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        검색결과 54

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 현대 중국어 ‘刚才+V+了’ 구문에 사용된 동사 ‘V’의 의미 기능과 제약조 건을 분석하였다. 일반적으로 구문에 사용되는 동사 ‘V’는 구문에서 ‘관계’, ‘심리’, ‘동 작’, ‘종결’, ‘순간’의 의미자질로 구분된다. 그러나 이러한 의미자질을 가진 동사가 ‘刚 才+V+了’ 구문에 모두 사용할 수 있는 것은 아니다. 사실 ‘刚才+V+了’ 구문이 필요 로 하는 동사는 일정한 사용조건이 필요하다. 이를 밝히기 위하여 본고는 우선 ‘刚才 +V+了’ 구문에 사용된 ‘V’를 의미질의 특징에 따라 유형별로 분류하였다. 이를 토대 로 ‘刚才+V+了’ 구문의 의미와 ‘了’의 의미 기능 그리고 구문에 사용된 동사 ‘V’의 제 약에 대해 분석하였다. 이를 기초로 하여 의미자질을 유형별로 비교한 후 사용조건 에 부합되는지를 우선 분석하였다. 그 결과, 동사는 의미자질에 따라 다음과 같은 조 건에 부합되는 경우 구문이 성립되었다. 첫째, ‘刚才’가 ‘了’와 결합하지 않는 경우이 다. 이 경우 출현할 수 있는 동사는 동작의 시작점과 종결점, 지속의 과정을 모두 가진 동사이어야 구문이 성립되었다. 둘째, 시간명사 ‘刚才’와 ‘了’가 결합할 경우, 중간 에 출현할 수 있는 동사는 사건 시간량이 ‘刚才’의 시간량보다 짧아야 성립될 수 있 었다. 또한 동사의 의미자질이 시작, 지속, 종결을 지닌 경우, 그리고 지속, 종결만을 가진 경우, 시작과 종결이 일치한 동사가 지속성이 없이 순간성을 지닌 동사이어야 구문이 성립된다는 결론을 얻었다. 셋째, ‘刚才+V’와 ‘刚才+V+了’ 중 ‘V’의 공통점은 동사의 시간량이 ‘刚才’보다 [+短时]여야 성립되었으며, ‘了’의 결합 여부에 따라 강조 되는 정도가 달랐다. 다시 말해, ‘刚才+V’ 구문의 강조점은 시작점이고, ‘刚才+V+了’ 구문의 강조점은 동작의 종결점이었다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        “Zhe” in the structure of “V1 zhe V2” in the Chinese translation of Qingwen Zhiyao is a counter translation of the Manchu adverb affix “- me” “- fi” “- hai, - hei, - hoi”. There are some special uses of this structure in Chinese translation, such as the combination of the tentative state and the continuous marker “zhe”, and the non continuous verb enters the “V1 zhe V2” structure as V1. The reason is that it is influenced by Manchu. The interference characteristics of Manchu language are weakened in the adaptation of Qingwen Zhiyao. By investigating the literature of the Qing Dynasty, it is found that the usage influenced by Manchu such as “Xiang zhe qiao” and “Zhuo liang zhe” once entered Chinese in the Qing Dynasty, and disappeared in modern Chinese with the decline of Manchu. The Chinese version has traces of Southern Mandarin, and the adapted version reflects the characteristics of Beijing Mandarin. The principle of iconicity has different constraints on the word order of verb conjunction in Manchu and Chinese. The text adaptation follows the law of sentence pattern development and reflects the prescriptive direction of Chinese sentence pattern development. Language contact affects the development of relevant sentence patterns to a certain extent, but it is ultimately restricted by the law of Chinese itself.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The outbreak of the epidemic on an international scale has brought severe challenges to the Chinese language education of various universities. Both teachers and students have brought new challenges. In order to adapt to the new educational environment, teachers in major colleges and universities adjust their teaching concepts and teaching plans. Especially for international Chinese language education, it faces unprecedented challenges. International Chinese language education was affected by the epidemic and changed the traditional education model, opening a new model of online education. With the advantage of using abundant network resources, online education has highlighted its new breakthroughs, and has gradually highlighted some of the shortcomings of online education. Spoken language and pronunciation, which are particularly important in Chinese education, are affected by issues such as online education that restricts certain communication and timely feedback from students. Aiming at the problems of international Chinese online education, this article analyzes one by one and proposes corresponding solutions. Different from the online teaching of traditional subjects, In the special course of language education, certain online courses of Chinese education need to be improved.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korean Chinese international trade correspondence belongs to the teaching field of "Special purpose language". It takes various communicative contexts as the premise, and the communicative context is based on the communicative process under the specific working environment of language users. Therefore, it needs appropriate communicative functions to achieve the communicative purpose. In order to achieve the communicative function, the use of specific sentence types obviously contains some convention. The characteristics of high-frequency sentence types in international trade letters have a certain tendency. This paper takes the Chinese E-mail actually generated by the Korean staff of a Korean trading company in their trade with China as the research object, investigates and analyzes its sentence function, and provides empirical data for business Chinese teaching. Compared with the teaching of traditional lingua franca, according to the various social attributes of Korean Chinese international trade exchanges, it is not only the cognitive background of learners and staff, but also the communicative context required by professional work. The core content of teaching should give priority to the specific sentence patterns of communicative function words closely related to work in the actual corpus, and apply them in teaching strategies and methods, To enable learners to acquire the required language communicative competence as soon as possible, it does not emphasize the comprehensive mastery of learning, but can save time and selectively improve communication efficiency.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article conducts a textual research on the character of ‘畑’ in Grand Chinese Dictionary. Through reviewing Buddhist scriptures and secular literature, the article points out that ‘畑’ is a Japanese character signifying the ‘upland field’. The word of ‘田畑’ found in the scriptures is a Japanese one with two meanings: one, the ‘paddy field and upland field’, and the other, the ‘field’. In Japanese, the former is expressed by ‘田’ and ‘畑’, yet, in Chinese, by adding modifiers before ‘田’. Therefore, when entering into Chinese, ‘畑’ comes to have the same meaning and usage as ‘田’. For this reason, the article considers it possible for ‘畑’ to be a variant of ‘田’ in the Chinese literature. Moreover, ‘畑’ can be thought of not only as a formal variant of the folk character of ‘烟’ but also as a mistaken character of ‘油’ in the scriptures.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Even though Summary of Chinese Historical Lexicology by Jiang Shao Yu is the most important theoretical achievement both of Chinese lexicology in general and of the contemporary one, there are some points to be discussed in a more detailed manner. Of them is that of the absolute synonym such as ‘zhou’ (舟) and ‘chuan’ (船). Considering it worth discussing, this paper holds that ‘chuan’ (船) began in the early and middle stage of Warring States Period, not in the late one of it. For, the use cases of ‘chuan’ (船) in the literature of the middle and late stage of Warring States Period increased, and the frequency ratio of ‘zhou’ (舟) and ‘chuan’ (船) changed in those stages. They are general synonyms rather than absolute synonyms because the former means not merely the boat but also the big boat as in ‘long zhou’ (龍 舟), ‘da zhou’ (大舟) and ‘ju zhou’ (巨舟). Instead of ‘zhou’ (舟) itself referring to the big boat, the meaning of ‘zhou’ (舟) is still the boat, and ‘zhou’ (舟) and ‘chuan’ (船) constitute synonyms in the meaning of the boat, which indicates that the meaning of size comes from its modifying elements.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In ancient Chinese, “shou (首) and “tou (頭)”, both of which were synonyms, referred to the human head. However, they were different from each other in the senses of the original, extended, and style meaning, respectively. The original meaning of “shou” refers to “head” with emphasis on the face, and “tou” refers specifically to “top of head”. In terms of the extended meaning, the most remarkable difference between “shou” and “tou” is that “shou” has the usage of verb while “tou” does not. “Tou” is grammaticalized as a suffix while “shou” is not. Therefore, we deduce the reason why “shou” and “tou” are not extended synchronously, and reach a conclusion that the core meanings of the two words are different. The core meanings confine the semantic changes of the synonym. In addition, the usage of verb of “shou” and the grammaticalization of “tou” have been explained at the core meaning level, respectively. As for the style meaning, “shou” is thought to be more elegant than “tou”.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korean-Chinese Learner’s Dictionary, which was compiled by the National Institute of Korean Language, is a web dictionary translating Korean Basic Dictionary into Chinese. As more and more Chinese wanted to learn Korean, the National Institute of Korean Language planned for the translation. A research team in Korea University carried out the project for 3 years from 2016 to 2018. The main focus of the project was to present Chinese counterparts with Korean headwords by translating them into Chinese.  This paper aims to provide an overview of the compiling project, Korean-Chinese Learning Dictionary, the principles applied to the actual translation process, and to examine the current status of the Sino-Korean headwords and the detailed translation method. In Chapter 2, the review of the purpose, steps, and progress of Korean-Chinese Learner’s Dictionary is provided. Chapter 3 presents the statistical results of the Sino-Korean headwords in Korean-Chinese Learner’s Dictionary. In addition, the detailed principles applied to the process of Chinese translation are reviewed along with the main cases by the headword type. Moreover, the characteristics of the cultural vocabulary and the band system according to them are discussed.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The paper introduces KorLex, Korean WordNet, which uses Princeton WordNet (PWN) as a reference model as well as a pivot that provides KorLex with the multilingual interface. Sub-section 2.1 describes the background for which we intended to build KorLex by ourselves, and the motivations for which we selected PWN as a reference model among other wordnets. Sub-sections 2.2 and 2.3 deal with the semantic features that share both PWN and KorLex, and the linguistic features that we attach to KorLex in order to improve Korean Language Processing (KLP). Section 3 presents two representative applications of KorLex in the field of Natural Language Processing: (1) in KLP environment, <Korean Spell/Grammar Checker (KSGC)> that we have developed for the last 30 years, and for which we decided to elaborate KorLex version 1.5 and to attach the sophisticate information of Korean language to the version 2.0; (2) in multilingual environment, <Korean-Korean_Sign_Language Machine Translation (K2KSL MT)>, which would not be successfully developed without the hierarchical semantic structure of KorLex as well as PWN, since the hierarchy enables K2KSL MT to solve logically the notorious ‘data sparseness (= lack of lexicon)’ problem that KSL encounters during the translation process, like in other bilingual or multilingual MT systems.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the arrival of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, our education has been increasingly focus on developing students' ability of questioning, discussion, communication and collaboration. However the Harvard learning method is in line with the current educational focus. To make the Harvard learning method can be applied to any level of Mandarin students, including entry level student who just started to learn initial consonant and syllable rime. Therefore, the purpose of this article is planning to introduce the method to Korean Mandarin class to enhance Korean student language learning ability. The thesis emphasize the application structure and detailed practice of Harvard Chinese learning method in the following chapters. Introduce the significance of the Harvard learning method for Chinese learning. In the following second chapters will focus on explain what is Harvard learning method base on prior study. How to design the actual operation process will be described more in the third chapter. The thesis make a sound analysis and exposition of three Harvard teaching modules: class design, actual practice and post study assessment. In the final chapter, brief the Harvard learning method future research interests integrate students feedback.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper summarizes the current research situation of the characters used in Chinese dialects. It is considered that the research features of the characters used in Chinese dialects are mainly manifested in three aspects: the universality of the subjects, the diversity of materials, and the long time and space. Furthermore, future research on the characters used in Chinese dialects prospects from the materials, theories, methods, and perspectives of the research.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        However, with the rapid development of information technology, dialects are slipping away. People are gradually ignoring and forgetting local dialects and traditional culture. The loss of dialects will surely lead to the loss of traditional culture. As a language and culture research enthusiast, I hope to make people know more about their own language by studying and comparing more dialects. As the mother tongue, dialect will directly affect the acquisition of the second language when we learn the second language, which not only has a positive role in promoting, but also has a negative role in hindering, which requires us to have a deep understanding of the two languages and a comprehensive comparative study. Suzhou and Hefei belong to the wu-speaking area and the jianghuai guanhua area respectively. Although they are two dialects, they are connected with each other from the geographical position. It can be seen that there must be some common characteristics and differences between the two dialects. Based on a comparative study of the languages of Suzhou and Hefei, the author chooses to present the modern pronunciation of the Chinese ancient pronunciation of rusheng characters in the two places, and analyzes and explains the differences between the initial and final vowels of the dialects respectively, so as to find out the differences between the two dialects.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문의 목적은 시중 A1 등급 교재 4종에 사용된 어휘의 등급별 분포와 어휘 반복 횟수를 밝히는 데 있다. 이를 위해 시중 A1 등급 교재 4종을 선택하여 ‘새단어’를 중심으로 어휘 등급 분포와 어휘 반복 횟수를 살펴보았다. 교재 4종 모두 1등급 이외의 어휘가 54%-68%로 너무 많았다. 등급 외 어휘들도 대단히 많았다. 교재 4종 모두 26-35%가 등급 외 어휘였다. 교재 4종의 1등급 반복 횟수 4회 이상의 어휘가 47-74%로 상대적으로 높은 수치를 보인다. 하지만 2등급은 반복 횟수 4회 이상의 어휘가 13-25%, 3등급의 경우 5-33%, 4-6등급은 0%, 등급 외 어휘들은 6-8%를 나타냈다. 전반적으로 어휘 반복 횟수가 상당히 낮음을 알 수 있다. 어휘 빈도수와 어휘 반복 횟수를 높이기 위해서는 나선형 혹은 순환형 주제 배열 교재와 기능 분리형 교재가 더욱 많아져야 한다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        How to make a Korean student who learns Chinese know China in no time? In this article, the author studies the Chinese cultural factors in four Chinese textbooks of the Korea high school, investigate the choosing, presenting and explaining of the cultural factors in language textbooks, also combines the experience of compiling the textbooks and teaching Chinese as second language pedagogy, the author proposes that ten central culture subjects should be put up in the basic Chinese textbooks, centering on the culture subjects, picking over some cultural factors which must have the representativeness, closing to students’ life, inspiring the interest in learning and the strong spirit of the times, all these would be presented in the way of culture pictures and vocabulary, adding some statements to further articulate the culture content, to help the students set up a full and actual cultural cognitive frame, and the culture pictures should be typical, multifarious and authentic, and the presentation modes should be in Korean, Pin Yin and Chinese character throughout the text, the statement should be simple and clear. This article emphasizes in the basic Chinese textbooks, and the high school Chinese textbooks should be more about matching the choosing, presenting and explaining of the local culture vocabulary, to help the students who learn Chinese accumulate local culture vocabulary and culture statement.
        2017.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chinese often use some pronouns as Exclamatives tone markers, such as "zhe" "Na" "zheme" "name" "Shenme", and they can be noun phrases, adjective and verb phrases constitute a minority of some commonly used exclamation structure, these exclamation structure have different features. The author intends to syntactic structure, semantic features and pragmatic aspects of a preliminary study on them. The adverb marked exclamatory sentence features: first, if the adverb in the exclamatory sentences, then the sentence is generally exclamation exclamatory center adjectives, state adjectives cannot be used in exclamatory sentence; second, adverb as a marker of exclamatory sentence semantics is expressed according to the speaker's subjective standard, objectivity weak. This kind of Exclamatives objective level is relatively low, the subjective color is very obvious, this type of exclamatory sentence is judged from the speaker's subjective standard, objective understanding and others are not consistent. The characteristics of exclamatory sentences marked by pronouns are as follows: first, when the "Ni" "zhe" and the noun predicate constitute an exclamatory sentence, the way of expressing feelings is negative. General ellipsis. "Ni" "zhe" after the addition of nominal predicate exclamatory sentences can only use the second person pronouns. But behind the plus noun predicate, second person or third person can use; second, "Shenme" "hedeng" "zenme" "Zenyang" "duoshao" interrogative pronouns in exclamatory sentences are used to represent the exclamatory mood, then you no longer have the pronoun itself with the interrogative mood.
        2016.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The emergence and spread of the variant form of Chinese Character are related to people’s cognitive principles. The cognitive modes of Chinese Character formed by identity, assimilation, distinction and integration. On the surface, the variant form of Chinese Character appears haphazardly. It is clearly seen that there are the reason on the evolution of the variant form of the Chinese Character, which mainly lies in the active role of human perception. People’s cognitive principles determine not only the ways of the emergence but the degree of variation of the variant form of Chinese Character.
        2016.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        『漢語大字典』 제2판은 모두 60,370개의 표제자를 수록하고 있다. 범례에 따르면 중요한 원칙 에 따라 한자 자음의 역사적 변화와 발전의 원칙을 적당하게 반영한다라고 되어 있다. 곧 한자의 현대음, 중고음, 상고음을 표기하고, 그 중 중고음의 반절은 『廣韻』과 『集韻』을 주요 근거로 삼았다. 그러나 세밀히 이 자전에 표기된 중고음을 관찰해 보면 간혹 실수 혹은 누락된 것이 보인다. 자서와 운서에서 다르게 읽히는 것 또한 토의할 만한 내용이다. 본문은 『經典釋文』을 비롯하여 『廣韻』, 『集韻』 등의 중고 문헌을 토대로 『漢語大字典』 제2판 중 “虫”, “觀”, “治”, “閧” 등의 한자의 음표기 문제를 살펴봄으로써 다음 수정판의 제작에 보탬이 되고자 한다.
        2015.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2010년 출판된 『漢語大字典』은 기존의 자서에서 보였던 오류나 수록 글자 수,자형의 통일 등의 문제에 있어 초판에 수정을 하는 동시에 근래 이루어진 언어문자학과 사전학의 연구 성과를 반영하여, 주음이나 석의(釋義), 용례의 제시와 검색 등 여러 방면에서 적지 않은 변화를 보여주었다. 그러나 한어대자전은 수록 한자에 있어 고금의 자형을 함께 수록함으로써 책의 부피가 대형화 되었으며, 일반 대중화되고 제2판도 수정되었음에도 불구하고 여전히 여러 방면에서 소홀하거나 잘못된 부분들이 존재하고 있다. 본문은 『한어대자전』 제2판 중에서 “厲”, “匡”, “共”, “仵”, “假”, “匕” 등의 한자가 석의(釋義) 상에 나타난 몇 가지 문제를 지적하고 그에 대한 견해를 밝혀 다음 수정에 도움이 되고자 한다.
        2014.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국어를 모국어로 사용하지 않는 학생들의 중문 능력을 효과적으로 향상시키 는데 있어, 읽기를 강화하는 것은 매우 중요하고도 현저한 효과가 드러나는 방법 이다. 그러나 효과적인 독해의 목적에 도달하기 위해서는 학생들의 한자 능력을 발전시키고 공고하게 하는 것이 우선적인 임무이다. 본 연구의 주요 목표는 Dr. David Rose가 제안했던 Reading to Learn 학습이 론에서 출발하여 그림책 교육의 과정에 결합시켜 어떻게 하면 비화교 학생들의 중국어 학습이 효과가 극대화할 수 있으며, 이를 토해 그들의 한자 습득과 읽기, 쓰기 능력을 향상 시킬 수 있는가를 논의하였다. 본 연구는 액션 러닝 기법을 이용하였는데, 이들의 행동을 연구하는 기간 동안에 연구원과 유관 중학교의 부교장은 비화교 학생들의 한자 사용 능력이 향상되 어, 읽고 쓰는 능력에 이르는 것 외에도 위에서 제기하였던 방법을 실제 어떻게 운영하여 얼마나 비화교 학생들의 그림책 읽기의 흥미와 효과를 높일 수 있는지 를 알고 싶어 하였다. 연구결과를 통해 우리는 Reading to Learn 학습법이 그림책을 결합한 교육인 「文類教學法」을 운용할 때 비화교 학생들의 한자 습득과 읽기 능력이 증가함과 더 나아가 읽기에 대한 흥미를 진작시킬 수 있음을 확인하였다.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국어는 세계에서 가장 배우기 어려운 언어 중 하나로 인식되고 있으며, 그 핵 심에 한자가 있다. 한자교육은 줄곧 중국어 교육에서 가장 중요한 부분으로 인식 되어 왔으며, 얼마 전까지 “어문일체(語文一體)”가 주요 교육 모델로, 종합적이면 서도 기능적인 교육을 결합하여 실시함으로써 교육 중에 한자의 특성이나 말하기 중국어와 쓰기 중국어를 구분하지 않았다. 이러한 교육법의 폐단은 초기 학습단게 에서 한자학습과 말하기 듣기 교육을 함께 실시함으로써, 학생들은 한자를 배우는 데 힘을 쏟아 말하기 듣기 교육이 기대만큼의 효과를 발휘하지 못하게 하는 것이 다. 동시에 읽고 쓰기 교육을 하는 것은 한자의 특성이나 규칙에 따라 진행되기 어렵다. 학생들의 한자습득량은 부족하여 이후에 있을 대량의 독서를 위한 기초를 쌓는 것은 불가능하다. 학생들의 독서 능력을 향상시키는데 장애가 되며, 그 교육 효과도 높지 않다. 본문은 초급 중국어 학습자들에게는 중국어와 한자의 특징을 살려, 말하기, 듣기 교육과 읽기, 쓰기 교육을 분리시켜, 말하기 듣기 교육은 그 규칙성에 따라 교육함 으로써 그 언어 상호 교제로서의 기능을 배양함을 목적으로 두고, 한자와 어휘, 구와 편을 분리하지 않고 서로 밀접하게 연관시켜 학생들의 독해 능력을 배양함을 목표로 삼아, 결국 두 영역이 상호 간의 학습에 영향을 주도록 하자는 것이다.
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