
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 262

        1985.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        도마도 과실의 감압저장에 관한 연구의 일환으로 도마도 과실의 추숙, 노화 현상을 효소적인 면에서 관찰하고자, 퍼옥시다제의 활성 변화, 동위효소의 유무, 그리고, 이에 따른 과실내의 저장물질의 변화를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 도마도 퍼옥시다제의 활성은 가용성구분, 세포벽구분, 미토콘드리아구분, 리보조옴구분의 순으로 강하게 나타났으며, 그 중 가용성과 세포벽구분의 활성이 95% 이상을 차지하고 있었다. 도마도의 추숙, 노화에 따라 퍼옥시다제의 활성은 감소하였으며 상온저장()에 비해, 저온저장()이 전반적으로 활성이 높았으며, 그 감소 경향은 유사하였다. 상압에 비해 감압구의 활성이 높았으며, 감압구 중에서도 380Torr.구가 570Torr.구에 비해 높은 활성을 보였다. 저장중 가용성(soluble), 가용화성(Solubilized), 퍼옥시다제의 전기영동 패턴(electrophoresis pattern)의 변화를 관찰한 바 3 - 4 종의 동위효소(isoenzyme)가 관찰되었으며 저장중 전기영동상의 변화가 인정되었다. 감압에 따른 저장중 일반성분의 변화는, 저온구와 상온구에 있어서, 온도에 의한 영향이 전반적으로 많이 나타나서 상온구 보다 저온구가 저장효과가 좋은 것으로 나타났고, 압력에 의한 영향도 다소간 나타내어 570Torr.구보다 380Torr.구의 저장 효과가 좋았으며, 이상의 두가지 사실을 종합해 볼때, 저온 380Torr.구가 저장효과가 가장 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 가용성 퍼옥시다제는 밴드B가 저장초기에 있었으나 저장 6일 경에 소실되었으며 밴드A는 가용화시킨 퍼옥시다제의 경우와 거의 같은 경향이었으며, 밴드는 저장시일이 경과할수록 전반적으로 약간 모여드는 경향이었다.
        1982.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사과 부패병균(Macrophoma sp.)에 감염된 과일에서 총페놀, flavonol, anthocyanin 함량의 병화를 사과의 여러 발육시기에서 조사하였다. 사과가 성숙됨에 따라 과육, 과피의 총페놀함량은 급격히 감소하였다. 부패병균에 감염된 과육에서 건전한 과육보다 다소 총페놀함량이 낮았으며 품종밀러보다 더 감수성인 후지의 감염된 과육에서 이의 감소가 뚜렷하였다. 건전한 과피에서 보다 감염된 과피에서 높은 페놀함량을 보였으며 밀러에서 이의 증가가 현저하였다. 부패된 사과에서 flavonol 함량이 건전 사과보다 높았으며 7월 10일에 Macrophoma에 완전 저항성이었던 사과의 감염된 과피에 flavonol이 크게 축적되었다. anthocyanin 생성도 감염된 과피에 상당히 증가되었으며 품종 밀러에서 뚜렷했다. 이들 결과에서 미루어 사과의 페놀대사변동은 사과 부패병진전과 관계가 있을지 모른다.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The mechanism of anti-aging of fermented jujube (Zizyphus jujuba fruits (ZJF)) was investigated using transgenic daf-16 and mev-1 strains of C. elegans. Jujube extracts fermented for 7 days (F7-ZJF) and 14 days (F14-ZJF) with Laetiporus sulphureus were treated to a NGM agar plate with 10-15 transgenic daf-16 and mev-1 strains of the synchronized age. There was no difference of lifespan between the drug-treated group (7-day fermented ex. (F7-zjf-200 ㎍ /mL), 14-day fermented ex. (F14-zjf-200 ㎍/mL)) and the non-treatment group in both daf-16 and mev-1 strains. In the thermal stress experiment, F7-zjf-200 ㎍/mL showed a significant (t = 4.017) activity in thermal stress resistance with a 12% higher survival rate than the control group. In the survival test in H2O2, F7-zjf-200 ㎍/mL and F14-zjf-100 ㎍/mL have significant activity in oxidative stress resistance compared to the control group. This study indicates that life span expand of N2 strain of the jujube extract is related to the regulation of daf-16 and inhibition of mev-1 signal in C. elegans.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau belonging to the mulberry family has attracted much attention as a nutrition ingredient many times as many as the mulberry tree. In this study, we examined the inhibitory effect of hot water extract of Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau fruits (CT-F) on inflammation and inflammatory diseases such as diabetes and gastiritis in cell-level experiments and animal models using mice. Methods and Results : The inhibitory effect of CT-F was investigated in LPS_stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages. Treatment with CT-F significantly inhibited the production of inflammatory mediators such as NO, IL-6 and TNF-a. The inhibitory effect of CT-F was shown to be related to inhibition of NF-kB activation in LPS-stimulated macrophages. In in vivo diabetic models using mice, treatment of CT-F lowered the level of blood glucose in alloxan-induce type-1 diabetic model as well as db/db type-2 mice model. CT-F also dramatically inhibited gastiritis induced by EtOH/HCl in mice. Conclusion : Hot water extract of Cudrania tricuspidata Bureau fruits was effective for inhibition of inflammation, diabetes and gastirits. Therefore, CT-F is thought to be a beneficial candidate for development of functional foods to prevent inflammation-associated diseases.
        2018.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Morus alba L. (M. alba L.), belonging to the family Moraceae, is widely distributed in East Asia. Fruits of M. alba L. have been used in traditional herbal medicine due to their antioxidant, anticancer, and antidiabetic properties. Phenolics play a main role for the growth, development, and pigment accumulation of plants. In this study, metabolic profiling of white (M. alba L. ‘Turkey’) and red (M. alba L. ‘Cheongil’) fruits during maturation. Methods and Results : Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites found in most of the higher plants. In the current study, the levels of phenolic compounds decreased during the maturation of Turkey and Cheongil fruits. Particularly, the Turkey fruits showed a dramatic decrease in the accumulation of phenolics. Principal component analysis (PCA) is one of powerful tools to identify overall patterns in the multivariat experimental data. The PCA score plots results revealed a clear classification between Cheongil and Turkey. Additioanlly, each group spread left to right in the X-axis by maturity. Two principal components of the score plot explained 71.1% of the total variance. Principal component 1 was associated with the separation of each group by maturity and isolation of Turkey 1. Conclusion : In this study, we investigated primary metabolites and secondary metabolites (phenolics) in the white fruits (M. alba L. ‘Turkey’) and red fruits (M. alba L. ‘Cheongil’) in order to provide information on change in metabolite patterns during maturation.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        손바닥 선인장인 백년초와 천년초 열매의 75% 에탄올 추출물을 대상으로 무기물, 총 페놀 화합물 및 플라보노이드 함량을 조사하고, 항산화, 항염증 효과를 비교함으로써 손바닥 선인장에 대한 과학적 자료를 확보하고 기능성 원료소재로의 이용 가능성을 타진하고자 진행되었다. 총 무기물 함량은 백년초 열매 추출물이 천년초 열매 추출물에 비해 약 2배 정도 높았으며, 무기물 중에는 칼륨의 함량이 가장 높았다. 총 페놀 화합물과 플라보노이드 함량 모두 백년초 열매 추출물에서 더 높았고 항산화 활성 평가를 위한 DPPH와 ABTS 라디칼 소거능 역시 백년초 추출물이 천년초 추출물보다 더 우수하였다. 세포 독성을 확인하기 위해 대식세포에서 MTT assay를 수행한 결과, 800 μg/mL의 이하 농도까지는 세포의 생존율에 영향을 미치지 않는 것을 확인하였다. LPS로 염증반응을 유도시킨 세포에서 2종 추출물 모두 농도 의존적으로 NO 생성을 억제하였으나, ROS 생성 억제 효과는 백년초 열매 추출물에서만 유의성 있는 결과가 도출되었다. 또한 세포내에서 염증 유발과 직접적으로 관련이 있는 염증성 cytokine 3종(TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6)의 발현을 확인한 결과 백년초 열매 추출물은 LPS 처리에 의해 증가된 cytokine 중 TNF-α를 제외한 IL-1과 IL-6의 발현량을 유의성 있게 감소시켰다. 이상의 실험 결과들을 종합해 볼 때 천년초 열매 추출물에 비해 백년초 열매 추출물이 더 높은 항산화 및 항염증 활성을 가지는 것으로 확인되었으며, 추후 유효성분 추출을 통한 항염증 물질의 작용기전 연구와 염증 억제 성분의 분리 연구에 기초 자료가 될 것으로 사료된다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 채진목의 항염증 효과를 알아보기 위하여 LPS로 염증을 유도한 RAW 264.7 세포에 대한 채진목 70% 에탄올 추출물의 효과를 살펴보았다. 채진목 70% 에탄올 추출물의 대식세포에서의 세포 독성 측정 을 MTT assay를 수행하였다. 세포 독성을 측정한 결과, 1,000 μ g/mL의 농도에서 96%의 세포 생존율을 나타 내었다. 항염증 활성을 효과적으로 검증하기 위해, LPS로 유도된 대식세포 내 NO 생산을 억제하는 효과를 Griess의 방법으로 조사하였다. 그 결과, 채진목 70% 에탄올 추출물에서 NO의 생성이 농도 의존적으로 저해되 었음을 확인하였다. 채진목 70% 에탄올 추출물을 western blot을 이용하여 단백질 발현을 측정한 결과 처리한 세포군에서 농도가 증가함에 따라 iNOS와 COX-2의 단백질 발현양이 감소하여 최고 농도인 500 μ g/mL에서 각각 84.3%, 56.2%의 발현 억제를 보여주었다. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)을 통하여 mRNA 발현양을 측정한 결과 iNOS와 COX-2의 mRNA 발현양이 감소하여 500 μ g/mL 농도에서 89.8%, 84.9%로 나타내었다. 이러한 결과로 보아 채진목 70% 에탄올 추출물의 항염증에 관한 그 효능 을 확인할 수 있었고, 따라서 채진목 70% 에탄올 추출물이 천연 항염증 소재로써 가능성이 있다고 판단된다.
        2017.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Effects of different soil water conditions on fruit characteristics were investigated in 5-year-old ‘Nero’ black chokeberry trees (Aronia melanocarpa). Three kinds of drought stresses, including low water deficit, severe water deficit, and very severe water deficit, due to decline of soil water decreased the fruit quality of weight of 10 berries, soluble solid content, and anthocyanin, compared with the control (consistent water supply) during the harvest period. After longer drought stress, supply of soil water could induce berry cracking because cell size of epidermis of fruits contracted, whereas cell size of sub-epidermis and flesh expanded. Thus periodic water supply using water supply facility is needed for yield and quality of ‘Nero’ black chokeberry fruits.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted at rearing room to investigate the feeding behavior of fruits in the firefly (Pylocoelia rufa) larvae and the ovipositional characteristics of the adults. As a result, the pear, apple, melon, persimmon, mandarin, grape and peach were shown the feeding behavior of larvae the average 6.40, 3.25, 2.50, 2.20, 2.00, 1.40 and 1.25, respectively. However, the larvae were not shown at all feeding behavior to banana. The hours feeding behavior of firefly larvae was primarily from 8:00 pm until 2:00 am. In addition, the time at which the voracious feeding behavior was until 8:00 pm to 12:00 pm. The 6:00 pm began whisking all the larvae are hiding in the shelter. In the case of the firefly larvae fed only the edible snail, the adults were oviposition an average 49 ± 6 eggs. At that time larva stage, adults of the firefly eating the pears, apples, melon and eat edible snail at the same time there were oviposition the 53 ± 7 on average. In the case of fruits, the pears, apples, and melons has been considered worthy to take the firefly larva fed with the current land snails.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the growth of the Rubus coreanus Miquel fruits, the unripened (10 days) and ripened (25 days) fruits after flowering were harvested. The chemical characteristics of different maturational stages of the unripened and ripened fruits were investigated. Total amount of phenolic compounds was 4.00-7.56% in the unripened fruits and 3.78-5.57% in the ripened fruits, respectively. Furthermore, total amounts of organic acids such as malic, citric, succinic, and oxalic acids were 16.40 mg/ 100 g in the unripened fruits and 28.82 mg/100 g in the ripened fruits, respectively. In organic acids of the unripened and the ripened fruits, citric acid (8.76-15.47 mg/100 g) was the highest amount among other organic acids. Soluble sugars were significantly increased from 11.07 to 21.54% in the unripened and ripened fruits. Therefore, ripened fruits had the high levels of phenolic compounds, organic acids and soluble sugars. For the biological studies of R. coreanus, methanol extracts of R. coreanus leaves, fruits, and stems were evaluated for their insecticidal activities against Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae), Plutella xylostella (Lepioptera: Plutellidae) and Spodoptera litura (Lepioptera: Noctuidae) by leaf dipping method. From these results, the extract of R. coreanus leaves revealed potent insecticidal activity against P. xylostella. However, the methanol extracts of R. coreanus fruits and stems had no any insecticidal activity against M. persicae, P. xylostella and S. litura. The R. coreanus leaves have promising potential as new insecticidal agent against P. xylostella.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 Sophora japonica L. (S. japonica)학명의 콩과 식물 낙엽교목인 회화나무의 꽃, 열매, 가지 에탄올 추출물의 총 폴리페놀 함량 및 l,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) 라디칼 소거능 측정, 티로시나제 활성 저해력 측정 및 porcine pancreatic elastase (PPE) 저해력 측정을 통하여 기능성 화장품 소 재로서의 활용 가능성을 확인하였다. 그 결과 총 폴리페놀 함량은 평균 각각 261.37 mg/g, 187.49 mg/g, 81.26 mg/g이며, DPPH 라디칼 소거능을 조사한 결과 50 ∼ 1,000 mg/L 농도에서 회화나무 꽃 추출물은 17.68 ± 1.59 ∼ 51.40 ± 1.04%, 열매 추출물은 27.48 ± 0.22 ∼ 50.89 ± 0.13%, 가지 추출물은 30.79 ± 0.55 ∼ 45.17 ± 0.83% 범위의 소거 활성을 나타내었다. 또한 같은 농도에서 티로시나제 저해능과 PPE 저해능을 실험한 결과 회화나무 꽃 추출물은 0.27 ± 0.12 ∼ 11.38 ± 0.57%, 3.70 ± 1.23 ∼ 7.28 ± 1.01% 열매 추출물은 0.27 ± 0.02 ∼ 0.82 ± 0.27%, 3.06 ± 2.13 ∼ 13.03 ± 2.99%, 가지 추출물은 0.09 ± 0.16 ∼ 0.55 ± 0.27%, 6.00 ± 0.96 ∼ 9.71 ± 0.44% 범위로 티로시나제 저해능은 꽃 추출물이 높게 나타났다. 본 연구에서 회화나무의 피부개선에 미치는 효능, 효과를 살펴본 결과 꽃, 열매, 가지 추출물이 각 부위별로 효과가 상이하게 나타남을 알 수 있었다.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of vigor of a bearing shoot in ‘Bluecrop’ Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) on growth characteristics of shoots and fruits. Bearing shoots were classified with BS (bearing shoot) and BMB (bearing mother branch). The vigor of bearing shoots were divided into four arbitrary categories; A was thin (< 6.0 ㎜) BMB and short (< 10 ㎝) BS, B was thin BMB and long (≥ 10 ㎝) BS, C was thick (≥ 6 ㎜) BMB and short BS and D was thick BMB and long BS. Shoots from D were longer (6.5 ㎝) and thicker (1.70 ㎜) than those from the others. Shoots of D had more leaves (5.8 ea) than those of the others. Leaf area of D was larger (13.5 ㎠) than those of the others. The first harvest of D was one week faster than the others. Ratio of big berry (> 14 ㎜) from the long BSs was higher (B : 41.7, D : 46.8%) than that from the short BSs. Soluble solid content of small berrys did not show any different according to vigor of bearing shoots, but soluble solid content of big berrys of the long BSs was higher (B : 16.2, D : 15.6 o Bx) than those of the short BSs. The thickness of BMB did not affect ratio of fruit size and soluble soild content. The long BSs would be proper than the short BSs for bearing bigger fruits.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the morphological features and the chemical composition characteristics of Opuntia ficus-indica and Opuntia humifusa fruits were investigated. The length of minor and major axis, and weight of O. ficus-indica and O. humifusa fruits were compared as the morphological features. The characteristics of components such as color, moisture, crude protein, ash, fat, dietary fiber, mineral, and amino acids were evaluated. The values of O. ficus-indica fruits were higher than those of O. humifusa fruits in each morphological feature such as minor axis, major axis, and weight. According to the Hunter color index results, O. humifusa fruits showed higher values of L (lightness) and b (yellowness), whereas O. ficus-indica fruits showed higher value of a (redness). The ΔE value between two samples was 19.80. The O. ficus-indica fruits had higher carbohydrate content and lower content of crude ash than those of O. humifusa fruits. Both samples showed very high dietary fiber contents, and the major minerals were K and Ca. Glutamic acid was the major amino acids in both samples. In free amino acids contents, O. ficus-indica had higher tyrosine and lower glutamic acid level than those of O. humifusa fruits. γ-aminobutyric acid was found in both samples, whereas taurine was found in O. ficus-indica fruits only. Taken together, the morphological features and chemical quality of O. ficus-indica and O. humifusa fruits showed difference although both of them were originated from the same genus.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Acanthopanax sessiliflorus (Rupr. et Maxim) Seem, belonging to the Araliaceae family, is widely distributed in Korea, China, and Japan. The plants belonging to Acanthopanax species are traditionally used in Korea as anti-rheumatoid arthritis, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic drugs and are recognized to have ginseng-like activities. A simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method was developed and validated for independent analysis of major compounds and chlorogenic acid in A. sessiliflorus fruits. Chlorogenic acid was reported that prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease in vivo. Also, it has antioxidant effect in vitro test. In the previous experiment, chlorogenic acid were found in A. sessiliflorus fruits. This study was performed to identification of the major compounds and investigate the method validation for the determination of chlorogenic acid in A. sessiliflorus fruits. Methods and Results : Three major compounds were recorded on a Varian Unity Inova AS-400 FT-NMR spectrometer and analyzed by the new HPLC analysis method. HPLC analysis was carried out using an Waters e2695 and PDA detector. The new analyasis method was validated by the measurement of intra-day, inter-day precision, accuracy, limit of detection (LOD, S/N=3), and limit of quantification (LOQ, S/N=10) of chlorogenic acid. The results showed that the correlation coefficient (R2) for the calibration curves of chlorogenic acid was 0.997 in terms of linearity. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were 0.565 ㎍/ml and 2.88 ㎍/ml, respectively. There was no interfering peak observed each other and HPLC system was suitable for analysis showing goodness of peak and high precision. Conclusion : This method is suitable to detect and quantify major compounds in A. sessiliflorus fruits. Furthermore, the result will be applied to establish chlorogenic acid as an standard compound for A. sessiliflorus fruits.
        2016.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Background : Ancanthopanax senticosus Fruits Extracts were studied in order to develop as functional pigment. The extracts were evaluated for physicochemical properties and biological activity. Methods and Results : Ancanthopanax senticosus fruits extracts were extracted by the rate of ethanol and distilled water in 1% citric acid. The extracts were evaluated for physicochemical properties by chromaticity, total sugar content, free sugar content, acidity, total anthocyanin contents. Total sugar and acidity were 0.10 brix and 0.44% respectively. Fructose and glucose were 1.54% and 0.36% respectively. The 60% ethanol extracts showed the highest extraction yield and total anthocyanin content. The α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of 60% and 80% ethanol extracts higher than other extracts. Conclusion : These results suggest that Ancanthopanax senticosus fruits extracts may be useful purple pigment for anti-diabetes activity.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibitory activities of aqueous ethanolic extract from the immature fruits of Malus pumila cv. Fuji were evaluated. The antioxidant capacities of the extract was investigated employing radical scavenging assays using DPPH and ABTS+ radicals. The skin-whitening effect of M. pumila cv. Fuji extract was tested using mushroom tyrosinase assay. In addition, the total phenolic content was measured by a spectrophotometric analysis. All tested samples showed a dose-dependent radical scavenging and tyrosinase inhibitory activities. Among the tested samples, the ethyl acetate (EtOAc)-soluble portion from the immature fruits of M. pumila cv. Fuji was showed the significant DPPH and ABTS+ radicals scavenging activities. Also, the tyrosinase inhibitory activity of the ethyl acetate (EtOAc)-soluble portion from immature apples was higher than other solvent-soluble portion. These results suggest that unripe fruits of M. pumila cv. Fuji could be considered as a new valuable source of natural antioxidant and skin-whitening agents. Systematic investigation of immature fruits of Malus pumila cv. Fuji will be performed for the further development of its biological properties.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper analyzes economic efficiency of strawberries and tomatoes farms using the data envelopment analysis (DEA). We examine how production characteristics and farm size affect overall efficiency (OE), allocative efficiency (AE), and technological efficiency (TE). We also survey sample farm households from the Farm Income Investigation database of Rural Development Administration to investigate management and cultivation techniques and to analyze economic efficiency by technique. Implications for improving efficiency are suggested in the conclusion.