This study was conducted to apply with an air duct for the cooling and a utilizing cultivating method that uses the fruiting node and the defoliation to the high-temperature vertical and hydroponic cultivation of the oriental melon. The lower fruiting node (LF) was to remove all third vines generated from 5 nodes of a secondary vine. The higher fruiting node (HF) was fruiting on the third vine generated from a first node of the third vine. The direction of the stem string; upward (UW), downward (DW). Four treatment conditions were applied with the LF-UW, LF-DW, HF-UW (control), and HF-DW. The leaf age of melon leaves was measured for photosynthesis at 3 days intervals, and the fruit characteristic was conducted on 79 fruits in each treatment. The photosynthesis rate steadily increased after leaf development, reaching 20.8 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1 on the 10 days, gradually increasing to 21.3 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1 on the 19 days, and reaching 23.4 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1 on the 32 days. After that, it lowered to 16.8 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1 on the 38 days and dropped significantly to 7.6 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1 on the 47 days. As a result of the fruit characteristics by fruiting nodes, the treatments of the fruit length was 12.6-13.4 cm, respectively, which was significant, and the fruit width was 7.9- 8.6 cm, respectively, was not significant. The soluble content ranged from 12.9 to 15.7°Brix, and the significance of all treatments, and higher than of LF-DW and HF-UW. The photosynthesis rate of melon leaves was good until 32 days after leaf development, but after that, the rate decreased. As for fruit quality, it was conformed that melons can be cultivated at the LF because the fruit enlargement and soluble content dose not decrease even when set at the LF. Results indicated that those can be used for LF and defoliation in the development of vertical and hydroponic cultivation method in high-temperature season.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of cane-based fruiting position on fruit quality at harvest in a golden-flesh kiwifruit variety, ‘Sweet Gold’ (Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis). The vines were grown on a pergola-trained system, under a protected plastic film house in Jeju, Korea. The cane-based fruiting positions were classified into six sectors with three sectors acropetally from the trunk to the apex of the leader, and two sectors acropetally from the leader to the apex of the cane. Fruits positioned in sectors far away from the trunk (sectors three and six) tended to be heavier, whereas fruits in sectors close to the trunk (sectors one and four) exhibited higher dry matter, soluble solid contents, and flesh coloration. The highest firmness was obtained at the fruits positioned far from the trunk and leader (sector six). Titratable acidity was slightly impacted. The highest starch content was obtained from the fruits of sector six far from the trunk and leader, whereas the highest soluble sugar content was from sector one proximal to the trunk and leader. Results indicate appreciable variations in fruit quality parameters at harvest, among fruits at different fruiting positions within vines. However, these variations were inconsistent over the years, and there were no distinct correlations among these fruit quality parameters.
본 논문은 콘크리트 구조물 보강공법 중 하나인 CFRP 표면매립 긴장보강의 거동을 분석하였다. 이를 위해 CFRP 긴장재 및 긴장시스템을 개발하고 손상후 보강거동 및 충전재 유무에 따른 비부착 보강거동을 고찰하였다. 실험결과, 비부착 실험 체의 보강효과는 무보강 실험체보다 38% 증가하지만, 부착 실험체보다 17% 감소하였다. 손상된 콘크리트를 보강한 경우는 건전한 콘크리트의 보강효과와 유사했다. 정착장치와 부착된 CFRP 긴장재는 안정된 보강효과를 보였다.
멜론(Cucumis melo L.)의 코이어 배지 수경재배 시 고품질 과실을 생산하기 위한 적정 착과 절위, 적심 절위 및 수확 시기를 구명하고자 하였다. 코이어 배지 슬라브(100 × 20 × 10cm)에 3주를 정식하였다. 양액은 야마자키 멜론 표준액을 이용하였고, 급액 농도는 ‘초기-중기(과실 비대기)-후기’의 생육 단 계별로 1.8-2.0-2.3dS·m-1 공급하였다. 착과 및 적심 절위 실험은 ‘피엠알달고나’와 ‘얼스아이비’ 2품종을 이용하였다. 착과 절위 실험은 8-10, 11-13 및 14-15 마디에 각각 3처리하였다. 적심 절위 실험은 18, 21 및 24 마디에 각각 3처리하였다. 과실 수확시기 실험은 ‘피엠알달고나’와 ‘얼스크라운’ 2품종을 이용하여 착과 45일, 50일, 55일 및 60일 후로 4처리하였다. ‘피엠알달고나’ 품종에서 11-13마디 이상 착과 시, 엽폭 28.2cm, 엽면적은 10,845cm2로 가장 컸다. 줄기 길이는 ‘얼스아이비’ 품종에서 11-13마디 착과시 147.6cm로 가장 길었다. 과중은 ‘얼스아이비’ 품종에서 11-13마디 착과시 2.0kg으로 가장 컸다. 과실의 가용성 고형물 함량(SSC)은 ‘피엠알달고나’ 품종에서 8-10 마디 착과시 14.5°Brix, 24 마디 적심시 14.0°Brix로 각각 유의성 있게 가장 높았다. 착과 절위가 낮아 질수록 SSC값이 증가하는 경향이 두 품종에서 동일하게 나타났다. ‘피엠알달고나’와 ‘얼스크라운’ 2품종 모두 착과 55-60 일 후 수확된 과실의 SSC 값과 과중이 가장 우수하였다. 종합적으로 검토하면 대부분 SSC값은 착과 절위가 낮아지고 적심 절위가 높아질수록 증가하고, 과중은 착과 절위가 높아질수록 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 착과 후 일수가 증가할수록 과실 의 SSC값이 증가하였으며 다양한 품종에 대한 추가 연구가 더 필요하다고 생각되었다. 따라서 코이어 배지를 이용한 수 경재배 시 멜론 품종 별로 특성을 잘 파악하여 착과 절위, 적심 절위 및 과실 수확시기를 설정하여야 한다.
본고는 『베트남의 중국어 학습자들의 개사 말뭉치(코퍼스)』 (2018년판)를 토대로 초급 중국어 수준의 베트남 학습자들의 지속상 표지 ‘着’ 오류 현황을 고찰한다. 연구를 통해 학습자들의 오류가 ‘첨가’, ‘혼동’, ‘(필요 성분의) 누락’ 이라는 세 유형으로 귀납됨을 알아냈다. 그 결과 ‘첨가’가 가장 높은 비율을 차지하고 그 다음이 ‘혼동’ 오류이며, ‘(필요 성분의) 누락’ 이 가장 낮은 비율을 차지하는 오류 유형을 알 수 있었다. 목적어 규칙의 지나친 일반화가 이러한 오류들 의 주요 원인이었다. 필자는 이를 기반으로 교학에 대한 몇 가지 의견을 제시하려고 한다.
Indoor air contaminated with various pollutants commonly poses a risk to human health, and the need for installing air purifiers has been increasing. However, in commercial air purifiers pollutants-removal efficiency and durability are generally low. Since silver nano-composites are known to have catalytic oxidation and antibacterial capacities, it was anticipated to be applicable for indoor air purifiers. In this study, silver nano-composites were applied to granular activated carbon and scrubber solutions to treat a mixture of three air pollutants including toluene, formaldehyde, and bioaerosol. In the activated carbon deposited with silver nano-particles, the specific surface area decreased, resulting in a 10% loss of adsorption capacity for toluene. However, the removal efficacy of formaldehyde and bioaerosol increased by 10% due to the catalytic oxidation and antibacterial capacities. In the scrubber operation with silver nano-particles, the removal rates of formaldehyde and bioaerosol improved by 20%, while toluene removal was not observed. When the activated carbon column and the scrubber was connected in series, toluene was mainly removed by the activated carbon, and the removal rates of formaldehyde and bioaerosol increased in the presence of silver nano-particles. Consequently, for the improvement of indoor air quality, it is deemed appropriate to apply silver nano-material to indoor environments contaminated with pollutant mixtures.
겨울철 재배 시 중∙소과종 수박의 안정적 생산을 위한 적정 줄기유인 수와 착과 위치를 구명하기 위하여 본 연구를 수행 하였다. 줄기유인 수를 위한 시험은 아들줄기를 각각 2, 3, 4줄기로 달리하여 유인하였다. 줄기유인 수에 따른 초장, 경경, 마디수 등 생육특성은 3, 4줄기보다 2줄기에서 높은 결과를 보였다. 그러나 과중, 과고, 과폭 등 과실특성은 4줄기에서 높게 나타났다. 당도와 착과율은 줄기유인 수에 따라 유의한 차이가 없었다.
착과 위치를 위한 시험의 착과 위치는 2, 3, 4번째 암꽃으로 달리하였다. 착과 위치에 따른 암꽃의 평균 착과마디는 각각 11.5, 15.8, 23.1마디였다. 착과 위치가 높아질수록 과중이 증가하여 2번째 암꽃에 비해 4번째 암꽃이 0.8kg 무거웠다. 그러나 당도는 착과 위치가 증가할수록 감소하여, 2번째 암꽃이 4번째 암꽃에 비해 1.3°Bx 높았다. 생육과 과실 특성을 종합적으로 고려하였을 때, 겨울철 중∙소과종 수박의 줄기유인 수는 3줄기, 착과 위치는 3번째 암꽃이 고품질의 수박의 생산을 위해 적합할 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 추후에 재식거리, 중∙소과종 품종의 다착과 등 수박 재배 농가의 소득 안정을 위한 다양한 연구가 필요하다고 생각된다.
본 연구에서는 쏙류의 고밀도 서식 때문에 2008년 이후 피해가 급격히 증가하고 있는 한국 서해안 갯벌의 패류양식장에서 착저 초기에 쏙과 가시이마쏙의 초기 성장, 서식 깊이, 상대성장 특성을 구명하여 물리적 제거 또는 포획에 관한 기초적 생태자료를 확보하고자 하였다. 5월 초순에 갯벌에 착저한 어린 쏙은 8월 이후에 두흉갑장이 10 mm 이상으로 성장하였고, 갯벌에 착저 후 1년 경과 시 두 흉갑장 (CL)과 전장 (TL)이 각각 14.21 mm, 42.28 mm까지 성장하였으며, 주 성장 시기는 4~10월이었다. 당년산 어린 쏙의 서식 깊이는 성장과 더불어 착저 후 약 6개월 경과 시까지 빠르게 증가하였다 (7월 5 cm, 9월 12.5 cm, 11월 28 cm). 어미 쏙 (평균 두흉갑장 28.50 mm)의 연중 서식 깊이는 10~93 cm이었다. 쏙의 두흉갑장 (CL)-전장 (TL), 두흉갑장-습전중량 (TWW) 간 상대성장을 분석한 결과, 두흉갑장 26~35 mm 크기에서는 쏙의 습중량이 천수만 입구의 주교 갯벌에 비해 천수만 내측의 사호리 갯벌에서 1.2~4 g 더 무거운 것으로 예측되었다. 본 연구에서 밝혀진 당년산 어린 쏙의 착저 후 초기 성장과 서식 깊이의 증가 특성으로 볼 때, 어린 쏙이 바지락 양식장 등에 정착하여 피해를 주는 것을 줄이기 위해서는 5~6월경에 쏙의 착저 여부를 주의해서 관찰해야 하며, 다량의 쏙 서식이 확인되면 갯벌 속에 30 cm 보다 얕게 굴을 파고 서식하는 8월부터 12월 사이에 어린 쏙을 제거하기 위한 다양한 노력을 기울일 필요가 있을 것으로 판단된다. 또한 보령지역 어미 쏙의 시기별 평균 서식 깊이 면에서 볼 때 1차 제거 적기는 쏙들이 표층에 가장 가까워지는 3월부터 5월 초순, 2차 적기는 10월 중순부터 12월 초순으로 판단된다. 쏙은 갯벌양식장에서 공간점유와 먹이 경쟁 등 인간의 경제활동에는 부정적인 영향을 주지만, engineering species로서 갯벌에 수많은 구멍을 깊게 뚫어줌으로써 다양한 생태계적 순기능도 수행하고 있으므로 친환경적이며 합리적인 대응 방안을 지속적으로 모색할 필요성이 있을 것으로 판단된다.
Recycling of drained nutrient solution in hydroponic cultivation of horticultural crops is important in the conservation of the water resources, reduction of production costs and prevention of environmental contamination. Objective of this research was to obtain the fundamental data for the development of a recirculation system of hydroponic solution in semi-forcing cultivation of ‘Bonus’ tomato. To achieve the objective, tomato plants were cultivated for 110 days and the contents of inorganic elements in plant, supplied and drained nutrient solution were analyzed when crop growth were in the flowering stage of 2nd to 8th fruiting nodes. The T-N content of the plants based on above-ground tissue were 4.1% at the flowering stage of 2nd fruiting nodes (just after transplanting), and gradually get lowered to 3.9% at the flowering stage of 8th fruiting nodes. The tissue P contents were also high in very early stage of growth and development and were maintained to similar contents in the flowering stage of 3rd to 7th fruiting nodes, but were lowed in 8th node stages. The tissue Ca, Mg and Na contents in early growth stages were lower than late growth stages and the contents showed tendencies to rise as plants grew. The concentration differences of supplied nutrient solution and drained solution in NO3-N, P, K, Ca, and Mg were not significant until 5 weeks after transplanting, but the concentration of those elements in drained solution rose gradually and maintained higher than those in supplied solution. The concentrations of B, Fe, and Na in drained solution were slightly higher in the early stages of growth and development and were significantly higher in the mid to late stages of growth than those in supplied solution. The above results would be used as a fundamental data for the correction in the inorganic element concentrations of drained solution for semi-forcing hydroponic cultivation of tomato.
Invasive non-native species are one of the main threats to biodiversity. Recently, more than 30 non-native species were reported to have established in the four major rivers of South Korea, and introduction of non-native species is gradually accelerating. However, ecological information necessary for prevention and management of non-native species introductions and consequent spread is lacking in South Korea, and especially so for freshwater non-native species. In this study, we assessed eight non-native freshwater fishes established in the Geum River watershed [the Risk Assessment (RA) area] using the Aquatic Species Invasiveness Screening Kit (AS-ISK). Receiver operating curve analysis identified threshold values of 24.75 for the BRA (Basic Risk Assessment) and 35.75 for the BRA+CCA (BRA + Climate Change Assessment). Four species, namely Carassius cuvieri, Lepomis macrochirus, Micropterus salmoides and Oreochromis niloticus were ranked as ‘high risk’; whereas, the lowest scoring non-native species was Coreoperca kawamebari, which is not likely to be invasive in the RA area because it has not established self-reproducing populations and its distribution is currently narrowing across the country. The results of this study indicate that application of AS-ISK allows the assessment of potentially invasive non-native species and provides a framework of action for the development of management guidelines for non-native species and the conservation of native species (cf. ecological traits such as species competition, habitat preference, food resources, and reproduction). As a case study for the Geum River watershed in South Korea, it is recommended that additional screening studies should be carried out for the non-native species in the four major rivers of South Korea.
수경재배 시스템에 있어서 배액의 재활용은 생산비 절감 및 환경오염 방지를 위하여 중요하다. 방울토마토를 반촉성 수경재배 하면서 생육 단계별 공급액, 배액 및 잎의 무기성분 분석을 통하여 순환식 수경재배 시스템 개발을 위한 기초자료를 확보하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 주기적으로 공급액, 배액 및 식물체 잎을 채취한 후 무기물 함량을 분석하였다. 생육 초기에는 배액의 EC가 공급액과 비슷한 약 2.0dS·m-1였지만, 생육 후기로 갈수록 높아져 9화방 착과기에는 4.5dS·m-1였다. 영양생장이 왕성한 생육 초기의 pH는 6.4~6.7 범위였으나 생식생장이 강해진 생육 후기에는 5.9~6.1로 낮아지는 경향이었다. 생육 초기에는 공 급액과 배액의 NO3-N, P, K, Ca 및 Mg 농도가 비슷하였지만 생육 후기로 갈수록 공급액보다 배액의 농도가 높아지는 경향이었다. 생육 초기에 잎의 T-N 함량이 높았지만 후기로 갈수록 낮아지는 경향이었다. K와 Ca 함량은 생육 초기에는 낮았으나 후기로 갈수록 높았으며, P와 Mg 함량은 생육초기부터 후기까지 유사한 수준으로 분석되었다. 이상의 결과는 토마토 수경재배를 배액재 활용에 있어 무기원소 농도 변화를 교정하기 위한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
Thermal effluent of the hot spring has long been a field of interest in the relationship between temperature gradient and freshwater algae in geology, limnology and aquatic ecology throughout the world. On the other hand, many artificial hot springs have been developed in Korea, but the research on them has not been still active. This study was performed every month from December 2015 to September 2016, to elucidate the spatiotemporal effects of thermal wastewater effluent (TWE) on the ecosystem of benthic algal assemblage in four stations (BSU (upstream), HSW (hot spring wastewater outlet), BSD1~2 (downstream)) of the upstream reach of the Buso Stream, a tributary located in the Hantan River basin. During the survey, the influencing distance of temperature on TWE was <1.0 km, and it was the main source of N·P nutrients at the same time. The effects of TWE were dominant at low temperature and dry season (December~March), but it was weak at high temperature and wet season (July~September), reflecting some seasonal characteristics. Under these circumstances, the attached algal communities were identified to 59 genera and 143 species. Of these, the major phylum included 21 genera 83 species of diatoms (58.0%), 9 genera 21 species of blue-green algae (14.7%) and 25 genera 32 species of green algae (22.4%), respectively. The spatiotemporal distribution of them was closely related to water temperature (5℃ and 15℃) and current (0.2 m s-1 and 0.8 m s-1). In the basic environment maintaining a high water temperature throughout the year round, the flora favoring high affinity to PO4 in the water body or preferring stream habitat of abundant NO3-PO4 was dominant. As a result, when compared with the outcomes of previous algal ecology studies conducted in Korea, the Buso Stream was evaluated as a serious polluted state due to persistent excess nutrient supply and high thermal pollution throughout the year round by TWE. It can be regarded as a dynamic ecosystem in which homogeneity (Summer~Autumn) and heterogeneity (Winter~Spring) are repeated between upstream and downstream.
Understanding effects of thermal pollution and acidification has long been a concern of aquatic ecologists, but it remains largely unknown in Korea. This study was performed to elucidate the effects of thermal wastewater effluent (TWE) and acid rain on water quality and attached algae in a small mountain stream, the Buso Stream, a tributary located in the Hantan River basin. A total of five study sites were selected in the upstream area including the inflowing point of hot-spring wastewater (HSW), one upstream site (BSU), and three sites below thermal effluent merged into the stream (1 m, 10 m and 300 m for BSD1, BSD2, and BSD3, respectively). Field surveys and laboratory analyses were carried out every month from December 2015 to September 2016. Water temperature ranged 1.7~28.8°C with a mean of 15.0°C among all sites. Due to the effect of thermal effluent, water temperature at HSW site was sustained at high level during the study period from 17.5°C (January) to 28.8°C (September) with a mean of 24.2±3.7°C, which was significantly higher than other sites. Thermal wastewater effluent also brought in high concentration of nutrients (N, P). The effect of TWE was particularly apparent during dry season and low temperature period (December~March). Temperature effect of TWE did not last toward downstream, while nutrient effect seemed to maintain in longer distance. pH ranged 5.1~8.4 with a mean of 6.9 among all sites during the study period. The pH decrease was attributed to seasonal acid rain and snow fall, and their effects was identified by acidophilic diatoms dominated mainly by Eunotia pectinalis and Tabellaria flocculosa during March and August. These findings indicated that water quality and periphyton assemblages in the upstream region of Buso Stream were affected by thermal pollution, eutrophication, and acidification, and their confounding effects were seasonally variable.
본 논문에서는 전기화학발광 소재로 널리 이용되는 Ruthenium 착화합물을 함유한 전기화학발광 소자의 활 성층 제작시, 인쇄성 및 공정성을 향상시키기 위해 Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)를 첨가하였을 때, PMMA의 함유량이 전기화학발광소자의 발광층 내 이온들의 이동 현상에 미치는 영향에 대하여 살펴보았다. 이를 위해, Ruthenium 착화합물과 이온성 액체가 9:1 비율로 섞인 용질이 Acetonitrile에 20 mg/ml 농도로 녹여진 용액과 Dichloromethane에 PMMA가 25 mg/ml의 농도로 용해된 용액을 세 가지 (10:0.14, 10:1 그리고, 10:3) 중량비로 섞어 서 준비한 용액으로부터 발광층을 형성하여 전기화학발광소자를 제작하고, 소자의 전기적 특성을 평가하였다. 그 결 과, 발광층 내의 PMMA 함유량이 증가할수록 Ruthenium 착화합물 기반 전기화학발광소자의 구동 전압은 점차 증가 하였고, PMMA의 양이 줄어들면 순방향 전압하의 전류와 역방향 전압하의 전류 차에 따라 나타나는 이력곡선 (hysteresis)이 점차 사라지는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.
In the moment frame subjected to earthquake loads, beam-column joint is structurally important for ductile behavior of a system. ACI Committee 352 proposed guidelines for designing beam-column joint details. The guidelines, however, need to be updated because of the lack of data regarding several factors that may improve the performance of joints. The purpose of this study is to investigate the seismic performance of reinforced concrete exterior joints with high-strength materials and unbonded tendons. Three specimens with different joint shear demand-to-strength ratios were constructed and tested, where headed bars were used to anchor the beam bars into the joint. All specimens showed satisfactory seismic behavior including moment strength of 1.3 times the nominal moment, ductile performance (ductility factor = at least 2.4), and sufficiently large dissipated energy.