
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 333

        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Traditionally the availability of probation should be an alternative to incarceration, its innovation is more widely spread in the world. The founder of the probation, Boston's John Augustus, was concernd about drunks being put in jail to dry out. He felt they needed help, so he took them into his home as an compassionate act. Since his successful supervision and recommanding reformation of corrections, probation has become the most commonly alternative in America and other countries. The presentence investigation report considered by probation officer and state statutes help guide the court in determining whether an offender is a suitable candidate for probation. Of course to those convicted of murder, sex crimes, other serious assaults and those with a serious criminal record, probation must not be granted. Perhaps probation is most commonly granted to first-time offenders, property offenders, low-risk offenders, non violent offenders and probation involves minimal levels of supervision and restriction. Model probation should purpose to help low-risk offenders maintain law-abiding behaviour, Sometimes some courts emphasize treatment oriented conditions, others more punitive conditions. One common condition for all probationers is to obey the law. Other conditions are, for example, cooperating with a program of supervision, meeting family responsibilities, maintaining steady employment or engaging or refraining from engaging in a specific employment or occupation, pursuing prescribed educational or vocational training, maintaining residence in a prescribed area or in a special facility established for or available to persons on probation, refraining from consorting with certain types of people or frequenting certain types of places etc. To attain successful probation, many officers' caseloads should not be so massive, people who receive standard probation should undergo periodic or random testing for probability of future crime or future delinquent behaviour. Probation is one of the correctional options, whose goal is to control crimes and delinquent behaviour. To achieve this goal depends almost all upon mitigating the heavy caseloads of most probation officers and furthering the ability of probation officers to closely monitor and supervise those probationers.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구의 목적은 두 가지로 대별할 수 있다. 첫째는, 베리오그램 모델링에 기초를 둔 정규크리깅 보간법의 p-적응적 유한요소법으로의 적용성이다. 둘째는, 수정된 초수렴 팻취복구 기법을 사용한 사후오차평가기와 연계된 계층적 p-체눈 세분화의 적응적 유한요소 과정을 제시하는 것이다. 가중치를 부여한 보간기법중의 하나인 정규크리깅 방법은 가우스 적분점에서의 응력데이타로 부터 소위 준정해를 얻는데 적용된다. 가중치를 동일하게 가정하는 종래의 보간기법과는 달리 실험적 및 이론적 베리오그램을 작성한 후 보간을 위한 가중치를 결정하게 된다. 한편, 적응적 p-체눈 세분화는 해석영역의 각 체눈에서 p-차수를 만족할만한 정확도를 얻을 수 있도록 프로그램내에서 자동으로 사후오차평가를 통해 불균등 또는 선택적으로 증가시킨다. 수정된 초수렴 팻취복구기법을 검증하기 위해 극한치를 사용한 새로운 오차평가기가 제안된다. 제안된 알고리즘의 정당성은 선형탄성파괴역학의 대표적 문제들인 중앙균열판, 일변균열 및 양변균열 해석을 통해 테스트되었다.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This thesis deals with some problems on the revision of current The Penal Execution Act. By the draft for revision, made public by the ministry of justice, the purpose of revision-draft comprises some principles of prohibition of illegitimate discrimination of prisoners, strengthening the right of presumption of innocence of the convicted, rationalization and individualization of the correctional programs, widening the chances of consulting with relating professionals about the prison administration especially corrections, classification and assignment of facilities in our national penitentiaries' system, recommendation of some high tech security equipment. To the public, corrections are generally understood that the purpose of corrections is to carry out the sentence of the court, with various correctional components handling specific types of sentences. Some components are devoted to providing pretrial services for those entering the criminal justice system. Other components, such as jails, handle individuals of both pre-and post conviction status. The majority of correctional components deal with persons who have appeared before the court and have been found guilty of one or more crimes. Corrections refers to the programs, services, agencies, institutions responsible for supervising persons charged with or convicted of crimes. A paradigm is a model or a way of viewing an aspect of life such as education, politics, medicin, the criminal system. A paradigm shift can make a new way of thinking about a given subject, corrections. Recently paradigm shift recommended for corrections include doing justice, promoting secure communities, restoring crime victims and noncriminal options. Finally, we come to the conclusion that revision of the Penal Execution Act seeks to use a balanced approach involving offenders, victims, local communities and government in alleviating crime and violence and peaceful communities.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To the general public, the term 'corrections' is unerstood as synonymous with punishment. In our country, it was not until 1961 that the name 'prison' was changed to the 'corrections center' and 'prison officer' to the 'correctional officer'. Corrections is the portion of the criminal justice system which should be charged with carrying out the sentences of the courts, especially specifying the contents of punishments and probation services, community services, day reporting centers, electronic monitoring programs, intensive supervision programs, jails, parole services, and half way houses. Furthermore, specific elemennts of corrections are designed to handle juvenile offenders only. The primary purpose of corrections are retribution, deterrence, incapacitation and rehabilitation. Which of these purposes is emphasized and accepted is dependent of the attitute of the scholar. With the complexity of corrections, there are four correctional ideologies that influence and guide the our correctional services : punishment, control, treatment and prevention. Punishment is associated with the justice model, control is associated with the custodial model, treatment is associated with the medical model, and prevention model is associated with the reintegration model. These diverse models have been reflections of the viewpoint of social solidarity, class interest, moralizing social institution in a given age and country. Criminology that contributes to society in a variety of ways, commenting three aspects a) a knowledge base from which to debunk crime myths, b) the advancement of policy recommendations, c) evaluation research, must give root and materials of those models positively and adequately. And then a given model should not be undisputed. Criminal policy is deeply interconnected with the interdependence of corrections and criminology.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study treats the distinction between the prisoners' rights and mere priviliges. In other words, the purpose of this study is to indicate the prisoners' fundamental rights and difficulty of interpreting the law about prisoners' rights and to show the complex environment in which corrections exist. This study discusses many topics and problems treated by many countries' laws and rulings, pertinent to prisoners' rights and those limit, especially in the light of history of in the United States. Because throughout the history of corrections of that country, prisoners' have had comparatively few rights. Maybe the court's reluctance to interfere with prison management stemmed from the belief that such intrusions would only make the administration of correctional facilities more difficult to correct effectively (so to speak hands-off doctrine). Discussing the Inmate rights are frequently seen by the public as unnecessary expenses and luxries. Reflecting this kind attitude, for a long time the special penal-servitude relation theory had affected the theory and judiciary of western world, in the continental as well as in the anglo-american legal system. Today none upholds this old pattern theory, instead every citizen, including prisoners, has the catalog of inalienable rights. Consequently every government can restrict those rights reasonably related to interfere with legitimate penological interest, or legitimate penological objectives of the prison environment.
        2004.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The term corrections is almost idendified with punishing. Especially the term is relatively new. Prior to the 1950s, the term penal system and penology were largely commented. These term usually pointed out the punishment focus placed on those convicted of crimes. It was not until 1954 that the American Prison Association changed its name to the American Correctional Association, what reflected a basic shift in the philosophy of correcting deviant and lawbreaker. In the historical overview of corrections and the criminal justice system, society has dealt with lawbreakers in a multitude of ways and has emphasized different goals and diverse methods to accomplish those goals. On those ways, we cannot overestimate the virtue of consciousness of sin and criminal`s will of reintegrating itself into the lawabiding society. The punishment and the intermediate sanctions should be proactive and focused on the needs of criminals and society itself. Crimianl should and can be changed to go back into the stream of society through awakening the consciousness of criminal culpability of convicted and inspiring wilfulness of being lawabiding citizens. The most appropriate way of corrections is based upon theoretical consideration, how society view criminals, how society treat criminals.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        위대한 사회학자 막 베버에 의하면 이념형이란 어떠한 현상을 이해하는데 도움이 되도록 고안된 것이라고 한다. 이러한 생각을 염두에 두고 나는 범죄원인론에 관하여 공부하면서 이러한 이념형에 가까운 이론을 모색해 보았다. 훌륭한 l이론이란 결국 타당성, 실증가능성, 오류로 부터 자유로울 수 있는 가능성, 예측가능성을 구비하는 것이어야 한다. 이러한 목표를 달성하기 위하여 나는 13가지의 학설을 개관해 보았다. 이제까지 소개된 범죄원인론 중 널리 알려진 학설들을 선정해 보았다. 특히 각 이론 체게에서 핵심내용들을 소개하고자 하였는데 예를 들면 범죄원인, 범인의 특성, 가족관계, 지역사회, 학교, 사회체계, 형사사법체제등에 고나련하여 그 내용을 분석해 보면서 각 이론체게와 다른 이론체계가 특히 비교될 만하면 이를 언급하고 논평하였다. 이 논문에서 소개하고 있는 학설들은 개인의 자유의지로 범죄를 범하는 것이라는 기조를 유지하는 학설들과 개인들이란 내면적으로 결함을 안고 있는 존재이며 생물학적으로나 심리학적으로 보아 불완전한 인간들이라는 고나점을 세우고 있는 학설들로 나누어 볼 수 있고, 또 미시원인을을 주로 강조하는 학설들과 거시원인을 강조하는 학설들로 분류해 볼 수 있다. 미시원인에는 가족, 교우, 이웃, 학교가 드렁 가며 거시원인에는 사회전체를 망라하여 파악한 원인들이며 사회체제, 교육체제, 형사서법체제등이 그 예이다. 우리는 많은 학설을 살펴 보는것 만으로도 범죄란 단순하지 않으며 명백히 그 원인을 설명하기 어려운 복잡한 사회현상이라는 생각을 하게 되며, 결국 유일하게 타당한 범죄이론이란 없으며, 모든 범죄원인론은 나름대로 장단점을 갖고 있고, 모든 이론은 나름대로 범죄의 어느 단면을 잘 설명해 줄 수 있다고 보게 되었다.