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        검색결과 35

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A 63-year-old man with a 2-year history of a slowly growing mass in the chin area was referred to the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dankook University Dental Hospital. Physical examination revealed a 1.2 × 1.0 cm bluish mass in the middle of his chin, which was tentatively diagnosed as a hemangioma. Considering the size and location of the lesion, an excisional biopsy was performed under local anesthesia. Bleeding and other complications were not observed. The results of histopathological examination revealed glomangioma. This study aimed to report a case of solitary glomangioma arising in the chin, which is not the usual location of this tumor. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a solitary glomangioma in the chin area in the oral and maxillofacial surgery literature.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lymphomatoid granulomatosis (LYG) is an uncommon Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder distinct from lymphoma. LYG primarily occurs in the lung with or without accompanied lesions in the skin, central nervous system, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, nose, eyes, liver and oral cavity. Solitary extrapulmonary LYG is extremely rare, and whether solitary lesions progress onto pulmonary development and dysfunction is controversial. Herein, we report a case on a solitary LYG in the maxilla gingiva with bone exposure in a patient who had been taking methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        저자들은 3년 전 폐선암으로 수술과 수술 후 보조항암요법을 시행한 뒤 경과관찰 중인 환자에게 췌장내 단일 고형 종괴가 발생한 것을 확인하고 수술적 치료를 시행하였다. 수술 후 조직검사 결과, 췌장의 단일 고형 종괴는 폐선암의 재발인 것으로 확진되었기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Myofibroma is a benign tumor composed of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, occasionally occurring most commonly as a solitary lesion of soft tissue, skin, or bone in children younger than 3 years of age. Solitary lesion of myofibroma is exceedingly rare in adult jaws. This report describes a rare case of myofibroma in the mandible that occurred in a 41-year-old Korean woman.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We collected four species of Osmia spp. consisting of O. cornifrons, O. pedicornis, O. taurus and O. satoi in Yeongwol, Bonghwa and Yechon locations. O. pedicornis was the dominant species, which accounts for 59.6% to 76.4% in the three locations. The sex ratio of Osmia spp. were from 1:1 to 1: 2.8 in O. cornifrons and from 1:2.8 to 1: 5.5 in O. pedicornis. The sex ratio of O. cornifrons and O. pedicornis was different in 3 locations. The female and male cocoons of O. cornifrons were the long elliptical-shaped and grey-brown color. The female and male cocoons of O. pedicornis were the long elliptical-shaped and polished dark-brown color. In both species of O. cornifrons and O. pedicornis, the cocoon size of the females was significantly larger than that of the male. Between those two species, the latter had a relatively bigger size than the former.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Polyphenism is one of the most intriguing phenomenon observed from various insect species. Polyphenism is changing morphological, behavioral, and physiological phenotypes without changing genome informations. Therefore, polyphenism is thought to be controlled by epigenetic methods. Epigenetic controls are including DNA methylation, histone acetylation, small RNAs, long non-coding RNAs, and protein phosphorylation. To investigate the mechanism involved in polyphenism, various genomic researches have been completed. However, metabolite changes in different phases have not been reported yet. Thus, we studied the metabolite changes and found the changed metabolites. These studies will make an important contribution to reveal the difference between gregrious and solitary phases and reveal eco - friendly control techniques.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 Navier-Stokes solver에 기초한 TWOPM-3D와 자유수면을 효과적으로 추적할 수 있는 VOF법을 결합한 수치해석법으로 연안역의 육상 교량에 작용하는 고립파에 의한 지진해일파력을 수치적으로 검토하였으며, 연직벽체와 연직주상구조물에 작용하는 단파파력에 관한 기존의 실험치와 비교·검토하여 본 수치해석의 타당성을 검증하였다. 실제로 피해를 입은 교량에 대해 지진해일파고의 변화에 따른 파력의 특성을 수치실험을 통하여 조사하였으며, 육상 교량에 작용하는 지진해일파력의 추정에 항력 성분만을 고려한 Morison식으로부터 얻어진 항력계수의 결과와 설계기준과의 비교로부터 본 3차원 수치해석의 유용성을 논의하였다. 또한, 지진해일파력을 보다 고정도로 추정할 수 있는 합리적인 방법으로 항력과 관성력을 동시에 고려한 Morison식의 적용을 제안하였다.
        2015.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Neuronal activities of taste-responsive cells in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) are affected by various physiological factors, such as blood glucose level or sodium imbalance. These phenomena suggest that NST taste neurons are under the influence of neural substrates that regulate nutritional homeostasis. In this study, we reviewed a series of in vivo electrophysiological investigations that demonstrate that forebrain nuclei, such as the lateral hypothalamus or central nucleus of the amygdala, send descending projections and modulate neuronal activity of gustatory neurons in the NST. These centrifugal modulations may mediate plasticity of taste response in the NST under different physiological conditions.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bees of the genus Osmia are cavity-nesting solitary species that play important roles as pollinators. Nest traps are one of the most common methods to study Osmia bees. To elucidate the optimal environmental conditions of nesting sites, we investigated the effects of location, direction, altitude, and sites of nest traps on the rate of trap-nesting Osmia spp. During the collection period, the average rate of trap-nesting Osmia spp. collected within 90 days after the installation of traps was 17.0±20.0%. This percentage was 2.7-fold higher than that of trap-nesting bees in 30 days after the installation of traps. The Jeongseon location exhibited the highest rates of trap-nesting Osmia spp. collected in 30 and 90 days, representing 11.1 ±17.6% and 23.2±22.5%, respectively. The direction of the nest traps did not affect the rate of trap-nesting Osmia spp. The altitude ranges of the traps were 0-199 m, 200-399 m, 400-599 m, 600-799 m and over 800 m. Interestingly, the altitude range of 600-799 m showed the highest rate of trap-nesting bees, which was 40.4±3.9%. Higher altitudes seemed to correspond to higher rates of trap-nesting bees. With regards to the sites where the nests were placed, the rate of trap-nesting bees in a mud wall of an old house was 45.1±25.2%, which was 3-fold higher than that of a nest in an apple orchard. The flowering plants collected at different locations during the trap-nesting activity of Osmia bees belonged to 18 families and 34 species. In conclusion, the rates of trap nests colonized by Osmia spp. were affected by altitude, site, and plant diversity.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        광범위큰 B세포 림프종은 비호지킨림프종의 대표적인 아형으로 공격적 림프종이며 원발성으로 담낭에 발생한 림프 종은 일부 증례를 통한 보고가 있지만, 담낭에 단독 재발한 광범위큰 B세포 림프종은 국내에서 보고된 바가 없다. 본 증례는 상복부의 통증과 황달의 임상증상 및 복부컴퓨터단층 촬영 그리고 양전자 방출 단층촬영에서 만성 담낭염과 담낭 암으로 추정하여 수술 후 조직검사를 통해 재발한 광범위큰 B세포 림프종으로 진단할 수 있었다. 저자들은 과거 회장에 발생한 광범위큰 B세포 림프종으로 치료를 시행하여 완전완 화가 유도된 이후 다른 장기 혹은 림프절 전이 없이 단독으로 담낭에 재발한 광범위큰 B세포 림프종 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        방선균증(actinomycosis)은 실 모양의 혐기성 세균인 방선 균에 의한 감염 질환으로, 유황과립이 특징적인 화농성 병변 을 초래한다. 방선균증은 종괴처럼 보이는 병변으로 발현할 수 있는데, 이런 이유로 방선균증은 종종 악성 종양으로 오인됐고, 많은 환자들이 정확한 진단이 내려지기 전에 수술적 절제를 받았다. 저자들은 만성췌장염 환자에게 발생한, 악성 종양과 감별이 어려웠던 췌장에 국한된 방선균증 증례를 보고하는 바이 다. 환자는 감염의 증상 및 징후를 전혀 보이지 않았고, 다른 장기의 동반 감염도 없었다. 모든 영상 소견은 염증성 종괴 보다는 췌장암을 더 시사했다. 그는 내시경초음파 유도 가는 바늘 생검을 통해서 수술 없이 방선균증을 진단 받았다. 한 달 동안의 항생제 치료 이후에 췌장의 종괴는 완전히 사라졌다.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To investigate genes differentially expressed in the venom of social and solitary wasps, a comparative transcriptome analysis was conducted. Subtractive expressed sequence tag (EST) libraries specific to the venom gland and sac (gland/sac) of a social wasp species, Vespa tropica and a solitary hunting wasp species, Rhynchium brunneum, was constructed by suppression subtractive hybridization. In BLASTx analysis, 41% and 56% of the total ESTs showed statistically best-matched hits (E ≤ 10-4) in the libraries of V. tropica and R. brunneum, respectively. Although the functional category analysis did not show remarkable differences in the distribution of functional categories between the two venom gland/sac cDNA libraries, perhaps due to the lack of functional information on many of the venom components, there were groups of genes that are specific to either V. tropica or R. brunneum. Venom allergen 5 and serine protease were found to be social wasp-specific venom transcripts. In contrast, venom peptides, metalloendopeptidases, arginine kinase and dendrotoxin were observed in solitary wasp at much higher frequencies.
        2013.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Taste receptors of the anterior tongue are innervated by the chorda tympani (CT) branch of the facial (VIIth) nerve. The CT nerve transmits information on taste to the ipsilateral nucleus of the solitary tract (NST), which is the first taste central nucleus in the medulla. Taste information is known to be transferred ipsilaterally along the taste pathway in the central nervous system. Some patients with unilateral CT damage often retain their ability to sense taste. This phenomenon is not explained by the unilateral taste pathway. We examined whether neurons in the NST receive information on taste from the contralateral side of the tongue by measuring c-Fos-like Immunoreactivity (cFLI) following taste stimulation of the contralateral side of the tongue in the anesthetized rats. We used four basic taste stimuli, 1.0 M sucrose, 0.3 M NaCl, 0.01 M citric acid, 0.03 M QHCl, and distilled water. Stimulation of one side of the tongue with taste stimuli induced cFLI in the NST bilaterally. The mean number of cFLI ranged from 23.28 ± 2.46 by contralateral QHCl to 30.28 ± 2.26 by ipsilateral NaCl stimulation. The difference between the number of cFLI in the ipsilaterl and contralateral NST was not significant. The result of the current study suggests that neurons in the NST receive information on taste not only from the ipsilateral but also the contralateral side of the tongue.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Rhynchium brunneum is a widely distributed wasp species in South Eastern Asia. R. brunneum females were collected from rural provinces of Cambodia, and their total RNA and venom were extracted on site. To search for novel substances in venom, a subtracted cDNA library specific to the venom gland and sac was constructed. A total of 1118 expressed sequenced sequence tags (ESTs) were sequenced and assembled into 349 contigs (107 multiple sequences and 242 singletons). In this result, we found the putative neurotoxin (DTX protein precursor), antimicrobial peptides (teratocyte-specific caboxylesterase) together with typical major components of wasp venom (venom hyaluronidase, arginine kinase, phospholipase A2, serine/theonine protein phosphatase). Additional in-depth annotation would be required for further characterization of many unidentified genes found in the EST library.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To search for novel biologically active venom components, secretory venom proteins of two solitary hunting wasps, Orancistrocerus drewseni Saussure (1857) and Eumenes pomiformis Fabricus (1781), were identified by SDS-PAGE in conjunction with mass analysis with the aid of venom gland and sac-specific EST libraries constructed by suppression subtractive hybridization. Arginine kinase was the most predominant protein in both wasp venoms. Along with the full-length arginine kinase, a truncated form, which was known to have paralytic activity on a spider, was a common predominant protein in the two wasp venoms. Insulin/insulin-like peptide-binding protein was abundantly found only in E. pomiformis venom and the EST library, which might be due to its unique behaviors of oviposition and provision. It seemed that some venom proteins are secreted into venom fluid from venom gland cells via exosomes, not by signal sequence-mediated transport processes. Amphipathic α-helical peptides (10-15 amino acids) were predominantly transcribed in the venom gland/sac than protein components, and showed cell lytic activities against insect cells, mammalian cells, bacteria, and fungi. Phospholipase A2 and hyaluronidase, which are known to be the main components of wasp venoms, were found in both wasp venoms. In addition, a dendrotoxin-like peptide known to be a K+ channel blocker was also found in the venom of E. pomiformis.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Diamondback moth (DBM, Plutella xylostella L.), the most destructive pest of cruciferous crops, is well-known as typical subtropical insect pest. A number of biological agents such as diseases, parasites and predators can affect populations of DBM in the fields negatively. In previous reports, we suggested Cotesia glomerata, Diadegma semiclusum, and Microplitis plutellae as promising natural enemies to DBM control at highland areas, but these species are larval parasitoids. In 2004~2009, we searched highland fields cultivating various cruciferous crops for PUPAL parasitoids which can supplement the unsatisfactory parasitism in the augmentative release of larval parasitoids. We obtained adults of hymenopteran parasitoid from DBM pupae in early July at Hoengseong region (asl 540 m), and then identified as Diadromus sp., although being a critical species so far. This parasitoid showed high rate of parasitism, about 13.2%, in mid October at the same region. Development period from oviposition to emergence of Diadromus sp. ranged from 14 to 18 days under 23℃ condition. Adult longevity, > three weeks, was longer when it was provided with 10% sugar solution as food than with water only or without food. Male adults mated as soon as emerging from parasitized DBM pupae, and laid eggs into DBM pupae for a week. Parasitism by Diadromus sp. was highest on 7th day after emergence. In contrast, lethality of DBM pupae which were not parasitized by wasps showed 60% on average for seven days. Parasitized DBM pupae could be stored at 10℃ for two weeks. The simultaneous augmentative release of larval parasitoids and pupal parasitoids can be an important component to integrated DBM management program in the future.
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