호도가 높은 것으로 평가되었다. 생리활성 성분과 관능평가 결과의 상관관계 분석을 통하여 ASTA 값, 총 캡사이시노이드, 총 카로티노이드 함량과는 통계적으로 서로 양(positive)의 상관관계를 갖는 것으로 분석되었고, 이 3가지 생리활성 성분은 종합적 기호도와 높은 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 다양한 생리활성 물질과 기능성을 가지고 있는 들깻잎을 건강식품으로 널리 알려져 있는 토마토 소스 에 첨가를 하여 기능성이 향상이 된 토마토 소스를 제조하여 식품으로서의 이용가치와 일상생활에서 쉽게 구할 수 있는 들깻잎을 서양 향신료의 대체제로 사용 가능성을 살펴보고자 하였다. 들깻잎의 첨가량을 달리하여 토마토 소스를 제조하 여 수분, pH, 색도를 측정한 결과, 수분은 대조군이 87.34%로 가장 낮게 나타났고, pH는 들깻잎을 2% 첨가한 것이 4.71로 가장 높았다. 색도 중 명도 L값은 들깻잎의 첨가량이 증가할 수록 L값은 유의적(p>0.001)으로 낮아졌다. 적색도 a값과 황 색도 b값도 대조군이 각각 15.77, 17.70으로 가장 높았다. 염 도는 대조군이 0.88로 가장 낮게 나타났고, 당도 측정 결과는 들깻잎을 2% 첨가한 것이 9.57로 가장 낮았다. 환원당은 대조군이 63.08로 가장 높게 나타났다. 4℃에서 60일간 저장하 면서 총균수의 변화를 측정한 결과는 저장 5일까지는 미생물 이 검출되지 않았다. 저장 10일에 0.5% 첨가군까지 미생물이 검출되었으나 큰 차이를 보이지 않았으며, 저장 15일은 2%를 첨가한 토마토 소스 외에 모든 첨가군에서 미생물이 검출이 되었으며, 0%를 첨가한 대조군이 1.8×105 CFU/㎖로 가장 높 게 나타냈으며, 2% 첨가군은 미생물이 검출되지 않았다. 최 종적으로 60일 저장시에 들깻잎을 첨가하지 않은 대조군이 3.2×107 CFU/㎖로 가장 많이 나타냈다. 관능검사 결과, 색 (color)은 1.5% 첨가군이 6.9로 가장 높게 평가되었으며, 향 (flavor)은 들깻잎 2% 첨가군이 6.1로 가장 높게 평가되었다. 맛(taste)은 색과 마찬가지로 들깻잎 1.5% 첨가군이 6.6으로 가 장 높게 평가되었다. 뒷맛(after taste)은 들깻잎 1% 첨가군까 지는 좋은 평가를 받았으나, 2%의 들깻잎을 토마토 소스에 첨 가하였을 때는 오히려 대조군보다 낮게 평가되었고, 들깻잎 의 과도한 첨가는 오히려 토마토 소스의 맛의 기호도를 떨어 뜨리는 것으로 사료된다. 점도(viscosity)는 대조군이 2.6으로 가장 낮게 평가되었다. 전반적인 기호도(overall acceptability) 는 1.5% 첨가군이 6.4로 가장 높게 평가되었으며, 들깻잎 2% 를 첨가한 대조군이 가장 낮게 평가되었다. 이와 같이 들깻잎 을 토마토 소스에 첨가 시에 저장성 향상과 기호도에서 좋은 평가를 받아, 앞으로 서양 허브의 대체제로서의 이용가치와 우리나라 식재료를 서양의 소스에 이용할 수 있는 가능성을 옅 볼 수 있었다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 한국어의 맛을 표현하는 형용사들을 수집하고 분석하여 정성적 관능형가에 사용할 주요 형용사 척도를 발굴하는 일이었다. 이를 위해 본 논문에서는 음식의 관능평가에 사용되는 맛, 질감, 온도감 및 냄새 등을 포함하는 우리말 형용사 92개를 선별하여 유사성을 평정하고, 이 형용사 사이의 상관관계를 이용하여 요인분석, 군집분석 등을 실시하였다. 요인분석 결과 한국어에서 음식들의 맛을 표현하는 형용사를 설명하는 요인은 10개 이상으로 다양하였으며, 군집분석 결과 맛 표현 형용사는 보편적인 맛 표현 형용사, 부정적인 맛 표현 형용사, 음식의 질감, 온도감, 냄새 등을 표현하는 형용사 군 등으로 군집화 할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 맛의 선호도에 해당하는 긍정적이거나 부정적인 맛을 표현하는 형용사들과 군집분석 결과로 부터 얻어진 군집 대표 형용사들과의 관계역시 상관계수를 이용하여 분석하였다. 이러한 분석 결과는 향후 축약된 맛에 대한 관능평가 형용사 척도 발굴에 있어서는 음식 종류를 한정하여야 함을 의미할 수 있다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the sensory quality attributes for the development of soy sauce containing an extract of the fruit of Hovenia dulcis Thunb (Hutgae), also known as liver function improvement and hangover removal. Aqueous extracts of Hutgae fruit and Hutgae fruit-soy sauce were used for determining the sensory evaluation. The intensity of the sweet smell and taste was predominated in the Hutgae fruit extract (p<0.05). Various seasoning items, such as apples, pears, dried figs, Korean bramble (Bokbunja), citron (Yuza) and sun-dried hot pepper (Taeyangcho), were used to determine the suitable type of seasoned soy sauce with the Hutgae fruit extract. In the sensory analysis, the highest overall preference (acceptance score 5) was obtained from the pear extract added to soy sauce with the Hutgae fruit. The overall preference of Yuza (score 4.9) and Taeyangcho (score 4.5) extracts also very well-matched the seasoning items for soy sauce with the Hutgae fruit extract. There was no difference among the extract mixtures of multi-seasoning items added to soy sauce with the Hutgae fruit extract. As more pear extract was added, a higher overall preference was obtained. On the other hand, as the more Yuza extract was added, the higher flavor intensity without the change of the overall preference was obtained. The overall preference of soy sauce with the pear- Yuza-Taeyangcho extract mixture was not different between with or without the Hutgae fruit extract. However, the overall preference (score 5.6) was significantly higher in the pear extract added to soy sauce with the Hutgae fruit extract compared with the pear extract added to soy sauce without the Hutgae fruit extract (score 4.8). These results suggest that soy sauce with the Hutgae fruit-pear extract mixture may be useful as a functional seasoning for various salad dressings.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Home-made soy sauces with or without Hovenia dulcis Thunb (Hutgae) originated from different parts such as fruits, stems, and twigs were prepared according to the Korean traditional procedure. Soy sauces supplemented with Hutgae were evaluated for their activities of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging (DPPH) and alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), free amino acid profiles, and sensory quality. All soy sauce types containing Hutgae had a strong DPPH activity as compared to the general type of soy sauce without Hutgae (GSC). Among Hutgae groups, DPPH activities of soy sauce supplemented with Hutgae stems was higher than that of soy sauces with either Hutgae fruits or twigs. ADH activities of soy sauces with Hutgae ranged from 14% to 55%, thus indicating that the functional activity of Hutgae was not altered during soy sauce preparations. Total free amino acid content of GSC was 295.5 ㎎%, and that of soy sauce with Hutgae fruits (346.8 ㎎%) was the highest when compared to Hutgae stems (272.3 ㎎%) and Hutgae twigs (225.6 ㎎%). In amino acid profiles, aspartate, arginine, histidine, and lysine levels were higher in soy sauces with Hutgae compared to GSC, whereas isoleucine, leucine, and phenylalanine levels were lower. Particularly, high levels of aspartate, glutamate, threonine, and lysine were presented in Hutgae twigs, whereas for Hutgae fruits and Hutgae stems, the levels of serine, glycine and arginine, and proline and methionine were high, respectively. According to sensory evaluations, Hutgae stems were preferred than GSC, due to the lower offensive smell and higher umami tastes. These findings demonstrate that soy sauce with Hutgae stems has potential protective effects against hangovers, improves the taste, and implies a possible functional ingredient.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study for add functional nutrition ginseng to make consommé soup of beef. consommé soup of beef added to the supplementary materials, the moisture content of ginseng (75.34%), crude protein 2.78%, crude fat 0.53%, ash 0.018%, respectively. Consommé soup beef cone with the addition of solid content and viscosity measurements, the results showed BCG0 3.34% viscosity ginseng 0% 2.26 acid group most were lower. The sweetness of the control group, 0% added ginseng lowest measured pH is 6.53, and 4.13 BCG12 the lowest amount was measured. Consommé soup beef cone with the addition of lightness was lower as the control group BCG0 34.21, redness BCG0 14.44 as the highest value, respectively. Yellowness decreased significantly (p<0.001) between the amount of ginseng have more and more each sample. Turbidity was decreased with increasing the amount of ginseng. Ginseng added 6% BCG6 symbols from color BCG9 5.10 the highest rating, and flavor 5.40 as the highest rating was 9% added BCG9 5.70 overall acceptability overall acceptance was rated the highest. Strength ginseng 0% added in the control group showed the highest intensity of 6.4, dark brown. Savory flavor 0% added ginseng BCG0 showed the lowest intensity to 4.4. Consommé soup when you try to synthesize the results of all the experiments, the addition of ginseng considered the best addition to the 9%, and the addition of more than 12% of ginseng reducing rather symbols that suggest.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the awareness, eating experience, and preference of kimchi, and the sensory evaluation of kimchi from Chinese and Korean students residing in Korea. General information (including age, sex, duration of staying, living status) was collected. A questionnaire was used to collect the information on awareness, eating experience, and preference of kimchi and dishes made with kimchi. Sensory evaluations were carried out on a 10 point scale. All subjects (37 Koreans, 43 Chinese) were aware of kimchi, with 98% of the Chinese subjects recognizing kimchi as a Korean traditional food and 65% having eaten kimchi at least once a day. The types of kimchi preferred by Chinese subjects were generally sweet and not over-bearing in seasoning, hotness, or ripeness. The more frequently eaten foods made with kimchi were jjigae, bokkeumbap, bibimbap and kimbap. However, the more preferred dishes made with kimchi were bossam, jeongol, bokkeum, jeon, and ramyeon. The Chinese subjects were especially sensitive to spicy odors (4.6±2.2/10), salted seafood odors (4.6±2.3/10), offodors (4.4±2.3/10) and aftertaste (5.9±2.1/10) compared to Korean subjects. Taken all together, the perception as well as sensory characteristic of kimchi needs to be improved for the globalization of kimchi.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to understand college students customer’s preference and the difference of coffee grade by comparing the result of Q-grader, who was trained professionally and received certification for a sensory evaluation of coffee grade. The results of the chemical analysis of raw coffee and coffee berry show that those of specialty grade had slightly higher, but not significant, water content. Further, the pH of specialty grade coffee was high in coffee beans and after roasting, the commercial grade became high. There was no significant difference between the specialty degree and commercial degree in color before and after roasting. In this study, the panels for the sensory evaluation included 24 university students. The preference of evaluation items of sensory evaluation consist of aroma, acidity, bitterness, astringency, aftertaste, and overall satisfaction. Items for the strength evaluation consist of aroma, acidity and bitterness. The sensory evaluation was expressed by applying a 5 point Likert scale (1: extremely low∼5: extremely high). In the sensory evaluation, it was evaluated that specialty grade coffee had strong acidity and commercial grade coffee was strongly bitter. The result of the sensory evaluation shows that female students are sensitive to coffee taste. In the analysis of frequent visit to coffee shop, the not-frequently-use-group rated that specialty grade coffee with higher overall satisfaction than commercial grade coffee in factors such as aroma and acidity. The group which did not prefer Americano coffee rated that specialty grade was higher than commercial grade in all factors except aroma, of which the result is similar to the cupping test.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to investigate the sensory quality attributes for the development of soy sauce containing Cheongmirae (Smilax china) root. Aqueous extracts of Cheongmirae root and Cheongmirae-soy sauce were used for determining the antioxidant effect by 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and sensory evaluation. Chengmirae-soy sauce was prepared by mixing Chengmiae extract (50%) and soy sauce (50%). Cheongmirae extract and Cheongmirae-soy sauce had strong DPPH scavenging effects, compared to that of general soy sauce. In sensory analysis, low intensities of smell, taste and overall preference were observed in Cheongmirae root extract. Various seasoning items, such as anchovy, dried-pollack, katsuobushi, shiitake, radish, and kelp, were used to determine the suitable type of soy sauce containing Cheongmirae root extract. The anchovy-kelp-radish and anchovy-shiitake kelp-radish among the seasoning items were well-matched with Cheongmirae root extract. From these results, soy sauce containing Cheongmirae root extract may be used as a soup seasoning for Korean style noodles.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was done to provide basic information about the storage and distribution of specialty grade coffee of which the market will be expanded through customer sensory evaluation according to the storage period of specialty grade coffee by the SCAA classified method with consideration to defective beans and scent. The specialty grade coffee sample of this study was extracted on day 1, day 14, and day 28. The water content showed a significant reduction on the 28th storage day and there was no pH change according to the storage period. Color degree was brightened according to the preservation period before and after grinding but there was no significant difference. The panels for sensory evaluation considered of 24 university. The sensory evaluation consist of aroma, bitterness, and astringency, acidity, aftertaste, overall satisfaction, and items for strength estimation consist of aroma, acidity and bitterness. The sensory evaluation was expressed by applying a 5 point Likert scale. The results showed that as the storage period increased so too did the aroma and the strength of bitterness. Preference was the highest on day 1 in every items except aroma and astrigency. However on day 14 and day 28, most of the sensory evaluation became low and then became high, which was inconsistent. Male students were not consistent in their evaluation according to the preservation period, but female students rated aroma and bitterness the lowest on preservation period day 1 and they prefer after a storage period of 1 day in regards to the entire degree of satisfaction including sour test. astrigency and aftertaste. The analysis of visiting frequency for coffee shops used demonstrated that the longer the preservation period, the lower the preference but was not significant in the case of involving a little frequency group. The group that did not like Americano coffee evaluated that the longer the preservation period, the lower the preference based on Americano coffee preference analysis. There was no consistency between the storage period day 14 and day 28 in strength and preference, but preference for storage period day 1 was high in every group, which means that the quality of coffee is affected by the preservation period.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed in order to investigate the quality characteristics of sponge cake made with Laminaria japonia powder. To evaluate the physical and sensory analysis, Laminaria japonia powder was added to wheat flour in various ratio (3, 5, 7, 9%, w/w). The specific gravity and loss rate increased with the addition of Laminaria japonia powder. The crude protein and ash levels in the sponge cakes increased linearly with the addition of 0 9 g of Laminaria japonia powder/100 g of wheat flour. For the crumb color values, lightness (L) and yellowness (b) decreased with the addition of Laminaria japonia powder, whereas redness (a) significantly increased (P<0.05). In the texture analysis, the hardness, gumminess and chewiness were increased; however, the cohesiveness and resilience were reduced by the addition of Laminaria japonia powder. When the sensory characteristics were evaluated, 5% Laminaria japonia sponge cake showed the highest sensory properties, except for color. Therefore, the results suggested that 5% Laminaria japonia sponge cake could be helpful in improving the physical quality as well as the taste.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to determine the optimum mixing ratio of Opuntia humifusa powder and sugar in the preparation of muffin. The optimal sensory composite recipe was determined by following the central composites for muffin with different levels of Opuntia humifusa powder (A) and sugar (B). The analysis was performed using the response surface methodology, and the sensory evaluation was performed with the data. Ten experimental recipes, including two with reference points in the composition, were selected. The compositional and functional properties were measured, and the physical and sensory values were applied to the mathematical models. Perturbation plots showed the effects of each ingredient on the final product. Measurements showed significant values in lightness (p<0.05), sweetness (p<0.05), hardness (p<0.05), gumminess (p<0.05) and cohesiveness (p<0.01). The sensory measurements showed significant values in color (p<0.05), flavor (p<0.05), appearance (p<0.05), softness (p<0.05) and overall quality (p<0.05). Based on the numerical and graphical methods, the optimal formulation was determined to be 6.10 g of Opuntia humifusa powder and 82.61 g of sugar.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate rheological and sensory characteristics of fish paste prepared with Curcuma longa L. powder (0, 1, 3, 5, 7%). The moisture content of the fish paste ranged from 71.35 to 72.97%. Increasing the amount of Curcuma longa L. powder in the fish paste tended to decrease the pH value and the folding test good score in all samples. Increasing the amount of Curcuma longa L. powder in the fish paste also tended to decrease the lightness (L) in the hunter color value, but to increase the redness (a) and yellowness (b). For the textural characteristics, the addition of Curcuma longa L. powder increased the strength and decreased the springiness. In a sensory evaluation, the addition of 3% Curcuma longa L. powder had the best score in taste and overall preference. Therefore, this results suggest that adding 3% Curcuma longa L. powder would be feasible for making Curcuma longa L. fish paste.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate free amino acid composition, antioxidant activity, alcohol dehydrogenase activity and the sensory quality attributes for the development of functional soy sauce using Hutgae (Hovenia dulcis Thunb) fruit, which is well-known for improving liver function and alleviating various negative physiological effects following heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages. Soy sauces adding six types of extract from Hutgae fruit (HF) were prepared (SSH1: HF 20%, SSH2: HF 10%, SSH3: HF 20%/40 days NaCl extract, SSH4: HF 20%/20 days NaCl extract, SSH5: HF 20% water bath extract, SSH6: freeze-drying powder from HF 20% aqueous extract), compared with soy sauce using the conventional method. These soy sauces were used for determining alcohol dehydrogenase activity by NADH absorbance, the antioxidant effect by 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and sensory evaluation by sensory scaling. Total free amino acid contents for most samples were in the range of 327.3 to 375.5 ㎎%, and then, aspartic acid and glutamic acid content of SSH1 and SSH5 were higher than that of others. DPPH radical scavenging activity was shown to be the highest in SSH4, also SSH1, SSH5 and SSF6 were shown to be higher than the control group. Alcohol dehydrogenase activity was shown to be the highest in SSH5. In sensory evaluation, the highest intensity of roast smell was observed in SSH4 while sweet taste was shown to be the highest in SSH5, and SSH3 and SSH5 revealed higher overall acceptability. From these results, Hutgae fruit soy sauces demonstrated antioxidant activity and alcohol dehydrogenase activity. In conclusion, soy sauces containing the water bath extract of Hutgae fruit may be used as a functional seasoning.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we investigated the quality characteristics and the sensory evaluation for madeleine added with peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) juice. The pH and specific volume of madeleine were decreased with increase of peach juice, whereas the moisture and loss rate were increased. In the color of madeleine crust, L and b value were decreased with increase of peach juice, and these results showed significant differences compared to control(p<0.05). The other hand, the colors of madeleine crumb showed less significant changes compared to the control. On texture of madeleine with increase of peach juice, the hardness, chewiness, gumminess and cohesiveness were increased, whereas the adhesiveness was decreased. In the sensory evaluation with taste, color, flavor and overall preference, the madeleine with 20%(w/w) peach juice showed the highest value. Consequently, these results should provide the possibile use of peach processing in bakery industry because the addition of peach juice enhanced the quality and sensory characteristics of madeleine.
        2012.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to develop a therapeutic diet against aging and obesity, using Yangha(Zingiber mioga R.). Before development of a therapeutic diet, we performed cell viability assay, analysis of general composition, macrominerals and antioxidantive activities of Yangha. Based on the findings from analyzing the results, mook using Yangha powder(0~ 20%) was processed, and tested for quality characteristics such as color values, sensory evaluation and mechanical properties. The result of cell viability assay of myoga, using liver cells, revealed that within the concentration range from 500 ㎍/㎖ to 10, 000 ㎍/㎖, cell survivability increased in line with the concentration rate. Therefore, it will not be harmful to consume it as food. Regarding the normal substance of myoga, the water substance of myoga was 94%, which exceeds that of ginger and tumeric with 89% and 83%, respectively. As for crude protein, fat, carbon hydrates and ash, myoga contained less than the other two, which I think is due to the high water substance. Regarding the minerals, potassium had the highest contents among macrominerals of 234.74 ㎎%. As for the antioxidant test, hydroxy radical scavenging activity and superoxide radical scavenging activity were shown. As for the production of Yangha mook(Yangha powder levels were 0~ 20%) for quality characteristics, the more of the powder, the less the L, but the greater the a and b values. Also, for the material property, an increased amount of the powder, resulted in chewiness and springiness, but less gumminess in a correlated manner. However, there were no significant differences in the springiness and cohesiveness in relation to the powder. For the sensory test, jelly type ZM5 with 5% powder showed highest overall preference. According to the sensory test, based on the powder substance, the jelly with 5% powder showed the highest overall score, including preference.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate the sensory quality attributes for the development of soy sauce containing Hutgae(Hovenia dulcis Thunb). Aqueous extracts of Hutgae were prepared from different parts such as trunk, twig, and fruit. These extracts were used for determining the antioxidant effect by 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) radical scavenging activity and sensory evaluation. Hutgae twig and fruit extracts had a strong DPPH scavenging effect compared to Hutgae trunk extract. In sensory analysis, high intensities of roast smell, bitter taste, and astringent taste were observed in Hutgae twig extract, whereas those of sweet smell and sweet taste were predominated within Hutgae fruit extract. Hutgae trunk and fruit extracts obtained higher overall acceptability. Various seasoning items such as anchovy, dried-pollack, katsuobushi, shiitake, radish, and kelp were used to determine the suitable type of soy sauce containing Hutgae extracts regarding the different parts. Hutgae fruit and trunk extracts were evaluated for use as a good source of seasoned soy sauce, and the dried-pollack and radish among the seasoning items were well-matched with Hutgae extracts. From these results, soy sauce containing Hutgae trunk and fruit extracts added to dried-pollack soup may be used as a functional seasoning in order to remove hangovers.
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