
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 837

        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 우리나라에서 개발된 병저항성 GM벼의알레르기 유발성을 평가하고자 하였다. 벼 유래의 Cholinekinase 1 유전자(OsCK1)를 과발현 하도록 형질전환한 벼를이용하여 알레르기 유발인자와 상동성이 있는지 확인한 결과,연속되는 80개 이상의 아미노산 절편에서 35% 이상의 상동성을 보이는 서열은 없었으며 8개씩의 인접 아미노산과 일치하는 서열도 확인되지 않았다. 또한 GM벼와 non-GM 벼 사이의 단백질 분포가 일치하는 것을 확인하였으며, 인공 위액에서 빠르게 분해됨을 확인하였다. 발현단백질의 당화 발생 여부를 확인한 결과, OsCK1단백질에 대한 당화는 발생하지 않는 것을 알 수 있었으며 열안정성 검사에서OsCK1 단백질을100oC에서 가열하였을 때 30분 이후부터는 약하게 분해됨을확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 통해 병저항성 GM벼는 알레르기 유발과는 상관관계가 없음을 확인하였다.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 친환경제제인 미강제제를 처리하였을 때 고추 생육기간에 따른 토양의 이화학적 특성과 밭토양의 미생물 군집을 조사하였으며, 시들음병과 수확량에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 수행되었다. 제조된 미강제제의 이화학적 특성과 유해성분을 조사한 결과 농촌진흥청에서 제시한 기준인 비료공정규격보다 질소, 인산, 칼륨의 최소함량이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 유해성분 함량도 기준치 이하로 나타났다. 미강제제 처리 후 밭토양의 이화학적 특성은 고추생육이 끝난 시점에도 유효인산의 함량이 대조구에 비하여 높게 유지되는 것으로 나타났다. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) 분석에 의한 토양내의 미생물 군집을 조사한 결과 토양내 미생물 군집변화는 큰 차이가 없었으나 전체적인 미생물 생체량이 높게 나타났다. 미강제제 시용은 고추시들음병 방제에 효과가 있었으며 이로 인해 고추수확량이 약 2.7배 높게 증수되었다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Smoking is a risk factor for oral leukoplakia and oral cancer, as well as lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases and many other systemic diseases. Smoking is considered increasing factor of some oral diseases involved indigenous bacteria. In addition, a relationship between smoking and infection of Human papillomavirus (HPV), which is associated with oropharyngeal cancer, remains unclear. The aim of this study is to assess whether smoking has an impact on increase of bacteria inducing oral disease such as dental caries and periodontitis, and HPV infection. DNA of saliva gathered from smokers and non-smokers, consisted of men and women, was analyzed using PCR. Oral disease-causing bacteria were more detected in men smokers than men non-smokers and HPV was most found in women non-smokers. Taken together, this study suggests smoking is related with variation of oral microorganism existence in some way.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        By means of the model competition, this research analyzed the factor of patient management, the factor of policy support, and the factor of medical treatment system. Concretely, the factor of policy support forms a positive effects on the factor of medical treatment system. Practically, well-established healthcare policy provide and facilitate the effective medical treatment system. of the hospital. And, in the effective medical treatment system, hospitals try to develop the patient management of the chronic disease. From the empirical research, this paper concluded that the factor of medical treatment system. mediated by the factor of policy support. Also, the factor of medical treatment system promotes the development of patient management in the chronic disease.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between fire fighter's musculoskeletal disorder related observable symptom and their absence from disease and accident. Online questionnaire was distributed with a total of 7,673 fire fighters, and statistical analysis was conducted to the collected data. The result shows that on a one year basis, patients with musculoskeletal disorder related observable symptom felt symptom in sequence of back, shoulder, neck, knee. The result verified that 12.9% of absence of disease and 5.9% of absence of accident experienced these symptoms. Both absence from disease and absence from accident showed body part symptoms related to neck and shoulder. This study ascertained the relationship between fire fighters' absence and their musculoskeletal disorder related observable symptom. The author hopes this study to be used as a basis of precautionary program for absence management.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) has great potential for causing huge economic loss and was the first disease identified by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in its official list of free countries and zones. This study examined the governmental expenditures for five FMD epidemics that occurred in the Republic of Korea between 2000 and 2011. The costs of an epidemic ranged from 26 billion Korean won (KRW, approximately 23.6 million US dollars, ) to a maximum of 2,044 billion KRW (US 1.9 billion). For two epidemics in which vaccinations were implemented, the costs were higher than those epidemics without vaccination. The mean cost for an outbreak ranged from 0.5 billion KRW (US 4.5 million) for the 2010/2011 epidemic to 18.2 billion KRW (US 16.5 million) for the 2000 epidemic. Mean costs per infected premises were 7.0 billion KRW for cattle farms (95% CI: 4.72∼9.28), 1.38 billion KRW for pig farms (0.88∼1.87), 0.11 billion KRW for deer farms (0.08∼0.14), and 0.10 billion KRW for goat farms (0.07∼0.13). The highest cost for an outbreak in cattle seemed associated with the number of outbreak cattle farms in two epidemics in which vaccination was implemented.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 북한산국립공원을 대상으로 참나무시들음병 피해지에 대한 감염단계별 현황을 정밀조사하고 이를 지도화하여 감염피해 관리 및 예방을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 하였다. 유역권을 고려한 현존식생 polygon을 맵핑단위로 설정하여 참나무류 분포지역을 조사하였으며 관리지구별 감염피해율 및 감염 단계별 가중치를 적용하여 산정한 감염지수 현황을 맵핑하였다. 북한산국립공원 전체 참나무류 감염피해율은 58.5% 이었고, 경피해율 29.6%, 중피해율 16.1%, 심피해율 8.8%, 고사율 4.1% 등 이었다. 원도봉의 범골능선에서 정릉지구의 형제봉능선까지의 감염정도가 심하였고 북한산국립공원의 주능선을 중심으로 서측의 송추지구, 산성지구, 구기지구는 상대적으로 피해정도가 약하였으나 능선부와 주요 계곡부 상부 일대에서 감염피해율은 높았다. 감염지수는 피해 미약 지역이 전체 참나무류 면적의 39.1%, 가벼운 피해 지역이 41.0%, 중간 피해 지역이 전체 면적의 16.1%, 심각한 피해 지역이 전체 면적의 3.3%, 대부분 고사 위험 피해 지역이 전체 면적의 0.4%이었다. 심피해와 고사목이 다수 확인된 도봉지구의 무수골계곡과 자운봉 일대의 감염지수가 높았으며 정릉지구의 보현봉 일대와 산성지구의 효자리계곡 일부지역에서도 감염정도가 심각하였다. 북한산국립공원의 각 지구별 참나무류 분포면적 대비 예측 감염주수 산정 결과, 전체 참나무류 주수 2,709,147주 중 감염주수는 총 1,585,937주 이었다. 우이지구가 참나무류 352,931주 중 306,161주가 감염되어 피해가 가장 심하였고 피해가 가장 적은 구기지구는 참나무류 145,747주 중 53,141주가 감염되었다.
        2013.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nosema disease caused by microsporidia which belongs to fungi is a major cause of honey production loss and is worldwide in distribution. The most common method of nosema disease controlling is the application of the fumagillin. It is an antibiotic derived from the fungus Aspergillus fumigates. It has been used for many years to treat microsporidiosis caused by Nosema in honeybees. However, Fumagillin does not kill Nosema spores, and has rapidly deteriorating potency after application, resulting in only partial and temporary anti-Nosema effect, since new bees emerge constantly in a colony, and re-application is required several times a year. Also it is no longer practised for the associated risk of honey contamination. In this study we compare the effect in spore reduction of Cordyceps militaris extract(CMX) and of fumagillin. Three weekly administrations of CMX showed a noticeable decrease in the number of spores infecting the honey bee intestines, without negative effects for adults and comb health. Therefore this product could play an important role in prevention and reduction of nosema disease without risks of honey with antibiotics.
        2013.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 파프리카 재배포장과 저온저장 후 미생물상을 조사하였으며, 동정된 미생물의 병원성을 검정하여 전염원 유입과 저장병 발생의 관련성을 조사하였다. 재배포장에서는 세균의 경우 과일표면에서 Bacillus spp., Clavibacter sp.와 Pseudomonas spp. 등 7종류의 세균이 분리되었으며 저온저장 후에는 인체에 유해한 균을 포함하여 Erwinia sp., Salmonella spp., Streptococcus spp. 등 8종류의 세균이 분리되었다. 재배포장과 저온저장 후 분리된 주요 진균은 Alternaria sp,, Botrytis sp,, Cladosporium sp,, Fusarium sp,와 Penicillium sp.가 분리되었으며, Geotrichum sp.은 저온저장 후 과일에서 분리되었다. 진균의 경우 분리된 균 모두 파프리카의 부패에 관여하는 것으로 나타났으나 분리된 세균을 단독으로 접종하였을 때 파프리카의 부패에 관여하지 않는 것으로 조사되었다. 이 결과로 진균에 의해 1차적으로 저장병이 발생한 후 세균에 의해 2차적 부패가 발생하는 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Virus infections of the honeybee(Apis mellifera) have been increasingly investigated during the last decade. In general, honeybee viruses are widespread and most of them persist as inapparent infections. We screened honeybee colonies for the presence of several bee viruses, including deformed wing virus(DWV), black queen virus(BQCV), Kashmir bee virus(KBV), Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), sacbrood virus(SBV), acute bee paralysis virus(ABPV), using uniplex RT-PCR. Frequently simultaneous infections with different viruses are diagnosed in seemingly healthy bee colonies. Therefore we developed a multiplex RT-PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of multiple bee viruses.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Jeon-Nam province has the largest number of managed honey bee(Apis cerana) colonies before 2009 years ago, which produce the highest quantity of honey in the Korea; however, almost colony were collapsed by Sacbrood Virus(SBV) in jeon-nam apiaries. We thus conducted a molecular survey of honey bee RNA viruses, Nosema microsporidia, Foul broods and fungal disease(Chalk brood and Stone brood) associated with environmental conditions in apiaries and differential A. cerana hives in Joun-nam province. We found the presence of black queen cell virus (BQCV), Israel Acute Paralysis Virus and Nosema apis. Sacbrood virus(SBV) was detected in the tested samples. Our results demonstrate that honey bee RNA viruses and N. apis are present in joen-nam province apiaries, and some might be related environment conditions(temperature and moisture).
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Chungbuk province has number of management honey bee(Apis cerana) colonies. A. cerana produce honey, and are pollinators with in agricultural crops and natural environmental ecosystems. Korean Sacbrood Virus(SBV) causes colony collapses of A. cerana Feb. in Korean apiaries from 2009 years. It causes a fatal disease(sacbrood) of honeybee larvae, which fail to pupate, change color and shape, and finally die. We thus conducted a molecular survey of honey bee RNA viruses, Nosema microsporidia, Foul broods and fungal disease(Chalk brood and Stone brood) associated with environmental conditions in apiaries and differential type(Traditional and Modern) of A. cerana hives in Chungbuk province. We found the presence of Israel Acute Paralysis Virus(IAPV), Nosema apis, and Sacbrood virus(SBV) was detected in the tested samples. IAPV were detected from mordern hive. Nosema apis, and Sacbrood virus(SBV) was detected from traditional hives. Our results demonstrate that honey bee RNA viruse(SBV) and N. apis are present in Traditional hives. It can suggest SBV and other disease might be related environment conditions(Type of hives).
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Trombiculid mites are known to be the vector of tsutsugamushi disease by transmitting Orientia tsutsugamushi to human. Although the classification of trombiculid mites is necessary for vector surveillance, their classification by morphological observation is only possible at the larval stage and not easy because of similar shapes as well as tiny body sizes. Further the classification need the specimen production process, it takes much time and the accuracy of classification is changed according to the technology of the researcher. The internal transcribed spacers (ITS) regions of 8 trombiculid mite species were analyzed by amplification using tick common ITS primer sets. We designed molecular marker sets for the identification of five Leptotrombidium species, the lengths of marker L. orientale (1078 bp), L. pallidum (820 bp), L. palpale (1202 bp), L. scutellare (447 bp) and for L. zetum (621 bp) and three Neotrombicula species, the lengths of marker N. gardellai (264 bp), N. japonica (460 bp) and N. kwangneungensis (309 bp) based on alignment of ITS sequences. The markers will be helpful for exact classification of trombiculid mites. This study is the first report on molecular marker of ITS regions of trombiculid mites.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농업적, 환경적, 경제적 및 사회적인 이익으로 농업생명공학에 의한 유전자변형(GM) 작물의 재배는 점차 증가되고 있다.국내에서도 주요 작물을 대상으로 유용 GM작물이 개발되고있으며, 최근 Choline kinase 유전자(OsCK1)가 도입된 병저항성 형질전환벼가 개발되었다. GMO의 안전성과 관련하여, 표시제의 시행 또는 사후 이력추적을 위해서 검정법이 필수적으로 요구되고 있다. 본 연구에서 각 134, 306, 243bp의 PCR증폭산물을 갖는 유전자 특이, 구조 특이 및 이벤트 특이primer를 병저항성(OsCK1) GM벼의 검출에 사용하였고, 다른어떤 작물에서도 반응산물을 나타내지 않았다. 이벤트 특이primer CKRB32-1/02-2를 사용한 정성 duplex PCR을 통해서OsCK1 GM벼에 대한 검출한계(LOD)가 0.05%임이 확인되었다. Real-time PCR을 이용한 정량검정을 위해서 벼 내재유전자 염기와 OsCK1 GM벼의 5’-인접염기를 갖는 pSPSCKR을표준물질로 제조하였고, 10 copies 범위까지 정량검출이 가능한 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 도출된 real-time PCR 방법의 정확성 및 정밀성을 확인하고자 0.5, 1, 3, 5 및 10%로 GM시료에 대하여 정량 분석하였으며, 표준편차 및 상대표준변이가 20% 내로 확인되었다. 이상의 결과로, 개발된 이벤트 특이정성 및 정량 PCR 방법이 OsCK1 GM벼의 사후 GMO 모니터링 및 이력추적에 효과적으로 적용 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
        2013.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        연구목적은 방문재활 물리치료 도입을 위한 정책적 자료를 제시하여 방문재활 물리치료의 제도적 도입과 방문건강관리사업에서 방문물리치료의 활성화를 위한 정책적 기초자료를 마련하고자 한다. 연구방법은 전국 의료기관 51곳의 조사 자료와 가정간호 수가체계를 토대로 뇌혈관환자의 방문재활 물리치료의 비용-편익 분석을 직접비용 조사와 지불용의 접근법으로 1회 건당 물리치료의 순편익과 비용-편익 비를 산출한 후, 민감도분석을 통해 연간 사회적 순편익을 계산하여 경제적 이익을 조사하였다. 연구결과 첫째, 뇌혈관환자의 방문재활 물리치료 비용-편익 분석의 직접비용 조사에서 방문재활 물리치료 방식이 의료기관 내원방식보다 2.04배 경제적 이익이 높았고, 사회적 순편익은 19,255,406천원으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 지불용의접근법에서 1.84배 경제적 이익이 높았고, 사회적 순편익은 15,546,120천원으로 분석되어 의료기관 내원방식보다는 방문재활 물리치료방식이 더 저렴하며 경제적 이익으로 사업성에 따른 경제적인 효과가 있었다. 병원을 내원하여 물리치료를 받는 것보다 방문재활 물리치료의 도입으로 가정에서 물리치료를 받는 것이 경제적인 이익이 있는 것으로 조사되었다.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is intended to examine the tDCS and Morris Water maze training in Alzheimer’s disease(AD) rats on Tau protein expression. Experiment groups were divided into four groups and assigned 16 rats to each group. Group Ⅰ was a control group(AD induced by scopolamine); Group Ⅱ was a experimental control group(AD injured by scopolamine and treatment tacrine); Group Ⅲ was a group of tDCS application after AD injured by scopolamine; Group Ⅳ was a group of morris water maze training after AD injured by scopolamine. In cognition test, the outcome of group Ⅱ was significantly lower than the groups(p<.001). and group Ⅲ, Ⅳ were significantly low result at 14 days(p<.05). In histological finding, the experimental groups were destroy of micro vessels and finding of cell atropy and swelling. Group Ⅲ, Ⅳ were decreased in degeneration of liver and kidney cells. In immuno- histochemistric response of BDNF and tau protein in hippocampus, BDNF expression of Group Ⅱ was more increase than the other groups. and increase of BDNF expression was Ⅲ, Ⅳ were higher than group Ⅰ at 21 days. Tau protein expression of Group Ⅱ was more decrease than the other groups. and decrease of Tau protein expression was Ⅲ, Ⅳ were lower than group Ⅰ at 21 days. These result suggest that improved tDCS and morris water maze training after scopolamine induced is associated with dynamically altered expression of BDNF and Tau protein in hippocampus and that is related with cognitive function.
        2013.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Mushroom is cultivated as one of the major economical crops in many areas in Korea. The total production has steadily increased from approximately 186,400 M/T in 2007 to 190,111 M/T in 2011. The button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, showed the 5th production to 13,052 M/T in 2011. Several bacteria are known as the causal agents of diseases of the cultivated button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Pseudomonas agarici is the causal agent of browning disease of commercial mushrooms. Colonization of mushroom caps by the bacterium results in development of browning lesions on pileus. These lesions are superficial brown spots and can be round or spreading. But P. agarici never caused sunken lesions and rotting of the mushroom tissues. Antagonists against P. tolaasii, HC42 were selected and their control efficacy of browning disease was investigated in this study. Antagonists against P. agarici, HC42 were selected and their control efficacy of browning disease was investigated in this study. After proceeding antagonistic test, HC42 was selected as a strong antagonist against P. agarici and the HC42 strain was identified as P. safensis with the cultural, physiological and biochemical properties and analysis of the 16S rRNA. The optimal culture medium for the antagonistic bacteria growth was determined as follows: 1.5% D-galactose, 1.5% yest extract, 1% NH4Cl, 1.5% KCl, and 1.0% L-asparagin at pH 6.0 at 25℃. Control efficacy of browning disease by HC42 treatment was 66% on Agaricus bisporus..
        2013.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Mushroom is cultivated as one of the major economical crops in many areas in Korea. The total production has steadily increased from approximately 186,400 M/T in 2007 to 190,111 M/T in 2011. The button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, showed the 5th production to 13,052 M/T in 2011. Several bacteria are known as the causal agents of diseases of the cultivated button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) and oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus). Pseudomonas agarici is the causal agent of browning disease of commercial mushrooms. In this study, antagonistic bacteria to P. agarici were selected in vitro tests using confrontation bioassay and paper disk diffusion assay. The most active bacteria, HC12 were selected and their control efficacy of brown blotch disease was investigated in this study. After proceeding antagonistic test, HC12 was selected as a strong antagonist against P. agarici and the HC12 strain was identified as Alcaligenes sp. with the cultural, physiological and biochemical properties and analysis of the 16S rRNA. The optimal culture medium for the antagonistic bacteria growth was determined as follows: 0.5% dextrin, 1.5% yest extract, 1% NaNO3, 0.5% KH2PO4, and 1.5% L-asparagin at pH 9.0 at 30℃. Control efficacy of browning disease by HC12 treatment was 63% on Agaricus bisporus..