
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 42

        2010.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        생산성 및 품질혁신을 위하여 Lean 6시그마에 대한 다양한 국외 적용사례는 존재하나, 고도의 하이테크 산업이며 품질을 최우선으로 삼는 항공산업에 적용 및 평가에 대한 국내 연구사례는 거의 전무한 것이 현실이다. 본 연구에서는 린 6시그마 기법이나 사상들이 국내 항공산업 프로세스의 생산성 및 품질을 향상시키는데 과연 적합한지 판단하여, 현장적용을 사례로 적용 방법론을 제안하는데 목적이 있다.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Today, many companies will be isolated in competition if they do not have competitive power to overcome quick change and big crisis of market. Nowadays, globally high-grade companies have done their best for increasing their competitive power through a many kinds of methods in keen competition for making of pacesetting position. This study focuses on distribution with the domains like capacity, layout, amount of location, assignment of product, operation procedure and operation rule in order to improve these domains, we make a further application of eight analysis ways based on DMAIC method for improving operation of processes of distribution center as the third profit source. The purpose of this study is to seek an approach that can easily adopt of Lean Six Sigma in operational management of distribution center by a kind of data, analysis method and template.
        2007.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In most recent years, the business competition has spreads over all fields of corporations and their management area regardless of time and place, which makes the survival environment of each enterprise fiercer. In order to secure a high position in the competitive market, the various firms has implemented many methods related to price, quality, and service efficiency. However, the implementation with only low price or high quality might be helpless to hold a high position in modem market. Moreover more attention should be paid to the internal business processes of an organization. Therefore, a new and different method should be searched or developed in order to win the competitive power among other enterprises. This research will focus on the improvement of the business processes within the non-manufacturing industry by applying Lean Six Sigma methodology. DMAIC method will be applied to improve the inbound and outbound logistics processes, manage the inbound and outbound vehicles, and control the receiving and shipping activities.
        2007.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nowadays, globally high-grade companies have done their best for increasing their competitive power through a many kinds of method in incisive competition for making certain of a pacesetting position. Among the rest, Six Sigma have been the best methodology of improving process and have proven to be effective by the result of improving process in many of manufacturing business, however, it has not obtained excellent results in the transaction business. In transaction business, a 30~50% costs in total costs is generated by slow-speed working and reworking. The slow processes decrease the quality and increase the cost, which decreases customer satisfaction, and finally the income is decreased. All of them are so called wastes in processes. For this, adopting of lean six sigma methodology in process management can eliminate the wastes and reduce the variation. This study focuses on distribution with the domains like capacity, layout, amount of location, assignment of product, operation procedure and operation rule in order to improve these domains, we make a further application of eight analysis ways based on DMAIC method for improving operation of processes of distribution center as the third profit source. The goal of this study is to trace an approach that can easily adopt of Lean Six Sigma in operational management of distribution center by a kind of data, analysis method and template.
        2007.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        오늘날 제품이 문제가 되는 경우는 별로 없다. 그런데 불행하게도 재화를 만들고 용역을 제공하는 많은 기업들은 제품 하나에만 관심을 쏟고 있다. 정작 중요한 것은 고객의 소리를 듣는 것이다. 서비스 산업에서 특히 이것은 아주 중요하다. 서비스 관련 여러 요소 가운데 중요도를 선정하여 서비스 품질을 린 프로세스적 사고로 서비스 요소중의 낭비를 제거 한다면 소비자에게 불필요한 서비스가 아닌 진정한 가치를 선사하는 일이 될 것이다.
        2006.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The interest for public administration service which is regarded as the service industry recently is increasing. This means that the value of customer satisfaction pursued from enterprise section in the past is broadly accepted as the goal of struggle for existence in both public and personal domain. But, it can be said that quality problem in public administrative service is remained if it regards as simple campaign for kindness The kindness is nothing but an one of facts which consist of satisfaction. In this paper, we develop the Lean model called LPAM(Lean Public Administration Model) to improve the public adminstration service in the base of acceptable methodology which is widely using in improvement. Also we examine that proposed model can work well as the improve process pursuing customer"s satisfaction and improvement of public administration service.
        2005.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 기업의 정보화 구축시 성과 중심의 구축으로 인한 시스템 효율의 저하와 시스템의 효율 저하로 의해 발생하는 비용 등을 린 시스템 적용으로 최적화하고 프로세스 접근의 한계성을 구축 사이클을 개선을 통해 기존의 정보시스템의 구축 방법에 비효율적 측면을 제거하고 효과적인 접근가능 모델을 제시하여 구축 방법을 향상 시키고자 한다.
        2005.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 생사시스템의 전체적인 방식인 린 시스템과 과학적인 문제절차를 지향하는 6시그마를 융합한 LEAN SYSTEM의 효과적인 통합을 통하여, 기업이 린 시그마시스템을 도입했을 때 가시화 될 수 있는 시너지 효과 및 효과적인 도입방안에 관하여 연구하고자 한다. 기업 주변 환경 및 기업 내부 환경에 맞춘 시스템의 도입에 있어 중요한 것은 도입 시기 및 도입 절차 그리고 도입 후 기업에 맞도록 개선해 나가는 그 기업만의 로드맵 창출이다. 따라서 기업 환경의 여러 가지 시스템을 총체적으로 관리하고 이끌어 나갈 하나의 잣대적인 역할을 할 시스템 도입이 필요한 데 본 연구에서는 LEAN SIGMA SYSTEM을 통하여 6시그마의 변화관리 체계와 문제해결 절차를 LEAN SYSTEM추진에 적용한 사례 연구 및 이론 연구를 바탕으로 도입 시 발생하는 시행착오를 최소화하여 기업의 혁신 실패 비용과 시간 낭비를 최소화하여 기업 운영에 있어 효과적인 조직 시스템 모델을 개발하고자 하는 것이 이 연구의 목적이다.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고속도로 건설 및 유지관리 과정중 발생되는 폐콘크리트를 현장파쇄하여 생산한 재생골재를 도로 포장용 재료로 활용하기 위한 시험시공을 실시하였다. 동상방지층의 경우 재생굵은골재, 스크리닝스 및 모래를 소요입도로 혼합하였을 때 양호한 지지력을 나타내었으며 강도가 약한 모르터가 진동 및 전압에 의해 파쇄됨에 따라 재생골재 2~20mm 통과율이 5~13%정도 증가하였다. 재생골재를 사용한 빈배합 콘크리트의 강도는 천연쇄석에 비하여 71~85% 강도를 나타내었으나 배합강도 57.5kgf/cm2를 크게 상회하였으므로 현장적용에는 문제없음을 확인하였다.
        2004.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 생산시스템의 전체적인 방식인 린 시스템과 과학적인 문제절차를 지향하는 6시그마를 융합한 LEAN-SIGMA이론에 관하여 고찰하고 LEAN-SIGMA시스템이 가져올 정성적 기대효과에 대해 분석해 본다.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The supply chain not only includes the manufacturer and suppliers, but also transporters, warehouses, retailers, and customers themselves. Within each organization, such as manufacturer, the supply chain includes all functions involved in filling a customer request. these functions include, but are not limited to, new product development, marketing, operation, distribution, finance, and customer service. Lean Supply chain coordination improves if all supplier of chain take actions that together increase total supply chain profits. To design of Modularity by the grouping supplier, the proposed method is to develop the most appropriate production system models in the Supply Chain Management which is necessity of the times and its importance. The objects of this study is development of model and cost analysis to the modular production system in Lean SCM. Introduction of modular production system in Lean SCM is effective in reducing the cost in processing, manufacturing, inventory holding, ordering, etc.
        2002.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lean manufacturing refers to a manufacturing paradigm based on the fundamental goal of the Toyota Production System-continuously minimizing waste to maximize flow. Many organizations recognize the importance of becoming lean but most of them achieve the limited improvement in the part of entire processes. This results from the fact that many organizations not only understand lean manufacturing as just a tool for the cost reduction or productivity improvement or no inventory but also sporadically implement improvements without linking their efforts to an overarching strategy and quality management system as well. Many organizations are doing lean without necessarily becoming lean. All the elements of lean manufacturing system should be implemented based on the process approach considering mutual interactions among them to minimize waste to maximize flow. In this point of view, I am positive that ""ISO 9004:2000 Quality Management System-Guidelines for Performance Improvement"" based on process approach could provide a fundamental structure with the organizations toward lean enterprise. I hence would like to introduce a self-assessment checklist to help the organizations develop and assess ISO 9004:2000 based quality management system linking to their overarching lean strategy toward becoming lean.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this paper is to uncover whether and how contextual factors (information exchange, participation, trust in management, and training), relate to resistance to change. It also explores the mediating effect of perceived impact of change on the relations between contextual factors and resistance to change. This study is conducted in several manufacturing plants in food processing industry in Vietnam, which is implementing a top-down large-scale change – Lean transformation, adopting Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) program, to be specific. The findings suggest that all four contextual factors are negatively associated with resistance to change, in which training had the strongest impact. Also, the perceived change impact partially mediates the relationships between the four contextual factors and resistance to change. The practical implications of this paper are that employees who receive adequate, timely and useful information relating to change are less likely to show opposing behaviors towards change. Fostering trust in management among employees, and employee involvement in decisionmaking, also have a significant influence when addressing employee resistance to change. Employees who are well-trained, well-equipped with tools and knowledge about the change, are less likely to resist as they view the benefits of changes more significant than the risks.
        2018.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose – This paper explores the contribution lean makes to service levels by addressing lean thinking application in logistics process improvement within a MNC soft drinks manufacturer situated in the United Arab Emirates, and identifies the most significant sources of wastes and their interdependence and highlights key attributes of successful lean implementation. Research design, data, and methodology - This case study examines key logistics employees’ perceptions on lean methodology. Results - The results highlight the most significant types of wastes in logistical processes and illustrates ways to eliminate wastes and streamline process flow. The importance of the human role within lean methodology is also identified. Findings suggest that managers should follow both a micro and macro approach when implementing lean practices, as focusing on one waste often leads to ignoring the significance of other wastes. Conclusions - This study highlights the importance of implementing lean at both micro and macro levels and shows how staff involvement increases the efficacy of lean thinking. It offers guidance towards the efficiency of creating value stream mapping processes in situ, which considers different wastes and their interdependence. Managers with limited resources are encouraged to implement lean methodology taking cognizance of these factors.
        2013.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        this study evaluates the drying shrinkage strains regard to fiber reinforcement in order to reduce cracking of the lean concrete mix so as to control the damage of the pavement by means of fiber reinforcement
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