
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 91

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        캐나다 미술가 마이클 스노우는 1971년에 캐나다의 북방 야생지 풍경을 담은 영화 <중 심지대>를 제작하였다. 북방 야생지는 1920년대 캐나다의 풍경화가 모임인 그룹 오브 세븐 이후 캐나다 미술에서 자주 다뤄져 온 독특한 주제이다. 그룹 오브 세븐의 작품에서 북방 야 생지는 태초의 신성한 장소로 표현되는데 이 같은 풍경에는 북방 야생지에서 캐나다의 역사 적 기원을 설립하고 통치권을 주장하려는 민족주의적이고 식민주의적인 의도가 반영되어 있 었다. 스노우는 <중심지대>에서 그룹 오브 세븐에 의해 만들어진 캐나다 풍경화 전통을 해체 한다. 그는 무한하게 회전하는 카메라 움직임을 통해 전지적인 단일 시점으로 그려진 그룹 오브 세븐의 북방 야생지 풍경을 탈중심적인 우주 풍경으로 전환한다. 또한 카메라 움직임에 의한 운동감각적 시각과 전자음에 의한 신경계적 청각을 통해 프레임의 물질적 표면을 접촉 하고 스치는 듯한 촉지적인 감각 경험을 생성한다. 즉 <중심지대>는 그룹 오브 세븐의 시각 중심적 풍경화에서 벗어나 영화 매체에 의해 야기되는 다감각적 풍경을 제시하면서 북방 야 생지에 대한 기존의 의미와 경험을 재구성한다.
        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Snow-removal performance is performed in this study to assess the feasibility of replacing calcium-chloride solution with sodium chloride solution at the minimum temperature of -5 ℃ during snowfall. METHODS : The atmospheric temperature distribution in Seoul was analyzed. The manufacturing, storage, and indoor melting performance of calcium-chloride and sodium-chloride solutions were evaluated, and on-site snow-removal performance was evaluated based on the solution type. RESULTS : According to the results of the melting performance test at -5°C, the melting capacity of the sodium chloride solution was expressed at a level exceeding 90% of that of the calcium chloride solution, indicating a similar melting performance between the two solutions. Additionally, based on the snow removal performance test using aqueous solutions, the snow removal performance of the sodium chloride solution was found to be approximately 96% compared to that of the calcium chloride solution, indicating minimal differences in snow removal performance due to changes in the type of solution. CONCLUSIONS : Similar snow-removal performance was achieved when the sodium chloride solution was used instead of calciumchloride aqueous solution at temperatures exceeding -5 ℃.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The number of snowfall and the amount of snowfall are gradually increasing, and due to the characteristics of Seoul, which has a lot of traffic, it is difficult to respond quickly with a snow removal method that relies on snow removal vehicles. Therefore, it is necessary to develop an IoT based eco-friendly snow removal system that can respond to unexpected heavy snow in winter. In this study, the low temperature operation and snow removal performance of the IoT road condition snow removal detector and the snow removal system using CNT and PCM are evaluated in the climatic environment chamber. METHODS : To make artificial snow, it consists of an climatic environment chamber that can simulate a low temperature environment and equipment that can supply compressed air and cold water. Depending on the usage characteristics of the climatic environment chamber, use an air-water type snow maker. In order to make artificial snow, wet temperature, which takes into account the actual air temperature and the amount of moisture in the air, acts as the most important variable and is suitable for making snow, below –1.5 ℃. The lower the water temperature, the easier it is to freeze, so the water source was continuously supplied at 0 ℃ to 4 ℃. One of the two different pipes is connected to the water tank to supply water, and the other pipe is connected to the compressor to supply high-pressure air. Water is dispersed by compressed air in the form of many small droplets. The sprayed microscopic water particles freeze quickly in the low temperature environmental climatic chamber air and naturally fall to the floor, forming snow. Based on the KS C IEC 60068-2-1 cold resistance test standard, an integrated environmental test procedure was prepared to apply to IoT-based snow removal systems and performance evaluation was performed accordingly. The IoT based eco-friendly snow removal system is needed to in winter, so visual check and inspect the operation at the climatic chamber before setting up it to the actual site. In addition, grid type equipment was manufactured for consistent and reliable snow removal performance evaluation under controlled environmental conditions. RESULTS : The IoT-based eco-friendly snow removal system normally carried out the task of acquiring data and images without damaging the appearance or freezing in a low temperature environment. It showed clear snow removal performance in areas where PCM and CNT heating technology were applied to the concrete slab. This experiment shows that normal snow removal tasks can be carried out in low temperature environments in winter. CONCLUSIONS : The integrated environmental test procedures and grid type evaluation equipment are applied to low temperature operation and snow removal performance evaluation of snow removal systems. In the climatic environment chamber, where low temperature environments can be simulated, artificial snow is created regardless of the season to derive quantitative experimental results on snow removal performance. PCM and CNT heating technology showed high snow removal performance. The system is expected to be applied to road site situations to preemptively respond to unexpected heavy snow in winter.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Recently, corrosion and deterioration of highway facilities have been increasing owing to the excessive use of deicers. This study aimed to find an optimal snow removal method to develop countermeasures for the problem of excessive deicer use and improve the efficiency of snow removal. METHODS : Theoretical investigations and experiments related to deicing were conducted to determine the differences between deicing chemical types and states. Based on regional weather patterns, the entire country was categorized into four groups: warm and heavy snow, warm and light snow, cold and heavy snow, and cold and light snow, and matched with each regional office of the Korea Expressway Corporation. RESULTS : Optimal snow removal methods were proposed considering regional characteristics and deicing chemical types and states. CONCLUSIONS : Different deicer types were proposed according to the region type, such as using only salt and salt/calcium chloride in the warm and cold regions, respectively. Second, plowing was more effective at lower temperatures. Third, liquid deicer spraying could reduce the amount of deicer used. A liquid deicer is suitable for preliminary spraying because its quick-acting properties are superior to those of a solid deicer, although its lasting properties are inferior to those of the solid deicer.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A timber lattice roof, which has around 30m span, was constructed. In order to figure out the realistic buckling load level, the structural analysis of this roof structure was performed especially by stiffness of connection with various asymmetric snow load. Due to the characteristics of application of snow load, the load combinations of snow should be considered not only global area but also local part so that the critical buckling load could be observed as easy as possible. Geometrical imperfection was simulated to consider inaccurate shape of structure. And then nonlinear analysis were performed. Finally, this paper could investigate that the asymmetric snow load with the lower level stiffness of connection decreased the level of buckling load significantly.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The interest in greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted from all industries is emerging as a very important issue worldwide. This is affecting not only the global warming, but also the environmentally friendly competitiveness of the industry. The fisheries sector is increasingly interested in greenhouse gas emissions also due to the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015. Korean industry and government are also making a number of effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions so far, but the effort to reduce GHG in the fishery sector is insufficient compared to other fields. Especially, the investigation on the GHG emissions from Korean fisheries did not carry out extensively. The studies on GHG emissions from Korean fishery are most likely dealt with the GHG emissions by fishery classification so far. However, the forthcoming research related to GHG emissions from fisheries is needed to evaluate the GHG emission level by species to prepare the adoption of Environmental labels and declarations (ISO 14020). The purpose of this research is to investigate which degree of GHG emitted to produce the species (swimming crab and snow crab) from various fisheries. Here, we calculated the GHG emission to produce the species from the fisheries using the life cycle assessment (LCA) method. The system boundary and input parameters for each process level are defined for LCA analysis. The fuel use coefficients of the fisheries for the species are also calculated according to the fuel type. The GHG emissions from sea activities by the fisheries will be dealt with. Furthermore, the GHG emissions for producing the unit weight species and annual production are calculated by fishery classification. The results will be helpful to establish the carbon footprint of seafood in Korea.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Snow removal is one of the principal components in winter road maintenance. The two commonly used methods are mechanical removal and chemical removal. Mechanical removal pushes accumulated snow off the roadway using snow plows. Chemical removal involves the application of chemicals such as NaCl2 (salt), CaCl2, MgCl2, etc., to liquefy the snow on the road. However, chemicals are known to pose negative effects on the environment and road infrastructure, so it is emphasized that only an appropriate amount of chemicals should be applied. Hence, in this study, extensive field experiments were performed to determine the appropriate amounts of chemicals required for each road surface temperature group. METHODS : The experiments were carried out at a road weather proving ground, located in Yeoncheon where road weather (including snowfall) can be artificially created. Four surface temperature groups were predetermined, according to the characteristics of de-icing chemicals on snow. For each temperature group, four different amounts of pre-wetted salt were applied to find the optimal rate for each group. RESULTS : As a consequence, the amount of recommended chemicals for each temperature group was found to be an average of 27.2g/ m2, which is 7.7g/m2 (22%) lower than the corresponding amount presented in the current Korean guidelines. CONCLUSIONS : Applying the results of this study to snow and ice control tasks enables the minimization of the negative impacts of de-icing chemicals, but still maintaining road safety and mobility.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Road surface conditions are vital to traffic safety, management, and operation. To ensure traffic operation and safety during periods of snow and ice during the winter, each local government allocates considerable resources for monitoring that rely on field-oriented manual work. Therefore, a smart monitoring and management system for autonomous snow removal that can rapidly respond to unexpected abrupt heavy snow and black ice in winter must be developed. This study addresses a smart technology for automatically monitoring and detecting road surface conditions in an experimental environment using convolutional neural networks based on a CCTV camera and infrared (IR) sensor data. METHODS : The proposed approach comprises three steps: obtaining CCTV videos and IR sensor data, processing the dataset acquired to apply deep learning based on convolutional neural networks, and training the learning model and validating it. The first step involves a large dataset comprising 12,626 images extracted from the acquired CCTV videos and the synchronized surface temperature data from the IR sensor. In the second step, image frames are extracted from the videos, and only foreground target images are extracted during preprocessing. Hence, only the area (each image measuring 500 × 500) of the asphalt road surface corresponding to the road surface is applied to construct an ideal dataset. In addition, the IR thermometer sensor data stored in the logger are used to calculate the road surface temperatures corresponding to the image acquisition time. The images are classified into three categories, i.e., normal, snow, and black-ice, to construct a training dataset. Under normal conditions, the images include dry and wet road conditions. In the final step, the learning process is conducted using the acquired dataset for deep learning and verification. The dataset contains 10,100 (80%) data points for deep learning and 2,526 (20%) points for verification. RESULTS : To evaluate the proposed approach, the loss, accuracy, and confusion matrix of the addressed model are calculated. The model loss refers to the loss caused by the estimated error of the model, where 0.0479 and 0.0401 are indicated in the learning and verification stages, respectively. Meanwhile, the accuracies are 97.82% and 98.00%, respectively. Based on various tests that involve adjusting the learning parameters, an optimized model is derived by generalizing the characteristics of the input image, and errors such as overfitting are resolved. This experiment shows that this approach can be used for snow and black-ice detections on roads. CONCLUSIONS : The approach introduced herein is feasible in road environments, such as actual tunnel entrances. It does not necessitate expensive imported equipment, as general CCTV cameras can be applied to general roads, and low-cost IR temperature sensors can be used to provide efficiency and high accuracy in road sections such as national roads and highways. It is envisaged that the developed system will be applied to in situ conditions on roads.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        “Grassroots literature” is different from “elite literature” and “popular literature”. The main bodies of elite literature and popular literature are intellectual elites or professional writers, while “grassroot literature” mainly refers to the works created by amateur writers out of hobbies. In addition to this meaning, the “grassroots” writing of Chinese in Quebec also emphasizes the process of reflecting things, expressing thoughts and feelings, conveying knowledge and information, and realizing communication through description. The collection of works studied in this article is a collection of novels published by the Quebec Chinese Writers Association in Quebec. It can be found that the intended readers of these two works are Chinese living in Canada. There are imaginations of each other in the works, and they have a strong local presence. Therefore, their attitude towards life is assimilated and actively involved in local life. This kind of local awareness is not to get the mainstream society's identification with oneself, but to love Canada from the heart.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study was conducted to prevent road thinning ice caused by abnormal weather conditions. METHODS : The appropriate amount of de-icer spread rate was verified by presenting the appropriate amount of snow removal agent spraying criteria for the thickness of the water film, owing to abnormal weather phenomena (fog, frost), and applying the standards to the site. Furthermore, we present a method to utilize residual salt, by quantifying the surface state changes according to the amount of deicer. RESULTS : Precautionary spread experiments to prevent road thin ice caused by abnormal weather conditions, indicated no freezing from 7.6g/m2 at 2℃-4℃ but 11.1g/m2 was suggested as a step higher considering external environmental variables. The amount of spraying was presented in two sections of rainfall(freezing rain). It is 17.7g/m2 at 0-7℃, 33.3g/m2 at -7~ -15℃, and 44.4g/m2 and 51.1g/m2 at non-urban, respectively. CONCLUSIONS : The criteria were divided into air temperature and road temperature standards, so that they could be distributed according to the temperature standards that meet the conditions, and the criteria presented were confirmed to be effective in preventing road thinning ice. If the road manager adopts Safety Line, which is suggested by utilizing the amount of residual salt on the road, it is believed that it can help determine the additional deicer.
        2021.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, internationally widely utilized bioeconomic models were used to make a comparison and analyze the effectiveness of red snow crab fisheries management measures. As a specific effect analysis, biological and economic effects of both total allowable catch (TAC) and effort reduction management measures were analyzed simultaneously. Model results showed that the red snow crab biomass would be decreased from 106,000 tons to 73,076 tons after ten years when the TAC is set to and maintained at the current level of 26,000 tons. The amount of biomass would be increased to 125,316 tons when the level of TAC is set to 22,000 tons. In cases of reduced fishing efforts, a 30% decrease from the current level would result in greater biomass and NPV would be also estimated at the highest level. In addition, a sensitivity analysis by market price was conducted to analyze the minimum TAC level of the red snow crab offshore pot fishery. Results showed that the minimum TAC level would be 8,210 tons when the market price increased by 30% and it would be also 15,247 tons when the market price decreased by 30%. Furthermore, results of the sensitivity analysis by fishing cost showed that the minimum TAC level was analyzed to be 13,857 tons when the fishing cost increased by 30% from the current level.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to evaluate economic effect of the creation project of snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio, spawning and habitat ground in Uljin and Youngdeok county. The main results of this study are summarized as follows: first, 14,400 million won was invested in the creation project cost of Chionoecetes opilio spawning and habitat ground of Uljin and Youngdeok County from 2015 to 2020. Second, the creation project of Chionoecetes opilio spawning and habitat ground directly provides fishing benefits, festival benefits, research and development benefits and employment benefits. Third, on the basis of above benefits, the creation project of Chionoecetes opilio spawning and habitat ground has net present value of 29,900.53 million won, internal rate of return 16.9%, and benefit-cost of 2.91 under a 4.5% social discount rate. Also, the creation project creates 195 jobs. This indicates that the creation project of Chionoecetes opilio spawning and habitat ground not only contributes to the increase in the income of coastal fishery and fishing villages but also to the job making. The result of this study provides useful information to policy makers or project managers as it shows that the project to create spawning and habitat ground should be carried out in consideration of the resource and biological characteristics of individual fish and that economic assessment logic should also be developed based on this. Also, it proves that the project to create a snow crab spawning and habitat ground is a national and local infrastructure project that increases the actual fishing income in the region. At the same time, it maintains the reproducibility function of most fish species, along with enhancing the people's benefits such as fishing village tourism and marine product consumption. Moreover, it provides useful information on budgeting for the continuous development of snow crab spawning and habitat ground in the mid to long-term.
        2020.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is aimed to prepare the promotion strategy to spawn snow crab resources and create their habitats using SWOT-AHP analysis. Currently, the creation program of spawning and habitat ground (CPSH) of various fisheries resource is a continuing process, however, none of these CPSH can be labeled as being effective in Korea. In order for CPSH to be effective, it must be planned systematically. Therefore, it is necessary for establishing promotion strategy on the CPSH. SWOT-AHP analysis is used to improve explanation ability of SWOT analysis. In this research, we suggested three strategies and 15 implementation plans of the CPSH using SWOT-AHP analysis. It is expected that the economic feasibility, ecosystem and recovery of fisheries resources will improve significantly. Consequently, to increase the performance of CPSH, it is necessary to focus on the developing an efficient and executive promotion strategy on the CPSH.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 기상 모델의 미세구름물리 모수화 과정 내의 눈송이의 질량-크기 관계가 지표 강수 모의에 미치는 영향에 대해 연구에 관한 것이다. WDM6와 WSM6 미세구름물리 모수화 방안이 연구를 위해 사용되었다. 실제 관측된 자료를 바탕으로 산출된 Thompson의 눈송이의 질량-크기 관계를 도입하여 WDM6와 WSM6 내의 눈송이의 질량-크기 관계식을 대체하였다. 이상적인 스콜선과 한반도 겨울철 강수 사례에 대해 수정된 WDM6와 WSM6를 사용하여 민감도 실험을 실시하였다. 결과적으로, 대기 하층에서는 싸락눈과 빗방울의 혼합비가 증가하였고 눈송이의 혼합비는 감소하였다. 이러한 혼합비와 지표 강수의 변화는 빗방울과 눈송이의 충돌 및 병합 과정과 싸락눈의 융해 과정에 기인한 것으로 분석되었다.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Deicing agent refers to the substance that melts snow by exothermic or endothermic chemical reaction after spraying on snow. It also has the function of reducing the freezing point to prevent freezing. However, the long-term use of deicing agent can cause some negative problems, such as pot hole, concrete corrosion, vehicle and steel bridge parts corrosion. At present, wet salt spray deicing is a cost-effective deicing method that is being widely used. Typical deicing agents are calcium chloride and sodium chloride. Deicing equipment is placed to similar or higher corrosive environment than coastal or marine environment due to direct contact to chloride in deicing operation. Therefore, the anti-corrosion control is very important for the maintenance of deicing equipment. In this study, corrosion resistance, blistering and repairability of the deicing equipment were tested by using test standard (salt water production and spraying- KS D 9502 , evaluating degree of rusting- ASTM D 610, evaluating degree of blistering- ASTM D 714, pull-off strangth of coatings- ASTM D 4541). And an economical coating system with long-term antirust performance was constructed. The results show that the performance of the coating system has been improved than with the original coating.
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