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        검색결과 542

        2017.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        유아의 주의력은 정서적 실행기능을 가장 강력하게 설명하는 영향력이 있는 예측변인이다(Kim & Shon, 2015). 취학 전 아동을 대상으로 한 원예활동은 정서 불안정과 일상 스트레스에 지쳐있는 아동들을 건강한 몸과 마음을 가진 하나의 인격체로 바르게 성장하도록 돕는데 효과적인 대안이 될 수 있을 것으로 보인다(Park & Hoe, 2011). 이에 본 연구는 5세 유아들이 정해진 시간동안 원예활동을 함으로써 주의가 산만한 아이들의 집중도와 주의집중력에 얼마나 효과가 있는지 살펴보았다. 본 연구는 J시 어린이집 5세 유아 10명을 대상으로 2017년 3 월 3일부터 4월 20일까지 주 1회씩 총 8회기를 실시하였다. 프로그램은 3회는 꽃을 이용하여 플로럴 폼에 꽂는 활동을 진행하였고 1회는 흙을 만지면서 식물심기를 하는 것으로 총 4회기의 프로그램을 2번 반복되도록 실시하였다. 프로그램 실행은 매 회기마다 20분동안 실시 하였다. 평가도구는 초시계(stopwatch)를 이용하여 수업이 시작된 이후 처음 주의력이 흐트러지기까지의 시간을 재었으며 오코너 스위저 민첩성 테스트(O’Connor Tweezer Dexterity Test)를 이용하여 30초의 제한시간동안 10개의 핀을 한 손으로 구멍에 몇 개를 넣는지를 매회 원예활동 실시 후에 평가하였다. 초시계를 이용하여 집중도를 8회기 반복측정결과 유의한 차이가 있었다(P=.000). 1회기를 기준으르 각 회기별 대응비교를 한 결과 2회기(P=.975)와 3회기(P=.283)는 차이가 없었지만 이후 4회기(P=.009), 5회기(P=.003), 6회기(P=.000), 7회 기(P=.000), 8회기(P=.000)는 유의한 차이가 있었다. 그리고 민첩성을 8회기 반복측정결과 유의한 차이가 있었다(P=.000). 1회기를 기준 으르 각 회기별 대응비교를 한 결과 2회기(P=.364)와 3회기(P=.055)는 차이가 없었지만 이후 4회기(P=.042), 5회기(P=.007), 6회기 (P=.001), 7회기(P=.000), 8회기(P=.000)는 유의한 차이가 있었다. 이상의 연구결과 회기를 거듭할수록 원예활동에 의한 주의력과 집중도 가 유의하게 높아지는 것을 볼 수 있었다.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) is a perennial crop grown for more than 4 years in the same place. Therefore, it is highly affected by soil environment, especially nutrients on soil. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of application levels of nitrogen, phosphate, potassium on growth and soil chemical properties of ginseng. Methods and Results : 0, 1, 4, 8, 16, 32 ㎏/10 a of Urea, fused superphosphate, potassium chloride were each treated at 3.3 ㎡ of the field and ginseng cultivar 'Geumpoong' was transplanted. Growth characteristics were investigated by growth period and soil chemical properties were investigated every 3 months. As the levels of treated nitrogen increased, root weight increased from 0 ㎏/10 a to 4 ㎏/10 a and then decreased. Electrical conductivity (EC) and the NO3 content tended to increase as time goes by. As the levels of treated phosphate increased, the SPAD content increased. Soil analysis of October showed that the NO3 content of phosphate 32 ㎏/10 a treatment increased to 80.25 ㎎/㎏. In the case of potassium 32 ㎏/10 a treatment, the emergence rate was 74% and root weight was 2.06 g, which were the worst in all treatments. When the levels of treated potassium increased, the EC tended to increase gradually and the pH was decreased. Conclusion : These results indicate that the application levels of Nitrogen, phosphate, potassium influence growth of ginseng and soil chemical properties. Further research will be needed to establish appropriate standards of soil chemical properties for ginseng cultivation.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The study is designed to establish the standard of wide-shading facilities for the energy-saving and labor-free system in response to the shortage of manpower in rural areas by introducing North American style Ginseng cultivation facility. Methods and Results : This study was carried out at the Income & Resources Research Institute, Gyeonggi Agricultural Research & Extension Services, located in Shinseo-myeon, Yeoncheon-gun, Gyeonggi-do in 2015 in order to establish the standards for wide-shading facilities for energy-saving and labor-free system in response to Korea's climate and lack of manpower in rural area. The shading materials used were blue shading net made with coolaroo fabric, aluminum screen (shading rate 40%) and black shading net (shading rate 40%). As for the installation of additional shading materials, the blue shading nets (200 g/㎡ and 220 g/㎡) were installed on Apr. 1, and then the aluminum screens and black shading net were installed on Jun. 1 when it was hot (with the outside temperature of 30℃ or above. To determine the suitability of the shading materials, the growth environment in the shading facilities such as temperature and humidity, light quantity, and water leakage were measured. The growth was investigated for the above-ground part and underground part of the plants in accordance with the research standards of the Rural Development Administration (RDA). As for the temperature in the shading facilities, the temperature in the aluminum screen was higher than that of the black shading net, and the humidity in the aluminum screen was lower than that of the black shading net. The light intensity and transmittance were higher in the aluminum screen than those in the black shading net. The water leakage was absent on aluminum screen, but it was 8.1 - 11.5% in the black shading net. Although the growth of shoots above the ground showed no difference between shading materials, the growth of the shoot underground was better in the black shading net than in the aluminum screen in high temperature. In particular, the weight of Ginseng root increased by 19.1% in the black light shade compared to that of the aluminum screen. Conclusion : The results of the study showed that the combination of shading materials suitable for wide shading facilities in Korea in response to the lack of manpower in rural areas due to climate change and rural aging is the combination of "blue shading net + black shading net".
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was conducted to determine the optimal ginseng greenhouse shading material for minimizing heat injury and maximizing the yield of ginseng plants in an effort to develop a stable ginseng cultivation technology and contribute to popularizing ginseng greenhouse farming. Methods and Results : Three different types of greenhouse shading material were used: polyethylene (PE) film + black screen (95%), light scattering film + black screen (75%), and blue-white vinyl. Important experimental details were implemented in accordance with the Analysis Standard of Agricultural Test and Research set out by the Rural Development Administration. The average greenhouse temperature for the period of May through October was 20.0℃ under the PE film + black screen, 20.2℃under the light scattering film + black screen, and 19.7℃ under the blue/white vinyl. High average photosynthesis rates of ginseng plants were demonstrated by light scattering film+black screen (2.35 μmole CO2/㎡/s) and blue-white vinyl (2.38 μmole CO2/㎡/s), with the PE film + black screen showing a considerably lower photosynthesis rate (1.55 μmole CO2/㎡/s). Heat injury occurred in 0.3%, 10%, and 0.1% of the plants grown under the PE film + black screen, light scattering film + black screen, and blue-white vinyl, respectively. As for the roots, the blue-white vinyl outperformed the other shading materials in root length (25.7 ㎝), taproot length (5.9 ㎝), and the number of fine roots (23.2). The blue-hite vinyl also yielded the greatest root fresh weight (30.2 g), followed by the light scattering film + black screen (29.1 g), with the PE + black screen yielding by far inferior average weight (22.0 g). The highest crude saponin content was yielded by the light scattering film+black screen (16.61 ㎎/g), followed by blue-white vinyl (11.36 ㎎/g) and PE + black screen (11.0 ㎎/g). Conclusion : Comparing the effects of three different shading materials on greenhouse-cultivated 3-year-old ginseng plants, the blue/white vinyl outperformed two other shading materials in most of the growth characteristics, whereas the and the light scattering film + black screen yielded the highest ginsenoside content.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study is designed to select the best shading materials for the 4-year old ginseng K-1 variety by examining the light volume, photosynthesis and growth characteristics of ginseng. Methods and Results : The ginseng seedling was transplanted in the 7 lines x 9 rows (63 plants)/ 1.65 ㎡. The shading materials were installed in the form of rear line with 170 ㎝ high for front pole and 100 ㎝ high for rear pole. The installation of shading materials were installed in combination of polyethylene, blue polyethylene sheet + polyethylene, polyethylene + polyethylene, polyethylene + aluminium screen 70%, polyethylene + aluminium screen 100%, aluminium shade plate to inspect the photosynthesis and ginseng's growth characteristics. The photosynthetic rate was measured on the middle of small leaf using the photosynthetic tester (L1-6400, Li-COR) a t 10 : 00 – 14 : 00 on a clear day with the light volume of 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1,000, 1,400, 1,800 μmol s-1m-2.For the ginseng K-1, which is 4-years old, the aerial parts growth (such as survival rate, height of plant, length of stem, diameter of steam and length of leaf) and underground part (length, diameter and weight of root) were examined in 2016. As for the PAR (photosynthetically active radiation), the aluminum shade plate showed the best performance while the polyethylene + polyethylene showed the least. As for the photosynthetic rate, the following order was shown in the decreasing order: blue polyethylene sheet + polyethylene > polyethylene > aluminium shade plate ≒ polyethylene + aluminium screen 100%, > polyethylene + polyethylene > polyethylene + aluminium screen 70%. As for the survival rate for 4-year old ginseng, the polyethylene + aluminium screen 70% showed the highest survival rate with 91.0%. As for the growth of aerial part of ginseng, the polyethylene and polyethylene + polyethylene showed the best growth. As for the underground part of ginseng, the polyethylene, blue polyethylene sheet + polyethylene, and polyethylene + polyethylene showed the best growth in the length of roots and length of main root while polyethylene and blue polyethylene sheet + polyethylene showed the best growth in the weight of roots. Conclusion : In conclusion, considering the characteristics of photosynthesis and the underground parts of ginseng, it was found that the best shading materials for K-1 4-year old ginseng is blue polyethylene sheet + polyethylene.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The study is designed to select the organic fertilizer as an additional fertilizer suitable for improving the yield of ginseng cultivar K-1 at low productive land when it is cultivated as 6-year old red ginseng. Methods and Results : This study was conducted in 2016 at a farm in Paju cultivating 6-year old ginseng root. As for the management of the cultivation land, in 2010 and 2011, Sudangrass was cultivated in order to make the organic matter content and chemical composition suitable for ginseng cultivation, and more than 15 tillage works were carried out a year. The transplantation was carried out at the planting density of 63 weeks / 1.62 ㎡ in April 2012. On May 2, the amount of 15 ℓ / 1.62 ㎡ of N 1.5 ㎏/1,000 ㎡ was supplied to the non-treatment, liquid fertilizer of fermented rice bran, liquid fertilizer of fermented soybean, seaweed and liquid yeast. N 1.5 ㎏/1,000 ㎡ was put into the soil for the fermented soybean and leaf mold. The photosynthetic rate was measured on the middle part of the small leaf by using a photosynthetic analyzer (LI-6400, Li-COR) at 10 : 00 - 14 : 00 on a clear day under PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) of 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, 1,000, 1,400, 1,800 μmol s-1m-2. The growth features of ginseng (including the length of stem, length of leaf, width of leaf, length of root and yield, etc.) as well as leaf discoloration, and root rot, etc were examined. The statistical analysis was performed 3 times in the randomized block design. For the rate of photosynthesis, the liquid fertilizer of fermented rice bran > liquid fertilizer of fermented soybean ≒ untreated ≒ fermented soybean > seaweed > liquid yeast > leaf mold was higher in that order. The survival rate ranged from 42.9% to 51.9%. As for the above-ground growth characteristics, the liquid fertilizer of fermented rice bran, liquid fertilizer of fermented soybean, seaweed and liquid yeast showed higher performance than the non-treated while the fermented soybean and leaf mold showed similar performance to the non-treatment. As for the underground growth, the liquid fertilizer of fermented rice-bran, liquid fertilizer of fermented soybean, fermented soybean, or leaf mold showed the same performance as non-treatment while the fermented soybean or leaf mold showed shorter length than non-treatment. As for the yield, the liquid fertilizer of fermented rice-bran, or liquid fertilizer of fermented soybean showed better performance than non-treatment. Conclusion : In conclusion, it was found that liquid fertilizer of fermented rice bran and liquid fertilizer of fermented soybean are the suitable organic fertilizers which can be used in ginseng cultivation for improving the quantitative yield of 6-year-old ginseng in low-producing area.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : The fungus Cylindrocarpon destructans (Zins) Scholten is the cause of root rot in many ginseng production areas. Root exudate composition and quantity vary in relation to plant nutritional status, but the impact of the differences on rhizosphere microbial communities is not known. Methods and Results : Five kinds of rotation crops, sudan grass soybean peanut sweet potato, perilla were grown for one year in ginseng garden harvested 6-year-old ginseng. The ratio of gram-negative bacteria, fungi, bacteria, total microbial biomass, aerobic/anaerobic microbes were increased by rotational crop cultivation, while the ratio of actinomycetes and the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids were decreased. The increase in the fungal density or the increase in the proportion of fungi to the bacteria tended to increase the incidence of root rot, but there was no significant difference. The yield of ginseng root showed a highly significant negative correlation with actinomycetes. The correlation between the soil chemical properties and the incidence of root rot was analyzed by cultivating 23 kinds of green manure crops for one year in field where cultivated ginseng continuously. The survival rate of ginseng showed a highly significant positive correlation with soil acidity and a highly significant negative correlation with nitrate nitrogen, and a significant negative correlation with soil salt concentration. Conclusion : Rotation crops improved soil microbial communities, lowered the rate of fungi and increased the proportion of bacteria, the survival rate of ginseng was significantly correlated with soil acidity, nitrate nitrogen and soil salinity.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 젖산발효를 통해서 얻어진 목이버섯과 녹각 추출액 혼합물의 항산화 및 생리활성평가를 수행하였다. 녹각 추출액의 GABA생성 최적조건에서 probiotics 및 기능성 강화를 위해 목이버섯을 2.5% 첨가하여 30℃에서 7일간 젖산발효를 하였다. 발효 7일 pH 5.06, 산도 0.77%로 나타났으며 1.3×108 CFU/mL로 높은 균수를 유지하였고 GABA를 1.4% 생성하는 것으로 나타났다. 목이버섯을 첨가했을 때 젖산균 발효물의 물성이 개선되며 단기간에 고농도의 GABA를 생성하는 것으로 나타났다. 녹각 추출액의 젖산발효물의 세포 생존율을 실험한 목이버섯 2.5% 조건에서 발효 전 6 mg/mL에서 독성이 나타났으나 발효 후 독성이 완화되는 것으로 나타났다. 발효 후 6 mg/mL 농도에서는 5.58 μM로 발효 후 NO 생성이 감소되는 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 녹각 추출액과 목이버섯 혼합물의 젖산균을 이용한 정치배양을 통해 단기간에 고농도의 GABA 생산이 가능하였으며, 젖산 발효물은 세포독성 완화 효과 및 NO 생성을 저해하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 발효물은 GABA, probiotic, 식이섬유 등을 함유하여 기능성 식품소재로 이용이 가능할 것으로 기대된다.
        2016.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The incidence of ischemic stroke increases with age due to improvements in health care and living conditions. With increasing proportion of old age, the proportion of old age is rapid expansion in acute ischemic stroke patients. Young and old age groups in acute ischemic stroke patients have different risk factors and clinical features. But, many patients of old age are excluded from active treatment like thrombolysis due to hemorrhagic transformation, poorer clinical outcome etc. So we studied clinical features, risk factor, outcome in ≧80 years old patients compared with <80 years. We enrolled 1,445 patients, who diagnosed acute ischemic stroke in Chosun university hospital, from January 2013 to December 2015. Patients were divided into two groups: ≧80 years versus <80 years. We compared with two groups about risk factors, stroke subtypes, thrombolysis, complications in hospital, initial National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score, prognosis. Of the total 172 patients, 54(31.4%) patients were 80 years or older. Symptomatic hemorrhage and asymptomatic hemorrhage was not different between both groups [over 79 years patients: 4/54 (7.4%) vs. under 80 years patients: 10/118 (8.5%), p>0.302], [16.7% vs. 17.7%, p>0.701]. There were no difference in mortality and favorable prognosis at 3 months later between both groups [over 79 years patients: 5/54 (9.3%) vs. under 80 years patients: 5/118 (4.2%), p=0.290], [over 79 years patients: 13/ 21 (24.1%) vs. under 80 years patients: 56/86 (47.5%), p=0.803]. There was difference in early neurological improvement rate(improvement > NIHSS 3) and degree of improvement (NIHSS at discharge - NIHSS at admission) were significant[over 79 years patients: 24/54 (44.4%) vs. under 80 years patients: 77/118 (65.8%), p=0.012], [2.69 vs 5.55, p=0.017]. Intracranial hemorrhage(symptomatic and asymptomatic) and favorable prognosis are not different significantly between two groups. Elderly patients is not a absolute contraindication for intravenous thrombolysis. For intravenous thrombolysis in elderly ischemic stroke patients, we need more study to exclude the poor prognostic factors and to consider of gain of patients.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : This study was carried out to distribute superior cultivars to farmers by analyzing growth characteristics of ginseng and effectively set the target for breeding by investigating annual agronomic characteristics of ginseng. Methods and Results : As a plant materials, Chunpoong (CP), Yunpoong (YP), Gopoong(GP), Gumpoong (GU) and Sunun (SU) were transplanted in Eumseong (ES), Geumsan (GS) and Yeoncheon (YC) on March 2013. Cultivation and management were conducted on the basis of the standard guidelines. According to stem and petiole by region, YC represent the largest stem diameter, leaf length and petiole length of cultivars, followed by those in ES and those in GS. Leaf growth of cultivars was overall the best in YC. Although CP had long and narrow leaves in all regions, YP and SU had short and narrow leaves. Root weight of all cultivars was the best in YC, but there was no significant differences by them. Growth of CP, YP and GP was generally good in ES. Growth of cultivars was relatively even in GS, but it was poor compared to cultivars which were cultivated in ES and YC. Conclusion : There were considerable differences in root growth of cultivars. However, this results suggest that CP of 4-year-old is produced stably in some regions because it had a small coefficient of variation.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng is a cold-adopting plant that likes cold climate. As the temperature of korea is increasing to the extent that makes it unsuitable for growing ginseng, there is a need arising for developing ginseng breed that can adapt to higher temperature. Out of 76 genetic lines of 4 years old ginseng owned by our research lab, 5 lines with good and high ginsenoside contents were selected. The test was performed to compare their ginsenoside contents and growth characteristics to the existing ones. Methods and Results : A study was done on the growth of 5 lines of ground part with high ginsenoside contents such as GS97-24-2. The results show that the growth of leaf length and width was best for GS98-4-5 and Geumsun. The root weight of the underground part was good, with the growth of 27.8g per ginseng. The root length did not vary across lines. Geumsun and GS97-24-2 showed the same total length. The growth of rootlet was best for GS98-4-5 lines, showing 5.4 rootlets. The total ginsenoside contents of the underground part was highest for American ginseng with 54.31mg/g, followed by GS98-4-5, GS97-24-2, and Geumsun. American ginseng was high in ginsenoside Re and Rb1 in contents compared to Korean ginseng. Although total ginsenoside contents were high, Rg2 and Rf were not detected in American ginseng while Korean ginseng contained good amount of Rg2 and Rf. Conclusion : Base on the results above, the best ground part among the high ginsenoside lines was GS98-4-5. For underground part, the growth of Americal ginseng and Gopoong were the best. American ginseng, which has good underground part growth even in hot season, contained high ginsenoside contents too. On the other hand, Korean ginseng had more variety of ginsenoside compared to American ginseng.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Recently, some of the previous stuies reported that was useful technique on growth and yield of organically grown ginseng transplantation in a rain shelter greenhouse. This study was conducted to investigate the optimum method of greenhouse shading for ginseng(Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) cultivaton in the northern area of Ganwon, Korea. Methods and Results : We carried out to select optimal shade materials and light-penetrated ratio among polyethylene film with two-layered polyethylene net(PEF+PEN) and blue-white duplicated PE film(BWD-PEF) in the condition of greenhouse for ginseng cultivation. The order of light-penentrated ratio by shade meterials was PEN(75%)+PEF 〉 PEN(85%)+PEF 〉BWD-PEF(85%) 〉BWD-PEF(90%) and the order of air temperature was BWD-PEF(85%) 〉BWD-PEF(90%) 〉PEN+PEF(85%) 〉PEN+PEF(75%). The net photosynthetic rate was higher in PEN(75%)+PEF than other shading material treatments during growth season including summer high-temperature period. The root weight and yield were increased by 31.2~55.0% and 25.6~52.2%, respectively under PEN+PEF(75%) compared to other shading materials. Conclusion : We concluded that the PEN+PEF(75%) could be a good shading meterails of the greenhouse for organic 4-year-old ginseng cultivation in northern area of Gangwon, Korea.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Recently, some ginseng has been greenhouse production within the purse of fresh vegetables. The chemical of bed soil is very important because this leads to the stabilization of production in ginseng cultivation. The objective was to investigate the effects of composition of bed soil type on the growth. Methods and Results : Bed soil was commercial bed soil to the control and compared bed soil in 5 types. Culture nutrient solution was modified from Korea Wonshi nutrient solutions. Nutrient solution supply system has been applied to sub-irrigation system. Light intensity and photoperiod were 100 μmol⋅m-2⋅s-1 and 16 h, respectively; and air temperature was maintained at 25 ± 5℃. Nutrient solution was supplied after transplantation 20 days. Soil sampling was investigated every 30 days, and shoot growth were investigated from 60 to 150 days. Bed soil analysis result, the content of NO3 and P2O5 were significantly changed after 60 days in all types soil. The quantity of NO3 and P2O5 decreased with increase growth period. Also, Growth of roots showed a large influence of the soil pH. Conclusion : Results for ginseng hydroponic culture will enable the production of stable soil environment and efficient ginseng fresh vegetables.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : In recent years, as the ginseng cultivation area using vinyl house is increasing, the demand of farmhouses for the studies of appropriate direct sowing cultivation and ginseng varieties for vinyl house cultivation is increasing, and there is a necessity to produce high quality clean ginseng in vinyl house in tandem with the consumers’ demand for pesticide-free ginseng. Thus, the goal of this research is to determine appropriate ridge height and width when growing ginseng in the vinyl house using direct sowing cropping system. The research was also done to choose ginseng breed for direct sowing cultivation. Methods and Results : The ground part of 4 years old ginseng grown in the vinyl house using direct-sowing cropping pattern was the type that grew well in 100 ㎝ wide ridge rather than 90 ㎝ wide ridge. It also tended to grow well in 20 ㎝ or 30 ㎝ long ridge as opposed to 10 ㎝ long ones. The root weight of the underground part was superior under 90 ㎝ × 20 ㎝(ridge height×ridge width), 90 ㎝ × 30 ㎝, 110 ㎝ × 10 ㎝ and 110 ㎝ × 20 ㎝ cultivation area. The root diameter was longer, the longer the ridge height. The volume per 1.62 ㎡ was superior for 100cm, 120 ㎝ × 10 ㎝ cultivation area. The ginseng whose ground part was superior in the vinyl house were Chungsun and Seonweon. Seonweon and Gumpoong had superior root weight in underground parts. The root length was superior for Geumsun. The ginseng that were direct sowing in the vinyl house did not have rusty ginseng problem regardless of ridge height and kind. The root injury was greatest in the cultivation area with ridge width of 90 ㎝. Conclusion : According to the results above, the growth in vinyl house using direct sowing cropping pattern was best when ridge width was 100㎝ and 110cm in ridge height of 30 ㎝. The best selection was Chunpoong and Seonweon. The root weight of the underground part was superior in 110 ㎝ × 10 ㎝ cultivation area, the best variety was Seonweon and Gumpoong.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ginseng root rot caused by soil-borne pathogens, Cylindrocarpon destructans and Fusarium solani, is a major factors of replanting failure in ginseng cultivation. Some of the phenolic compounds detected in the soil of commercially cultivated American ginseng could inhibit the seed germination and seedling growth of American ginseng. Our study is to investigate the causes of replanting failure of ginseng by overhead flooding treatment and soil incorporation of ginseng fine root in soil infected with root rot pathogens. Methods and Results : To make soil occurring continuous cropping injury, 2-year-old ginseng infected with Cylindrocarpon destructans replanted in soil cultivated ginseng for 5 years. Treatment are as follows: 1) control, 2) water of 2ℓ was irrigate infected soil of 20ℓ, 3) ginseng fine root of 20g was mixed with infected soil of 20ℓ. Soil pH was increased, while other inorganic components were significantly reduced by overhead flooding treatment. Soil incorporation of ginseng fine root decreased soil pH, but increased EC, NO3, P2O5 and K, meanwhile, did not affected changes in organic matter, calcium, magnesium, sodium. Irrigation treatment in soil occurring replanted failure promoted distinctly above-ground growth of ginseng, and inhibited the occurrence of root rot because inorganic nutrient like NO3, P2O5 and K were decreased to optimal levels, and the density of soil pathogens could be reduced. Growth of ginseng was not inhibited, while root rot was promoted by soil incorporation of ginseng fine root. Conclusion : Irrigation treatment was effective in promoting the growth of ginseng and inhibited root rot distinctly. Ginseng fine root remaining in the soil after ginseng harvest did not affect the above-ground growth of ginseng, while promoted the occurrence of root rot.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Crop rotation plays an important role in improving soil chemical properties, minimizing the presence of disease pathogens, and assists in neutralizing autotoxic effects associated with allelochemicals. Methods and Results: Five rotation crops of sudan grass, soybean, peanut, sweet potato, and perilla were cultivated for one year with an aim to reduce yield losses caused by repeated cropping of ginseng. In 2-year-old ginseng grown in the same soil as a previous ginseng crop, stem length and leaf area were reduced by 30%, and root weight per plant was reduced by 56%. Crop rotation resulted in a significant decrease in electrical conductivity, NO3, and P2O5 content of the soil, whereas organic matter, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, and Zn content remained-unchanged. Soil K content was increased following crop rotation with sudan grass and peanut only. Rotation with all alternate crops increased subsequent ginseng aerial plant biomass, whereas root weight per plant significantly increased following crop rotation with perilla only. A significant positive correlation was observed between root rot ration and soil K content, and a significant negative correlation was observed between ginseng root yield and the abundance of actinomycetes. Crop rotation affected the soil microbial community by increasing gram negative microbes, the ratio of aerobic microbes, and total microbial biomass whereas decreases were observed in actinomycetes and the ration of saturated fatty acids. Conclusions: In soil exhibiting crop failure following replanting, crop rotation for one year promoted both soil microbial activity and subsequent ginseng aerial plant biomass, but did not ameliorate the occurrence of root rot disease.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background: Electrical conductivity (EC) and pH are important features of nutrient solution, affecting both growth and quality of crops by altering nutrient uptake. Methods and Results: The pH values of nutrient solutions were controlled at 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5 and EC values were controlled at 0.68, 0.84, 1.23, 1.41 dS/m. Gingesng root weights were higher during the initial growth period when the plants were treated with low pH and low EC nutrient solutions. However, the higher pH and EC levels, the greater the increase in the rate of root weight between the initial and middle growth periods. The highest ginsenoside amount changed during growth period. The total ginsenoside amount was highest in the root, and the lowest in leaves at 45 and 90 days after treatment, respectively, with solution at a pH of 6.0. After 135 days of treatment, the highest total ginsenoside amount was detected in root treated with soluton with EC values of 1.23 dS/m. Conclusions: For the cultivation of ginseng using a nutriculture system, the pH and EC values of nutrient solutions should to be controlled based on the stage of growth and targeted plant organ (root or leaves).