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        검색결과 903

        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2012.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        On behalf of the royal women, SangGung(尙宮:The head of female servants in the palace) and NaIns(內人: Female servants caring for royal families in the palace) were dispatched in order to attend a funeral at the royal tomb. The NaInGaGa(內人假家) is the temporary building for SangGung and NaIns in the royal tomb. It is comprised of lodgings for them and also workrooms and warehouses to prepare ritual offering for the dead King or Queen. In the early Joseon dynasty, the NaInGaGa was utilized until a funeral at the royal tomb. Since 1674, NaInGaGa for the 3 years-period lamentation was started constructing separately. At these processes, the plan and placement of NaInGaGa was changed. This study based on the SanReungDoGam-EuiGwae (山陵都監-儀軌: The report on constructing royal tomb). The SanReungDoGam-EuiGwae written since 1800 have illustration about NaInGaGa. The illustration and explanation about NaInGaGa become a important clue that make suppose detailed space of NaInGaGa
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Cho Nam-min 2012. A Study on The Emergence of Terms for Female Body, and Changes in Perspectives - with focus on female words such as pregnancy, delivery, and womb. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 20(2). pp. 425-446. This research studies emergence and changes of female words, especially about pregnancy, delivery, and womb, through analysis of medical books and female literature in Chosun dynasty and modern enlightenment era. It studies how females recognized their bodies and gender differently from Chosun dynasty’s patriarchal system to rapidly changing modern enlightenment period. Birth (and delivery) is one of the indispensable steps of human life, and the whole process of pregnancy and delivery is closely related to pregnant mother. Through pregnancy and delivery, infants and mothers attain new social status, and, at the same time, experience significant changes in family relationship. As a consequence, while related literatures such as medical books published in Chosun dynasty were focused on being pregnant and delivering infant, those published in modern era paid more attention to pregnant mothers’ body and health. It was thanks to the import of western medicine and enhanced scientific understanding of pregnancy and delivery. More frequent mention about female health and body were found in modern female and family literature, and it was found that perspective on and understanding about pregnancy, delivery, and infant care were changed. It was the results of changes in social and cultural understanding of females given that perception on bodies are developed and defined in social and cultural ways.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In previous studies, we performed joint animal studies and clinical trials between Yonsei University and Oryza Oil & Fat Chemical Co. Ltd. We have shown that coffee bean extract has potent anti-obesity and hypotriglyceridemic activities as well as beneficial effects on body fat reduction.In this study, the effects of coffee bean extract (100 mg/capsule) on body fat reduction were evaluated in overweight/obese women (body mass index of 25~30 kg/m2 or body fat 〉 30%) not diagnosed with any type of disease. Subjects were randomly assigned to a coffee bean extract group (n=10) or placebo group (n=10). We measured anthropometric parameters, abdominal fat distribution by computed tomography and blood components before and after the 8week intervention period. After supplementation, the coffee bean extract group showed body weight (p=0.08), body mass index (p=0.06), hip circumference (p〈0.05), and upper waist circumference (p〈 0.01). In addition, after 8 weeks, the coffee bean extract group showed a significant decrease in abdominal internal fat area compared to 0 weeks (0 weeks : 155.8cm2; 8 weeks : 145.9cm2, δ change : -9.9cm2, respectively). However, there were no significant differences in lipid profiles or serological measurements between the coffee bean extract group and placebo group. The results of our human study demonstrated that coffee bean extract supplementation for 8 weeks has beneficial effects on reducing abdominal internal fat area as well as hip and waist circumferences.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리 사회는 고령사회와 더불어 출산률이 낮아지며 저출산 시대에 접어들고 있다. 이러한 저출산 시대에 다자녀 출산을 위한 발전방안을 살펴보고자 하는데 목적을 두었으며, 특히 여성의 관점에서 다자녀 출산을 위한 문제점을 살펴보고, 다자녀 출산을 위한 방향을 제시하고자 하였다. 저출산 시대의 문제점으로는 경제성장의 위축, 세대 간의 갈등 심화, 산업구조의 변화에 따른 고용 관계에 영향, 재정 및 산업구조의 영향, 복지부문에의 영향을 들 수 있다. 저출산 시대의 다자녀 출산을 위한 발전방향으로는 양성평등에 의한 인식 수준 개선, 실질적인 경제적 지원, 다양한 가족형태에 따른 지원 확대, 중앙정부와 지방자치단체와의 일관성 있는 정책이 제시되어야 할 것이다. 나아가 저출산을 극복하기 위한 정책은 현재의 국가발전 뿐만 아니라 중장기적으로 국가의 선진국으로의 도약을 위해서 반드시 개발․실행되어야 할 것이다. 저출산의 근본적 문제점을 분석하고 해결방안을 도출하기 위해서는 국가적 차원에서 보다 전문적인 기구를 설치하여 이를 통해 정책개발을 추진해 나가야 할 것이다.
        2012.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The pelvic compression belt (PCB) contributes to improving sacroiliac joint stability, and it has been used as an additional therapeutic option for patients with sacroiliac joint pain (SIJP). This study aimed to investigate whether the muscle activation patterns of the supporting leg was different between asymptomatic subjects and subjects with SIJP during one-leg standing, and how it changes with the PCB. 15 subjects with SIJP and 10 asymptomatic subjects volunteered to participate in this study. Surface electromyography (EMG) data (reaction time [RT] and muscle activation) were collected from the internal oblique, lumbar multifidius, gluteus maximus and biceps femoris muscles during one-leg standing with and without the PCB. Without the PCB condition, in the SIJP group, the biceps femoris muscle showed the fastest RT among all muscles (p<.05), whereas in the asymptomatic group, the RT of the internal oblique muscle was the most rapid (p<.05). In condition without the PCB, the biceps femoris EMG amplitudes in the SIJP group were significantly greater than that in the asymptomatic group (p<.05). After the application of the PCB, the RT of the biceps femoris muscle was significantly increased only in the SIJP group (p<.05). Moreover, the biceps femoris EMG amplitudes significantly decreased and the gluteus maximus EMG amplitudes significant increased only in the SIJP group by applying the PCB (p<.05). However, this had no such effect on the gluteus maximus and biceps femoris EMG patterns in the asymptomatic group (p>.05). Thus, this study supports the applying the PCB to patients with SIJP can be used as a helpful option to modify the activation patterns of the gluteus maximus and biceps femoris muscle.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2012.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        以儒道佛家为思想背景的男尊女卑的韩中日旧社会里, ‘嫉妒’一直被认 为女性的天性。为了防止女性的嫉妒心理, 国家和个人都做出了很多努力。 他们认为女性的嫉妒, 并不是一个个人和单纯的问题,而是一个社会化的, 立体性的, 深刻的社会问题。这些思想意识一直存在古代韩中日文学作品 里。本文对此有着深入的研究。 据此, 本文以四种类型, 描述了古代韩中日文学作品中女性嫉妒的表现: 一, 自我抑制型(抑压型) 二, 抑制自他型(潜在型) 三, 自我发散型(变异型) 四, 自他发散型(单纯破坏型和变异型的复合破坏型). 通过这四种类型, 对女 性的嫉妒心理进行了分析, 并对其内心反应出的社会的认识和当时的女性观 进行了剖析. 古代韩中日文学作品中,同时将女性的嫉妒心归为女性的天性,都将家 庭不和睦的责任转嫁给女性。具有嫉妒心的女性凶狠丑陋,应该受到社会的 隔离和处罚。即,女性的嫉妒就是罪恶,将会自取灭亡。社会所追求的是具 有忍耐, 顺从, 牺牲等美德的贤妻良母, 与其对应的‘嫉妒’的女性一定被惩 罚。 这些教训在韩中日三个国家的古代文学作品中有着深刻的体现。
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Over 1.4 million foreigners live in South Korea now. The number of marriage-related immigrants is 125,673 and that of children of multicultural family is 107,689. These facts are brand new ones during the last five thousand year history of Korea. Such a change challenges Korean people and Christians to rethink respectively about their identity. This article aims at describing the current situation of immigrants, especially marriage-related immigrant women and multicultural family, identifying tasks for immigrant mission in Busan, Ulsan and Kyungsangnam-do and searching for the immigrant theology. Methodologies used in the article are: literature study, interview with specialists in immigrant mission, social biography of marriage-related immigrant women, missiology of encounter with other and Post-colonial Feminism. In Busan, the researcher chose four church/mission center/Christian NGOs participating in the immigrant mission in 2009. And he chose five mission centers/Christian NGOs participating in the immigrant mission in 2010. He interviewed with 31 members of multicultural families and with 9 specialists in the immigrant mission. Ninety-nine marriage-related immigrant women responded to the survey prepared by the researcher. The results of the social biography of multicultural family and the surveys of marriage-related immigrant women are: first of all, recovery of ‘normality’ of the multicultural family, for the family has been represented by the mass media as ‘abnormal’ one with family violence: secondly, Christian faith contributes for them to accommodate to Korean culture and to overcome conflicts between husband and wife of multicultural family: thirdly, the international marriage initiated by commercial agencies is blamed as money- exchange-marriage but the reality of such a family life is similar to that of a marriage arranged by a go-between: lastly, marriage-related immigrant women are faster learners of Korean language and culture than migrant workers. Tasks for immigrant mission are: to strengthen the multicultural family by overcoming cultural conflicts, to support for their children education, to establish multicultural faith community, to encourage marriage-related immigrant women to get a job, to suggest education programs for Korean Christians and Korean citizens, and to prevent from religious conflicts through peace education among religious groups.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the different attitudes depicted in TV cosmetic ad texts for women and men. It will also probe the way women and men are identified in these ads. Based on 112 women's, and 56 of men's ad texts, we examine their sentence patterns, persuading strategies, high frequency words, and red flag expressions. Interrogative forms were preferred in women's ads, probably to reinforce solidarity, while imperative forms were preferred in men's ads, suggesting men prefer forceful approach. Women's ads used far more honorific forms revealing typical character of women's language. In persuading strategies, [explanation of the products] were mainly adopted in women's ads, while [women's recognition] was highly valued in men. For frequency words, it was ‘skin' which was the most frequently used in women's ads, while it was ‘man' in men's ads. In both women's and men's, foreign words were alarmingly adopted in red flag expressions. Exaggeration, deception, and provocation were used much more in women's ads than men's, probably due to the fact that women's ads emphasize explanation of the products' function or effect. In men's ads, a vulgarism marked the most, which might have been adopted to strengthen the solidarity between men.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료