
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 37

        2024.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The composition of the upper structure, which can be found in the 3-Dori type buildings in Yang-dong Village, varies significantly from time to time. The upper structure of the Gwan-ga-jeong, known as a house in the mid-Joseon Dynasty, consists of a basic 3-Dori type structure in which a beam is placed under 3-Dori and supported with two flat columns. On the other hand, the upper structure of I-hyang-jeong historic house, built in the 17th century, is different in that it has a stud between the two flat columns. The upper structure of Sa-ho-dang historic house, a 19th-century building is different from the upper structure of the buildings of the previous period in that three flat columns were used. As such, the difference in the composition method of the upper structure according to the construction period is closely related to the introduction of the Toi-maru, which is mainly explained by the boundary space. In addition, it can be expected that the introduction of the Toi-maru originated from the influence of the change in the plan. This study was conducted to examine the correlation between the plan and the composition of the boundary space through various typology of the 3-Dori upper structure distributed intensively in Yang-dong Village.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most of the changes found on the toi-maru of the Sang-chun-heon Historic House indicate that the upper structure of the toi-maru of the late Joseon Dynasty houses where toi-bo was installed was not completed in an instant. Toi-maru with stud is especially typical in 3-Dori type Structure, and can be found in many historic houses in Yang-dong Village, where the many 3-Dori type Structure is located. This type can be interpreted as the intermediate type that began at the eaves was settled as a toi-maru with a separate toi-bo. It seems that the toi-maru in front of the on-dol room at the time of the construction of the Sang-chun-heon historic house would not have been the same as it is now. The members dividing the on-dol room, the walls, and the various incomplete appearances seen in the window composition can be construed as traces of the change. The fact that all three types of houses that occurred during the spread of toi-maru after the mid-Joseon Dynasty can be examined can be added to the existing evaluation of cultural property houses in Yang-dong Village.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research is conducted focusing on the 7-Dories type wooden buildings showing different rafter installation. This research found the reason why the rafter configuration look different each other and the relationship the between rafters and the Dory. Factors were compared to determine why the rafter configuration show the formal differentiation. The comparison factors are as follows: 1. The type of rafter installation is related to the longitudinal length of the building. 2. The type of rafter installation is related to the number of Kans on the side of the building and is proportionate. 3. The type of rafter configuration is related to the Dory arrangement and is proportionate. 4. The type of rafter configuration is related to the Dory’s vertical arrangement. If the Dory arrangement is small, it is identified as two-stage rafter configuration. And if the Dory arrangement is large, it is identified as three-stage rafter configuration. Eventually, it was confirmed that the rafter configuration were affected by the Dory arrangement.
        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘率’ has only one shape in Yin-Shang scripts. However, from the early to middle Western Zhou Dynasty, there appear several other variants with components of ‘止’, ‘彳’, ‘’, ‘’, ‘行’, ‘’, respectively: ‘’, ‘’, ‘’. In the Chu bamboo slips, ‘’ with the component of ‘’ is common, and there also exists ‘’ with that of ‘行’. Based on these observations, this article demonstrates that, in bronze inscriptions and Chu bamboo slips, ‘’ and its provincial variants all together express the meaning of military leadership, which is supported by consistent data from the early Western Zhou Dynasty to the Warring States Period. From the late Western Zhou Dynasty, the four dots in ‘率’ begin to be omitted or interchanged with ‘行’ and ‘止’. However, ‘’, ‘’ and other variants are all active verbs denoting ‘to lead’ and ‘to command’ in a war. Looking at ‘率’ found in Chu bamboo slips makes it clear that its main shape is ‘’ which is also used as an active verb denoting ‘to lead’. From its shape and meaning, it is seen to be equivalent to ‘’ in Jinwen and Shuowen. All the abovementioned character shapes containing ‘止’ are, in fact, variants of ‘’. However, the characters of ‘’ and ‘’, which only contain ‘行’ and lack ‘止’, have a different meaning in Jinwen and Chu bamboo slips from those containing the radical of ‘止’ such as ‘’ and ‘’. The former is passive verbs denoting ‘to be led’ and ‘to follow’. This group of variants is equivalent to ‘率’ in the pre-Qin period, which seems to be a consistent rule in the pre-Qin script.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to find out the design concept of asymmetrical building with 4 purlins mainly in Sungkyunkwan(Confucian Shrines), Changgyeonggung palace and Changdeokgung palace The results are as follows: First, asymmetrical building with 4 purlins has the same height pillars, which was useful to control the side lenght and put a higher pillar without limit. Second, the side length of the asymmetrical building with 4 purlins is between 12 to 14 Ja[尺]. It's relatively longer than the minimum length(12 Ja) of 5 purlins architecture seen in later Joseon dynasty. Third, asymmetrical building with 4 purlins was not an anomalous structure when compared to 3 purlins and 5 purlins. It was actually a traditional style, unlike the current architectural recognition nowadays, which mainly focused on the balanced roof structure. These examples show that the architectures in Early Joseon dynasty were planned and constructed first according to the plane division that fit in a specific use or space.
        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There are universal misreads on the generation and parent-word of the classifier “Ke(顆)” in Chinese. We hold that the Classifier “Ke(顆)” born in the period between Qin and Han dynasties, its parent-word should be the word Guo(果)。The word Guo(果) figured fruit, expands to a measuring unit of small round thing. People start borrowing the Chinese character “Ke(顆)” to record the Classifier “Ke(顆).” Under the influence of Chu dialect, people borrowed the Chinese character “Ke(顆 )” to share responsibility for the Chinese character “Kuai(塊)” in the Han &Wei six dynasties.
        2018.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effect of EGR on fuel economy was investigated in a gasoline direct injection engine. The 1-D cycle simulation program of GT-Power was utilized to evaluate fuel consumption rate. At high load, fuel consumption increased by about 2~6% according to EGR rate. Knock mitigation was the main effects, gaining about 80% of the total fuel consumption improvement. At low load, fuel consumption reduction was 0.6~2%, which was much lower than that for high load. The lower improvement of fuel consumption at low load is attributed to solely dilution and chemical effects of exhaust gas.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This thesis mainly deals with how ‘count of Ryang’ was used in the Daehan Empire. Count of Ryang means how many purlins were used in the building with longitudinal section. As a result, the notion of Ryang in the Daehan Empire does not differ from now one. But the usages of that are different from the Joseon Dynasty, and from the present. In the Daehan Empire, count of Ryang mainly was appeared with another word, count of Kan. In the Joseon Dynasty, they used the count of Ryang combined with Kan. Count of Kan had the meaning of purlin-directional length. By doing that, count of Ryang indicates the size of flank, count of Kan indicates the length of front. But in the Daehan Empire, count of Kan, especially the beam-directional length was considered at first, and then count of Ryang. Separately they used another count of Kan meaning the area of building. By using the combined words, count of Kan and Ryang in the beam direction, they got focused on the frame of wooden structure than before.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This thesis mainly deals with how ‘count of Ryang’ was used in Joseon dynasty. Count of Ryang means how many purlins were used in the building with longitudinal section. As a result, the notion of Ryang in Joseon dynasty does not differ from now one. But the usages of that are slightly different to the present day. In Joseon dynasty, count of Ryang mainly was appeared with another word, count of Kan. Count of Kan has two meanings. One is the length, and the other is the area of building. When they used the count of Ryang combined with Kan, count of Kan had the meaning of length. By doing that, count of Ryang indicates the size of flank, count of Kan indicates the length of front. In the 19th century, count of Ryang looks similar to the past, but count of Kan shows another aspect. It did not indicate the length but the area of building. Through this study, although the usages of Ryang were different to the present, the concepts of Ryang were similar in Joseon dynasty.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ceramics biomaterials are useful as implant materials in orthopedic surgery. In this study, porous HA(hydroxyapatite)/β-TCP(tricalcium phosphate) composite biomaterials were successfully fabricated using HA/β-TCP powders with 10-30 wt% NH4HCO3 as a space holder(SH) and TiH2 as a foaming agent, and MgO powder as a binder. The HA/β-TCP powders were consolidated by spark plasma sintering(SPS) process at 1000 oC under 20 MPa conditions. The effect of SH content on the pore size and distribution of the HA/β-TCP composite was observed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and a microfocus X-ray computer tomography system(SMX-225CT). These microstructure observations revealed that the volume fraction of the pores increased with increasing SH content. The pore size of the HA/β-TCP composites is about 400-500 μm. The relative density of the porous HA/β-TCP composite increased with decreasing SH content. The porous HA/β-TCP composite fabricated with 30%SH exhibited an elastic modulus similar to that of cortical bone; however, the compression strength of this composite is higher than that of cortical bone.
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was undertaken to find out the effect of methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (MBCD) on cold shock and membrane cholesterol quantity of sperm during the freezing process in miniature pigs. For this study, semen ejaculated from PWG M-type miniature pig was diluted that freezing solution (with egg yolk group) and m-Modena B (without egg yolk group) treated with 0, 1, 5, 10 and 20 mM MBCD before freezing process. The diluted semen was monitored sperm ability at room temperature, after cooled until 5℃ and after forzen-thawed for cold shock test of spermatozoa. Also, membrane cholesterol of sperm was extracted by folch solution at the same time. sperm ability was assessed for viability and acrosomal status. The membrane cholesterol quantity was measured by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) method. The result, viability and acrosome integrity in semen diluted without egg yolk groups were decreased at all temperature range by increasing of MBCD concentration. In particular, sperm of egg yolk group was showed that significantly higher viability and lower acrosome damage when treated with 5 mM MBCD (p<0.05). The results of TLC experiment, cholesterol amounts were increased with MBCD cocentration in egg yolk, and decreased with MBCD concentration in m-Modena B. In cryopreservation efficiency, there was no significant difference at viability, and acrosomal state of sperm in 5 mM MBCD concentration was significantly lower in acrosome damage than other groups (p<0.05). Therefore, the addition MBCD in egg yolk was protected spermatozoa from cold shock injury. This protective effect of MBCD may be due to addition of sperm membrane cholesterol.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Heat Transport system loop stability of CANDU-6 reactor as Wolsong-1 with the CANFLEX fuel bundle has been studied. The SOPHT modelling of the CANFLEX fuel bundle and the ROH interconnection line was made and the stability analysis response of Wolsong-1 reactor with CANFLEX fuel bundle was obtained. The mechanics of the flow instability caused by two phase flow was reviewed. Without the ROH interconnection line the Heat Transport system loop is unstable while the Heat Transport system is stable within ±1 % of nominal flow with the ROH interconnection line
        2009.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이상의 논의를 종합해 보면, 현대문예이론의 기준으로 梁啓超의 소설이론을 평가하면, 梁啓超의 소설에 대한 인식은 수준이 높다고 할 수는 없다. 매우 분명한 논리적 허점이 있어, 수많은 이론상의 오해와 논리상의 허점에도 불구하고, 당시의 객관적 현실을 감안하면 그의 이론이 시대의 최선봉에 선 것임은 분명하다. 심지어는 문장 속의 어떤 오해와 과장에는 말살할 수 없는 역사적 소명의식이 들어 있다고 해도 좋을 것이다. 梁啓超가 제창한 소설이론은 중국근대문학의 발전에 특별한 공헌을 했다. 첫째, 소설과 사회의 관계에 대한 그의 이론은 그때까지 볼 수 없었던 이론의 최고 수준이었다. 둘째, 줄곧 그 지위가 낮았던 중국의 소설을 “文學之最上乘”의 지위로까지 끌어 올렸다. 셋째, 그는 형식면에서, 신문이나 잡지에 이론을 발표함으로서, 중국의 문예비평방법인 評點이나 序跋로부터 완전히 벗어나서 근대이론으로 발전할 수 있는 토대를 마련했다. 넷째, 그 결과 소설이론이 구체적 작품으로부터 분리되어 문학의 일반론이나 서사방법 등 이론성 문장을 자유롭게 전개할 수 있는 방법론면에서 근대소설이론으로 발전하는 획기적인 계기가 되었다. 그러나 “소설계혁명”의 실제효과를 보면, 梁啓超이론의 부정적 효과도 너무나 분명하여 간과할 수는 없다. 첫째, 소설과 사회의 관계만을 일방적으로 강조하여, 소설이 그 본래의 독립적 품격을 상실하고 정치선전의 도구로 전락하고 말았다. 둘째, 소설과 사회라는 외부관계만을 일방적으로 중시하여 서사방법·인물의 전형화이론·사건의 형상화이론 등과 같은 소설내부의 예술문제 등을 홀시하여 중국의 고전소설이 근대소설로 정상적인 발전하는 것을 방해하였다. 청말(만청)에 이렇게 많은 창작이 쏟아져 나와 소설의 전성기를 구가했음에도 불구하고 이 시기의 소설에 대한 평가는 그다지 높지 않다는 것이 문학연구자들의 공통된 평가이다. 이러한 양과 질의 불균형 현상은 여러 가지 복합적인 원인이 있겠지만 그 가운데 가장 큰 이유 중의 하나는 갑작스런 양의 증대현상이 질적 향상을 담보할 수는 없었으며, 이런 양적 증가의 원인이 비문학적 요소인 사회변혁운동의 일환으로 전개되었다는 데서 그 원인을 찾을 수 있을 것이다. 그리고 이 사회변혁운동의 중심에 梁啓超와 그의 소설이론이 자리 잡고 있었다. 양계초는 자신이 주장한 “소설계혁명”이론을 바탕으로 하여 그의 유일한 소설창작인《新中國未來記》를 창작하였으나, 겨우 5회를 쓰고 나서 스스로 중단하고 말았다. 그의 이러한 실패는 서언에서 제기했던 문제에 명확한 답을 제시해 주고 있다. “실천만이 이론을 검증하는 유일한 방법이다.”
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경수로 원자로 하부구조물에서 발생되는 유포의 불균일성에 기인하는 교차류와 핵연료집합체의 수력저항의 차이에 의해 발생하는 교차류, 그리고 축류 등에 의해 유발되는 연료봉의 불안정성은 핵연료손상의 원인이 될 수 있으므로, 새로운 연료 개발 시 연료봉에 대한 진동 및 안정성 해석을 수행하여 연료봉 진동과 불안정성 발생 여부를 확인하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 새로 개발된 고리 2호기용 형 개량핵연료 집합체에 대한 연료봉의 진동 및 안정성 해석을 수행하여 지지격자 높이와 위치, 그리고 지지조건 등이 연료봉의 진동특성 및 안정성에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다 그리고 해석결과에 근거하여 개량연료 집합체에서 중간지지격자 높이와 각 지지격자의 위치를 제안하였다.
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