This study was peformed to investigate the use of preprocessed foods, satisfaction on using them, and the plausibility to extend its use in 134 elementary school foodservices in Incheon by questionnaire from December 11th to 28th in 1999. The percentages of school foodservices to purchase and use preprocessed foods were 99.06% in seed, 97.64% in fishes and poultry, 87.74% in meats, 57.55% in eggs, 55.32% in fresh vegetables, 51.42% in dried vegetables and 34.90% in beans. Dietitians were satisfied with having used preprocessed foods, and the reduction in cooking time was listed as the biggest advantage which could be obtained by using preprocessed foods. However, dietitians showed relatively negative attitudes for the plausibility to expand use of preprocessed foods.
This study was undertaken to assess grade and gender differences in dietary behavior, food preference and perception about body image of students in 4, 5 and 6th grades in elementary school in Kwangju. Anthropometric data showed that mean height and weight were 137.98±6.79cm 32.69±6.09kg, in the 4th grade, 144.11±6.91cm, 36.88±7.60kg in the 5th grade and 151.52±7.47cm, 42.68±8.06kg in the 6th grade. Height and weight of male and female students of each grade were very similar to those of the Korean standard Growth data. Females in the 5th and 6th grades were taller than those in male students, which suggested the height growth spurt in females. Furthermore, both genders showed marked variability even in the same group. All the three different obesity indices(BMI, Rohrer and % of ideal body weight) showed higher value in males than in females consistently. Male respondents desired taller and heavier body shape while females perceived they were heavy and desired only taller and thinner body image. There were significant differences in satisfaction with height, weight and body image by grade(p〈0.05). 36.7% of subjects responded that they did not eat despite hunger. In higher grade they felt guilty after eating sweet things. Strikingly, it was noted a small number of students tried to take a diet pills or vomited on purpose. Data on food preference showed that female did not like sweet food and pork. While male students preferred red meat and chicken. Thus result indicated that there was a great difference in food preference by gender.
The purpose of this study was to assess the needs of education program and to analyze importance of education courses for school food service cooks. The questionnaires were developed by reviewing literatures on education programs for cooks and by interviewing with cooks who are working in school food service. A total of 150 questionnaires were surveyed at Kyonggi University and 90 of them were analyzed. The cooks in school food service wanted to take continuing education program about cooking skills and school food service operation skills. They wanted to take a culinary courses for 10 days and they wanted to take a food service operation courses for a week. The school food service cooks emphasized on courses of job analysis, laws and regulation, food sanitation, standard recipe, safety, equipment, and facility and layout. And they thought not only Korean food but also western food, Chinese food and Japanese food are important.
Following the recent policy, enlargement of foodservice and contracted management systems of high school foodservices have been accelerated, and the scales of foodservices have been gradually increased. A sudden growth of domestic foodservice companies have remarkably disparated. Yet compared to that of the foodservice control in advanced countries, domestic foodservice control has a lot more to learn. Due to the characteristics of foodservice establishment serving many people at a time, there is always a high potential of food borne outbreak. The purpose of this study was to evaluate hazard factors in the steps of production, holding and assembly and service of fried curry hair-tail, cold seaweed and cucumber, fried pork cutlet, that were served by contracted management in high school foodservice centre, then to suggest method of control with the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point(HACCP) program. Also we suggested the possibility that the contracted management of foodservice system can be established and utilized to identify the variation of holding temperature among foods up to 6 hours after cooking. The results are as follows; The hazard factors in food product had come from the temperature, time, pH, Aw, equipment and utensils. The critical control point(CCP) of each food product; curry hair-tail, cold seaweed and cucumber and pork cutlet was cooked and held before serving, prepared and held before serving, cooked and held before serving, and prepared, cooked and held before serving, respectively.
This study was performed to investigate the recognition on preprocessed foods among dietitians employed in 106 elementary school foodservices in Inchon by questionnaire from December 11th to 28th in 1999. Number of cooks in school foodservices increased significantly(p〈0.01) with the number of children to feed, and 8 or 9 cooks were the most typical number(36.79%). Most(93.4%) of the subjects understood that it is necessary to use the preprocessed foods and they considered the food hygiene as the most important factor. Many subjects(89.62%) responded that the lack of cooks and cooking equipment was partly solved by using preprocessed foods and the expected reductions in personnel and waste through using preprocessed foods were 15~20% (38.68% of the subjects) and 20-30% (41.51% of the subjects), respectively.
This study was carried out to survey dietary intakes of 739 elementary students, 4-6grades, in Won-Ju area, in 1998, to enhance the effect of school foodservice. The results were as follows : 1. Most investigated students had nuclear family with one brother or one sister. 2. The average height of boys and girls was 141.0±7.7cm and 141.4±8.0cm, and the average weight of them was 35.7±8.5kg and 36.1±8.5kg, respectively. There was no significant difference between boys and girls. 3. The rates of obesity were 12.2% in urban, 7.4% in rural and 0% in remote rural area by Rohrer index and 22.9% in urban 13.9% in rural and 0% in remote rural area by the rate based on standard weight. 4. All nutrients intake of investigated students were sufficient according to recommended dietary allowances. All nutrients intake of boys were higher than those of girls. Calcium intake of children with well educated mother was higher than that of children with poorly educated mother. Children in remote rural area had lower carbohydrate, calory and calcium intake than those in other areas. 5. Students without breakfast had lower protein and iron intake and higher calory from snack than those with breakfast. 6. Students who thought themselves to be obesity had low intake of carbohydrate, total calory and calory from snack and students with regular exercise had high intake of protein, iron, calcium and calory from snack. 7. Students with unbalanced diet, snack intake in large quantities and irregular meal had lower protein, fat, iron and calcium intake and higher calory from snack than other students. As a result, Students without breakfast often had lower all nutrients except calory from snack than other students, significantly. Problems of nutrients intake of elementary students in Won-Ju area were high rate of obesity, high intake of protein, unbalanced nutrients intake of students without meal or students with excessive eating and limited calcium intake of students with poorly educated mother. It is important to confirm desirable food habits for balanced nutrients intake in all areas and to increase calcium intake of students in remote rural area.
The purposes of this study were to (a) measure plate waste of school lunches, (b) evaluate the nutrients actually consumed by students in elementary school foodservice. The survey was conducted between May 11 and July 1, 1998 through the practical measurement and questionnaires. Statistical data analysis was completed using SAS program for descriptive analysis and T-test. The results were summarized as follows: 1. The mean plate waste of menu group were soup, vegetable side dishes, kimchi, and meat side dish in order. 2. There was little difference between estimation and weighing of plate waste. 3. The satisfaction of children with school lunches were significantly higher for boys(73.55%) than for girls(71.13%). The highest level of the satisfaction was meat side dishes among boys and girls. 4. The majority reasons for leaving leftover were 'too big portion' and 'food is not tasty'. 5. There was significant negative correlation between plate waste and student's satisfaction. In summary, increased satisfaction with school lunches in most menus resulted in decreased plate waste rate. 6. Comparison of 13 RDA, energy, vitamin A and calcium were below recommended allowances for boys while energy vitamin A, calcium and iron were for girls. In general, the nutrient intake was more adequate for boys than girls because of the girl's lower allowances.
남북한 중등학교 지구과학 관련 교육과정 및 교과서를 TIMSS 교육과정 분석틀에 의해 비교 분석하였다. 북한의 고등중학교에서는 '지구과학' 과목이 별도로 개설되어 있지 않으며, '지리'에서 부분적으로 지도된다('천문학'은 1996년 고등중학교 교육과정에 처음으로 설정된 과목으로 추정되나 본 연구에서는 구체적 자료를 입수하지 못함). 북한에서 지리는 고등중학교 1∼5학년에서 주당 2시간씩 지도되고 있으며, 1학년 및 5학년용 지리 내용의 대부분이 지구과학과 관련되어 있다. 남한의 경우 지구 과학 영역의 목표는 '자연 현상의 탐구에 흥미와 호기심을 가지고, 기본적인 탐구 방법과 과학 지식을 습득하여 창의적으로 문제를 해결하는 능력을 기르게 한다'는 데 있으며, 북한 지리 교육의 목표는 '김일성 및 김정일 부자에게 충직한 주체형의 공산주의 혁명가 양성'이라고 할 수 있다. 남한과 북한 모두 '지구의 모양과 '지구의 변화 과정'을 많이 지도하고 있는데 비해, 남한에서 많은 비중을 차지하는 '우주 속에서의 지구'가 북한에서 매우 적은 것은 북한에서 '천문학'을 별도로 지도함을 시사한다. 전체적으로 북한의 지구과학 영역의 범위와 수준은 남한의 중학교 수준에 해당한다고 볼 수 있는데, 특히 기상 분야 및 천문분야의 경우는 남한과 수준차가 심하다.