
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 757

        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        At a two phase flow, according to gas and liquid phase flow rates, various flow regimes are developed such as bubbly, slug/plug, churn, annular, droplet flow and so on. At a two phase flow in small scaled channels, among various flow regimes, the intermittent flows such as bubbly, slug/plug flow are developed in the broad regions of two phase flow pattern map. In particular, the flow regimes are influenced by surface wettability. In a case of slug flow in hydrophobic small scaled channels, gas and liquid phases are perfectively separated by interfaces and contact line. The pressure drop of the two-phase flow is largely generated at moving contact line. Therefore, to well design two-phase flow system with small scales, it is important to estimate the pressure drop at moving contact line. In this study, on the basis of previous research, the pressure drop at moving contact line is experimentally measured for a various fluids (0-40% water-ethanol mixtures). And, the previous correlation to estimate pressure drop at moving contact line is verified by experimental data. In an addition, we discuss interfacial broken phenomena of slug flow in a minichannel. (D=1.555mm).
        2019.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thermal management is a critical issue for the development of high-performance electronic devices. In this paper, thermal conductivity values of mild steel and stainless steel(STS) are measured by light flash analysis(LFA) and dynamic thermal interface material(DynTIM) Tester. The shapes of samples for thermal property measurement are disc type with a diameter of 12.6 mm. For samples with different thickness, the thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity are measured by LFA. For identical samples, the thermal resistance(Rth) and thermal conductivity are measured using a DynTIM Tester. The thermal conductivity of samples with different thicknesses, measured by LFA, show similar values in a range of 5 %. However, the thermal conductivity of samples measured by DynTIM Tester show widely scattered values according to the application of thermal grease. When we use the thermal grease to remove air gaps, the thermal conductivity of samples measured by DynTIM Tester is larger than that measured by LFA. But, when we did not use thermal grease, the thermal conductivity of samples measured by DynTIM Tester is smaller than that measured by LFA. For the DynTIM Tester results, we also find that the slope of the graph of thermal resistance vs. thickness is affected by the usage of thermal grease. From this, we are able to conclude that the wide scattering of thermal conductivity for samples measured with the DynTIM Tester is caused by the change of slope in the graph of thermal resistance-thickness.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 PAPS-D를 활용하여 인라인스케이트 프로그램이 발달장애 학생들의 건강 체력 향상에 미치는 효과를 알아보는 것이다. 대상자는 발달장애 판정을 받은 중고등부 학생 10명으로 구성 되었고 16주 동안 주2회 총32회 수업을 하였으며, 수업시간은 매 시간 60분으로 하였다. 건강 체력 향상을 측정하기 위한 검사 도구는 2016학년도 교육과학부에서 개발한 PAPS-D 프로그램으로서 비만도 측정을 제외한 심폐기능(6분 걷기), 유연성(앉아 윗몸 앞으로 굽히기), 근 기능(윗몸 말아 올리기), 순발력(제자리 멀리뛰기)을 적용시켜 측정하였다. 통제집단과 실험집단의 상호작용 효과를 알아보기 위해 Two-way Repeated Measure ANOVA를 실시한 검사 결과는 심폐기능과 순발력에서는 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났지만, 유연성과 근 기능에서는 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 4개의 변인 중 3개변인(심폐기능, 유연성, 근 기능)은 인라인스케이트 프로그램이 건강 체력 향상에 영향을 미친것으로 나타났으며, 1개의 변인(순발력)은 사전검사 보다 사후검사에서 영향을 미치지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 사전 사후 검사에서 향상된 것으로 확인된 3개 변인의 결과에 따라 결론적으로 발달장애 학생들의 인라인스케이트 프로그램 적용은 건강 체력 향상에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.
        2019.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        가성을 사용한 창법의 경우 고음을 대체하는 수단과 함께 진성을 대체하여 조금 더 다른 스타일을 표현하기 위해 다수의 보컬들이 사용해 왔다. 그 중 가성을 고음을 대체하는 수단이 아닌 곡의 내용에 따라 의도적으로 구분하여 사용할 경우 나타나는 특징들이 있다. 디 안젤로(D’Angelo)의 경우 가사 속 청자에 따라 진성과 가성을 구분하였으며, 이를 의도적으로 사용해 곡의 특정 분위기 연출을 도모 했다. 또한 성적 가사의 내용을 포함하는 곡에 이러한 특징들이 나타난다. 이 연구는 디 안젤로(D’Angelo) 세 장의 정규 앨범 중 전체적인 문맥에 성적 표현을 포함하는 내용을 다룬 10곡을 선정하여 분석하였다. 곡 안의 청자를 주변인물, 본인, 연인 3명으로 분류하였으며 이러한 청자 유형을 기준으로 가사와 표현 기법의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 본 연구는 진성과 가성의 의도적인 사용에 대하여, 전달하고자 하는 대상과 가사의 형태에 따라 구분하였고 가성을 주로 하는 가창 자들에게 구분된 가성 사용의 특징에 대하여 한 방향으로 방법을 제시하였다.
        2019.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The passivation of AZ91D Mg alloys through plasma anodization depends on several process parameters, such as power mode and electrolyte composition. In this work, we study the dependence of the thickness, composition, pore formation, surface roughness, and corrosion resistance of formed films on the electrolyte temperature at which anodization is performed. The higher the electrolyte temperature, the lower is the surface roughness, the smaller is the oxide thickness, and the better is the corrosion resistance. More specifically, as the electrolyte temperature increases from 10 to 50 oC, the surface roughness (Ra) decreases from 0.7 to 0.15 μm and the corrosion resistance increases from 3.5 to 9 in terms of rating number in a salt spray test. The temperature increase from 10 to 50 oC also causes an increase in magnesium content in the film from 25 to 63 wt% and a decrease in oxygen from 66 to 21 wt%, indicating dehydration of the film.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글의 목적은, 1960년대 내부 간행물로 출판되어 1980년대 가장 많은 영향력을 발휘한 서구 모더니즘 문학의 수용과정과 그 영향력을 고찰하는 데 있다. 케루악과 샐린저가 1980년 대 중국작가들에게 끼친 막대한 영향을 왕쑤오와 쑤퉁을 통해 확인할 수 있다. 서구 모더니 즘 작가들이 중국 문학가들에게 끼친 영향은 그 이전 1960∼70년대 “내부 발행” 도서에서부터 시작되어 확장된 것이었다. 이 “내부 발행” 도서는 중국의 세계인식에 변화가 일어나고 있음을 보여주는 징표이다. 중국에서 비트 세대라는 기호는 21세기 초의 중국문학과 문화의 새로운 길을 이해하는 하나의 방법을 제시해준다. 더욱 중요한 것은, 중국 사회주의시기 이후의 문학은 사회주의시기 문학과 단절된 것이 아니라 침잠하는 잠재성을 통해 연속되고 있음을 증명해주는 분명한 징표라는 점이다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        프랑스 헌법상 지방자치의 헌법적 근거는 프랑스 헌법 제1조, 제34조 제3항 및 제12장에서 찾을 수 있으며, 특히 프랑스 헌법 제72조에서 도 출되는 헌법적 가치로서의 “자유로운 행정의 원칙”에 근거하고 있다고 분석된다. 프랑스 헌법상 자유로운 행정은 선출된 지방의회와 지방자치단체를 대표하는 상원에 의해 제도적으로 보장되며, 자유로운 행정의 최소한의 요구조건인 지방의회의 선출은 정치적 성격을 가지는 것으로 이해되고 있으며, 이에 따라 외국인의 투표권 문제와 평등선거의 원칙의 측면에서 여러 결과를 초래하고 있다. 자유로운 행정이 효과적으로 작동하기 위해서는 지방자치단체가 법적 및 재정적 수단을 가져야 함을 의미한다. 그런데 프랑스의 경우 지방자 치단체의 일정한 결정의 자율성은 국가에 의해 행사되는 행정적 통제와 단일국가적 특성에 따른 규범제정권의 통일성을 유지할 필요성으로 인하여 상대적 결정의 자율성을 가지는 것으로 평가된다. 재정적 자율성과 관련하여, 지방자치단체의 세입을 정하는 것은 입법자의 권한이지만, 프랑스 헌법재판소는 이와 같은 입법자의 권한을 자유재량으로 이해하고 있지는 않은 것으로 판단된다. 프랑스 헌법상 국가와 지방자치단체 간의 권한의 분할을 정하는 것은 기본적으로 입법자의 권한이라고 이해되며, 이에 대해 프랑스 헌법재판소는 제한적 통제권을 행사하고 있는 것으로 판단된다. 또한, 프랑스 헌법상 지방자치단체간의 일체의 감독은 금지되며, 프랑스 헌법재판소 또한 일련의 결정을 통해 이와 같은 지방자치단체간의 감독의 금지가 존중 될 수 있도록 감시하고 있다.
        2019.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Boundary element solution method is introduced for radiation heat transfer problem with objects inside a 2-D enclosure, where shadow zone exists. Surfaces are assumed as diffuse gray in a transparent medium. Boundary integral and boundary element equations were derived from radiation transfer equation, and their theory is reviewed. Also the process of solution methods to implement the boundary element method is analysed and explained with consideration of shadow effects. BEM solution results are compared with two test problems and are found to be good agreements with the both analytic and ANSYS Fluent numerical solutions. Therefore the current BEM analysis for radiation heat transfer problem can be considered as verified, and their efficacy with engineering applicability is established as a result.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed to investigate the effect of types of oil (OVOIL vs. OIL) on B6D2F1 mice oogenesis. In this study, B6D2F1 F1 mice were used in order to maximize oogenesis. The expansion rate of cumulus cells (82.0%±0.2 vs. 78.0%±0.1), in vitro fertilization rate (92.0%±0.1 vs. 88.0%±0.1), developmental rate (91.0%±0.1 vs. 87.0%±0.2), blastocysts formation rate (56.0%±0.1 vs. 57.0%±0.1), and zona hatched rate(41.4%±0.2 vs. 24.0%±0.1) were not different between groups (NS; P>0.05). However, there was a significant difference in maturation rate; the OVOIL group showed higher maturation rate compared to that of the OIL group (96.0%±0.1 vs. 87.0%±0.1; P<0.05). In the blastocysts cell numbers, the total cell numbers (83.9±26.1 vs. 56.9±23.9), ICM cell numbers (15.7±8.8 vs. 6.3±3.5), TE cell numbers (68.3±25.7 vs. 50.7±24.1), % ICM (21.6%±0.1 vs. 12.7%±0.1), and the ratio of ICM:TE (1:6.2±6.5 vs. 1:10.3±7.0) were significantly higher in the OVOIL group than the OIL group (P<0.05). These results suggested that it is expected to achieve the more developmental ability of B6D2F1 mice depending on the type of oil (OVOIL vs. OIL). In addition, the results can provide essential information for culture condition on B6D2F1 mice. Henceforth, thus, it is expected that these results herein might be used for in vitro culture of human embryos.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens) may cause diarrhea and enterotoxemia in adult and young livestock, leading to problems in the production and management of farms. Four hundred fecal samples were collected from 25 goat farms located in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province in the Republic of Korea. Sixteen C. perfringens strains were isolates from fecal samples, and the isolates were identified as type A (n=11) and type D (n=5). Additionally, α- and ε-toxin genes were detected in 16 and 5 strains by PCR, respectively, and the enterotoxin gene was presented in 2 strains. The antibiotic susceptibility test was performed using the disk diffusion method and E-test method. In the disk diffusion method, ampicillin (n=16) and chloramphenicol (n=15) were highly susceptible to 16 C. perfringens isolates. In the E-test method, ampicillin, amoxicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and meropenem were susceptible to more than 14 of 16 C. perfringens isolates. This study indicates that administration of antibiotics such as ampicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and meropenem can prevent and treat C. perfringens infections in goats.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As an interest in the Chinese language, culture, society, and economy increases in Korea, a large amount of spoken and written narrative texts in Chinese are encountered in daily life and occupational areas. During the interaction process between the Chinese and Korean cultures, many difficulties can arise in understanding the definitions of Chinese vocabulary. The Chinese-Korean dictionary is an essential search tool for Koreans who wish to look up the definitions of Chinese texts. There are many things to consider when compiling a Chinese-Korean dictionary for native Korean speakers or those who study Chines through Korean: which vocabulary must be included, how to arrange them, how to select and explain their definitions and examples, etc. Among the vocabulary listed in the Chinese-Korean dictionary, this study analyzed the definitions of those that appeared less than 10 times in the Chinese corpus, and focused on determining the propriety of the vocabulary selections, as well as the accuracy of their definitions. Moreover, this study is the third study of section D and focused on the vocabularies included in D3 for our analysis.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In this paper, the flow of cement paste layers that were contoured at different times were simulated by computational fluid dynamics in 2D axisymmetric conditions to evaluate the effect of yield stress on the flow of cement paste layers. METHODS: In the 2D domain, the cylindrical-shaped bottom layer was placed on even ground and allowed to flow by gravitational force for only 25 s. The exact same shape of cement paste, the top layer, was placed on top of the bottom layer, and both layers were allowed to flow for an additional 25 s. The shape and pressure of both layers were evaluated. RESULTS: The relationship between the yield stress and diameter of the layer was clearly observed from the numerical simulation results. It was also observed that the interface between the top and bottom layers was affected by the yield stress and fluidity of materials. The total pressure underneath the bottom layer can be a good indicator of whether the material is still flowing or not. CONCLUSIONS: The Navier-Stokes equation with Bingham model is an excellent model to simulate the flow of contoured layers, which can be used to explain the flow of materials in various areas such as wet-on-wet pavement construction, structural member precasting, and 3D printing construction.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is the process of finding answers to the following questions. Cultural content is needed to study Vietnamese language? Do Vietnamese language learners feel the need for classes using cultural content? Do Vietnamese teachers use cultural contents in class? In order to find out the answer, I conducted a questionnaire survey on Vietnamese students in Chungnam Foreign Language High School, interviewed teachers and analyzed the case examples. As a result of the questionnaires and interviews, it was found that the necessity of cultural contents development in Vietnamese language education is a requirement for both teachers and learners. Based on these results, we developed a case study on cultural education contents for Vietnamese language education. However, the model of teaching Vietnamese language utilizing cultural contents needs to be developed through more diverse academic analysis. Its effectiveness should also be investigated in depth. We will propose this as a future research project.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Two dimensional(2D) crystals, composed of a single layer or a few atomic layers extracted from layered materials are attracting researchers’ interest due to promising applications in the nanoelectromechanical systems. Worldwide researchers are preparing devices with suspended 2D materials to study their physical and electrical properties. However, during the fabrication process of 2D flakes on a target substrate, contamination occurs, which makes the measurement data less reliable. We propose a dry transfer method using poly-methyl methacrylate(PMMA) for the 2D flakes to transfer onto the targeted substrate. The PMMA is then removed from the device by an N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone solution and a critical point dryer, which makes the suspended 2D flakes residue free. Our method provides a clean, reliable and controllable way of fabricating micrometer-sized suspended 2D nanosheets.