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        검색결과 167

        2014.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Semi-rigid pavement is one of excellent paving methods adopting merits of asphalt-concrete and concrete paving. However, conventional paving methods were mainly used on the new constructed roads. Therefore, in this research we have examined the possibility of using the semi-rigid pavement on occupied roads. Also, confirmed the early-open possibility of pavement by applying the rapid hardening binding material to semi-rigid pavement.
        2014.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Fish movement was blocked by Dam construction in korea, but fish of the ecosystem can be destoryed without movement of fish in the small stream or river. In this study, the water ladder type of fishway with the fish's ecological specific character is proposed. That is created similar to the real natural environment in order to overcome differences in water pressure. It consists water hydrology, bypass, viewing chamber and viewing windows. It is used IT pumping system and bypass fishway for dry season especially. 3D analysis by SAP2000 Soft Ware is essential in concrete structures for the degradation of its durability using the multi-functional fishway's advantages. The size of water tank(4m×4m×5m) is more advantageous than that of other size.
        2014.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the multi-functional fishway with underground passage, sediment block system reflect the fish's ecological characteristics and many kinds of fish up and down easily is proposed. The 3D-analysis of Reinforced Concrete(R/C) Slab and R/C + Steel Concrete(S/C) Slab with rectangular underground passage are carried out by SAP 2000 software program for multi-functional fishway's durability. The Slab analysis results show that the R/C Slab type of the maximum stress is decreased by 33.5 than that of R/C + S/C type(Size:1m x 0.4m, Velocity: 1.6m/sec)and the shortage of shear is 2 than that of R/C + S/C type(Size:1m x 0.4m, Velocity: 1.6m/sec). The stability of R/C + S/C concrete slab with underground passage is more advantageous than that of R/C concrete slab.
        2014.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this paper is to establish specifications and to make database for the construction of sea pools. Sea pools are faced with sea water including salts, so it will be used that high strength concrete, reinforced high strength and urethane for its construction. 3D-analysis by SAP2000 software is required for designing of sea pools in order to confirm its degradation of the concrete durability. This results show that the strength of concrete of 50MPa is the most suitable and 4m wave is more advantageous than that of 2m.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Field emergence of Azuki bean is poor due to hard seed coat as compared to other legumes. In this study, an attempt was made to develop prediction method with regression analysis based on various seed vigor tests in laboratory for field emergence of azuki bean. Azuki bean seeds artificially aged to provide various levels of seed quality were evaluated by the standard germination test (SGT), cold germination test (CT), cool germination test (CGT), complex stressing vigor test (CSVT), tetrazolium(TZ) vigor test and electroconductivity test. The SGT was suitable for predicting the field emergence in the unaged high vigor seeds. The abnormal seedling percentage and shoot length in the CGT were highly correlated with field emergence of moderate vigor seeds artificially aged for 2 days. Electroconductivity, seed viability in the CSVT, and vigor and predicted germinability in the tetrazolium vigor test were also useful for predicting field emergence. Percent of ungerminated seed in the CSVT was correlated with field emergence in the low vigor seeds artificially aged for 4 days. In a stepwise multiple regression analysis, seed viability in the SGT, normal seedling percentage and dry matter weight in the CGT accounted for 86.9% of the predicted value of field emergence in azuki bean.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: The present study examined whether golf mindfulness routine (GMR) enhances golf performance (objective and subjective), taking into consideration the effects of dispositional mindfulness. Methods: Five male high-level golfers participated in the study. Basic procedures of GMR were consisted with three phases: a) awareness of environmental conditions, b) focusing on body-mind conditions c) monitoring and accepting emotions in present. A single-subject design (changing conditions design) was used to determine the effects of GMR over three sessions (pre, post, follow up). Results: The results were provided for the effectiveness of GMR on golf performance in all golfers. GMR also fostered dispositional mindfulness of golfers over intervention sessions. Conclusion: The theoretical significance of the results is assessed and the application of GMR in golf performance enhancement is discussed.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Self-sufficiency rate of food in South Korea is almost at the lowest level among OECD countries, and the decrease tend of farmland is expected to be continued. In this situation, the government has been revised the target self-sufficiency rate of food, and carried forward various policies in order to achieve it. One of those policies is the restoration business of idle farmland which is planned to carry forward after 2015. This study set up indicators evaluating effective use of idle farmland, and tried to apply in the field before carrying forward restoration business. The result of this study may be summarized as follows. First of all, it reset an evaluation indicator that was based on the evaluation indicator developed in order to set application directions of idle farmland. Next, it selected 30 idle farmlands with reset evaluation indicator among 11,635 which were inspected nationwide in 2012. Before applying indicator, it measured the condition of recycling such as accessibility of farmland, condition of irrigation and drainage system, land state, and surroundings by field investigation. Then, it calculated composite score in each target area through applying indicators, and verified the indicator by comparing calculated result with the one which was decided from field investigation. Finally, it carried out field investigation, correct and upgrade some problems of the standard of score calculation that was found during applying previously set evaluation indicator to target area, and established the final standard of calculation for evaluation indicator.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the difference of the content of soil chemical components and growthcharacteristics in six years old ginseng affected by application of decomposing plant residues in paddy-converted field. Theresults show that aerial parts of ginseng are no difference between press cake (PC) 200㎏/10a and control but subterraneanparts of ginseng PC 200㎏/10a, especially quantity related root fresh weight and tap root diameter, are statically about 1.6times heavier and about 1.2 times thicker than the ginseng control. Furthermore, the survival rate of PC 200㎏/10a is67.1% rise significantly compare with the control 50.7%. But compared with the PC 200㎏/10a and the PC 400㎏/10a,ginseng root growth and survival rate of PC 400㎏/10a get worse and that increase physiological disorder occurrence ratethan PC 200㎏/10a. Even though there are no significant differences between the ginseng of decomposing plant residuesexcept press cake treatment and the ginseng of control in growth characteristics, it does tend to increase the survival rateand decrease the physiological disorder occurrence rate in most fertilizer treatment except for RSC 2ton/10a, RSC 4ton/10a and RH 4kL/10a. Noted that EC is highly increased and exceeded 1.7ds/m in RSC 2ton/10a, RSC 4ton/10a and RH4kL/10a. It would be caused physiological disorder in many ways and affected ginseng growth characteristics, survival rate.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 격자기반의 공간분포 강우장에서 호우지속기간동안 지속시간별 면적최대강우량을 산정할 수 있는 탐색기법을 개발하여 DAD 분석을 실시하고 그 적용성을 평가하고자 한다. 우선, 세 가지 탐색기법(Box-tracking, Point- tracking, Advanced point-tracking)의 알고리즘을 구성하고, 가상의 강우장(1hr 지속시간)을 대상으로 각 탐색기법의 성능을 검증하였다. 다음으로 용담댐 유역의 실제 강우사상을 선택하여 개발된 탐색기법과 GIS를 이용한 고전적인 방법을 사용하여 DAD 분석을 실시하고 그 결과를 비교·분석하였다. Box-tracking의 경우, Point-tracking과 Advanced point-tracking에 비하여 상대적으로 빠른 검색이 가능하지만, 강우장의 공간분포 형태를 고려하지 못하여 타 탐색기법에 비해 유역크기별 면적최대강우량이 과대 산정되었다. 반면, Point-tracking과 Advanced point-tracking은 강우장의 공간분포 형태를 적절하게 반영하여 면적최대강우량 산정이 가능하였으며, 특히 두개 이상의 호우중심이 존재할 경우 Advanced point-tracking은 Point-tracking보다 우수한 탐색성능을 보여주었다. 따라서 본 연구에서 제안하는 탐색기법은 DAD 분석 및 면적감소계수 계산을 위한 유용한 도구로 활용이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.
        2014.04 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Typically low-rise dormitory designed bearing wall system. So, insulated concrete sandwich panel for the application of a rigid frame structure was changed. This study presents field application of insulated concrete sandwich panel through applying Test-Bed.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Transport of bed load and suspended particle in coastal waters is main factor causing change in shoreline, and effective measurement method and appropriate equipment is required. To measure bed load and suspended particle transport an equipment was designed and manufactured, and it was applied in the field. The equipment consists of four main elements, body supporter, bed load and suspended particle sampler, sampler support and lock. Eight samplers were installed along the circumference of each supporter, and each sample is a 45-degree intervals. The field experiment was done once along Gyeongpo beach in August 2013. This note described the design and function of the equipment and results of field experiments.
        2014.02 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With the increase in damage by typhoon, localized heavy rain and flash flood, there is active research on the application of radar rainfall data. The ability to indicate spatial rainfall distribution and variability in rainfall in ungaged basin is beneficial for disaster prevention and for hydrology field. But hands-on staff and researchers in the field of hydrology and disaster prevention, who first use radar data, experience trials and errors converting radar data in an UF format and calibrating radar data using gauge rainfall, and have a lot of difficulties until they use radar data. Accordingly, this study developed a program for analysis and calibration of radar data and reviewed the applicability in order to satisfy the need of tool to use radar data more easily and accurately. The program consists of configuration, execution, radar data display(PPI/CAPPI) and radar data calibration.In this study, data produced by the developed program was directly applied to the rainfall-runoff model, and the result was compared and was considered to verify the applicability of the program. As a result, using the program reduced the time required for constructing data and analyzing basins, and it is thought that this program will be helpful providing that flash flood and urban flood are brought about in a short time. Furthermore, it can be used in predicting and forecasting flood in the field of hydrology and disaster prevention by expanding the program for rainfall forecast data in the future
        2013.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to investigate the difference of the content of soil chemical components and growth characteristics in five years old ginseng affected by application of manure in paddy-converted field. As all livestock manure regardless of kinds increased along with the whole soil chemical component, including the pH and EC in 2008. Change in the EC of control plot was slightly increased but not exceeded 1 ds/m over the years. However, the changes in the EC of livestock manure regardless of kinds and amounts were highly increased and irregularly exceeded 1.5 ds/m in 2012. The 5 years old ginseng root fresh weight, treatment of fertilizing pig manure compost 4 ton per 10 areas (PMC 4t on/10a) and fowl manure compost 4 ton per 10 areas (FMC 4 ton/10a), were superior to the others. But there were no difference between PMC 4 ton/10a, FMC 4 ton/10a and control. The standing crop rate 39.6%, treatment of fertilizing cattle manure compost 4 ton per 10 areas (CMC 4 ton/10a), was best in all livestock manure. However that was relatively lower than control. Physiological disorder occurrence rates of livestock manure related with leaf and root of ginseng were also higher than that of control. If excessively using non-decomposed livestock manure, It would be caused physiological disorder in many ways. It is a big problem to be producing the quality ginseng. More research is needed to find out the economic and effective fertilizer.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 기호를 활용한 인지학습기반 표현움직임 프로그램의 현장 적용성을 탐색하는 것에 그 목적을 두고 있다. 먼저 인지학습 기반의 표현움직임 프로그램 구성에 활용된 Motif Writing 기호를 소개하여 전반적인 이해를 돕고자 하였다. 그리고 남 여 구분 없이 4-5세 유아 실험집단(9명)에게 이 연구를 위해 개발된 움직임교육 프로그램을 8주 동안 적용하는 현장 실험을 실시하고, 인지수업(영어), 신체활동수업 (발레), 스포츠 활동수업(수영) 각 9명씩 총 36명으로 이루어진 집단과 비교하여 다중지능에 있어서의 상대적인 변화를 살펴보았다. 분석 결과, 대인관계, 신체지능을 제외한 언어, 논리-수학, 공간, 음악, 개인 이해지능에서 비교집단보다 상대적으로 유의미한 향상이 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 기호를 활용한 인지학습기반 표현움직임 프로그램이 기호를 읽고 해석하고 자신의 생각을 움직임으로 표현하는 과정을 통해 다중지능의 전반적인 향상에 긍정적으로 작용한 것으로 보인다. 이는 본 프로그램이 단순히 신체적 발달뿐만 아니라 인지적, 정서적 발달에 이르는 전인적 교육 프로그램의 발전적 대안으로 활용될 수 있음을 확인함으로써, Motif Writing 기호를 활용한 표현 움직임 프로그램의 현장 적용 가능성을 시사해 주는 것이다.
        2012.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In current study, a reinforced concrete (RC) composite column made with precast HPFC box located at the flexural critical region has been presented in order to improve seismic performance of the column. The construction process of the precast column system was also developed in order to apply in the field construction of official building structures.
        2012.11 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, a plant safety management system based on IoT(Internet of Things) was developed. The system consists of three parts : smart sensing technology, wireless networking technology and smart plant safety services. The safety management system was constructed in Yeosu Industrial Complex and was validated field applicability in plant. The IoT plant safety management system is appropriate for plant industrial structures.
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