
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 12,825

        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To study on antioxidant effects in the liver of 40-week-old mouse, the sample were orally pretreated 5mg/kg/day for 5 days with red ginseng saponin components(total saponin, protopanaxadiol saponin, protopanaxatriol saponin, ginsenoside-Rd, ginsenoside-Re, compound-K) for 5 days. The ability of saponin to protect the mouse liver from oxidative damage was examined by determining the activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD), glutathione peroxidase(GPx) and the contents of glutathione, the level of malondialdehyde, The only protopanaxadiol among the ginseng saponin fractions was significantly increased the hepatic SOD activity(p<0.01). The red ginseng saponin induced a slight increase of GPx activity, especially ginsenoside Rd, compound K and protopanaxatriol treatments significantly increased its activity. The content of glutathione was significantly increased by total saponin, protopanaxadiol and ginsenoside Rd(p<0.01), but the oxidized glutathione level was lowered in all the red ginseng saponin. Finally, the level of malondialdehyde was significantly decreased by ginsenoside Rd and protopanaxadiol. In conclusion, protopanaxadiol and ginsenoside Rd among the saponin fraction were especially increased in the activity of hepatic antioxidative enzyme and decreased the lipid peroxidation that was expressed in term of MDA formation. This comprehensive antioxidant effects of red ginseng saponin seems to be by a certain action of saponin other than a direct antioxidant action.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 임상적 활용을 위하여 LOTCA-G 번역판을 사용하여 도시지역 노인의 인지기능을 알아보고, LOTCA-G 한국판 개발을 위한 기초자료를 확보하고자 시행되었다. 연구방법 : 연구대상자는 대전광역시에 거주하는 뇌손상의 경험이 없거나 치매로 진단받지 않은 65세 이상의 노인 117명이었으며 직접 면접조사 및 LOTCA-G를 사용한 인지기능평가를 통해 자료를 수집하였다. 자료 수집 기간은 2005년 3월 11일에서 4월 2일까지로 23일간 실시되었다. 결과 : 1. 연구대상자들의 LOTCA-G를 이용한 인지기능 검사 점수는 총점 104점에 평균 92.17±10.66점이었으며, 연령이 낮은 군일수록, 교육수준이 높은 군일수록 인지기능점수가 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다.2. LOTCA-G의 각 하위영역별 평가 점수는 교육수준이 높은 군인 경우에 대부분의 영역에서 유의하게 높았고, 연령이 높은 군일수록 각 영역 별로 점수가 통계적으로 유의하게 낮아졌다.3. LOTCA-G의 각 하위영역 간 관계는 실행력과 주의력/집중력을 제외하고는 모든 영역 간에 유의한 상관관계를 보였다.4. MMSE-K와 LOTCA-G의 총점수를 비교했을 때 유의한 높은 상관관계를 가짐을 알 수 있었으며, MMSE-K의 분류별 점수에 따른 LOTCA-G의 점수는 24점 이상(96.35±5.52), 23-18점(87.72±5.52), 17점(55.40±16.56)으로 각 각 유의한 차이가 있었다. 결론 : LOTCA-G를 사용한 도시지역 노인의 인지기능수준은 연령, 교육기간에 따라 차이가 있었다. 간이신경검사인 MMSE-K와 비교하였을 때 LOTCA-G는 유의미한 상관관계를 가지고 있어 연구에서 사용된 한국어로 번안된 본 도구도 인지기능을 평가하는 데 타당함을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 외국에서 개발된 LOTCA-G를 그대로 번안 하여 사용한 것이므로 문화적, 사회적 차이로 인한 문항 간 차이점이 존재하는 것으로 사료된다. 후속 연구에서는 이러한 점을 수정 및 보완하여 한국판 LOTCA-G를 개발하는 것이 필요하겠다.
        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of ethanol extract of Fagopyrum escuentum(FE) on the melanogenesis. To determine whether ethanol extract of FE suppress melanin synthesis in cellular level, B16F10 melanoma cells were cultured in the presence of different concentrations of FE ethanol extract. In the present study, the author examined the effects of FE ethanol extract on cell proliferation, melanin contents, tyrosinase activity. Cell proliferation was slightly increased by treatment with ethanol extract of FE (25-200 μg/ml). The ethanol extract of FE effectively suppressed melanin contents at a dose of 100 μg/ml. It was observed that the color of cell pellets was totally whitened compared with the control. The ethanol extract of FE inhibited tyrosinase activity, regulate melanin biosynthesis as the key enzyme in melanogenesis. These results suggest that the ethanol extract of FE exerts its depigmenting effects through the suppression of tyrosinase activity. And it may be a potent depigmetation agent in hyperpigmentation condition.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 임의의 반복하중 작용시 강구조물에 발생하는 대변형 및 반복소성거동을 정확히 예측하기 위하여 유한변위이론과 반복소성이력모델을 적용한 3차원 탄소성 유한요소 해석기법을 개발하였다. 반복소성이력모델은 강재의 단조재하실험 및 반복하중실험 결과에 기초하여 정식화되었다. 개발된 해석기법의 정도는 Bilinear모델 및 미소변위이론을 적용한 해석기법 및 실험결과와 비교하여 검증하였다. 본 연구에서 개발한 유한변위이론과 반복소성이력모델을 적용한 3차원 유한요소 해석기법이 임의의 반복하중을 받는 원형강교각의 대변형 및 반복소성거동을 정확히 예측할 수 있음을 알 수 있었다.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          Presented in this paper was to evaluate and improve the usability of a web-based logistics information system. The system was developed for the domestic company to track and monitor its own transportation vehicles and for the customers to check the curr
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 발달지연 아동들에게 Capute와 Bayley 발달검사를 실시하여 뇌성마비 감별에 이들 지수들의 유용성을 평가하고, 이들 검사 중에 뇌성마비를 가장 잘 감별할 수 있는 발달검사 척도를 찾아 뇌성마비 아동을 조기에 진단하고 재활중재와 개입전략을 세우는데 도움이 되고자 한다. 연구방법 : 2002년 8월부터 2005년 12월까지 천안시 소재 모대학교 재활의학과에 발달지연으로 내원한 아동 중 검사시 연령이 48개월까지의 아동 250명을 대상으로 Capute 발달검사인 언어지수(CLAMS), 인지적응검사(CAT), 혼합발달지수(CAT/CLAMS)와 Bayley 발달검사인 정신발달지수(MDI), 운동발달지수(PDI), 행동평가척도(BRS)를 검사하였고, 정신발달지수와 운동발달지수의 차이(MDI-PDI)를 계산하였다. 결과 : 1. 발달지연아 총 250명중에서 뇌성마비군이 86명(34.4%)으로 감별되었고 전반적 발달지연군은 164명(65.6%)이었다.2. 재태기간이 37주 미만군에서 뇌성마비아가 41.7%로 37주 이상군의 26.8%보다 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05).3. 뇌성마비군과 전반적 발달지연군에서의 Capute 및 Bayley 발달검사의 평균 점수의 차이는 Capute 발달검사인 인지적응검사지수와 혼합발달지수에서는 뇌성마비군에서 유의하게 낮은 점수를 보였으며(각각, p<0.001, p<0.01), Bayley 발달검사 중 운동발달지수와 행동평가척도도 뇌성마비군이 유의하게 낮은 점수였고(각각, p<0.001, p<0.01), 정신발달지수와 운동발달지수의 차이는 뇌성마비군이 유의하게 높은 점수를 나타냈다(p<0.001).4. Capute 발달검사의 각 지수별 뇌성마비 감별기준 점수로 80미만으로 하였을 때 인지적응검사지수, 혼합발달지수에서 뇌성마비군의 비율이 유의하게 높은 분포를 보였다(각각, p<0.001, p<0.01). Bayley 발달검사인 운동발달지수, 행동발달척도, 정신발달지수와 운동발달지수와의 차이의 감별기준 점수를 각각 85미만, 25미만, 13이상으로 하였을 때 뇌성마비군의 비율이 통계학적으로 유의하게 높은 분포를 나타내었다(각각, p<0.001, p<0.05, p<0.001).5. Capute 및 Bayley 발달검사의 각 지수 간에는 모두 유의한 상관관계를 나타내었다(각각, p<0.001).6. 뇌성마비 감별에 영향을 주는 예측 모형을 로지스틱 다중회귀분석 모형으로 분석한 결과 운동발달지수(Odds Ratio; OR=14.559, p<0.001)의 예측력이 가장 높았고, 다음으로 재태기간(OR=3.080, p<0.001), 정신발달지수와 운동발달지수의 차이(OR=2.678, p<0.01) 순으로 분석되었으며 이 모형의 설명력은 25.1%였다. 결론 : 발달지연 아동 중 뇌성마비아를 조기에 감별할 때에 Bayley 발달검사의 운동발달지수가 가장 유용한 것으로 나타났으며, 정신발달지수와 운동발달지수의 차이도 고려하는 것이 뇌성마비아 감별에 도움이 되는 것으로 나타났다.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        도로의 구조 시설기준에 관한 규칙과 국도의 노선계획 설계지침에 준하여 실행되는 현행 노선선정방법과, 컴퓨터 발전과 함께 국내외에서 연구되고 있는 선형최적화 모형식으로 사례연구 구간의 도로 노선을 선정하여 노선 특성을 비교 분석해본 결과, 현행 노선선정방법은 단계별, 구간별로 순차적인 노선선정이 이루어지는 국지적 최적을 추구하나, 선형 최적화 모형식 선정방법은 모든 설계요소가 동시에 고려된 체계최적(System Optimal)의 노선탐색 능력이 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 선형최적화 모형에서 기존 설계공종별 실제공사비로 비용함수를 보정하여 노선을 선정한 결과 현실에 부합되게 설계되었으며, 경제성이 높은(B/C=1.66) 대안 노선이 탐색되었다. 선형최적화 설계모형은 터널 종단에서 종단 경사가 변화하는 등 보완될 점이 있음에도 타당성조사와 기본설계단계에서 노선선정 도구로서 설계시간 및 비용단축, 다양한 대안 노선의 검토 등의 많은 장점을 지니고 있음이 확인되었다.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        도로건설사업에서 정책적인 의사결정이 필요한 경우, 다기준 평가방법인 AHP로 전문가 설문조사를 통한 정책적 분석을 시도하였다. 그러나 PI 제도 도입에 따라 도로관련 전문가뿐 아니라 지역주민, 환경단체 등 여러 관련 그룹의 다양한 의견이 제기되므로, 그룹간 의견을 종합하는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 도로건설사업의 PI 제도 운영실태를 연구 사례로 하여, AHP모형의 가중치 계산과정에서 각 그룹별로 설문조사한 자료를 이용하여, 의사결정과정에서 그룹별로 어떤 요인들을 중요시하는지 그룹별 AHP 분석을 시행하고, 그룹별 가중치가 반영된 통합 결과와 비교평가하였다. 분석결과, 그룹간 평가항목에서 분산분석(ANOVA)에 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 분석되어, 각 그룹마다 중요하게 여기는 평가항목의 우선순위가 상이함이 확인되었다. 종합평가 결과 평가대안은 동일한 결과를 보였으나, 첫째, 그룹간 AHP 분석결과 전문가 그룹과 주민 그룹간, 전문가 그룹과 시민단체 그룹간에 유의한 차이가 있어, 그룹별 평가 필요성이 제기되었다. 둘째, 통합평가를 위한 그룹간 평가가중치 산정결과에도 현저한 차이가 나타났으며, 가중치를 고려한 AHP분석방법이 다양한 그룹의 의사결정 지원도구로 활용될 수 있다고 판단된다.
        2006.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this paper is to figure out how to write the role of women in mission by analysing two writings of mission history: one from women's history (Dana Lee Robert's writing)and the other from feminist history (Lesley Orr Macdoland). This paper aims to demonstrate the historical perspective and methodology for women in mission and identifies a certain view of Asian women in mission in the fields of western historiography for women. This paper adapts critical analysis in terms of methodology and perspectives on the writings. Two important works on mission history have been published: firstly, American Women in Mission: A Social History of Their Thought and Practice written by Dana Lee Robert in 1997; secondly, A Unique and Glorious Mission; Women and Presbyterianism in Scotland, 1830-1930 written by Lesley A. Orr MacDonald in 2000. The two writings share some similarities and at the same time differences in terms of the women's and feminist concepts of history. Both historians' writings are overlapped and integrated in the same theme, namely women in mission. There are some discussible issues on the writings of women from a Asian perspective. First of all, the limited use of materials was problematic. Both historians used only English sources writing about women in mission fields where were located out of the United Kingdom and the U.S.A. Even though the stories were about western missionary women, the historians objectively needed to deal with the indigenous women's feeling and assessment of missionary women. Their use of sources thus reflects a kind of favouritism. Secondly, Women's history emphasises only the clear lack of historical achievements by male-centred studies in the existing histories. Feminist history stresses upon the dual structure between men and women with the analysis and method of women's story. Their historiographies are not appropriate in order to clarify the significance of women's role in the relationship between people in mission fields. The absence of such practical aspects of mission impairs their analysis of the story of women in history. Thirdly, they mainly focus on the public work and try to justify women's status in mission in terms of concord and discord between women and institutions, thus using the same criteria for success. If we regarded a lot of hidden women in mission in practice, the historical research has to possess much wider insight of research objects, women, in mission history. Through the research of this thesis and with an Asian view, the researcher obtains how to develop historical research on the role of women in mission into the way of historical writing for women in a manner that reflect the strengths of the methodologies review in this paper, and redress their weaknesses.
        2006.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Today is the era of welfare. The desire of social welfare has increased rapidly because of the increase of the average life-span and the rate of the aged people over 65 years old among total population. With this social trend, the necessity of welfare for missionaries for effective missionary work has increased. We can find the biblical foundation for missionary welfare where the Bible mentioned reliefs and welfare in the community of faith. A missionary is a member of the community. Even if a missionary is a servant and instrument of God, he/she is a human being. A missionary has family members. He/she can also get a cultural shock and reverse cultural shock, and an unexpected accident. He/she is aging and shall be retired. He/she, therefore, also needs welfare care for his/her physical, mental, and spiritual health in the community, which can increase the effectiveness in their missional works. There are several dimensions of member cares: 1) Care for physical health, 2) Care for emotional and mental health, 3) Care for retired missionaries. In terms of care for physical health of a missionary, Korean missionary societies are further behind than the International Missionary Societies (ig. SIM, OM, OMF, WEC). They have prepared medical and insurance supporting systems very well. In this respect, Korean church needs to establish this kind of missionary infra. For emotional and mental state, a missionary needs sabbatical year for healing, refreshing and maintaining his/her healthy mental state for effective missional work. For the retired missionaries, a supporting system for housing, foods supply and medical service should be provided. His/her various experiences need to be utilized for developing a strategy and policy for a effective missional work of the future generations. Accordingly, we must prepare a system and policy for missionary member care in order to enhance effective missional works within this welfare and aging times. For this, this study has addressed several dimensions of policy and methodology: For a effective missionary member care, fulfillment of desire for self-realization of missionary, establishment of an appropriate organization and a policy for member care with an effective management for care for crisis/accidental incident, a practical strategy at the denominational level, cooperation for win-win strategy among denominations, sending church and missionary societies should be considered. Missional business strategy and brand standardization for 'missional marketing' have been pointed. First, fulfillment of desire for self-realization. According to A. H. Maslow, the desire of self-realization is the highest desire. A missionary also has this desire. Korean church is lacking of this system for fulfilling the desire of self-realization, especially after a missionary retires. Second, organization and policy for caring member. a Community needs an effective organization for achieving its objective. So is a missionary society. Mission can be effective when members in the community can be managed effectively. Third care for crisis/accidental event. A missionary can also meet crisis/accidental event. Only effective management and care can increase the effectiveness of mission. Four, practice for missionary member care. Missionaries are spiritual soldiers. So they need care and management system and practical strategy at the denominational level. Denomination, sending church and society must cooperate one another for win-win strategy. They need missional business strategy like a business company. Through brand standardization, they must try to increase the value of brand. I wish to call it 'missional marketing'.
        2006.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        On the basis of 24 speakers' recorded speech this paper examines the variable deletion of w in two regional dialects, Cheonan-Asan Korean and Daegu Korean. Varbrul analyses are conducted using the 3965 tokens of (w). Results of the combined and separate analyses show that the two dialects are subject to very similar constraints in w deletion, though deletion rates and the strengths of the constraints on the deletion process are somewhat different. It is suggested that the syllable structure of young Daegu Korean speakers might be rather different from that of older speakers, and that dialect leveling from contact with Standard Korean could be the cause of this change.
        2006.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this report, we provide the focus on suggesting a method of estimating and measurement of CBM(Customer Behavior Model). Through the use of internet, a new trend of business for e-CRM on B2C Web Site known as EC has emerged. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the customers of a shopping mall and CBM characteristics. It can be used to gain a better understanding of customers. From this we can determine trends, and so refine business toward customer's needs and target new products to particular customer groups. Result shows that there is a significant relationship between the customers pattern of shopping mall and CBM, CVM(Customer Visit Model).
        2006.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many technical and nontechnical issues hinder enterprise wide workflow management. The most significant technical issue is the inability to deal with the heterogeneity among users, workflow types, and WFMSs. Not all users demand the same workflow functionality, so user interfaces of different levels of sophistication are required. Because workflow types cannot always be fully predefined, they often need to be adjusted or extended during execution. Unlike relational database management systems, however, each WFMS often has differing workflow metamodels. This leads to incompatibility between WFMSs, making integration into an environment comprising many heterogeneous WFMSs a troublesome and sometimes impossible task. Current Workflow system consists mainly of Database system. It contains some problems like that the integration relationship among system processes cant be expressed properly. This research has been focused on two phases that should be considered in the Workflow system. First of all, the first phase is the analysis phase; one of its role is to figure out independent execution task unit(Workflow component). The second phase is design phase that provides with the framework to execute these task units actively. The Workflow component extraction method in the analysis phase uses a analysis method called C-C Net and, in the design phase, the architecture that makes the these Workflow component executed actively is provided. Through this research, each process is divided into a task unit and more effective Workflow system could be formed by executing these units actively. Current system layer calls task units, on the other hand, the Workflow system this research implemented provides with the architecture that places a layer between them that controls task units actively.