
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 128

        2023.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Considering the non-linear behavior of structure and soil when evaluating a nuclear power plant's seismic safety under a beyond-design basis earthquake is essential. In order to obtain the nonlinear response of a nuclear power plant structure, a time-domain SSI analysis method that considers the nonlinearity of soil and structure and the nonlinear Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) effect is necessary. The Boundary Reaction Method (BRM) is a time-domain SSI analysis method. The BRM can be applied effectively with a Perfectly Matched Layer (PML), which is an effective energy absorbing boundary condition. The BRM has a characteristic that the magnitude of the response in far-field soil increases as the boundary interface of the effective seismic load moves outward. In addition, the PML has poor absorption performance of low-frequency waves. For this reason, the accuracy of the low-frequency response may be degraded when analyzing the combination of the BRM and the PML. In this study, the accuracy of the analysis response was improved by adjusting the PML input parameters to improve this problem. The accuracy of the response was evaluated by using the analysis response using KIESSI-3D, a frequency domain SSI analysis program, as a reference solution. As a result of the analysis applying the optimal PML parameter, the average error rate of the acceleration response spectrum for 9 degrees of freedom of the structure was 3.40%, which was highly similar to the reference result. In addition, time-domain nonlinear SSI analysis was performed with the soil's nonlinearity to show this study's applicability. As a result of nonlinear SSI analysis, plastic deformation was concentrated in the soil around the foundation. The analysis results found that the analysis method combining BRM and PML can be effectively applied to the seismic response analysis of nuclear power plant structures.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 고추 재배 시험을 통해서 발전소로부터 배출되는 저회 (BA, bottom ash)의 농업적 활용 가능성을 평가하고자 수행되었다. 저회의 시용수준은 5 (BA5), 10 (BA10), 15 (BA15) 및 20 (BA20) ton ha-1으로 조절하였으며, 대조구는 퇴비를 일반 기비로 사용한 관행처리 방법으로 하였다. 고추의 생육 특성은 퇴비 처리구가 저회 처리구에 비해 생육이 증가되었고, 저회 사용수준에 따른 고추의 생육은 전반적으로 BA15 ≓ BA10 > BA20 > BA5 처리구 순으로 증가되었다. 고추 재배 후 조사된 토양의 화학적 특성은 저회의 시용수준이 증가될수록 pH, EC, SOC, 그리고 CEC 함량이 증가되는 경향을 보였다. 특히, 작물의 생육과 관련이 깊은 pH, SOC 및 CEC의 지표는 저회 처리구가 대조구에 비해 각각 0.20~0.82, 1.16~8.92 g kg-1 및 0.29~0.74 cmolc kg-1 범위로 증가되어 저회가 토양 탄소 함량 증진을 포함한 토양 비옥도 개선에 효과적인 역할을 한 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 본 시험의 결과로 미루어 볼 때 저회의 시용은 관행처리에 비해 고추의 수확량은 적지만 토양환경을 개선하는데 효과적인 것으로 판단되어 토양개량제로서 저회의 농업적 활용은 가능하다고 판단된다.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Radioactive contamination of soil on the site of a nuclear facility has a characteristic that radioactive nuclides are adsorbed into the pores between soil particles, making it quite difficult to decontaminate. For this reason, research on the development of various decontamination processes is being actively conducted. In this study, among various decontamination studies, a soil decontamination process using supercritical carbon dioxide was presented. The decontamination process uses supercritical carbon dioxide as the main solvent, which has a higher penetration power than other materials. Therefore, the process consists of the process of desorbing and extracting the target radionuclides between particles of soil. However, since nuclides exist as ions in the soil, polar chelating ligand material was introduced as an additive to nonpolar supercritical carbon dioxide for smooth chemical reactions in the soil. Thereafter, from the viewpoint of improving process continuity and efficiency, an alcohol material was introduced as an auxiliary solvent for liquefaction of chelating ligand in a solid state. Through prior research on the selection of a solvent for liquefaction of chelating ligand, ethanol and 2-propanol were finally selected based on whether the chelating ligand was dissolved. However, if the auxiliary solvent in which the chelating ligand is dissolved is to be combined with radionuclides in the soil, it must first be well dissolved in supercritical carbon dioxide, the main solvent. Therefore, in this study, the solubility of ethanol and 2-propanol in supercritical carbon dioxide was measured and the suitability was evaluated. The temperature conditions were carried out at 40°C, the same as the previously designed decontamination process, and the measurement was conducted by adjusting the pressure and volume through a syringe pump and a variable volume device. In addition, solubility was measured based on the observation of the ‘cloud point’ in which the image becomes cloudy and then bright. As a result of the experiment, several solubility points were measured at a pressure of 150 bar or less. If the flow rate ratio of supercritical carbon dioxide and auxiliary solvent derived from the results is applied to the soil decontamination process, it is expected that the process efficiency will increase in the future.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A sequential column experiment was conducted for uranium removal of excessively high or highly U-contaminated soils, simultaneously. Two pilot-scale acryl columns with a 24 cm ID and 48 cm length were uniformly packed with each U-contaminated soil (both < 2 mm, 119, and 22.4 Bq/g as initial U-238 activities). A column packed with soil contained very high U constant located first then sequentially located second columns with relatively lower U-contaminated soil. Thus the effluents which passed very high U-contaminated soil and having extremely high dissolved U concentration was directly inflowed the second columns. Both columns initially and respectively flushed with demi water (or condensing water of air conditioner generated from radiation controlled area) to saturate and displace the air from the pore space. Elution was carried out with alkaline and acidic solutions, respectively, and sequentially. The uranium removal efficiencies were found and a comparison was made with the pilot soil flushing experiments. During this study, a new approach to reducing acidic flushing waste which is considered the biggest defect of soil washing/flushing was established, and optimal factors were calculated to demonstrate industrial-scale uranium decontamination of soil with high uranium content.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to determine the effect of horse manure compost application on Italian ryegrass (IRG) yield and volcanic ash soil characteristics. Because the number of horses in Korea is growing, the amount of horse manure is growing. Jeju island, where about 55 % of the horses live, is composed of volcanic ash soil. This study was conducted for about 7 months. Sowing was conducted on October 2019. Harvesting was conducted at heading stage(2020.5.). Five treatments were established based on the horse manure compost composition. These were 100 % chemical fertilizer (CF), the combination of 50 % horse manure and 50 % chemical fertilizer (combination), horse manure with 50 % nitrogen (HM 50 %), horse manure with 100 % nitrogen (HM 100 %), and horse manure with 150 % nitrogen (HM 150 %). The plant height and dry matter yield were investigated to determine the forage yield and the soil characteristics of pH, total nitrogen, available phosphate, and organic matter were analyzed. The plant heights in the CF, combination, and HM 150 % treatments were 147.8 cm, 144.3 cm, and 147.1 cm respectively (Table 2). Dry matter yield in the CF treatment was about 23,807 kg/ha, which tended to be the highest dry matter yield. HM 150 % and the combination treatment were about 18,804 and 18,455 kg/ha, respectively, which tended to be the highest dry matter yield of the treatments amended with horse manure compost. The dry matter yield of the HM 100 % and HM 50 % treatments was about 15,801 kg/ha and 14,446 kg/ha, respectively (Table 2). The pH of the surface soil tended to increase after the experiment. The soil pH of the HM 150 % treatment was significantly higher than the soil pH of the other treatments. The pH was affected by the amount of horse manure compost, with a pH of 8.1. The available phosphate in the treatments in which horse manure compost was added was higher than the available phosphate in the CF treatment. And the available phosphate in the HM 150 % treatment was significantly higher than the available phosphate in the other treatments (p < 0.05)(Table 3). These results suggest that 50 % horse manure should be applied to IRG as the basal fertilizer and the remaining 50 % should be chemical fertilizer as the top fertilizer. This can provide the proper IRG dry matter yield with less effect on volcanic ash soil.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to figure out the productivity of Italian ryegrass(IRG) and leaching water characteristics based on horse manure compost level in Jeju. This study was conducted for about six months. Six treatments were established : non-fertilizer(NF), chemical fertilizer 100%(CF), horse manure compost 50% and chemical fertilizer 50% combination(Combination), horse manure compost with 50% of nitrogen (50%), 100% of nitrogen(100%), 150% of nitrogen(150%). The highest amount of dry matter yield of IRG was revealed in CF(11,965± 564 kg/ha), and both 150% and Combination were second(p<0.05). Nitrate leaching tended to increase until the third analysis and then decreased. There were not significantly differences among mean nitrate concentrations. The findings of the study suggest that horse manure compost with 50% of nitrogen be applied for IRG as basal fertilization and then 50% of chemical fertilizer be applied as top fertilization.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Environmental conditions are important in increasing the fruit sugar content and productivity of the new cultivar Autumn Sense of Actinidia arguta. We analyzed various soil properties at experimental sites in South Korea. A Pearson’s correlation analysis was performed between the soil properties and sugar content or productivity of Autumn Sense. Further, a decision tree was used to determine the optimal soil conditions. The difference in the fruit size, sugar content, and productivity of Autumn Sense across sites was significant, confirming the effects of soil properties. The decision tree analysis showed that a soil C/N ratio of over 11.49 predicted a sugar content of more than 7°Bx at harvest time, and soil electrical capacity below 131.83 μS/cm predicted productivity more than 50 kg/vine at harvest time. Our results present the soil conditions required to increase the sugar content or productivity of Autumn Sense, a new A. arguta cultivar in South Korea.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) is categorized into the world’s 100 worst invasive alien species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Accordingly, the prediction of potential distribution of the red imported fire ant is demanded in order to provide the possibility of dispersion into new sites, and to identify vulnerable regions to be attacked. In general, species distribution model can predict potential distribution of a specific species, but most of them have used air temperature as the most important variable. However, red imported fire ant has life cycle under ground, requiring soil temperature for more reliable prediction of potential habitats. For this reason, this study was to insert soil temperature into CLIMEX, and to evaluate potential distribution of the red imported fire ant.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        식품생산과정에서 발생하는 유기성폐기물인 골분, 유박, 굴 패화석을 토양에 투입한 결과 일부 처리구에서 토양생물과 화학성이 영향을 받았다. 골분은 토양의 질산태질소를 일시적으로 증가시켰고, 패화석은 pH를 증가시켰다. 골분은 느티나무 생장을 증진시키는 효과가 있었기 때문에 이차적으로 토양생태계에 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 미생물 PLFA는 패화석에 의해 증가하였으며 환경스트레스를 나타내는 지표도 낮은 경향이 있었다. 이것은 패화석이 양분 증가보다는 pH 증가를 통해 미생물의 서식환경을 개선하는 효과가 있다는 것을 보여준다. 토양미소동물 중에는 세균섭식성 선충만이 유박과 골분 처리구에서 증가하였다. 이들 밀도와 세균 PLFA 간에 상관관계는 없었다. 다만 식물생장과 식물섭식성선충의 유의적 상관관계는 유기물투입이 식물을 통해 이차적으로 토양생태계에 영향을 줄 수 있다는 것을 부분적으로 보여준다. 따라서 유기성폐기물 처리는 토양화학성 변화를 통해 일차적으로 미생물 군집에 영향을 주지만, 미생물을 섭식하는 생물군에게 상향식의 양적인 연쇄반응을 일으키지 않을 수 있다는 것을 시사한다.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: The objective of this study is to evaluate the application of soil stabilization method for soft shoulder construction in the iRoad Project of Sri Lanka. METHODS: Firstly, the quantitative analysis of soil strength improvement due to soil stabilization was done for soil samples collected from iRoad construction sites. Two types of soils were selected from iRoad Project sites and prepared for soil stabilization testing by the Road Development Authority. Secondly, the appropriate stabilizer was selected at given soil type based on test results. Two different stabilizers, ST-1 and ST-2, produced in Korea were used for estimating soil strength improvements. Finally, the optimum stabilizer content was determined for improving shoulder performance. The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) test was conducted to evaluate the strength of stabilized soil samples in accordance with ASTM D 1633. The use of bottom ash as a stabilizer produced from power plant in Sri Lanka was also reviewed in this task. RESULTS: It is found from the UCS testing that a 3% use of soil stabilizer can improve the strength up to 2~5 times in stabilized soft shoulder soils with respect to unstabilized soils. It is also observed from UCS testing that the ST-1 shows high strength improvement in 3% of stabilizer content but the strength improvement rate with increase of stabilizer content is relatively low compared with ST-2. The ST-2 shows a low UCS value at 3% of content but the UCS values increase significantly with increase of stabilizer content. When using the ST-2 as stabilizing agent, the 5% is recommended as minimum content based on UCS testing results. Based on the testing results for bottom ash replacement, the stabilized sample with bottom ash shows the low strength value. CONCLUSIONS: This paper is intended to check the feasibility for use the soil stabilization technique for shoulder construction in Sri Lanka. The use of soil stabilizer enables to improve the durability and strength in soft shoulder materials. When applying the bottom ash as a soil stabilizer, various testings should be conducted to satisfy the specification criteria.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to develop the innovative application methodology of Geofoam for sustainable design of eco-bridges under deep soil cover. Traditionally, the soft maerial zone has been located on the top or above the buried conduit to reduce the earth pressures, which is called imperfect trench installation (ITI). There, however have been no previous studies for the application of ITI on buried arch structures. This study investigated the structural effects of Geofoam surrouding buried arch bridges, which was named as embedded trench installation (ETI). Various shapes and locations of Geofoam have been investigated for both ETI and ITI. The findings from this study showed that ETI could effectively increase the stability and sustainability of deeply buried eco-bridges.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Sri Lanka, the shoulder in asphalt pavements has been constructed using the materials transported from borrow pit in the iRoad Project due to the low quality of in-situ soils. After excavating 150~200mm thick and 500mm wide shoulder area, the borrow pit materials are placed and compacted according to specifications. The excavated in-situ soils are dumped in designated location. It is estimated that this process of shoulder construction is not economical due to high material transportation cost and can also induce the environmental issues by disposal of in-situ soils. It can also cause distresses such as surface rutting and edge drop-off in soft shoulder section due to bearing capacity failure and off-tracking of vehicle. The heavy rainfall in Sri Lanka can induce severe erosion problem when using the soft shoulder. To improve the strength and durability of pavement shoulders in the iRoad Project, the soil stabilization will be a good alternative to solve the above mentioned problems. The use of in-situ soils with addition of soil stabilizer enables to reduce the construction cost of shoulder section and mitigate the environment issues. The objective of this task is to review the application of soil stabilization method for soft shoulder construction in the iRoad Project. Firstly, the quantitative analysis of soil strength improvement due to soil stabilization was done for soil samples collected from iRoad construction sites. Two types of soils were selected from iRoad Project sites and prepared for soil stabilization testing by the Road Development Authority. Secondly, the appropriate stabilizer was selected at given soil type based on test results. Three different stabilizers, ST-1, ST-2, and ST-3, produced in Korea were used for estimating soil strength improvements. Finally, the optimum stabilizer content was determined for improving shoulder performance. The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) test was conducted to evaluate the strength of stabilized soil samples in accordance with ASTM D 1633. The use of bottom ash as a stabilizer produced from power plant in Sri Lanka was also reviewed in this task.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We assessed the effects of combining bio-char with straw residue mulching on the loss of soil soluble nutrients and citrus yield in sloping land. The two-year study showed that straw residue mulching (ST) and bio-char application combined with straw residue (ST+BC) can significantly reduce soil soluble nutrient loss when compared with the control treatment (CK). The comparative volume of the soil surface runoff after each of the treatments was as follows: CK > ST > ST + BC. Compared with the CK, the runoff volume of the ST was reduced by 13.6 % and 8.5 % in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Compared with the CK, combining bio-char with the ST application reduced the loss of soluble nitrogen and improved the soil total nitrogen content reaching a significant level in 2015. It dramatically increased the soil organic matter content over the two year period (36.3% in 2014, 50.6% in 2015) as well as the carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N) (16.6% in 2014 and 39.3% in 2015). Straw mulching combined with bio-char showed a trend for increasing the citrus yield.
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