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        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The emergence of a new marketing channel affects the economy by expanding the consumer's choice of products, altering the competitiveness of retail markets and having an influence on manufacturers' profitability. The electronic commerce channel through the Internet constitutes a typical marketing channel with these features. In this paper, we construct a vertical product differentiation model comprising an upstream manufacturer and two downstream retailers. Our model is closely related to that in Chiang, Chhajed and Hess (2003). We incorporate cost asymmetry across the retailers into the model, a new feature which is not in their model. In this model, the manufacturer not only produces a physical product it sells to the downstream retailers, but also has an option of "versioning" to open a new direct channel for an alternate digital product. We find that, when the marginal cost of the physical product is in some range given other cost parameters, the direct digital channel reduces the quantity of the physical product sold by the inefficient retailer even if it increases total quantity of the physical product. We also find that, when it is higher than the above-mentioned range, the direct digital channel increases the quantity of the physical product sold by the efficient retailer even if it reduces its total quantity. Cost asymmetry across the retailers plays a role in these results. Taking the above results into account, we discuss managerial implications for a manufacturer supplying the physical and digital products.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Consumers have enjoyed shopping via the web for over a decade, but the emergence of shopping through social media or social commerce is slowly gaining traction Instagram is one of the largest interactive photo-sharing sites that retailers, specifically apparel and accessory companies, are utilizing to sell their merchandise. Consumers are increasingly using this platform to engage, discover and get inspired; therefore, it is critical for retailers to understand how this platform influences purchase intention. This paper focuses on analyzing the impact of Instagram on consumer’s purchase intention based on an adapted model of Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Reasoned Action. Using multi-group analysis, consumers (n=317) were divided into two groups: shopped for fashion products (including browsing, making a one-time purchase, or making repeat purchases) or not shopped using Instagram for apparel specific brands. The participants were surveyed using an online instrument with questions related to attitude, subjective norms, normative beliefs, perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU) and purchase intention. Frequency statistics were obtained for the demographic variables. Overwhelmingly (approximately 78%), respondents used Instagram daily with 82.6% following an apparel brand. 40% of the respondents had shopped previously on Instagram (i.e. browsed as well as purchased products), with 13% of these respondents spending more than $100. An exploratory factor analysis using principal component with varimax rotation and a minimum eigen value of one was used to identify the latent variables in the model: PEOU (α = 0.82); PU (α = 0.81); Normative Beliefs (α = 0.81); Attitude (α = .87); Subjective Norm (α = 0.88); Purchase Intention (α = 0.79). Results indicated that subjective norms did not influence purchase intention for both the groups indicating that consumers do not follow “groupthink” mentality while intending to purchase via Instagram. Furthermore, it was found that PEOU influence on attitude for the two groups of consumer were different, with no impact for the group who had shopped on Instagram. All the other relationships were supported in the model. These results provide both implications and limitations for retailers and academia.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this study is to find out the key to success of the photographs in Instagram through content for tourist destination. While there are several studies in the tourism industry about the impact of Social Networks such as Facebook or virtual collaborative communities like TripAdvisor, there are very few studies about Instagram (Hanan & Putit, 2014). This study focuses on “Beautiful Destinations” as the leader on Instagram and an example of destination management organization (DMO), where they have more than 3,100 publications and 4 million followers in 180 countries, becoming the world’s largest travel influencer on Instagram. The dependent variables are taking from several studies (Dagostar & Isotalo, 1992; Stabler, 1987; Timothy & Groves, 2001). Ordinary least squares models were estimated to assess the relationship of characteristics of the photo with the number of likes among photos published on Instagram. If a photograph has people, water, took during afternoon, self-centric and other centric have effects in the number of likes and comments. While if a destination has the purpose of the engagement of the consumers with several comments, people appearance has a positive impact in the number of comments and if the pictures is doing in the afternoon has a negative impact. By analyzing the contents of information provided by the uploaded photographs, this study provides clues for destination in order to enhance the engagement with potential customer and users of Instagram.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Personalizing banner ads or embedding ads with specific data signals or triggers, such as – personal characteristics, past behaviours, etc. is believed to improve customer response or Click Through Rate (CTR) since, embedding ads with viewers/recipients’ personal data or characteristics make ads more appealing and relevant to users (Lambrecht & Tucker, 2013). However, evidence also exists in literature that personalization can be ineffective as the usage of customers’ personal data can trigger off privacy concerns causing them to ignore such ads (van Doorn & Hoekstra, 2013). Investigations exploring suitability and effectiveness of ad personalization report that factors such as advertised product, data used for personalizing may influence the effectiveness of personalized ads (De Keyzer, Dens, & De Pelsmacker, 2015; Goldfarb & Tucker, 2011; van Doorn & Hoekstra, 2013). In this research we examine the impact of personalization triggers (PTs) on click through rate (CTR) of online banner ads across cultures. CTR data for 1345 unique ad copies (personalized) of an international hotel group screened in Japan and Middle East countries was used for this study. Data analyses revealed significant impact of PTs on CTRs. Analyses further revealed that – 1) usage of past purchase data impacts the CTR negatively, implying that customers respond negatively to ads showing hotel properties that they have previously visited/stayed in; 2) usage of search history data has a significant positive impact on CTR, suggesting that customers respond favourably towards ads showing hotel properties in destinations revealed from their search history. Interestingly, culture specific data such as local language elicit different responses in different cultures. While in Japan, language personalised ads i.e., ads in Japanese language fared poorly (negative impact on CTR) as compared to ads in English language (positive impact on CTR); in the Middle East it was the ads in English language that fared poorly (negative impact on CTR) compared to ads in Arabic. These results strongly suggest that the knowledge of PTs influence CTR and combining them with the right creative elements would help advertisers in improving customer engagement with ads, have a positive impact on CTR and even improve customer conversion. This would imply better returns for the resources spent on digital advertising. Findings from the study are true and reflective of the PTs (membership, brand affinity, destination, language) used in the ad campaign under study and limited to the cultures investigated. Future studies exploring other PTs in online hotel ads would help marketers in making a more informed decision while selecting data signals or PTs for personalizing digital banner ads for hotel brands.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study assesses the interactive effect of shelf-based scarcity and shelf organisation on luxury purchases. Previous studies have addressed multiple factors surrounding shelf based scarcity (e.g. Parker and Lehmann 2011; Van Herpen et al 2014) however none has considered perceived luxuriousness as a potential explanation for the effects of shelf-based scarcity; nor have many studies used a luxury context. This study therefore examined whether product luxuriousness, product popularity, product supply and/or product quality serve as underlying mechanism of shelf-based sacristy effects. The study recruited 125 consumers and the experiment followed a mixed factorial design. The luxuriousness of the brand and the organisation of the shelf display were manipulated between subjects, whereas stock level was manipulated within subjects. Data collated consisted of both self-report and psycho-physiological methods (brainwave and facial expression) Low stock level was perceived to more tidy than medium and high stock level when the shelf display was disorganised; a significant interactive effect (Mlow = 4.06, Mmedium = 3.71 4.77, Mhigh = 2.86, ps = .025, p < .001). Significantly higher perceived product quality was reported for low stock product than high stock product (Mlow = 5.34, Mhigh = 4.79, p < .001), as participants’ perceived high stock to be restocked more frequently. Results of bootstrapping indicated that perceived luxuriousness was found to be the only significant partial mediator for the effect of stock level on approach motivation, further supported by brainwave and facial expression analysis (Indirect = .066, 95%CI = [.0043, .1362], p < .001).The direct effect of stock level remained significant after accounting for the indirect effect (Direct = .11, 95%CI = [.0117, .2091], p < .001). This study is the first to use psychophysiological methods to validate self-report findings and to examine perceived luxuriousness as a plausible explanation of the shelf-based sacristy effect.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction Social media marketing is an attractive marketing method for fostering relationships with customers. About 30% of social media users find social networking sites important when searching for information about brands as well as showing their support towards them (Nielsen, 2017). This engagement with brands on social media is one of the factors driving company outcomes. For example, consumer engagement in social media brand communities is found to have a positive impact on purchase spending (Goh, Heng, and Lin, 2013), brand equity (Christodoulides and Jevons, 2012), and brand attitude (Schivinski and Dabrowski 2016). Consumer engagement involves both consumer interaction and co-creation of the content (Smith and Gallicano, 2015). In order to enhance engagement with brand content, marketers must persuade consumers to interact with those messages by sharing, commenting or liking them (Chang, Yu, Lu, 2014). Hence, interaction is the crucial step towards improving consumer engagement. While marketers rely on experimenting in order to find elements that drive consumer interaction, researchers use vast social media data in order to examine relationships between brand message characteristics and consumer interaction with those messages. For example, (Vries, Gensler, and Leeflang, 2012) studied the impact of post’s vividness, interactivity, content, position of a post and valence of comments on brand post popularity as represented by number of likes and comments. Other researchers such as (Wang et al ,2016) examined the impact of topic, tone and the length of post on social media engagement defined not only by the number of likes and shares, but also by the likability of characters featured in the post. Chang, Yu, and Lu (2014) studied how argument quality, post popularity, and post attractiveness can lead to consumer engagement. Similarly, (Lee and Hong, 2016) investigated the impact of emotional appeal, informativeness and creativity of a message on positive consumer behavior towards brand message. However, little is known so far about the effects of the frequency and spacing of brand-generated content on the dynamics of consumer interaction. Advertising research shows that advertising frequency has an impact on various consumer behavior and attitude outcomes and suggests that there is an optimum level of exposure to advertising that yields greatest results (Schmidt and Eisend, 2015; Broussard, 2000). Moreover, research on advertising repetition in traditional channels suggests an inverted u-shape relationship between ad repetition and message effectiveness. This happens because at a certain number of exposures negative factors, such as boredom and irritation (Heflin and Haygood, 1985), kick in and overweigh positive ones. As a result, the effectiveness of an ad starts diminishing. This effect is also known as the wear-out effect. On the other hand, (Lee, Ahn, and Park, 2015) suggest that inverted U-shape relationship between repetition and attitude towards the brand does not hold true in online environments. This is the case because users can control their exposure to advertising, therefore they do not expose themselves to the ad to the extent that they feel adverse toward it. As firm-generated brand content on social media is a form of advertising, it is interesting to examine, whether wear-out effect occurs in the context of social media and user interaction. In addition, the effect of advertising repetition is found to depend on the time period, or space, between ad exposures (Janiszewski, Noel, and Saywer, 2003). Spacing between exposures affect learning (Sawyer, Noel, and Janiszewski, 2009), attitude towards the brand (Schmidt and Eisend, 2015), purchase spending (Sahni, 2015), attrition rate and customer response (Dreze and Bonfrer, 2008). Moreover, recent study by (Wang, Greenwood, and Pavlou, 2017), who investigated the influence of posting on the propensity to unfollow the brand on the largest social media in China WeChat, found that posting leads to higher likelihood of unfollowing the brand, which in turn has a negative effect on the long term sales. However, WeChat may be considered to be more intrusive than Facebook because of the differences in how followers get notified about new brand posts. Therefore, it is interesting to examine whether the same effect of posting holds true on Facebook. Finally, viral marketing research suggests that the growth rate of interaction with the content depends on the rate of creation of other messages (Karnik, Saroop, and Borkar, 2013). Based on the findings from previous studies, it is evident that frequency and spacing may have a significant influence on the level and growth rate of user interaction. Furthermore, two-sided advertising research suggests that inclusion of negative information in product related messages can yield better results in terms of persuasive power than if no negative information is included (Eisend 2006). In addition, political communication researchers found that sentiment-carrying Twitter messages tend to be retweeted more often and more quickly (Stieglitz and Dang-Xuan, 2013). Therefore, it is suggested that the effect of message frequency and spacing on the level of consumer interaction is moderated by the sentiment of the message. In other words, the optimal level of message frequency is expected to be higher for emotionally-charged firm-generated brand messages as compared to neutral ones. Hence, the following research questions are proposed: RQ1: How does frequency and spacing of brand-generated content affect the dynamics of consumer interaction on social media and how is this effect moderated by the sentiment of the content? RQ2: How does posting on social media affect the unfollowing by brand followers? RQ2a: Does the spacing between messages help reduce the negative effect of posting on the unfollowing by brand followers (if such effect is present)? Research Design & Theoretical Development In order to answer these questions two data sets were gathered via Facebook’s API consisting of 6,471 and 932 brand posts respectively. Two separate data sets were needed to examine the frequency effects on the overall level of consumer interaction as well as on the growth rate of interaction. Therefore, post and page data for 7 international brands from 5 different product categories for the period of 2 years were collected to examine the frequency effects. To investigate the effect of posting on the growth rate of consumer interaction, 11 brands were tracked for the 7-week period in order to capture the development of the interaction. In addition, the impact of posting on the propensity to unfollow the brand was examined. Consequently, three separate regression models were built to test the hypotheses. Results showed that frequency of posting and the level of consumer interaction has an inverted u-shape relationship and that the level of consumer interaction is positively influenced by the space between the posts. Further, findings suggest that posting on social media is positively associated with unfollowing by followers and that the growth rate of interaction of the post depends on the rate of new message generation by the same brand. The conceptual model is presented below. Result and Conclusion The study has few theoretical and practical contributions. Answering to the call for research (Vries, Gensler, and Leeflang, 2012) to include the dynamic aspects of interaction, this study contributes to the social media literature by examining the effects of the rate of new message generation on the growth rate of interaction of the post. In addition, this study adds to the stream of research on the wear-out effects in online environments by including higher number of exposures and by testing the type of firm communication (social media communication) that previously has not been studied. Finally, this study contributed to the recent research (Wang, Greenwood, and Pavlou, 2017) by examining the effect of posting on the unfollowing by brand followers. As for practical contributions, findings of this study have implications for marketing managers with respect to the frequency and spacing of posting. This study provides evidence for a more moderate posting strategies in terms of frequency.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As blogs continue to grow in importance, they have quickly become one of the largest and most established forms of non-traditional media (Onishi and Manchanda, 2012; Stephen and Galak, 2012). Due to this popularity, brands are striving to connect to consumers through the blogosphere. One of the most popular approaches is incentivization, whereby the brand incentivizes the blogger to write a review of a given product (Uribe, Buzeta and Velásquez, 2016; Hwang and Jeong, 2016). However, incentivization may pose significant risks for bloggers, who are perceived to be independent from corporate interests and a credible source of information. We employed three experimental studies to show that intrinsic, as compared to extrinsic, incentivization acceptance motives mitigate the negative effect of positive incentivized reviews on perceived independence, credibility and ultimately, blog loyalty. In our final experiment, we find that that followers who are attached to a blog are more likely to continue to browse, revisit and recommend the blog, regardless of incentivization acceptance motives.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction With environmental concern becoming a growing area for both the marketing academy and society, there is an increasing trend for consumers, governments, and society to deem environmental behaviours as both necessary, and desirable (Olsen, Slotegraaf, & Chandukala, 2014). There is a growing awareness around the negative impacts of human consumption developing amongst consumers and gaining greater focus in the media (Prothero, McDonagh, & Dobscha, 2010). However, despite the positive intentions surrounding the consumption of “green goods”, hitherto referred to as sustainable goods, a well-established gap exists between intention and behaviour (e.g., Carrington, Neville, & Whitwell, 2010; Hassan, Shiu, & Shaw, 2016). For example the United Nations Environment Program (2005) established that despite 40% of survey respondents indicating a willingness to purchase sustainable goods, only 4% did so. One lens through which the intention-behaviour gap can be viewed is the idea of the self. Individual identity has long been suggested as a driver of purchasing decisions (Grubb & Grathwohl, 1967). A consumer‟s aim to act both in accordance with their own identity, as well as how they see themselves in the context of society has been suggested to enhance purchasing (e.g., Graeff, 1996; Markus & Kitayama, 1991; Onkvisit & Shaw, 1987). This research seeks to use this idea of self, in the form of Self-Construal (SC), and Image- Congruence (IC), to enhance Purchase Intention (PI) towards sustainable goods. A contribution is sought by using consumers‟ sense of self to better understand the intention-behaviour gap. The proposed contribution benefits the marketing academy (furthering the understanding of consumer purchase intentions and behaviour), marketing practitioners (seeking to encourage behaviour change), and government policy makers (by furthering an understanding of possible nudges to influence behaviour). This research defines „sustainable goods‟, as characterising products with lower environmental impacts, including biodegradable, recycled, low energy, or reduced packaging (Costa Pinto, Herter, Rossi, & Borges, 2014). Sustainable goods have been suggested to present a perceived trade off to consumers, both in literature and the popular press (e.g., Consumer, n.d.-a, n.d.-b; Kaufman, 2014). Kaufman (2014) suggests that sustainable alternatives often carry a price premium, as well as a stigma of lower quality. An example of the trade off as presented in the popular press is through product testing by Consumer New Zealand, suggesting that household items such as eco-friendly (sustainable) laundry detergent come with a price premium, a reduction in efficacy, or both (Consumer, n.d.-a, n.d.-b). Therefore, this research hypothesises that sustainable goods may be perceived as an inferior (either by price or efficacy) product and thus consumers will perceive a trade off in their purchasing decision. This trade off can be summarised as; higher priced or less effective goods, in order to make an environmental contribution (e.g., reduced landfill, cleaner water). As such, it is argued consumers will be more willing to make this trade off where they are able to portray aspects of the self through the decision making process. Conceptual Model The aim of this study is: To investigate the impact of self-construal, and imagecongruence on consumers‟ purchase intention towards sustainable goods. In order to achieve the aim of this research, the following hypotheses are presented: H1a: The more interdependent an individual‟s self-construal, the higher their purchase intention towards sustainable goods. H1b: The more independent an individual‟s self-construal, the lower their purchase intention towards sustainable goods. H2: The greater the image-congruence towards sustainable goods, the higher the purchase intention towards sustainable goods. To illustrate the hypotheses the following conceptual model has been proposed: Studies of self-construal (SC) have demonstrated that individuals fall into two categories, independent and interdependent SC (Markus & Kitayama, 1991). Individuals with independent SC emphasise being unique and expressing their self and promoting their individual goals (Arnocky, Stroink, & DeCicco, 2007); conversely those with interdependent SC define their sense of self largely on relationships and a sense of harmony with others (Markus & Kitayama, 1991). Therefore, interdependent selfconstrual may drive purchasing activity of socially desirable goods. The alignment of products to a consumer‟s self-concept has long been considered a predictor of purchasing behaviour (Grubb & Grathwohl, 1967). The alignment between a product and the self-concept of a consumer is known as image-congruence and leads to an increased likelihood of purchase (Graeff, 1996; Onkvisit & Shaw, 1987). Conversely, where a product is not congruent with an individual‟s image the likelihood of purchase is reduced (Graeff, 1996; Onkvisit & Shaw, 1987). Purchase intention (PI) as used in this research is defined as a consumers‟ plan to purchase sustainable goods, meeting the criteria outlined previously, in the near future. The Brand Loyalty Intentions scale has been adapted for use in measuring PI (Algesheimer, Dholakia, & Herrmann, 2005), with the addition of a time definite item, „I will purchase sustainable products within the next six months”. SC is expected to impact PI as interdependent and independent people behave differently. Those with an interdependent SC behave in line with the expectations of society (Ybarra & Trafimow, 1998). Protection of the environment is seen as desirable behaviour by society (Olsen et al., 2014), thus leading to those with an interdependent SC consuming in line with this expectation. Conversely, individuals with independent SC are more likely to prioritise their individual benefits and are thus more likely to prioritise the lower price, or increased efficacy of non-sustainable products. IC is expected to impact PI as those whose self-concept is connected to the environment and sustainable goods, are expected to have an intent to purchase in line with their selfimage (Graeff, 1996; Onkvisit & Shaw, 1987). As such, individuals with image congruence to sustainable goods will be more willing to accept a trade off in order to consume in line with their own self-concept. Method Two phases of data collection were conducted to test the proposed model. An initial pretest, followed by a larger sample. A pre-test consisting of 258 participants was recruited through a Qualtrics research panel. Of the 258 participants, 15 were denied entry to the survey for being under 18 and 39 participants were deleted for non-completion of the survey. A final sample size of 204 participants (103 Male, 101 Female, mean age range 30-34) was collected. Reliability analysis was used to determine the internal reliability of the scales used to measure the model. Reliability analysis was performed to ensure the adequacy and reliability of scales; a regression analysis was further performed to determine model fit as well as the strength and direction of variable relationships (Field, 2013). The second phase of data collection consisted of 554 participants, recruited through a Qualtrics research panel. Of the 554 participants, 24 were denied entry to the survey for being under 18 and 98 participants were deleted for non-completion of the survey. A final sample size of 432 participants (226 Male, 206 Female, mean age range 35-39) was collected. Reliability analysis was again performed to ensure the adequacy and reliability of scales; further regression analysis was performed to determine model fit as well as the strength and direction of variable relationships (Field, 2013), discussion and conclusions were drawn from this second phase of data collection. Results Phase 1: Pre-Test The three variables in the model were measured using three established scales, one of these scales consists of two sub-scales, for a total of four analysed scales. All reported acceptable reliability (Cronbach's α > .70). Self-construal – interdependent (α = .854), self-construal – independent (α = .837), image-congruence (α = .913), and purchase intention (α = .899) A regression analysis was used to determine the strength and direction of the variable relationships. The overall model fit was R2 = .434. H1a was supported (β = .284, p = .004), as was H2 (β = .449, p < .001). H1b demonstrated a significant relationship (β = .231, p = .025), however, contrary to H1b, the relationship was positive, albeit to a lesser extent than in H1a. Phase 2: Final Data Collection As in phase 1, all scales used reported acceptable reliability (Cronbach's α > .70); selfconstrual – interdependent (α = .871), self-construal – independent (α = .867), imagecongruence (α = .920), and purchase intention (α = .900). As in the pre-test a regression analysis was used to test the stated hypotheses. The overall model fit was R2 = .478. H1a was supported (β = .284, p < .001), as was H2 (β = .546, p < .001). H1b demonstrated a significant relationship (β = .206, p = .05), again however, contrary to H1b, the relationship was positive, albeit to a lesser extent than in H1a. Discussion and Conclusion Two phases of data collection both yielded similar results in support of H1a, H1b and H2. H1a and H2 were supported, H1b in both phases of data collection and analysis yielded significant results, but not in line with the predicted direction of the relationship. H2 was fully supported with image-congruence found to be the strongest predictor of purchase intention (p < .001, β = .546). H1a was similarly fully supported with self-construal – interdependent found to be the second strongest predictor of purchase intention (β = .284, p < .001). The strength and direction of the H1a relationship suggests that individuals who see themselves as part of a broader society may be more inclined to purchase in a manner beneficial to this society. H1b yielded a significant relationship (β = .206, p = .05), however, as a positive predictor of purchase intention, the relationship was the opposite of that hypothesised. As the third strongest predictor, the relationship between self-construal – independent and purchase intention, suggests that strong focus on the self, independently of others, does not necessarily lead to a less „pro-social‟ purchasing pattern. By positing the strength of image-congruence as a driving factor in consumer‟s purchasing decisions towards green products, this research enhances the academy‟s understanding of „pro-social‟ purchasing. The understanding of the impact of selfconstrual on „pro-social behaviour is also enhanced. Hypotheses derived in line with extant literature suggest that those with an independent self-construal would be less likely to purchase „pro-social‟ goods where there is a perceived detriment to the individual (e.g. in the case of a trade-off). However, this research suggests that those with an independent self-construal may still desire „pro-social‟ products, just to a lesser degree than those with an interdependent self-construal. Thus, findings from this research suggest that independence and interdependence may act as moderators or mediators to other variables. For practitioners it is important to understand the types of psychological appeals that can be made in marketing materials. Future Research Future research around image-congruence, self-construal and purchase intention should examine the relationship between these and the possibility of mediation or moderation in the model. Despite strong support in the literature an independent SC also acted as a strong predictor of sustainable goods purchase intention therefore, further analysis to explore the possibility of independent self-construal acting as a mediator or moderator should be conducted.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper selects Xi'an and Suzhou as the research objects, uses the methods of questionnaire and situational simulated method to discuss the impact of tourists' perceived destination image and self-concept congruity on intention to visit, and the moderating effect of self-construal (independent / interdependent). The Study I found the following results: the tourists' perceived destination image and self-concept congruity as well as the self-concept congruity dimensions (actual self-concept congruity, ideal self-concept congruity, social self-concept congruity, ideal social self-concept congruity) have a significant positive effect on intention to visit; the impact of ideal self-concept congruity is greater than that of actual self-concept congruity; the impact of ideal social self-concept congruity is greater than that of social self-concept congruity; and the ideal self-concept congruity has strongest impact on intention to visit. The Study II found out that: self-construal has moderating effect on this impact; the higher the actual self-concept congruity perceived by the tourists of independent self-construal, the greater the intention to visit; the higher the social self-concept congruity perceived by the tourists of interdependent self-construal, the greater the intention to visit. The research conclusion has certain reference value for building of tourism destination image, understanding of the tourism decision-making of the tourists and formulation and implementation of marketing strategies of relevant departments and enterprises.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research was conducted in order to examine the effect of comparative price on consumers’ reactions to service failure in the loyalty program. The current study finds that under condition of lower level of persuasion knowledge, compared to single retail price, comparative price would mitigate consumers’ negative emotion in the context of service failure, which in turn improves customers’ tolerance. The authors test this prediction in two experiments. Experiment 1 aimed to provide an initial exploration of hypothesis by employing a between-subjects design. This experiment recruited undergraduate students at Suzhou University to complete an online survey. After reading the scenario of service failure, participants were asked to answer a series of questions about their intension of spreading negative word of mouth (NWOM). A one-way ANOVA on intention of spreading NWOM suggested that the NWOM activity was significantly lower in the group of comparative prices than in the group of single retail price. In experiment 2, the authors measured angry and intension to complain when participants finished reading the scenario of service failure. Furthermore, one week later the authors measured price tactic persuasion knowledge of participants. The bootstrap method (number of bootstrap samples = 5000, level of confidence = .95) was used. The results showed that customers’ angry level mediated the effect of comparative price on intension of complaint. The authors further conducted a mediated moderation analysis with the participants in the high- and low-persuasive-knowledge conditions. The results indicated the indirect effect of the comparative price on intention to complain was mediated by customers’ angry when they have low persuasive knowledge, whereas the mediation effect of customer’s angry level was no longer significant in the higher persuasive-knowledge condition. To summarize, this research suggested that comparative price would exert a marked impact on the tolerance of members of loyalty program in the context of service failure. The present paper adds to the existing comparative price literatures by confirming its impact on consumers’ judgment in the context of service failure even if they are all members of loyalty program and informed with information of discounted size in advance. Given the special meaning of NWOM and complaint, current paper provides implications for marketing practices.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study examines the impact of emotional intelligence on the complaint handling process and outcome in the Chinese hotel setting. The results of the study indicate that the TARP model can be applied to China's hotel environment; “network evaluation” has become an important factor in assessing the severity of complaints. Besides, the negotiation and communication methods need to be adaptive in the context of Chinese consumer culture, and the complaints in the hotel environment should be handled immediately. Compared with the negative cases, the frequency of emotional intelligence application in positive cases is higher in every aspect of the TARP model. For the first time, the qualitative case study method is applied to similar research topics, and the application of various dimensions of emotional intelligence in hotel complaint handling process is thoroughly explored. This study not only has theoretical contributions but also serves as a reference for hotels to formulate a high-quality complaint handling standard operating procedure
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Introduction Marketing research habitually claims that customers are willing to pay a price premium for fair-trade products, for environmental-friendly production and other environmental or social matters. We question this paradigm by asking for contextual variables. We identify under which circumstances consumers perceive price increases caused by social reasons as more fair. In particular, we examine the role of individualism as a key trait influencing price fairness perception. Our empirical study (n>400) shows that the subdimensions of individualism differently impact perceptions of price increase fairness: consumer competition decreases fairness perception for social price increase reasons, uniqueness increases fairness perception caused by environmental-friendly production and consumer independence has a neutral effect. Theoretical Development In our study, we reason that different types of individualism differently influence fairness perception of price increase reason because of different social reasons. First, independence reflects an individual’s value of autonomy in judgment, decision making, and actions (e.g., Markus & Kitayama, 1991). We expect that people who feel independent put more emphasis on their person’s freedom and do not feel strong connections to others. Consumer competition represents an interpersonal comparison between the self and others and the individual’s desire to get ahead of others and striving for individual achievements (e.g., Triandis & Gelfand, 1998). Consumers also compete for the costs and benefits of higher prices. Thus, we expect that consumer competition reduces fairness perception for all subdimensions of individualism. Uniqueness is the perceived importance of developing the self’s unique identity and expressing characteristics that are different from others (e.g., Markus & Kitayama, 1991). People who feel unique typically strive for lifestyles to show their uniqueness by purchasing items, which are socially visible and symbolic of identity (Berger & Heath, 2007). They might also be willing to pay more for products and services, which support this uniqueness such as a more environmental-friendly production of products. Research Design We test the hypotheses using a paper-and-pencil survey approach in Germany because in Germany, price increases for CSR topics were very common in many industries in the past few years. We measured the three dimensions of individualism using the scale by Chen and West (2008). The fairness measurement of three types of price increase justifications follows the study by Homburg, Hoyer and Koschate (2005) using established 7-point Likert scales. The sample consists of more than 400 respondents. Results and Conclusion As assumed, results show no significant impact of consumer independence on fairness perception of price increases caused by higher payments for suppliers and environmental-friendly production. Furthermore, the effect for price increases caused by better employee payment is positive, but only small and marginally significant. These results support our hypotheses, assuming a neutral effect of independence. As expected, consumer competition decreases price fairness perception for all price increase reasons, which supports our hypotheses. Perceived uniqueness has no influence on fairness perceptions of price increases caused by higher payment for suppliers and better payment for employees, but increases fairness perception of price increases caused by environmental-friendly production. Age and gender as control variables have mainly no influence on price fairness perception. Our work contributes to marketing theory by originally showing that differences in cultural orientations within a country can explain fairness perceptions of socially justified price increases. Simple country comparisons often neglect heterogeneity in the population. Nevertheless, our results should also be generalizable for country comparisons. Secondly, consumer competition has a negative impact on price fairness for all price increase justifications, while independence has mostly neutral influences and, uniqueness partly even positive effects. This suggests to differentiate dimensions of individualism. Thirdly, the effects differ across social price increase justifications. Thus, consumers seem to evaluate carefully what benefits they personally get from a specific price increase reason. For example, uniqueness increases fairness perceptions if the company refers to an environmental-friendly production, but not for better payment of suppliers and employees. Hence, customers might perceive a higher signaling benefit from buying and consuming environmental-friendly produced products. These findings deepen our knowledge on effects of price increase justifications.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        With the rapid development of network economy and information technology, customers through the internet platform to participate in product development and innovation, dominant the spread of value proposition engagement spread, etc., has become an important part of the creation of customer assets, as well as a profound change in brand management. This paper constructs a model of how the brand experience affects customer assets in the virtual branding community under the perspective of value co-creation, analysis the impact of value co-creation of customer participation (sponsored value co-creation and autonomous value co-creation), the motivation of value co-creation on brand experience, and then on customer assets. This paper also explores the regulatory effect of value proposition engagement in brand experience and customer asset. This study will use the involvement theory and the theory of stimulus-response for empirical research, and through the questionnaire survey of consumers, using SPSS20.0 and AMOS20.0 statistical software on the relevance of relevant variables to grasp, and carries on the analysis using structural equation model. The research of this paper will enrich the exposition and explanation of building a brand experience better through value co-creation in virtual brand community, and provide theoretical support and practical advice for the implementation and management of customer assets.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Customer participation (CP) refers to customers’ contribution of effort, knowledge, information or other resources to service production and delivery (Dong & Sivakumar, 2017). A key management challenge is to ensure that after customers’ initial acceptance these service formats, customers continue to use them, by the provision and management of CP quality as perceived by the customer. In a CP context, shaping customers’ quality perceptions is complex. First, these perceptions are the result of multiple parties (i.e., customer, employee, and firm). Secondly, customer performance is difficult to control and forms a preeminent source of variability and operational inefficiency (Groth, 2005). Against this backdrop, two research objectives guide this study. First, to propose and test a quality typology that takes a comprehensive view on the CP quality dimensions. Second, to assess whether organizational socialization -consisting of role clarity, self-efficacy, and motivation- is able to influence the customer in service formats that rely on CP. To address these issues survey data were collected from 138 customers. PLS-SEM results indicate that stimulating continued usage of CP formats involves managing an intricate mix of customer quality perceptions (i.e., employee functional and technical quality; firm functional and technical; customer technical quality. In addition, the results show that socialization techniques can be useful to influence customer quality contributions in CP service formats.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Drawing from signaling theory (Rynes, 1991) and social identity theory (Ashforth & Mael, 1989), this investigation examines how a company´s CSR communication, especially the liking of the company’s CSR advertisements, their message credibility, as well as their cause-company-fit, influences employees´ evaluation of the perceived organizational CSR engagement, and how the evaluation of the perceived organizational CSR engagement relates to employees´ job satisfaction, organizational pride, and word-of-mouth. An experimental study was carried out with the employees (n = 432) of a large European energy provider in order to test the model assumptions. To illustrate comprehensively the CSR engagement of the company four collages were developed including either customer-oriented CSR appeals, employee-oriented CSR appeals, environmental-oriented CSR appeals or philanthropic-oriented CSR appeals. Empirical findings suggest that the developed model is largely confirmed. Interestingly, results show that the liking of the CSR advertisements is not found to be a significant determinant of employees´ CSR evaluation. Instead, findings reveal that message credibility and perceived cause-company-fit are significant determinants of employees´ CSR evaluation. In addition, results indicate that the more employees perceive their organization as socially responsible, the more likely they feel satisfied to work for their company, the more likely they feel proud of being a member of this company and the more likely is their willingness to praise their company. This study contributes to the advancement of CSR research in several ways: First, the conceptualized model can be used to explain how CSR communication influences employees´ evaluation of the perceived organizational CSR engagement and how this relates to employees´ attitudes and behavior at the workplace. Second, by drawing on signaling theory (Rynes, 1991) and social identity theory (Ashforth & Mael, 1989) in order to explain CSR communication effects, this investigation adds theoretical foundation to CSR communication research. Third, the investigation demonstrates that CSR communication effects may go well beyond traditional effects such as fostering customers´ purchase. A company´s CSR communication is also able to influence favorable employees´ outcomes.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Investigation concerning the presence of customer-brand relationships in online communities is recent and scarce and might offer potential (Moraes et al., 2014; Huber et al., 2015; Vernuccio et al., 2015). The purpose of this investigation is to understand and analyse how brand love can influence brand loyalty among millennials generation, considering engagement constructs and social networks. It bridges an academia gap in the context of the consumer brand relationship literature. This research aims to answer the following questions: (1) Is brand love effective in building true brand loyalty? (2) Does interactive engagement with brands and brand love contribute to build brand loyalty? and (3) Does interactive engagement on social networks reflect millennials love of brands? To collect data we conducted two online surveys, covering two different brand categories: Fashion and Electronics/Technology. We have in total 1278 inquiries. The analyses of data and hypotheses test were made by using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and a multi-group factor analysis. The proposed structural equation model was validated and all hypothesis were accepted. So, consumers’ Brand Related Social Media Content was proved to have a direct impact on Social Interactive Brands and Brand Loyalty. Social Interactive Brands were proved to have a direct impact on Emotional Attachment and Self Expressive Brands which also proved direct impact on Brand Love. Brand Love for instance was proved has been directly connected with Brand Loyalty and Word of Mouth and Brand Loyalty also, directly impacts Word of Mouth. The model behave well in the previous research so we wanted to test it with a smaller sample and different brand categories the results would maintain. The results of the multi-group factor analysis showed that we have configural and metric invariance in both different studies, covering Fashion and Technological brands. As though for management purposes it might be of no disagreement to state that marketing alone is no longer enough to influence purchase motivation and intention for consumers. This investigation advance and valid a new theoretical framework in the consumer brand love approach
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper develops a conceptual model of international social media marketing strategy that describes how culture shapes consumers’ use of social media around the world. Drawing from cultural psychology, marketing, and computer information systems, we use Kietzmann et al.’s (2011) functional building blocks of social media to organize social media functions, then explicate how various dimensions of culture affect the way such social media functions are used across cultures. By delineating these complex relationships, our model and the propositions that stem from it offer directions for future research and advance understanding of cross-cultural differences with implications for businesses that provide social media or capitalize on social media for global reach in the international marketplace.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Human beings are intrinsically social. How social interaction among tourists affect their experience remains under-represented. Drawing on S-O-R theory, social integration theory and social penetration theory, this study proposes and empirically tests a conceptual model that integrates self-disclosure, perceived cohesion, perceived intimacy, tourist engagement and tourist satisfaction with the experience. Also, the tie strength is theorized as a moderator in the relationship between self-disclosure and perceived cohesion as well as perceived intimacy. A field experiment was undertaken to collect data. The results from the structural analysis suggest that self-disclosure influences perceived cohesion and perceived intimacy, which in turn influence their engagement and satisfaction with tourism experience. Moreover, the initial tie strength has moderation effect on the relationship between self-disclosure and perceived cohesion as well as perceived intimacy. Overall, findings of this study contributes to the development of tourism experience research from the perspective of tourist-to-tourist interaction, and broadens the research on tourist engagement. Discussions and implications for tourism operators, limitations, and suggestions for future research are also provided.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Despite important theoretical implications seldom research exist regarding the impact of luxury parent brand status signaling on the evaluation of horizontal line extension through the moderating role of extension authenticity, quality and fit. The luxury literature review revealed that despite important theoretical implications seldom research exist regarding the impact of luxury parent brand status signaling on the evaluation of horizontal line extension through the moderating role of extension authenticity, quality and fit. Research has examined how consumers use luxury goods to signal their status or relative position in social hierarchies (Berger & Ward 2010; Dubois et al., 2012; Geiger-Oneto et al., 2013; Kastanakis, & Balabanis, 2014) but until the current study the luxury literature could not support the extent to which status signaling impact line extension’s evaluation through the moderating role of extension authenticity (Spiggle, Nguyen, & Caravella, 2012; Beverland & Farrelly, 2010; Morhart et al., 2015; Guèvremont & Grohmann, 2016). Previous studies have found that authenticity can be to emotional attachment (Morhart et al., 2015), help pursue personal goals (Beverland & Farrelli, 2010), or relevant to brand identity, status and equity (Guevremont & Grohmann, 2016). Surprisingly, none of these studies has empirically tested this important relationship. This study’s contribution to the literature is important as it empirically confirms that in launching a new line extension, a luxury parent brand’s status signaling will directly impact the extension’s evaluation. In the process, the perceived authenticity of the extension proves to affect the evaluation significantly if the perceived quality and fit of the extension are taken into consideration in the measurement framework.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose is to identify the impacts of internal and external integrations in an automotive supply chain in Thailand. Data are collected from automotive firms in Thailand and are analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The result indicates that both internal and external integrations are significant factors affecting market flexibility.