
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 154

        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The customer engagement construct has been widely investigated in the marketing literature since 2005. Scholars in hospitality and tourism have perceived the importance of this construct and tried to propose both conceptual framework (e.g., So, King, Sparks, & Wang, 2016) and measurement scale to capture this phenomena (e.g., So, King, & Sparks, 2014). However, there is no consensus in many issues such as conceptualization (Dijkmans, Kerkhof, & Beukeboom, 2015) and dimensionality (Romero, 2017). In addition, this construct is relatively new in hospitality and tourism. Hence, the direction for future research and what has been done in the past are indispensable for researchers since it reduces research fragmentations in the future. The study aim is to use existing works in hospitality and tourism literature with the systematic literature review to summarize facts and address the future research. SCOPUS and ISI were employed as the main databases to search and identify the relevant articles. A total of 19 out of 590 documents was identified and selected to analyze and classify based on types of research, country, and journal. In addition, the issues of theoretical background, conceptual framework, conceptualization, dimensionality, statistical analysis, key contributors are summarized respectively. Finally, this study addresses the scope of potential future research in a realm of hospitality and tourism.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, there has been increased attention on the portrayal of women in the media. Photoshopped images of unrealistic female forms have been perceived to have negative impacts on the self-esteem of those exposed (Groesz 2002). Based on the idea that seeing unrealistic body images can put undue pressure on women and impact their self-esteem, some governments have gone as far to propose and or pass legislation that ban or require disclosures on such images in advertising. For example, multiple attempts have been made to pass the Truth in Advertising Act in the U.S., which would severely restrict the ability to digitally alter ad (Navamanikkamm 2017). Meanwhile. France passed a law in 2017 mandating that if a model’s physical person has been digitally altered in an ad it must include a disclaimer indicating that the ad has been retouched (Lubitz 2015). Recently, Israel out of concern about eating disorders at a societal level, passed legislation requiring a disclaimer in any ad whether a model is photoshopped to look thinner. The Israeli law also mandates that a threshold body mass index be met for a model to be included in an ad. With the United Kingdom’s Advertising Standards Authority also banning some campaigns due to exaggerated retouching, it is clear that photoshopping of models in advertising is under scrutiny (Sweney 2017). Several companies have also taken a stand on photoshopping of ads. These include Aerie Lingerie, CVS Drugstores, Dove, and Britain’s ASOS, all of whom has committed to having realistic images in their ads and reducing or eliminating retouching (Horwath 2016; Zillman 2017; Bomey 2018). In spite of the increased attention being paid to photoshopping of ads by regulators, companies, and some in the public, research on the topic has been relatively sparse. This paper aims to summarize what is known about the societal and managerial implications of digital retouching and offers future research directions designed to make advances in these areas. To this end, this paper begins by reviewing work in three areas related to photoshopping of ads. The first topic addressed is whether edited images of unrealistic standards have a negative impact on the viewer. Secondly, we examine what is known about the implications of including disclosures and disclaimers on the consumers psyche, (i.e. do these warnings negate the implied negative consequence of the edited images). Finally, the impact such disclosure labels have on ad effectiveness and purchase intention is considered. To ensure the full scope of pertinent material was covered, articles were targeted via databases such as ABI/ Inform, Business Source Premier, EBSCO and Google Scholar. Because of the paucity of articles, no time limitations were placed on the search. A variety of combinations of relevant search terms were used (e.g., retouching, advertising, body image, women, photoshop etc.). As key articles were identified, the sources they cited were also reviewed in relation to the purpose stated above. Our review of the literature finds a virtually universal consensus finds that idealized imagery, often characterized by very thin or “ideal” models is directly correlated to an increased risk of body dissatisfaction (Groesz 2002). Several of these studies draw on social comparison theory (Gulas 2000; Myers 2009) is commonly used as a theoretical explanation underlying this effect, with experimental studies being used to provide empirical evidence. Prior studies have tested several types of disclaimers. These studies have generally found that disclaimer do not mitigate the negative impact that the exposure to idealized image has on the consumer (Cragg 2017) Based on this research, apparently, women feel social pressure to live up to idealized images even if a disclaimer is included in the ad. However, it should be noted that only a limited number of studies have tested this effect, and additional types of disclaimers from different sources need to be tested before drawing firm conclusions. As for advertisement effectiveness, specifically product attitude and purchases intent, studies have found that advertisements using “normally attractive models” in comparison to “highly attractive models” tend to produce better results (Tsai and Chang 2007). Notably, the presence of a disclaimer does not appear to either increase or decrease the effectiveness of ad based on the extant research (Semaan, Gould and Kocher 2012; Schirmer et al., 2018). The literature does raise some questions about the needed prominence of a disclaimer to have an impact, suggesting that often times “fine print messages” are largely unnoticed in relation to a more prominent alternative (Black & Watson 2013). Notably, there is some evidence that including a “retouch-free” versus a “retouched” disclaimer does increase attitudes toward the brand and purchase intention (Cornelis and Peter 2017). The literature reviewed has limitations such as uncorroborated studies, limited sample sizes, and narrowly focused demographics in some studies. While it has generally been established that highly attractive model usage and idealized retouched imagery has a negative effect on consumer body image, there is insufficient research on the implications of disclaimers and disclosers. It is suggested that additional research is needed on the effects of various disclaimer types directly related to various levels of image re-touching (as opposed to product warnings) on consumer buying behavior and ad effectiveness (see Schirmer et al., 2018). There is some evidence that consumers are accepting of minor photoshopping of ads, such as changing the background or “fixing” a blemish, but that more major retouching such as making a model appear to have different facial features, thinner legs, or larger breasts is viewed as problematic. As such, future experimental research should focus on different levels of retouching. There is also a clear need to test different wording of disclaimers as well as disclaimers from different sources (e.g. government vs. non-profit, vs. company itself). Future research should focus on a wide cross-section of women. It should also test multiple product categories, including those beauty related vs. not beauty related.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Acinic cell carcinoma is a well-differentiated, low-grade tumor that accounts for 1-3% of salivary gland tumors. Among the variant of acinic cell carcinoma, papillary cystic variant of acinic cell carcinoma is much more rare and it is known to be difficult to diagnose and has a poor prognosis. In this paper, we report a case of 58 - year - old man diagnosed as papillary cystic variant of acinic cell carcinoma and the characteristics of the lesion by integrating the recent cases of papillary cystic variant of acinic cell carcinoma. This study emphasizes the need for long-term studies and further investigation of papillary cystic variants of acinic cell carcinoma.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Canalicular adenoma is an uncommon, benign salivary gland tumor. It has a significant predilection for occurrence in the minor salivary glands, with most cases occurring in the upper lip, followed by the buccal mucosa and palate. Rarely, canalicular adenoma can involve the major salivary glands, such as the parotid gland. Only a small number of cases of canalicular adenoma of the parotid gland have been reported in the literature. We report a rare case of canalicular adenoma on the left parotid gland of an 81-year-old man, and present a review of the literature.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is significant in increasing interest in living a successful life among the older population. Implications are directed to social work researchers and practitioners to help educate older adults in the community on the social and behavioral importance of the positive aspects of aging such as successful aging and healthy aging to increase a chance of longevity. The major contribution of the study will be constructing and providing specific types of strategies to older adults and practitioners in the gerontological social work field who assist to improve the population's quality of later life. Rowe and Kahn's longitudinal study of successful aging contributed to the development of the theory of successful aging, which has been considered one of the most salient theories among the studies on aging. However, there have been controversies on the theory for a few reasons including the restricted subjectivity on the perceptions toward successful aging and the limited sample population for the study participants has been a critical issue. A systematic literature review was conducted to explain how Rowe and Kahn's successful aging theory was generated and to discuss about the theory in multidimensional way. In-depth discussions of Rowe and Kahn's successful aging theory has been provided, and it has been compared with other successful aging theories. In addition, detailed descriptions of other relevant theories of aging has been presented and other relevant studies using the successful aging theory among older populations have been provided in order to study about the applicability of the theory.
        2017.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국이 산업혁신에 성공한 대표적인 국가의 하나로 주목받아 혁신연구의 사례로 연구되기 시작한 이래 30여 년이 되어 가고 있다. 그간 한국의 산업혁신에 관한 연구는 성공적 산업 추격을 진화적 관점에서 이해하는 데 초점이 맞추어져 왔다. 성공적 추격을 위한 진입전략, 추격을 가능하게 한 학습의 메커니즘 등에 관한 다양한 연구들이 수행되었다. 그러나 최근 추격체제의 성장 잠재성이 한계에 이른 여러 징후들이 나타남에 따라 새로운 관점 의 산업혁신 연구의 필요성이 제기되고 있다. 본 논문은 이러한 문제의식 하에 이제까지의 한국 산업혁신 연구를 주요 연구주제별로 리뷰하고, 현재의 상황변화에 비추어 앞으로 요청되는 연구주제를 도출하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 특히 한국의 산업혁신 연구를 산업혁신시스템과 추격이라는 두 가지 관점을 기반으로 추격국 산업혁신의 특성 및 패턴, 기술능력 축적과 추격과정, 추격혁신과 제도, 성장동학의 형 태 등을 중심으로 기존 연구성과를 리뷰했다. 또한 한국 산업혁신의 진화적 특성, 산업의 기술적 특성과 추격의 용이성, 산업혁신에서의 제도의 중요성, 산업혁신의 지향성 등의 논점을 중심으로 기존 연구성과를 비판적으로 검토하였다. 기존 연구성과의 검토와 현재 한국 산업 혁신이 직면한 환경 변화를 고려하여 향후 국민경제 차원에서 산업혁신 고도화에 대한 고찰 필요성, 산업혁신 고도화와 전환 가능성, 추격의 그늘에 대한 검토 필요성, 산업혁신의 비기 술적 요인에 대한 검토와 산업혁신연구에서의 다양한 가치의 통합 필요성 등을 중심으로 향후 연구과제를 도출하였다.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 부모의 양육 스트레스가 부모의 스마트폰 의존도, 영유아 자녀의 스마트폰 몰입에 미치는 영향과 양육 스트레스를 줄이기 위한 방안을 모색하고자 문헌 고찰을 실시하였다. 스마트폰 중독은 성인의 문제를 넘어 영유아에게 스마트폰 몰입이라는 문제로 빠르게 확산되고 있다. 성장기에 무분별하게 접한 스마트폰은 아이의 신체, 정서적 발달에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 부모들은 스마트폰이 아이에게 부정적인 영향을 미칠 것을 인식하고 있지만 공공장소에서 다양한 이유로 영유아 자녀에게 스마트폰을 주고 있다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 영유아의 스마트폰 몰입은 신체, 인지, 언어, 사회정서발달에 좋지 않은 영향을 미친다. 특히 스마트폰 이용 시기가 빠르고 사용시간이 길수록 유아의 우울과 불안, 공격성이 높았다. 부모가 경험하는 육아 스트레스가 부모 자신의 스마트폰 중독, 영유아 스마트폰 몰입과 관련 있다는 연구도 있다. 영유아들은 부모들이 스마트폰을 사용하는 모습을 통해 모델링하기 때문에 영유아 앞에서 스마트폰을 자주 사용하는 모습을 보이면 아이들이 스마트폰 몰입에 빠지게 될 가능성이 높다. 따라서 영유아 스마트폰 몰입을 줄이기 위해서는 자녀에게 손쉽게 이용할 수 있는 스마트폰을 주기 보다는 부모 스스로 스마트폰을 의식적으로 멀리해야 한다. 이를 위해서는 영유아 자녀를 둔 부모들을 대상으로 교육 및 홍보를 강화하는 것이 우선시 돼야 한다. 구체적인 부모 교육의 내용으로는 스마트폰이 유아의 우울, 불안이나 공격성에 가장 부정적인 영향을 미친다는 것과 아이가 어릴수록 스마트폰이 아이에게 부정적인 영향을 미친다는 내용이 반드시 포함돼야 한다. 또한 부모가 조금만 신경을 쓴다면 스마트폰이 아니라 다른 건전한 놀이와 친근한 대상 등으로 자녀의 관심을 충분히 돌릴 수 있다. 또한 스마트폰을 무조건 사용하지 못하게 하는 것보다는 그 시간을 긍정적인 것으로 대체해 줘야 한다. 사회제도적 관심과 대응책 마련도 시급하다. 아직 우리나라에서는 영유아 스마트폰 노출이 가져오는 결과에 대한 연구도 시작단계이고 이에 따른 대책도 최근에야 마련되고 있다. 미래창조과학부가 연령대별 과의존위험 예방을 위한 최적화된 콘텐츠와 프로그램을 개발 및 보급하고 민간 예방운동을 활성화 하는 등 바른 실천운동을 전국적으로 확산해 나가고 있는 점은 주목할 만하다. 특히 육아스트레스가 스마트폰 중독과 이어지는 경우가 많으므로 부모가 육아스트레스를 적절히 해소해야 한다. 심리적 부분에서 부모가 자신을 잘 세워야 하고 가족들도 적극적으로 주양육자를 지지해 줘야 하며 전문가 상담, 육아 지원을 받을 수 있는 제도적 장치가 신속히 마련돼야 한다.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 국제기능장애 건강분류에 따른 한국 아동작업치료의 연구실태 및 동향을 파악하고자 하 였다. 연구방법 : 본 연구는 대한작업치료학회지에 게재된 아동작업치료 분야 연구 115편을 선별하여 연구형태분류 및 근거 수준을 분석하고 이에 대한 동향을 파악하였다. 또한 대상 논문의 연구 대상자 수와 그에 대한 연령, 진단명과 평가도구 사용률을 분석하였고 연구 분야는 ICF-CY (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health-Children & Youth Version)에 따른 기준을 적용하여 분류하였다. 결과 : 대한작업치료학회지에 게재된 아동작업치료 관련논문을 분석한 결과 연구형태는 그룹 비교 및 상관 관계연구가 24.3%로 가장 높았고 근거 수준은 4단계가 44.3%로 가장 높은 비율을 차지하였다. 또한 학령기 아동을 대상으로 한 논문이 41.5%로 가장 높았고 대상자 수에서는 101명 이상을 대상으로 한 논문이 가장 많은 것으로 집계되었다. 연구 대상자의 진단명에서는 뇌성마비가 26.0%로 가장 높은 비율 을 차지하였으며 평가도구에서는 Sensory Profile이 11.6%로 아동연구에서 가장 많이 사용된 것으로 집계되었다. ICF-CY를 기준으로 분류한 연구 분야에서는 신체 구조와 기능적 요소가 51.2%로 가장 높 은 비율을 차지하였다. 결론 : 본 연구는 대한작업치료학회지에 실린 아동작업치료 관련논문을 분석하여 연구 동향을 살피고 ICF-CY분 류체계를 사용하여 주제를 분석하였다. 이를 통해 아동작업치료 분야에서 참여와 개인적 요소에 대한 연구가 부족한 것을 확인하였고 연구 주제 선정에 있어 다양성이 필요함을 알 수 있었다.
        2016.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article provides a review of research published since 1990 on the effects of music on the behavior of animal like as pet music therapy. Music has many positive effects in reducing anxiety and stress before and after procedures in medical settings, and can influence a person’s feelings. Research involving music suggests animals may be similarly affected; classical music induced more relaxed and desirable behaviors in dogs housed in shelters, compared to other music. The healing power of music has long been established in people. Now a handful of harpists throughout the country are harnessing that power for animals. Classical music resulted in dogs spending more of their time resting than any of the other experimental conditions of auditory stimulation. This type of music also resulted in a significantly lower level of barking. Research suggests that calming music may have a beneficial effect on humans, resulting in diminished agitation, improved mood and lower levels of stress. Although the specific effect of classical music on animals remains unknown, the findings from this study suggest that it may, as in humans, have a calming influence
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Oral hyperpigmentation is common in patients older 40 years. But lesions in a newborn are unusual and congenital melanotic macule of the tongue has rarely been reported. A 2-month-old infant with 3 pigmented lesion on the right side of the dorsal tongue was evaluated. They were brown black but not homogeneous in color, smooth, nonblanchable, and nonpalpable, with irregular margins. We recommend excisional biopsy under general anesthesia because of possibility of malignancy, but parents refuse invasive procedure. On a following-up examination of the child at the age of 1 year, the pigmented lesions were unchanged. We report a case of congenital melanotic macules on the tongue and a review of literature about the lesion.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Osteochondroma is one of the most common benign tumors of the bone. Although osteochondroma is rarely seen in the facial region, it was reported that the cases occured in the mandibular region, especially around the condyle. Patients complain about malocclusion, temporomandibular disorders and facial asymmetry. The treatments of these cases include total condylectomy or local resection of the lesion. A 48-year-old man visited our hospital. His chief complaints were pain in the left temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and deviation of mandible during mouth opening. Panoramic radiograph showed an enlarged left condyle. A bony proliferation with benign sign was also observed in the computed tomography. Surgical treatment was done by removing the bony mass. Histologically, biopsy result was an osteochondroma. After surgery, there was reduced pain and normal mouth opening. Deviation of the mandible was also observed. We report a case of osteochondroma on the mandibular condyle and a review of literature about the surgical treatment.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to present the clinical, radiological, and histopathological findings of 20 new Korean GOC cases with a brief literature review. The mean age of 20 GOC patients was 43.5 years (range, 29-73 years) with a strong predilection for male (male-to-female ratio, 4:1). Nine cases were located in the maxilla and 11 cases in the mandible. Eight cases involved the anterior areas of the jaws and 12 cases were located in the posterior area. Most of the cases (16/20, 80.0%) showed a well-defined unilocular radiolucency and some showed cortical perforation (55.6%) and bony expansion (72.2%) in computed tomography. The most common histopathological feature was eosinophilic cuboidal cells (100%), followed by clear cells (95.0%), mucous cells (85.0%), variations in thickness (85.0%), and intraepithelial microcysts (80.0%). All cases were surgically treated by enucleation and no recurrences were found in routine follow-up.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        췌장의 점액성 낭성 종양(mucinous cystic neoplasm)은 국내 다기관 연구에 의하면 전체 췌장 낭성 종양의 약 25%를 차지하고 있다. 대부분 중년 여성에게 호발하고, 병변은 췌장 체부 및 미부에 위치하며, 점액성 낭선암(mucinous cystadenocarcinoma) 으로 악화될 수 있는데, 크기가 서서히 증가하므로 이의 파열은 매우 드문 합병증이다. 저자들은 72세 남성에서 발생한 췌장 점액성 낭선암의 자발 파열 증례를 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign tumor of the salivary glands. About 90% of these tumors occur in the parotid gland and 10% of them occur in the minor salivary glands. The most common sites for pleomorphic adenoma of the minor salivary glands are the palate, followed by the lips and the cheeks. Pleomorphic adenoma of the palate presents clinically as a painless, slow-growing mass found on posterior lateral aspect. In this case report, we report a case of pleomorphic adenoma of the palate in a 36-year old male patient whose initial diagnosis was vascular mass such as hemangioma or lymphangiohemangioma by preoperative CT and MRI.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Introduction The growth of the luxury goods market has seen an increased level of interest in the topic from both practitioners and academic researchers. The luxury market consists of a number of diverse categories (e.g., luxury clothing, cars, wines, jewelry, vacations) and is considerable in size, reaching €865 billion (over 1 trillion U.S. dollars) in 2014 (D’Arpizio 2014). While the topic of luxury brand marketing historically received only limited attention in the academic literature (Berthon, et al., 2009; Miller and Mills, 2012a) recent years have seen a growth of studies on the marketing of luxury products, including both goods and services). As the last half-decade has seen especially accelerated attention given to the topic, the time is right to examine the body of the overall literature on luxury brand. With the need for consolidation of findings in mind, this paper conducts a literature review of studies of luxury branding that is designed to contribute to the literature on luxury branding in multiple ways. First, the study is designed to provide guidance for researchers on luxury brands as to the definition and measurement of a “luxury brand.” While a number of studies have attempted to define the term, no single widely accepted definition of luxury brand exists and multiple measurement schemes have been put forward. This paper will review key definitions and measurement scales in an effort to help guide future researchers. A second intended contribution is to identify the most influential theories that have been used to help understand whether/why consumer behavior towards luxury brands differs from that towards other brands. A third intended contribution is to outline major sub-areas of research on luxury brands and identify key themes in the findings within these areas in order to summarize the state of knowledge of luxury brand marketing. These areas are: 1) consumer motivation for consuming luxury brands; 2) segmentation strategies for luxury brands; 3) international considerations; and 4) the role of social media in the marketing luxury brands. In conjunction with this goal we summarize how luxury brand marketing has been found to differ from the marketing of other types of brands. In other words, we identify what principles appear to be unique to luxury brand marketing. Finally, the study is designed to contribute to the literature by identifying areas especially in need of additional research in order to move this body of literature forward. Defining “Luxury Brand” Unfortunately for researchers, there is not a widely accepted definition of luxury brand. For example, the American Marketing Association’s dictionary of terms does not contain a definition of “luxury,” “luxury brand,” or “luxury marketing.” Yet, several scholars have attempted to define what constitutes a luxury brand. Prior research is characterized by, “…a lack of clarity regarding a definition, operationalization, and measurement of brand luxury” (Miller and Mills 2010, p.1471). This observation is consistent with previous calls by researchers for a more precise definition of luxury goods marketing (e.g., Berthon, et al., 2009). It has further claimed that the definition and measurement of luxury has been highly subjective (Godey et al., 2009). To the extent that it is true that definitions of luxury have been subjective, this is based on what individual researchers have put forward, as opposed to luxury being an inherently subjective construct. Thus, it is possible and desirable to define what a luxury brand is and measure the degree to which a given brand is a luxury brand. Fortunately, some researchers have made attempts to define luxury. The Miller and Mills (2012a) paper focused on fashion brands and also intentionally included several characterizations of luxury that were not designed to be formal definitions. Thus, it is not directly applicable to our purpose here, which is to identify key usable definitions of luxury brand that are generally applicable. For our purposes, a definition of a luxury brand should meet three key criteria in order to be considered viable definition. First, it should be based on a sound conceptual foundation, as is characteristic of academic definitions in general. Thus, we list here only those definitions that are logically derived from previously articulated and supported concepts. Second, the definition must be broadly applicable to luxury brands in general, and not just a subset such as only products or services, or one type of product category (e.g., fashion goods or automobiles). Finally, the theoretical definition should be capable of being operationalized in a way that allows the construct to be measured. Further, if the definition is multidimensional, it must be possible to measure all of the dimensions. We assembled a collection of definitions that meet these criteria that is displayed in table form. The literature largely defines luxury brands based on consumer perceptions (Heine 2012, Hagtvedt and Patrick 2009), managerially determined dimensions such as marketing activities and product attributes (Keller 2009, Nueno and Quelch 1998), or a combination of both (Vigneron and Johnson 2004, Berthon et al. 2009, Tynan et. al 2010, Vickers and Renand 2003). Some dimensions are present in multiple definitions such high quality (Keller 2009, Heine 2012, Dubois et al. 2001, Tynan et. al 2001, Vigneron and Johnson 2004, Nueno and Quelch 1998) rarity (Tynan et al. 2001, Heine 2012,Vigneron and Johnson 2004, Nueno and Quelch 1998), premium pricing (Keller 2009, Tynan 2010, Heine 2012, Nueno and Quelch 1998), and a high level of aesthetics (Keller 2009, Dubois et al. 2001, Heine 2012). Though the authors of many of these definitions present some explanation of the dimensions underlying the brand luxury definition, further clarification on how these dimensions should best be measured would make any definition of brand luxury more useful. Without methods to clearly measure brand luxury there exists a cacophony of definitions, all with their own grouping of necessary dimensions that lack true clarity or empirical backing. Measurement Scales for Brand Luxury Essential to a better understanding of luxury brands is availability of reliable and valid scales to measure the level of luxury a brand possesses and consumer perceptions of luxury value. There are a variety of reasons why widely accepted scale(s) for measuring luxury are necessary. First, as is evident from the numerous definitions of brand luxury, there exists considerable disagreement on what makes a luxury brand; making objective measurement necessary to clarify potential inconsistencies. Another important consideration in developing scales to measure luxury stems from the reality that amongst consumers and researchers it is acknowledged that not all luxury brands are equally luxurious (Vigneron and Johnson 2004). This suggests that it may be useful to view a brand’s relative luxury as existing on a continuum opposite another construct rather than as an absolute demarcation. The schemes developed thus far are presented with particular focus on those, which are most promising. While there is no generally accepted scale for measuring luxury, the scales that have drawn the most interest for measuring brand luxury appear to be Vigneron and Johnson’s (2004) BLI, and Dubois’ (2001) 33 item scale. Weidemann et al.’s (2009) scale also appears to warrant additional attention, while Miller and Miller and Mills’ (2012) scale appears to be promising but was designed for fashion brands only. Shukla and Purani’s(2012) effort is notable, but the real focus in on consumer motivation and not luxury. Key Theories Though a variety of theories are employed in the luxury marketing literature to explain the motivation for luxury consumption, a number of prominently used theories are summarized in Table 3. Though these various theories all add something slightly different to the understanding of what motivates luxury consumption, they all are largely social in nature. The oldest and perhaps most popular of these theories is conspicuous consumption which originates from Thorstein Veblen’s The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899). Veblen posits that individuals consume in a highly visible manner to signal wealth to others which infers status and power (Veblen 1899). More recently, Bearden and Eztel (1982) found that luxury goods consumed in public were more likely to be conspicuous in nature. Numerous measurement schemes have included conspicuousness as a key dimension of and motivation for consumption of luxury brands (e.g. Wiedmann 2009, Vigneron and Johnson 2004, Dubois et. al 2001). Social comparison theory has been used in a variety of ways to explain different types of luxury consumption motivation. For example, Wiedmann et al. (2009) proposes that since social comparison theory predicts that people tend to conform to majority opinion of their membership groups, that consumers may likely use a luxury brand to conform to social standards. Mandel and Cialindi(2006) find that social comparisons impact not only one’s feelings of self-satisfaction, but also preference for luxury brands. Researchers have also used social comparison theory as a way to understand how consumers engage in comparison between themselves and mass media outlets, Kamal et al. (2013) use this theory in the context of social media marketing and luxury goods. Self-concept theory is another lens scholars have used to examine luxury consumption. Self-concept comprises of how a person feels about his or herself (Gil et al. 2012) making one’s self-concept a potential motivator for luxury consumption. Luxury brands can appeal to self-concept by making consumers feel good about themselves through possession or gift giving (Shukla and Purani 2010). Recent findings have also suggested that one’s self-concept orientation can have an effect on preference for certain types luxury consumption. Kastakankis and Balabanis (2012) find that consumers with an interdependent self-concept are associated with bandwagon luxury consumption while an independent self-concept discourages this type of behavior. Consumer culture theory in general (see Arnould and Thompson 2005) and Belk’s (1988) concept of the extended-self in particular, have informed how many researchers understand luxury consumption motivation. The extended-self helps to explain the symbolic role luxury possessions have in the consumers’ lives (Han, Nunes, and Dreze 2010). Consumers use possessions to form and alter their identities in order to fit their projections of who they are and hope to be (Belk 1988). Value in the possession and consumption of luxury brands is held in the ability to extend one’s self (Hung et al. 2011). Extended-self also serves as one of the five factors in Vigneron and Johnson’s (2004) BLI scale and includes the items of leading, very powerful, rewarding, and successful to measure this factor. While some have argued that a characteristic of luxury brands is their uniqueness (e.g. Dubois et al. 2001), others have also suggested that an individual’s desire to be seen as unique is another important motivation for luxury consumption. Underlying this assertion is Snyder and Fromkin’s (1977) theory of uniqueness, which proposes that individuals develop the need to differentiate themselves from others when there is too much similarity in their social environment. Tian, Bearden, and Hunter’s (2001) concept of consumer’s need for uniqueness is derived from the theory of uniqueness. Consumer’s need for uniqueness suggests that consumers pursue differentness relative to others through the consumption of goods with the intention of developing and enhancing one’s self and social image (Tian et al. 2001). Luxury goods inherent scarcity due to high price and restricted distribution makes it an especially strong category for those attempting to display uniqueness to others (Bian and Forsythe 2012) Motivations and Reasons for Consuming Luxury Goods A consistent theme in the luxury goods marketing literature is that the motives for buying luxury brands differ from those of other types of brands. Numerous studies have explored a variety of potential motives for luxury brand consumption and findings consistently confirm that unique factors contribute to the consumption of luxury brands. At the broadest level, it has been found that luxury brands are attractive to consumers for multiple reasons. Central to the appeal of luxury brands are symbolic meanings consumers attach to them as opposed to specific product features (Han et al., 2010; Kastakanis and Balabanis 2012). More so than standard brands, luxury brands attempt to leverage the meanings consumers attach to them in order to increase sales. The motives underlying the attachment of meanings to luxury brands are a key to understanding why consumers purchase luxury brands. A summary of key articles aimed at exploring motivations for luxury consumption is provided in this section. Clearly, motives for purchasing luxury brands is drawing research interest and is in need of additional research. One longstanding factor that consistently comes up is the importance of social influence and comparisons to others as well as a desire to project a certain image to others due to status consciousness. The role of hedonic pleasure through the consumption of luxury goods has also been a point of emphasis in several studies. More recently, some studies focusing on promising additional factors, including luxury brand consumption as an expression of personal values and as a result of pride, or expressing self-confidence have produced key findings. It is also clear that some variation in motives for purchasing luxury brands has been found, such as differences between product categories, by gender, and culture, and that need more research in these areas. International/ Cross-Cultural Considerations A sub-topic that has been investigated by several researchers is whether international and cross-cultural factors have an impact on luxury brand marketers. It has been well documented that many luxury goods marketers have been successful in selling their products to high income/ high-status consumers around the world. As the market for luxury goods continues to grow consumer demand in Western developed markets have stalled in the face of recessionary trends while the appetite for luxury goods has grown in emerging economies such as China, India, Brazil, and Russia (Shukla and Purani 2012). After reviewing the literature in this area it seems that to date, the studies done on cross-cultural issues in luxury brand marketing appear to raise more questions than they solve. On one hand, it is clear that luxury brands have grown in many parts of the world, resulting in interest in whether there are significant cultural factors independent of income that drive to own luxury goods. On the other, some studies appear to show individualism vs. collectivism matters to consumers while others are suggestive of similar motives across countries. As a result, it is very much worthwhile for more studies attempting to uncover nuances as to the circumstances under which collectivism makes a difference. Moreover, additional study of factors that may vary across culture, such as the influence of country of origin, value consciousness and susceptibility to interpersonal influence as well as other cultural factors should be considered going forward. Market Segmentation for Luxury Brands The extant research on segmentation in luxury brand markets suggests that there are strong possibilities for cross-market segmentation. The findings of Ko et al. (2007,2012) and Wiedmann et al. (2009) are notable examples of such possibilities. However, it must be noted that the research conducted to data primarily focused on markets at high levels of economic development, so further research on the circumstances under which markets can be segmented cross-nationally. It is also notable that much of the research on this issue has been conducted on female subjects, and in light of the Stokberger-Sauer and Teichman (2013) findings of gender differences in Germany, more research is needed on this topic. Effective Use of Social Media for Luxury Brands Research related to social media marketing and luxury brands is reviewed and underlying themes are presented. Because of the evolving nature of social media promotion and the limited number of studies, it is difficult to draw sweeping conclusions from the literature. However, it is clear that social media can be used to build brand image and enhance purchase intention if done properly. Moreover, Kim and Ko’s (2010 and 2012) study provides a promising framework for better understanding the impact of social media programs on various outcome measures. Conclusion and Suggestions for Future Research Recent growth in the study of the luxury market has produced a body of literature that has addressed a number of important issues related to the subject. This literature highlights how the marketing of luxury brands is different than other products while raising even more questions. Future research suggestions on all the topics included are presented based on the findings and themes in the literature review.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to characterize the use of spices in Korean cookbooks published from the 1400’s to 1700’s. We conducted a content analysis of seven old cookbooks (「Sangayorok」,「Suunjapbang」,「Eumsikdimibang」),「Yorok」,「Jubangmun」,「Somunsaseol」, and 「Jeungbosallimgyeongje」). We collected a total of 238 food recipes, including spices as ingredients. We analyzed the types of spices used and characteristics of the recipes according to 18 dish groups. As results, a total of 10 spices were used as ingredient: ginger, pepper, Chinese pepper, garlic, sesame, chili, mustard, cinnamon, fennel, and clove. Among 238 food recipes analyzed, ginger was used most often (40.3%), followed by pepper (36.1%), Chinese pepper (30.3%), garlic (17.2%), and so on. In particular, chili was used in 18 different kinds of food recipes, which were 「Somunsaseol」and「Jeungbosallimgyeongje」published in 1700s. Spices were used in different dish groups mostly as condiments. Among 18 dish groups, Chimchae was the most frequent dish group (44 recipes), followed by Jjim · Seon (31 recipes), Jang · Yangnyeom (20 recipes) and rice cake · cookie (20 recipes). Pepper or Chinese pepper were the most frequently used spices in all food groups except Chimchae, Hoe, Jang · Yangnyeom and rice cake · cookie, in which garlic, ginger, sesame and ginger were used most frequently, respectively.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Providing dogs with a natural diet consisting of raw, natural food is recommended for optimum health and longevity. We are aimed to provide the available knowledges about the recommended natural food and home made recipes of natural diets through literature review. As the results, we reviewed the efficacy, nutrients composition, daily feeding dose, recommended natural foods, home made recipes of natural diets etc. All-natural diets are also called raw diets or barf diets (BF). The common theme of these diets is that they feed raw human grade ingredients. While the actual contents will vary in some cases, depending on the health needs of a particular dog, the quality of the food products does not change. Everything is raw and human grade ingredient. Conclusionally, natural provides nutritionally sound and species appropriate diets to be fed to dogs at any stages of life varied through the correct corresponding portions from puppies to seniors, during pregnancy and lactation. It is also suitable for any breed from toy to giant. There is strong research based evidence highlighting the benefits of natural diets diet free of contaminants seen in many foods today for companion dogs.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Environmental enrichment is the process of providing stimulating environments for zoo animals in order for them to demonstrate their species-typical behavior, to allow them exercise control or choice over their environment, and to enhance their well-being. We are aimed to provide the available knowledges about the animal enrichment programs for zoo animals through literature review. As the results, we reviewed the design of stimulating and naturalistic enclosures, the housing etc. Enrichment includes the design of stimulating and naturalistic enclosures, the housing of appropriate social groups in zoo, and the introduction of objects, sounds, smells or other stimuli in the animal’s environment. Conclusionally, environmental enrichment is just as critical to Zoo animal welfare as nutrition and veterinary medicine. At the zoos, enrichment will be an integral part of the daily care of the species in the collection.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article provides a review of research published from 1990 to 2014 year on the effect of animal-assisted therapy as an animal-assisted intervention for dementia. Animal-assisted intervention is gaining popularity as part of therapy programs in residential aged care facilities. Humans and pet dogs respond to quiet interaction with a lowering of blood pressure and an increase in neurochemicals associated with relaxation and bonding. These effects may be of benefit in ameliorating behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia. Current literature suggests that animal-assisted intervention may ameliorate behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, but the duration of the beneficial effect has not been explored. Future research employing more rigorous designs and systematically building upon a clearly defined line of inquiry is needed to advance our knowledge on the effect of animal-assisted intervention for dementia..
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