
한국산업경영시스템학회지 KCI 등재 Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol. 46 No. 4 (2023년 12월) 33

2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this study, the evaluation items related to the effectiveness evaluation of the LVC (Live, Virtual, Constructive) training system of the Air Force were derived and the weights of each item were analyzed. The LVC training system evaluation items for AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) analysis were divided into three layers, and according to the level, 3 items were derived at level 1, 11 items at level 2, and 33 items at level 3. For weight analysis of evaluation items, an AHP-based pairwise comparison questionnaire was conducted for Air Force experts related to the LVC training system. As a result of the survey, related items such as (1) Achievement of education and training goals (53.8%), (1.2) Large-scale mission and operational performance (25.5%), and (1.2.1) Teamwork among training participants (19.4%) was highly rated. Also, it was confirmed that the weights of evaluation items were not different for each expert group, that is, the priority for importance was evaluated in the same order between the policy department and the working department. Through these analysis results, it will be possible to use them as evaluation criteria for new LVC-related projects of the Air Force and selection of introduction systems.
2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Maintaining sea superiority through successful mission accomplishments of warships is being proved to be an important factor of winning a war, as in the Ukraine-Russia war. in order to ensure the ability of a warship to perform its duties, the survivability of the warship must be strengthened. In particular, among the survivability factors, vulnerability is closely related to a damage assessment, and these vulnerability data are used as basic data to measure the mission capability. The warship's mission capability is usually measured using a wargame model, but only the operational effects of a macroscopic view are measured with a theater level resolution. In order to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of a weapon system in the context of advanced weapon systems and equipments, a warship's mission capability must be measured at the engagement level resolution. To this end, not the relationship between the displacement tonnage and the weight of warheads applied in the theater level model, but an engagement level resolution vulnerability assessment method that can specify physical and functional damage at the hit position should be applied. This study proposes a method of measuring a warship’s mission capability by applying the warship vulnerability assessment method to the naval engagement level analysis model. The result can be used as basic data in developing engagement algorithms for effective and efficient operation tactics to be implemented from a single unit weapon system to multiple warships.
2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this research, a new Test and Evaluation (T&E) procedure for defense AI systems is proposed to fill the existing gap in established methodologies. This proposed concept incorporates a data-based performance evaluation, allowing for independent assessment of AI model efficacy. It then follows with an on-site T&E using the actual AI system. The performance evaluation approach adopts the project promotion framework from the defense acquisition system, outlining 10 steps for R&D projects and 9 steps for procurement projects. This procedure was crafted after examining AI system testing standards and guidelines from both domestic and international civilian sectors. The validity of each step in the procedure was confirmed using real-world data. This study's findings aim to offer insightful guidance in defense T&E, particularly in developing robust T&E procedures for defense AI systems.
2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
As technologies have been more quickly developed in this 4th Industry Revolution era, their application to defense industry has been also growing. With these much advanced technologies, we attempt to use Manned-Unmanned Teaming systems in various military operations. In this study, we consider the Location-Routing Problem for reconnaissance surveillance missions of the maritime manned-unmanned surface vehicles. As a solution technique, the two-phase method is presented. In the first location phase, the p-median problem is solved to determine which nodes are used as the seeds for the manned vehicles using Lagrangian relaxation with the subgradient method. In the second routing phase, using the results obtained from the location phase, the Vehicle Routing Problems are solved to determine the search routes of the unmanned vehicles by applying the Location Based Heuristic. For three network data sets, computational experiments are conducted to show the performance of the proposed two-phase method.
2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study is to identify the major peacekeeping activities that the Korean armed forces has performed from the past to the present. To do this, we collected 692 press releases from the National Defense Daily over the past 20 years and performed topic modeling and social network analysis. As a result of topic modeling analysis, 112 major keywords and 8 topics were derived, and as a result of examining the Korean armed forces's peacekeeping activities based on the topics, 6 major activities and 2 related matters were identified. The six major activities were 'Northeast Asian defense cooperation', 'multinational force activities', 'civil operations', 'defense diplomacy', 'ceasefire monitoring group', and 'pro-Korean activities', and 'general troop deployment' related to troop deployment in general. Next, social network analysis was performed to examine the relationship between keywords and major keywords related to topic decision, and the keywords ‘overseas’, ‘dispatch’, and ‘high level’ were derived as key words in the network. This study is meaningful in that it first examined the topic of the Korean armed forces's peacekeeping activities over the past 20 years by applying big data techniques based on the National Defense Daily, an unstructured document. In addition, it is expected that the derived topics can be used as a basis for exploring the direction of development of Korea's peacekeeping activities in the future.
2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In the (3,3) close combat model based on the Lanchester Square Law, this study proposes a plan to optimally allocate residual combat power after the battle to other battlefields. As soon as the two camps of three units can grasp each other's information and predict the battle pattern immediately after the battle began, the Time Zero Allocation of Force (TZAF) scenario was used to initially allocate combat power to readjust the combat model. It reflects travel time, which is a "field friction" in which physical distance exists from battlefields that support combat power to battlefields that are supported. By developing existing studies that try to examine the effect of travel time on the battlefield through the combat model, this study forms a (3,3) combat model, which is a large number of minimum units. In order to achieve the combat purpose, the principle of optimal combat force operation is presented by examining the aspect that support combat power is allocated to the two battlefields and the consequent battle results. Through this, various scenarios were set in consideration of the travel time and the situation of the units, and differentiated results were obtained. Although the most traditional, it can be used as the basic logic of the training or the commander's decision-making system using the actual war game model.
2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
For the past 70 years, an intense rivalry has persisted on the Korean Peninsula, and North Korea's nuclear and missile threats are becoming increasingly imminent. Facing a shortage of military resources, South Korea has pursued a national defense reform, significantly reducing the number of units and troops while focusing on ground forces. However, North Korea's strategic objective of unifying South Korea through surprise attacks, prompt responses, and combined nuclear and missile assaults remains unchanged. The central issue in this context revolves around determining the appropriate size of the Korean military's standing forces. This study employs the concept of net assessment as a novel method to ascertain the optimal size of the Korean military. Threats, strategic objectives, doctrine, and unit rotations are simultaneously considered from the enemy's perspective. In anticipation of security risks on the Korean Peninsula, an acceptable troop size will be proposed using the net assessment approach to calculate the appropriate standing force size.
2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study addresses the optimal design methodology for switching between active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar operating modes to easily select the necessary information to reduce pilots' cognitive load and physical workload in situations where diverse and complex information is continuously provided. This study presents a procedure for defining a hidden Markov chain model (HMM) for modeling operating mode changes based on time series data on the operating modes of the AESA radar used by pilots while performing mission scenarios with inherent uncertainty. Furthermore, based on a transition probability matrix (TPM) of the HMM, this study presents a mathematical programming model for proposing the optimal structural design of AESA radar operating modes considering the manipulation method of a hands on throttle-and-stick (HOTAS). Fighter pilots select and activate the menu key for an AESA radar operation mode by manipulating the HOTAS’s rotary and toggle controllers. Therefore, this study presents an optimization problem to propose the optimal structural design of the menu keys so that the pilot can easily change the menu keys to suit the operational environment. K
2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
During wartime, the operation of engineering equipment plays a pivotal role in bolstering the combat prowess of military units. To fully harness this combat potential, it is imperative to provide efficient support precisely when and where it is needed most. While previous research has predominantly focused on optimizing equipment combinations to expedite individual mission performance, our model considers routing challenges encompassing multiple missions and temporal constraints. We implement a comprehensive analysis of potential wartime missions and developed a routing model for the operation of engineering equipment that takes into account multiple missions and their respective time windows of required start and completion time. Our approach focused on two primary objectives: maximizing overall capability and minimizing mission duration, all while adhering to a diverse set of constraints, including mission requirements, equipment availability, geographical locations, and time constraints.
2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The 4th Industrial Revolution and the continuous development of Science and Technology have also required a speedy business promotion method in the defense industry. Advanced countries including the United States are already boldly innovating the existing high-cost and long-term acquisition system with the highest priority in weapons development to cope with the military rise of Russia and China. The Ministry of National Defense and the Defense Acquisition Program Administration have also recently introduced a quick acquisition system and are applying it to business promotion. In addition, some small-scale projects and weapons systems are being reorganized so that they can be managed by the units demanding them. After an organizational diagnosis of the Project Acquisition Group by the Ministry of National Defense in 2020, it has been reassigned as a subordinate unit of the Army Logistics Command from a direct unit managed by the Army HQ. As a result, problems such as work conflict or redundancy have been identified. In addition, a system has been implemented to shorten the acquisition period by applying a rapid acquisition program in the field of weapons systems by benchmarking the rapid acquisition program of advanced countries. The force support system project process will also need to introduce such a quick acquisition system. In addition, the Ministry of National Defense is considering ways to delegate some weapon systems to each military, which will then carry out tasks ranging from requirements determination to project management. Accordingly, it is now time to expand the organization for the management of the Army's weapons system acquisition project. Therefore, in this paper, the Army Project Acquisition Group was analyzed on its organization, acquisition procedures, and cooperation systems, with presentations of development plans for each field.
2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Recently, there has been an increasing attempt to replace defect detection inspections in the manufacturing industry using deep learning techniques. However, obtaining substantial high-quality labeled data to enhance the performance of deep learning models entails economic and temporal constraints. As a solution for this problem, semi-supervised learning, using a limited amount of labeled data, has been gaining traction. This study assesses the effectiveness of semi-supervised learning in the defect detection process of manufacturing using the MixMatch algorithm. The MixMatch algorithm incorporates three dominant paradigms in the semi-supervised field: Consistency regularization, Entropy minimization, and Generic regularization. The performance of semi-supervised learning based on the MixMatch algorithm was compared with that of supervised learning using defect image data from the metal casting process. For the experiments, the ratio of labeled data was adjusted to 5%, 10%, 25%, and 50% of the total data. At a labeled data ratio of 5%, semi-supervised learning achieved a classification accuracy of 90.19%, outperforming supervised learning by approximately 22%p. At a 10% ratio, it surpassed supervised learning by around 8%p, achieving a 92.89% accuracy. These results demonstrate that semi-supervised learning can achieve significant outcomes even with a very limited amount of labeled data, suggesting its invaluable application in real-world research and industrial settings where labeled data is limited.
2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The Korean military has sought to build an all-round military force against the national and international security environment and future asymmetric threats as well as the military threats it faces. However, while raising the need for timely electrification, there are few cases of quantitatively evaluating the loss when electrification is delayed, making it difficult for our military to provide a logical basis to support the importance of the electrification period. Therefore, through this study, we tried to analyze the index of loss cost that can support the need for timely electrification with logical and quantitative data and present it as a logical basis. To this end, the loss cost was calculated in terms of combat efficiency, equipment utilization rate, and maintenance requirements, which can be quantitatively calculated based on “combat readiness,” a general impact on the military in case of delayed timely electrification.
2023.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
ROK Navy Landing Ship Fast(LSF-II) is equipped with special equipment that is not compatible with other combat ships due to special missions. So there are almost no maintenance capabilities except for simple repair parts replacement and maintenance parts. The researcher determined that the way to solve these problems was to apply Performance Based Logistics (PBL), and reviewed the cases of PBL applications abroad and domestically. To confirm the current maintenance capability, we visited LSF-II operation unit to identify maintenance capabilities for each mounted equipment, and interviews with operators and maintenance practitioners confirmed the limitations of outsourcing maintenance and the need to apply PBL. In order to analyze the effect of PBL application, the measure of effectiveness and measure of performance were selected based on the opinions of LSF-II operation/maintenance practitioners and PBL experts and the practical experience of this researcher. A survey was conducted on operation/maintenance practitioners and professional personnel. Based on the survey results, the effect of applying PBL was analyzed using the AHP technique, and an efficient PBL application plan was proposed for LSF-II.
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