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        검색결과 242

        2024.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A study on the denitrification of reverse osmosis(RO) concentrated wastewater from sewage reuse treatment plant in P city was conducted using waste desulfurization agent obtained from desulfurization process. Sulfur-based autotrophic denitrifying carrier comprises the predetermined amount of waste iron sulfide (FeS, Fe2S3), mine drainage sludge and elemental sulfur showing mesoporisity with 9.9 nm (99 Å) of average pore size. Sulfur denitrifying bacteria and sulfur reducing bacteria were implanted into the pores of sulfur denitrifying carrier. Nitrate was not affected by empty bed contact time (EBCT). It is probably due to larger reducing capacity of the carrier than the concentration of nitrate in RO concentrated wastewater. Total nitrogen (T-N) removal efficiency exhibited about 90% after 4 days. Sulfate ion was surprisingly decreased with sulfur autotropic process due to the reduction of sulfate ion to HS- and S2- by sulfur reducing bacteria. Sulfide and hydrogen sulfide ions were then taken by Fe(OH)3, main component of mine drainage sludge, releasing OH-. Alkalinity was therefore maintained between 7.5 and 8.5 in pH by the released OH-. Also, it had the effect of suppressing the production of H2S, which causes bad odor.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the physical, thermal, rheological, and binding properties of faba bean protein concentrate (FBC) and FBC-anionic gum mixtures. The anionic gums used in this study were sodium alginate (NaA), low-methoxyl amidated pectin (LMA), l-carrageenan (lCA), and gellan gum (GLG). The study found that FBC successfully incorporated the minced textured vegetable protein (TVP), but the formed TVP block had a fragile and soft texture. The water absorption index decreased in FBC-NaA and FBC-LMA mixtures but increased in FBC-lCA and FBC-GLG mixtures. The water solubility index decreased by adding NaA, LMA, and lCA, excluding GLG, to FBC. Adding anionic gums to FBC decreased solubility, while the swelling power was reversed in FBC-anionic gum mixtures, except for the FBC-LMA mixture. The addition of anionic gums to FBC increased melting onset and peak temperatures compared to FBC. The G′ value of FBC and FBC-anionic gum mixtures increased with temperature, indicating their thermogelling characteristic. The hardness of hamburger patties prepared with minced TVP and FBC or FBC-anionic gum mixtures generally tended to increase upon reheating, refrigeration, and reheating after refrigeration. The study concluded that the FBC-anionic gum mixtures have significant potential for binding different types of TVPs, highlighting its practical application.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the impact of hydrolyzed plant proteins on the physical, thermal, and rheological properties of rice flour (RF) for protein fortification for the elderly and general food systems. Faba bean protein concentrate and chickpea flour were first treated with polysaccharide hydrolyzed enzymes (control; CTFP and CTCF, respectively) and subsequentially with protease hydrolyzed enzymes (hydrolyzed protein material; HZFP and HZCF, respectively). The addition of CTFP and HZFP enhanced the swelling power of RF, whereas the CTCF and HZCF exhibited the opposite trends. Adding all controls and hydrolyzed protein materials to RF increased the solubility and gelatinization temperature and decreased the gelatinization enthalpy. The HZFP addition successfully developed the pasting viscosity of RF, whereas the others did not. The RF-HZFP mixture had a higher peak viscosity than RF but lower trough, breakdown, final, and setback viscosities. These findings suggest that the controls and hydrolyzed protein materials studied here could be used as sources for protein fortification of foods, particularly for the elderly, with minimal changes in textural and rheological characteristics, thereby contributing to the development of nutritious and palatable food products.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the physicochemical properties of protein-fortified rice flour by mixing rice flour (RF) with untreated and fermented plant proteins. Fermented faba bean protein concentrate (FMFP) and chickpea flour (FMCF) were prepared by solid-state fermentation of faba bean protein concentrate (UTFP) and chickpea flour (UTCF) using Bacillus subtilis. FMFP and FMCF exhibited higher crude protein, reducing sugar and starch contents more than their counterparts. The increased rate of essential and branched-chain amino acids in FMFP and FMCF exceeded that of crude protein. Adding plant proteins to RF decreased swelling power (SP) and increased solubility in RF-UTFP and RF-FMFP mixtures, while SP and solubility increased in RF-UTCF and RF-FMCF mixtures. All RF-plant protein mixtures showed higher gelatinization temperature and lower gelatinization enthalpy than RF. Thermal gelation was found in all RF-plant protein mixtures, but the RF-FMCF mixture may form weak and unstable gel structures. The increase in pasting viscosity was minimal for the RF-UTFP and RF-FMFP mixtures but more pronounced for the RF-UTCF and RF-FMCF mixtures. Overall, FMFP may be a potential protein source to supplement the protein deficiency in RF with minimal changes in RF-based foods’ rheological and textural properties.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, effect of mixing ratio of -carrageenan and glucomannan on quality characteristics of jelly incorporated with omija concentrate were analyzed. Through previous studies, the concentration of the gelling agent was fixed at 1.5% of the weight of the jelly. As a control, omija concentrate jelly using a single gelling agent was prepared. The texture of the jelly using glucomannan alone could not be measured because it was difficult to maintain its shape. The texture was changed according to the mixing ratio of -carrageenan and glucomannan. When -carrageenan was mixed with glucomannan, the water holding capacity was increased. Jelly prepared in mixing 2:1 ratio of -carrageenan and glucomannan was observed to have the highest hardness, springiness, gumminess, cohesiveness, and chewiness. Also, in order to manufacture omija jelly that maintains high water retention for a long period of time, it is optimal to mix -carrageenan and glucomannan at a ratio of 1:2.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        홍삼의 일반적인 가공법인 물과 주정 혼합용매로 추출여과하여 농축액으로 제조 시 증숙 등의 가열처리에 의해 가수분해되거나 중합반응이 일어나게 되어 현재 기능성이 밝혀진 30여 가지 주요 진세노사이드 외 극미량인 200여 종의 진세노사이드가 검출되고 있어서, 오히려 홍삼 본래 의 기능성 규명과 효능 구현을 복잡하게 만들고, 추출 횟 수를 거듭할수록 떫은맛이 강해지는 등 건강기능식품으로 서 부정적인 영향을 배제하기 위하여 저온(40oC 미만)에 서 1차만 추출한 홍삼농축액을 제조한 결과 수율은 고형 분 66-77% 정도에서 26-30%를 나타내어 기존의 연구 결 과인 40.47±0.47% 보다 현저히 적은 수율을 나타내었고, 동결건조 분말의 진세노사이드 함량분석시험을 진행한 결 과 시료 18종 전체에서 진세노사이드 34종이 검출되었고, 특히 홍삼 지표성분 3종인 Rb1, Rg1, Rg3 합계는 42.48 mg/ g으로 시판 홍삼제품의 환산량 9.0 mg/g과 8.7 mg/g 보다 4-5배 많았다. 본 시료는 진한 홍삼의 향취와 함께 면역력 증진 등 6가지 기능발현에 9-25%의 소량 복용으로 1일 복 용량이 유의성 있게 작아서 복용의 편의성과 함께 제품의 보관, 유통에 장점이 있는 것으로 판단된다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중수는 경수와 다른 물리화학적 특징으로 다양한 생물화학적 변화를 유도할 수 있다. 기존 분리공정의 단점인 에 너지소비량을 줄이고자 전기방사 폴리아마이드 분리막을 이용하여 정삼투공정을 이용하였다. 유도용액으로 NaCl과 인산을 사용하였다. 중수농도를 정량화하기 위해 FT-IR 분광법을 활용하였다. 인산과 수소/중수소의 특별한 상호작용력을 분광학적 으로 확인하였으며, 정삼투공정으로 농축이 가능할 수 있다는 것을 관찰하였다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, as interest in safe food and ingredient content has increased, the demand for highly concentrated health functional food that can be manufactured at home is increasing. Accordingly, in this study, we developed a galenic maker that can increase the extraction efficiency of herbal medicine(ginseng) ingredients and shorten the manufacturing time. After verifying the safety of the designed components through structural analysis and thermal flow analysis, the dimensions and shape of the galenic maker were determined. A prototype was produced based on the design process and the performance of the product was verified through extraction efficiency and ingredient analysis.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The CDI (Capacitive deionization) is one of the desalination technologies that use a carbon material electrode with large surface area and excellent electrical conductivity. Recently, research on a MCDI (Membrane Capacitive deionization) process, which is a combination of an ion-exchange membrane, has been actively conducted. In this study, we tried to find out the water quality of treated water and the concentration characteristics of concentrated water through TDS analysis by MCDI conventional and circulation process. In producing treated water, there was no significant difference in adsorption efficiency between MCDI conventional and circulation process. It was confirmed that both processes adsobed more than 96 %. However, the MCDI conventional process showed a low yield of 50 %, whereas the MCDI circulation process showed a high yield of 97.6 %. It's because, the wasted water was reused at desorption. In the case of the TDS concentration using MCDI circulation process, as the cycle progressed, the TDS concentration was concentrated up to 1,300 mg/L, but the rate gradually decreased. It is believed that this is because the volume of the concentrated water tank is limited, and the amount of soluble ions gradually decreases. As a result of analyzing the wasted water at MCDI circulation process through Ion Chromatography, it was confirmed that the concentration of all ions were concentrated. However, there was no significant difference in the types and proportions of analyzed ions. It is judged that the types and concentration of ions do not have a significant effect on adsorption and desorption in the MCDI circulation process.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Through sample-size-based rarefaction analyses, we tried to suggest the appropriate degree of sample concentration and sub-sample extraction, as a way to estimate more accurate zooplankton species diversity when assessing biodiversity. When we collected zooplankton from three reservoirs with different environmental characteristics, the estimated species richness (S) and Shannon’s Hʹ values showed different changing patterns according to the amount of sub-sample extracted from the whole sample by reservoir. However, consequently, their zooplankton diversity indices were estimated the highest values when analyzed by extracting the largest amount of sub-sample. As a result of rarefaction analysis about sample coverage, in the case of deep eutrophic reservoir (Juam) with high zooplankton species and individual numbers, it was analyzed that 99.8% of the whole samples were represented by only 1 mL of sub-sample based on 100 mL of concentrated samples. On the other hand, in Soyang reservoir, which showed very small species and individual numbers, a relatively low representation at 97% when 10 mL of sub-sample was extracted from the same amount of concentrated sample. As such, the representation of sub-sample for the whole zooplankton sample varies depending on the individual density in the sample collected from the field. If the degree of concentration of samples and the amount of subsample extraction are adjusted according to the collected individual density, it is believed that errors that occur when comparing the number of species and diversity indices among different water bodies can be minimized.
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