
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 270

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of temperature and humidity on the measured Particulate Matter (PM) concentrations recorded by PMS5003T, a low-cost light scattering type measuring tool. A regression analysis was performed on the ratio of PM concentrations measured by the light scattering method and the beta-ray absorption method according to temperature and humidity in an outdoor environment. As the temperature decreased, the PM concentration ratio increased, and this tendency intensified below 0oC. As the humidity increased, the PM concentration ratio increased, but the effect was less than the temperature effect. The coefficients of determination for temperature and humidity were R2 = 0.325 and 0.003, respectively, and the effects of temperature and humidity on the measured values w ere formulated and compensated for. As a result of the compensation, R2, relative precision, accuracy and RMSE improved from 0.927 to 0.958, from 91.183% to 96.651%, from 31.383% to 74.058%, and from 13.517 μg/m³ to 6.690 μg/m³, respectively. Finally, results from this study indicate that the reliability of the low-cost light scattering type PM sensor can be improved by applying the temperature and humidity compensation method.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 프로젝트는 최근 사회적 이슈가 되고 있는 미세먼지 저감 숲 조성을 목적으로 진행된 것이다. 대상지는 전라남도 여수 국가산업단지로 부지면적은 32,550,850㎡이다. 매립지이자 중화학공업단지라는 특수한 여건을 고려하여, 여수산단의 녹지조성 가능지 발굴을 포함한 종합적인 저감 숲 조성 마스터플랜 제시를 최종 목표로 한다. 아울러 산단 입주기업의 사업장 내부에 대한 미세먼지 저감녹지 조성에 대한 방안제시도 포함하는 것으로 진행하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 여수 산단지역과 입주기업의 사업장 내부의 조사 분석을 실시하였고. 미세먼지 저감 숲 조성사업의 실현가능성 및 녹지조성 효과 등을 근간으로 하여 크게 3단계 사업권역으로 구분하였다. 그리고 산단 주변의 자연지형 즉 산지 및 녹지를 연계 활용하여 2개의 녹지 보전·형성축을 계획했다. 북측 녹지축은 산단 내부의 산지 및 도로녹지 등을 연계하는 1차 미세먼지 차단축, 남측 녹지축은 여수시가지로 유입되는 미세먼지 차단을 위한 2차 완충기능 목적이다. 미세먼지 저감 숲 조성 마스터플랜은 산단 도로 등 시설배치 및 녹지분포 등 공간구성에 따라 구간 및 유형을 구분하였다. 그 결과 여수 국가산단 전 지역이 총 10개 타입으로 분류되었으며, 각각의 유형에 대해 적용 가능한 미세먼지 저감 숲 및 녹지공간의 조성방법과 식재구조 그리고 저감수종 등을 제시했다. 기본계획은 산단의 도로, 녹지, 구릉지 등 공공영역 즉 사업장 외부공간을 중심으로 수립하였으며, 그 외 사업장 내부 즉 사적영역에 대해서는 입주기업의 여건 및 주변상황에 따라 선택하고 시도할 수 있도록 공간구성 및 식재수종 선정 등 다수의 계획모델을 제시했다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : High concentrations of particulate matter (PM) are emitted or generated from vehicle emissions in urban roads with dense transient populations. To reduce the effect of PM emission on bus stop users at roadsides, a plan to reduce PM emitted from the roadside must be devised. In this study, an atmospheric environment at a roadside is simulated in a large-scale environment chamber, and a test for reducing PM around the bus stop is conducted by installing a bus stop adapted to a PM reduction system. METHODS : Exhaust gas is injected into the experimental and reference chambers using diesel and gasoline vehicles for roadside airquality simulations. The two vehicles are operated in an idle state without an acceleration operation to emit exhaust gas uniformly, and the initial conditions are achieved by injecting car emissions for approximately 40 min. The initial condition is set to 1 ppm of NOx concentration in the environment chamber. Between the two environment chambers, a bus stop adapted to the PM reduction system is installed in the experimental chamber to conduct a PM reduction experiment pertaining to the air quality around the roadside. The experimental progress is set as the start time of the experiment based on the time at which the initial conditions are achieved; simultaneously, the PM reduction system in the experimental chamber is operated. After the simulation is commenced, the PM concentration, which changes over time, is measured using a high-resolution time-of-flight aerosol mass spectrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) without additional injection of car emissions or pollutants. The HR-ToF-AMS measures the chemical composition of non-refractory PM1.0 (NR-PM1.0) in real time. RESULTS : The NR-PM1.0 compound (organic aerosol (OA), NO3 -, SO4 2-) increases by 160% compared with the simulated initial concentration up to T90min in both environmental chambers; this is speculated to be due to secondary formation. The reference chamber indicates a slight decrease or a steady-state after T90min, whereas the experimental chamber indicates a gradually decrease as the experiment progresses. The bus stop adapted to the PM reduction system reduces the amount of black carbon in the experimental chamber by 37% at 200 min. This implies that the PM emitted from the roadside is filtered via the PM reduction system installed at the bus stop, and cleaner air quality can be provided to passengers. CONCLUSIONS : The PM reduction system evaluated in this study can be detached from and attached to the outdoor billboard of a bus stop. Since it adopts air filtration technology that uses a high-efficiency particulate air filter, it can be maintained and managed easily. In addition, it can provide an atmospheric environment with reduced PM emission to passengers as well as provide a better air-quality condition to passengers waiting for public transportation near roadsides.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        도심 교통섬과 도시숲 내부에서 미세먼지 농도와 영향 인자를 조사하여 숲의 미세먼지 효과를 분석하였다. 서울시 동대문구 홍릉시험림(도시숲)과 동대문구 청량리역 교차로에 조성된 숲(교통섬)에서 미세먼지 농도를 2018년 1월부터 11월까지 광산란법 기기를 적용하여 측정하였다. 연구 기간 동안 도시숲과 교통섬의 PM10 평균농도는 12.5 ㎍/㎥, 15.7 ㎍/㎥으로 나타났으며, PM2.5의 평균농도는 6.6 ㎍/㎥, 6.9 ㎍/㎥으로 나타났다. 환경부 도시대기 측정망과 도시숲 의 농도를 비교해본 결과, PM10의 저감율은 도시숲에서 66.9±28.6%, 교통섬에서 58.6±44.1%로 나타났고, PM2.5의 경우 71.3±23.0%, 64.9±31.3%로 각각 나타났다. 미세먼지 저감율의 차이는 도시숲의 규모와 구조의 차이와 관련이 있을 것이며, 풍속은 저감 요인으로 판단된다.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although fine dust pollution in Korea is increasing, there is no information regarding nutritional standards for fine dustrelated disease patients. This study analyzed the food and nutrient intake status in adult men with disease associated with fine dust in the area with the increased level of fine dust pollution using the sixth and seventh Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013-2017). The daily intakes, and average nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) and mean adequacy ratio (MAR) values of energy were significantly increased in the control group compared with patient groups. Compared with the control group, protein, fat and cholesterol intakes were significantly increased in the patient groups. Daily intakes of cereals and grain products in the control group were increased, whereas seasoning intake was decreased in the control group compared with patient groups. The patient groups had low daily water and vitamin B1 intakes, and the niacin intake of patient groups was significantly lower than that of the control group. Nutrition density and nutritional quality of vitamin C were significantly reduced in patient groups. This study can be used as basic data for nutrition education that emphasizes sufficient calorie, water and antioxidant vitamin intakes for patients related to fine dust pollution.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order for records to be preserved for a long time without physical and chemical transformation, the preservation environment of the library is very important, and environmental problems must be improved through periodic investigation on the preservation environment. Against this background, this study derived fine dust (PM10) and ultrafine dust (PM2.5) concentration data for the libraries, hallways, and workrooms of the National Archives of Korea over two years. There was a difference in the concentration of fine dust and ultrafine dust among facilities, and there was a change in the concentration depending on the month. Both fine dust and ultrafine dust concentrations were present at less than 10 μg/m³ in the libraries. In the hallways, both fine and ultrafine dust concentrations were highest in July. In the workplaces, the monthly fluctuations in the concentration of fine dust and ultrafine dust were large. And the concentration of fine dust and ultrafine dust in the workplaces were higher than those in the library and hallways. Overall, the concentration of fine dust and ultra-fine dust was measured below the maintenance standards stipulated by the Indoor Air Quality Management Act of the Ministry of Environment of Korea in all the investigated facilities. The results of this study are expected to be used as fundamental information to manage the indoor air quality of the facilities of the National Archives.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, a survey on students’ perceptions of air pollution, particulate matter (PM) and indoor air quality (IAQ) in school classrooms was analyzed. A total of 174 students participated in the survey, where 127 and 47 participants were elementary school students and middle school students, respectively. The elementary school was located in a rural area of Korea, whereas the middle school was located in an urban area. The questionnaire of the survey was mainly composed of three parts: (1) students’ perceptions of air pollution, (2) students’ perceptions of IAQ in the classroom, and (3) students’ perceptions of how to improve IAQ in the classroom. Based on our study, the responses of the students for the given questionnaire showed an opposite tendency. The students in the rural area tended to have positive perceptions regarding IAQ in the classroom as well as air pollution, whereas the students in the urban area revealed negative perceptions for the same items. Our survey results can be used by school officials in order to maintain and improve IAQ in school classrooms based on the perceptions of the students.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to analyze the uniform diffusion mechanism of precursor gas species, and the effect of NOx reduction technology in a full-scale particulate matter testing facility, using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). METHODS : A full-scale environment chamber was constructed to evaluate the effects of particulate matter reduction technologies on the road. CFD analysis was conducted to simulate the road environment conditions in the chamber, and investigate the effect of the NOx removal panel. The time required to reach the NOx concentration to target value in the fluid field was determined at a given inflow velocity, inlet direction, and initial inflow concentration. The effect of the NOx removal panel, and solar energy on the reduction characteristics of the NOx concentration in the environment chamber was analyzed. RESULTS : The inflow velocity was determined to be the major factor affecting the time required to reach a uniform target NOx concentration in the environment chamber. The inlet location in the transverse direction requires additional time to approach the uniform target concentration, than the longitudinal direction at the same inflow velocity. Based on the CFD analysis in the 1ppm concentration condition of the chamber, a two-fold increase in the NOx removal panel efficiency can reduce the time to target concentration by approximately 50%. It is also observed that a 20% increase in solar energy can decrease the time to target concentration by 4%–12% depending on the panel efficiency. CONCLUSIONS : This study proved that a full-scale environment chamber can be effectively utilized to evaluate the particulate matter reduction technologies applied in road facilities
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study obtained the following conclusions using the measurement results of indoor and outdoor PM10 with regard to cardiovascular disease patients in Cheongju-area in November 2020. Most of the PM10 has an I/O ratio of less than 1, which is an outdoor source. Since we measured once and twice time, Without the air purifier device’s working status, there were no concentration changes of PM10 in the first and second indoor areas. As for the concentration of PM10 according to the living environment, the distribution of PM10 is higher indoors than outdoors when the residential area is 30 m2 or more, and the outdoor PM10 concentration tends to be high when the distance to the road is within 50 m. The more time spent indoors, the higher the indoor PM10 concentration. The smaller the ventilation time and frequency, the longer the cooking time was, and the higher the number of cooking times, the higher the concentration of PM10 could be. The indoor PM10 contribution ratio through multiple regression analysis showed the possibility of increasing indoor PM10 as β = 28.590 when the time spent indoors was longer than 16 hours (p<0.05). The result regarding PM10 exposure reveals that PM10 can be inhaled not only indoors but also outdoors, and the subjects of this study appear to have lived indoors for about 16 hours or longer on a daily basis, which may affect their health regardless of gender.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        시설잎들깨에 발생하는 차먼지응애를 친환경적으로 방제하고자 피레스럼(pyrethrum)의 농도별 방제효과를 조사하였다. 2%, 4%, 6% 피레스럼 1,000배 희석액에 대한 차먼지응애 약·성충의 생충률은 약제 살포 3일 후 각각 58.1%, 27.5%, 22.7% 였으며, 5일 후 각각 73.4%, 37.3%, 30.6% 였다. 차먼지응애에 대하여 방제효과가 우수했던 6% 피레스럼 1,000배액와 화학약제인 밀베멕틴(milbemectin EC 2%) 1,000 배액을 이용하여 약제 살포 후 차먼지응애에 대한 약·성충 밀도를 지름 1cm 잎디스크 내에서 조사한 결과, 6% 피레스럼을 차먼지응애의 발생이 예측되는 시기인 5월 10일부터 10일 간격으로 사용한 곳에서 밀도가 낮게 유지된 반면 차먼지응애의 피해가 확인된 후 화학약제를 사용한 곳에 서는 1주 간격 1~2회의 살포로는 차먼지응애의 밀도를 낮출 수 없었으며 1주 간격 3회 살포 이후 밀도가 낮아졌다. 따라서, 시설잎들깨에서 효과 적으로 차먼지응애를 방제하기 위해서는 발생이 예측되는 초기부터 방제제를 사용하는 것이 효과적이다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        차먼지응애(Polyphagostarsonemus latus)는 잎들깨에서 잎을 직접적으로 가해하여 농가 소득에 치명적인 피해를 야기하고 있지만 표본단위가 설정되어 있지 않아 적절한 표본 조사가 이루어지지 못하는 상황이다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 잎들깨의 주내분포 연구를 통하여 표본단위와 최적표본수를 제시하고자 수행하였다. 차먼지응애는 하나의 들깨잎에서 엽병 부위를 중심으로 개체가 형성되어 전체잎으로 퍼져나가는 특징을 보였으며, 이때 기간은 접종 후 25일이 소요되었다. 단위면적당 차먼지응애의 밀도를 조사한 결과, 접종 후 경과 기간에 관계없이 신초에서의 밀도가 중엽과 성엽보다 높아 대표성을 띠기 때문에 표본단위는 신초가 적합할 것으로 판단되었다. 주당 표본수는 1개의 신초에 있는 알과 약성충 모두를 조사할 경우 정밀도 0.25를 충족할 것으로 추정되었다. 따라서, 시설 잎들깨에서 차먼지응애의 표본조사는 주당 1개의 신초에서 알과 약성충을 조사 할 때 가장 정확도가 높고 경제적이었다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The purpose of this study is to measure and analyze the fugitive dust generated by each process through field tests to develop a technology to reduce fugitive dust generated during excavation-restoration work on road pavements. METHODS : The testbed was constructed based on a typical excavation-restoration construction section and comprised five sections for reproducibility and repeated measurements. The excavation-restoration work was divided into pavement cutting, pavement crushing, pavement removal, excavation, and restoration processes and fugitive dust generated by each process was measured. Fugitive dust (TSP, PM10, PM2.5, and PM1) was measured using a GRIMM particle spectrometer, which applies the principle of a light scattering spectrometer and can be measured in real-time. RESULTS : Analyses of the average mass concentration of PM10 generated by the excavation-restoration process are as follows: 1286.3 μg/m³ from pavement cutting, 246.8 μg/m³ from pavement crushing, 697.0 μg/m³ from pavement removal, 747.9 μg/m³ from excavation process, and 350.6 μg/m³ from the restoration process. In addition, the average particle size distribution of the excavationrestoration construction was in the order of PM10~PM2.5 (67 %), PM1 or less (24 %), and PM2.5~PM1 (9 %). The pavement cutting process is characterized by the emission of high concentrations of fugitive dust over a short time, compared to other processes. The pavement crushing process has the characteristic of steadily generating fugitive dust for a long period, although the emission concentration is small. CONCLUSIONS : In this study, it was found that the concentration and characteristics of fugitive dust generated during road pavement excavation-restoration works vary by process and the reduction technology for each process should be developed accordingly.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대기 중 미세먼지가 환경과 인간의 공중 보건에 악영향을 미치고 있다는 사실은 점점 명확해지고 있다. 미세먼지가 식물의 잎에 침착, 흡수되므로 식물이 미세먼지를 제거 하는 바이오필터로 활용하기 위한 연구들이 활발히 진행 되고 있다. 또한, 식물에 흡수된 미세먼지는 식물에 다양한 생리적, 형태적 영향을 미치게 된다. 본 연구는 식물과 미세먼지간의 상호작용에 대해 국내외에서 수행되어온 연구들의 방법과 결과를 특히 생태적 관점에서 종합 정리하였다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, we conducted a survey to reveal the general perception of parents toward outdoor air quality, particulate matter (PM), and indoor air quality (IAQ) at schools where their children attend. A total of 1,030 parents participated in this survey, where the age of their children ranged between 7 years to over 19 years of age. Each participant was either a member of a non-governmental organization (NGO) with a keen interest in air quality or an ordinary public panel member with less interest. The result of the survey indicated that the participants had a negative perception of air quality, and parents believed that the outdoor and indoor air is extremely polluted. The participants pointed out that they believe that the main reason for the pollution is due to particulate matter (PM) and school classrooms are the location where their children are exposed to PM the most. Based on our study, the majority of the participants prefer a mechanical ventilation system to reduce indoor air pollutants in schools. Our study should be referred to by school officials in order to maintain IAQ and as a way of addressing the concerns of parents who want to protect their children’s health.
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