The fall webworm (FWW), Hyphantria cunea, defoliates most deciduous trees. After the first detection of FWW in Seoul in 1958, FWW had dispersed to the entire South Korea by 1972. Although currently the FWW density is not high, the defoliation is still reported in the nationwide. In Korea, FWW hibernates as a pupa and emerges between mid May and early June. Generally it is accepted that FWW has a bivoltine life cycle in South Korea: the first generation between mid May and early June and the second generation from late July to late August. However, recently the possibility of trivoltine populations in Korea has been discussed based on the field observations. In this study, we analyzed the field monitoring data and developed a model to predict occurrence patterns of FWW. We discuss the possibility of trivoltine populations in Korea based on the model developed.
Headwater streams are the main sources of water sediment and organic material for downstream reaches and their small catchments coupled terrestrial-aquatic linkages. Because headwater streams provide valuable habitats for unique and diverse assemblages of aquatic fauna, they are also essential for sustaining the structure and function of the watersheds. Therefore, it has been recently supported that headwaters are important areas for maintaining biodiversity. In this study, we surveyed four different headwater streams in different watersheds to characterize differences of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages among study streams. Benthic macroinvertebrates were collected seasonally with a Surber net at four different streams. In addition, hydrological and physicochemical environmental factors including temperature, discharge, width, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and pH were also measured at each sampling site. Community indices were used to differentiate spatiotemporal changes of macrointertebrate communities. Multivariate analysis were used to characterize the relationships between communities and environmental factors. Differences of their environmental condition such as meteorological factors and stream hydromorphological factors were reflected in the ordination with macroinvertebrate communities.
Butterflies are commonly used for environmental monitoring to assess biodiversity changes in the world. Occurrence of butterflies were monitored by a line transect method in Gwangneung forest for 10 years from 2005 to 2014. Totally, 8,484 individuals of 96 species of butterflies were identified. Among them, two species Libythea celtis (2807 individuals) and Pieris melete (1517 individuals) were the most abundant species, followed by Argynnis paphia (381 individuals) and Neptis philyroides (277 individuals). Meanwhile, Pieris melete and Libythea celtis showed high occurrence frequency with 84.6% (99 times among the 117 monitoring times) and 76.9% (90 times) respectively, followed by Argynnis paphia (42.7%) and Pieris canidia (40.2%). Species richness and abundance were varied at different years, and they were slightly decreasing in recent years. Most species showed annual variation in their abundance. Species abundance distribution model showed a log-normal distribution.
Subfamily Cryptolechiinae Meyrick 1883 (Depressariidae sensu Heikkila et al., 2014) is reviewed from Korea. The Cryptolechiinae comprising nearly two hundred species worldwide (Wang, 2006), is characterized by forewing broadly lanceolate, the male genitalia without gnathos and female genitalia with well-developed lamella antevaginalis. In the Korea fauna, only four species of two allied genera, Acryptolechia and Cryptolechia, were recognized with two new species.
A full bibliography, diagnosis and descriptions for all known species including new species are provided with illustration. Keys to species are also given.
The genus of Cinara (Aphididae: Lachninae) live on the roots, trunk, branches, twigs, shoots or foliage of Coniferae and can be easily distinguished in having the very big body, apterae up to 5-6 ㎜ in length and short antennae which are shorter than half the body length. Most of species are monoecious without host alternation and attended by ants. Based on body appearance and COI gene sequence, we report Cinara cuneomaculata (Del Guercio) on Larix kaempferi, C. largirostris Zhang G. & W. Zhang on Pinus thunbergii and P. dnesiflora, C. smaragdina (Pashtshenko) on Abies holophylla and C. piceae on Juniperus rigida, for the first time in Korea.
딱정벌레목(Coleoptera) 배줄벌레과(Biphyllidae)는 긴알모양에서 알모양으로 등면이 짧은 털로 덮인 것들이 많고, 앞가슴등판 옆쪽에 가로융기선이 있으며, 더듬이의 곤봉부가 뚜렷하고, 발목마디가 5-5-5이다.
배줄벌레과는 세계적으로 7속 200종(Zhang 2011)이, 구북구에서는 2속 29종(Lӧbl & Smetana 2007)이, 일본에서는 1속 16종(Hirano 2010)이 알려져 있으며, 우리나라에서는 2012년 Park et al.에 의해 4종의 미기록종과 함께 보고된 것이 처음이다.
본 연구는 전남 백운산 지역에 Lindgren funnel trap을 5월부터 8월까지 2개 지점에 설치하여 채집한 결과, 기존에 보고된 4종을 포함하여 3종의 미기록종이 추가로 확인되어 보고한다.
*Biphyllus aequalis (Reitter, 1889)
*Biphyllus flexuosus (Reitter, 1889)
*Biphyllus kuzurius Sasaji, 1985
Biphyllus lewisi (Reitter, 1889) 얼룩배줄벌레
Biphyllus marmoratus (Reitter, 1889) 구름무늬배줄벌레
Biphyllus rufopictus (Wollaston, 1873) 붉은무늬배줄벌레
Biphyllus throscoides (Wollaston, 1873) 아기배줄벌레
최근 국가 간 농축산물의 교역이 급격히 증가함에 따라 외래해충의 유입과 이로 인한 생태계 교란 및 농작물의 피해 위험성이 증대하고 있다. 그러나 해외에서 유입되는 해충에 대한 정보는 매우 제한적인 상황으로서 제한된 국내의 해충 전문가 및 간편한 해충동정 프로토콜의 부재에 따라 신속한 검역과 유입해충의 효과적 차단에 대한 장애요인으로 작용하고 있다. 우리나라에서 지정되어 있는 식물검역대상해충은 1,373종으로서 외래해충의 유입을 차단하기 위한 간편하고 신속한 해충동정시스템의 구축 및 활용이 시급하다. 본 연구에서는 노린재류, 개미류, 미소나방류, 저장물 해충 등에 대하여 국내와 아시아, 아메리카, 유럽 등에서 확보된 해충종 및 근연분류군을 중심으로 463종 2132개체의 표본을 확보하여 DNA barcode 분석을 실시한 결과 총 1,897개체의 DNA barcode 서열을 확보하였다. 또한 표본에 대한 채집정보, 이미지정보, 생태적 특성에 관한 정보를 확보하여 검역관련 해충에 대한 동정에 활용 할 수 있는 Database를 구축하고 향 후 검역해충의 신속한 진단을 통한 외래해충의 유입 차단에 활용하고자 하였다.
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is a hydrolase that hydrolyzes the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Soluble form of AChE is generated via alternative splicing and functions as a bioscavenger in Dropsophila melanogaster. In this study, effects of acetic acid on the soluble AChE expression were investigated. Treatment of acetic acid resulted in over-expression of soluble AChE in the abdomen in a dose-dependent manner. The soluble AChE was determined to be expressed in the fat body. However, no apparent change in AChE expression was observed in the head. Our finding suggests that the soluble AChE is involved in chemical defense against high concentration of acetic acid, which is a common by-product in fermenting foods. The high level of acetic acid resistance in D. melanogaster, thus, appears to have been evolved via the induction mechanism of soluble AChE expression.
꽈리허리노린재(Acanthocoris sordidus, Coreidae, Hemiptera)는 가지과 및 메꽃과를 가해하는 해충으로 야외 고추포장에서 발생한 꽈리허리노린재의 발생상과 이를 방제하기 위한 살충제를 선별하였다. 꽈리허리노린재의 발생상은 고추포장에서 발생하는 개체의 수를 조사하였고, 방제효과는 계통별에 따른 화학 살충제와 유기농자재를 선발하여, spray tower를 이용하여 추천농도로 5ml씩 살포하였다. 꽈리허리노린재의 발생은 주로 6월 중순에 성충이 나타나기 시작하여 7월 초순에 알의 밀도가 증가하였으며, 8월 중순에는 2세대가 출현한다. 9월 중순에 개체수가 가장 많았으며, 9월말부터 고추포장에 꽈리허리노린재 개체수가 감소하기 시작했다. 또한 9월 중순 개체수가 최고치 일 때 알의 밀도가 급격히 감소하였으며, 전체 비율이 5령 약충과 성충이 가장 높았다. 꽈리허리노린재에 대한 약제시험 결과, 화학살충제와 유기농자재 모두 전체적으로 살충율이 낮았으며 화학살충제 중에서 fenthion EC가 무처리구 대비 가장 높은 살충율을 나타내었다. 발생상에 따라 초기 6월말 월동 성충을 약제 방제한다면 초기밀도가 낮아져 피해를 크게 줄일 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
Due to its rapid development of resistance to nearly all arrays of acaricide, Tetranychus urticae is extremely hard to control using conventional acaricides. As an alternative control measure of acaricide-resistant mites, RNA interference (RNAi)-based methods have recently been suggested. A double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) delivery method using multi-unit chambers was established and employed to screen the RNAi toxicity of 42 T. urticae genes. Among them, the dsRNA treatment of coatomer I (COPI) genes, such as coatomer subunit epsilon (COPE) and beta 2 (COPB2), resulted in high mortality [median lethal time (LT50) = 89.7 and 120.3h, respectively]. The transcript level of the COPE gene was significantly (F3,9 = 16.2, P =0.001) reduced by up to 24% following dsRNA treatment, suggesting that the toxicity was likely mediated by the RNAi of the target gene. As a toxicity enhancement strategy, the recombinant dsRNA was generated by reciprocally recombining half-divided fragments of COPE and COPB2. The two recombinant dsRNAs exhibited higher toxicity than the respective single dsRNA treatments as determined using LT50 values (79.2 and 81.5h, respectively). This finding indicates that the recombination of different genes can enhance RNAi toxicity and be utilized to generate synthetic dsRNA with improved RNAi efficacy.
The small brown planthopper (SBPH), Laodelphax striatellus Fallen, is an important pest that causes severe yield losses by transmitting plant viruses to rice. For the efficient control of SBPH in Korea, the respective resistance levels in the immigrant and indigenous populations need to be discerned. The resistance levels to 10 insecticides (three carbamates, an organophosphate, four neonicotinoids, and a phenylpyrazole) were evaluated in 21 field populations collected from either SBPH-immigrating or indigenous regions during two different seasons (early spring vs. late summer). Imidacloprid resistance was most widely observed in many regional populations, followed by thiamethoxam resistance. Interestingly, the resistance level to imidacloprid was significantly higher in both immigrant and late-summer-collected populations than in indigenous and early spring-collected populations, respectively [3.3- (p = 0.018) and 2.6-fold (p = 0.026)]. Moreover, the late summer immigrant population exhibited higher imidacloprid resistance (2.4-fold) than the early spring-collected population from the same region, suggesting that the migratory SBPH that immigrated into Korea already exhibited imidacloprid resistance traits and were further selected after inhabitation. All field populations showed little resistance to fipronil (0.1- to 0.7-fold), suggesting that it is the most effective among the tested insecticides to control field populations of SBPH. The coefficient of variation of the resistance ratio (RR) among different regional populations and the correlation coefficient of RR among different insecticides have been suggested as supplementary parameters when determining appropriate insecticides as respective indicators for the dispersion status of resistance among SBPH populations and the possibility of cross resistance among tested insecticides.
작물에 발생하는 해충을 생물적으로 방제하는 방법에는 천적의 도입, 천적의 대량방사 및 천적의 보호가 있다. 특히 천적의 보호는 서식처(habitat) 관리를 위주로 실행되는데 윤작체계 도입, 피난처 및 월동처 제공, 천적 유인작물 재배 등이 있다. 천적 기생봉은 활동에 필요한 먹이를 주로 꽃에서 얻는다. 따라서 작물을 재배하는 밭에 천적 기생봉이 선호하는 꽃 피는 작물을 재배하면 천적 기생봉의 유인 및 기생활동의 향상 효과를 볼 수 있다. 이를 위해 고랭지 배추밭 주위에 6종의 꽃 피는 작물을 재배한 후 유인되는 천적과 해충의 종류를 조사하였다. 그 결과 메밀에는 무당벌레(Harmonia axyridis) 등 5종의 천적이 유인되었다. 매리골드에는 꼬마꽃등에(Sphaerophoria menthastri), 별넓적꽃등에(Eupeodes corollae)가 유인되었고, 백겨자에는 배세줄꽃등에(Temnostoma bombylans), 꽃등에(Eristalis tenax), 무당벌레(H. axyridis)가, 잠두에는 무당벌레(H. axyridis), 칠성풀잠자리(Chrysopa pallens)가 각각 유인되었다. 그러나 천적 유인작물 종류별로 해충도 유인되었는데, 배추과에 속하는 백겨자에서 배추좀나방(Plutella xylostella), 무잎벌(Athalia rosae ruficornis), 북쪽비단노린재(Eurydema gebleri), 벼룩잎벌레(Phyllotreta striolata), 장님노린재류 등이 다수 확인되었다. 나머지 유인작물은 배추의 비기주 해충을 유인하였다. 따라서 천적 유인작물의 선발을 위해서는 기주가 중복되는 작물은 피하는 것이 유리하며, 본 실험에서 천적 유인과 해충 격퇴를 동시에 고려할 때 메밀과 매리골드가 효과적인 것으로 판단된다.
Liriomyza leafminer flies comprise a pest group that causes both considerable economic losses and serious quarantine problems. To investigate Liriomyza spp. abundance and distribution along with natural enemies, we surveyed of leafminer (LM) species and its natural enemies (NE) on potato crop from 146 farmers’ field in the potato growing provinces during 2015. Sweeping (10 sweeps/ field) and visual inspection were employed within 5 minute-walking distance, and damaged leaflets (10 leaflets/ field) were collected in each field. Leafminer species were identified by morphological, and its NE was identified by morphological and molecular techniques. L. huidobrensis was the most dominant Liriomyza species. Distribution of L. huidobrensis on potato fields was expanding. Highest potato fields were infested with leafminer in southern parts of country. Highest rate (100%) field damage was recorded in Miryang, Namwon, Henam, and Boseong. Overall, NE species collected constituted of 4 families and 18 and 20 species in sweeping, and damaged samples respectively. There was a rich complex of parasitoid species including 20 species (13 species of Eulophidae family). The endoparasitoid, Braconid sp., Ganaspidium sp., and ectoparasitoid, Diglyphus isaea were dominant species in sweeping. While Diglyphus isaea, Hemiptarsenus varicornis, and the Braconid sp. were most dominant species collected from damaged samples. The number and diversity of parasitoid species in potato crop in Korea provides insight into the development of integrated control strategies of invasive LM pests in the field, and glasshouse crops.
The acetylcholinesterase 1 (AmAChE1) of the honey bee is known to be abundantly expressed both in the central and peripheral nervous systems. AmAChE1 exists mostly in the soluble form with little catalytic activity and has non-neuronal functions. Our preliminary observation showed that AmAChE1 expression fluctuated between the forages and nurses. A more systematic expression profiling of AmAChE1 over a year cycle on a monthly basis revealed that AmAChE1 was predominantly expressed during the winter months with being moderately expressed during the rainy summer time. However, no significant difference in AmAChE1 expression was noticed between the nurse and forager workers. Interestingly, AmAChE1 expression was inhibited when bees were allowed for brooding by placing overwintering bee hives in strawberry green houses with the supplement of pollen diets whereas it was resumed when the bee hives were removed from the green houses, thereby suppressed brooding. To confirm whether brooding status is a main determining factor for the suppression of AmAChE1 expression, active bee hives were placed in a screen tent, thereby hindering foraging, until brooding was completely suppressed, and then allowed to restore brooding by removing the screen. The AmAChE1 expression in the head was up-regulated when brooding was suppressed whereas its expression was down-regulated when brooding was resumed. These finding demonstrates that AmAChE1 expression in the central nervous system (i.e., head) is related with brooding status of honey bee. To understand the connection between the AmAChE1 expression and other pathways related with brooding, currently in progress are the analyses of head transcriptomes of honey bee workers with or without their brooding suppressed.
Tropilaelaps mercedesae is an ectoparasite of immature honey bees belonging to the genus Tropilaelaps (Acari: Laelapidae). T. mercedesae has become a major threat to the Western honey bee Apis mellifera in Asia, including Korea, and is expanding its geographical range to northern regions due to global warming. To establish gene resources of T. mercedesae, the whole transcriptome was analyzed by RNA sequencing. An mRNA-focused library was generated from total RNA extracted from the mixed stages using the TruSeq RNA Library Preparation kit and sequenced using the HiSeq 2000 platform. A total of 6.0 Gb reads were obtained with 85% Q30 value. Trimmed sequence data were de novo assembled using the CLC Assembly Cell v 4.2. A total of 64,868 non-duplicate contigs were finally obtained and annotated by the Blast2GO using the NCBI nr database. The most abundant species in the resulting 14,336 Blast hits (22.1%) was Metaseiulus occidentalis, a predatory mite, followed by Ixodes scapularis and Tribolium castaneum, suggesting that the T. mercedesae transcriptome matches well with closely related other arthropod species, including mites and ticks. In order to provide basic information for efficient control and monitoring of potential resistance in T. mercedesae, acaricide target genes were annotated and characterized. One voltage-sensitive sodium channel gene encoding the molecular target of fluvalinate, a pyrethroid acaricide most widely used for the control of T. mercedesae, was identified and its molecular properties were investigated. In addition, other acaricide target genes, including acetylcholinesterase and glutamate (or GABA)-gated chloride channel, were identified and characterized.
제주 감귤과원에 피해를 주는 볼록총채벌레의 유입원을 확인하기 위해 1차 기주식물이면서 제주도내에 넓은 면적으로 재배되는 키위(품종 : 제스프리골드키위)와 망고(품종 : 애플망고)의 볼록총채벌레 발생 양상을 조사하였다. 서귀포시 신례리 과원 1곳, 의귀리 과원 1곳, 공천포 과원 1곳의 키위과원과 인접 감귤과원의 볼록총채벌레 발생밀도를 황색끈끈이트랩(15×25cn)를 이용해 비교해본 결과 키위과원에서 발생밀도가 더욱 높게 나타났으며 발생시기는 일치하거나 감귤과원이 1주일 지연되어 나타나는 모습을 보였다. 1차 기주식물과 감귤과원의 볼록총채벌레 발생의 연관성을 밝히기 위해 키위, 망고과원과 접하고 있는 감귤과원의 감귤나무를 거리별로 선발하여 트랩을 설치하고 그 밀도를 확인하였다. 키위과원과 접한 감귤나무에서는(0m)는 평균 161마리의 볼록총채벌레 성충이 트랩에 포획되었으며, 5m 떨어진 감귤나무에서는 86마리, 10m는 24마리, 15m는 61마리, 20m는 56마리로 키위과원과 가까운 곳의 감귤나무에서 더 높은 밀도의 볼록총채벌레가 포획되었다. 망고과원에서도 위와 같은 방법으로 트랩을 설치한 결과 0m에서는 평균 159마리, 7m에서는 77마리, 14m 21마리가 포획되었다.
Anastatus orientalis Yang & Choi, 2015 (Hymenoptera: Eulpelmidae) is reported for the first time from Korea. It is a solitary endo-parasitoid in egg of Licorma delicatula (Hemiptera: Fulgoridae), Which causes damages to many ornamental and fruit trees in Korea. This species would be a good biological agent for suppression of the spotted lanternfly in Korea. More than 40 specimens of this species were collected in Cheonhyeon-dong, Hanam-city and Samsung-dong, Seoul city. This Korea species was compare with that from China in morphlogical characteristics and barcodes region of COI.
북방수염하늘소(Monochamus saltuarius)는 솔수염하늘소(Monochamus alternatus)와 함께 소나무재선충(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)의 매개충 중 하나이다. 소나무재선충의 방제법으로 감염목을 벌채하여 훈증을 하거나, 소각 및 파쇄, 또는 항공방제 등을 이용하여 방제하고 있으나 어려움을 겪고 있다. 따라서 본 실험에서는 전자빔을 이용하여 북방수염하늘소의 불임을 유발하는 조사선량과 조사에 적정한 충태를 알아보았다. 먼저 번데기에 전자빔을 조사했을 때, 수컷의 전기와 중기 번데기는 조사선량이 증가 할수록 우화율이 감소하는 경향이 있었으나, 후기 번데기는 우화율에 큰 영향을 주지 않았다. 그러나 후기 번데기는 고선량에서 우화한 성충 수명이 정상충에 비해 현저하게 감소하였고, 저선량에서는 우화한 성충이 완전히 불임이 되지 않았다. 따라서 번데기에 전자빔 조사는 곤충 불임화 기술을 이용한 방제에 부적합함을 알 수 있었다. 성충에 전자빔을 조사 하였을 경우에는 후숙기 초기, 중기 및 완숙기 모두 수명에 영향이 없었으며, 200 Gy 이상의 선량을 조사한 수컷과 정상 암컷간의 F1세대 부화율이 완전 억제되었다. 또한, 하늘소는 일생동안 교미를 여러 번 하므로 교차 교배 실험, 그리고 정상충과 불임충의 방사 비율에 따른 방제 적용 가능성도 검토하였다.
Many forest pests present a problem during wood quarantine. The effectiveness of phosphine (PH3), which is an altered form of MB, was examined in Monochamus saltuaris and M. alternatus. After 24 h, the larvae and the adults of both insects were susceptible to PH3 at 3 mg/L at 20°C. However, the larvae of both pests were rather than dead, seem to have been quiescent condition. PH3 showed increasing insecticidal activity in a time-dependent manner in the larva stage of both pests. We investigated the fumigants at all stages of M. saltuaris and M. alternatus, as well as the synergistic effects of PH3 in controlled atmospheres of 50% and 80% oxygen. The atmospheric oxidation of PH3 fumigation slightly increased the toxicity of the fumigant to larva stages in 125 L container at 4 mg/L.
These results indicate that highly concentrated atmospheric oxidation of PH3 could be useful as a fumigant agent against M. saltuaris and M. alternatus.
Methyl bromide (MB) fumigation is still allowed to use in quarantine treatment on imported timbers and logs, even though IPPC(International Plant Protection Convention) was strongly recommended to reduce their use in case of existing alternatives. A newly developing MB alternative fumigant, ethanedinitrile (EDN), showed the potential in terms of better efficacy to various timber pests and penetration into the timber than MB. Herein, for suggestion of quarantine guideline in Korea, we had verified the efficacies under different temperature conditions(5, 5-15, >15℃) and monitored TLV(Threshold limited value) of EDN post-fumigation for worker safety. The 6 scheduled doses of EDN depending on types of timber pest and temperature conditions had evaluated with PVC-Tarp tent(>100m3) with 40-50% loading factors of imported logs. To control normal wood related pests such as Japanese termite (Reticulitermes speratus) and bark beetle(Cryphalus fulvus), the scheduled doses 30, 40 and 40 g/m3 for 24hr fumigations showed >99% efficacy at 5, 5-15 and >15℃, respectively. The scheduled doses 100, 120 and 150 g/m3 for 24hr fumigations was also successful to gain the proved efficacies at 5, 5-15, >15℃, respectively, for the quarantine guideline to notorious wood related pests such as Japanese pine sawyer (Monochamus alternatus) and pine wilt nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus). The recommended ventilation times with atmospheric conditions at ports was > 1 and > 2 hr under the fully uncovered and partially uncovered of fumigation tent conditions, respectively.