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        검색결과 533

        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have performed the flat-fielding correction for the Hα full-disk monitoring system of KASI (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute), which is installed in the Solar Flare Telescope (SOFT) at the top of Bohyun Mountain. For this, we used a new method developed by Chae (2004), to determine the flat pattern from a set of relatively shifted images. Using this method, we successfully obtained the flat pattern for Hα full-disk observations and compared our result with the image observed in Catania Astrophysical Observatory. The method that we used in this study seems to be quite powerful to obtain the flat image for solar observations. In near future, we will apply this method for the flat-fielding correction of all solar imaging instruments in KASI.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        α-Acaridial [2(E)-(4-methyl-3-pentenyl)butenedial] is a novel monoterpene secreted from the house dust mites. Because of its molecular nature of a highly reactive, small lipidic compound, we addressed whether α-acaridial might function as a haptenic allergen that induced allergic contact dermatitis. Mice sensitized with α-acaridial were challenged by the same antigen on the ear skin. After 2 days, significant ear swelling with a prominent infiltration of CD4+ T lymphocytes was observed. In vitro, α-acaridial exhibited an outstanding ability to quickly interact with and chemically modify a reference protein. Virtually all cysteine residues and a sizable fraction of lysine residues were found to be selectively modified, suggesting that α-acaridial could potentially interact with any proteins. Previously, numerous mite-derived proteinaceous allergens have been associated with contact dermatitis. Our study now emphasizes that small lipidic compounds released from mites comprise a new class of mite allergens, and therefore, is of significant medical implications.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The toxicity of perilla-chinese Basil, Perilla frutescens whole plant-derived materials to third-instar of larva Plutella xylostella was examined using that of four insecticides and 5 constituents of P. frutescens from other research materials. The active principle of P. frutescens was identified as the sesquiterpenoids α-farnesene by spectroscopic analysis. In leaf-dipping bioassay, α-farnesene (LD50, 36.9) was 3.9 times more toxic than β-farnesene (LD50, 145.2) against P. xylostella larva, based on 48h LD50 values. This compound was less toxic than insecticides. Naturally occurring α-farnesene merit further study as potential diamond back moth control agent.
        2008.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Spectral line profiles of filaments/prominences to be observed by the Fast Imaging Solar Spectrograph (FISS) are studied. The main spectral lines of interests are Hα Ca II 8542, and Ca II K. FISS has a high spectral resolving power of 2 x 105, and supports simultaneous dual-band recording. This instrument will be installed at the 1.6m New Solar Telescope (NST) of Big Bear Solar Observatory, which has a high spatial resolution of 0.065" at 500nm. Adopting the cloud model of radiative transfer and using the model parameters inferred from pre-existing observations, we have simulated a set of spectral profiles of the lines that are emitted by a filament on the disk or a prominence at the limb. Taking into account the parameters of the instrument, we have estimated the photon count to be recorded by the CCD cameras, the signal-to-noise ratios, and so on. We have also found that FISS is suitable for the study of multi-velocity threads in filaments if the spectral profiles of Ca II lines are recorded together with Hα lines
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        가열 조리된 냉장 돼지고기 패티에 사용된 상업용 유통 γ-oryzanol과 α-tocopherol 의 항 산화 효과가 돼지고기 육질 내의 지질 산화로부터 기인되는 warmed-over flavor (WOF) 값과 콜레스테롤 산화로부터 기인되는 이차 산화물인 7-ketocholesterol의 생성 추이 변화로 비교 분석되었다. 지질산화로부터 측정된 파라미터는 이화학 데이터인 TBARs 값과 관능 데이터인 WOF 값에 의해 비교 분석되었으며, 콜레스테롤 산화로부터 유래된 측정 파라미터는 산화 유도기간에 따른 가열 조리된 돼지고기의 콜레스테롤 함량 변화 정도와 주요 콜레스테롤 산화물인 7-ketocholesterol 생성 정도에 의해 비교 분석 되었다. 콜레스테롤과 콜레스테롤 산화물은 cold saponification 추출 기법과 고속액체크로마토그래프 (HPLC) 테크닉을 이용하여 정량적으로 분석되었다. 아울러, 측정된 각 파라미터 변수들 간의 통계적 상관관계가 검토되었으며, 가열 조리된 돼지고기 패티의 산화로부터 기인되는 이차 산화물에 대한 γ-oryzanol과 α-tocopherol의 항 산화력이 비교 분석되었다. 분석 결과 모든 파라미터 변수들은 서로 간에 유의적인 상관관계를 나타내었으며, 특히, γ-oryzanol 처리 군에서 유의적인 지질 및 콜레스테롤 항 산화 효과를 보였다.
        2008.01 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The wetting behavior of molten Fe on α-Al2O3 single crystals with three different crystallographic orientations, R(01ar12), A(11ar20), and C(0001), was investigated using the sessile drop method under a 10%H2-Ar atmosphere at 1873 K. It was found that the differences in the contact angle of the three differently oriented α-Al2O3 single crystals were not significant (within 5˚, which corresponded to the changes in the work of adhesion of 157mJ/m2) due to the surface reconstruction.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have determined the disk size of Be stars by using Hα emission. We observed spectra of Be stars with telescope in SNU, equipped with SB SGS (Santa Babara Self Guided Spectrograph) and CCD ST-8. The size of disk of Be stars was estimated with the Be star model of Grundstrom & Gies (2006). This study suggests that the medium resolution spectra taken with small telescope equipped with commercial spectrograph are useful to estimate the approximate size of the Hα emitting disk around Be stars.
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to determine the effect of administration of Prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) on semen collection training and semen characteristics in sexually inexperienced boars. Boars were moved individually to a semen collection pen and were trained to mount dummy sow. During the first and second semen collection secessions, 4 out of 17 boars and 4 out of remaining 13 boars allowed collection of semen. The 9 boars that failed semen collection from first 2 attempts received immediately 15 mg of PGF2α i.m. (intramuscular injection) upon entering the collection pen for semen collection resulted in successful semen collection from all 9 boars. Total numbers of spermatozoa were higher in PGF2α treated boars but there was no significant difference in % motility kinematics characteristics between control and PGF2α treated groups during 72 hr period. Overall, administration of PGF2α in sexually inexperienced boars increased the sex drive and facilitated the mounting activity to the dummy sow for semen collection.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Macrophage inflammatory prote in -3α (M1P-3a 01' CCL20) is an intr땅uing molecule in CanCel‘ irrununotherapy‘ but M1P-3 a expr ession and signaling are not well under s tood in oral cancer cell s. We investigated CCL20 expression a nd signal trans duction by treating immortal ized hllman oral keratinocyte (IHO찌 and oral ca ncer (뻐 4) cells with defe roxa llline (DFO) and examined the mRNA express ion 01' CCL20 using RT- PCR and ELI8A. lHOK and HN4 cells treated with DFO sbowed increased mRNA and protein expression 01' CCL20. and the upregulation 01' DFO-induced CCL20 expression was higher in IHOK cells than in HN4 cells 8elective inhibitors of p38 and ERKl/2 abol ished DF'O- induced CCL20 expression in both lHOK and HN12 cells. and p38 and ERKl/2 inhibitors prevented DFO- induceddegradati on 01' 1 -κ B and NF'-K B activation. Activation 01' c-fos and c-jun also occmred fo l lowing DFO treatment in IHOK and HN4 cells Collectively, these results suggest that DFO-indllced M1 P- 3a. which is involved in the MAP kinase‘ c-fos, c-jun, and NF-K B pathways, may be an important mediator of the a ntitumor immune response in oral keratinocytes ancl warrants con sideration as a target molecule for oral cancer t reatment
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Although substance P (SP). a potent pro-inflammatory peptide, is involved in inflammation and immune responses, the effect of SP 011 the expression of macl'ophage inJlammatol'Y protein 3a (MIP-3a. CCL20) in periodontal ligament (PDL) cells a l'e unknown Equally as enigmatic is the link between SP. the stress protein heme oxygenase-l (HO-l) , and CCL20 product ion. We investigated whether SP induces the release of chemokine CCL20 from irrunortalized POL (IPDL) cells. and further claif’y SP mediated pathways . We also exarnined the relationship between HO-l and CCL20 by treating POL cells with SP Incubating IPOL cells with SP incl'eased ex pl'ession of CCL20 mRNA and CCL20 protein in a dose-time dependent manner. Highly selective p38 and ERKl/2 inhibitors abl'ogated SP-induced expression of CCL20 lD IPOL cells SP is also responsible fo l' ini tiating phosphorylation of I/( B‘ degl'adation of IK B. and activation of NF-/( B. SP induced expression of HO-l in both a concentration- and time-dependent manner. and CCL20 refl ected similal' patterns. The inductive effects of SP on HO-l and CCL20 were enhanced by HO- l inducer hemin and the membrane-permea ble cGMP analog 8-bromo-cGMP Conversely, this pathway was inhi bited by the HO-l inhibitor zinc Pl'otoporphyrin IX (ZnPP IX) and the selective inhibitor of guanylate cyclase‘ 1H- [1. 2. 4]uxad iazole[4, 3-alquinoxal i n- 1-one (ODQ) We report hel'ein the pathway that connects SP a long with other modulators 0 1' neuroimmunoregulationto the induction of HO-1 and the inflanunatol'y mediatol' MIP- 3a /CCL20 in IPDL cel ls. which play an impol'tant role in the development 0 1' pe- I'iodontitis or inflammation during ol'thodontic tooth movement
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaJ uate the role of integrin a 3 and integrin ß 1 expression in the saivary gJand tumors. For this study, 11 specimens diagnosed as pleomorpic adenoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, mucoe pidermoid carcimoma referred to the Dept. of Oral Pathology‘ School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University, 2 specimens 01' normaJ submandibular gland tissues were used as experimental, control groups respectively, All the tissues experimental and control group wel'e fixed in neutral formaJin solution and embedded in paraffin, seriaJ tissue section were made 511m in thickness and processed in the standard way for immunohistochemical method, using primary antibody against integrin a 3, and integrin ß 1 each was diluted at 1;100 followed by the poly- horse radish peroxidase detection system with DAB as chormogen counterstained with Mayel ’s hematoxylin stain method and mounted And examined unde1' the biologic micro scope with the criteria of no epitheliaJ stain, weak 01' focal epithelial stain, moderate 01' focal intensive epithelial s tain. intense generalized epithelial staining for the epithelial, and connective tissue components in no1'mal salivary gland, and saivary g land tumors : pleomorphic adenoma‘ adenoid cystic carcinoma, adenoca1'cinoma, mucoepide1'moid ca1'cinoma on each On the integ1'in α 3 reaction, negative to minimal posit ive reaction was noted on the salivary gland twnors and nor mal subma ndibular gland tlssues On the integrin ß 1 reactions, intense 1'eaction is shown on the serous demilune and ductal cells , and partly on the serous acini in submandibula1' gland tlssues On the integrin ß 1 reactions to pleomorphic adenoma tissues, moderate reactions were noted on the ductal celJs and myoepithelial cells. On the integrin ß 1 reactions to adenoid cystic ca rci noma‘ adenocarcinoma, mucoepidermoid ca1'cinoma tissues, intense reactions were shown on the neo plastic cell s , This resuJt suggest that integrin a 3. integrin ß 1 could be a 1'ole inducing the tumorigenesis.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role 0 1' integrin a 3 and integrin ß 1 in the oral squamous cell ca rcinomas. For this study‘ 10 specimens diagnosed as squamous cell carcinoma referred to the Dept. of Oral Pathology. School of Dentis try, Kyung Hee Univers ity, and 5 specimens of normal oral mucosa without any inflammatory cha nges were used as experimenta l and co nt rol groups, respectively. AlI s pecimens; experirnental and control group were f ixed in neutral f ormalin so lu tion and embedded in paraffin, and then the serial tissue section were rnade 5i1m in thickness and processed for imrnunohi stochemical observatlon The specimens were incubated with prirnary antibody against integrin a 3 r integrin ß 1‘ each was diluted at 1;100, followed by the super sensit ive non- biotin horse r adish peroxidase detection sys tem with DAB as chromogen‘ After counters ta ining with Gill ’s hematoxylin stain method and mounted and examined under the light microscope. Based on the intens ity of the immunoreactivity, intensity of the immunity was scored no ep ithelial stain, weak 0 1' focal epitheli al sta in, modera te 0 1' focal intensive epithelial stain, intense genera lized epitheli al s taining for the e pithelia l, and co nnective ti ssue component in squamous cell carcinomas, and normal oral mucosa on each Expression of integrin a 3 in t he oral mucosa was negli gible. Expression 0 1' integrin a 3 in expression in the or al s mnus cell ca rcinoma was ve ry wea k, but the express ion was increased in poorly differ entiat ed type of the oral squamous cell carcinomas ln the oral mucosa , expression of in tegr in ß 1 ra nged from weak to moderate in the cytoplasm and the cell membra nes of the kera tini zed and basal cell layer. Nuclei were mainly integrin ß 1 negative‘ but rarely revealed weak expression. ln sq uamous cell carcinoma, expression of integrin ß 1 was ntense notably in the cytoplasm, cell membrane a nd nuclear membra ne Nuclei of several tumor cells revealed moderate expression of integrin ß 1. Expression of integrin ß 1 was increased the poorly diffe rentiated type of in squamous cell carcinoma compare to that in moderate or well diffe rentiated type of oral squamous cell carCllìoma These results suggest integrin a 3 and integrin ß 1 may be influ enced the development and growth of the squamous cell carcima .
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        혈당강하 기능성을 갖는 고추 품종을 육성할 목적으로 수집 보존중인 고추 유전자원과 시판 품종들의 α-glucosidase 저해 활성(AGI)을 조사하고 원예적 특성을 평가하였다. AGI 활성 저해율은 열매에서 최대 20.8배, 잎에서 최대 5.9배 차이가 있었다. AGI활성이 높은 계통을 선발하고자 평가된 유전자원 848점의 원예적 특성을 평가한 결과, 과중은 0.5~56.0g, 과장은 0.8~15.4cm, 과경은 0.5~6.3cm로서 다양하게 분포하였다. 하배축 색은 녹색, 1/4 정도 보라색을 띠는 것, 1/2 정도의 보라색을 띠는 것, 전체가 보라색인 계통 및 기타 혼합된 것이 분포하였다. 엽장은 3.1~5.0cm, 엽폭은 2.1~3.0cm이었다. 청과색은 대부분 녹색이었고, 숙과색은 적색이었다. 열매에서 AGI 활성이 높은 선발 계통들의 원예적 특성에 있어서 착과 방향은 모두 하향이었고 청과색은 연녹색 1계통을 제외하고는 모두 녹색이었으며 숙과색은 적색이었다. AGI 활성이 높은 것으로 선발된 고추 의 과중은 5.9~41.1g, 과장은 5.9~17.0cm이었다. 잎에서 AGI 활성이 높은 것으로 선발된 계통들의 엽장과 엽폭은 각각 5.8~29.7cm, 3.9~8.7cm이었다. 고추의 잎 및 열매에서 AGI의 활성 변이 폭은 매우 컸으며, 이 결과로부터 혈당 강하 기능성을 갖는 새로운 고추 품종 육성의 가능성을 확인하였다.