This study aimed to examine the effect of a mild elevation in serum cholesterol level in a porcine coronary overstretch restenosis model using a balloon angioplasty catheter or drug-eluting coronary stent. Pigs were divided into two groups and were fed a commercial normal diet (CND, n = 4) or a high-fat diet (HFD, n = 4) for 5 weeks. Coronary overstretch injury by balloon angioplasty or stent implantation was induced in the left anterior descending and left circumflex artery after 1 week of feeding. Histopathological analysis was performed at 4 weeks after coronary injury. During the experiment, the total cholesterol level in the HFD group increased by approximately 44.9% (from 65.9 ± 3.21 mg/dL at baseline to 95.5 ± 9.94 mg/dL at 5 weeks). The lumen area in the CND group was reduced in comparison with that in the HFD group after balloon angioplasty. After stent implantation, the injury score showed no significant difference. There were significant differences in the neointimal area (2.7 ± 0.33 mm2 in the CND group vs. 3.3 ± 0.34 mm2 in the HFD group, p<0.05), lumen area (2.6 ± 0.54 mm2 in the CND group vs. 2.0 ± 0.33 mm2 in the HFD group, p<0.05), and percent area stenosis (52.0 ± 7.96% in the CND group vs. 62.4 ± 5.15% in the HFD group, p<0.05). Body weight change was not different between the two groups. Increased serum cholesterol level activated vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation in the porcine coronary overstretch model.
Most known species in the Strophariaceae are decomposers and grow on various kind of organic matter. Approximately 18 genera and 1,316 species in the Strophariaceae have been reported worldwide. Through an ongoing survey of indigenous fungi in Korea, 29 specimens belonging to the Strophariaceae were collected from 2012 to 2016. These specimens were identified based on morphological characteristics and molecular analysis of internal transcribed spacer sequences. Fifteen taxa were confirmed, with eight species matching those previously recorded. Seven species in five genera were shown to be new records in Korea: Galerina marginata, Gymnopilus crociphyllus, Gymnopilus picreus, Hebeloma birrus, Hebeloma cavipes, Pholiota multicingulata, and Psilocybe thaizapoteca. In this study, we provide detailed morphological descriptions of these species and investigate their evolutionary relationships by constructing phylogenetic trees.
The present study investigated the effects of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) on the nuclear maturation of canine oocytes. Oocytes were recovered from mongrel female ovaries in various reproductive states; follicular, luteal or anestrous stage. Oocytes were cultured in serum-free tissue culture medium (TCM)-199 supplemented with various concentrations of FSH (Exp. 1: 0, 0.5, 1.0 or 10 IU) or hCG (Exp. 2: 0, 0.5, 1.0 or 10 IU) or both (Exp. 3: 1 IU FSH + 1 IU hCG) for 72 hr to determine the effective concentration of these hormones, and to examine their combined effect. After maturation culture, oocytes were denuded in PBS containing 0.1% (w/v) hyaluronidase by gentle pipetting. The denuded oocytes were stained with 1.9 μM. Hoechst 33342 in glycerol and the nuclear state of oocytes was evaluated under UV light. More (p<0.05) oocytes matured to MII stage when follicular stage oocytes were supplemented with 1 IU FSH (6.2%) compared with the control, 0.1 or 10.0 IU FSH (0 to 1.2%). Significantly higher (p<0.05) maturation rate to MII stage was observed in follicular stage oocytes supplemented with 1.0 IU hCG (7.2%) compared with the control or other hCG supplemented groups (0 to 1.5%). However, the combination of FSH and hCG did not improve the nuclear maturation rate of canine oocyte (2.4 %) compared with FSH (6.2%) and hCG alone (7.2%). In conclusion, FSH or hCG alone significantly increased the maturation of canine oocytes to MII stage.
본 연구는 LPS로 유도된 RAW 264.7 세포에서 다양한 약용식품으로 사용되고 있는 올리브 잎과 가지 추출물의 항염증 효과를 확인하였다. 올리브 잎과 가지 추출물은 각각 RAW 264.7 세포에 대하여 세포독성을 나타내지 않았고, LPS 자극에 의한 NO 및 PGE2 생성을 농도 의존적으로 억제했다. 또한, 올리브 추출물은 LPS 자극으로 분비된 TNF-α, IL-1β 및 IL-6의 전염증성 cytokine의 분비량을 억제하였으며, 특히 200 μg/mL 농도에서 올리브 가지 추출물이 잎 추출물 보다 IL-6를 억제하는 것으로 나타났다. 대표적인 염증 관련 신호 전달 경로 인자인 iNOS 및 COX-2의 발현을 검토한 결과 올리브 추출물은 iNOS의 발현을 농도의존적으로 현저히 감소시키는 것으로 관찰되었으나, 각각의 올리브 추출물이 COX-2 발현에는 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 관찰되었다. 이와 같은 결과는 올리브 각 부위별 추출물은 모두 iNOS 및 NO 조절 경로를 조절하는 것으로 사료되나 iNOS 및 COX-2 단백질 발현은 병립적이지 않을 수 있음을 제시하고 있다. 본 연구 결과로 올리브 추출물이 독성과 부작용이 적은 항염증 효능을 가진 기능성 화장품 소재로써 개발 가능성이 있다고 사료된다.
We collected 32 maize inbred lines from eastern cereal and oilseed research center in Canada to develop new maize varieties. We also evaluated genetic diversity, genetic relationships, and population structure using 35 SSR markers. A total of 269 alleles were revealed in 35 loci with an average of 7.69 and a range between 3 and 15 alleles per locus. The genetic diversity values varied from 0.176 to 0.889 with an average of 0.691. The polymorphic information content varied from 0.171 to 0.879 with an average of 0.659. Population structure analysis indicated that 32 Canadian maize inbred lines comprised four major groups and one admixed group based on a membership probability threshold of 0.80. The four major groups contained 13, 2, 5 and 2 maize inbred lines, respectively. From genetic relationships analysis, the all inbred lines were divided into three main groups at 26% genetic similarity. Group I included 22 inbred lines, and Group II included 9 inbred lines. Group III consist of only one inbred line. The results in this study would be useful for the improvement and development of new cultivars, planning crosses for hybrids or development of inbred line in maize breeding program
In order to develop a core set and new corn variety in Korea, we evaluated the morphological characteristics of 194 maize accessions by examining eight quantitative characteristics. On the evaluation of quantitative traits for 194 maize accessions, they showed the morphological variations in tassel length (35.1±5.0 cm), plant height (226.1±33.7 cm), ear height (86.3±22.6 cm), stem diameter (2.3±0.6 cm), leaf width (9.3±1.1 cm), ear length (14.5±2.4 cm), ear row number (14.1±1.9 row), and 100 kernel weight (24.9±4.4 g). The results of principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that the tassel length, plant height, and ear height greatly contributed to positive direction on the first principal component axis. One-hundred kernel weight contributed to negative direction on the second principal component axis. Thus these morphological characteristics, which contributed greatly in the first and second principal components, might be useful for discrimination among 194 maize accessions. In our study, seven accessions, such as IT026357, IT026441, IT027321, IT033271, IT033591, IT033597 and IT124273, particularly were measured high on yield-related traits. Consequently, the 194 maize accessions used in this study could be used as promising materials for maize breeding programs such as development of new hybrid in Korea.
반이면 교잡을 통해 얻어진 36개의 F1 교잡종들에 대하여 수량 및 농업관련 형질에 대하여 조사하였다. 36개 교배조합 의 F1과 교배친의 잡종강세를 조사한 결과, F1의 잡종강세 정 도는 종실수량에서 156%로 가장 컸고, 100립중이 가장 작은 7%로 나타났다. 농업형질에 의한 교배친들 사이의 표현형적 거리는 육성된 계보와 차이가 있었으며, 농업형질만으로 유전 적 거리를 측정하는 것은 한계가 있었다. SSR 분석에 의한 유전적 거리와 농업형질과의 상관을 확인하기 위하여 9개의 자식계통에 대한 92개의 SSR primer를 확인한 결과, 육성 계 보에 의한 유연관계를 명확하게 나타내지 못하여 표현형적 거리와 SSR 마커에 의한 유전적 거리에서도 유의성을 찾을 수 없었다. 본 연구에서는 옥수수 종실수량과 SSR 분석을 통 한 유전적 거리 사이의 유의성이 없었다. 따라서 종실수량과 정의 상관을 보이는 9개의 primer 조합을 선발하였다. 9개의 SSR primer들을 이용한 계통유연관계를 분석에서 옥수수 계 통들의 계보와 선발된 SSR을 이용한 유전적 거리는 연관성 을 찾을 수 없었지만, 종실수량과 선발된 9개의 SSR primer 를 이용한 유전적 거리와는 고도의 정의 상관을 보였다 (R2=0.703**). 선발된 SSR primer를 이용한 유전적 거리와 교잡종의 주요 농업형질의 상관 분석 결과, 교잡종 자체의 수 량구성의 모든 요소뿐만 아니라 간장, 착수고도 유의성을 보 였고, 평균에 대한 잡종강세와는 종실수량이 정의 상관을 보 였다. 본 연구에서 선발한 9개의 SSR primer들은 옥수수 육 종연구에서 교배조합 구성을 위한 잡종강세 예측에 도움을 줄 것으로 생각된다.
Assessing genetic diversity, population structure, and linkage disequilibrium is important in identifying potential parental lines for breeding programs. In this study, we assessed the genetic and phenotypic variation of 174 normal maize (Zea mays) inbred lines and made association analyses with respect to nine agronomical traits, using 150 simple sequence repeats (SSR). From population structure analysis, the lines were divided into three groups. Association analysis was done with a mixed linear model and a general linear model. Twenty one marker-trait associations involving 19 SSR markers were observed using the mixed model, with a significance level of P<0.01. All of these associations, as well as 120 additional marker-trait associations involving 77 SSR markers, were observed with the general model. Two significant marker-trait associations (SMTAs) were detected at P ≤ 0.0001. In the mixed linear model, one locus was associated with water content, two loci were associated with 100-kernel weight, setted ear length, ear thickness and stem thickness; three loci were associated with ear height, four loci were associated with total kernel weight and five loci were associated with plant height. These results should prove useful to breeders in the selection of parental lines and markers.
For understanding the genetic diversity and genetic relationship between cultivated and weedy types, we evaluated genetic variation of 80 accessions of rice (O. Sativa). This included 42 cultivated accessions and 38 weedy accessions with the help of AFLP and CACTA-TD. A total of 542 loci were analyzed (255 for AFLP and 287 for CACTA-TD) of which AFLP markers exhibited 75% of polymorphism and transposon based CACTA-TD markers exhibited 93% of polymorphism. The average genetic diversity value for all 80 accessions, using AFLP markers was 0.226 (Cultivated – 0.210; Weedy 0.241) and based on CACTA-TD markers was 0.281 (Cultivated – 0.294; Weedy 0.269). A UPGMA phylogenetic tree revealed three major groups for both the marker system. The average polymorphic content value obtained with AFLP and CACTA-TD markers were 0.21 and 0.232, Effective multiplex ratio (AFLP – 47.50; CACTA-TD – 66.75), Marker Index (AFLP – 9.94; CACTA-TD – 21.13) and Resolving power (AFLP – 19.53; CACTA-TD – 34.62) indicated that the CACTA-TD markers were relatively efficient than AFLP markers.
In this study we evaluate the informative and efficiency of Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) and Sequence Specific Amplified Polymorphism (SSAP) markers for genetic diversity, genetic relationship and population structure among 87 super sweet corn inbred lines generated by different origins. The SSR showed relatively higher level of the average gene diversity and shannon’s information index value than that of the SSAP. To assess genetic relationship and to characterize among 87 super sweet corn inbred lines using the SSR and SSAP markers. The dendrogram using SSR marker divided into nine groups of clusters were observed at the genetic similarity value 53.0%. For SSAP marker, Total three main clusters were confirmed in genetic similarity value at 50.8%. Result of combine data for SSR and SSAP markers showed six subgroup were detected in genetic similarity at 53.5%. To confirm population structure, the total 87 super sweet corn inbred lines were divided into groups I, II and admixed group based on membership probability 0.8 for SSR and SSAP markers. However population structure using combine data was K=3 and divided into group I, II, III and admixed group. This study has demonstrated the comparative analysis of SSR and SSAP for the study of genetic diversity and the genetic relationship for super sweet corn inbred lines. Thus, the results of this study will be useful to maize breeding programs in Korea.
본 연구는 경상북도 농업기술원에서 초당옥수수 품종개발을 위하여 육성한 100개의 자식계통들에 대하여 총 8개의 질적 및 양적 형질들을 이용하여 형태적 변이 연구를 수행하였다. 2개의 질적 형질들의 조사 결과에서, 종피색(QL1)은 황색을 나타내는 계통(91계통)들이 가장 많았고, 유묘활력(QL2)은 대부분의 계통(68계통)이 약한 특성을 나타내었다. 6개의 양적 형질들에 대한 조사에서, 각 형질 별 평균값은 출웅일수(QN1) 45.9±3.1일, 출사일수(QN2) 49.6±3.4일, 출웅기-출사기 간격(QN3) 3.7±1.1일, 분얼수(QN4) 1.2±0.9개, 간장(QN5) 141.4±15.3 cm, 착수고(QN6) 55.3±11.4 cm를 각각 나타내었다. 주성분분석에서 분석에 이용한 8개의 형질들 중 유묘활력(QL2)과 분얼수(QN4)는 제 1 주성분에서 음의 방향에 크게 기여하였고, 출웅일수(QN1)와 출사일수(QN2)는 양의 방향으로 크게 기여하였다. 반면에 제 2 주성분에서는 착수고(QN6)와 간장(QN5)은 양의 방향에 크게 기여하였다. 따라서 제 1축 및 제 2축의 주성분에서 크게 기여한 형질들은 100개의 초당옥수수 자식계통들을 식별하는데 유용한 형질들인 것으로 생각되었다. 본 연구에서 100개의 초당옥수수 자식계통들에 대한 형태적 변이 및 주성분분석의 결과는 국내 초당옥수수 품종개발을 위한 계통 육성 및 교배조합 구성 등에 유용한 정보를 제공할 것으로 기대된다.
본 연구는 12개의 색소 및 비색소옥수수 계통들에 대하여 300개의 SSR마커를 이용하여 유전적 다양성, 계통유연관계 및 집단구조 분석을 실시하였다. 유전적 다양성 분석 결과, 300개의 SSR primer들은 색소 및 비색소옥수수 12계통들에 서 총 1,331개의 대립단편을 증폭시켰으며, SSR primer당 대 립단편들은 최소 2개에서 최대 10개까지 나타나 평균 4.44개가 증폭되었다. MAF는 0.25에서 0.92의 범위로 나타났고, 평균값은 0.48을 나타내었다. 총 1,331개의 대립단편 중에서 221개의 대립단편들은 색소옥수수 계통들에서 특이적으로 나 타났고, 408개의 대립단편은 비색소옥수수 계통들에서 특이 적으로 나타났으며, 나머지 702개의 대립단편들은 색소 및 비색소 계통들에서 공통으로 확인되었다. 그리고 총 163개의 SSR 마커에서 색소옥수수 특이적 대립단편이 확인되었다. 집 단구조에 대한 분석 결과에서 12개의 색소 및 비색소옥수수 핵심집단 계통들은 groups I, II, III, admixed group으로 구 분되었다. 본 연구결과는 옥수수 육종연구에서 색소 및 비색 소옥수수 계통들의 식별에 대한 유용한 정보를 제공할 것이다
Recently there are increasing numbers of people participating in sports activities. Accordingly, the rate of sports injuries is increasing as well. In this light, this study was conducted to investigate the extent of acute damage and its forms by examining the current state of patients with sports injuries. This research study was conducted between January of 2008 and December
of 2010 in Chosun University Hospital through retrospective review of the medical records of patients with sportsrelated injuries. The total number of patients with sports injuries who visited the emergency center was 887. The number of male patients was 726 (81.85%), far more than the number of female patients (18.15%). More than half of the patients, accounting for 419 (47.23%), had injuries on their face; second and common parts, in which injuries occurred, were upper and
lower body, accounting for 146 (16.45%) and 193 (21.75%), respectively. The majority of patients did not undergo surgical treatment. Only 113 (12.73%) patients underwent surgical treatment. In addition, more than 80% of them were not hospitalized but 170 of them needed to be hospitalized. Most sports injuries occurred in young male patients. This can interrupt participation in sports activities for a long time and result in lower quality of life. Hence proper preventative measures and scientific treatment methods are needed.
We evaluated the morphological characteristics of 156 maize inbred lines, which were developed to breeding normal maize variety at Maize Experiment Station, Gangwon Agricultural Research and Extension Services, by examining 11 quantitative and three qualitative characteristics. On the evaluation of three qualitative traits for 156 maize inbred lines, most inbred lines showed yellow (85 and 84 inbred lines) at tassel color (QL1) and silk color (QL2), and showed semi erect (105 inbred lines) at plant type (QL3). While, the evaluation of 11 quantitative traits for 156 maize inbred lines, they showed the morphological variation in days of tasseling (QN1, 56.5 to 76.0 days), days of silking (QN2, 59.0 to 85.5 days), stem thickness (QN3, 12.7 to 42.9 mm), plant height (QN4, 111.8 to 239.8 cm), ear height (QN5, 48.2 to 126.5 cm), 100 kernel weight (QN6, 14.9 to 36.4 g), ear length (QN7, 10.0 to 79.0 cm), setted kernel length (QN8, 8.0 to 70.5 cm), ear thickness (QN9, 4.0 to 22.0 cm), total kernel weight (QN10, 22.0 to 490.0 kg) and water content (QN11, 9.3 to 11.9%), respectively. As a result, 11 inbred lines (00hf3, 00hf19, 00hf30, 00hf36, 02S8069, 02S8072, 02S8090, 02S8099, 05S10011, 06S8085-6, 07S8011) in the 156 normal maize inbred lines have showed comparatively high values. While, the results of PCA (principal component analysis) indicated that the ear length (QN7), setted kernel length (QN8), ear thickness (QN9) and total kernel weight (QN10) greatly contributed in positive direction on the first principal components. And also, days of tasseling (QN1), days of silking (QN2), plant height (QN4) and ear height (QN5) contributed in negative direction on the second principal component. Thus these morphological characters, which were greatly contributed in the first and second principal components, might be considered to be useful for discrimination among 156 normal inbred lines. Specifically, this study's assessment of morphological characteristics of 156 normal inbred lines will be helpful useful for normal maize breeding programs such activities as planning crosses for hybrid and line development at Maize Experiment Station, Gangwon Agricultural Research and Extension Services.
In this study, 80 F7:8 recombinant inbred lines (RIL), derived from a cross between dent corn and waxy corn, were evaluated for 10 grain yield and eating-related traits over a two-year period. A total of 39 quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and 74 epistatic interactions were confirmed in 2011 and 2012. All QTLs detected in 2011 and 2012, qAC9 (amylose content), qEH4 (ear height), qSEL6 (setted ear length), and q100KW10 (fresh 100 kernel weight) had higher phenotypic variance and were observed in both years; therefore, they may be considered major QTLs. We reported that the QE interaction affects (QTLs and environmental changes) for qEH4, qSEL6, and q100KW10 in discussion. Some new QTLs identified in this study were located on different loci compared with other studies. The genetic region (bin 4.08) strongly controls plant height and ear height, and results from pleiotropy and/or tight linkage. qST3 (including stem thickness) and qEH3 were co-located within two common adjacent simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers (umc2275 and umc1273), whereas qEL6 (ear length) and qSEL6 were co-located within two common adjacent SSR markers (umc2309 and bnlg238). Thus, these SSR markers are a useful selection tool for screening grain yield and yield component traits.
To better understand the morphological variation of the Perilla crop and their weedy types in East and Southeast Asia, we studied the morphological variation of 90 accessions by examining 10 morphological characteristics, such as flowering time, seed size, seed hardness, seed color, color of surface leaf, color of reverse side leaf etc. As a result, morphological variation determined that between cultivated var. frutescens and var. crispa, and between cultivated var. frutescens and its weedy type showed significant morphological differences in terms of seed size and seed hardness, whenever cultivated var. crispa and its weedy type could not showed significant differences in most morphological characters. In PCAs (principal component analysis), among 10 morphological characteristics, flower color (QL6), color of surface leaf (QL3), seed size (QN2), seed hardness (QL1), seed color (QL2), stem color (QL7), and color of reverse side leaf (QL4) contributed in negative direction on the first axis, while flowering time (QN1), leaf shape (QL5), and degree of pubescence (QL8) contributed in positive direction on the first axis. Among these morphological characters, particularly flower color (QL6), color of surface leaf (QL3), seed size (QN2), seed hardness (QL1), and degree of pubescence (QL8) were useful characters for discrimination between cultivated var. frutescens and weedy var. crispa, and between cultivated var. frutescens and its weedy type. However, most accession of cultivated and weedy types of var. crispa was not clearly discriminated by PCA analyses. Although the wild ancestral species of var. frutescens and of var. crispa are still unknown in East and Southeast Asia, the weedy types of Perilla crop may be the key taxon for our understanding of the origin of cultivated types of var. frutescens and var. crispa.
본 연구는 강원도 농업기술원 옥수수연구소에서 튀김옥 수수 품종개발을 위하여 육성한 79개의 자식계통들에 대하 여 대표적인 분자마커인 SSR마커를 이용하여 집단구조 및 association mapping 분석을 실시하였다. 집단구조에 대한 분 석 결과에서 79개의 튀김옥수수 자식계통들은 groups I, II, III, IV, admixed group으로 구분되었다. 4개의 옥수수 자식 계통은 group I에 포함되었고, Group II는 총 17개의 자식계 통들이 포함되었다. 그리고 6개의 자식계통들은 Group III에 포함되었으며, 22개의 자식계통들은 Group IV에 포함되었 다. 그리고 admixed group에는 30개 옥수수 자식계통들이 포함되었다. 튀김옥수수 자식계통들에 대하여 50개 SSR 마 커와 10개의 양적 형질 사이에서 association mapping 분석 을 하였다. Q GLM 분석에서는 0.01의 유의수준에서 92개의 marker-trait association을 확인하였으며, 반면에 Q+K MLM 분석에서는 0.01의 유의수준에서 6개의 marker-trait association 을 확인되었다. 본 연구에서 79개의 튀김옥수수 자식계통들 에 대한 집단구조 및 association mapping 분석의 결과는 앞 으로 강원도농업기술원 옥수수연구소에서 튀김옥수수 품종개 발을 위한 계통 육성 및 교배조합 구성 등에 유용한 정보를 제공할 것으로 기대한다.
본 연구는 강원도농업기술원 옥수수연구소에서 튀김옥수 수 품종개발을 위하여 육성한 79개의 자식계통들에 대하여 총 13개의 양적 및 질적 형질들을 이용하여 형태적 변이 연 구를 수행하였다. 3개의 질적 형질 중에서 웅수색(QL1)은 연한 자주색을 나타내는 계통(46계통)들이 가장 많았고, 자 수색(QL2)과 줄기색(QL3)에서는 각각 녹색을 나타내는 계 통(55계통, 75계통)들이 가장 많았다. 반면에 10개의 양적 형질 중에서 간장(QN1)은 174.2±34.9 cm, 착수고(QN2)는 103.4±24.7 cm, 이삭장(QN3)은 9.4±3.0 cm, 착립장(QN4) 은 8.4±2.6 cm, 이삭경(QN5)은 24.9±7.7 mm, 이삭열수 (QN6)는 14.0±2.3 열, 이삭중(QN7)은 36.5±26.0 g, 종실중 (QN8)은 30.9±19.3 g, 백립중(QN9)은 10.4±3.8 g, 발아율 (QN10)은 평균 95.3±8.1%를 각각 나타내었다. 분석에 이 용된 자식계통들 중에서 5개의 자식계통(PS0-001, PS0-003, PS1-002, PS1-003, PS2-009)들은 조사된 7개의 수량 관련 형질들 중 5개 이상의 형질들에서 비교적 높은 경향이었다. 주성분 분석은 분석에 이용된 13개의 양적 및 질적 형질들 중에서 자수색(QL2), 이삭장(QN3), 착립장(QN4), 이삭경 (QN5), 이삭중(QN7), 종실중(QN8), 백립중(QN9)은 제 1 주 성분에서 양의 방향에 크게 기여하였고, 반면에 웅수색(QL1), 줄기색(QL3), 착수고(QN2) 그리고 이삭열수(QN6)는 음의 방향에 크게 기여하였다. 제 2 주성분에서는 간장(QN1), 착 수고(QN2) 그리고 종실중(QN8)은 양의 방향에 크게 기여 하였고, 반면에 웅수색(QL1), 자수색(QL2), 이삭장(QN3), 이삭열수(QN6) 그리고 100립중(QN9)은 음의 방향에 기여 하였다.