
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 617

        2013.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the rapid development of the rural economy and vigorous promotion of energy-saving technologies, it is found through a field investigation that the new rural housing in the northeast of China shows new changes on green, energy-efficiency, health, comfort and beauty. The new rural housing mainly applied the technologies of composite energy-saving wall, double or three layers of glass energy saving windows and the roof benzene board insulation, heated in winter by Kang with the fuel of straw, corn stalks and other bio energy, which brings prominent energy-saving effect and the improved indoor environment significantly. The only or main function of the Kang is no longer the heating facilities in winter, but to play its unique benefits of comfort and health for sleep as a bed. the highlights of cultural traditions and customs in Cold rural area, the changes of the Kang are smaller and more exquisite. In the future, northeast rural housing should integrate the technolgies of residential structures, materials and kang further to promote rural sustainable development of society, economy.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        환경오염 및 자원고갈과 더불어 유기화합물에 의한 신종 질환 발생 등 사회 ․ 환경적 문제 해결을 위해 우리나라를 비롯한 해외 선진국들은 자국의 실정에 적합한 환경 친화적 건축의 기준을 제시하고 있다. 최근 전국적인 주택보급사업 등의 영향으로 인한 신축학교의 증가 및 민간투자사업 (BTL)선정 시, 각 시 ․ 도교육청이 녹색건축물 인증 획득을 의무화한 영향으로 인증제도는 빠른 보급 및 정착을 보여 주고 있다. 학교시설의 환경 친화적 계획은 미래 사회의 원 동력이 될 학생들을 위한 실제적인 실외 건강환경 개선뿐 아니라, 환경 및 에너지 절약의 중요성을 학생들에게 자연 스럽게 노출시킴으로써 교육적 효과를 유발할 수 있는 특성 을 가지고 있다. 이에 따라 학교시설은 학생들의 실질적 체 험을 통해 친환경 개념의 중요성을 전달하는 매개체로서의 역할을 수행하게 되므로, 단순히 인증 획득을 목적으로 하 는 최소조건의 친환경 계획은 이를 접하는 학생들에게 오히 려 '녹색 건축'에 대한 그릇된 인식을 심어줄 수 있다. 녹색 건축 인증 평가항목 중 생태환경 부분에서 외부를 평가하는 항목은 존재하였지만 평가항목 중 학생들의 실외 건강환경 개선에 대한 인증평가 기준이 없는 실정이다. 이에 본 연구 는 국내 · 외 녹색건축 인증 기준을 비교 분석하고, 이론적 고찰을 통해 새로운 평가지표인 실외 건강지표에 대한 항목 을 도출하여 국내에 인증 / 비인증 학교시설를 대상으로 조 사분석 및 평가하여 녹색건축 인증기준의 기초자료로 제시 하고자 하였다. 실외 건강지표는 크게 열적 쾌적성 지표, 음이온, 녹지의 양을 각각 선정하였다. 이중 평균복사온도, 착의량, 대사량, 기류 등을 고려하여 열적 쾌적성 지표 중 UTCI, PMV, WBGT를 측정하였다. 녹지의 양은 녹피율과 녹지용적계수 를 각각 고려하였다. 연구대상지는 인천광역시 남구 및 남동구의 학교시설 중 녹색건축 인증을 받은 학교와 인천광역시 녹지보전 및 녹화 추진사업에서 선정된 학교시설을 대상으로 토지피복현황 이 같은 학교들을 선정하였다. 선정된 연구대상지를 녹색건 축 인증기준의 생태환경부문 평가를 실시하여 점수분포에 따라 유형Ⅰ, 유형Ⅱ, 유형Ⅲ으로 분류하였다. 조사기간은 열섬현상과 열적 스트레스가 가장 심한 여름으로 선정하였 으며, 장마기간이 지난 후인 7월 29일 ~ 8월 18일까지 실시 하였다. 측정지점은 토지피복현황에 따라 녹지, 수면, 건폐 지, 포장지, 운동장으로 나누었으며, 본 연구에서 선정된 학 교는 학교측의 요구로 인해 실제 학교명을 명시하지 않고 기호로 설정하였다. 학교별 기상특성의 경우 모든 학교에서 큰 유의차를 보이 지 않았으며, 유형Ⅰ C학교 운동장의 경우 에폭시 포장으 로, G학교 운동장의 경우 인조잔디로 조성되어있었다. C학 교 건폐지의 경우 벽면녹화 조성에 따라 다른 학교의 건폐 지 보다 쾌적할 것으로 예상되었다. 유형Ⅰ의 녹지면적 및 녹지량은 유형Ⅰ > 유형Ⅱ > 유형Ⅲ 순으로 높게 나타났다. 토지피복현황별 열적 쾌적성 특성은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 녹지의 경우 UTCI 지표는 유형Ⅰ > 유형Ⅱ > 유형Ⅲ 순으 로 쾌적하였으며, PMV 지표도 UTCI 지표와 유사한 수준 이었다. WBGT 지표의 경우 유형Ⅲ에서 10시 이후 부터 옥외활동이 제한되는 결과가 나타났으며, 학교간 비교분석 결과도 유형Ⅲ에서 유의차가 나타나 가장 불쾌적할 것으로 예상되었다. 둘째, 수면의 경우 UTCI 지표는 유형Ⅰ의 C학 교가 가장 일반적인 열 스트레스의 수치로 나타나 다소 쾌 적한 수준이었으며, 유형Ⅲ에서 매우 강한 열스트레스 이상 의 수치로 분석되어 다소 불쾌적한 것으로 사료되었다. PMV 지표의 경우도 유형Ⅲ에서 9시부터 불만족율 100% 의 수치가 나타나 매우 불쾌적한 상태이었다. WBGT 지표 결과 유형Ⅰ의 G학교와 유형Ⅲ에서 9시 이후 부터 옥외활 동이 제한되는 수치가 나타났으며, 학교간 비교 분석 결과 유형Ⅲ에서 유의차가 나타나 수면에서도 유형Ⅲ이 불쾌적 한 것으로 판단되었다. 셋째, 건폐지에서 UTCI, PMV, WBGT 지표 결과 유형Ⅰ의 C학교가 벽면녹화 조성으로 인해 다른 학교들과 유의차가 나타나 매우 쾌적한 것으로 판단되었다. 넷째, 포장지의 경우 UTCI, PMV 지표에서 모 든 유형의 학교간 유의차가 나타나지 않아 매우 불쾌적할 것으로 예상되었다. 다섯째, 운동장은 포장지와 유의한 수 준이었으며, 학교간 비교 분석 결과 유형Ⅱ의 M학교에서 유의차가 나타나 매우 쾌적할 것으로 예상되었다. 토지피복현황별 음이온 분포 특성은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 녹지의 경우 유형Ⅲ에서 음이온 농도가 낮게 분포되는 결과 가 나타났으며, 학교간 비교 분석 결과 유형Ⅰ > 유형Ⅱ > 유형Ⅲ 순이었다. 둘째, 수면의 경우 학교간 비교분석 결 과 녹지와 일치하는 결과가 나타났다. 셋째, 건폐지의 경우 유형Ⅰ C학교의 음이온 농도가 높게 분포되는 결과가 나타 났으며, 학교간 비교분석 결과 유형Ⅰ C학교에서 유의차가 나타났다. 넷째, 포장지의 경우 학교간 비교 분석 결과 유의 차가 없었다. 다섯째, 운동장의 경우 유형Ⅲ 의 음이온 농도 가 낮게 분포되는 결과가 나타났으며, 학교간 비교 분석 결 과 유형Ⅲ에서 유의차가 나타났다. 기상 및 녹지, 열적 쾌적성, 음이온 분포 상관분석 결과 열쾌적 지표인 UTCI, PMV, WBGT 모두 일사, 흑구온도와 정의 상관관계를, 음이온, 녹피율, 녹지용적계수와는 부의 상관성이 나타나 음이온 및 녹피율, 녹지용적계수가 감소할 수록 열쾌적 지표의 수치가 높아져 불쾌적할 것으로 판단되 었다.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study presents a smartphone application, named「Vepi Tools」. This stand-alone type application is aiming at supporting on-site decision-making for animal health professionals. It provides basic calculations of epidemiology including estimating disease frequency, measuring associations using two-by-two table, calculating sample sizes to detect disease, and to estimate a mean or prevalence. Rationale and examples are available for each function. This study shows some use cases with this「Vepi Tools」application.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to analyze the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and general characteristics, psychological factors, eating habits, dietary behaviors, and health related quality of life using survey of 335 women aged 20 to 29 years in the Seoul and Kyungin areas. The 335 study subjects were divided into 4 groups by BMI (㎏/㎡) levels; normal group(18.5≤BMI≤22.9), overweight group(23.0≤BMI≤24.9), mild obesity group(25.0≤BMI≤29.9), and heavy obesity group (BMI≥30) by Asian-Pacific obesity index criteria. The family income of the heavy obesity group was significantly (p<0.05) less than that of the normal weight group. Psychological factors, such as stress and depression of the normal weight group tended to be higher than those of overweight and obesity groups. The higher BMI level had the lower self-efficacy(p<0.05) among all subjects. As the BMI level increased, the preference for sweet, salty, and hot taste was significantly high. We found that normal weight women had healthier eating habits and dietary behaviors and a higher level of health-related quality of life than did those who were overweight, mildly obese, and heavily obese women. Overweight and mildly and heavily obese women were strongly associated with decreased physical and mental health related quality of life. Therefore, weight loss is desirable, and is likely to be beneficial for health-related quality of life in obese adult women. In conclusion, this study contains evidence to suggest that obesity management programs including different strategies according to obesity are required to determine the types of programs that are suitable for adult women, prior to their initiation of a program. The findings are helpful to inform researchers and practitioners who are seeking to implement appropriate strategies to create positive changes in the health behaviors of obese adult women.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the characteristics of nutrient intake according to metabolic syndrome in Korean elderly. Data on 1,200 elderly (men 545, women 655) over 65 years was obtained from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010. The subjects were divided into metabolic syndrome (MetS) and normal groups based on NCEP-ATP III guidelines and by applying the Asia-Pacific definition with waist circumference. The prevalence of MetS was 48.9% in all subjects, 35.6% in men and 58.9% in women, respectively. All nutrient intake was significantly lower in MetS than normal subjects, except iron, vitamin A, carotene, and retinol. In the carbohydrate: protein: fat (C:P:F) ratio, MetS showed a higher rate for carbohydrate, but a lower rate for protein and fat than normal. MetS was lower in calcium, vitamin B1, and vitamin C by the nutrient adequacy ratio than normal. Mean adequacy ratio of MetS (0.69) was lower than that of the normal group (0.72). These results demonstrated that undernutrition, not excess intake of specific nutrients - energy, fat, or cholesterol was associated with the risk for MetS in Korean elderly with MetS. Therefore, it is recommended to have a healthy dietary pattern with diverse nutrients for the prevention of MetS.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is conducted to compare the problems affecting dietary habits and health status between a long-term exercise group and non-exercise group of males older than 50 years. Most subjects of the two groups consider regular exercise to be the most important factor for maintaining health, and recognize hypertension as the number one concern. The most common nutritional supplement among subjects is multiple vitamins, and sleeping time range from 6~8 hours. Breakfast fasting rate was 15.9% among non-exercise group (NEG), where overeating and eating out rates were higher among exercise group (EG) when comparing to NEG. Fasting rates of breakfast, and consumption rates of milk and dairy products, vegetables such as kimchi, and fruits and fruit juices are higher among the EG. Overeating and eating out rates are lower among NEG, whereas eating rates of proteins like meat, fish, eggs, beans, fried foods, high-fat meats carbonated drinks, ice cream, and salt intakes are higher. Rates of health, dietary habits, and nutrient intakes are higher among EG. Energy intakes among the two groups were below the standard level, Vitamin B2 intake is low in EG, and folic acid and calcium intakes were higher in NEG. The exercising group care more about health, eating habits and nutrient intakes, and low smoking rates are being observed. Thus, specific dietary improvement programs for adult men, are required, and it is necessary to consider the practice of nutrition education.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to estimate the consumption prevalence of vitamin and mineral supplements as health functional foods (VM-HFF) and to examine the factors associated with VM-HFF consumption behaviors in adolescents. A total of 1,407 adolescents attending middle or high schools from various cities and rural communities in Korea participated in this study. The prevalence of VM-HFF consumption was 41.7%, with boys showing a higher consumption than girls (p<0.01). VM-HFF consumption was higher in families with higher socioeconomic status and for families with parents that exhibited higher concerns about their child's health, growth, and nutritional intake (p<0.001). Most consumers of VM-HFF consumed HFFs 'when healthy' (50.1%), and acquired nutritional information from 'their families & relatives' (50.9%). Most consumers responded that VM-HFF was 'a little effective' (54.3%), followed by 'no obvious effects' (37.1%), and 'very effective' (7.4%). The effectiveness of consuming VM-HFF was mainly for 'fatigue recovery' (39.0%) and 'health improvement' (28.2%). Most consumers purchased HFFs at 'pharmacies & oriental medicine clinics' (53.8%) and at 'health functional food stores' (18.8%). Most consumers 'occasionally' (51.1%) or 'seldom' (27.3%) checked nutrition facts when purchasing, with 58.9% of consumers understanding the nutritional label for 'the most part', but only 8.7% of them understanding it 'very well'. Among the VM-HFF, consumers preferred calcium- and vitamin C-supplements. Consumers' mini-dietary assessment scores were higher than those of non-consumers. The results above showed that VM-HFF consumption was widely spread among adolescents, but few consumers checked and understood the nutrition label when they purchased VM-HFF, and were highly dependent on the advice and information from non-professional nutritionists, such as families & relatives. Therefore, it is necessary to educate adolescents to help them read nutrition labels and select the proper VM-HFF.
        2013.06 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the distribution of indoor air pollutants in medical facility in Gyeonggi-do area from February to November, 2012, and to conduct the health risk assessment from obtained data. PM10, CO₂, formaldehyde, CO, and total bacteria count(TBC) did not exceed the maintained standards, but mean concentration of TVOC was 402.3 ㎍/㎥ and thirteen of them exceeded the recommended standard. In the concentration distribution of pollutants for the monthly samples, CO₂, formaldehyde, TVOC, TBC were the highest level in August. From the factor analysis of indoor air pollution provided three factors; the first factor was seasonal factor (indoor temperature and humidity, TBC and formaldehyde), the second factor was ventilation factor (CO₂, PM10 and CO), and the third factor was building(or interior) factor (TVOCs). In the health risk assessment results, the excess carcinogenesis of formaldehyde for resonable maximum exposure worker was 1.21×10-⁴ which means exceeding the cancer criteria(1.0×10-⁴). We confirmed the probability of health effect caused by TVOC. The lifetime excess cancer risk of carcinogens(benzene, formaldehyde) and hazard quotient of non-carcinogens(toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, styrene), and risk of regulation substances(PM10, CO₂) were safety level for inpatients and out patients.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 2007년의 금강 중∙하류부의 백마강의 상류에서 하류에 이르는 5개 지점에서 이∙화학적 수질특성을 분석하였고, 그 곳에 서식하는 어류군집의 어종분포 및 길드분석을 통해 군집구조 및 생태건강도 특성을 평가하였다. 전형적인 하류하천인 백마강의 BOD, COD농도는 각각 평균 2.8 mg L-1, 4.0 mg L-1였고, TN, TP의 농도는 각각 5.0 mg L-1, 158 μg L-1로서 이미 부영양 상태로 판정되었으며, 특히 하류 지점에서는 유기물오염 및 부영양화 현상이 뚜렷했다. 5개 지점에서 출현한 어종은 총 19종으로 나타났고, 내성종인 끄리는 가장 높은 상대 풍부도(48%)를 보였다. 백마강에서 민감종의 비율(2.3%)은 낮은 반면 내성종 비율(71.8%)은 높게 나타나 중∙하류 하천에서의 전형적인 길드 변화 현상이 확연히 나타났다. 하천 생태건강도 평가 (IBI)에 따르면, 백마강에서 생물보전지수는 14.8로서 악화상태인 것으로 나타났고, 수질에서 보여준 바와 같이 하류부에서는 극명하게 악화된 것으로 나타났다. 특히 하류구간 (S3~S5)의 낮은 건강도 지수값은 하수종말처리장으로부터 나온 배출수의 화학적 영향이 큰 것으로 사료되었다. 이는 생태건강도 모델값이 수질 특성을 잘 반영하는 객관성 있는 평가기법으로 활용 될 수 있음을 제시하였다. 따라서 백마강의 생태계 보존을 위해서는 향후 이 구간에 대한 하천복원 및 지속적인 생태모니터링이 중요하다고 판단된다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is aimed to investigate the occupational safety and health management of contractor company in the car industry. The questionnaire survey was conducted on the suppliers and contractors of car industry. Data were collected from 10 contractor companies and their 291 contractor companies(each outside and inside company). From the survey result, it was found that the level of all-round safety and health management is above the average. To strengthen the relationship for safety and health management, it is needed that the supplier company employ the person in exclusive charge to support contractor. Also it is needed the active support of the contractor company and needed that the supplier company employ the person in exclusive charge to support contractor. Finally, Many of the problems associated with the safety and health management by strengthening contractor company responsibility will have to be solved simultaneously.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        OSHMS(Occupational Safety and Health Management System) is able to define as a typical convergence of all kinds of activities and elements that support maintaining safety at workplace and protecting employee's health. In particular, fundamental function of OSHMS is preventing diverse hazards at workplace through high level of regulation compliance. Furthermore, insuring safety in workplace, protecting employee's health and increasing effectiveness in manufacture are OSHMS's additional functions. Based on the division of manufacture in 2009 Survey on Current Status of Occupational Health & Safety data, the study analyses certain relation between OSHMS and level of regulation compliance. The main finding is that most activities and elements which formed by OSHMS are being affected by regulation clauses.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on a literature review regarding shift work, it is recognized that it has an adverse effect on workers' health. Especially, the night shift rather than the day shift imposes severe disorders on workers, which are indicated to dyssomnia, maladaptation to social life, and health problems such as gastroenteric trouble, cardiovascular diseases and depression. As the shift work can be explainable by using workers' labor ability necessarily to maintain company business consistently, it does not consider biorhythm, active mass and health condition of workers Actually duration of shit work would deprive workers of fundamental life rights by causing physical and mental effects. As a result of reviewing previous case studies related to effect of work pattern (day shift and night shift) on workers' health, an incidence of physical diseases like dyssomnia, gastroenteric trouble, cardiovascular diseases and premature delivery was higher in shift workers than normal workers. Additionally the incidence of mental disorders such as busy brain, social isolation, depression and work stress was also higher in shift workers than normal workers. These adverse physical and mental problems were intensified to night shift workers compared to day shift workers. Considering current various reports and study results, it is recommended that the shift work, especially the night work pattern, should not apply to contemporary work situation for sustaining workers' health condition constantly.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Food contact packaging material should be stable and non-reactive with the food that it is in contact with, and must promote the safety of food. However, for a number of years, there has been evidence that indefinitely small amounts of chemicals could migrate or leach from food packaging materials into the foods they hold. The chemistry and toxicity of such leachates are well-known and documented; and there is a growing concern over the matter among the general public. In addition, food regulatory agencies are imposing more stringent regulations on the maximum allowable amounts of known leachates into foods in recent years. The majority of toxicity studies have revealed that trace amounts of leachates pose no immediate health problems in humans. However, studies on the effects of long-term exposure or synergistic/cumulative toxicity are still lacking. The present review provides an overview of the chemical nature and toxicity of certain leachates from various types of food contact packaging materials that are in wide use.
        2013.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the effect of a health-related lifestyle on knowledge, attitude, control belief and behavior intention toward breast-feeding of male and female university students in order to develop a breast-feeding education program for students of childbearing age. The subjects were 445 university students (125 male and 325 female) residing in eight provinces in Korea. The overall percentage of subjects intending to breast-feed their baby was 80.7% (73.6% of males and 84.2% of females). Overall, 84.2% of the subjects had high concerns about their health status. Scores reflecting a positive attitude, knowledge, and control beliefs toward breast-feeding were significantly higher (p<0.05~p<0.001) in female students, students majoring in medicine, and higher grades. The students who scored high at attitude, knowledge, and control beliefs also had a significantly higher (p<0.001) intention to breast-feed. When we investigated the sub factors of attitudes toward breast-feeding, significantly more students taking nutrient supplements scored high for physiological factors (p<0.05) and health-related factors (p<0.01). Significantly more non-smoking and non-drinking students scored high for health-related factors (p<0.001) and physiological factors (p<0.001), respectively. The intention to breast-feed was found to be significantly higher (p<0.01) in students who did not smoke, but not with other health-related lifestyles. In summary, these results indicate that the majority of university students intend to breast-feed, with students having a positive attitude, higher knowledge, and stronger control beliefs having a higher intention to breast-feed. Although a student's health-related lifestyle affects their attitudes on the physiological and health-related aspects of breast-feeding, only smoking status had an observable connection on the intention to breast-feed. Thus, when developing breast-feeding education programs for students, we recommend efforts to enhance a favorable attitude, knowledge, and control beliefs toward breast-feeding.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to Department of labor guideline “2012-104 (2012.9.26.)” This study is to suggest the basic information and the improvement for the application of risk assessment on a construction site by group interview & survey of construction worker who is the practice of the subject and then numerical analysis about awareness and action plan of Safety and health. The result of group interview and survey of construction worker, most of construction worker feel the danger during the work. Then construction worker analysis results that risk assessment helps to change & raise awareness of safety and reduce an industrial disaster. Easy Safety management activity such as TBM & safety education active will be necessary for safe worksite and then I suggest the TBT(tool box talk) active which combines TBM & safety education.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to predict the economic size of foods-for-elderly market, which will be valuable information for establishing related policy and backup system. After setting the scope of related industry, detailed information for current market situation was investigated and a systematic forecast for market changes in the future was performed. Economic growth, changes in consumer expenditure and economic status of the elderly, current subscription of medical insurance and saving for pension were reflected. In addition, a survey toward related firms was completed and changes in aged population and incidence of chronic disease in the elderly were taken into account. Results show that the annual growth rate of the market was predicted to be the minimum 4.54% through the maximum 8.32% from 2010 to 2025 and its market size was forecasted to be the minimum 7,073 ten million won through the maximum 10,976 ten million won. It is expected that the market of foods-for-elderly will grow rapidly with development of foods technology and fast increase of aged population. Especially, growth of health functional foods and foods for special dietary uses for elderly will be distinguished. However, it seems that related firms are on the hedge, watching current trend of the related industry. This may results in insufficient supply against the demand. Therefore, policy for foods-for-elderly should be introduced and systematically administered, including R&D support, standardization and authentication for foods-for-elderly, construction of related database system.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study was conducted to determine the dietary effects of Na-bentonite (NaB) and probiotics on meat characteristics and health of Hanwoo steers fed rice straw as a sole roughage source. A total of 24 growing Hanwoo steers (avg BW 232 kg) were assigned to two treatments which included a control diet (concentrate mix and rice straw) and a treatment diet (control diet + 0.5-1.0% NaB + 0.5-1.0% probiotics. The diets were fed for 22 months up to the time the animals were slaughtered. Dietary treatment increased (p<0.05) concentrations of trace minerals such as Zn, Cu, and Fe in the longissimus muscle compared to the control. The treatment diet did not affect cold carcass weight, yield traits such as backfat thickness, longissimus muscle area, yield index, yield grade and quality traits such as marbling score, meat color, fat color, texture, maturity and quality grade. Blood profiles of growing steers were within the normal ranges for healthy cattle. In conclusion, feeding a combination of clay mineral and probiotics to Hanwoo steers fed rice straw as a sole roughage source could have a desirable effect on improving trace mineral retention in longissimus muscle without any deleterious effects on carcass traits of steers.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study focused on the yearly-dietary habits, nutrition status, and health of female students residing in Seoul. A number of classes were assess based on their dietary behaviors in oder to attempt to determine differences in their attitudes to nutrition, according to age. The students of class 2011 (sophomore) ate meals more regularly than the female students of the 2008 class (p<0.05). It was found that sophomore female students of class 2008 consumed higher than average nutrient intake. Sophomore female students of the 2011 class consumed lower than average vitamin B2, C, Ca, and Fe intakes. Folic acid in take was lower than average in both groups. Phosphorus and sodium intakes in both groups were excessive (p<0.05). When surveyed, sophomore female students of the 2008 class believed that the most important thing for health was exercise, whereas students of class 2011 believed that nutrient intake was the most important factor (p<0.05). Female students of the 2008 class exercised 1~2 times a week generally, whereas students of class 2011 exercised three times (43.2%) (p<0.05). Therefore, it is necessary to study changes in dietary habits and health status according to the age of students, and develop specific nutrition education programs for female students.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the job satisfaction and characteristics of dietitians working in an elderly health care facility. The subjects for the study were 116 dietitians who work in an elderly health care facility across the country. The following lists the items affecting the total satisfaction on each element of the job: the nature of work (4.20), coworkers (4.02), supervision (3.83), communication (3.81), pay (3.22), operating conditions (3.16), fringe benefits (3.05) and promotion (2.78). Regarding supervision, regular employees (3.90) had higher satisfaction than non-regular employees (3.11), and for fringe benefits, regular employees (3.10) had higher satisfaction than non-regular employees (2.52). Regarding fringe benefits, those with less than 10 years experience showed higher satisfaction than with more than 10 years'. In terms of the job characteristics, the following were found to affect job satisfaction: the task identity (3.33), variety (3.27), autonomy (3.18), feedback (3.05), friendship opportunities (3.01) and dealing with others (2.82) were listed in the highest order. For task identity, more than 41 years old (3.53) had a significantly higher score. Regarding diversity, graduate schools (3.37) had a significantly higher score. In terms of income, those earning more than 2 million won (3.37 and 3.26) showed higher scores in autonomy and friendship opportunities than those earning less than 1.5 million won (2.79 and 2.57).
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        종자 건전성(seed health)은 종자 또는 식물체에 유익하지 못한 영향을 미칠 수 있는 생물체의 감염상태를 의미한다. 이들 생물체는 종자의 품질에 직접적인 피해를 줄 수 있으며,감염 종자는 식물체에 병을 유발하고 포장에서의 발병을 확산시킴으로써 대규모의 경제적 피해를 유발할 수 있다. 상업용종자의 해외증식 및 국제교역, 종자 유전자원의 해외분양 및 상호교환이 활발해짐에 따라 이러한 위험성이 더욱 커지고 있으며 더불어 종자 건전성 관리의 중요성 또한 증가하고 있다. 다양한 벼 종자 유전자원을 보존하고 연구용으로 분양하는 국제미작연구소(International Rice Research Institute, IRRI)는 유전자원의 건전성 확보를 위하여 종자건전성연구실(Seed health unit)을 두어 체계적인 관리시스템을 운영하고 있다. 필리핀 식물산업국 산하 식물검역소로부터 권한을 부여받아 필리핀 국내로 도입되거나 해외로 분양되는 유전자원에 대하여종자처리 및 건전성 모니터링, 종자 건전성 검사 및 데이터베이스 관리 업무를 수행하고 있다. 대상 병원균에 따라 육안검사, 수세현탁액 검사, 습지법 검사, 한천배지 검사 등을 적용하고 있으며, 감염종자는 온탕처리와 같은 물리적 처리와 살균제 또는 훈증제와 같은 화학적 처리를 수행한다. 국제미작연구소의 건전성 관리시스템을 우리나라 벼 종자 유전자원의보존·관리에 선별 적용하고, 더불어 종자소독방법과 저장 전관리체계를 확립함으로써 벼 유전자원의 품질을 제고할 수 있을 것이다. 또한 국제협력 및 공동연구 등 신뢰구축을 통해유용한 해외 유전자원을 확보하는 데 기여할 것으로 기대된다.