
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 933

        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Consumers actively seek out authentic cultural experiences both in everyday consumption and when they travel. In this study, I investigate the processes through which personal homes are shared cross-culturally. I incorporate insights from the home and sharing literature to explore how consumers negotiate cultural distinctiveness and in-group boundaries when sharing their most valuable possessions. Using in-depth interviews, online archival data, and home photos, I find a swapping community where swappers share an in-group identity and enact loosely-defined conventions. Using these loosely-defined conventions, swappers negotiate a good working order that transcends cultural distinctiveness (Torelli, Ahluwalia, Cheng, Olson, & Stoner, 2017). As swappers localize these conventions in individual swap trades, they justify and temporarily tolerate the cultural distinctiveness. Or more experienced swappers normalize them as authentic experience. This research contributes to understanding how consumers actively negotiate cultural differences and authentic experiences in the sharing economy.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores the effect of ad variation effectiveness as a function of cultural differences, drawing from visual attention and encoding variability theory. Findings on HK and UK participants suggest that varying ad features may be most effective by changing those features that correspond to the intended consumer’s cognitive styles. Introduction Previous research suggests that showing varied ads can enhance brand recall, and result in more positive attitudes towards the brand (Unnava & Burnkrant, 1991). Following the encoding variability theory (Lee & Lee, 2016; Yaveroglu & Donthu, 2008), variations in encoded information improve recall because these variations provide additional memory representations for the target information, hence leading to more retrieval cues for the information to be recalled (Anderson & Bower, 1973). Transposed to an advertising context, each element of an ad (e.g., graphics, layout, backgrounds, products, brand logo, etc.) can serve as a retrieval cue for information recall. For instance, if a target product is embedded in two different backgrounds (e.g., a beer in a social event vs beach background), these two different contexts can serve as two different retrieval cues for the target product, compared to only one possible retrieval cue provided in same ad repetition. Since encoding variability theory relies on contextual changes and multiple memory paths to explain the ad variation effect, it may be affected by cultural difference (specifically, selective attention), which can act as a moderator of ad variation effectiveness. Western and East-Asian people have been found to have different visual attentional biases (e.g., Nisbett & Masuda, 2003), with Westerners being more attentive on focal objects (analytic perception) and Easterners focusing more on the whole picture (holistic perception). As such, the selective attention they paid towards the ad may enable them more susceptible to specific changes of an ad, thus increasing the available memory pathway towards brand information, i.e., brand recall. Brand attitudes are suggested to be formed through learning (e.g., Van Osselaer & Alba, 2000), i.e., consumers learn and process the information conveyed in an ad, which eventually affects their attitude towards a brand. This study therefore also tested the role of visual attention in moderating the effect of ad variation on brand attitude, since Eastern and Western customers learn differently due to their visual attentional styles. To examine the possible moderation of ad-variation effectiveness by visual attention in a cross-cultural context, this study exposed HK (Eastern) and UK (Western) participants with two different varied-ad executions, foreground-varied ads (ads that vary in focal object) and background-varied ads (ads that change in background features). Identical-ad execution was also included as a baseline. We hypothesized that, due to the difference in attentional bias in Eastern participants (holistic) and Western participants (analytic), different types of ad variations might results in different extents of effectiveness of the ad variation. Method A 2 (Culture: UK vs. HK) x3 (Ad type: identical vs. background-varied vs. foregroundvaried) between-subject factorial design experiment was used in this study. We used a fictitious Beer brand - Helga Brugge - for this study. In the identical-ad condition, the same target ad was repeated three times. We designed a target beer and two beer pints as foreground features and background features included a camping scene (in identical-ad condition), and a football stadium, camping scene and a social event scene (in background-varied condition). In foreground-varied condition, while keeping the background image constant (camping background), the foreground features differed, i.e., a bottle beer, a canned beer, and a bottle beer with two beer pins. See Figure 1 for the target ad stimuli. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the three ad type conditions and watched the 20 advertisement slides (3 target ads with 17 filler ads), each of which was presented singularly for 3 seconds. Filler ads were chosen from real ads that were not used anymore at the time of the study. They included various product categories other than beer such as toy, beverage, and cosmetics. After being exposed to the advertisement, participants were asked to answer a series of questions measuring a number of variables in the following order: ad recall and brand recall (Lee & Lee, 2016), brand attitude (MacKenzie, Lutz & Belch, 1986) and demographic information. Data was collecting online using Qualtrics. Both Chinese and English versions of instructions were back translated (Miracle and Bang, 2002). Results After excluding incomplete datasets and participants whose nationality was not British or Hong Kong, the final sample comprised 117 UK (78 female) and 108 HK (63 female) participants. Cross-cultural Cognitive Differences in Perception To confirm the underlying assumption that HK participants tend to have holistic visual perception and UK participants tend to have analytical visual perception, participants’ responses were coded to identify the type of foreground information (e.g., beers, pints, foams) and background information (e.g., sunset, camping). The coding processes were independently performed by two coders; Cohen’s κ analyses showed a moderate agreement (Sim & Wright, 2005) between the two coders' judgments on both foreground information (κ = .781, p < .001, 95% CI, .716 to .846) and background information (κ = .775, p < .001, 95% CI, .706 to .843). Two 2(Culture: UK vs. HK) x 3(Ad type: identical, background-varied and foregroundvaried) analysis of variance (ANOVA) were conducted. Results support our assumption: UK participants elicited more comments on foreground information (M= 1.56, SD= 1.20) than HK participants did (M= 1.05, SD= 1.03; F(1, 219)= 11.80, p= .001, =.051), and HK participants elicited more comments on background information (M= 1.69, SD= 1.19) than UK participants did (M= 1.09, SD= 1.03; F(1, 219)=16.22, p<.001, =.069). There was no statistically significant main effect on ad type or any statistically significant interaction effect. Brand Recall For UK participants, we hypothesized that their selective attention towards focal objects would enable them more susceptible to changes in the foreground-varied ad conditions, but not in the background-varied ad conditions. Chi-squared analyses revealed that UK participants’ brand recall scores in foreground-varied condition (M=89.2%) was significantly higher than those in both background-varied (M=53.7%): X^2 (1, N=78) = 11.80, p<.001, ϕ =.39, and identical conditions (M=43.6%): X^2 (1, N=76) = 17.5, p<.001, ϕ =.48. There was no difference in brand recall between identical and background-varied conditions. Conversely, we hypothesized that both background- and foreground-varied ads would be equally effective for HK participants due to their holistic attention towards both foreground and background objects. Multiple chi-squared tests revealed that, HK participants’ brand recall scores in both foreground-varied condition (M=59.5.%) and background-varied condition (M=58.3%) were significantly higher than that in the identical condition (M=34.3.%; foreground-varied vs. identical,X^2 (1, N=72) = 4.57, p=.032, ϕ =.25; background-varied vs. identical, X^2 (1, N=71) = 4.13, p= .042, ϕ =.24). The difference between the two varied ad conditions was not significant. Brand Attitudes We hypothesized that HK and UK participants’ brand attitudes also differ to different extents in the three conditions, following a similar pattern found in measuring brand recall. Consistent with this, independent-sample t-tests on UK participants revealed that the mean scores for brand attitude in both foreground-varied ads condition (M= 4.64) was higher than that in both identical ads condition (M= 3.71; t=-4.09, p<.001, d=0.94) and background-varied ads condition (M=3.98; t=3.49, p=.001, d=0.80). No significant difference was found between the identical-ad condition and background-varied condition. For HK participants, results of t-tests revealed that the mean scores for brand attitude in both foreground-varied condition (M= 4.18) and background-varied condition (M=4.33) were both significantly higher than that in identical ads condition (M= 3.53; foreground vs identical: t=-3.19, p=.002, d=0.51; background vs identical: t=4.87, p<.001, d=0.80). No significant difference was found between the two varied ads conditions. Discussion This research provides supporting evidence that visual attentional biases initiated by cultural differences can moderate the effectiveness of ad variation. Specifically, for UK participants, ad variation appeared to be effective only in foreground-varied ads. Conversely, both foreground-varied and background-varied ads were effective for HK participants. These findings have both theoretical and managerial implications. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first cross-cultural research in the domain of ad variation. It addresses a gap in the ad variation literature, by identifying the moderating effect that cultural differences can have on the ad variation effect. This opens up new research directions including considering other forms of cultural variations (e.g., language) and cognitive differences (e.g., reasoning styles) to better understand individual differences in the domain of ad-variation. This study also offers insights for international marketers looking at tailoring their advertising strategies for different target audiences to maximize ad- and cost-effectiveness. Besides varying features that correspond to the intended consumer’s cognitive styles, marketers could also consider priming consumers’ cognitive styles when determining advertising strategies, as previous research has shown that consumers’ cognitive styles are relatively malleabile (Lin & Han, 2009). For example, when executing foreground-varied ads, inserting them into an article that could induce an analytic cognition (e.g., bibliography programs about a successful life story of a person) would be an effective strategy. This study has two main limitations. First, it only included data from nationals of the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. Non-cognitive cultural differences such as language and geographical mobility can affect cognitive styles (e.g., Rhode & Voyer, 2015). Future research should replicate and expand findings by looking at more countries (e.g., US, South Korea), with increased level of control on relevant non-cognitive crosscultural factors. Second, this study only looked at one hedonic product category: beer. Future research can replicate and expand findings, by looking at different product categories (e.g., utilitarian products, such as toothbrushes).
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Terror management theory (TMT) highlights the impact of death related thoughts on consumers’ decisions in everyday life (Hayes, Schimel, Arndt, & Faucher, 2010) and the various coping behaviors they adopt to manage this terror-related anxiety. Individuals exposed to man-made (e.g. terrorist attacks, wars) or natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes, tsunamis) are obliged to mitigate the awareness of their eventual death or mortality salience (MS). MS plays a significant role in shaping individuals consumption behaviors, particularly in terms of materialism and ethnocentrism. This study aims to address (1) how MS-induced feelings impact consumers’ consumption criteria, preferences and behaviors, and (2) what contextual and cultural factors ought to be considered in this regard. Nineteen focus groups in total were conducted in Japan, Lebanon and the UK. Based on grounded theory approach, we found that consumers’ feelings based on their traumatic experiences exhibit some similarities and differences depending on their own historical, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds. Future research should include more countries and take into account a variety of cultural backgrounds. Moreover, as Japan, Lebanon and the UK represent three of the most prominent religions, Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity respectively, religiosity may be a relevant concept in defining and interpreting MS in a cross-cultural context.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this research was to examine consumers from distinct cultural groups and examine similarities and differences in their green purchase behaviors. The sample consisted of consumers from U.S.A. and South Korea and the theory of planned behavior was used as a theoretical framework to test the influence of diverse constructs on consumers’ purchase intentions toward organic cotton apparel. A total of 334 participants (164 for U.S.A. sample and 170 for South Korea sample) were recruited to examine purchase behaviors toward organic cotton apparel. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the relationship between the TPB constructs and compare the results between the two country groups. AMOS 24 and SPSS 24 were used to analyze the data. For both countries, perceived behavioral control (PBC) and descriptive norms were strong predictors of purchase intentions and injunctive norms strongly influenced attitude formation. However, the two groups showed different results regarding attitude-purchase intention, descriptive norms-attitude, and injunctive norms-purchase intentions relationship. For example, while attitude was the strongest predictor of purchase intention in the U.S.A. group, it had an insignificant effect in South Korea group. For South Korea group PBC had the strongest effect on consumers purchase intention. Multi-group SEM results showed that the difference in the chi-square statistics between the two models was significant. Significant differences were found in two structural paths: attitude → purchase intention and PBC → purchase intention. TPB provided a useful framework for explaining green purchase behaviors in both countries as PBC and descriptive norms strongly predicted consumers’ intention to purchase. However, South Koreans were more affected by the social pressure: their purchase intention were strongly influenced by both injunctive norms and descriptive norms which was in contrast to the findings from American consumers. Injunctive norms were an insignificant predictor of purchase intentions in the U.S.A. group. Injunctive norms reflect individual’s perception of whether the behavior is approved or disapproved by others while descriptive norms involve individual’s perception of whether the behavior is typically performed by others. Therefore, when Korean consumers perceive that others believe it is a good idea to purchase organic cotton apparel and when they actually see others purchasing the product, they will feel more inclined to purchase the product themselves. This result is consistent with previous research that suggest conformity is a crucial factor for people belonging to a collectivistic culture (e.g., Hofstede, 1980; Kitayama et al., 1995).
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In a globalizing world, characterized by increasing diversity and exposure to other societies, understanding individuals’ orientations towards cultural outgroups has both theoretical and practical relevance. When cultural boundaries blur, individuals are afforded the opportunity to reshape their identity and affiliate themselves with multiple groups. However, globalization may also cause value conflict and moral confusion as people face ideas that challenge pre-existing notions. Globalization is therefore intertwined with psychology. Whereas (consumer) ethnocentrism and other exclusionary reactions (animosity, nationalism, xenophobia, etc.) have been the subject of innumerable studies, inclusionary constructs such as cosmopolitanism and particularly, xenocentrism, have only recently gained traction. Cosmopolitanism and xenocentrism denote distinct individual orientations towards cultural outgroups. The former considers an individual’s openness to cultural diversity and ability to navigate through intercultural environments, whereas the latter describes an individual’s feelings of admiration or preference for specific cultural outgroup(s), over their ingroup. Few studies have simultaneously examined these constructs and fewer still have considered these within a nomological framework of key predictors (i.e., basic psychological needs: need for autonomy, relatedness, and competence) and practical outcomes (i.e., cross-group friendships, influentialness, environmental behaviours, maladaptive health behaviours). We hypothesized a series of relationships of various antecedents and outcomes of cosmopolitanism and xenocentrism, and tested these conjectures using survey data from Canadians (n=238) and Americans (n=239). The findings support the psychometric robustness of our operationalization of xenocentrism, and clearly distinguish this construct from cosmopolitanism. Beyond confirming earlier findings (e.g., how proenvironmental behaviours are predicted by cosmopolitanism and xenocentrism), we illuminate several novel relationships (e.g., between basic psychological needs and cosmopolitanism), and elucidate the role played by a key personality dimension, neuroticism, in mediating the relationships between basic psychological needs, and the two outgroup orientations. Theoretical and practical implications, limitations, and future directions are elucidated.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using a theoretical framework of cultural capital, the present study analyzed a collecting system in AbyssRium, a mobile healing game. AbyssRium provides users with emotional satisfaction by allowing them to decorate a virtual aquarium using fishes and other sea creatures. We conducted a content analysis using contents generated in online communities and focus group interview with heavy users of AbyssRium. Results suggest that game players feel superiority by possessing rare fishes over others. These rare items were also utilized to distinguish users who collected the items from others not possessing such fishes. Also, the game operator of AbyssRium maintains the game balance by imposing greater costs for experienced users than for novice users in collecting fishes and decorate the aquarium. Such a strategy contributes to sustaining the social ecosystem of Abyssrium by encouraging new users to start to play the game. The current study suggests that a simple mobile game can afford a social interaction and a social system allowing users to constructs social meaning of artifacts presented in the virtual environments. Future research may broaden the generalizability of the cultural capital framework by replicating these findings in different video games.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        무용계에서 부채춤은 신무용으로 분류하지만 오랫동안 부채풍속을 가지고 있는 조선은 부채춤을 전통무용과 연계성을 갖지 못했다. 최근 마지막 기생 장금도의 구술에서 일제 강점기때 기생들이 부채춤을 췄다는 얘기를 참고해서 부채춤에 대한 재조명이 필요로 한다. 그리고 부채춤 존재를 확인했지만 이를 뒷받침할 수 있는 증거를 찾기 위해 연주곡 남도 굿거리에 관심을 가졌다. 남도굿거리는 향제 줄풍류의 마지막 연주곡 이고 이 연주는 지방의 율객들에 의해 19세기말 20세기 초에 완성된 음악이다. 따라서 <권번부채춤>은 이후에 창작된 무용이라는 사실을 알게 되었다. 부채춤은 권번에서 완성되어 기생들이 추었고 장금도가 이 춤을 배운 연도는 1939-1942년 사이이다. 이는 김백봉 부채춤보다 15여년 이전에 이미 존재 했슴을 알 수 있다. <권번부채춤>이 탄생하게 된 문화적 배경을 세 가지로 유추했다. 첫째, 줄풍류 율객에서 부채춤이 탄생될 계기가 되었고 두 번째, 기생들의 창작적인 춤으로 보았다. 셋째, 군산 벚꽃 축제에 게이샤들 활동에서 영향을 받았을 거라는 생각을 했다. 해방 후 권번이 사라지면서 부채춤도 그냥 잊혀 지게 되었다. 해방과 전쟁의 소용돌이에서 기생들의 활동을 정리도 못한 채 새로운 무용에 열광했다. 현재 김백봉의 부채춤을 효시라는 명성과 함께 모든 문헌과 매체에 기록되어 있어 이에 대한 재평가가 필요하다. 전통무용을 수용하고 계승 했던 당시 기생들의 업적과 활동에 대해 새로운 시각에서 이들을 재 논의 해야 할 것이다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고에서는 문화접촉을 통해 문화변용으로 나아가는 과정들 중 무엇보다도 문화접촉 현장 속에서의 인간의 반응에 중점을 두고 있다. 우리는 문화접촉의 다양한 양상들을 뉴스와 여러 인터뷰 등을 통해 접하고 있다. 여기서는 소설에서 표현되는 작중인물들의 문화접촉 현장 속에서의 반응을 문화접촉을 경험한 사람들에 의한 문학 속에서 찾는 것이며, 곧 문학작품 속에서 작중인물의 정서적 지표들이 구현되는 양상들을 통해서 고찰하고 있다. 문화접촉에 의한 문화변용, 문화충격, 문화접변의 현상들은 보다 상이하다고 여겨지는 문화권들의 접촉지대에서 보다 더 시각적으로 인식적으로 관념적으로 탐색이 가능할 것이다. 문화접경지역에 있는 화인들이 캐나다에 이주한 뒤 경험한 여러 문화적 경험들이 어떻게 작중인물에게 투영되어 나타나는지, 이들의 심리적 정서적 상태에 대한 고찰이 연구의 핵심이 된다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        문화콘텐츠산업은 현재 각광을 받고 있지만 창의성의 유지가 매우 중요한 분야로 안정적인 발전을 위해서는 다른 산업과는 다른 접근방식과 대안이 필요한 분야이다. 상호호혜성의 원칙에 입각한 협동조합의 형태는 다른 산업과는 다른 문화콘텐츠산업의 창작자들에게 안정적인 시스템을 제공하고 문화적 창의성을 유지 시킬 수 있는 훌륭한 수단이 될 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 이 논문에서는 특히 ‘바른음원협동조합’, ‘자립음악생산조합’을 중심으로 문화콘텐츠산업과 협동조합의 연계 가능성에 대한 논의들을 정리하고 있다. 이러한 사례연구로 문화콘텐츠산업이 협동조합 형태로 운영될 때의 상황들을 파악할 수 있다. 그리고 발전적인 문화콘텐츠 협동조합 형태에 대한 논의들을 진행하고 있다. 하지만 문화콘텐츠산업에서 협동조합 방식의 운영이 많지 않고 새로운 형태이기 때문에 그에 대한 시행착오와 한계도 확인할 수 있으며, 앞으로 이러한 문제점을 줄일 수 있는 많은 연구와 노력이 필요하다.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국가 사이의 문화거리가 다국적 기업의 성과에 영향을 미친다는 기존 연구에 기초 하여 본 연구에서는 문화거리로 야기되는 기업의 어려움이 최고경영진의 현지 대응 역량에 의해서 어떻게 완화되는지에 대한 연구 주제에 대해서 탐구하였다. 본 연구에서는 중국 시장에서의 현지 대응 역량은 1) 귀환자 여부 2) 교육 배경 3) 정치적인 연관성과 관련이 있음을 밝혔으며 이를 102개의 다국적 기업 데이터를 활용하여 실증적으로 분석하였다. 즉 이 연구는 다국적 기업 최고 경영진의 해외경험, 교육 수준, 그리고 정부 접근성이 중국이라는 시장에서 문화거리로 야기되는 단점을 상쇄하는 요소라는 사실을 검증하였다. 본 연구는 중국 시장을 넘어 다른 개발도상국에 진출한 외국계 기업의 현지 전략에도 실무적인 함의를 가질 것으로 기대한다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined images typical to this city and explored ways to develop cultural products using these images. Researchers reviewed literature about fashion cultural products and related previous research, and then conducted a closed-ended survey to analyze universal fashion preferences. For the examination material, such a way was used as information data base and network review inside and outside the country, dissertation screen, and published media including separate volumes. The following are considering points in the developing process. First, the study identified design, color, price, practicality and quality as factors that should be taken into consideration when using the image of Gangneung. In particular, it determined that the image needs to reflect a modern sensibility while maximizing its representation of local culture. Second, Gangneung’s symbolic image should incorporate the sea, Gyeongpo, and coffee. In other words, the sea, Gyeongpo, and coffee should receive top symbolic priority. Third, from a development perspective, the most appropriate items for displaying the image include t-shirts, keychains, umbrellas, or other accessories, since these items are easily available in terms of price. In sum, this study highlighted the necessity of reconsidering Gangneung’s currents ymbolic image, suggesting that a new image should be developed. Developing a typical fashion cultural product image will enrich Gangneung’s cultural industry and the distribution of newly designed products will improve the localeconomy.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        예이츠의 문학 활동은 ‘문화 민족주의’운동을 통해 아일랜드의 독립을 추구하려는 끊임없는 노력으로 볼 수 있다. 그는 아일랜드의 시골에서 오랫동안 구전된 켈트의 전설, 민담, 설화 및 민요에 큰 관심을 갖고 보편적인 경험으로 공유하는 신들, 요정들, 영웅들의 이야기에서 민족의 감정을 되살리려 한다. 예이츠는 복잡한 이해관계로 얽힌 아일랜드의 현실 정치와 거리를 유지하면서도 문화와 민족정신의 회복 을 통해 독립을 이룰 수 있다고 믿는다. 한편 예이츠의 신비주의 상징주의 경향의 작품성은 문학의 선동적 기능을 추구하던 강성 아일랜드 민족주의자들과 갈등하고 대립하는 양상으로 전개된다.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 들어 비행정보에 대한 확인기술의 발달과 소형 드론의 지속적인 기술개발로 인하여 이동성과 안정성이 확보된 근접 항공촬영이 가능해졌다. 특히 GPS좌표를 활용하여 경로비행의 위치를 직접 지정함으로써 조사대상지에 대한 경 로비행의 정확성과 안정성이 확보되었으며, 이를 통해 일정한 고도를 유지한 상태에서 정사투영 촬영을 통한 분석이 가능하게 되었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 수목의 생육관리와 3D맵핑 시스템의 접목에 착안하여 정밀하고 체계적인 3D 맵핑 도면작성을 활용하여 수목의 시공과 관리측면에서 경제적이고 장기적인 차원에서 수목의 상태를 파악하기 위한 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 특히 문화재로 지정된 수목의 경우처럼 고부가가치를 지닌 수목에는 활용도가 더 크다 하겠다. 항공사진 촬영에 이용된 UAV는 Mikrokopter사의 회전 익을 이용하였으며, 디지털 데이터의 취득은 Sony α5100을 활용하였다. 항공사진촬영 시 공간해상도를 고려하여 비행고도를 설정하였는데, 계획된 공간해상도 3Cm를 확보하기 위해 비행고도는 대상지를 기준으로 80m로 설정하였으며 촬영 시 종중복율(Endlap) 및 횡중복율(Sidelap)을 45%로 설정하여 항공사진촬영을 실시하였다. 그 결과 약 4개의 스트립 비행 경로를 따라 44개의 Waypoint가 설정되었으며, 비행고도와 속도는 80m, 약 3m/sec로 항공사진촬영을 실시하였다. 연구대상지인 광한루원의 항공사진 촬영을 결과를 살펴 보면 44개의 Wapoint 중 41개 지점에서 촬영되었으며, 취득된 디지털데이터에 비행로그데이터를 적용하여 잔차분 석을 통한 유효성을 검증한 결과 UAV에서 촬영된 41개의 디지털데이터 모두 유효한 데이터로 확인되었다. 3D맵핑 데이터제작 및 DEM분석은 Photoscan을 이용하 여 데이터를 추출하였다. 3D맵핑을 위한 데이터의 정합은 UAV 시스템에서 취득된 디지털영상데이터를 모두 이용하였으며, Photoscan의 자동영상매칭 기능을 이용하여 Point Cloud Data 형식의 데이터를 하나의 데이터로 정렬한 후 이를 바탕으로 Polygon Data 및 Texture로 변환하여 약4.5 ㎝급의 DSM을 생성하였으며, 정사투영 방식의 보정을 통해 약 3cm급의 정사영상데이터를 제작하였다. 취득된 디지털데이터를 통해 구축된 공간정보데이터의 보정 및 정확성 검토를 위해 UAV를 이용하여 취득된 영상과 GPS/INS데이터, 기상기준점 측정 데이터를 기반으로 정확성을 검토하였다. 지상기준점측량은 RTK(Real Time Kinematic)의 GRS80좌표 시스템을 이용하여 데이터를 취득하였으며, 측량지점은 3곳을 지상기준점으로 선정하였 다. 측정결과 RMSE는 ±5Cm 이내의 정확성을 가지는 것으 로 나타나 정사영상 데이터를 이용한 수목의 수관폭 등에 대한 평면데이터 구축에는 문제가 없는 것으로 파악되었다. 구축된 정사영상 데이터를 분석한 결과 총 25주의(산수 유4, 은행나무7, 소나무9, 단풍나무4, 모과나무1) 수목이 확인되었는데, 이중 산수유와 은행나무는 현장조사를 통해 수목의 종류를 확인하였다. 정사영상 데이터를 바탕으로 최종 생성된 DSM데이터를 살펴보면, 시설물 및 지형에 대한 수치데이터는 정확하게 분석되었으나 수목의 경우에는 총 25주의 수목중 약 50%에 해당하는 12주(단풍나무 3주, 소나무 5주, 산수유 4주)의수목에 대한 3D데이터가 추출되었다. 이러한 이유는 항공촬영을 통한 디지털데이터 구축에 있어 수직부감으로 촬영된 디지털데이터는 수목의 불규칙면에 대한 데이터 구축의 어려움과 수목 일부가 그림자와 중첩됨으로써 그림자로 인식되는 현상, 수목들 중첩되는 구간에 대한 3D데이터 구축이 어려운 것으로 판단되었으며 최근에 식재된 수목(은행나무(7)에서 3D데이터가 생성되지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 추후 항공촬영에 있어 디지 털 데이터 구축 시 45도 사선 촬영을 포함하여 항공사진촬 영 시간과 시기 등에 대한 보완이 필요할 것으로 판단되며, 3D데이터 구축에 필요한 위치좌표의 참고자료 구축을 위해 다양한 고도에서 항공사진촬영을 실시함과 동시에 지상 촬 영의 병행을 통해 수목개체군에 대한 종합적인 3D데이터 구축이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.