
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 87

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Light is a major external environmental factor that influences the circadian rhythm of photosynthetic organisms and various physiological phenomena, such as growth, maturation, and behavior. The number of light-reaching organisms changes depending on the season and atmospheric conditions, and the intensity and wavelength of light differ depending on the organisms inhabiting the environment. Altered light changes the circadian rhythm of fish, which is controlled by clock genes, such as period 2 (Per2), cryptochrome 1 (Cry1), and melatonin. In this study, we set the zeitgeber time (ZT; 14 light-10 dark, LD) based on the actual sunrise and sunset times and examined Per2 and Cry1 activities, levels of aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT), and melatonin in Pholis nebulosa, a drifting seaweed species exposed to irregular light. Per2 and Cry1 levels increased during the daytime and decreased after sunset. The AANAT levels decreased during the daytime and increased during the night. Melatonin concentration was highest around midnight (ZT21, 23:30), but exhibited similar concentrations during the daytime. While the activity of Per2, Cry1, and AANAT levels exhibited a typical circadian rhythm observed in most vertebrates, melatonin concentrations did not show a significant difference between the daytime and nighttime. These findings provide insights into the circadian rhythm patterns of organisms exposed to irregular light environments, such as P. nebulosa, which differ from those of typical fish species.
        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Various treatments are being tried for lumbar neuropathy. Among them, neural mobilization aims to reduce peripheral nerve sensitivity by stimulating them directly. Similarly, applying kinesiotape stimulates skin and joint receptors around the nerves, thereby affecting nerve function and movement. Objectives: To investigated the effect of low back pain on the neural mobilization and kinesiotaping. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: Thirty patients with chronic low back pain were randomly allocated to three groups: the neural mobilization exercise with kinesiotaping group (NEKTG, n=10), the neural mobilization exercise group (NEG, n=10), and the kinesiotaping group (KTG, n=10). Each group performed six intervention sessions over two weeks. The results were analyzed by measuring the numeric pain rating scale (NPRS) and straight leg raise (SLR) before and after the intervention in each group. Results: NEKTG, NEG, and KTG all indicated a significant decrease in the back pain index before and after the intervention. However, there were no differences observed between the three groups. The SLR angles before the experiment were identical across the three groups. The SLR angles before and after the intervention were as follows: the SLR angle significantly increased in NEKTG. Furthermore, there was a significant increase in the SLR angle in NEKTG compared to both NEG and KTG. Conclusion: Neural mobilization combined with kinesiotaping provided better therapeutic effects regarding pain reduction and neurodynamic improvement compared to alone kinesiotaping and mobilization with chronic low back pain.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 식물공장에서 아쿠아포닉스와 수경재배에서 재배된 딸기의 무기양분 흡수율, 생육, 수량을 비 교하고자 수행되었다. 양어는 비단잉어(Cyprinus carpio) 12마리를 수조(W 0.7m × L 1.5m × H 0.45m, 472.5L)에 367.5L 물을 채운 후 입식하였고 5.44kg·m-3 밀도로 사육하였다. 딸기 모종 30개체는 펄라이트를 채운 포트에 정식 하여 아쿠아포닉스 시스템 베드(W 0.7m × L 1.5m × H 0.22m)에 장착하였고, 모종 30개체는 네트포트에 정식한 후 담액수경(DFT)시스템 베드(W 0.7m × L 1.5m × H 0.22m)의 아크릴판(140 cm × 60 cm, Ø80 mm)에 장착하였다. 재 배기간 동안 아쿠아포닉스 수조액의 pH와 EC는 각각 4.3-6.9, 0.32-1.14dS·m-1 수준이었고, 수경재배는 각각 5.1 -7.5, 1.0-1.8dS·m-1이었다. 아쿠아포닉스 수조액의 NO3-N와 NH4-N 농도는 수경재배보다 각각 약 3.6, 2.2 me·L-1 높았다. P, Ca, Mg, S 농도는 수경재배보다 각각 약 0.76, 3.1, 0.8, 0.9me·L-1 높았으며, K와 Fe는 각각 약 0.8me·L-1, 0.5mg·L-1 낮았다. 딸기 잎의 무기이온 함량은 두 재배 처리 간 유의차가 없었으며 엽내 K 함량은 적정 범위를 보였 다. 정식 후 58과 98일 사이에 아쿠아포닉스에서 재배된 딸기의 T-N와 P 흡수율은 수경재배보다 각각 1.5, 1.9배 높 았고 K 흡수율은 유의차가 없었다. 개체당 과실수는 아쿠아포닉스에서 수경재배보다 유의하게 많았으며, 상품과 생체중, 건물중, 과실의 과장과 과폭은 수경재배에서 아쿠아포닉스보다 높았다. 결과를 종합하면, 아쿠아포닉스에 서는 수조액의 물고기 배설물과 먹이 잔여물에 의한 고체 입자의 비료성분을 지속적으로 가용하여 활용한다는 것 을 알 수 있다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Children with cerebral palsy face challenges in maintaining body stability because of structural and functional defects. Their ability for responsive balance control is diminished. While there exist various trunk stabilization exercises such as Kinetic Link training (KLT) and the Bird-dog posture, there is a notable dearth of research that applies KLT specifically to children with cerebral palsy. Objectives: To investigate the effects of KLT and Bird-dog exercise on gross motor function and balance in children with cerebral palsy. Design: Quaxi-experimental study. Methods: The study participants were randomly divided into two groups: 15 individuals in the KLT group and 15 in the Bird-dog group. General characteristics were examined, and initial measurements of Gross motor function measure (GMFM) and Pediatric balance scale (PBS) were taken prior to the intervention. Each group engaged in KLT exercises and Bird-dog exercises for 20 minutes, three times a week over an 8 week period. Following the completion of the 8 week intervention, secondary measurements of GMFM and PBS were conducted. Results: In the KLT group, both PBS and GMFM showed a significant increase after the intervention compared to before (P<.05). Similarly, in the Bird-dog group, both PBS and GMFM significantly increased after the intervention compared to before (P<.05). There was a significant difference observed in PBS when comparing the pre- and post-intervention changes between the two groups (P<.05), whereas no significant difference was found in GMFM between the groups when comparing the pre- and post-intervention changes (P>.05). Conclusion: The interventions involving KLT and Bird-dog exercises were observed to effectively enhance PBS and GMFM in children with cerebral palsy. Specifically, it was evident that KLT was more beneficial in improving balance abilities compared to Bird-dog exercise.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Most non-pharmacological interventions for tension-type headache (TTH) focus on direct intervention in areas associated with headaches, with limited research exploring the indirect effects of interventions utilizing the fascia. Objectives: To investigate the effects of superficial back line (SBL) stretching and head-neck massage interventions on the range of motion (ROM) and neck disability index (NDI) of TTH. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: The study participants were randomly allocated into three groups: SBL stretching group (n=9), head-neck massage group (n=9), and combined group (n=9). Prior to the intervention, measurements were taken for neck flexion ROM, straight leg raising test (SLRT) ROM, and NDI. The intervention consisted of 30-minute sessions conducted twice a week for 8 weeks. The second measurement took place 4 weeks after the intervention, followed by a third measurement conducted after an additional 4 weeks of intervention. Results: Comparing neck flexion ROM within each group, a significant increase was observed in the SBL stretching group after 8 weeks compared to before the intervention (P<.05). Regarding the comparison of SLRT ROM within each group, a significant increase was noted after 8 weeks compared to before the intervention in the SBL stretching, head-neck massage, and combined groups (P<.05). In terms of the comparison of NDI within each group, a significant decrease was observed in all three group after the intervention compared to before the intervention (P<.05). Conclusion: 8-week intervention involving SBL stretching, head-neck massage, and their combined application demonstrated effectiveness in improving neck flexion ROM, SLRT ROM, and the NDI for individuals with TTH.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Chronic back pain not only causes physical discomfort and decreased functionality but also affects emotional well-being, resulting in feelings of anxiety, depression, and other psychological issues. Studies have indicated that cognitive functional therapy and motor control exercises can alleviate chronic low back pain and associated psychological issues. Objectives: To investigated the effect of chronic low back pain on the cognitive functional therapy (CFT) and motor control exercises (MCE). Design: Quaxi-experimental study. Methods: Forty patients with chronic low back pain were randomly assigned and divided into 20 cognitive functional therapy group with motor control exercises group (CFTMG) and 20 patients in motor control exercises group (MCEG). After applying CFT with motor control exercises and motor control exercises for 8 weeks, changes in numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), Oswestry disability index (ODI) and Fear-avoidance beliefs questionnaire (FABQ) were observed. Results: In the CFTMG, statistically significant changes were observed in NPRS, ODI, and FABQ before and after the intervention. In the MCEG, statistically significant changes were observed in VAS and ODI before and after the intervention. Conclusion: The application of CFTM and MCE in patients suffering from chronic low back pain has demonstrated effectiveness in alleviating pain, enhancing back function, and reducing kinesiophobia associated with the condition.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For the performance analysis of deep geological repository systems, numerical simulation with multi-physics is required, which specifically covers Thermal (T), Hydraulic (H), and Mechanical (M) behaviors in the disposal environment. Numerous simulation models have been developed so far, each of which varies in the approach and methodology for solving THM problems. Fully-coupled THM simulation codes such as ROCMAS, THAMES, and CODE_BRIGHT were mainly developed in the initial stage of DEvelopment of COupled models and their VALidation against EXperiments (DECOVALEX), with the advantage of thorough calculations consisting of correlated several variables on different physics. Due to the difficulty of solving the complex Jacobian Matrix and the following burden for the computational calculation, weakly-coupled THM models have been suggested in recent researches: TOUGH2-MP with FLAC3D, TOUGH2 with UDEC and OpenGeoSys with FLAC3D. This methodology of loose coupling allows the practical use of computational code optimized for each physics, thereby increasing the efficiency in simulation. However, these suggested models require two different numerical codes to calculate THM behaviors, which leads to several inherent issues: compatibility during maintenance, updating and dependency between two codes. In this study, therefore, the authors build a unified code for simulating THM behaviors in the deep geological repository. The concept involves the iterative sequential coupling between TH and M for calculation efficiency. As having developed the simulation code, High-level rAdiowaste Disposal Evaluation System (HADES), to describe TH behavior based on Multi-physics Object-Oriented Simulation Environment (MOOSE) software, the authors make a milestone to develop and couple the MOOSE-based new code for M behavior as Sub-app, with the previous HADES set to be Main-app. New model for M behavior will be verified with the benchmark case of DECOVALEX-THMC Task D, comparing the mechanical simulation results: stress evolution over time, profiles of stress and vertical displacement. The existing simulation results from HADES will also be updated with the coupled calculations, with regard to temperature and saturation. Additionally, the effective stress evolution can be assessed in terms of repository’s stability with Spalling Strength and Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. This concept for new simulation model has its meaning in that it aims to demonstrate the specific methodology of loosely coupling multi-physics in unified simulation code and analyze THM complex interactions with considering mutual influence on various physics. It is expected that HADES can be renewed as an integral simulation model for deep geological repository systems by possessing the capacity for analyzing and assessing mechanical behavior.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Forest destruction is an inevitable result of the development processes. According to the environmental impact assessment, over 10% of the destroyed trees need to be recycled and transplanted to minimize the impact of forest destruction. However, the rate of successful transplantation is low, leading to a high rate of tree death. This is attributable to a lack of consideration for environmental factors when choosing a temporary site for transplantation and inadequate management. To monitor transplanted trees, a field survey is essential; however, the spatio-temporal aspect is limited. This study evaluated the applicability of remote sensing for the effective monitoring of transplanted trees. Vegetation indices based on satellite remote sensing were derived to detect time-series changes in the status of the transplanted trees at three temporary transplantation sites. The mortality rate and vitality of transplanted trees before and after the transplant have a similar tendency to the changes in the vegetation indicators. The findings of this study showed that vegetation indices increased after transplantation of trees and decreased as the death rate increased and vitality decreased over time. This study presents a method for assessing newly transplanted trees using satellite images. The approach of utilizing satellite photos and the vegetation index is expected to detect changes in trees that have been transplanted across the country and help to manage tree transplantation for the environmental impact assessment.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Clinical practice guidelines for patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) recommend therapeutic exercise, and recently, interventions for pain neuroscience education (PNE) are also recommended. Objectives: To investigate the effects of aquatic exercise combined with PNE on pain, disability, and fear-avoidance beliefs in patients with CLBP. Design: Randomized control trial. Methods: The 27 participants recruited in this study were randomly allocated as pain neuroscience education combined with aquatic exercise group (PAEG, n=14) and aquatic exercise group (AEG, n=13). Both groups performed aquatic exercise for 50 minutes, 3 times a week for 6 weeks, and only PAEG received additional PNE. Numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), modified oswestry disability questionnaire (MODQ), and fear-avoidance beliefs questionnaire (FABQ) were used as evaluation methods before and after intervention. Results: Statistically significant decrease in NPRS, MODQ and FABQ (physical activity and work score) before and after intervention in PAEG. However, there were statistically significant changes in NPRS, MODQ and FABQ (physical activity score) before and after intervention in AEG. PAEG and AEG before and after intervention indicated statistically significant differences in MODQ and FABQ (work score). Conclusion: Aquatic exercise combined with PNE improved disability (MODQ) and fear-avoidance beliefs (FABQ) has been shown to have additional benefits. Therefore, combining PNE as a clinical intervention for CLBP patients will enhance the therapeutic effect.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effect of drip irrigation volume on tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) grown in a greenhouse using perlite medium. Plants were treated by three different irrigation treatment I0, I25, and I50 (where irrigation volume of I25 and I50 was 25% and 50% higher than I0, having limited or no leaching). Growth characteristics of plants, yield and water use efficiency were measured. The result showed that plant height, leaf length and leaf width were lowest in the I0 treated plants. However, these parameters were not statistically significant differences between the plants that were grown in the I25 and I50 treatment. Soluble solids content, acidity and dry matter of 111th, 132nd, and 143rd days harvested tomato were higher in the plants irrigated with lowest volume (I0) than the higher volume (I25 or I50). In addition, water content was lower in the 111th and 132nd days of harvested tomatoes from the I0 treatment. The number of big-size tomatoes (>180 g) was significantly higher in the I25 irrigated plants. There was no significant difference in the total number of harvested fruits among the treatments. The average fruit weight and total yield of harvested tomatoes were lowest in the I0 treated plants. The water consumption of tomato was not significantly different amongst the treatments but water use efficiency was lowest in the I0 treatment. Principal component analysis revealed that total soluble solid and acidity of tomato showed a positive correlation between each other. These results suggest that I25 was the optimum irrigation treatment for tomato based on its measured growth characteristics, yield and water use efficiency.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Generally, rounded shoulders may occur when an individual habitually takes a relaxed, slouched posture. Although various studies on the round shoulder exist, studies on the effect of improvement of thoracic mobilization on the round shoulder are insufficient. Objectives: To investigate the effect of thoracic mobilization on round shoulders and pulmonary capacities. Design: Randomized controlled trials. Methods: Twenty subjects were randomly allocated into an exercise group (n=10) and a mobilization group (n=10). To quantify the round shoulder before and after the intervention, the distance between the acromion and the table surface was measured, and the pulmonary capacities were also measured. The intervention program was conducted twice a week for 6 weeks. The exercise group performed corrective exercise, and the mobilization group performed both corrective exercise and thoracic mobilization. Results: The round shoulder in both groups was significantly decreased (P<.05), and the pulmonary capacities were significantly improved (P<.05). However, there was no significant difference between the two groups (P>.05). Conclusion: The combination of corrective exercise with stretching and strengthening exercises led to the improvement of round shoulders and pulmonary capacities, no additional benefits were detected with thoracic mobilization.
        2022.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This investigation aimed to assess the appetite response changes of olive flounder to starving and re-feeding conditions. Three different feeding groups (2 weeks feeding, fed; 2 weeks starving, starved; and 1 week starving and 1 week feeding, re-fed) were established to examine the changes in appetite-related genes for each group. The weight gain of the fish was highest for the fed group and lowest for the starving group. Based on the daily feed intake (DFI) and cumulative feed intake (CFI), overall food intake was found to increase in the re-fed group more than in the fed group from week 1 to week 2 of the experiment. Hypocretin neuropeptide precursor (HCRT) and galanin receptor 1 (GAL-R1) mRNA expression in the brain of olive flounder were decreased in the starved group. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) was decreased in all experimental groups, except for the fed group. However, overall leptin concentrations in the plasma did not change across groups. Considering the differences between this study and previous studies on starving and feeding, various factors (except the production and expression mechanisms of appetite-related factors in response to starving) are likely acting on the appetite responses of the fish. In this study, a 1-week re-feeding period induced substantial effects on appetite response when compared to a 2-week feeding period. These findings show that even if re-feeding is performed after starving, the unbalance caused by the re-feeding can affect various physiological changes in fish by feed intake efficiency.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Laser scabbling experiments were conducted with the aim of developing concrete decontamination technology. Laser scabbling system contains a 6 kW fiber laser (IPG YLS-6000, λ=1,070 nm) and optical head, which are connected with process fiber (core dia.: 600 μm, length: 20 m). Optical head consists of two lenses (f = 160 mm and 100 mm) to collimate and focus laser beam. The focused laser beam is passed through the small diameter of nozzle (throat dia.: 3 mm) to prevent the laser-produced debris into head. And then, the focused beam is directed toward concrete block as continuously diverging. The diverged laser beam was incident on the high-strength concrete with 300 mm (length) × 300 mm (height) × 80 mm (width) to induce explosive spalling on the concrete surface. The optical head was moved by X-Y-Z manipulate coupled with a computerized numerical control while scabbling. We have observed not only active spalling on the concrete surface but energetic scattering of laserproduced debris when scabbling on high-strength concretes. It indicates the need for a device capable of collecting the laser-produced debris. We newly designed and manufactured dust collector coupled with cylindrical tube to prevent scattering of laser-produced debris into ambient environment. The collecting system was evaluated by estimating the collecting efficiency for laser-produced debris while scabbling. The collecting efficiency was calculated on the basis of the information on the mass loss of concrete block after laser scabbling and the mass of collected debris in a container. The collecting efficiency was found to be over 85%.
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